5 eer eens os REGTRIE EDN pune IO at Che Gazette of. India- ERTRAOWENARY wwe PART TT — Sion vat rete PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY wit} TE Roh, rae, sere 2, 2004. de 22, Is SRL SLAwnTa MeNowy, TanUtaY MON PEA 78 125 1 word fir yeaa tf an tana ewe sent on oT care] Sart pig gen ao ern da a et aprate opatn, MINISTRY OFT.OY AND JUS agisatve vepartoent) Siow Pet, the Cte amar, 2AOPLant 22, 1924 ke ICE ‘The Fokaweng 4:1 of Paliawent received the asscat of tho Prosident on the ‘om daneary, 2004, ands hereby plised for gener itormlons-— ‘TIT SALARY. ALLOWANCES AND PENSION OF MEMBFRS OF PARLIAMENT (AMENDMEN) ACT, 2003 No. 90° 2004 (1 Saray, 2008.1 An Act further amendthe Salary, Allowanaes and Pensim of Members of Paclirnent Act, 1954, rir eustey Parkumencincheiytaath Vea ofthe Republi dias lowe 1. his Atay broth Salary, lianas and Parson ie (rcndneat Act 200 2% ln section 2 of he Sala. Aslowunees and Pension of Memes of Pilament Act, Amends! af?! 1983 hereinafter refered ash principal Ac, atereaos (ah. e Following clase sll" Pe 2 bsnwened camely = ut Paniamers sao rs co) "peor moans any ofthe following relives of edccasat member, ame 42) a minor lyithnat eo, aml on unmanied legos daghuer an widowed mere: 1 2 THE GAZETLECO BU:8 EXTRAOROTCARY ines TibIt wholly dependear onthe earings ofthomonberatthetiee afi teat, a¥0aaradaughle who as atained the geo agheen years and who isinmcor (it wtirrinpak deer oe cena ever a We time obit, (anne pene or (9) winorroberor maar itr or (onaitoned anghierindaw:or aminor bil of a prodseceid 59:0 (ea wince oa jee ovens abt chi ial aoparntafihe ‘(hae pera grnadpaent ima pare e:nenber ave of () sicher yr a ay e peste by the voles eed under scrion 9 by he int Commitee ywscne nsec ofthe princes! Aol — sees {)naesetion 2) air te secon ess, te following provisos tal: be inset ie — "Provided aloha in ease a member reves within a dzance of hoe ‘andrea areas rol Delhi he ore spouse, ore ourey prfenmed hy Fi by road, may don the kage allwanesteferd ox sels Ci) of Ins (eof sub zellen (7 plato of he avelingllesnee ic. would have been adele ow hd he enformed sh june by aur yp, sho cave maybe Pred also thc in ene metab rele inthe States of Arunacha rash, Assay, Manis, Meghalaya, Mizoram. Nageani, ikki oi her his syenoray drs thee loca fered in sub -lnwe ih of ‘Lae (2a sub-saton do Joey performed by bir hy wad fo it tesineo nang of Ke sit Satin te nearest ule we ssc 3 the elo stl-esion ell be nae names “an {ainkebas ben ested in biel eect at avsember of the ‘Council Saes fot he anitictin the Oia! Ga-ctoneiying Ws pune ander erin 7 i UheRopcesration of he Pepe Act, OSI has 2221981 hot an publsid nthe Offa Gzete: e bt bo has boon sled ur uruente? of the House ofthe Feuple in sggmeva eon eld arte purpose of eosiulinga new Rowse ofthe ‘eaple bathe nota the Ocal Gaze noting his tne ander featon 73 afte Reprovamation of te Pouple 2851 ha Dat been 43 of 15 abies ine ORT Gave (30 has beet elaclad in a bye-sleetion aya memoer of sitter House ofPuriamen! or vaminacd as amen oeiher house cr Petiaeent, stole pl ts sps00— an amount yall the are in epee of every jumey performed by "it FBceoorneiv etn before publication ot moievhowsareedto in clause (2) rele Peet! arrination uncer else) rvide iit incase he Journey cperfred by nll saver oro be shall be end the eeaburseuser af he Fare of oud lage to whi mierberisenie: Pel ether hat in cave pace ths jouteey hy ar cath joey shall be incl the purzoe oval iyo ees peered the Fis prov wubseotion (24° ween 5" 4 In setion ofthe priipl Aisin sub-section (2, ae e secur provi the fellow procs sll beast ae — Proved ab thespian heen may atime perl mein igh joneys am anya of dint epee ‘fea forth purpose ost such member ansuch ovary shall inl ade for The puress af eourtig thimycke jure rotred (6 i ets proviso to sob section (2 5. Aer sevon of the principal et thefllowingsettion sll be inst, ratyoly— SA. Where a esuon efecto mau ert af sefun 4 somes ely, he hall boat cach hanstacearmatatn Zr such period ria be apeited hy Be -uies rade onder clase {2ce) of suhetton (3) of Seton # hy che Foi Come”. 6 tn stction BA of the pins Ac for subsections (1) and), the fllowing sbsetins chal be cubtiutes, namely *(2) Whi edfers frm the commencement af Selmy, Allowalnees urd Ponsiun of Members of Purlument(Aaendimer) Ae, 200% ther tal bel eosin of thee thousand rupees per mensem 1 every prtson who has served fer any periad, a8 a member ef co *ovisional ParLment ar eie House verhament row hal whi any pres serv a¢ 2 acne athe Provsianal Parlament o¢ ener House of Wallen! fr 4 reid exceeding fv years, there sBall be pai to hin am akin peon af sic Randeed rapes por tenet Fr ary year ncaa af fee St, Sxpianation.—For the purpose of this sob-awetvon, “Pravisional _maliacen shall inclade the body which function ae Cansiien Astembly oF the Dominion of Indse immetstely before the cnoemenssment af Ihe (1. Witeaet fromthe commensamentot ie Salary, Aloe, see ant Poi of Monibers of Palmer: (Arsendaent ct, 2083, ere ak be oid» pension uf rupees ste thoazand a velurdre pr meen Lathe pune a,c depended ‘any rember io dies dang ister of fie a such ember, drape ove years Fea Be de oP his fh, spdemauon —tor te meal f doubts, itis hereby declared chat He spause or the dependent ofthe niember red tain hi cab-estics Shall be ented 15 ‘esiv he family reraion-nonifewecber adel nor bef fcommencernt tftae Soir, Mlowances and Yeosion of Members a Paiarnt (Amendment) Acs, oa 17. For setion 8A ofthe principal Ack te tll setlon thal he ubsinte, aly “AA. very pee who nace asiting Memisr but as sree Fo any period sea Menberaf cer Louse of Paiamene eal be — (6) ith eer ftom tho 181 dayof tua, 1999, ented aloog wit ‘snmp tase ny ui ay ny allay in iti arom oo ‘ieee or INE GATRYTE OF DIG EXTRAORDINARY flow-fESe 1 “Pp ented ta twavel alone i any tale by any railway in Tua in a= candied Ti sas, swihout payeneas of any charges ob the basis of allciaon dese far 2 purpoe hy he Secret of ether Hous of arama theca may smsmion af —_—_B, After soction BAA ‘ofthe penepal Ae, the felling action shall by sete, reeect panels ean at “SAB. Whete the payod or vhs the pension is payable er ta Act es contains 4 pat oF w yea, then, i uch part it Hine mnths 07 yf all be " eskonod eqeivaleat i complete one yea Forth pure vfsaymen. addons Benslo ude sif-srtion (F) of settion BA and such part's <6 thin une ‘euch skal be ev ied.” ‘wri 9m seus 9 be principal Actin sub see )-— (Caer lmso (a, he following lave sl be send amy “Yan be petson omy bo speci 4s dependent der ssa (p) of elas (a0 of ceation 3 UA afer las), he fllowing cans sal be inser arey— ce} the tansitaccomesodalion od the peri for which such sscamrmeston nay be provided under send SA (a ar clase (hh Fnac hale eri, rey: — to provi farcry roar of ome ee elepene cdl ering lo any ser bepnning omar tar ene It day of Ap. 2082 to any secant TK VISWANATHAN, Se. to Gin in,