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Preview Extraordinary Gazette of India, 2008, No. 2543

at sref tra aN, roi NOLL 30049 Jd a The Gazette of India ecrMAQRITERY wer 1— are 3—ae-as 1 PART Userton 3 Sueszton() safer a water PUBLISHED BY ALTHORN'Y a “ak Peres, Muar, WHT 28, 2008, 8, 1929 No 381. [NRW DELAT, WEDNESDAY, JANUANY 23, JRMAGHA 3, 1929 eo ie (Petr erg nt sfege a Pe 21 re 2108 ‘mea, s8(a) abe wee, sa Si ar Pr tis, 2986 (1986 TL) 8 IT ‘ei re ek gm, ar sya Fo ann Fs, 072 rake eer eet fi Fr Fr Ete (1) 0 Pet a perp eta her ar fe cht ee) fr, 208 #1 C2) 8 at, GT 2, sede tery Fre Cafe fr 972 tage tae 2 oe as (3) 31 no p00 8 dE fe stat & er “20900 re" MET te es Tea acs er s0L20I6 aT Sd tere HTT a meen § eta she thm fee afresh ste fg a ae ae tee efor thy, 7 & etter are Fg sehen © fe & eg see beara rm Cartref, 972 WF oe, 207 aie Boers ng -ag an fr fc ht sre 28 tae a ee Po nf wt otek a ce fet ag Fa, Te Os 1, 1970 agar en hdetohomspevah, staan efi se ere ogee wns 2 75 mere eR, 16s M42) 28 ewe, 9 7s AGP a7 anh 20 one: BSL Zo ae 20 2,19 LE 251 Taher iby, ers ATRL BUY ATS ama OHNE CATS rah 190 AC EL “ae fewer, yon; sneer 1s Pose, apoyo, nas ee 5 Para, 180; 9 TH 25 RH, 001A, te AL S72 RT, 199s ates oe, 12, LTE IS er 142, 52; W263 ae 6 are, 1909, BL LIAL 34a) ab 6 amd, t09 ahr 776 ‘ee 16-Wf, 2000 8, 8 L468) er Ls, 2800 ee Free a a6 Gl2a8e ay THE GAO F OF INA: EXTRAORDINARY Wass sre wre 35 fens sorPe 20 Ta 1, rTP $0 a Fee, 92 ae “a 20 te 14, 1994 aa, 221 be 76 adr, od RL a irk ta TRL Saat) ages Lae aS 2x a, se 3, ana 20a} te 6 a, one fra DARMSTRY OF FINANCE (Bspnetmet of Rasuelal Services) MOTIICATION ‘NeoyDeae 230 a. 2008 GSR. 446) la emersisaite pers canferes ay Seu 48 oft ie turane Corporation Aa, 956,61 co 1950)-the Cena Govern era es ube ling ales taxed be Life sane Corpenuion of la (gsm Pes, 72. rama — 1G) These ult my ie elledshe ale asus Copan of diene Amenden Res, 2008, (@} They abl be deemed a tev come in Ere he Ist yo Ape, 2607. 2 fndhebifetasazave Corpora iin, Agents) ile. 197, n Schedule VE, nclase 2m stb lus ise avers and igure", 0000" techn ad goes", 2,00 000° hl ess PrNe TiC 40101006 SCR BHARDWAL Dire [EXPLANATORY MEMORANDEM “Toe Cente Govemnart ha accorded apo evs the eolng an ently beng il othe Agent of he |e sutanee Cerpoton of caller fone Ape 27, Lif isaranoe Copemtion of nda fg ls, (972 ae ningemeadedaoursngy ESL Koy Tt Ap 200, Its etd a1 Agent of the Life Iraruace Ceoision of Ia is Wkly tobe Toit absusy by the mrendnent sing given expec ef Footvle: The prisipl Rule were bled under Notes 1a. /Agtegy Cov WEDZM in the cet aia dated It Mr, 1572 sobnoquety amended by NsiGeion hs BICHyns 15 ded 13 Sapte, :976; to (12) ora 7N dad a Spies (97S, No, GS. AT datos 29h May 18, N.S R228 aed pin ach, 1986; Ho. GS R,2deae 1H Api ISTENe GK 811 Ane [th Oc, 1685: Moa Huang, 1991 gece, GS 4 fated Decmer 990 ia No, $0 dat [Sth Deverb, 190 sel No, GSR. 74 ded 15th Docent, 1900, io Ne. 39 anes 246 Septambc, 1901 vide No, G5. 847 Saad, ah Septabar, BOL ioe 4valed 28h ner, 1962 dee. GSR Seated ME era 992 No 265, fied 8k ingot, N63 vie No.G.S, S$ ou! Avgon, (D23: andi bo.276 ded th Me, 2000 veo GSH A€NF) ed Lc ay. 00, Comgendato No, GS. 35 veces 0 No.5 dated 30 anny, 1981 de No. G89 dted inDecembet, 1997s ino. 26 dared lh iy, 294 ide. G-SR. 221 da 260A 3998, Cong {Mo GBR 354L 0s cilshod Mo 165 ded 26 At 1994 ce Ne. GSR AME ded 20 Sg, 54 oy Da Mag Gea of ot Fe Sip Weal nw Dials EET “ad Pine mec Paks, De TC

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