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Wig aes. srrgHN _Riain NOR. SCCIRADREOARY am to 80-3 iy PARTIT—Secelan Sub-sclon Gf) steer & merit _ PURLISHED RY ACTHORITY. im WE Peet, emai, ed 17, 20d ae Bs, TaD Na 7] [NEW DELHE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 1, 2012S Jape afer site ToT WaT arta oe Reeet, 17 weet, 2022 rom, 80) ora Tomer wer reid sewn aA ruae(iowe 6) oP une 14 oi salt om Fe IR Tears ema Ne NR, tote UTE ae baad Sana 1 SATE eM IT, woah ah TAL Jom ea Maris es A rae marr = 202 F 1a 900 FRA, A se uoe EM, Tar Sears - sett eer) are TT gh meh wer ae EL gr EAM SET eT Hal} aT sire afc oat esta wom! off 2H, t9va(taey a1 ed) Fh oma 14 ae agen ver 21 Al Reais NG Cae sae WPRES, wh 24.11.2000 wi net ne aifeah oer Sel Placa ae Reman engage erctees Megane wae” a ange yee aha dir, ofa, aTeaSaso000, ER, Ae eS ee gee Cea SRammma” wet or 8), # me ala wa a 202 $ rs.60D PRAY W 4,900 Pra, ae (font sat aed vere waa cue wat aT a} Pea waARe Soe ae oo eh favre ARR Sea F fond ve aera ate ope fay wae fir & (fer gah $US ga TR HT TTA | er oa, Been era, esha int ae GRE oe eee the (Rod get aS Oa “ae oe ear Pho 3B are side ars TMH alk 1956 (1408 2 40) Bl eT aw are ee eGR eT wT RE, Baa OS A} Phe, coiguiey, oT SP rare, RaRer el re ang, rer ene, areca or ET eT sitar ote Reeardt & au gy eee A Pier aah aA eet A et ge ae offs 2 "THE GaZBITE OF FuDIa : FETRAOEDMNARY ser Ser i) EE Be So as TIF Pre oA mn AR a a = ay Fe ew as a em oe cull 1 WGP Pe oe 4! te eae rary “one st pe en 2) senda de es Rou owen le yal steeaeaTE, fiat cre ware ats a alte oT aT Gig a SG a 2 4 Pe wa 8 art ve ane 2 ARES aro A ew BETA ity wae eck ET A afb as al ge aap STH A mer Bones w, ota ea a vs 4 Re sein Rants ae yor eae get cen ae wes fay Sa Rare 8h oh iden ae sare + f ~~ am or We ~ ‘wee ae 2007-08 & Fag why ! aK, ome ae | (wet 4) fe _ ~~ ~ ” a [Ra ea eee 7.85 eee area Te, ee eT TT FAA eT 1.08 ~ [ew ar ge (2 gf er) 2.20 Fag Pete wets (eet) eer Feel STF STOTT) 3a “oe es eer ar Comet ee oF 7) i i 420 [wags saa a) ore, ty, | xem ators Tea am | eniey, | agray | arra(ants *, 8) tat | aa, sara | ae | sag ct | arom om ‘eect tes | a a Fe a wad | ae 4 | 10 #5 5 [7.50 1s faz 0 i THs ES WITT ale het 1.50 a re | we ot mag WH Te soko coffee ate ae ee at i seh ead fay - : ro " wig WG fie Oe ~«| Me 225 [sad 4.80 aie Ath ote oti am i wets often sia ate ser er rE L Feet 2403 ut RF 5 TE ‘eee 1 fatetdis gf fie Pn ate aed Pier orto aq oheowme frafatier ae east w a8 ca aT by [lara aor a arava GG ge.100 Poa, age We Bae, Saha Pa Yrs _202 ‘aad eal, a Greet fag ara ead ¥]z250 2 we ea sft Safire EL oe [swe oro ot oe 6 af PIP Iea ele he, Petes yolmia eer Ss eam oS eh eh aT we a hott ta aa jf deed at Bima GE we A ak fay states qedae setratl we shit aie jsat0 AA, TR Te a, aris [fae al, Gre. 202 whit cH ad aor & Ry wots Ah ar Fo A ae ore a ion ta eet ard 8 oon, fa a ye Sones Sage ws qatar & ante i 4. wen Qa We aera dq 0 Para aE Fee Reg? , ot = wae ati al 875 RE tig eTobaT eisai | 190.40 648 vr sane of ee Br, 2008 Lae eae oat & Fae Sar aT] a aay @ eer 8 adie’! we iit Re Toe Tae S| a a ewe ahs [ear Fae ee, fay aa ta twa srs | $f ate ap Port & ona ar aert oé fy SiR de we At one oft sae Sat gy ee wa Te ge on wt BS fag er, Fe Ga aul ar 1 eogat QM SE EM sited ou Sah ae art Sop oe aa oe corm aos ar omy aa oT aT at ST aE pe a attr ane ai eT Ha aE | 6, aie a Sua, age Ray eR IR, @eera TAT + ont, aT A, Ro ean Re aiear TA ARTE rca Fefaftee stares Borge cht 7. Saw POS fo ae & rE whee a amt BR gem wd a) seers Fora ore: | 8 vie ar yates oar Rati & fers itd yaar aT ake Se aE a aS CR, 2h HIRI L313 4032/11 arg aft we Se Pa ane MN a aie wal fox re ‘thesia Seer (16.6 AA tiny, Sa 1p) 4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: SETRAORDINAY er We. 200) MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT AND TIGIWAYS. NOTIFICATION ‘New, Petithe [7th Four, 2012 8.0,802)-—Whereas by notificanon of die Goverirment of India in che erstwhile Ministry of Shipping, Roa Transport and Highways (Department of Koad Transport and Highivays} number $0. 1095 (B), dated the 7 May, 2020, issued under section 11 of the National Jighways Authority of India Acl, 1988 [ 68 of 1988], the Central Goverment has entrusted the stretch from Kikemutor 18.600 to kilometer 54,000 (Hyderabad Yailgiri section} of National Highway No. 202 in the State of Andhra Pradesh to the National Highways Authority of India (herwinafter relerred. fo as the "Authorig"); find wherens, pursuant fo the parasion of verlion 4 of the National Llighways Authority of India Act, 1988 (68 of 1988), the Authority hes entered into en Agreement (hervinafter reicrred to ax said agrccment] with M/s Hyderabad — Yadgiri ‘Tollway Privatc Gmited, having ite registered office at. “Salbhay louse” ‘Opp. Law Garden Police Chowk, Tisbridge, Aberadabsd-330006, Cujamt, India, (horcinatter referred on as the “Concessionaire"}, Oe euccrveful bidder for bids submitted’ on 24,11,2009 for the deveiopment of Hyderabad - Yadgiri section from. Km 18.600'to Km 54.000 on National nghway No, 202 {hereinafter referred to as the “said section’) to four lane divided carriageway and opcration and maintenance of the said seetion. Now, therefore, in exervise of the powers conferred by section BA nf the National Highways Act, 19547 (48 of 1956), read with rule 3 of the National Highways Fec (Determination uf Rates and Collection) Ruiles,-2008 ( hervinalter referred to a8 the “Rulcs’), the Central Government, having regard to the expenditure involved in. building, mwuinicnance, management and operuiun of the euid sectian, interest on the capital invested, reasomable eelurn, the volume of traflic and the period of the agrecment entered into between Lh: authority and the conccssionuins, hereby notifies that there shall be levied and collected fees on mechanical vehicics for the use of the said soction at the rate specified in cnhurans (2) of the Table 1 for net oad section length for use of the four and tore lane sections { hercinafter referred to as “base rate’) and at the base aules spocified in the Table No.2 fur bridge/structure/ bypass costing Rupees Fifty crore or more om Wie Typ+ of Vehicles specified in Tabic 1 and 2 below. and authorizes the swid Concessioneire to collect and retain the foc in and fiow the-date of commercial uprration oF publication of this nulification ia the Oficial Gazette, whichever is Kuucr, nll the termaination date ag specified in the agreement; Lar es 3680} Table 1 Type of vehicle Bare rate of fox per Jem for the base year 2007-08 { . . __. tim Rupees} , iu) 7 _ Bl Cis, Josp,, Van oF Lighi Matoc Vehicle 0.85 i Light Commercial Vehicle, Light Goods Vehicle or Mini 105 7 Bus Tug a Trak . i 730 Heavy Conslrcetion Machinery JOM) or Barth Moving 3.45 Equipment EME) or Multi Axle Vehicle (MAV] (Thre: to | six axles} _ TOversized Vehicles (Seven or more Axle a0 a Table 2 ase cate of fee | Rupees per vehicle. per tris Cost of parmancat bridge, | Car, Light [Brack “HOM, Oversiz of tunnel (Rupees in Jeep, Commercial ‘or |) EME |ed erore} Van or |Vehiale, Bus’ [ur | Vebicle Light’ .| Light Goods may 'Mator | Vehicle or | Vehicie |Mini Bus _[ ome i : mm | 6 For every aiditionsd Sepeen] 1 3 450 [6 five crore or part thereol, i lexcescing Rupees fifteen : crave and up to Rupees onc hundred crore, _ For ovary additional Rupees | 6.75 TS 208. a0 450 five erore or part uheteol, exoccding Rugecs one hundred crore and up 19 ! Rupees two hundred crore, i * Notes: - 1. The fee levied and collected huretinder shalt be due and payable at the {etlowing Tol! Piaza tor the distance specified for such Tol Plazee | evs a i aise Leigth (in km) for which, Fecis payable Rin 38 100 iar Ghider vilgs Walnda isnt of "]22:90 NH-202 7 2. ~ In addition to above, the folowing fee shall avo bu due and payable for the use of the following bridge(s] /bypass(es}/struciure(s}, cost of which is spevatic! hrercunder, ot the following Toll Haze tue Gtfi2e2 6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA. EATRAORIINARY an HS, 0) Tocutiog oF Toll Placa icbainageh Tongth (in lem) and Cost of Bypass] sinaemire Gin Ruspecs ctnte) for felucts adiinnal fe ray abe es ee et = Km 38.100,near Gudur village Nalgenda | 4 05 Km Rs 68 75 ! District of NH-202 70 Km Rs.90.15 crere 3. The rate of monthly pass for tocal personal iraffic is Rs.190.00 ( rupees One Lundred Ninety only) for the year 2011 12 which is subject to revision every year ‘3e per the provisions of the National Highways. lee (Determination of Rates und Collection} Rules, 2008. 4. Yer multiple journeys on che highwny scetion, passes shall be issued at the Following rates, namely. [Rican Pate Maninfuna munaber of one | Period of waly H way journcys allowed | | One and half times of the [ee Twe Twenty four hours Sor one wy journey from ihe time of i . _ payment Two Third oF ammane oF he iy ormme Pome cmon in payable" for iy, suiple date of paymen, Frueneys or more 5. Merhanical vehiele which is loaded in excess of permissible load specified for ifs caxcunry under the Rules, shall be liable to pay fee at such rotes which is apphrasle for the next higher entegnry of the vehielcs and shall hot he entitled ta ess the excess loxidd has been removed soe such mechanical vehucte 6. All definitions including category of racehanical vehicles, ils permissible load, cotepoty of exempled vehicles, service rond, alternative road eto, shall be a8 pet defihilions spocifiod in the Rutes. 7. "The foe rates shall be displayed for inlormation of-the users in accorsdanre with rnlcs 12 of the said Rules. 8. The fee rates shell be revised annually in accordance with the Rule 5 of the said rules provide that no revision shull be effected within six months. |e. No. RAW 3013/832/11-12/COGC Hyderahaal (18,60-54.00) BOT] BB. MOHAPATRA, Director Si ys Neate, evr af oats, Rng Pat Stag Row

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