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MMeetthhooddss iinn MMoolleeccuullaarr BBiioollooggyy TTMM VOLUME 139 Extracellular Extracellular Matrix Matrix Protocols Protocols EEddiitteedd bbyy CChhaarrlleess HH.. SSttrreeuullii MMiicchhaaeell EE.. GGrraanntt HHUUMMAANNAA PPRREESSSS Semipermeabilized Cells 1 1 Semipermeabilized Cells to Study Procollagen Assembly Richard R. Wilson and Neil J. Bulleid 1. Introduction This chapter will describe the preparation and use of a semipermeabilized (SP) cell system that reconstitutes the initial stages in the assembly and modi- fication of proteins entering the secretory pathway (1). The procedure involves treating cells grown in culture with the detergent digitonin and isolating the cells free from their cytosolic component (2). The expression of proteins in an SP cell system allows protein assembly to be studied in an environment that more closely resembles that of the intact cell. As this is an in vitro system, the individual components can be manipulated easily, providing a means by which cellular processes can be studied under a variety of conditions. In addition, membrane-permeable chemical crosslinking reagents can be added in order to facilitate the study of interaction between proteins within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumen (1,3). Furthermore, as the ER remains morphologically intact, the spatial localization of folding and transport processes within the reticular network may also be examined. The basic protocol involves translation of an mRNA transcript encoding the protein of interest in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate supplemented with the SP HT1080 cells prepared as outlined below (Subheadings 3.1. to 3.3.). This particular cell line was initially chosen because it can carry out the complex co- and post-translational modifications required for the assembly of procollagen molecules into thermally stable triple helices (4). Other cell lines have been used to study the initial stages in the biosynthesis of a wide range of proteins demonstrating the flexibility of this approach. The mRNA transcript coding for the protein of interest is translated in the presence of a radio-labeled amino acid (35S-methionine) such that the protein synthesized can be visual- From: Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 139: Extracellular Matrix Protocols Edited by: C. Streuli and M. Grant © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ 1 2 Wilson and Bulleid ized by autoradiography. As the RNA can be synthesized in vitro from cloned cDNA, the effect of manipulating the primary amino acid sequence on folding and assembly can be evaluated rapidly. Here we outline the procedures for preparing SP cells, transcribing cloned cDNAs, and translation of the RNA transcripts generated in translation systems optimized for folding reactions. We also describe some procedures for characterizing the product of translation, both in terms of its incorporation into the ER of the SP cells, and folding status. To illustrate this approach we will describe the synthesis, translocation, and assembly of procollagen (5,6), however, it should be stressed that these tech- niques are applicable to all proteins entering the secretory pathway. The fol- lowing data demonstrate that when added to the SP cell translation system, procollagen RNA can be translated into procollagen chains that are translo- cated into the lumen of the ER and fold and assemble to form interchain disul- fide-bonded trimers. Thus, when an exogenous protease is added to the translation reaction after translation, all the untranslocated procollagen chains are digested leaving only chains that have been translocated into the ER lumen (Fig. 1A, lanes 2 and 3). The material left after protease treatment is protected from proteolysis by being segregated within the ER as can be demonstrated by the complete digestion of this material following disruption of the ER mem- brane by the addition of detergent (Fig. 1A, lane 4). To demonstrate correct folding of the synthesized procollagen chains, a time-course of translation was carried out and the products of translation separated by SDS-PAGE under reducing or nonreducing conditions. Proteins containing intrachain disulfide bonds migrate with a faster relative mobility than the fully reduced protein and proteins forming interchain disulfide bonds have a correspondingly slower electrophoretic mobility (7). At early time-points, the newly synthesized procollagen chains form intrachain disulfides indicating correct folding of the monomeric chains (Fig. 1B,compare lane 1 with lane 7, and lane 2 with lane 8). These monomeric chains quickly associate to form interchain disulfide-bonded trimers (Fig. 1B, lanes 9–12). We have also shown, by protease resistance, that these molecules have formed a correctly aligned triple helix (5,8). Thus, the SP cell system faithfully reproduces the initial stages in the folding and assembly of procollagen. 2. Materials 2.1. Preparation of SP Cells 1. HT1080 cells (75 cm2 flask of subconfluent cells). 2. Phosphate-buffered saline (Gibco-BRL). 3. 1X trypsin-EDTA solution (Gibco-BRL). 4. KHM buffer: 110 mM KOAc, 2 mM MgOAc, 20 mM HEPES, pH 7.2. Semipermeabilized Cells 3 Fig. 1. Procollagen folding occurs within semipermeablized cells: RNA coding for procollagen was translated in the presence of semipermeabilized cells (see text for details). 5. HEPES buffer: 50 mM KOAc, 50 mM HEPES, pH 7.2. 6. 50 mg/mL soybean trypsin inhibitor, in sterile water stored at –20°C (Sigma, St. Louis, MO). 7. 40 mg/mL digitonin in DMSO, stored at –20°C (Calbiochem, La Jolla, CA). 8. 0.4% Trypan blue solution. 9. 0.1 MCaCl (stored at –20°C). 2 4 Wilson and Bulleid 10. 1 mg/mL micrococcal nuclease in sterile water, stored at –20°C. 11. 0.4 M EGTA (stored at –20°C). 2.2. Transcription In Vitro 1. 10 µg linearized plasmid DNA, containing gene of interest downstream form a viral polymerase promoter, in RNase-free water. 2. 5X transcription buffer (400 mM HEPES buffer, pH 7.4, 60 mM MgCl , 10 mM 2 Spermidine). 3. Nucleotide triphosphates (ATP, UTP, CTP, and GTP) (25 mMeach) (Boehringer Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany). 4. 100 mM DTT (Sigma). 5. T3/T7 RNA polymerase (50 U/µL) (Promega, Madison, WI). 6. RNase inhibitor (Promega). 2.3. Translation In Vitro 1. Flexi™ rabbit reticulocyte lysate. 2. Amino acid mix (minus methionine). 3. 2.5 M KCl. 4. EasyTag™ 35S-methionine. All reagents were supplied by Promega and stored at –70°C, except the 35S-methionine that is supplied by NEN Dupont and stored at 4°C. 2.4. Proteinase K Treatment 1. 2.5 mg/mL proteinase K in sterile H O. 2 2. 0.1 M CaCl . 2 3. 10% Triton X-100 stored at 4°C. 4. 0.1 M PMSF in isopropanol. 5. All reagents stored at –20°C. 3. Methods 3.1. Preparation of SP Cells This procedure uses a modified protocol based on that of Plutner et al. (2), which has been adapted for the cell-free expression of proteins (1). Treatment of mammalian cells with a low concentration of the detergent digitonin renders the plasma membrane permeable to the components of the cell-free translation system whereas retaining the ER membrane in a functionally intact state. This selective permeabilization of the plasma membrane is a consequence of the cholesterol-binding properties of digitonin. As cholesterol is only a minor constituent of the internal membrane system of the cell, the ER and Golgi networks remain intact, although some swelling of the ER is observed (see Note 1). Semipermeabilized Cells 5 1. Rinse HT1080 cells in flask with 2 ×10 mL PBS to remove medium that could inhibit trypsin. Drain and add 2 mL of trypsin solution (prewarmed to room tem- perature) and incubate at room temperature for 3 min. Cells should now be detached and can be disrupted by gently tapping the flask. Add 8 mL of KHM buffer and 20 µL soybean trypsin inhibitor (final concentration 100 µg/mL) to the tissue-culture flask. Transfer cell suspension to a 15-mL Falcon tube on ice. 2. Pellet cells by centrifugation at 350 ×gfor 3 min at 4°C. Aspirate the supernatant from the cell pellet. 3. Resuspend cells in 6 mL of ice-cold KHM. Add 6 µL digitonin (from 40 mg/mL stock, i.e., final concentration 40 µg/mL) and mix immediately by inversion and incubate on ice for 5 min (seeNote 2). 4. Adjust the volume to 14 mL with ice-coldKHM and pellet cells by centrifuga- tion as in step 2. 5. Aspirate the supernatant and resuspend cells in 14 mL ice-cold HEPES buffer. Incubate on ice for 10 min and pellet cells by centrifugation as in step 2. 6. Aspirate the supernatant and resuspend cells carefully in 1 mL ice-cold KHM (use a 1-mL Gilson pipet and pipet gently up and down). Place on ice. 7. Transfer a 10-µL aliquot to a separate 1.5-mL microcentrifuge tube and add 10µL of trypan blue. 8. Count cells in a hemocytometer and check for permeabilization, i.e., whether the trypan blue permeates into the cell. 9. Transfer cells to a 1.5-mL microcentrifuge tube and spin for 30 s at 15,000 ×g. Aspirate supernatant and resuspend the cells in 100 µL KHM using a pipet. 10. Treat the cells with a calcium-dependent nuclease to remove the endogenous mRNA. Add 1 µL of 0.1 MCaCl and 1 µL of monococcal nuclease and incubate 2 at room temperature for 12 min. 11. Add 1 µL of 0.4 M EGTA to chelate the calcium and inactivate the nuclease. Isolate the cells by centrifuging for 30 s in a microcentrifuge and resuspend in 100µL of KHM. 12. Use approximately 105cells per 25-µL translation reaction (approx 4 µL of the 100µL obtained). 3.2. Transcription In Vitro The cDNA encoding the protein of interest is ligated into a mammalian expression vector, such as pBluescript, upstream of a suitable promotor con- taining an RNA polymerase binding site from which transcription is initiated. Prior to transcription, the cDNA clone must be linearized by restriction endo- nuclease digestion to generate a template for mRNA synthesis. This method is a modification of a method described previously (9). 1. Prepare a 100-µL reaction mixture containing 44 µL H O, 10 µL linearized DNA 2 (5–10µg), 20 µL transcription buffer (5X), 10 µL 100 mMDTT, 1 µL RNasin (20U), 3 µL of each nucleotide. 6 Wilson and Bulleid 2. Add 3 µL of the appropriate RNA polymerase (150 U) and incubate at 37°C for 2 h (seeNote 3). 3. The RNA can be extracted with phenol/chloroform 1:1, then twice with chloro- form and precipitate by adding NaOAc, pH 5.2 to a final concentration of 300 mMand 3 vol of ethanol. The RNA pellet is resuspended in 100 µL RNase-free H O containing 1 mMDTT and 1 µL RNasin. 2 4. To assess the yield of RNA, a 1-µL aliquot should be removed and analyzed on a 1% agarose gel (seeNote 4). 3.3. Translation In Vitro The translation of proteins in vitro can be performed using either wheat germ extracts or rabbit reticulocyte lysates that contain ribosomes, tRNAs, and a creatine phosphate-based energy regeneration system. 1. Prepare a 25-µL reaction mixture containing 17.5 µL Flexi™ lysate, 0.5 µL amino acids, 0.5 µL KCl, 1.5 µL EasyTag 35S-methionine, 1 µL mRNA, and 4 µL SP cells (seeNotes 5and6). Incubate the translation sample at 30°C for 60 min and then place on ice. 2. Prepare the translation sample for SDS-PAGE by adding 2 µL of the product to 15 µL SDS-PAGE sample buffer (0.0625 M Tris/HCl pH 6.8, SDS (2% w/v), glycerol (10% v/v), and bromophenol blue) plus 2 µL DTT (1 M) and boiling the sample for 5 min. 3. The samples should be separated through a SDS-PAGE gel appropriate for the expected molecular weight for the protein of interest. After running, the gel should be dried and exposed to autoradiography film (seeNote 7). 3.4. Proteinase K Protection A “protease protection” assay is a method used to determine whether the nascent chains are targeted to the ER membrane and translocated into the ER lumen of the SP cells. The translation samples are treated posttranslationally with proteinase K, which rapidly digests any nontranslocated translation prod- ucts, whereas fully translocated proteins are protected by the lipid bilayer of the ER membrane. A control sample is incubated in the presence of proteinase K and Triton X-100, which solubilizes the ER membrane, and, therefore ren- ders the translocated protein susceptible to proteinase K digestion (see also Note 8). 1. Prepare a 25-µL translation reaction including freshly prepared SP cells as described in Subheading 3.3.After translation, place the sample on ice and gen- tly disperse the SP cells using a pipet tip. 2. Divide the translation mixture into three microcentrifuge tubes containing 3 × 8-µL aliquots. One sample is used as a nontreated control. To the other two tubes, add 1 µL CaCl (100 mM) and 1 µL Proteinase K (2.5 mg/mL). To one of these 2 samples, also add Triton X-100 to a concentration of 1% (v/v). Semipermeabilized Cells 7 3. Incubate the three samples on ice for 20 min, followed by a further incubation of the samples on ice for 5 min with 1 mM PMSF to inhibit the proteinase K. 4. Prepare the samples for electrophoresis by adding 5 µL of each reaction to 15 µL of SDS-PAGE buffer containing 2 µL DTT (1 M). 5. The samples should be separated through an SDS-PAGE gel appropriate for the expected molecular weight for the protein of interest. After running, the gel should be dried and exposed to autoradiography film (seeNote 8). 3.5. Analysis of Disulfide Bond Formation The native conformation of proteins entering the secretory pathway is often stabilized by disulfide bonds. The formation of intrachain disulfide bonds in a particular domain of a nascent polypeptide may represent a key event in the folding pathway. In the case of fibrillar procollagen chains, formation of the correct intrachain disulfide bonds in the carboxy-terminal domain (the C-propeptide) is necessary for the folding of these domains and is a prerequi- site for trimer formation (10,11). The trimers in turn are stabilized by interchain disulfides. The formation of disulfide bonds during folding can be moni- tored over time by trapping folding intermediates using the alkylating reagent N-ethyl maleimide (NEM) (12). The formation of intrachain disul- fide bonds generally increases the electrophoretic mobility of proteins during SDS-PAGE analysis, provided the sample is analyzed under nonreducing conditions. In contrast, multisubunit proteins that are stabilized by interchain disulfide bonds have a faster migration when the protein is treated with reduc- ing agents that cause dissociation into constituent monomers. 1. Prepare a 100-µL translation mix and divide this into four aliquots of 25 µL in separate microcentrifuge tubes 2. At intervals of 15 min, remove one of the tubes and add NEM to a final concen- tration of 20 mM and place on ice for the remainder of the time-course. 3. Isolate and “wash” the SP cells as described in steps 1and2 (Subheading 3.5.). 4. Solubilize each of the washed cell pellets in 50 µL SDS-PAGE buffer and then transfer 25 µL of each sample into fresh tubes containing 2 µL DTT. Boil the samples for 5 min prior to electrophoresis (seeNote 9). 4. Notes 1. The procedure takes approximately 1 h and should be carried out immediately prior to using the SP cells for translation in vitro, SP cells do not efficiently reconstitute the translocation of proteins after storage. It is also advisable to use a minimum of one 75 cm2 flask of cells (75–90% confluent) as it is difficult to work with a smaller quantity of cells. The size of the cell pellet will usually decrease during the procedure because of loss of the cell cytosol that is accompa- nied by a decrease in cell volume. 8 Wilson and Bulleid 2. The digitonin concentration has been optimized for permeabilization of HT1080 cells (i.e., the lowest concentration of digitonin that results in 100% permeabilization). If a different cell line is used, the concentration of digitonin required for permeabilization should be assessed by titration. It is not essential to trypan blue stain each batch of SP cells, although this is recommended if the proce- dure is not used routinely. 3. The yield of mRNA can be increased by a further addition of RNA polymerase (1µL) after 1 h. 4. To minimize degradation of the mRNA, the use of sterile pipet tips, microcentrifuge tubes is recommended. If the yield is low or the RNA is partially degraded it is possible that apparatus or solutions have been contaminated with RNases. 5. The authors recommend that the translation protocol is optimized for each different mRNA transcript as the optimal salt concentration (KCl and MgOAc) may vary. 6. To test the translation efficiency of a new RNA preparation, a single 25-µL reac- tion including 4 µL of sterile water instead of SP cells can be prepared. 7. If there are no protein bands then the RNA may need to be heated to 60°C for 10min prior to translation in order to denature any secondary structure. Additional products with molecular weights smaller than the major translation product may be observed because of ribosome binding to “false” start sites downstream of the initiation codon. 8. The translocated and nontranslocated forms of the protein usually migrate differ- ently on a reducing SDS-PAGE gel owing to modification of the nascent chain in the ER lumen. The translation products not treated with proteinase K will contain a mixture of these forms, the ratio of which is dependent upon the efficiency of trans- location. As the nontranslocated polypeptides are selectively degraded by addition of proteinase K, it is possible to assess which translation product corresponds to each form. The nontranslocated form will also comigrate with the polypeptide syn- thesized in the absence of SP cells. In the case of transmembrane proteins, treatment with proteinase K results in an increase in electrophoretic mobility corresponding to loss of the cytoplasmic domain that is accessible to the enzyme. The translocated polypeptide may migrate faster than the nontranslocated form resulting from signal peptide cleavage that occurs when the nascent chain enters the ER lumen. However, this may only be detected if no other covalent modification of the polypeptide occurs. Usually, the translocated polypeptides will exhibit decreased electrophoretic mobility because of glycosylation. In the case of procollagens, hydroxylation of proline and lysine residues also results in decreased electrophoretic mobility. 9. The reduced and nonreduced samples should be separated by a gap of two lanes in order to prevent reduction of the nonreduced samples by DTT that may diffuse across the gel matrix during electrophoresis. References 1. Wilson, R., Oliver, J., Brookman, J. L., High, S., and Bulleid, N. J. (1995) Devel- opment of a semi-permeabilised cell system to study the translocation, folding, assembly and transport of secretory proteins. Biochem. J.307, 679–687. Semipermeabilized Cells 9 2. Plutner, H., Davidson, H. W., Saraste, J., and Balch, W. E. (1992) Morphological analysis of protein transport from the ER to Golgi membranes in digitonin- permeabilized cells: role of the p58 containing compartment. J. Cell Biol. 119, 1097–1116. 3. Elliott, J. G., Oliver, J. D., and High, S. (1997) The thiol-dependent reductase ERp57 interacts specifically with N-glycosylated integral membrane proteins. J. Biol. Chem.272, 13,849–13,855. 4. Pihlajaniemi, T., Myllyla, R., Alitalo, K., Vaheri, A., and Kivirikko, K. I. (1981) Posttranslational modifications in the biosynthesis of type IV collagen by a human tumor cell line. Biochemistry20, 7409–7415. 5. Bulleid, N. J., Wilson, R., and Lees, J. F. 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(1994) The role of cysteine residues in the folding and association of the COOH-terminal propeptide of types I and III procollagen. J. Biol. Chem.269, 24,354–24,360. 11. Schofield, D. J., Uitto, J., and Prockop, D. J. (1974) Formation of interchain dis- ulfide bonds and helical structure during biosynthesis of procollagen by embry- onic tendon cells. Biochemistry13, 1801–1806. 12. Creighton, T. E., Hillson, D. A., and Freedman, R. B. (1980) Catalysis by protein disulphide isomerase of the unfolding and refolding of proteins with disulphide bonds.J. Mol. Biol.142, 43–62.

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