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Preview Extraordinary Gazette of India, 2004, No. 292

sae oe eer son REGO. WO.D.1.-3300899 cat VIGAAA The Gazette of Gudia EXTRAORDOURY AMT Foe PARTI —Sertins cafesre @ sentir FCOLASHED BY AVTROBITY “mk eee, Whang, eth 24, 200070 6 1925 [NEW DELL, SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 20M/MAGRA 4, 1928 TR age HOTT shears get, 20 ara, 2005 1 Bgntyaarzon3-atieenhd— aren ma ai, 19 (1568 38) Sh as AFR TT Se seed eres ses i, Tee, Be ee a a ari Tw ee wi, eh TT Frere ae rec ge BRETT - chauetranioes hoe ate cree soos tet raf) cee ses eee caren, 68 Sh wer 11 Hee Tore BO A ET Ee “ae ea a fe 29 hr a, a ER 7 ee, 2008 hats ea Pe ste ea em Fea wee 2 aaseR ae ee weer eet ba agen Ae eT ee 7, 2003 ere art no Acta er (om) cor aA era omen eT seg 2a fe fic ete eT Te eR GIT MrT Pree TN rae IE Pee rr eae 15 Ret, 2003 ae ER TR AA IN, 04 teres oe, TR at ae C1 gc AE mee ff fey 008 A re ree eR ora te 20 Te 2009 ara es ratte Ba, ae eg Ree eR TG PTL 4 ieness pr ae ee Mea, eM eee ain ph rere 1 gn 2 AR, 2088 A er te Hs ce eer a fercen ol aT feng ace, ef ea fl te rt fe aa Ew ST 26 ETE, 2S “sharks be eee meer car re cert a oer he TTS, 2A TETRA TN Seforey atv ewe, Ta aa Tae eT FETE! 5.9, tre, era ([Rerea TIVAsaNS- ae) 26 on o 2 TIME GAZETTE OF INDIA; EXTRAORDINARY [Pert See, [TARIFE AUTHORITY BOR MAJOR POKTS ROMBCATION Mumba the 0 ats 200 Jo 4N1P8:2009-CIRPL In ore of th es contre ty Seton 48 fhe Major Pent Trasts Aa, 1942 {SAUCE Tar arity hr Major Ports hereby leu the ly afte xing interim Sore a Hatewe Cenc ‘Contane! Toa .imited inthe ond appa Poet, ‘TARIFF AUTHORITYFORMAJORFORTS, oc TAMP SI. CHPT ADR (Passed on this hay ef Taran, 2004) Ins ae telnet cxtion af the valid of the iti Seale of Rats pecrbed vide cdr passed by this Auslestyor. 27 Noveaber, 200 aller sevewing theta oF he Chana Conair Tena died in sneptnane the okey ict sued the Goverment af rivumae Sation 111 af MT Ant 186 2. Imomaliuase woth the pois hevction ssud fy he Covernart of (a in Oe Chennai Cova ecinad ‘inate ca bis Authority vie is Order dled 27 Novetben, 2003 approved on un incrm bas across Doad) rstease of 17a the hea eitng Seale of Rates the CCL wo ae aly CTL veh Mai 279%4 roca ssea7 HieCCTL wntalso adhd ts propos anor beire 1 Doce 003. Th vlc th neron Sele of anes fanaa. 201 ol aed paasd mth sels: 2. The CCTT fs, aucontingy, Med propos op 4 December, 200 fr camprcesivereviion ate anf and ‘eesti Arey oct the vali fT Aulboit ade tld on 28 November, 208 th ia onde ped 4 Since th: CCT. proposal on cmprebensve view of tar iene ulation process, diposa of the Dopoals kel torake some mar de Lis, dorofve excaaryn extend le ality ofthe Snr Sate Ral sryove vide the auderaf his Auhomy teiGed on 28 November 2008 5 tho sul and fie he aso prenabee, eel beset una vfetive applica ou nod tis Anko sca he vale urine Sealeat Hates of CCTE approved vid te Oeder would an 28 Notes, 7005 lst Mac Oar oe gate cl mpememaionof reve Sexlsur ates whichever seals. AL. BONAR, Chacnan TAD TMEV apa

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