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Preview Extraordinary Gazette of India, 2006, No. 455

sag Be eM as00499 oat Tke Gazette of Gudia aren PATRAORD AMY 00105 PARTI Section afar @ Tet PIBUSAUD iy AUTHORITY ~ 3 Ree, Hare, wat 2, 200678 12, 1977 Not [NEW DELET, MONUAY, JANUARY > 2UW/PAUSA 12,1827 4 79/( ser $-2005 )/2004~2009 wr, 01/04/ 180 Ara AL 06 iT — eA, 2008—2009 aT prea ate a Te gh, MUR, eee eT ap-3-2002 WEE TA AG 5h et Frakes te ot 4 Fay eT aT ¥ Fre ae faore won 8 erage Hes RoBi on eS 2. at anette, after aretreT (ET at oe) # ail B wae F arettoatee 3 Saft afta at Rgfte 8y ard re widens wo Fay, afte aah wet 3 ae Prafete vert ff) wage eT oie ars i i) Gergpe ofa fedé Beier ae ee at Gee Ea af ace sree fee a hE gat, B) dey capt sees A I amr da A Tanta gid HR, ip Barges & went toreAiier a, | yas arcane ar ean sini ce OES «sate af ef a eres Ret oa ait at rae Sh yn arate qua} wer siars wey & agen wat jt ear fea ot ae aogin cain ot aftRew st 6h eh, fdl acy Paka eels cabal aS AE ATH set med th Rg ‘ar ar Bf Pa a _ TBE Ga2S¢TTROFINDIA ;FTRAGROTYARY Pare sett 2] yer aaa ay age @ eae Ge) amt aida A dretiteren ot Prafe cites aH agit Be armeh e aaetarel aed & Sehr area ier & ere PraPBRea cea nga men aT ar 1) tergee ata Reté dh gata wit ae mT gaits £ oH. ‘aft seen decent fae at dt £ ¥ oft ofa, ai) dy aah arte a AR sear dos ents gate a, iii) gee arma atte anita eerifien mental den tenes suftemitat oft erftrgfi an sreenes Pre wa eet a wheat Swe ashe Qen é am Wes wey as oR oat Ste wer feet oe ae afte onear ealta @ athe ser at wet @t, feed ar Pale adh waited anf & age are wg area & fore fata ceandait ar weiter aéf far eT iv) Sate vere yew mitenftal err fed aftetaetta atrete orgreteren area St oe aft, vy} Prats crite 3 amet ait faeries 22.9.2000 “fe afte wo 26 (sie $2000) aH erat & srqwre Aafia fem or, 5 vi) WAR rarer a Prater ba ape a af ypetaraysre pier we : dhs mort A ald Rudongien vd dat wet faves dq arg8Rre werd Sone ayes ye ae Pare fan ore | 9. mene Profi 8 a age Foie sieges mela, i anager & Rates Qing dhaignes Rind ithe Bua ae AR A rs ae a Wears ka PS ae TAS Rare F oq 3 aT zl 4. aS agdRu wf go Rate ofa am ded eat é atin keotat Fara Baie ape fag Ah ow of wale ge Rens a afta a ari aes) 5 wea, afr metal aie A oaie fdaRa Aum 4 2S mrart ol orga a8 doh Gai Pea Seayad, Tey ATE safeRa oF Ana A oi 3 oe aeorgy og Te aif aretha Baa A re ono ee or rer aga or |e cof BH areal 3 stead eh Protea Po sorte me aa ea wee & ame, ars EE aH geet S storey, bese 4 8 2 FP seine areas any, Met GF | 6. . onan Reifte eet & anne we asta aif wren ott arate & a at ret F fare goer we ae Sarg mere wT safer Rene sear wer fora asta ongeifter safes are Rafa aiftes faa fear ware | @ ateolta A okt mn aren 8 deh, eres fate eh am ann agers wre re gy aT Fen Segre aout 3 of era Gare ate ater wen Gare 8 fie Ae fee ieaat Rea OTR EAT AL Ea TET Hhnesenans BP snunuonnnentneninn arafera (again wate’ oi arm) ton saftey erga <0. 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[or processing the ease for HO, discharges- 3. Original or Duplicale EP, Copy ar DEEC copy of the shipping billy with untumement of custom’s examination report: i. Original or bonk attested duplicate copy of bank realization cevificate, fii, Customs atlested invoice/packing list iv, An alfidavic indemnifying the RLAs and the castors along with an unilertaking that the export documents have not been utilized for obtaining boucfits under any other Expart Promotion Schiores et: eNeept the scheren which wore allowed in addition Wo advanee Ticence scheme uguinet the sane shipping bills os per the formal amnexcd with chis Publie Notice ¥. A copy of the MODYAT Nox-avuilanent certiticate daly ‘countersigned by Central excise Auttwrily 2. tm respect of Valu: Based Advance Cicease(VABAL) cases. the licensee is required to fornish the following dacunents before the REA. For provessing i: cae fer F.O. lisskarge- i. Original or Duplicate EP, Copy of DECC copy of the shipping bills with endorsement of custom's examtinanon report: Serres sae fi: Original of bank ullesed duplicate copy of bank realization cortificute, iii_An affidevit inderanfying the RTLAS and, she customs ‘along with an undertaking that the export documents have not been utilized for obtaining beuefits ender amy ‘other Export Pryravtion Schemes etc except the schemes ‘which were aflowed in addition to advance ticence scheme against the same shipping bills as per the format annexed wich this Public Nodor; ly. A copy of the MODVAT Nomavailiment certificate duly countersigned by Central excise Authirites; ‘¥- Shor fallig Exports cbligation to bo regularised in terms of Poliey Circular No. 24(RF-2000) dated 22.9.2000;, ‘vi. In ease there ig no repomtiremark by the customs authority on overvalustionlunder-valuation of price of impom or export consignment, the price data available with the Ticensing authority shal] be considered for slisponal of the ease. 43, Before redemption of Boud/Bank Guarantee/LUT against advance Ticonce for physical exports, the customs Auhorily at the por. of registration shall verify dh the details of exports given are as per Gur cords A Ones the EO. is discharged by RLA, a capy of the £.0 discharge Jeter along with-the required documents should be forwarded to the goncemned customs authority. tn addition, all RAs are instructed to ‘send moodhly repors t Be coavemed conamissiond of customs giving, details of advance licencés which have been discharged by RLAs based ‘om above stipulated conditions. 5. However, he provisions of paragraph 1 to 2 stated above shall not be allowed in respect of the advance Hivences where mis-representation £ fraud has onme to the notice of the liencing/eusinms aythorities and in expect of advance Romecs for Marble where import of rough marble ‘as pamitied, Further in respect of licences where adjudication orders have already beea passed on acoount of nou-submission of documents cvidencing fulGliment of export obfigstion, other than logged DET books, the aforesaid provision stipulated in paragraph 1 to 2 shall not be abmissihl, 6. ‘The Regional Licensing Anchovies shall forourd a Monthly Repore 4 the Casters Authority atthe Port of Registration for all such eases of aahance fences where export obligation has been discharged by the BLA 9 Stoo” A GAZETTL OF OLA EXTRACRPNARY a(S. 1) public meres H AYIDANTE-COMENDEMNTY BOND ' 11 We hereby solemaly affirm and declare thut the shipping hills as stated | deloby have beeis Hed snd shipments cleaged by the Customs wader udvunce Hiceace o.[ dated fssued from the office of ........(uame of the Heensing ity) from F No. and the raw-muateral(s) allowed af per the 2 has been clegcd against Customs Exemption Notifiealion No ras Silo. Shipping Bill Ne. & date Export Product Weight | We confirm that goods have been exported against shove skipping bills Jhtbo export proceeds have been realized. 1 (We fimther affirm ond dedlare that shitiping bills, 28 stated above, have no been takin inso account for fuliliment of ote ligation gn ny ode ene exo te Seemed wish ext allowed Value ia Rs.) it hdtion to Advanoe Licence Scheme against the same shipping Bi). We furfer declae that sciher any adjudication onder have bees passed nor bry court cap is pending forthe mater related to aforesaid shipping bills othe edvance ce We fuer declare tht plow copies ofthe documents subsite ate the copies of the genuine xiginal documents wt [te slemsty tem and dal thal lever tld hose fs bof of my or taoege and resort, Ve arbor sm he oveanent of Tefs to recover the aunt, fay forty ever lot ec my car gh ; fe wecurted) due to the above submission male by me 1. okt NAM Pach SIGNATURE: : DESIGNATION: ADDRESS: — | finden tnt sa Th td ereqredwmtosed on Rs,1500 Stamp Paper. Proprietors Partners! Linetors / Authorised Signatory has la sign the bond ough their name and exiceatil uses, in eas a bend I ged Tathized signs. cng of ones ef may in aon ot eed | ignatory nzcdk co be encod RT. CHACKA Fires Gone ulforign de A ELlfco Ad Sexy. ANSEL,

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