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‘ech shh ceqneourzone—og “REGISTERED No. DL—qyeuneor2006—u8 at The Gazette of Zudia XTRAORDINARY ee -RART Il —Seefia | ‘afew eres % PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 4 + od ere tre, sel 3, 2007 WUE No 1]___ NEW DELI, TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 2007 /PADISA 12,1928 "Barra Fo yo et Heute wx rer ee wed a a: fugactapaeg lpn hearin ker Sty be ik wt pnt cman, . MYMIBTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE” (Regen apart) or Deh hd ein Poe, ey ‘Ta Zotloming. bet &f-Parliecent received thie atest of ahe Prettdent on ‘he 20h December, 2006, ands bry palin fr gic Safer, {HE ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNALS (AMENEMENS ACT, 2005. No.1 oF 2007 {Bh Decemr 2i6t ‘An Act further to amen the Adutnisratve Tribunals Act, 185 i cece ty Pala ne Bey snr Vou of th Rapa of Inno ‘iow 1. (i) Tice ainy 8 td th Adri Wil (Amidst) A, 2006, Ss nat utara is oceonach de ite Cn nny bein sate Guat ae, de a me ep Re po of ib Act, “ ners Ten wan ft Adar Nal A 1985 ese > samen wopetc Aa) = U) inclansb(), forthe wot “the Choliraan ow ViopChairevan", the wird “te Chama tall gee geattcnens SHB GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY (Parc BO (iin chose the words aaa Vice Caiman" shal be ued (69 ele oe etlowing clause sal he subsite, ami ~ Wy "Vise-Chstaan! means a Mersber wh to be eerscd the ‘ppepriate Covetumen io pectam anit hice tcachofte pists where Benchesate Tribe Fave bse sup, 3. Ymsclin 4 te pring a sap-setian the wine "Chiran, Vow ‘harman or elaer Member” the sores "Chainnan and ser Member” lle abla 4c Isseion 5 of Uw principal tc — {ohn sv-secion (11, 2artke words "a Cha suck mumbo Vises (Caiman are dull al Adminteative Member, ts wade" Chuimin and ssh mur (Jules ond Adnaistative Weber” shal be sited (29 na ection (2 — 4p cause forte weeds" Viee-Chaeoa sr ler Memb", se word" Mote” sb be subcud ain ee Apes fe worl ‘the View Chairman eth Nall Member te ‘verde dil Mores" shal be vubslte! 0 ue be words he VieeChaian n he2480 at bt, “ul i Members de Admnsbative Meier's Iwate iil Member or the Adiuisalive Mabe, 39 the ca wy Be ball be ‘betes 5, Cue sestin 6 ame — he ein A the folswog s2e4on el be subst 16.32) peson shall et be sla fo appinrnon athe Catena aes bee as be a Jedge ofa High Cou rowed Wal peraenapponed at Vive-Chaima bet thssuraensemect fiscal be ali 0 appien Cauieman sh tne ede SEREE nse Vie-Cheman a ll Sor pein kx ea, (OA prion as uot be gain fe spina — 1G) ava Alesse Membey, unless ts bed tara tf oars pm of Secretary te he Gaverincil Ine 2 ny oer post de: the Conval rStte Gaver ad very the ale oF ay whi at has lass tat eFa Secor lo tbe Govern: fra katt two yes ot Jol en of Adtnal Soret the Cavey of din a ae va se any ther poet under th: Cente or Ste Govern coi He feate of pny which is nat Yes dan that af addtional Sesrtery @ tbe Guvernmen’ of dina les Uo perod of Five yours Provigd tha the offices belonging ro Allain servis who ere oF sre on Cen depwation a le pos salle doce eve eat he PO DESCEGIy Audie: Sour, a he ea nity be Hou He dat such Mfrs wre grnte prtonta prion ural eemtinn which fs bie: te level oF Secisiay ur Alilioma, Serta af To SA88 my he, ane tu peal spe og Ceamal depart afer sis dls shall coo ft ‘prying seeace or the pupesey uP hase £8) ce dulicial Member uns sor quale wes Judge eC ‘cou ee he has lea ho were ld peat OF 4 Sees 2 che (Gyvemumet af lesan the Deporte! of Legal SESS he Legit See. “THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY. 3 Departs lacking Mexber Secretary, La Comaision of Init oc elds pow of Addins! Sorctary to the Covermnont af Indien the Deparanen of gal Afar and Leginaive Depertent a lat fora pri of five yeas (2) The Chsinan and every her Marr of tbe Ceara Adminicrative “ibul salt be afoied afr cvvalation withthe Chic hie of diay he Preset. (8 beet the provision of ma-sontion (3), tbe Chaman and every oer ‘Member fn Adniniatve Tribal fora Sse bal be appt bythe Presiden tlle coustation withthe Governor of thn cancened Be (6) Toe Cininsn and evry ober Macher Joint Adis Tribal shall, abject ta te provision? of sub-section (3) and ubjor coe temas of the ‘coment been patcipsting Stats Goverment pubibed unter ub-seton (Ghofsectin of the pelcpal Ac, be ppoinled by the Presider fer conslation svthtbe Gveram af the omoerieg Sata Bxplatinz— a cormptng fr the purpone a his sco, be prio dung ‘hich paren hn bel any pot der te Cetra or State Govern, there sl te lxloded the prod daring bich he Yas eld any ake postr te Cent ‘Stats Goverment (inlading an office under his At} cureng the same scale of pay setturo€ Ti momsnad pot on bgher seal of pay 6. Inset 7 fhe pial Ack forte words "ice-Chalemn fa th aus my te, ouch one of the Vice-Chaimoan, ihe wotd “such one of he Mombasa" shall be sohtiowed For section of the ortspad Act the foWewing scion sh! be substated, 5.) Toe Chatman stall hold fe as suc ora lernof five year fom the at on whic be ener upon his eet ‘Provided ato Chara sel Red off as such otha iat tine the age of sna yen. (@)A Mea shal bok fox auc fra te va years trom oe date on ‘whi he ste upon hi oie exes by oar rare torn of tive yeas Provided that ho Meer shall old fe as aucholler haha tained the ag of inte year, {2 The sonlions of svi of Chgrtan and Members salt the sme as plicable to Bulges of oe High Court” 1 scion 9 af the pnp Act the ward "Vico Chimoan" wherever i =m stall be ood 3, satan 10 of te pracpal Act pte wand "Vier Chana” wherever occur sl be ited 0 afte prove, the fllowing provin al be nasty — "Provided futher that where & serving Goverumet ofc apponted ‘aa Member, he sal be dosed wo have relied fom the servos which be ‘belonged ent deo wish he wide the caege ofthe Member bur his ‘ubsequect service 48 Menbee spl at his option, be reckoned os 2 post fetement sesnpboyment coun fr pens and ether aiement benef Indhoservie io wich belong 18, Afer ston 10 of the przlgal Act, the following sexion abl be ined, samsiy-— ® "IQA. The Chaiman, Viee-Claituan and Member of bua apprinied ‘tre the commencement ofthe Adminsave Trihmals(Assendvet Ae, 2006 hall conve tobe goverad by the provisions of tic Ac, and the cules ma Fema, Invoniocs Groce af 4 IDE GATETTE OF INDIA EXTRAOROWARY (Pea Its. ‘hereude as the Adtiniopativs Tous mendeen) Ac, 2006 Re not come io ce Provide. Rewer, such Chaiman and the Member again Bene te soming ik ies 9F Amn tve Tribunal (Arerene) A 208 ayo ‘ompletinn of Pcie error wakmen af the age ny is oF ty 0a yay, ‘ho areay be tisheve ican ay ietighle items 9 eli aeamense dy he Alminiteadv Teibwals (Anweaiment Az 296 ts soosiderd fr» es rpuinimert i aceosdance with the eteetion procedure laid den for uth gpoiuren's sett he condone! the toa tm in lice oF the China shall ot xeea (se years at at ofthe Menbers, len years” medusa oo Tata snl \Upinelase (ty words "Vice-Chair ah ied; foes (ean slause Gd) sal be ome and (0) in ela the Wards“ ice Chan? a bth he paces wee they shal: be mine fe I of he principal Ae (097 in clans (the syed Vice Chmna secur stall Fe onto rb he plas mere they Seta fA, Fortin 12 of dhe rica Act, the Slowing acto sabe rte remo a panty Finan as 2.41) TaeChainan al exrceo sul Fit and adrinstive powers snnte verte anak apr by vein bi he aes ads hy he aoe Bene Fe Sven 42) The appropiate Goveznaem tay signet ce ur ose Mombets 1 be the vise-Chuiman a, asthe casey be, Vit-Chatton Ure cod the Memb so leigzted shal esis such of te psc am perf such fs flan oF the Charman as sy be delegacd him bythe Clava y 4 ones or pea order ting” 13.Jn sets ofthe tial Act eb weed “Cian, Wige-Chsimban and oxtor Menben', te words "Chatman and otter Mone” val bens ‘Amenimesof 14, Jn serie 32 he pring Al th Wa "Vie-Chatme weeve ioc bolo oc se sminimene 18, sae 38 oft psp Acti uh econ 2) — satin 3 {9 xelanse (i) for be wd "Chianso, Vito-nitar.or other Member’ he words "Channa ar thee Menbeeshal be sued, (G3 saws, the word "Cratnaa, Vie-Ubsimnan a ther Members the words “Chaiccan ao othr Members” shall subsite, KN cHATERYTDL, Sento he Gant ia Nasir e5s25(08).242007

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