TRE ah ger sao? RUG? NOB. 3H = oat The Gazette of Gndia PXTIERORDINARY aca 11. aS 3 -3H-3TE Gi) PART USetion8 Sulb-setion ‘wha faerie PUBLISHED HY AUTMGIRETY Paro ee Rots IW DELHI, FRIDAY, JANUARY 38, 201IMAGHA 8, 1992 sate ae wy tee ater SRA, 28, 2 aco, ah = ESTER eH LO From, ie aa 19 ari ae ceo a, oR IS NTE DRT 1k OR RD aC 1S gu se TRE ea, TTT GNC ET AT ihn AE ALT, SPL; oA Ve Sp, be Poh a ate ct a cin a el ot ee nn rors cubical a ane at, sere ai Hira ae a ected iF mien ao i ” e ay 4% Satin sertearmere 1a earl shoe Hed ai or toe Ble aac feta, Fs nasa Gh ac ol aba Sere ete iy ru an Sf TH AT eel rR Fein a8 sine Fst Sai Tn is) ay wi (Ly sa fo co apes oe 1 aha ae Fa LIL GAZELTE OF INNES. PATRADRINARY Lan tr ful bal be denis oi a8 dor rien, wi ob tk Ga om Lgtase ef ss CARTS (oar se se AR Re teh seer aed hha SEER eal Sle ee Beam St ahaabeeane Eh, Fetes ers, Hom iment safe gd, Ge arn Feo aye on Fs, sa TAR a SALA PS, oT a Ta AE So amreen SPH ke 590. RR, 208 Ce aba ER Hot S301 ave § 0A, ny LE bs ARTE we! 200. we ase), eZ, SESE VOC) AR 2G, ae 208802), 25 FAR, ME, Led, DAG), ED 2h Fea, TE Bp ome Bn 2500491) eer “s AER, 2M IE ITN) eee SER, Teg oes SIC Friary SEER, SC LA ACRE, eas 2) et Soin, Ee AIH fale 1s 8 i any SAR ae, FARIS eS Sal STEN. IER Se re, 214 eb a Bae wre SR We SETA that MINISTRY €¥ HWIRONMIERT AND FORESTS NovineaION Suse eH he th dita 201 SO, 181GH— es nicn te panes entero cleus thgofat seta! od Soe ana Seen 3st eRe vinure dalton 8, BGI. GH ad wihra [aT vba ent Prater eles 6A he me Grvara tons 1 akes bel any nt amass et Sei the evecrnt of lcla th i Fanon Favtcmabes> 11k Jog Heh 1 99a, Tite Tableappaes etke atc nobtisiian Re sia uevbas al 25 Ie emis ating hes lig wt ums nl Fc Fa abe. Fave Soin Baume dn atevary Kane ulite Cueinnierhs Recognition fa fas ‘ valid c 6 » m ENE Sininn Sharia eres or aes ozesneutet ve Sika 2 Fe 10.6 Soin SOc Fran ving Sr Bo Ma Sova mlytion “ale Lincs Cuple 23a se Living he {Rt Haris Caendesh, aus Induct or Phew {Shots Motamseed Saad Site Mos Bales Fipatorsris a vuber 8. ae ces een ese. ethvingsesaleamrerans eel eT rane NE AS trae ine (Lei Sati Erin Este Pe (ate Lance Yew Opp Saori nplex 9k Rand, CN. Stal al o » M8 Ms Chotrai eres Lab Pru inva wk Sahohee De Le Shy Comptes, 82.BC Rul tested. Roma ory Chil haa -007 GREE ie a i Ms VaPoaltha Ensaio hie Kisame alga 29 Fr le eC, Bone E2IMF Dayanesvar Babe 2 raul Ue atmgnearBhira Feees: Mi Mena danas ting Pan ati, Dire: Norn (Dlshaestan TE pe Gy ISL ESOC] TRAINS 3. Sa hoe «—itepesel neiensor sis ca en estas ofan, Vee Zinn ese rma 8:0, doe Tres Jul os and subveyoealycmended yc lifiatientariets 8. LSS tr, dae theo Sepia: 15,80, ISIVT) fare he ha 007 SO. SCE cate he naar: 2008, 8 0.4L se Moki 2008.0. S65(E) deol Pw thar 2988 80.3981} dele slabs 2K 80,27 Kate the Sek Nosorine, 8.59. [ISN () deoethe 27 Ms, 3008S). HHO. dao year ly 208 ard Se EFOMEy derlubs Ry Seplorbes 09, $0,301) ded Meir Dacember. 28 50. 81221Ei sole Savane 208, S.0, PEER | lan 200.0615 Ede he 50 Mica E1024 tele 1th. Tu “H1G, $0. 294% ated che Er Sestomber E18 and SMC et Mh Sih serbia 2015