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aged yrs REO, NO.D.L, 530089 ont SIGIGA The Gazette of Jndia EXIRAORDIARY soars sme PART U-Sectn—tetrertion afore & vant __ PURLSAEED RY AUIRORETY eT ‘af Fret, Riweare, WET 19, 200698 29, 1925 Noa ‘NEW DELAY, MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 904PAUSA 2,185 Tags hea tere TET ager _ 3G feet, 16 of, 200g, OM sa at) — Ala see A areca ero err sePER, 1988 1986 a 68) at awr 11 & ahs aM Ae aT evER & cent oa geet aa searera aft ory ery HD AF, a, 1025 (a) ona 1 free, 1908 Gre HRM er A Mi sari Hor ¢ 1% 0.00 a 99,802 frat. ca & ads a are rete cron sateen (Poet eee era Re eB) 9 aly Peas at aiow 3 se Ushr momrf oe es & fore & fare serene dale voatieg pol) 1, SAS = 8, Saee10, area, af Fie410045 (fd wet gud wee # ogi am i we wre a fer & ap fe aan 4 ow oedta carat oe cis & Perret & (iy ger meee ate 6 ae the fg me yah we eA oem eifla Tear wer oe SE india amet fe Ble SEAT er ae & ferq rRer a Te IRR ae fees | arm, 94, Sar ARR, TERT TAT (Pe cay GAT ees earn ieyerga are we eh gare ger 3 or} & fe te ay wep Prom, 1087 & Fem 3 oer wf aga Tam aaa, 18S (1056 wr AB) aA oR Bat ENT Wem eat saber ot ge wes vrata To A ey eds nin, gnc, a ais WaT Ay er, Sere BA amr, ePc ors, arora Lal te ere ate ore seegech Bs ae a 8 are of ara ot ca ead gy sidan aac Re ape coe a ny ee ere 1 0.00 3 4940.5. me eds} ore & fae aie ara eA RR A Fie ce oo ots agri ate Ssh a ote ae ETA wh aCe aA ates & rd a aa er or we em te RY cert 3 Be ge weet | as coe © , TER GAT OFINDIA EXTRAORDINARY Pace fe 268) ‘ftom = aatagen mo fr oof @ ape ailea a, Oconee a G8 ote ae ater St og a fon ae we a we” coer rae ETA ae areas ov 8 wee ah ih vafttive seat ah ofa” a as ante afi & Rorecth que wer 4 ema womrt a, wT 21% 0.00 749.40 few ow & ce # afin maT wren Elen 2 vil eta 2M) Read cere eR ea ane ate RTE Be the EY TE onde fr ager HF angla vanl & 0.00 4 4340 PAL ws pT eh we Serre a Hf ton ah esa ii) cedeae aA tar & ae ales otha & Rest os wee oneal & arg A safer ate ergot & le Peg mar ete ear eh & eT a AAS ET SAT Spars & | - aaah PRAT TPE Aang alae ah ws 1 O00 48.49 fash ew as aoa Gs Po a Fe ore Oa a maw | UR aTTER sft ae ft aoer ar Bax (ore sft PA) 4. ihe Be ae wht mee pate A ane 1 ya PRE a oT ‘recipe (ser eh ah A ame tt X wh: Wri Wins 1 eed, 1907 har pe ETE WEL = a1 dd aol yor THe, He eho A eats we ager wn et crea er 90 Pea gua a (mara sr SET 2, Frenne mene fara A gale orga A ef PAPA, er a cB re aA, oa fo) ub at aecagt eats har orn Prete 8 weir f= et EH, mes B eT TENA, Ai) roe te ener ge a ao Oe TTT, (oy er erin HE we we eee Pt A, 6) 1S a oe el on rer at at rT ee eat, feih rawr aA ae wa ant an Co ears he a eT aT ‘rar ares a lr err oT A gee Ghee aT THe WAT AT TT ater es > en Brrr woh ic st Bhat A es Ha, erat fei) cig ast age rere eer aret - a rah A a a a er areee ay Toe a Pe oRG ee a eA Oe aT TT A bars fenPrar er NI T T @, eS on ere eee & era sda Eo oft Ta HAT we a ‘ern gece amie, ee Aw, aah Ue, TERK a, AE, AIC OE ae eam ish | 2) eae mr, gH TH, RT er rs, gals, are are, rer abe ae rar 2 vd, dole are era ere 2 aoe aT, 9. > Oe ah ae, ater Ae ga a ge et ae St he erry FG Rr nw A, sar For cake, 1 a4, a, tara ine, ue sho @ 500 RO i, set 8100 oh oni ote were wht oe ar og oA ste AAS BT a sine fea sarge 1 -aiveea we wh Grog afte sent om nee A wR wT Chm aro Fe “areata et a sal Te AT 4. ere, ge ater a ae tgem a want afer & er Yaa et he ange ate ter ent ae ga ey fhe OT Be eT ENT Be Sete Fe A ae Se eigen, wae wal shy are eee ae en aati A PT ston ake Pas on 5, monger enert A een 8H 10 flor ed ae aT a AE Boe St wrde darem wot eri a ge Ree are Ae ent wt, fone RGA oe te AGRI aS eo aH ent a A wa gt | VAT AR, oie ar seh ee eh aT A 10 Few woe al ae a en SE | 8. rahe) @ adie ot oe neh ae er SY aera ag ger a ate wad 31 ae Be are Fg ce GPR oan] BA A ogra 45 fr owe, ete falaeTre THE GAZETTE OF tA: EXTRADRDINARY. Perit So2 May] fay safBeoom 9) AoA eR L RRaPE, hey stots wera ae a ab are epee hg Bt iar wecia rer wet B45 ft stax Roa ory oe 2 fe ERM ET | safe steneer sehag wT A wer arty Hate (eal) aBh er wert wether et a hen fs PoE weer set er er er, ere AT re BS BY EE aA aT | 2. ae mehr oe on singe ow ergs RTE in ie Am Fe A S far onea | Com Se Bary eH s7OT iSs/2002-AF aE SH] ‘ soma Tires file, af MUNISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT AND HIGHWAYS. NOTIFICATION New Delhi, he 166 Janay, 2004 ., 8:0, 92(8)— WHEREAS, hy the ntication of the Government of eli ia the erstwhile Ministry of Surface Transport, mummbet $.0, 1025 (E) dated Dovember 14, 1998, issued under section 11 of the Natlonal Highways Anthorty of alia Act, 1988 (68 of 1988), the (Central Government las entrusted the section fom kin. 0.00 taken 93.302 of National Highway ‘mumber N.E.1 in dae State of Gujarat othe Natloal Highways Autborty of Tndia (hereinater teferred to a the “Auerty"); AND WHEAREAS, the Authority tus stered into an agreement with Abmedabod Vadodara Expressway Company Limited, G-S and 6, Sector-10, Dwaraka, New Delh+] 1004! (hereinafter refered to as the “Conesssionaire”} for the development of the sald apction of the sald National Highway: AND, WHERRAS, the Cantal Governonent has eased nto an agreement with the Authority forthe develipment of the said section ofthe sold National IUighway und to sue a Fes Notification to levy and collect the Tees from thc sald Nations! Highways in ters of the aforeseid agreement entered into between the Authority and the sid Conesssionaire; NOW, HERHFORE, in exercise of powers conrad hy section KA of the Neionl Highways Act, 1956 (4 of 1956, rea with lo 3 of he Natfonal Highways (Collation of Foes fy any person forthe use of selon of National Highways! pomaneot brdpu temporary bridge 00 Nasional Highway) Rus, 1997, the Cemral Government, having Tezardw the expends invohed in bolthg, melterance, meragement and operation oft sil section othe sab [National Highway, iteest oo the capa! invested, ressonable eur, the volme of wale and the petiod of such agretment etered ino booseen the Authority andthe sald Concession, bere notice tht die shal be levied and colle fees on mechanial vehicle Br the use of {ic schon um km. 0 to km 43.40 oft sad National Highway number 9.1 in the State of Gujrat athe rte ape inthe Schedule below, and authors the sald Conccssonaite to ‘ules and resin the sail few on and from te dle of commercial operon il the tom date. ‘Defiations. inthis totifention, urls the context otherwise require, (“tual te means Whe fess actually charged on the road users Based om both, the istance andthe base feo given ia the Schedate la tis notification: [emer 3g) wo oI TOT (i) “ate of commercial operation” means the dete on which the commerciat opeation of the section ffom km0,00 tn kmn43.40 of the said National Aighway anmnber.N-E.{ in the State of Gujarat begins which shall by the date on which te Eadepesdeat Consukant ses the Completion Cartificate or the Provisignal Certiicta, eg the case way bo, upon: ‘erpletlon of the Sectlen fom km.0.00 10 kon 43.40 of tho said National Highway in socorance with the provisions of the agresirent entered in between the Authority and the Concessiaire; iy “termination Date” means the dete ca which the said agrooment entered into between the “Authority and the Concessionaite expires pursusnt to the provisions ofthe sab iarecment fr i tenminated hy a tesminstion notice SCHEDULE ‘Raizs of base Sesto be recovered ftom the users ofthe ection fom kat. 0.0040 km. 43.40 of the Nevional Highway number N.E.1 in the State of Gat, SL] Caegony Vani | Wate ase re po ane par one ay Namiber! tp A . a rope pe om) wi B. es a i Cara Vin ie ep tae T [Tat Goods Velie off | Gv) . — i Tk 138 : 138 i 80 1.@ The efvresaid fie will be ravisad annually with effect ftom 1* July’every yew. The revised foe sl be computed ("Computed Fee”) as follows: Bam Fee X WPh Wry where ‘9 WPla= is the Wholesale prise Index am Mateh 31,1997 WPh =is the Wholeanle price Index on March 31 preceding the fee-rvinion date. “The nctual bos to be charged eal be rounded off othe moarest one rupees. 2, The following types of vehichs shall be exempted Sn che foe specifiod above la the: ‘aforeseld Schedule, mumely:-— . vehicles: (A) having "VIP" sys: or offically belonging 0 = {0} President of lias (0) View President of india, (©) Governor of state oF Li. Goreme of Union Territory (8) A Forolgn Dignjary on State visit to India: “THM GAZETTE GFINDIA ICTRAGRDINARY. pear -m.3) (6) A Foreign diplomat stationed in Inds using cars with "CD"? “CC” umber mises ‘Chatman of Rays Sahin or Speer of Lk Sib or Charan of «State Lelie Couns or Spar of Sate Lege Ast or a Rar fer for Uni or St, or Loner of Gppostain Lak Sah cr Raya Sabin cr State Logsinten bovng te sain cP Cadet Mice, (fhe i tg athe vehi or (8) 0 Member of Parliament, in the entire country or a Member of Legislative Assembly of a Site or a Member of Legislative Councit of a Stu, in the respective state, if he prodaces his identity cand issmed by the Parliament or concerned Legislature of a Stae, asthe chse nay be; B) belonging 10 winoer of Gallantry awards suet as Param Vir Chatsa, Ashok (Chakra, Maha Vir Chakea, Kirt Chakza, Vir Chakra and Sheurya Chaka, if such amardea produces his photo ieoty card duly authenticated by the Competent “Authority for suth Award. (i) Defence vehicles, Police vehicles, Fre-figtuing vehicles, Ambulunces, Funeral vans, Posls and Telographs Deparment vehicles amd Central Government and State ‘Government vehicle on duty. 3. Theres of es, the caleyories of vehicles oxerapted fiom payment of fee and the mas, audess and tclephone number of the Concessiousie to whom complains, if ans, shoul! be nuidreased, shall bo conspicuously and peomineetly displayed 500 wetres abewd of the wll tones, 100 metres ahead of ths toll boots andl at tho toll booths also, the height of the display boards and size of ters heing suc that tis eany for drivers io read the display boards, 4, ‘The Conoessionate shall nominste an offeer os in-charge of for collection, snd the Concessionaire and also such officer sbal be responsible 10 ensure tbat (bev are coBkted al mt ‘moe than the agroed rates, and ths fe collection i smooth without causing undue hardship to the road users and all ether matters connected therewith, 5. The Concessiunaire shall publish substance of this notifeation in ho local newspapers ‘one of which shall be ia verrmcofar language), which shall also slate Che commercial operon date as por the provision of this notification, wt Ted let days prior tothe date af eummercial ‘operation ss por the provision of this notification, at east ten days prior to dhe date af ‘commercial operation. Such subatarice shall alsa be repeated every year, ten daye prior to giving effect to revised fees ns per this notification. 6. The netusl Pees to be cbargod to usces shal! be computed by the Cousessionalre and seat ‘to Authoriry for validation as 300m ax posse aller 31® Mirch every yer, bata least Finty Give days bofore the ear increase sto be effective. Authority shall piavide any comments or request clrifications as soon as possible upon receipt oF the fee revisiem qruposal but not ier then fiffoen days of receipt of the fe revision grupos. The Authority dees net ofr comments or seek clarification during the period the revised fe, as proposed by the Concossionairo shall be eeroed tu hove been conimed by the Autbor, 7. ‘The fees shal be collected only at one ple from a oad user betwoen the said section of lhe said National Highway, AB. No. RWINH-37N1155/2002-PIC] AIAL VIKRAM SINGH, Seo. ‘Res hs Magnes, Ooo Tai Hing Rooh, Mp Nee DOI “SP he Cnt Poe, Boe en

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