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Preview Extraordinary Gazette of India, 1991, No. 313

REGISTERED NO. D. (DN.) 127 The Gazette of India EXTRAORDINARY PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (i) PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 9] NEW DELHI, MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1991/PAUSA 17, 1912 Separate Paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as * separate compilation 41 GI/91 (1) 2 THE GAZLT1H OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i>] 3 4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] 5 MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY solids other than milk fat", shall be omit- ted. WELFARE ic) in clause (hi), for the words "fresh milk", (.Department of HealthJ the words "toned milk" shall be substitut- ed. NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 7th January, 1991 (3) In rule 55 of the said rules, after item 35 and the cnlries relaiiug thereto, the following item and G.SK. 1(J(LJ.~—Whereas a dralt uf certain rules entries shall be added, namely :— furtlier to amend the prevention of Irood Actmltera- tion Ruies, J.y;o, were puuusned as required by sub- section (1) of section 23 of the Prevention oi Food 1 3 Adulteration Act, 1954 (37 oi 1954,), with the noti- fication o! the Government of India, in the Ministry "36. Paneci" or Sorbic acid and Us sodium 20(X) of Health and Family Weltare (Department ot HealthJ Chliutm potassium or oileiuin salts No. G.S.R. 4(10, dated the 2nd January, 1990, in (calculated as sorbic acid) the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part 11, Section j, Sub-section (i), dated the 2nd January, 1990, iji- or viling objections and. suggestions irom the persons piopionic acid and us sodium likely to be affected thereby before the expiry of a or potassium salts (calculated m, period of sixty days from the date on which copies Propionic acid). of rhe Gazette in which the said notification was published, were made, available to the public; (4) In Appendix '£' to the said rules,— And, whereas, the copies, of the said Gazette were made available to the public on the 8th March, 1990; (a) for item A.11.01.03, the following item shall be substituted, namely :— And, whereas, the objections and suggestions re- ceived from the public on the said draft rules have "A. 11.01.03—STERILISATION : The term been considered by the Central Government; "sterilisation when used in association with milk, means heating milk in scaled Now, theiefore, in exercise of the power:; con- container continuously to a temperature ferred by sub-section (,1) of section 23 of the said of either 115°C for 15 minutes or at Act, the Central Government, after consultation with least 13O°C for a period of one second the Central Committee for Food Standards, hereby or more in a continuous flow and then makes the following rules, further to amend the Pre- packed under aseptic condition in her- vention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955, namely— metically sealed containers to ensure preservation at room temperature for a RULES period not less than 15 days from the date of manufacture"; 1. (1) These rules may be called the Prevention of Food Adulteration (First Amendment) Rules, 1991. (b) item A-l 1.02.06 shall be omitted; (c) after item A.U.02.O7.01, the following (2) They shall come into force on the date of item shall be inserted, namely *— their publication in the Official Gazette except rules (2) and (4) which shall come into force after a "A.—PROCESSED CHEESE period of six months from the date of publication SPREAD means a product obtained by on these rules in the Official Gazette. comminuting and mixing one or more 2. In the Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, types of hard cheeses into a homogenous 1955 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules),— plastic mass with the aid of heat. It may or may not contain butter, cream, butter (1) in clause (e) of rule 29, for the words "papad, oil, milk, skimmed milk, milk powder, sago or plain Dal Biji", the words and brackets cheese whey, sweet butter milk or one "papad (sago or plain), dal biji" shall be substituted. or more of these or any of these from which part of water has been removed. (2) in sub-rule (B) of rule 42 of the said rules,— It may also contain permitted emuls-ify- ing and stabilising agents. It may also contain one or more of the sodium|po- (a) in clause (i), in sub-clauses (a), (b) and (e1) of clause (i), for the words "litres of tassium salts of citric acid, phosphoric acid, tartaric acid, lactic acid in such milk", wherever they occur, the words quantities that mass of the solids of such "litres of toned milk" shall be substituted. emulsifying agents is not more than 4 per cent of mass of the processed cheese (b) in _ clause (ij), for tlu- portion b.;guuiin£ spread. It mny cvjiUiin seijinquiring and with tiic.. words1 'Tor the purpose of decid- buffering agents, namely, lactic acid, ace- ing" and ending with the words "Milk tic acid, citric acid nnrl nhosphoric acid. 6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART ll—SEC. 3(i)] It may contain vegetable colouring matter minimum "he-iit treatment equivalent to such as annatto, carotene, permitted fla- that of pasteurisation. It shall have plea- vouring agents and milk coagulating en- sant Yoghurt|Dahi like flavour. It shall zymes' with ur witlmtAt ptaifVd' cal- not contain any ingredient foreign to cium chloride (anhydrous salt) and so- milk. It shall be free from mouldness dium citrate not exceeding 0.02 per cent and free from signs of fat or water seep- may be added. It may contain natural age or both. It shall be smooth and it sweetening agt'ntsi, nalmely, sugjuir, dex- shall not appear dry. It shall not contain trose cane, sugar, conn syrup, honey, corn extraneous colour and flavours. It shall syrup solids, maltose, malt tyrup and conform to the following requirements, hydrolysed lactose in a quantity neces- namely : — sary fur seasoning and spices and con- diments. It may contain sodium chloride Chakka Skimmed not exceeding 3 per cent by weight. Pro- milk cessed cheese spread may contain sor- Chakka bie acid or nMn or both to the maximum extent of 0.1 per cent by weight. It shall (I) Totul solids, per cent by wciglu MID. 30 Min. .0 not contain mure than 60 per cent mois- (ii) Milk fat (on dry basis) Min. 33 Max. 5 per cent by weight ture and milk fat content (on dry basis) shall not be less than 40 per cent by (in) Milk protein (on dry Mm. 37 Mm. 60 basis) per cent by weight weight"; (IV) Unable acidily (as Jactic Man. 2.5 Max. 2.5 (d) in items A.M.02.14 and A.I 1.02.18, for acid) per cent by weight the words "packed in hermatically staled (v) Total ash (on dry basis) per Max. 3.5 Max 5.0 containers" wherever they occur, the words cent by weight "packed in nitrogen or mixture of nitro- gen and carbon dioxide in hermatically Chakka when sold without any indicatton sealed containers" shall respectively be shall conform to the standards of Chakka. substituted ; A.—SHRIKHAND—means the (e) after item A.I 1.02.21, the following items product obtained from Chakka or Skim- shall be inserted, namely :— med Milk Chakka to which milk fat is added. It may contain fruits, nuts, sugar, "A.—BUTTER OIL OR BUT- cardainam, saffron and other spices. It TER FAT—are products exclusively ob- shall not contain any added colouring tained from butter or cream and result- and artificial flavouring substances. It ing from the removal of practically the shall conform to the following specifi- entire water and solids-not-fat contents. tions, namely :— (i) Total solids, per cent by weluht Not less than 58 It may contain permitted anti-oxidantsi not (ii) IVIilk fat (on dry basis) p^r cent by Not less thun S.5 exceeding O.02 per cent by weight ex- weight cept gullatc which shall not exceed 0,01 (iii) Milk pro tin (on dry basis) por Not less than 10.5 per cent by weight. It shall conform to cent by weight standards of quality of ghee laid down (iv) i'itrable acidity (as lactic acid) Not more than 1.4 in item A.I J.02.21 except Butyro rc- per cent by weight 1'racto -meter1 reading which shajl fee (v) Sugar (Sucrose) (on dry basis) Not moie than 72.5 40.0-44.0 at 40°C. In case of imported "percent by weight butter oil, Reichcrt value shall not be (vi) Total.ash (on dry bssis) per cent by Not more than 0.9 less than 24. weight In cast of Fruits Shrikhand it shall contain A.ll.02.22—CHAKKA—means a white to Milk fat (on dry basis) per cent by weight pale yellow semi-solid product of good . . .Not less than 7.0 ami Milk Protein texture and uniform consistency obtain- (on dry basis) per cent by weight.... ed by draining ofl' the whey from the Not less than 9.0v\ Yoghurt obtained by the lactic fermen- tation of cow's mill,, buffalo's milk, skim- med mt'/r ,ri,' u'Civ,\l)ir4l,;J or rtancl.u" INw I'. I;i0l4|2'lisS>'Pli(i,'CN| dised milk, which has been subjected to BAI.BIR SINGH, Jr. Sec>. 7 i\ G.SR. 7r><F_) lit P 2-7.'< NO IT The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955 were first published in Part 43. G.S.R. 23Mli) dt. 20-4-78 II Section 3 of the Gazette of India vide 44. G.S.R. 393(F.) dt. 4-8-78 S.R.O. 2105 dated 12-9-1955 and :.ub- oquenlly amended as follows by :— 45. G.S.R. 590(K) dt. 23-12-78 1. S.R.O. 1202 dated 25-5-56 4fi. G.S.R. 55(E) dt. 31-1-79 2. S.R.O. 1687 dated 28-7-56 47. G.S.R. 142(E) dt. 16-3-79 ("Corrigendum) 3. S.R.O. 2213 dated 28-9-56 (Extrnordi- 48. G.S.R. 2310") dt. 6-4-79 naty) 49. G.S.R. 1843 dt. 11-8-7? (Corrigendum) 4. S.R.O. 2755 dated 24-11-56 50. G.S.R. 1210 dt. 29-9-79 (Corrigendum) The further amendments were published in Part 51. G.S.R. 19(E) dt. 28-1-80 II, Section 3 sub-section (i; of Gazette of India as 52. G.S.R. 243 dt. 1-3-80 follows by :— 53. G.S.R. 244 dt. 1-3-80 5. G.S.R. 514 dt. 28-6-58 54. G.S.R. 996 dt. 27-9-80 (Corrigendum) fi. OS.R, 1211 dt. 20-12-58 55. G.S.R. 579(E) dt. 13-10-80 7. Ci.S.R. 425 dated 4-4-60 ^6. G.S.R. 652(E) dt. M-1I-8O 8. G.S.R. 169 dated 11-2-61 57. G.S.R. 7IO(E) dt. 22-12-80 9. G.S.R. 1134 dated 16-9-61 58. G.S.R. 2303) dt. 16-1-81 10. G.S.R. 1340 dated 4-11-61 59. G.S.R. 20503) dt. 25-3-81 (Corrigendum) 11. G.S.R. 1564 dated 24-11-62 60: G.S.R. 290(E) dt. 13-4-81 12. G.S.R. 1589 dated 22-10-64 11. G.S.R. 444d t 2-5-81 (Corrigendum) 13. G.S.R, 1814 dated 11-12-65 62. G.S.R. '50303) dt. 1-9-81 14. G.S.R. 74 dated 8-1-69 fi.V G.S.R. 89] dt. 3-10-81 (Corrigendum) 15. G.S.R. 382 dated 19-3-66 64. G.S.R. 1056 dt. 5-12-81 (Corrigendum) 16. G.S.R. 1256 dated 26-8-67 f^5. G.S.R. 80 dt. 23-1-82 (Corrigendum) 17. G.S.R. 1533 dated 24-8-68 66. G.S.R. 44(E) dt. 5-2-82 18. G.S.R. 2163 dt. 14-12-68 (Corrigendum) 67. G.S.R. 57(E) dt, 11-2-82 19. G.S.R. 532 dated 8-3-69 20. G.S.R. 1764 dt. 26-7-69 (Corrgendum) 68. G.S.R. 245(E) dt. 11-3-82 21. G.SR. 2068 dt. 30-8-69 69. G.S.R. 30703") dt, 3-4-82 (Corrigendum) 22. G.S.R, 1908 dated 24-16-70 70. G.S.R. 386 dt. 17-4-82 (Corrigendum) 23. G.S.R. 938 dated 12-6-71 71. G.S.R. 42203) dt. 24-5-82 24. G.S.R. 992 dated 3-7-71 72. G.S.R. 47605) dt. 29-6-82 25. G.S.R. 553 dt. 6-5-72 73. G.S.R. 504(E) dt 20-7-82 (Corrigendum) 26. G.S.R. 435(E) dated 10-10-72 74. G.S.R. 753fF) dt. 11-12-82 (Corrigendum) 27. G.S.R. 133 dt, 10-2-73 75. G.S.R. 10903) dt. 26-2-83 28. G.S.R. 205 dt. 23-2-74 76. G.S.R. 249OE) dt. 8-3-83 29. G.S.R. 850 dt. 12-7-75 77. G.S.R. 268(E) dt. 16-3-83 30. G.S.R. 5O8(E) dt. 27-9-7S 78. G.S.R. 283(F1 dt. 26-3-83 31. G.S.R. 63(E) dt. 5-2-76 79. G.S.R. 32903) dt. 14-4-83 (Corrigendum) 32. G.S.R. 754 dated 29-5-76 SO. G.S.R. 539(E) dt. 1-7-83 (Corrigendum) 33. G.S.R. 755 dt. 29-5-76 81. G.S.R. 634 dt. 915-83 (Corrigendum) 34. G.S.R. 856 dt. 12-6-76 82. G.S.R. 743 dt. 8-10-83 (Corrigendum) 35. G.S.R. 1417 dt. 2-10-76 83. G.S.R. 790(E) dt. 10-10-83 36. G.S.R. 4(E) dt, 4-1-77 84. G.S.R. 803(F) dt. 27-10-83 37. G.S.R. 18(E) dt. 15-1-77 85. G.S.R. 8160H) dt. 3-11-83 38. G.S.R. 651CE) dt. 20-10-77 86. G.S.R, 829(F) df. 7-11-83 39. G.S.R. 732(E) dt. 5-12-77 87. G.S.R. 84RYE) dt 19-11-83 40. G.S.R. 775 (E) dt. 27-12-77 S8 G.S.R. 8930;) dt. 17-12-83 (Corrigendum) 41. G.S.R. 3603) dt. 21-1-78 89. GSR, 113 dt. 20-1-84 (Corrigendum) 8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC 3d')] 00 OS.R. 500(E1 <-1t 9-7-84 P.V G.S.'R. .444(1?,) dt. .31-3-87 (Corrigendum) 91. G.S.R. 0l2(H) Jt. 18-8-84 (Corrigendum) 124. G.S.R. 422(E) dt. 29-4-87 (Corrigendum) 92. G.S.R. 744(E) dt. 27-10-84 125. G..S.R. 500(E) dt. 15-5-87 (Corrigen- 93. G.S.R. 764(E) dt. 15-11-84 dum) 126. G.S.R. 569(E) dt. 12-6-87 (Corrigendum) 94. G.S.R. 3(E) dt. 1-1-85 95. G.S.R. JKEJ dt. 4-1-85 127. G.S.R. 840(E) dt. 6-10-87 9ft. G.S.R. U2(£) dt. 8-3-85 (Corrigendum) 128. G.S.R. 900(E) dt. 10-11-87 97. G.S.R. 293(E) dt. 23-3-85 129. G.S.R. 916(E) dt. 17-11-87 9?,. G.S.R. 368(E) dt. 18-4-85 (Corrigendum) 130. G.S.R. 917(E) dt. 17-11-87 99. G.S.R. 385(E) dt. 29-4-85 (Corrigendum) 131 .G.S.R. 918(E) dt. 17-11-87 (Corrigen- dum) 100. G.S.R. 543(E) dt. 2-7-85 132. G.S.R. 72(E) dt. 3-2-88 (Corrigendum) 101. G.S.R. 550(E) dt. 4-7-85 133. G.S.R. 73(E) dt. 3-2-88 (Corrigendum) 102. G.S.R. 587(E) dt. 17-7-85 (Corrigendum) 134. G.S.R. 366(E) dt. 23-3-88 (Corrigen- 103. G.S.R. 605(E) dt, 24-7-85 dum) 104. G.S.R. 745(E) dt. 20-9-85 135. G.S.R. 367(E) dt. 23-3-88 105. G.S.R. 746(E) dt. 20-9-85 136. G.S.R. 437(E) dt. 8-4-88 106. G.S.R. 748(E) dt. 23-9-85 (Corrigendum) 137. G.S.R. 436(E) dt. 8-4-88 107. G.S.R. 892(E) dt. 6-12-85 138. G.S.R. 451(E) dt. 8-4-88 108. G.S.R. 903(E) dt. 17-12-85 (Corrigendum) 109. G.S.R. 73(E) dt. 29-1-86 139. G.S.R. 618(E) dt. 16-5-88 110. G.S.R. 5O7(E) dt. 19-3-86 140. G.S.R. 855CE) dt. 12-8-88 111. G.S.R. 724(E) dt. 29-4-86 (Corrigendum) 141. G.S.R. 85fi(E) dt. 12-8-88 112. G.S.R. 851(E) dt. 13-6-86 142. G.S.R. 924(E) dt. 13-9-88 (Corrigediim) 113. G.S.R. 852(E) dt. 13-6-86 143. G.S.R. 108KE) dt. 17-11-88 114. G.S.R. 910(E) dt. 27-6-86 144. G.S.R. 1157(E) dt. 9-12-88 115. G.S.R. 939(E) dt. 9-7-86 (Corrigendum) 145. G.S.R. 42(E) dt. 20-1-89 (Corrigendum) 116. G.S.R. 10080B) dt. 18-8-86 (Corrigen- dum) 146. G.S.R, 128(E) dt. 8-8-90 117. G.S.R. 1149CR) dt. 15-10-86 (Corrigen- 147. G.S.R. 41 l(E) dt. 29-8-90 dum) 148. G.S.R. 445(E) dt. 16-4-90 118. G.S.R. 1207(E) dt. 18-11-36 (Corrigen- dum) 149. G.S.R. 547(E) dt, 23-4-90 119. G.S.R. 1228(E) dt. 27-11-86 150. G.S.R. 729(E) dt. 23-8-90 120. G.S.R. 12(E) dt. 5-1-27 151. G.S.R. 732(E) dt. 23-8-90 121. G.S.R. 28(E) dt. 13-1-87 (Corrigendum) 152. G.S.R. 727(E) dt. 23-8-90 122. G.S.R. 270(E) dt. 2-3-87 153. G.S.R. 7<S4(E) dt, 7-8-1990 Printed by the Manager, Govt. of India Press, Ri'ig Road, New DeThi-mH)64 and Published by the Compiler of Publications r>1hi-110054, 1991

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