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Preview Extraordinary Gazette of India, 2010, No. 241

7N737:1°71')T00-33004/99 REGD.NO.D.L.-33004/99 eke &acne of 'indict 3MRTRITI EXTRAORDINARY %TM II— tou s 3-37- 0 (i) PART H—Section 3—Sub-section (i) lIfraWR # ir*ftra. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 36] kma, 4i tricot, 7'44ff 19, 2010/4 14 29, 1931 No. 36 ] NEW DELHI, TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 2010/PAUSA 29, 1931 cITI 1-Mcit4 iirTal-FT 707*-m 312-411 -#44 117T Tf9-wTur gRI 9Trta 3Tztqr *Tr 3Trzfrf- ( t»V-cif11-1TIT 342T-T 3-d-urttzr Ttrof 31.21-4r mriq f 3Traf-LV9T 31:101 fc-R 3724-T .5ftwu1 k4- -ft, 19 2010 3-1ZIT -tit-zr T 4.-14 -g.TU 3T'T 37701 31'2TT 43(31').-491-7 3IffF izri,f, 1962 (1962 9rt-474 . ';frrqw-t-Tr -gm 14-1101-27-1t 31'717 52) c 25 34- qM (1) glt1 317ff "Ffq?17:11 hl WU 1M 372141 f*-71- 4 3Trze-1t .q-rt -truer 44tcbR (silcf 74 7:IV 5)4 ch am-ar 3tTT4-E M 77:tof 342TIT 5ikilfilor TY 3TO Arifi:cr 3119arzf 1Tr 1 two', 3 R.N, 31w ,o,q/ ,1 TIM tAt.iiI 31 1W77, ITT II, 4s 3, 3-4-74 - (i) -4 741.. -th 575(37), 3. 7V1 74-1-r fTzf-Trr gRi 3174 f79-fT 13 rll 1994 *" Mobirqici 1-TRff R fir( Fot; 3421-IT 4--Ir fa-zfqur -11cH (uzikafqi-ITTT) 3-1f471-99174Ca11146/94-#111-, 3-tffri-1 TitMtrf rot; fq-ifT 13 svil& 1994 F-1,--Iiofiol 372.1qT I-177 327ar fir 3rrulftr4arm 34qh, TLETI-zr 332Tar 3f-d-ti-ttzr P:rtif 3424-41 14 3.rd 3TD.RpT c4) Trmt — 397 a rt-R I (i) shH .k-i1 1 Ti (ii) W=1-Ii.s441 2 if 4)Tc-pf (2) if (w) cnio,-1 (2) 1 () aftT 3w4 4,irt7 71-afi3 3f-d-T-21T-rTa iWzIT l`g 1 11 71-WC ( 12) liq -11-t 4.51 3-121.1-q, :- () fizied-T 4fft7 Th711, 141d-its d`R-ch4, 311-1PTI, 747*7 Trfo 4ffT:,c ;(1,41,s '(13) GIR d`R-`" 314aTr3ir, .q-ffro (77) c 4-1 (3 ) '4117 (W) 31')-7 3{44744fW hT0 -F-4-*-7 r-t-irrir(qcf -51I7Tqlf47 r*-71 TO-F-9-rf 1,1,1 31(1 14-rT aTrzo 14-1 qio fwqr 4711 - 232 GI/2010 (1) 2 THE GAZE I IE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART 3(i)1 Jit t19, 4T - 1 ,3-1-R ft-49' 41+-1 4i)4'; (0) -1:K XII -4 s4-Tip (3) mic 14-1 d 4-1 71f ,31 ,311 41I, 3-1 411.)'; T-4- tfk7ar- cr (T1) 17-11-43q-4-1c (6) qic 14-1 (_vi Hcf ii)rf 1 Misr zivir,3TWiT (6) d ch,11 litti 171747R (7) r--@5)4'.'1 H6-1'; TM cti( () 1:7 XIV 4371-Trq (5 ) *..tK (to) 141c,fa-f-- ,31151 •19,411, &Mk :— -R:r gilt (T- 1,4) 47 ita -TtR,T T*-*Tr-5rtim-A'; (13)  ch 31-fcF*t (7) Tg xv-if (9)*gic1 iki1sn 3q-Trk ^1 ,31)1 3-121-1T (14) 91c-1 311R-T- '(10) 12 Gi( Tri #1;T-41-i .38/.357 -ft-4TT/1-9774N• EiTrtT acifq-4'; 7.62/.308 3i741 8 771 -itc4W 17 Iv A' 37-17 (2) t `41 '14-1 (51 3:1-Tr ct:1 n31)51 dRild*rf-t r (3) 24 ---t3r q-01.'; (s1) 17 VI -4 --Er---Tg (7) (41q -z-cf-"Trk (7) 4-3-XVII Ti 3IT-17 (4) Pp--Tkire5f s .11(11, 3-Tqt-q, z11 1.111, 31.2, :— z1-23' 41 -trq ttfrj z)s Titffr311 art .411+r -4t7 (9) t-.19 1--Ftrr 6,4cb(ur'; (z) XXII 4: -47 ki---ifriRsict Tg if 6,4--ig (2) t mic -14-1 t_1(1 3T24--q, TE-eqr.717 fm-rErti; (-q.) x 77-Tg (14) <41q ^rls1% IR; 1, 3-1.2•Ths '(15) " fittli 31u1K-1.1 4-171\41 IZti TeriTT qi4 (311qftle1 (20) r)),1dch (21) TITI-17 U,cl*R'k-11 ,31 -4a (22) fTf-Irw 31-crrt-Tg .qfF [ 9irrf (1145 3(i)] 911Tff i 11z141 3177%,1171 3 )03/L 719 e-T:t 2 3 1-tzr 10. (i) ri (N. s ("w) r Trr--o. T iTr-t- 7IR4 tir( gild 3Trzrru dT -171:0 77 c-1.4-1A1c14 -1'71T11-4 514 WZ#7,1 /11 (1) 'IN 56)4,2-.11,41k-h S141111101 gRr f-zu c1T-Iqfrtri TIFf sf.14.14,414) 791:11t *; r 1)TI st))1.4e.)91'6,-31-1t (U) HI .19-wrt i* (4) -1-T4 st>14 ,114)-7:11. Trri-4 34P :OW ItI -41:17 Tt:MiT 3-1-17E 1-1Iti71(-7-*ti 6I .-14) 311 ?T t 11 3izTql #1T1-T- di4114,71 (1) T74:f )14)-Zi iiiHrir *- 4R-1 fT (2) 7777 •k--4.ffikrrff Trm Tri-0- 74C 4iim T1 46'4 ri cia‘s ol 4,11'4)-1744 *1144 A. cf)I-119-01T 31Tflig t- 1-114-1 41* 3TRTT-t -7-Fri 14.)1e4t 3ft4 74tt )c.\4 (7) forams *1,4401111-11-R4 514-11ul trq 797 T*7:41 \Twit (,,e-\4 3114 to 1-1 dt fw:r4 1-1,--iFor(_qcf 7-(Fi (7) tile. 4-1t4-1-1:1 rzw, TIP:11th (8)t Nit : ( XXIX. 004 TP1-81 -C44 c11-1( (i) 3711- -9T14 -41R:f .-g'*tF chlzidt 171 .ffP-11 "3-Td T1T 77 31-74 4-11d 1,3-1 1,31t-1 ft171.14-1111* Tel; 3 XXX. *0 ( I I ) iTru 3T dy=boil (ii) -wr tilcf ,3114 TI (1) *4-R3 \TN 314t-cbt 31-4fkra.* X30(1. -1141.,e- (=;11rt4 ia ,S) z11..4 t-1.491. 34t-ch (R;17) t-,11(-11 i fiv -- fwa 4T4 3-TP4 3vrntu1 3ftin7 f-*7 trzeialt 714:1 70 3-1-41 44 t-111-11-1 toz14-{31's1, rs 400t4 i&r-4, v 6114 tat wr, ; 3-TrEffi 7771. itit 3Utz 71118 74\17 roq, C' lf 11Ig 7L t4 TtzfT )00(11. q-11' (iii)shq (--itsql 2 -4 *Trig (3) ITC (IN) 3ftT•31:#1 4<ift7 f-p--11-01-6d 31. 7Tai zT1 4-iiirm 3-1-1*i 3T'U 5)111'; 1 RN [71 -4. 354/77/2009-13711 (iv) 9614 t-fesql 937 -3t:R4 lirolrtd,41 tsi15 31-4-t '1;11-'11-OR:Id 9614 t-it91I 11-11-idcil ,141 344 4 THE GAZEI 1E OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY I PART IC—SEC. 3(i)] fatcraT 31f474-- 7T ,-it,:q1146/1994-#171-7, fqfffT international championship or 13 Irq, 1994, t I \INA, 3-17197131, competition. to be held in India or abroad 11TIT II, '4"'• 3, a1 ( i ) 14. 74. or for the purposes of training, under a -US certificate issued by the Services Sports 575( 3-T), f-C-91T 13 lot& 1994 girt NobINIci Control Board.": 3-f-d-r{ #7TiF3ifil TT 4(sqf against serial number 2. in column (2) :- 112/2006-#17-7, f9f- 9 -ic43-sit, 2006 gt0 (a) in item I, after sub-item (12), the following f1T qt, 1-Tltd t1,3144, 3-71r4R-crf, 9m-r1 II, sub-items shall be inserted, namely :— 3, 371-4,s (i) 14 #. TIT.T.fff. 696(31), "(13) Target Boss f-cifw 9 2006 *cwt. NiliNict Tf Zft Bow string MINISTRY OF FINANCE Clicker (Department of Revenue) Fletching Jig NOTIFICATION Fletches New Delhi, the 19th January, 2010 Chest Guard No. 5/2010-Customs Arrow Rest G.S.R 43(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred Arrow Quiver by sub-section (1) of Section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962 Nock"; (52 of 1962), the Central Government, on being satisfied (b) in item II, after sub-item (6), the following that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby sub-items shall be inserted, namely :— makes the following further amendments in the notification Spikes of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No. 146/94-Customs, dated Cross Bar 13th July, 1994, published in the Gazette of India, Pole Vault Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i) vide number Cross Bar (High Jump) G.S.R. 575(E), dated the 13th July, 1994, namely:— Hurdles In the said notification, in the TABLE,- Take off Board (i) against serial number 1,— Pole Vault Upright in column (2), for item (a) and the entry Spring Board relating thereto, the following shall be Starting Blocks": substituted, namely :- in item IV, after sub-item (2), the following "(a) Sports goods, sports equipments, sports requisites, including synthetic playing sub-item shall be inserted, namely :- surfaces, fitness equipments. sports "(3) 24-second electronic device"; medicine, sports apparel"; in item VI, after sub-item (7), the following in column (3), for item (a) and the entries sub-items shall be inserted, namely : relating thereto, the following shall be "(8) Teeth Guard substituted, namely :— Punching pad " (a) The said goods are imported into India Breast Guard for Ladies by,- Bandage Sports Authority of India or Sports Scoring Device": Authority of concerned State, for use in a national or international championship in item ix, after sub-item (2), the following or competition, to be held in India or sub-items shall be inserted, namely :- abroad or for the purposes of training; "(3) Football Shoes or (4) Shin Guard": A National Sports Federation for its own in item X, after sub-item (14), the following use or for the use of its State/District sub-items shall be inserted. namely :--- Affiliate Associations, in a national or "(15) Scoring System international championship or Mushroom competition, to be held in India or abroad or for the purposes of training, under a Beat Board certificate issued by the Sports Authority Spare Bars of India; or Crash Mats 3. The Services Sports Control Board in the Ministry of Defence for their own Acrobatic Tumbling Mat use or for use in a national or Floor Exercise Mat [ 'tirrt 11—taus 3(i)] 911-M 'W tiz1v1 : aRrit471 5 Rhythmic Apparatus Ball Balls Rope, Clubs & Ribbon Shoes (24) Palm Guard"; (4) Racket String,/Gut (g) in item XII, after sub-item (3), the following XXVII. LAWN BOWLING sub-items shall be inserted, namely :- Balls "(4) Hockey Sticks Jack Goal Post xxvill. ROWING Turf cleaning Machine Fixed Purt (7) Ball Throwing Machine"; Shoes (h) in item XIV, after sub-item (5), the following Row Balls sub-items shall be inserted, namely :- Assorted tools "(6) Crash Mat (5) Carbon fibre oars and sculls (7) Scoring System"; Ruttons and sleeves for oars (i) in item XV, after sub-item (9), the following sub- items shall be inserted, namely :- Material for boat repair "(10) 12 Bore Gun XXIX. RUGBY .38/.357 revolver/pistol Balls Rifles 7.62/.308 or any caliber up to 8mm Shoes Electronic Target Scoring System XXX. SEPAK TAKRAW Clay birds"; (1) Balls (j) in item XVII, after sub-item (4), the following XXXI. S01- 1BALL sub-items shall be inserted, namely :— Bat (slugger) " (5) Lane Rope Catcher kit Resuscitators (3 ) Balls Life Jackets Umpire Kit (8) Portable Starting Blocks Left hand gloves (9) Stop Watch"; Home Plate Rubber (k) after item XXII, the following shall be added, Mitt namely :— Chest Guard "XXIII. EQUESTRAIN Leg Guard Saddle Hard Tow Shoe Bridle Face Mask Stirrup Leather (12) Helmets Stirrup Iron XXXII. SQUASH Bits Racket Jumping Set Balls"; XXIV. KABBADI against serial number 2, in column (3), after item (b) and the entries relating thereto, the following Mats shall be inserted, namely :— Shoes "(c) Arms and Ammunition shall be subject to XXV. KARATE the Licensing conditions imposed by Directorate Karate Mat General of Foreign Trade and approvals by the Ministry of Home Affairs.": Kit after serial number 9 and the entries relating XXVI. LAWN IENNIS thereto, the following serial number and entries (1) Rackets shall be added, namely :— Gllip .V:3 6 THE GAZE 11'E OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY WART II SEC. 3(01 1 2 3 1 2 3 "10 (i) The following Anti- (a) The said goods are laboratory use like to anti-doping and doping and dope testing imported into India centrifuges; electronic dope testing." related equipment, namely :— by National Dope balances; fume hoods; Gas Chromatograph Testing Laboratory gas generators: gas supply systems including Gas Chromatograph-NPD in the Ministry of regulators, pipes and other Gas Chromatograph-FID Youth Affairs and lab wares Gas Chromatograph-C- Sports; and (14) Laboratory safety Isotope Ratio Mass (b) The imported at the equipment including Spectrometer time of clearance of access control systems Gas Chromatograph- the goods, produces high resolution Mass a certificate to the Chemicals used for sample Spectrometer Assistant Commis- processing for dope Liquid Chromatograph sioner of Customs testing; and Liquid Chromatograph- or Deputy Commis- Pure drug standards and its Mass Spectrometer sioner of Customs metabolites; spiked drug Elisa processor as the case may be, standards in urine/blood: Synthetic standards. Immuno Assay Analyser from an officer not Blood cell counter and below the rank of [F. No.354/77/2009-TRUI other Hematology a Director in the analysers Ministry of Youth PRASHANT KUMAR, Under Secy. DNA/EPO analysing Affairs and Sports Note: The Principal notification No. 146/1994-Customs, equipments Including indicating dated 13th July, 1994 was published in the Gazette cameras and other the name and address of India, Extraordinary, Part II,' Section 3: Sub- accessories of the importer and section (i) vide number G.S.R. 575 (E) dated the Computer and software the description quan- 13th July, 1994 and was last amended by other accessories for tity and value of Notification No. 112/2006-Customs, dated the 9th November, 2006 published in the Gazette of India, operating the dope testing the said goods; and Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i) related equipment that the said goods vide Number G.S.R. 696 (E), dated the 9th (13) Auxiliary equipment for are required in relation November, 2006. Printed by the Manager, Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri. New Delhi-110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.

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