sheefisp vue s2c0499 EOD. NO DLAs Wid a The Gazette of Gudia JTHAORDOURY OTs 39-3 (1) [PARTTE_Selon 3 Subaceion (0 after & weft ____ PUBLISHED WF AUUAORETY af Reet, ara, Brae 23, 2006 aE NEW DELHL, SATURIAY, JANUARY 28, 206/48 (ang area n, Ee a eT) saa . Re 24 eI, 205 era 04H — sheet Se ofa, 1973 (1973 42 59) Shee 3 at eo (1) a (rede & argu | BA wea A a os ae a & ews a Bree A santo & fore ecard 5 ETA wae eh) altar eet Toe a “a. on ga sc oe fe at ee ery cg Para ae oe Sahay, ae eI a MTS. CN) & seg T ee eave ear tee ater Wie (eee i) gen wa. 48D() ot 6 sre, 1978 Beata sh eet at, Fe Per iT eT 3 ST. AT (1) ars CH) avi ae” ah ona (me 10 ae set tai vid ama ele ear, ae ) @ “rain Fae a co satel ie, j 628, des ua ra, ory wa itt eee That Piaal wena ae Petia Ga FET, Se "Berar a aft TT “SRR aa a 2) “7 eter, oo — sete Saez, i ates a3, La eT Tee Se varie Tae] sz urms i, eg US CAZFYTLOR DIA: EXTRAORDINARY Pars tlnge 39) ors eA) 41H 482 (a) eta 6 se. 1974 wer a eh pra tein ilar erie my wT. a. 20210) Arti 298.1990 aT. 740m) arte 24.8.1990 Hae BLM a) ‘pig 22.14), 1990 Fe 21 99E rite 27.4.1990 sha 27 1.1992 . mie 274.1992 aia 138.1992 arta 25.9.1992 arte 9. 10.1992, are 185.1904 arc 6.5.19 anni 5, 12.1996. stg 5.121996 aries 512.1996 62.1997 $2618) ATG 29.5,1996 2000) aa 317.1997 800) arf 4.121997 earlier 912.1997 21H) 19.3.1998 .296(aH) arf 4.1998 872) apts 29.7.1998 72) ards 262.1998 H. 637 srry 153.1998 D6azan6.951(m) ar 28.10.1998 Dagon ¥. 1083 aris 25.9, 1908 28.2398. 911 artis 810.1998 29.40.09. 2304 ‘ia 29.10.1998 30mm E2552 ew 26.1 1998 AL ara 520 ana 42 1999 Sdaray W112) fies 23.12.1998 Bawa 159%) ae 33.5999 Morand (7a) arf 163.1999 35m. a INR aa 18.50.2000 36mm a. 12726) aa 21.12.2001 Emcee) seg sane ere 37a a. 127A ‘tte 26.12.2001 38.aran. x 403) ‘rig 4.1.2001 #.273() rth 21.2.2002 40.951... 283 (@) aes 26.2.2002 Maat, 27H) anti 25.2.2002 2am. MG) ‘rater 17.3.2003 Bam. 334) ve 24,3.2003 4-1. a. S35 nthe 24.3.2003, 45... 12648) vant 27.10.2003 46.91.91. 1304( 29) ‘atta 10.11.2003, 17 ap. 77A(aI) rite 30.6.2004 48am. 1283 (2) ‘te 17.11.2004 H. 1290 (ay anes 17.11.2004 SOM. H.1291 (3) ‘ave 17.11.2004 SL aan. #. 80(3) ag 19.1.2005, 52.1.1, &. $21 (2) arte 14.2005, S31. 782 (39) anit 3.6.2005 54.30. B. 989 (a) iis 29.6.2005 ‘MINISTRY OF ARALTIE AND FAMILY WELFARE (Gepartsnt of Spurred. Yon ond Naturyathy, Caan the and Fameeepachs) NOTIFICATION ‘owt th 25am, 2006 SOM. Whereas in pursuance uf the provisins of ehuse (a of subsection (1) of secon 2 oF the Homoerpaihy Ceara Council Act, 197489 1973}, Dr. aka Sie at Patamj Singh have Boen elecced tin arnangs persons ebelled ay attoners Moonacopath 1 Stae'Unton Teraey Register of Hemogapsy. 0 be embers of the Cenal Cunsil of Bornoeopithy item Station ‘erst wy tention iv coluaut (2) Now, theron, ia putsinmor e'sub section 41) seston 3 of the said st, de Cantal Saveramem lecchy makes the lloeany toner antendment in the olificaion oP the Cruveroment at laa inthe ersetile Minigny of Health and Family Plamang (Depart Huai, ruraber 8.0 382 (ded the Aagust. 1974. namely In che seul noutivation under de Nsaing "Elected war cae (a) uf sub-estion (11 of hoe sera ctniber 16 and eotries relating thee, the Calls shall eb ruted namely 59h ae Mans ame i. (29, Net tens Fash LL Reker Car Pu 1H] serial nuher 1 and enfres eating thereto he fll shll be tiated ware . = HE GAZE FTE ONDA. emAnaonsssty ane wdihew pane o To 73 AF Paka) Sha epee. Outide Ghat Gre To fn FM Higa Rajan, i ms 2 oer, SHIV BASANE I Ses fate The Pini fitsaton as Md avid 0.482} dd Aust. 12 sd sufeacuealy amends Vee SAL 20°F $0. Moc Sov eS SO. 86uET S0.2E01 50.26 dived 22.8 1995 i199 anes 3.8.10 Morel 269 1082 shred 9.1108 feed 98.5 14 she 53.19% fata 3.13 1996 sted 5.12.96 dled 5.12.96 “ated 6.2897 dud 395, 5 ded 312 1997 Un. 12 1997 led, 12. 997 Unt 19.3 1998, ete 11.185, dated 207.1098 ‘ated 348 19% ‘ated ¥.9.1908 ate 29 10.0995 ated 23.9 1008 Hated 26.1998 at 2.6. 1986 dated 26.11 1998 sated 2.1908 ‘ted 22.12 194 fate 33.0999 stated La dined 18.4106 ceed 21122001 dled Set 2.200 thse ‘ke fancd 292202 ‘heed 282 For rT Sa Site © ated 7.32005 $0.5uL ned 263.2003 80 HE} sited 145.2003 8.0. 2646) ued 210.2003 Ry Lotte dated 1.112003 SOFC) dete 28H SOc12RwF) sda 171 2004 SO.1290E) dated 124.2004 50.1291 dred 17 112004 5.0. 908) dated 191.2005 50521 dated 12.2005, SOFIE) dared 36.2008 SOS¥E) date 29.6,2005 yh tg mo as i Rona en ne