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<r der -ss00u9 dc Hr The Gazette of India cmADRDIARY sata aE 6 PARTM_Seeinn3 Su ers Gi) ‘afer & aT . ‘PUBLSUED BY AUTHORITY. a 7 feat TY aT 1, 2006 ANZ, 97 - ia 67 [NEW OFLA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1 2HGATSA 28, 182 “gaat irame ore [MINSIRY OF LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT ae [NOTIFICATION fee 19 AMA, 2006 US. 51 (a) ste eee Sar ae fh terre) siefray, 1970 (1970537) aa 10 LCL Iracshinsabbininiinaid<touaknadl rae ad 8 a Se at AS sees ahead atc eet stne on AT 62) 4 wets ora gah area A oR Be enter oft frame tron % an ape ez eT, a a, eae ear eg, woe he ead 3 anifeta dott Aes sia dae So ter ‘Biter 1) apie att free, seen x FT, Sara, aad, Sera starr tages Pee atc ongam #, eam Rae sh oT feu Tuer aata tag eat | PR pn AM ETI veka agree Go ola, gH,“ [NewDalhi he 1 amas, 2006 $80, $16) —tncmrcne of theporersconfarodty stanton (} of Becton 10 ofthe Contact Labar ‘agulton and Abalion! Ant, 1970 (37 of 1970; te Cental Goverment, ast cnstliatin wit he Cea ‘Advisory Contract Labour Board and Reng git te eondRions of wa and benzo provide fer the ‘pees aban ad ocherreleaer factor emurieated i sakoorion 2) of said Scion, bout probs he employe. of comartlabou in the worksfcbs oF swecpingandcleming i the esublishmeat of esearch Conte Tarat, Viguvana Kancha, Hyderabad under Defeno Research and Development Oryanisatod ard the penton atid aiferance feta sus ation (Ge cubist of Carlson Eayiner (Research aa Darelopment, Research Caste haat, amayamts, Keshav Post, Hjderabal under Milars Hngaecing Server, wilh. om te de of plication of aan in he Oil Gaal, No U0 208.5 MANOHAR, LAL, M. Sey “nd Pay oe Cant Wf aban, Doe 00.

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