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Extracting three-body breakup observables from CDCC calculations with core excitations R. de Diego∗ Centro de Ciˆencias e Tecnologias Nucleares, Universidade de Lisboa, Estrada Nacional 10, 2695–066 Bobadela, Portugal R. Crespo† Departamento de F´ısica, Instituto Superior T´ecnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049–001 Lisboa, Portugal and Centro de Ciˆencias e Tecnologias Nucleares, Universidade de Lisboa, Estrada Nacional 10, 2695–066 Bobadela, Portugal 7 A. M. Moro‡ 1 0 Departamento de FAMN, Facultad de F´ısica, Universidad de Sevilla, Apdo. 1065, E-41080 Sevilla, Spain 2 (Dated: January 31, 2017) n Background Core-excitation effects in the scattering of two-body halo nuclei have been investigated in previous works. In a particular, these effects have been found to affect in a significant way the breakup cross sections of neutron-halo nuclei J withadeformedcore. Toaccountfortheseeffects,appropriateextensionsofthecontinuum-discretizedcoupled-channels 0 (CDCC) method havebeen recently proposed. 3 Purpose Weaimtoextendthesestudiestothecaseofbreakupreactionsmeasuredundercompletekinematicsorsemi-inclusive reactions in which only the angular or energy distribution of one of theoutgoing fragments is measured. ] h Method We use the standard CDCC method as well as its extended version with core excitations (XCDCC), assuming a t pseudo-statebasis for describing theprojectile states. Two- and three-bodyobservablesare computedbyprojecting the - l discretetwo-bodybreakupamplitudes,obtained withinthesereaction frameworks, ontotwo-bodyscattering stateswith c definiterelative momentum of theoutgoing fragments and a definitestate of the core nucleus. u n Results Ourworkingexampleistheone-neutronhalo11Be. Breakupreactionsonprotonsand64Zntargetsarestudiedat63.7 [ MeV/nucleon and 28.7 MeV, respectively. These energies, for which experimental data exist, and the targets provide two different scenarios where the angular and energy distributions of the fragments are computed. The importance of 1 core dynamical effects is also compared for both cases. v 6 Conclusions The presented method provides a tool to compute double and triple differential cross sections for outgoing 1 fragments following the breakup of a two-body projectile, and might be useful to analyze breakup reactions with other 6 deformedweakly-boundnuclei,forwhichcoreexcitationsareexpectedtoplayarole. Wehavefoundthat,whiledynamical 8 core excitations are important for the proton target at intermediate energies, they are very small for the Zn target at 0 energies around theCoulomb barrier. . 1 PACSnumbers: 24.10.Eq,25.60.Gc,25.70.De,27.20.+n 0 7 1 I. INTRODUCTION the case of elastic breakup, that we address here, sev- : v eralfew-bodyformalismshavebeendevelopedtoextract i X thecorrespondingcrosssections: Continuum-Discretized Recentexperimentalactivitieswithnucleiinthe prox- Coupled-Channels (CDCC) method [2, 3], the adiabatic r imity of the drip-lines have increased the interest in this a approximation [4, 5], the Faddeev/AGS equations [6, 7], region of the nuclear landscape. In particular, special andavarietyofsemiclassicalapproximations[8–13]. The attention has been paid to halo nuclei, spatial extended CDCCmethodisbaseduponanexplicitdiscretizationof quantum systems with one or two loosely bound valence all channels in the continuum and requires the solution particles, for example 11Be or 11Li. Breakup reactions of an extensive set of coupling equations. It has been haveshowntobeausefultoolforextractinginformation applied at both low and intermediate energies. fromtheseexoticstructures[1]. Reliableandwellunder- The standard formulation of these approaches ignore stoodfew-body reactionframeworkstodescribebreakup reactions of exotic nuclei, such as haloes, are therefore thepossibleexcitationsoftheconstituentfragments: the states of the few-body system are usually described by needed. Particularly, it is timely to estimate what are pure single-particle configurations, ignoring the admix- the relevant excitations mechanisms for the reaction. In tures of different core states in the wave functions of the projectile. These admixtures are known to be im- portant, particularly in the case of well-deformed nu- clei, such as the 11Be halo nucleus [14]. In addition, ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] †Electronicaddress: [email protected] for such two-body weakly bound system, dynamic core ‡Electronicaddress: [email protected] excitation effects in breakup have been recently stud- Typeset by REVTEX 2 ied with an extension of the Distorted Wave Born Ap- tions of the 10Be fragments resulting from the breakup, proximation (DWBA) formalism within a no-recoil ap- for which new measurements have been made [26]. proximation [15–18] and found to be important. This The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we method is based in the Born approximation and ignores briefly discuss the structure approach to describe two- higher order effects (such as continuum-continuum cou- body loosely-bound systems with core excitation. In plings). A recent attempt to incorporate core excitation Sec.III,theexpressionofthescatteringwavefunctionsis effects withinacoupled-channelscalculationwasdonein derived. The three-body breakup amplitudes are shown Ref.[19],usinganextendedversionoftheCDCCformal- inSec.IVandthe relatedmostexclusiveobservablesare ism [20], hereafter referred to as XCDCC. The different presented in Sec. V. In Sec. VI, we show some working calculations have shown that, for light targets, dynamic examples. We study 11Be+p and 11Be+64Zn reactions core excitations give rise to sizable changes in the mag- at low energies and we calculate the angular and energy nitude of the breakup cross sections. Additionally, these distributionsofthe10Befragmentsafterthebreakup. In excitations have been found to be dominant in resonant Sec. VII, the main results and remarks of this work are breakupof19Conaprotontarget[21]. Theseeffectshave collected. also been studied within the Faddeev/AGS approach in theanalysisofbreakupandtransferreactions[15,22,23]. II. THE STRUCTURE FORMALISM Within the CDCC and XCDCC reaction formalisms, the breakup is treated as an excitation of the projec- tile to the continuum so the theoretical cross sections Inthismanuscript,thecompositeprojectileisassumed are describedin terms of the c.m. scattering angleof the to be well described by a valence nucleon coupled to a projectileandthe relativeenergyofthe constituents, us- core nucleus and the projectile states are described in ing two-body kinematics. Because of this, experimental theweak-couplinglimit. Thus,thesestatesareexpanded data should be transformed to the c.m. frame for com- as a superposition of products of single-particle config- parison, but this process is ambiguous in the case of in- urations and core states. The energies and wavefunc- clusive data. This is a common situation, for example, tions of the projectile are calculated using the pseudo- in the case of reactions involving neutron-halo nuclei in state (PS) method [27], that is, diagonalizing the model whichveryoftenonlythechargedfragmentsaredetected. Hamiltonianinabasisofsquare-integrablefunctions. For Furthermore, even in exclusive breakup experiments un- the relative motion between the valence particle and the der complete kinematics, in which this transformation is core,we use a recently proposedextensionofthe analyt- feasible, the possibility of comparing the calculated and ical Transformed Harmonic Oscillator (THO) basis [14], experimental cross sections for different configurations which incorporates the possible excitations of the con- (angular andenergy)of the outgoing fragments provides stituents of the composite system. This approachdiffers a much deeper insight of the underlying processes, as from the binning procedure [25], where the continuum demonstrated by previous analyses performed by exclu- spectrum is represented by a set of wave packets, con- sive breakup measurements with stable nuclei [24]. The structedasasuperpositionofscatteringstatescalculated continuous developments at the radioactive beam facili- by direct integration of the multi-channel Schr¨odinger tiesopenstheexcitingpossibilityofextendingthesestud- equation. ThemainadvantageofthePSmethodrelieson ies to unstable nuclei. This will require improvements the fact that it provides a suitable representation of the and extensions of existing formalisms to provide these continuumspectrumwithareducednumberoffunctions observables. and, as we will see below, it is particularly convenientto describe narrow resonances. In the case of the CDCC framework, fivefold fully ex- We briefly review the features of the PS basis used in clusive crosssections werealreadyderivedin[25]. Inthe this work to describe the states of the two-body com- present work we extend this framework to the XCDCC posite projectile. The full Hamiltonian, under the weak- formalism and we provide more insight into the contri- coupling limit, would be written as: bution of core admixtures (CA) and dynamic core exci- tation(DCE)inthecollisionprocess. Aproperinclusion H =Tˆ +V (r,ξ)+H (ξ), (1) r cv core of core excitation effects in the description of kinemati- cally fully exclusive observables in the laboratory frame where Tˆ (kinetic energy) and V (r,ξ) (effective poten- r cv is the primary motivation of this manuscript with the tial) describe the relative motion between the core and aim of pinning down the effect of this degree of freedom the valence while H (ξ) is the intrinsic hamiltonian of core inangularandenergydistributions. Additionaly,thisal- thecore,whoseinternaldegreesoffreedomaredescribed lowstocomputebreakupobservablesforspecificstatesof through the coordinate ξ. The eigenstates of H (ξ) core thecorenucleus,whichcouldbeofutilityinexperiments correspondingtoenergiesǫ (definedbytheintrinsicspin I usinggammarayscoincidences. Thecalculationsarecar- ofthecore,I)willbedenotedbyφ and,additionalquan- I ried out within the combined XCDCC+THO framework tum numbers, required to fully specify the core states, [19] for breakup reactions of 11Be on protons and 64Zn will be given below. targets with full three-body kinematics. The formalism The core-valence interaction is assumed to contain a isappliedtoinvestigatetheangularandenergydistribu- noncentral part, responsible for the CA in the projectile 3 states. In general, this potential can be expanded into a set of N functions RTHO(r) (with n=1,...,N). The n,α multipoles: eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian will be of the form: V (r,ξ)= V (r,ξ)Y (rˆ). (2) nα N RTHO(r) cv λµ λµ Ψ(N) (r,ξ)= ci n,α Φ (rˆ,ξ ,ξ ), λµ i,J,M n,α,J r α,J,M v c X α n=1 XX (9) In this work the projectile is treated within the where i is an index that identifies each eigenstate and particle-rotor model [28] with a permanent core defor- ci arethecorrespondingexpansioncoefficientsinthe mation (assumed to be axially symmetric). Thus, in n,α,J truncated basis, obtained by diagonalization of the full thebody-fixedframe,thesurfaceradiusisparameterized Hamiltonian (1). in terms of the deformation parameter, β , as R(ξˆ) = 2 For numerical applications, the sum over the index of R0[1+β2Y20(ξˆ)], with R0 an average radius. The full the THO basis can be actually performed to get valence-core interaction is obtained by deforming a cen- tral potential V(0)(r) as follows, gJ (r) cv Ψ(N) (r,ξ ,ξ )= i,α Φ (rˆ,ξ ,ξ ) (10) i,J,M v c r α,J,M v c V (r,ξˆ)=V(0) r δ Y (ξˆ) , (3) Xα cv cv − 2 20 where the radial function is: (cid:16) (cid:17) whereδ =β R istheso-calleddeformationlength. The 2 2 0 N transformationtothespace-fixedreferenceframeismade gJ (r)= ci RTHO(r). (11) throughtherotationmatrices λ (α,β,γ)(dependingon i,α n,α,J n,α the Euler angles α,β,γ ). AfDteµr0expanding in spherical nX=1 { } harmonics (see e.g. Ref. [29]), the potential in Eq. (3) The negative eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian (1) are reads identified with the energies of bound states whereas the positive ones correspond to a discrete representation of V (r,ξˆ)=√4π λ(r) λ (α,β,γ)Y (rˆ), (4) the continuum spectrum. cv Vcv Dµ0 λµ λµ X with the radial form factors (u=cosθ′): III. SCATTERING WAVE FUNCTIONS λ(r)= √2λ+1 1 V (r δ Y (θ′,0))P (u) du. For the calculation of the three-body scattering ob- Vcv 2 cv − 2 20 λ servables (see Sec. IV) we need also the exact scattering Z−1 (5) statesof the valence+coresystemfor agivenasymptotic In comparison with Eq. (2) we have for a particle-rotor relative wave vector k , and given spins of the core (I) I model: and valence particle (s), as well as their respective pro- jections (µ and σ, respectively), that will be denoted as Vλrµotor(r,ξˆ)=√4πVcλv(r)Dµλ0(α,β,γ). (6) φ(k+I;)Iµ;sσ(r,ξv,ξc). Thesestatescanbewrittenasalinear combination of the continuum states with good angular The eigenstates of the Hamiltonian (1) will be a super- momentum J,M, that are of the form position of severalvalence configurationsand core states α = ℓ,s,j,I , with ~ℓ (valence-core orbital angular mo- fJ (k ,r) ment{um) and}~s (spin of the valence) both coupled to ~j Ψ(α+,J),M(kI,r,ξv,ξc)= α:α′r I Φα′,J,M(rˆ,ξv,ξc), α′ (total valence particle angular momentum), for a given X (12) totalangularmomentumandparityofthecompositepro- wherethe radialfunctions fJ (k ,r) arethe solutionof jectile, Jπ , i.e.: α:α′ I the coupled differential equations, Ψε,J,M(r,ξ)= nα RεJ,α(r)Φα,J,M(rˆ,ξv,ξc), (7) Eα′ −Trℓ′ −VαJ′:α′ fαJ:α′(kI,r)= r Xα (cid:2) VαJ′(cid:3):α′′fαJ:α′′(kI,r), (13) α′′6=α′ where n is the number of such channel configurations X α and the set of functions whereEα′ =Eα ǫI′+ǫI,asaconsequenceoftheenergy − conservation in the nucleon-core system when the latter Φα,J,M(rˆ,ξv,ξc)≡[Yℓsj(rˆ)⊗φI(ξ)]JM (8) is in the state I or I′, Trℓ′ is the relative kinetic energy operator,andVJ arethe couplingpotentialsgivenby α′:α′′ is the so-called spin-orbit basis. ingTthheefHunacmtiioltnosnRiaεJn,αin(ra)baaresihseorfesoqbutaarien-eindtebgyradbialegostnaatleizs-, VαJ′:α′′(r)=hα′JM|Vvc|α′′JMi (14) such as the THO basis. For each channel α, we consider with α′JM denoting the spin-basis defined in Eq. (8). | i 4 These radial functions behave asymptotically as a ular Coulomb function and TJ the T-matrix, that is α,α′ plane wave in a given incoming channel α and outgoing directly related to the S-matrix according to: waves in all channels, i.e.: SαJ,α′ =δα,α′ +2iTαJ,α′. (16) fαJ:α′(kI,r)→eiσℓ Fℓ(kIr)δℓ,ℓ′ +TαJ,α′Hℓ(′+)(kIr) , h i(15) In terms of these good-angular momentum states, the where σ are the Coulomb phase shifts, F (k r) the reg- scattering states result (see Appendix A) ℓ ℓ I 4π φ(k+I;)Iµ;sσ(r,ξv,ξc)=kIr ℓ,j,J,MiℓYℓ∗m(kˆI)hℓmsσ|jmjihjmjIµ|JMi α′ fαJ:α′(kI,r)Φα′,J,M(rˆ,ξv,ξc), (17) X X where m =M µ, and m=m σ. Next, assuming the validity of the completeness rela- j j − − tion in the truncated basis, we get: IV. BREAKUP AMPLITUDES TIs;J0 (k ,K) φ(−) Ψ(N) µσ;M0 I ≃ h kI;Iµ;sσ| i,J′,M′i i,J′,M′ X The scattering problem can be described by means Ψ(N) eiK·R U ΨXCD(K ) of the breakup transition amplitude TIs;J0 (k ,K) con- ×h i,J′,M′ | | J0,M0 0 i nsteactteincgomanpriinseitdiablysttahteet|aJr0gMet0(iaswsiutmheaµdσt;tMhor0ebee-bIsotrduyctfiunrea-l =i,J′,M′hφk(−I;)Iµ;sσ|Ψ(i,NJ)′,M′iTMi,J00,M,J′′(K), X less), the valence particle and the core, whose motion is (20) described in terms of the relative momentum, k , and a c.m.wavevector,K,thatdiffersfromtheinitialImomen- where the transition matrix elements Ti,J0,J′(K) are to tumW,eKpr0o,cinee|dJ0tMo 0rei.late TµIσs;;JM00 to the discrete XCDCC bTeheinitnetreproploaltaetdionfrommeththoeddfoisllcorwetsecolonseesMlyT0,tMMih,J0e′0,M,pJ′′r(oθcie,dKuir)e. two-body inelastic amplitudes Ti,J0,J′(θ ,K ), obtained of Ref. [25], with the difference that in this reference the M0,M′ i i after solving the coupled equations in the XCDCC continuum states of the projectile are described through methodandevaluatedonthe discretevaluesofK,given a set of single-channel bins. by the K = θ ,K grid. In order to obtain this The overlaps between the final scattering states and i i i relations{hip,}we r{eplace}the exact three-body wave func- thepseudo-statesareexplicitlygivenintheAppendixB, tion by its XCDCC approximation in the exact (prior so Eq. (20) yields the following transition amplitude: form) breakup transition amplitude. That is, we take ΨJ0,M0(K0)≃ΨXJ0C,MD0(K0) and therefore we can write: TµIσs;;JM00(kI,K)≃ 4kπ (−i)ℓYℓm(kˆI)hℓmsσ|jmji I J′ ℓ,m,j TµIσs;;JM00(kI,K)≃hφk(−I;)Iµ;sσeiK·R|U|ΨXJ0C,MD0(K0)i, (18) ×hjmXjIµ|XJ′M′i Gαi,J′(kI)TMi,J00,M,J′′(K), with the interaction U between the projectile and the Xi (21) targetdescribedbya complexpotentialexpressedasfol- lows: where U =Uct(r,R,ξ)+Uvt(r,R), (19) Gαi,J′(kI)= fαJ:α′(kI,r)giJ,α′(r)dr (22) where, in addition to the projectile coordinates r and Xα′ Z ξ, we have the relative coordinate R between the pro- are the overlaps between the radial parts of the scatter- jectile center of mass and the target. Furthermore, ing states and pseudo-stateswavefunctions. Notice that the core-target interaction (U ) contains a non-central ct these overlaps are not analytical and they must be cal- part,responsibleforthedynamic coreexcitationandde- culated at the energies given by the relative momentum excitation mechanism, while the valence particle-target k . In practice,we compute the term involvingthe sum- I interaction (U ) is assumed to be central. The scatter- vt mation over i in the r.h.s. of Eq. (21) on a uniform mo- ing wave functions φk(−I;)Iµ;sσ are just the time reversalof mentum mesh, and interpolate this sum at the required those defined in Eq. (17), and whose explicit expression k values when combining them with the scattering am- I is given in Appendix A. plitudes. In fact, Eq. (20) is formally equivalent to the 5 relation appearing in Ref. [25] and the main difference Here, the particle masses are given by m (core), m c v concerns the calculation of the overlaps. Moreover, the (valence), and m (target) while ~k and ~k are the t c v aboveexpressionscanbeusedwithinthestandardCDCC coreandvalenceparticlemomentainthefinalstate. The method (i.e. withoutcoreexcitations), inwhichcasethe totalmomentumofthesystemcorrespondsto~K and tot core internal degrees of freedom (ξ) are omitted. the connection with the momenta in Eq. (21) is made through: V. TWO- AND THREE-BODY OBSERVABLES m m m K =k +k p K ; k = ck vk (27) c v tot I v c − M m − m The transition amplitudes in Eq. (21), TIs;J0 (k ,K) tot p p µσ;M0 I (withtherelativemomentumkI andthec.m.wavevector with mp = mc + mv and Mtot = mc + mv + mt the K), contain the dynamics of the process for the coordi- totalmassesoftheprojectileandthethree-bodysystem, natesdescribingtherelativeandcenterofmassmotionof respectively. thecoreandthevalenceparticle. Fromtheseamplitudes we can derive the two-body observables for a fixed spin ofthecore,I,thesolidanglesdescribingtheorientations VI. APPLICATION TO 11BE REACTIONS of k (Ω ) and K (Ω ), as well as the relative energy I k K between the valence and the core, Erel. These observ- As anillustrationof the formalismwe evaluate several ables factorize into the transition matrix elements and a angular and energy distributions after a proper integra- kinematical factor: tion of the two- and three-body observablespresented in d3σ(I) µ k K µ2 theprecedingsection. Inparticular,weconsiderthescat- cv I pt dΩ dΩ dE =(2π)5~6K 2J +1 tering of the halo nucleus 11Be on 1H and 64Zn targets, k K rel 0 comparingwithdatawhenavailable. Theboundandun- × |TµIσs;;JM00(kI,K)|2, (23) bound states of the 11Be nucleus are known to contain µ,Xσ,M0 significant admixtures of core-excited components [31– where µ and µ are the valence-core and projectile- 33], and hence core excitation effects are expected to be cv pt target reduced masses. The integration over the angu- important. lar part of k can be analytically done giving rise to As in previous works [15, 19, 34], the 11Be structure I thefollowingexpressionforthetwo-bodyrelativeenergy- is described with the Hamiltonian of Ref. [35] (model angular cross section distributions: Be12-b), which consists of a Woods-Saxon central part (R = 2.483 fm, a = 0.65 fm) and a parity-dependent d2σ(I) = 1 K µ2ptµcv 1 strength(Vc = 54.24MeVforpositive-paritystatesand dΩKdErel 2π3~6K02J +1kI Vc = 49.67 M−eV for negative-parity ones). The poten- i,J′(k )Ti,J0,J′(K)2. tial co−ntains also a spin-orbit term, whose radial depen- × | Gα I M0,M′ | dence is given by 4/r times the derivative of the central J′,MX′,M0Xℓ,j Xi Woods-Saxonpart,andstrengthV =8.5 MeV.For the (24) so 10Be core, this model assumes a permanent quadrupole This expression provides angular and energy distribu- deformationβ =0.67(i.e.δ =1.664fm). Onlytheground 2 2 tions as a function of the continuous relative energy Erel state (0+) and the first excited state (2+, Ex = 3.368 fromthediscrete(pseudo-state)amplitudes. Asshownin MeV) are included in the model space. the next section, this representation is particularly use- ful to describe narrow resonances in the continuum even with a small number of pseudo-states. A. 11Be+ p resonant breakup The three-body observables, assuming the energy of the core is measured, are given by [25]: We first perform a proof of principle calculation and d3σ(I) 2πµ 1 apply the method to the breakup of 11Be on a proton pt = dΩ dΩ dE ~2K 2J +1 target at 63.7 MeV/nucleon. Previous work [16] showed c v c 0 that the main contributions to the total energy distri- TIs;J0 (k ,K)2ρ(Ω ,Ω ,E ), (25) × | µσ;M0 I | c v c bution arise from the single-particle excitation mecha- µ,Xσ,M0 nism populating the 5/2+1 resonance at Ex=1.78 MeV where the phase space term ρ(Ω ,Ω ,E ), i.e., the num- [36]andthecontributionfromtheexcitationofthe3/2+ c v c 1 ber of states per unit core energy intervalat solidangles resonance (Ex=3.40 MeV, [36]) due to the collective ex- Ω and Ω , takes the form [30]: citation of the 10Be core. c v We repeat, in here, the calculations of Ref. [16] for m m ~k ~k ρ(Ω ,Ω ,E )= c v c v theangulardistributionusingtheXCDCCformalismfor c v c (2π~)6 thereactiondynamics,andthepseudo-statebasisforthe mt structureof11Be. ContinuumstatesuptoJ =5/2(both . (26) × m +m +m (k K ) k /k2 parities) were found to be enough for convergenceof the (cid:20) v t v c− tot · v v(cid:21) 6 calculated observables. These states were generated di- 40 agonalizing the 11Be Hamiltonian in a THO basis with N =12 radialfunctions andvalence-coreorbitalangular a) E =0.0-2.5 MeV rel ) momenta ℓ 5. For the interaction between the projec- sr 10 + tile and the≤target, Eq. (19), we used the approximate b/ Be(I=0 ) m proton-neutron Gaussian interaction as in Ref. [16]; the ( centralpartofthecore-targetpotentialwascalculatedby m. 20 a folding procedure, using the JLM nucleon-nucleon ef- Ωc. fectiveinteraction[37]andthe10Beground-statedensity d σ/ from a Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics (AMD) d calculation [38]. For the range of the JLM interaction, we used the value prescribedin the originalwork, t=1.2 0 fm, andthe imaginarypartwasrenormalizedbyafactor N =0.8,obtainedfromthesystematicstudyofRef.[39]. i 10 + Be(I=0 ) The XCDCC coupled equations were integrated up to 100 fm and for total angular momenta JT ≤65. b/sr) 20 b) Erel=2.5-5 MeV 10B+e(I=2+)+ InFig.1weshowthetwo-bodybreakupangulardistri- m I=0 + I=2 butions, as a function of the 11Be∗ c.m. scatteringangle, (m. and we compare the total results with the experimen- c. Ω taldatawithinthetwoavailablerelativeenergyintervals d 10 [40],Erel =0 2.5(toppanel)andErel =2.5 5(bottom σ/ − − d panel). As in previous calculations [15, 19], the agree- mentwiththedataisfairlyreasonablewiththeexception of the first data point in the higher energy interval. The 0 peak appearing at small scattering angles for the lower 0 10 20 30 40 50 energyintervalisduetoCoulombbreakupanditwasnot θ (deg) c.m. present in our previous calculations due to the smaller cutoffinthe totalangularmomentum. Weshowalsothe FIG. 1: (Color online) Differential breakup cross sections of separate contribution for each of the states of the core. 11Be on protons at 63.7 MeV/nucleon, with respect to the We note that both contributions include the core excita- outgoing 11Be∗ c.m. scattering angle and the neutron-core tion effect through the admixtures of core-excited com- relativeenergyintervalsErel =0−2.5 MeV(top)andErel= ponents in the projectile (structure effect) and the core- 2.5−5 MeV (bottom). The contributions corresponding to the considered outgoing core states are also shown. See text targetpotential (dynamics). However,the productionof 10Be(2+) is only kinematically allowed when the excita- for details. tion energy is above the 10Be(2+)+n threshold, which lies at an excitation energy of 3.87 MeV with respect to the 11Be(g.s.). Consequently, for the lower energy in- distribution, it becomes apparent that the DCE mech- terval (top panel) the system will necessarily decay into anism is very important in this reaction. In particular, 10Be(g.s.)+n, irrespective of the importance of the DCE the energy spectrum is dominated by two sharp peaks mechanism. Notice thatthe emitted 10Be(2+)fragments correspondingtothe5/2+ and3/2+ resonanceswiththe 1 1 would be accompanied by the emission of a γ-ray with latter mostly populated by a DCE mechanism [15]. De- the energycorrespondingto the excitationenergyofthis spitetherelativelysmallTHObasis,theenergyprofileof state, thus allowing an unambiguous separation of both these resonances is accurately reproduced and this high- contributions. lightstheadvantageofthe pseudo-statemethodoverthe This is better seen in Fig. 2, where the differential en- binning procedure when describing narrow resonances. ergy cross section is plotted after integration over the Finally, besides the resonant contribution, we also note angular variables Ω in Eq. (24). The solid line is the that there is a non-resonant background at low relative K full XCDCC calculation, considering the core excitation energies and above the 10Be(2+)+n threshold. effects in both the structure and the dynamics of the re- Regarding the three-body observables [Eq. (25)], we action, and includes the two possible final states of the present in Fig. 3 the energy distributions of the 10Be 10Be nucleus. The 10Be(2+) contribution (red dashed fragments from the breakup process at four laboratory line) only appears for E > 3.4 MeV, corresponding to angles, plotting separately the 0+ and 2+ contributions. rel the 10Be(2+)+n threshold. As already noted, above this We observe from this plot the increasing relative impor- energy,the10Befragmentscanbeproducedineitherthe tance of the 10Be(2+) distribution with the angle. This g.s. or the 2+ excited state. We also show the calcu- is expected since larger scattering angles of the core im- lation omitting the DCE mechanism (green dot-dashed plies a stronger interaction with the proton target. It curve) and considering only the CA contributions in the is also apparent that this distribution is shifted to lower structure of the projectile. By comparing with the total energies with respect to the 10Be(g.s.) due to the higher 7 80 11Be+p @ 63.7 MeV/nucleon 1.2 11Be+p @ 63.7 MeV/nucleon mb/MeV) 60 XXXCCCDDDCCCCCC::: n1100oBB Dee C((02E+++) 2+) mb/MeV) 0.81 1100BBee ((II==02++)) (el40 E (c0.6 dEr σ/d σ/ d 0.4 d 20 0.2 0 0 550 600 650 700 0 1 2 3 4 5 E (MeV) E (MeV) c rel FIG. 4: (Color online) Calculated differential energy cross FIG.2: (Coloronline)Differentialenergydistributionfollow- section, as a function of the 10Be energy in the laboratory ing the breakup of 11Be on protons at 63.7 MeV/nucleon. frame, for the reaction 11Be+p at 63.7 MeV/nucleon. The Solid and dashed (red) lines correspond to the full (0++2+) solid(blue)anddashed(red)linesdescribethosecalculations and the 2+ contribution of the XCDCC calculation while when the I =0 or I =2 state of thecore is adopted. the dot-dashed line (green) represents the result without dy- namic core excitation. The arrow indicates theenergy of the 10Be(2+)+nthreshold. in Ref. [26] and have been analyzed within the stan- 300 dardCDCC frameworkin severalworks[41–43]andalso MeV)) 600 θc=0o θc=1o within the XCDCC framework [19]. The results pre- mb/(sr 400 1100BBee((02++)) 200 sreefnetreednchee,rbeuftolwloitwhctlwoosemlyatinhodsieffeinrecnlucdese:dfiirnsttlyh,isinlatthtaetr E (c workthe 10Be scattering angle was approximatedby the d 100 Ωc200 11Be∗ angle,assumingtwo-bodykinematics,whereasthe d 3σd/ appropriate kinematical transformation is applied here; 0 0 V)) θ=2o θ=3o secondly, the XCDCC calculations are performed here Me c c 60 in an augmented model space, including higher values b/(sr 100 of the relative orbital angular momentum between the E (mc 40 valence and core particles. In addition, the former anal- Ωdc 50 20 ysisis extendedbystudying the individualcontributions σ/d of the 10Be 0+ and 2+ states when computing the two- 3d 0 0 andthree-body observables. For the sakeof comparison, 500 550 600 650 700 550 600 650 700 E (MeV) E (MeV) we also perform standard CDCC calculations similar to c c thosepresentedin[42]butusingalargermodelspace,as FIG. 3: (Color online) Calculated laboratory-frame double detailed below. differential cross section for the 10Be fragments emitted in For the CDCC calculations, 11Be continuumstates up the process 11Be+p at 63.7 MeV/nucleon when four differ- to J =9/2 (both parities) and J =11/2− were included ent scattering angles are considered. The blue solid and red formaximumn-10Berelativeenergiesandorbitalangular dashedlinesrefertothecontributionsfromthedifferentcore states. momenta Ermealx =12 MeV and ℓmax =5, respectively. A THO basis with N =30 was employed and the involved interactions (i.e., the n-10Be, 10Be-64Zn, and n-64Zn po- tentials) were the same as in Ref. [42] except for that excitationenergyrequiredto produce the 10Be(2+) frag- betweentheneutronand10Be. Asin[42],weuseforthis ments. Theangle-integratedcontributionscanbeseenin potential that from Ref. [12], but we slightly modify the Fig.4,wherewenotethedominancefromthe0+ compo- depth for ℓ = 2 in order to reproduce the energy of the nent to the overall energy distribution although the 2+ 5/2+ resonanceobtainedwiththedeformedmodelBe12- 1 contributionamountsto13%ofthetotalcrosssectionat b. As for the XCDCC calculations,the following contin- this energy. uum states were considered: for J 5/2 (both parities), ≤ ℓ = 3 and Emax = 12 MeV. For 5/2 < J 11/2, we umseadx ℓ = 5 arneld Emax = 9 MeV. A THO≤basis with B. 11Be+ 64Zn breakup N =2m0afxunctions wasruelsed for all Jπ with the same po- tentials between the projectile constituents and the tar- We consider the 11Be+64Zn reaction at 28.7 MeV get as those used in Ref. [19]. The coupled equations for which inclusive breakup data have been reported were solved in this case with the parallelized version of 8 11Be+64Zn @ 28.7 MeV 600 11Be+64Zn @ 28.7 MeV 1000 Di Pietro et al. sr) XCDCC: 10Be(0+) eV) XCDCC: 10Be (I=0+) Ωd (mb/lab 500 XCCDDCCCC (S: 1P0 Bmeo(2d+e)l ) (x 25) E (mb/Mrel400 XCCDDCCCC (S: 1P0 Bmeo (dI=e2l)+) (x 25) σ/ d d σd/ 200 00 10 20 θlab 3(0deg) 40 50 60 00 1 2Erel (MeV)3 4 5 FIG.5: (Coloronline)Differentialcrosssection,asafunction FIG. 6: (Color online) Calculated 10Be differential energy ofthelaboratoryangle,forthe10Befragmentsresultingfrom cross section for the reaction 11Be+64Zn at 28.7 MeV. The the breakup of 11Be on 64Zn at Elab = 28.7 MeV. The solid solid (blue) and dashed (red) lines represent the contribu- line(blue)isthecalculation whenthecoregroundstate, I = tions with I =0 or I =2 as the core states in the two-body 0, is selected in Eq. (25) after integration over Ωv and Ec. distributions (24) after integration overΩK. The dot-dashed Thedashedline(red)referstothe2+ contribution. Asingle- (green) line considers the same calculation without core de- particle calculation, omitting the core deformation, is also formation, assumingasingle-particle modelfortheprojectile shown as a dot-dashed curve(green). Experimental data are within the standard CDCC framework. The arrow indicates from Ref. [26]. theenergy of the10Be(2+)+nthreshold. the Fresco coupled-channels code [44]. The inclusion of 10Be(2+)+n threshold. Consequently, in this reaction high-lyingexcitedstates producesnumericalinstabilities the 10Be will be mostly produced in its ground state. in the solution of the coupled equations. A stabilization Moreover, it is remarkable the presence of a promi- procedure similar to that proposed in [45] was used to nent peak at energies around the low-lying 5/2+ reso- get stable results. nance, where the dominant component corresponds to In Fig. 5 we compare the data from Ref. [26] with the the10Be(0+)configuration. Asecondbump,correspond- present calculations. For the XCDCC calculations, the ing to the population of the 3/2+ resonance, can be 0+ and 2+ contributions are shown separately as solid 1 barely seen. This small contribution reflects the scarce (blue) or dashed (red) lines, although the latter is found relevance of the DCE mechanism for this medium-mass to be negligible in this case. The new CDCC calcula- targetaspointedoutinRef.[19]but,contrarytothecon- tion(greendot-dashedcurve)appearstobeclosertothe clusions therein, the core excitation effects in the struc- results with core deformation but both of them clearly ture of the 11Be are not so large and the assumption of underestimate the experimental breakup cross section, a single-particle model for the projectile yields a similar in accordance with previous results [19]. Nevertheless, breakup cross section (green dot-dashed line). In addi- these former calculations were carried out within a re- tion, unlike the case of the proton target, a dominant duced model space and the proper kinematical transfor- non-resonantbreakup is found at low relative energies. mationwasnotapplied. Theremainingdiscrepancywith the data could be due to the contribution of non-elastic The different role of DCE for elastic breakup in the breakupevents(neutronabsorptionortargetexcitation) cases of the proton and 64Zn targets can be ascribed to inthedatasincetheneutronswerenotdetectedintheex- the dominance of the dipole Coulomb couplings in the perimentofRef. [26]. In this regard,itis worthrecalling latter case, which hinders the effect of the quadrupole that the CDCC method provides only the so-calledelas- couplingsassociatedwiththeexcitationofthe10Becore. ticbreakupcomponent,sothetargetisleftintheground We expect that, for heavier targets, this dominance is state. The inclusion of these non-elastic breakup contri- enhancedandthereforetheeffectoftheDCEmechanism butions has been recently the subject of several works will be further reduced. [46–48] but the considerationof this effect is beyond the Finally,asmallcoreexcitationeffectisalsoapparentin scope of the present work. Fig.7,whereweshowthebreakupenergydistributionsof In Fig. 6 we show the breakup cross section as a func- the 10Be emitted fragments within the standard CDCC tion of the 11Be excitation energy, with respect to the (onlyconsideringthe10Be(0+)state)orXCDCC(includ- 10Be(g.s.)+n threshold. The solid (blue) and dashed ing both 0+ or 2+ states in 10Be) reactionformalisms at (red)linescorrespondtothe10Be(g.s)and10Be(2+)con- four laboratory angles. The relative importance of the tributions. Most of the cross section is concentrated 2+ state increases with increasing angle but its absolute at low excitation energies, close to the breakup thresh- magnitudeisnegligibleinallcases. Itisalsoobservedan old, being negligible for excitation energies above the overallreductionofthemeanenergyofthe2+ corestate, 9 500 200 300 MeV)) 400 θc=13o θc=30o 160 11Be+64Zn @ 28.7 MeV 3σΩd/ddE (mb/(sr cc1230000000 11C00DBBeeC((C02++ ())S P(x m25o)del) 04810020 E (mb/MeV)c200 XXCCCDDDCCCCCC (S:: 11P00 BBmeeo ((dII==e02l)++)) (x 25) sr MeV)) 18000 θc=40o θc=50o 30 σd/d 100 b/( E (mc 60 20 Ωdc 40 10 010 15 20 25 30 σ/d 20 E (MeV) 3d c 0 0 15 20 25 3015 20 25 30 E (MeV) E (MeV) FIG. 8: (Color online) Calculated laboratory frame 10Be c c differential energy cross section for the breakup reaction FIG.7: (Coloronline)Calculatedlaboratoryframe10Becross 11Be+64Zn at 28.7 MeV.Thebluesolid andred dashedlines sectionenergydistributionsfortheprocess11Be+64Znat28.7 account for the components obtained with the different core MeV with different laboratory angles in Eq. (25). Under the statesintheXCDCCcalculation. Thedistributioncomputed XCDCC framework we study both the 0+ (blue solid) or 2+ with the standard CDCC method (no deformation) is also (reddashed)contributionswhilethestandardCDCCmethod shown (green dot-dashed). provides the distributions without core deformation (green dot-dashed). nucleus, thus permitting a more direct connection with experimental observables. as a consequenceofthe more negativeQ-value. The cor- Themethodhasbeenappliedtothescatteringof11Be respondingangle-integratedenergydistributionisshown on protons and 64Zn. The 11Be nucleus is described in in Fig. 8. As expected, this distribution is completely a simple particle-rotor model, in which the 10Be core dominated by the 10Be(g.s.) contribution, displaying an is assumed to have a permanent axial deformation [35]. asymmetric shape with a maximum around26 MeV and The core-target interaction is obtained by deforming a a large low-energy tail extending down to 15 MeV. For central phenomenological potential. Within the devel- core energies above the peak, the distribution exhibits oped approach the angular and energy distributions of a pronounced drop as a consequence of the kinematical the 10Be fragments (with an intrinsic spin, I) following cutofffromtheenergyconservationtogetherwiththein- the breakup of 11Be have been calculated and compared teractionbetweenthephasespacefactorandthebreakup with experimental data, when available. amplitude in the semi-inclusive cross section. Actually, In the 11Be+p reaction,we find that a significant part thesharpfalloffwouldbepresentunlessthebreakupam- of the breakup cross section corresponds to the 10Be ex- plitude is very small around the maximum energy [49]. citedstate. Moreover,wehaveconfirmedtheimportance oftheDCEmechanism,arisingfromthenon-centralpart of the core-target interaction, for the excitation of the VII. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS low-lying 5/2+ and 3/2+ resonances [16]. We have also studied the 11Be+64Zn reaction at In this paper we have presented a formalism for the 28.7 MeV, extending the previous analysis performed in calculation of two- and three-body breakup observables Ref. [19]. Although in that reference a sizable difference fromXCDCCcalculations. Themethodhasbeenapplied was observedbetween the calculations with and without tothecaseofthescatteringofatwo-bodyprojectilecon- deformation, the present calculations suggest that this sistingonacoreandavalenceparticle,andtakingexplic- difference is largely reduced if a sufficiently large model itly into account core excitations. The method is based spaceisemployedfortheXCDCCcalculation. Inviewof on a convolution of the discrete XCDCC scattering am- these new results, we may conclude that, unlike the pro- plitudes with the exact core+valence scattering states. tontargetcase,the effectof coreexcitationis very small The formalism is a natural extension of that presented in this reaction as far as the breakup cross sections con- in Ref. [25] for the standard CDCC method, the main cern. Asaconsequence,the10Be(2+)yieldisfoundtobe difference being the multi-channel character of the pro- negligibly small. We may anticipate that this conclusion jectile states in the present case. The convoluted transi- will also hold for other medium-mass or heavy systems. tionamplitudesarethenmultipliedbythecorresponding Thequalitativedifferencewithrespecttotheprotoncase phase-spacefactorto producethe desired(two-orthree- stems from the larger importance of Coulomb couplings body)differentialcrosssections. Theformalismprovides in the 64Zn case. the separate cross section for specific states of the core Although all the calculations presented in this work 10 have been performed for the 11Be nucleus, we believe where, in the r.h.s. of the equation, we have separated that the results are extrapolable to other weakly-bound for conveniencethe partcontaining the regularCoulomb nucleiand,consequently,theeffectsdiscussedhereshould function. betakeninconsiderationforanaccuratedescriptionand interpretation of the data. Finally, we notice that the To compare this with the asymptotic behaviour we semi-inclusivedifferentialcrosssectionspresentedinthis need the partial-wave decomposition of the plane wave: papercanbeusedtoproducetransverseandlongitudinal momentumdistributions,whichhavebeenusedtoobtain spectroscopic information using both light and proton 4π targets. eikI·r = k r iℓ(kIr)jℓ(kIr)Yℓ∗m(kˆI)Yℓm(rˆ). (A3) I ℓ,m X More generally, in presence of Coulomb, the expansion Acknowledgments above becomes: The authors would like to thank Prof. J.A. Tostevin fsourppusoerftulbcyomthmeeFnutsndaan¸cda˜odispcaursasioanCs.iˆeRn.cDia. aeckanoTweclendogloes- χC(kI,r)= k4πr iℓeiσℓFℓ(kIr)Yℓ∗m(kˆI)Yℓm(rˆ). (A4) I ℓ,m gia (FCT) through Grant No. SFRH/BPD/78606/2011. X This workhas also been partially supported by the FCT contract No. PTDC/FIS-NUC/2240/2014as well as the Spanish Ministerio de Econom´ıa y Competitividad and FEDER funds under project FIS2014-53448-C2-1-Pand Using this result, the plane wave reads: by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and in- novation programunder grant agreement No. 654002. χ (k ,r)ϕ(v)(ξ )ϕ(c)(ξ )= (A5) C I sσ v Iµ c Appendix A: Calculation of multi-channel scattering 4π iℓeiσℓF (k r)Y∗ (kˆ)Y (rˆ)ϕ(v)(ξ )ϕ(c)(ξ ). states k r ℓ I ℓm I ℓm sσ v Iµ c I ℓ,m X Herewederivethe coefficientsC ,thatrelatethe ℓ,j,J,M scattering states with the solution of the Schr¨odinder equation for good values of J,M according to the ex- Inoder to expressthis state interms ofthe basis(8), we pansion use the following expansions: φ(+) (r,ξ ,ξ )= C Ψ(+) (k ,r,ξ ,ξ ). kI;Iµ;sσ v c ℓ,j,J,M α,J,M I v c ℓ,j,J,M X Y (rˆ)ϕ(v)(ξ )= ℓmsσ jm (rˆ,ξ ) (A6) (A1) ℓm sσ v h | jiY(ℓs)jmj v jX,mj The expansion coefficients are determined by replacing thefunctionsΨ(+) (k ,r,ξ ,ξ )bytheirasymptoticbe- α,J,M I v c haviour, Eq. (15), F (k r) φ(k+I;)Iµ;sσ(r,ξv,ξc)→ eiσℓCℓ,j,J,M ℓ rI δℓ,ℓ′ ℓ,jX,J,M Xα′ (cid:20) (rˆ,ξ )ϕ(c)(ξ )= jm IµJM Φ (rˆ,ξ ,ξ ). + TαJ,α′Hℓ(′+)r(kIr) Φα′,J,M(rˆ,ξv,ξc) Y(ℓs)jmj v Iµ c XJMh j | i α,J,M (vA7c) # (A2) So, collecting results, 4π χC(kI,r)ϕ(svσ)(ξv)ϕ(Icµ)(ξc)= k r Yℓ∗m(kˆI)iℓeiσℓFℓ(kIr) hℓmsσ|jmjihjmjIµ|JMiΦα,J,M(rˆ,ξv,ξc). (A8) I Xℓ,m jX,mjJX,M The above expression gives the plane-wave part of Eq. (A2), so we get for the C coefficients: 4π C = iℓY∗ (kˆ) ℓmsσ jm jm IµJM . ℓ,j,J,M k ℓm I h | jih j | i I mX,mj (A9)

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