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1f4tt #o to (1,c-10-33004/99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 Siffa i 4.1v114$1 " mw% ^The 6caette ofDindia EXTRAORDINARY i:MT I1-4.0u5 3-31:1-13PIT (i) PART 11—Section 3—Sub-section (i) VIRTEETT * PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY #. 441 qmi apt-14 new, sli-icu 28, 2010/T1TV 8, 1931 No. 441 NEW DELHI, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 2010/MAGHA 8, 1931 1:11-44 **TEM' remiti q Uc1c{ ( dvtii( (mu f4r+04() afERF-4r f F i1, t1 "wlft, 2010 1:1TXT.f9'. 52(31).-31 111T-44 arnVlta fkrRilzriA3K afttfTzrrt, 1987 (1987 52) tTRT 22 3"9-9Tr (2) 7§i3- (Z7) * it ,414 awir 3q-qm (1) 1;111 m511 17(1487:11 Azn'Tf cbt -7-1(c(11( 1„incgi(t 3Trz§f9I TIRhtz1 dmti1m1 If71$ft tlfiEg *314.7Ri* Tg zR 3rurr-4r *A4tr TT 1;14--,Follwr f r Tat :- F131.11tich 74. vrel-T.—( ) 79- fizTrff aft§p i-TRatzt na 1a r fr4TaIt TifTETC (31tW) 9-1t lq(-nom , 2009 .9113 7 •=0.-0 •30101 I (2) .7}1 14 ,umal Mu14,T T*SIaIItml alfra feeT A 9Pu171 1:1-0 111-44157T, alift a41 7i2 ir, TFRT a+1a,tur7211 T(T(4tiaftrd 4ff9141-9. 39‘-d1* alic-k-t (2)* a4c,p4 (4) 3Tq•ATT i1411 *4 1;111ffiz7T 3 3Tzt .1771-4.—dgichi zrc A t-1,4117 34-4 zreff afft 3P4 ArrA T9. f-izr4**TzT tic-,+ r 317&* alloil4 (5) A a"icii-f (13) 4 rc(Plid aTTRerl alai.—*1 f7t:r4 0,414ct* APT f*ar-6 r.mtr t f7/q*-r zrfurtr-ml A1faa-*; (ii) stir ct)) .414c-r1-4.crw1 zrfdp4t-41-tf*d*, a f*tt .11ctcrtfaa7 ch,tof al 3irz Tzr-c ta-rwr * u, : *q1-4fka tt(.to( am ltv '0'+1 7 -ft" a3T*Ratrfaarr, alfad3TQratfr-arga 1*vRTut rmT.farnid flftT * 3tdIfff 7-4 stchR 1,14 rot; 1- rch(a 91. 0, -4c-r -fizirr tv. sr-gff 5. -cfe alfaMt.--715i 3-11 c -c walk Ti fl-ATT*f- 3711 *, 31Tkr 510 f6r1N-d ft-Wit f*R sir:1 off c.). *Ruff Aro f*A1 0311. zrr arf zlr ,41.tcr* fizatilTrf"SiNtir4 # -twd)- *I 6. SIffidg-T.-74 74-4.4 141:Rr-1:11:171 TR c•--c titchlt -gm airke-t 3TIVR 3-1gf-dff arfirm •1-1‘711 , twit aA, TEM tr-9-w 1cY)(i 5t711* .441141*-t aTrwr, 31T5-47 TIT f-w7 174[4917 feral -1*1 Tqfq 1471 I 333 G1/2010 (I) THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY PART 11—SEC. 3(01 7, 14-4T 31-44 W.-3TURT 74-di "Fff, fTi* C1(.; fff-q-4T 4 ti cw * -77 3TRT-*.tha1 tsar -97 Wii-TII,P4 717 f9-44f* ariTTR a't4.-.4trff 74"ffir119 iffq afrii-T4A*Th 'TC 9Trf 4s1 -*1 opiRboi clo-F47.-T *Err acid IK -:iltft 31-dl* Ittft 9.-Tq1*t7 314f#7 -i../.4r (7.) i. aTaa-T it- fo'. 3TI- ki)Hr -il-ral* ,,i 3-T-T 4r1-70 miq (1) ((22)) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 37 .7:N , :ri3g ' ' 80,000 7rTL-11. Mil-fa 01,19-e (fitTif7) *71744 4a1 f-7.1:1Rff 3771 aft-{ "Cfr-{tATRN arafa., qrs 1T419. : TrIt %T-d1 7Tr gRI TIT R7-* *TM '7*F-ff * T70. -4 *11 sircirTirord gmirqoqi gitf faf dzif wr:T,6)41. 7r4 aF-4T -R-rwp-4*- Trr-ffIcto (8) ( 9) (10) 7111,-1 la a-cf/o mifMa, Ilf47 fvxfaf-lgfadtfaMa-1 9Tal * 4[44 4 fw7 rc fTurft SFr 41--(f-Tatt fa74 ontt t-14-1q tt f4r ark7 Tr-rrriffal74-4 TtEr ritg, -Om 37:77 fom-fawi f ? 4o1.a7 f*-4r aTdfP,iff (12) (13) lch414,117R7* k1-7 faftrz aTa.-qr Srfq-z*Trwr rit few 1-1 uktf:if4.4 Trr 4r--47T 37t7T 4-{ f-773-rwr faa-R e 374-<-77ff 7 r1 rav TTT aTrrifffff 1-*7 ,i1(1 137 -47 94ff 3ff74 tin* 114-14 31T -11.6 -44 alrj *4 51,7rF--67 I fizfr-*T 71-7. wit * alvicnici* fa4 ff17 alafa 7Tr.1ti-a .14 *1a-7-1 qvAr kia,ort fdtquTr1-2 : fq57I1I I9-1 Trraff 1§11a 141-r TrfTrfff 7t-r 49ff .7r417-10* 31PIR a f Hta>It gitf 'F*41 smitor I vii•-14 TfTfTtR fITIFf 411(141 7r1-17ff 4ra 74 -,4,4-r Tfrrit 14 ft -IfMftacr 0,41.4cr 7rftr-o :— (i) Al-ciRddfs-Rtassic..i) lrn11aq,/ 1IFTm `17R7 tita It, 3c-icR fqmll 143irri —777 71'4RAf471/sfa SiFirtacfS Il acis #ffarrra-07iir-vb ,TR A #arrcff 3TRT*-r4 t Tlf7d, 1-Trtff tita It"cK 41-4* -7* o4 1-19/2005-t7R-11] 31-77* .aly-(, 3l-7T 4faa I %TT 11—' 3(i)] -11 11777 : 3171191711T 3 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (Department of Higher Education) NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 11th January, 2010 G.S.R. 52(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1), read with clause (e) of sub-section (2) of Section 22 ofthe All India Council for Technical Education Act, 1987 (52 of 1987), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules regarding the method of recruitment to the post of Chairman in the All India Council for Technical Education. namely : Short title and commencement.—(1) These rules may be called the All India Council for Technical Education (Chairman) Recruitment Rules, 2009. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. Number of post, classification and scale of pay etc.—The number of the said post, its classification and the scale of pay attached thereto shall be as specified in columns (2) to (4) of the Schedule attached to these rules. Method of recruitment and other matters.—The method of recruitment and other matters relating to the said post shall be as specified in columns (5) to (13) of the Schedule annexed to these rules. Disqualification.— No person,— Who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living; or Who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person, shall be eligible for appointment to the said post Provided that the Central Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of this rule. Power to relax.—Where the Central Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, it may by order, and for masons to he recorded in writing, relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons. Saving.—Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations, relaxation of age limit and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Ex-servicemen and other special categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard. 7. Other conditions of service.—The other conditions of service of the Chairman for which no specific provisions have been provided in these rules, shall be regulated in accordance with such rules as are from time to time followed or made applicable by the Council/Government to `Group-A' officers of the Central Government drawing the pay and allowances in corresponding scale of pay : SCHEDULE Name of Number of Classification Scale of pay Whether selection Age limit for post post post or non- direct recruits selection post ( I ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Chairman One Group 'A' 80,000 (Fixed) Not applicable Not applicable Educational and other qualifications Whether age and educational Period of probation, required for direct recruits qualifications prescribed for if any direct recruits will apply in the case of promotees (7) (8) (9) Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable 4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY l PART q —SEC. 3(i)] Method of recruitment : Whether by In case of recruitment by promotion/deputation/absorption, grades from direct recruitment or by promotion or which promotion/deputation/absorption to be made by deputation/absorption and per- centage of vacancies to be filled by various methods (10) (11) By deputation or short term A distinguished or renowned person in the field of Technical Education. contract. Note I : Applications for consideration for appointment by deputation or on contract basis shall be invited through open advertisement. Applicants should preferably be below the age of sixty years at the time of closing date for applications. Appointment shall be made on a tenure basis for a term of three years, renewable for one more term of three years or till the age of sixty five years, whichever is earlier. Note 2 : Selection shall be made by the Central Government based on a panel of candidates recommended by a Search-cum-Selection Committee constituted for this purpose by the Department of Higher Education. The Search-cum-Selection Committee to be nominated by the Ministry of Human Resource Development shall consist of the following, namely :— A reputed Educationist/Technologist/Scientist - -Chairman Secretary to the Government of India, Department of —Member Higher Education (iii) Three outside experts who shall be eminent Technologists/ Educationists/Scientists not below the rank of Secretary to the Government of India, if they are serving officers —Members If a Departmental Promotion Committee exists, Circumstances in which Union Public Service Commission what is its composition is to be consulted in making recruitment. (13) (14) Not applicable Not applicable [F. No. 1-19/2005-IS-II] ASHOK THAKUR, Additional Secy. Printed by the Manager, Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054. 1 I • /IV

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