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Preview Extraordinary Gazette of India, 2007, No. 253

‘Pret sea sso BECD.NO.D.1-BNBUE HN a The Gazette of India EXIRADHDINARY sonar 53 OH PARTIC Soaion Subsection i ‘ater afee PUBLISHED RY AUTHORTTY, tw a Facet, art, 17, 2007 N27, 1928 {ESDAY, JANUARY 19, 207FPAISA 27,1938 fee 19 ae, 2007 rat 8)— daha Tu Tea EEN abaw, 1956 [1686 OT 4a) (RE Ags cr oF offs oa wn 8 of ara a a gue (3) ae a fe BE We amar ao rear f oP wou $ Aelioret a rete Torri sien 46 206, 500 PA, t 225.000 Pooh. aw Saale ( Pedro PreqqerBe Rauch terra) & Pai (ats weve oa a aa ee), arp, ude sire pares & ay wetorr fers ae yf Aiea fear eles ania A rg A fiers & Sat ofa or ans at & ont one SF cor’ ea g sahg aie, ot war yA Rome & ear lbihtes, ot ser aT oP TET (1) ada dba salon By TE PHS era we woes A ge oat aT ithe & eeaha far 3 sia a oe a Lum water and ga aR orate Sede Sar ree saerel (EP SA), asta amr, foftemeeh, oPtamrg affirm or F fen aiyin aike geH Ge sro s@oRa oy aya ote wae MRT ade ST aes a A ar fi APT eer ae gS ae a BT at OH wR ara Geld we ETE Ta fate ofa wey a rary, aS EG, HR caer Pe one THR, ame FT oda Sage ae ry a agen eT Bae SRR oA one ge ofl oceIRT (Bont Gem ARR aver Bir TT ge ofttgge & aerts on ch apt oP ate te ore ete ae fir, ses varia a rat oe we fang PS ara Per fie awe 2 | ver ava w [FUE NPELROLINIAIXTRAGRDINNY, [Port sont maa agssne ERA A an.ni Saf baie TE OP TA RE one hee ose ia 3 aan ana | at eg] ROA | a ual AR tel fet a z Fy a 7 Red Sere nitrate Serr | SECT m= z 7 7 € 7 @ i iheda al Sot at al Sait = a] ca a = : a ce a ae =} - : eae wert | tere [ee ae a - ae — - = =m - f= i — ste ava | ar _ iceM _ __ Prt = save | ie J fiom 7 Fi — iim circ i ica Py {TH iAZV Ys INDY -EKTRAGIEON ALY [Peart Sex] 2 Ts fa ai Poa DAR agi RaW ste Tt aT ema se EL SET . ‘MINSTRY OF SFTPFING ROAD TRANSPORI AND HIGHWAYS {Depacaoent of Rood Trespoct and Highwsgst ‘NMACATION Now ahi, 17 temasy, 2077 s0.4544)-~ In exercise bf the powers conferred by sub-secsion (1) of soition 3A of the National Highways Act, +956 (48 of 195) (hereinafter referred fo ag the said Act) the Central Government, attor, being salisfed that for the public purpose. the land, tne Eriaf desertion cf which is given in the Schedule below, is required for building (widening £ four-leaing, ste.), maintenance, management and operation of Nafianal Highway No5, on the stretch of land trom Km.285.500 te Km.328,000 (Tindivandm — Vilupuram ~ Tiruchirappalli Section) in Truchirappatli Dstrict in the State of Tami Nadu, horaby declares its intention to acquire euch land. Any person interested in thé said land may, within twenty-one days érom the date of publication of this natifcation in the Official Gazette, object fo the use of auch land for the aforesaid purpose under sub-sector (2) of section 3C of the said Act Every euch objection shall be mate t the competent authority, namely, Special Distict Revenue Officer (Land Acquisition), National Highways, Tiruchirappail. Tamil Nade, in writing, and shall set out the grounds thereof and the compatant authority shall give the objeitor an opportunity oF being hoard, either in persan ot by a legal practioner, and may, after hearing all such abjectiony and after raking such further enquiry, if any. as the competent authority thinks recessary, by order, eilher allow ar disallow the objections: Any order made by the competent authority under sub-section (2) of secticn 3C cf the sad Act shall be final ‘The “arid plans and other details of land covered under this notification are avaiable and can be inspected by the interested persan at the a'éresaid office of the competent authority (67 @Tjo 3-2 NS. TH HAZE OF EURAX TRS OMEINARY SCHEDULE Dhis! desorisvon af he wand ic he eoquited. afl ur wthuaus wrcctues follag ath n te alias of tend ucirsspst Secwon) op te Revi free Kanci8s £00 en 325.000 De Hghway Re.48 ine Stale of Tau! Rese. Seis Rome atthe | Homaotihe - Naneotthe } Suivey rater | ame aumbsr cist Tatsk Hage rumor | T29H@Md | rang eure i ee z 7 7 r 7—HTisehranpoT Hamer ur evn | 220° ° pean Reta ~ ae 4 — i 7 Bara Tes sexe] al ts 2 FE [Ce ror © Poromboka "HLF bo - cay wt | Peonkds | __ SS Tike | Esamicer: | Poombene 1 Br, Semen t 7 _ Bet tiie saga |W pala Dr yer Se pr z af 2 a 4 5 5 7 a RR Wat a - “Pra Tet 7 ° Ta Tit ar a Tet TH r TEARS a ai - TEEATA Tet me - ‘se _] Genera | Tomas | 202 Sra) Fina Veet fa a Re Wat Es _ BART Piva [Wer a — ak cee Ther = Ta PR, Tet ur Ea) Wear =o - hPa | Maat * P| TE EEGAER Prine | ana wat a -_ Coe Bd Pare rar aa TH ~ FY Saverrent TE Pine - SNE it | PORDAS” | — Ra $rsece rn oe Ee a oo HEE aaermen | Satay | i 7 hie | Rana eg Tae [a = sagt ra [ea WV i Tee Seem StS [35 TERT] cavemen Taroitzene [oT 7 _ TD] event our | aT i 7] Tar wv 7 Fa) 5 Rannanar | 0th] ema | Srmmane |” farReomnir Sonanrane | Forumer |e _ [a Kona Daa Dy | 7 Frae Tr Pris [pet Pra | a 3 _ AGATE ORINDTA ENT RAORIEARY [Pett $. 281 = 7 7 Te 7 te, -- wins’ [aa ~ 7 Tee om 3 TU ee a ae i a) | ae eT a ~ 7 ty wie By > — nmap my fe case Teaky 4] BSRANA, De Dae

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