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extracellular matrix interactions with the apical surface of vascular endothelial cells PDF

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Preview extracellular matrix interactions with the apical surface of vascular endothelial cells

jf. Cell Sci. 76, 1-16 (1985) Printed in Great Britain © The Company of Biologists Limited 1985 EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX INTERACTIONS WITH THE APICAL SURFACE OF VASCULAR ENDOTHELIAL CELLS RANDALL H. KRAMER Department of Anatomy and Division of Oral Biology, Schools of Dentistry and Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, California 94143, U.SA. SUMMARY Cultured aortic endothelial cells, like their in vivo counterparts, form highly organized, confluent monolayers of polarized epithelioid cells that secrete, exclusively at their basal surface, an extracellular matrix to which they then attach. The influence of isolated subendothelial matrix preparations on cell polarity and monolayer organization was studied by presenting fragments of the matrix to confluent bovine aortic endothelial cell cultures. The matrix particles were immediately bound to the apical aspect of the cell monolayer and induced rapid reorganization of the monolayer into cells with a fibroblastoid morphology. To determine if fibronectin, the major glycoprotein of the subendothelial matrix, could be involved in the observed apical cell surface - matrix interactions, latex beads or small discs of Nucleopore filters were coated with the glycoprotein and presented to confluent monolayers. In a fashion similar to that observed with matrix fragments, materials coated with fibronectin caused focal reorganization of the cell layer. After contact with the coated beads, the underlying endothelial cells flowed upward and spread over the entire bead, forming a canopy of confluent cells that draped the particle. Contact of confluent monolayers with the coated filters induced similar behaviour, except that monolayer reorganization into the fibroblastoid phenotype was followed by emigration of the majority of underlying cells through the pores to the upper filter surface, where they formed a new organized cell monolayer with the typical endothelial cell mor- phology. Thus contact of the apical surface of endothelial cells with structures to which they adhere initiates a rapid disruption of the organized cell monolayer, followed immediately by a concerted effort of the local population to re-eatablish both cell polarity and monolayer contiguity. The expression of this behaviour may be important during tissue remodelling that occurs in neo- vascularization and during interactions with thromboemboli. INTRODUCTION The maintenance of cell polarity and contiguity by epithelia, endothelia and mesothelia is behaviour crucial for the proper expression of differentiated functions. It makes possible, for example, the unidirectional transport of solutes by epithelia and the non-thrombogenic nature of vascular endothelium. While little is currently known about the factors that regulate cell polarity, an obvious possibility is that environ- mental signals help determine and maintain proper orientation of individual cells in a given tissue. Such signals would include cell interactions with other cells and with surrounding extracellular matrix and fluids. Endothelia line all blood vessels and express unique cellular properties that endow Key words: extracellular matrix, endothelial cell, cell polarity. 2 R. H. Kramer the vasculature with a normally non-adhesive, non-thrombogenic and semi- permeable surface. Most endothelia elaborate some form of extracellular matrix, which is deposited exclusively at their basal surface and to which they strongly adhere. Matrix secretion is thus a polarized event, and the pathogenic consequences of intravascular matrix deposition are obvious, particularly in the light of the known platelet-binding properties (thrombogenicity) of this material (Baumgartner, Stemerman & Spaet, 1971). How does the apical (luminal) surface of the vascular endothelial cell differ from the basal (abluminal) surface, and if differences exist, how are they maintained? This study investigated the adhesive properties of the apical cell surface of cultured aortic endothelial cells. It was found that while the apical surface is normally quies- cent, it can, under the appropriate conditions, behave as an actively adhesive surface. Furthermore, contact of the apical surface with exogenously added extracellular matrix or with artificial surfaces coated with a matrix protein induces a total disor- ganization of the polarized cell layer, resulting in loss of the typical endothelial mor- phology. The perturbed cells respond quickly to re-establish both their original cell—cell interactions and an apical surface clear of adhesive structures. MATERIALS AND METHODS Cell culture Calf bovine aortic endothelial (BAE) cells, obtained from Dr D. Gospodarowicz, University of California, San Francisco, were passaged every 7 days at confluence, using 0-25 % trypsin in Ca2+- and Mg2+-free phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) containing 2mM-EDTA. Dissociated cells were plated on fibronectin-coated dishes at a split ratio of not more than 1 : 5 and cultured in the absence of fibroblast growth factor in Dulbecco's Minimal Essential Medium (GIBCO, New York, NY) supplemented with 10% calf serum (Sterile Systems, Logan, UT). The cloned cells have been fully characterized and are positive for factor VHI-associated antigen (Gospodarowicz, Greenburg, Foidart & Savion, 1981; Gospodarowicz, Moran & Braun, 1977; Gospodarowicz et al. 1980). Fibronectin coating of culture dishes was performed by incubating a solution of purified fibronectin in PBS at 100 /ig/ml for 1 h at 22°C. The dishes were then washed extensively with PBS. Fibronec- tin was isolated from bovine or human plasma by elution from gelatin-Sepharose as previously described by Ruoslahti, Hayman, Pierschbacher & Engvall (1982). Preparation of isolated subendothelial matrix BAE cells were seeded onto bovine fibronectin-coated 10 cm culture dishes at near-confluent densities (5 X 10* cells/dish). After 24 h the medium was changed and ascorbic acid was added daily at 50 ^g/ml. Culture medium was replaced every 3 days. After 7-10 days the subendothelial matrix was isolated free of cells as described previously (Kramer, Gonzalez & Nicolson, 1980; Kramer & Nicolson, 1979; Kramer, Vogel & Nicolson, 1982) but with slight modifications. Briefly, the cell cultures were rinsed twice with PBS and twice with hypotonic buffer containing 10 mM- TrisHCl (pH7-S), 0-05mM-CaCl 0-01% bovine serum albumin (BSA), and 0-lmM- 2> phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride at 37 °C. The dishes were incubated at 37 °C for 8—10 min with the hypotonic buffer, after which the buffer was replaced with fresh hypotonic buffer containing 0-5 % NP-40 non-ionic detergent. The dishes were rinsed once more with the detergent solution and then washed five times with 10% calf serum in PBS. The resulting cell-free matrix was then removed in large sheets by gently scraping the dish with a sterile rubber policeman. The matrices were collected by centrifugation at 50^ for 10 min, then suspended in PBS containing 0-1 % BSA and homogenized in a loose-fitting Dounce homogenizer (Bellco, Vineland, NJ), using five to ten complete strokes. The resulting suspensions of matrix consisted of small fragments that averaged Matrix-endothelial cell interactions 3 about 50—100/im wide. The matrix fragments were collected by low-speed centrifugation (150 £) and rinsed three times with 0-1 %BSA in PBS. Binding assays For binding studies, subendothelial matrices were isolated as described above from BAE cultures radiolabelled for 72 h in a leucine-free medium containing 5/xCi/ml of [3H]leucine and 5 % foetal calf serum; ascorbic acid was added every 24h at 50/ig/ml. Bovine fibronectin, purified from citrated plasma using gelatin-Sepharose (Ruoslahti, Hayman, Pierschbacher & Engvall, 1982), and BSA (crystallized, Schwartz-Mann, Orangeburg, NY) were 125I-iodinated by the chloramine T method (Greenwood, Hunter & Glover, 1963; Ruosiahti, Vuento & Engvall, 1978). The iodinated fibronectin or BSA was adjusted with unlabelled fibronectin or BSA, respectively, to a specific activity of 1 X 103 c.p.m./^g and diluted to 100^g/ml in 50/»i-Tris-HCl(pH7-5). Latex beads, 12 or 90 [im in diameter, were added to the protein solutions at a final concentration of 10 % (v/v) and mixed by slow rotation for 1 h at 22 °C. The coated beads were then washed extensively with lOmg/ml of unlabelled BSA in 50mM-Tris • HCl(pH7-5). For binding assays, the coated latex beads were dispersed by brief sonication (Grinnell, 1980) and diluted to a final concentration of 5 X 105 beads/ml in warm Iscove's-modified Dulbecco's Minimal Essential Medium (GIBCO) containing 0-1 % BSA. Suspensions of radiolabelled matrix fragments were prepared in the same medium and contained approximately 1-0 X 10s c.p.m./ml. Confluent BAE cell monolayer cultures grown in 16-mm diameter cluster dishes (Costar, Cambridge, MA) were rinsed twice with warm medium and received 0-5 ml of the suspension of coated latex beads or homogenized matrix. In certain experiments the endothelial cell monolayers were pre-incubated at 4°C for 30min before the binding assays that were performed at that temperature. At selected times, triplicate dishes were washed gently twice with medium, and the radioactivity associated with the cell layer was solubilized in 0-5 ml of 1 -5 M-NaOH and 0-1 % sodium dodecyl sulphate overnight at 40 °C, neutralized with 1 -5 M-HCI, and counted by liquid scintillation spectrophotometry. Spon- taneous solubilization of radiolabel from either the coated latex beads or the homogenized matrix during the binding assay was less than 3-7 % of the total radioactivity added. Microscopy Cultures were fixed with 1 % glutaraldehyde in PBS at 37 °C for 15min and post-fixed with 1 % OsO 4 in PBS for 30 min at 22 °C. For scanning electron microscopy, the samples were processed as previously described. Thick sections (0-5-2^m) of Araldite-embedded material were mounted on glass slides and stained with 0-5 % toluidine blue. Immunofluorescent staining for bovine fibronectin was performed on 7-day-old cultures of BAE cells seeded at confluence on Nucleopore filters (5 /im diameter pores) precoated with human fibronectin, as described above for latex beads. The antiserum specific for bovine fibronectin was a gift from Drs Eva Engvall and Erkki Ruoslahti (La Jolla Cancer Foundation, La Jolla, CA) and was absorbed against human fibronectin. The rabbit antiserum against fibronectin was used at 1 : 50 dilution, and fluorescein-conjugated goat anti- rabbit immunoglobulin G (IgG) (Cappel, Cochranville, PA) was used as the second antibody at 1 : 200 dilution. Negative controls were performed in which normal, non-immune rabbit serum was used in place of the anti-fibronectin antiserum. Specimens were mounted in PBS-buffered glycerol and observed under epi-illumination. RESULTS The subendothelial matrix produced by the bovine aortic endothelial cells has been extensively characterized in a number of studies. In addition to fibronectin (Birdwell, Gospodarowicz & Nicolson, 1978; Kramer, Gonzalez & Nicolson, 1980; Sage, Crouch & Bornstein, 1979), other glycoproteins such as laminin (Gospodarowicz et al. 1981) and thrombospondin (Sageet al. 1979) are present. The major collagen type found is type III, in addition to types I, IV and V (Sagee* al. 1979; Tseng, Savion, Gospodarowicz & Stern, 1983). A high molecular weight heparan sulphate R. H. Kramer Fig. 1. Phase-contrast micrograph of fragments of bovine aortic endothelial (BAE) cell extracellular matrix prepared by homogenization. Bar, 30 \un. 1001- •a 60 o m 40 20 12 18 24 30 Time (min) Fig. 2. Time course of the binding of isolated BAE cell matrix fragments to confluent BAE cell cultures. Matrices were prepared from [3H]leucine-labelled cultures and homogenized to yield matrix fragments (see Fig. 1). Data points represent the average of three dishes, in which the S.D. was less than 10% of raw data. Matrix-endothelial cell interactions 5 proteoglycan is also associated with the isolated matrix (Kramer, Vogel & Nicolson, 1982). These components are arranged in a fibrillar structure that in confluent cul- tures can be visualized by electron microscopy and immunocytochemical methods to be only at the basal cell surface (Birdwell et al. 1978; Gospodarowicz, Greenburg, Foidart & Savion, 1981). Matrix fragments prepared from radiolabelled BAE cell cultures (Fig. 1) and presented to confluent endothelial cell monolayers were quickly bound. The kinetics of attachment was quite rapid and nearly complete after only 15 min incubation at 37 °C (Fig. 2); at 4 °C matrix binding did not occur, indicating that it is a temperature- dependent process. Immediately after the matrix fragments had attached to the cell monolayer, the cells underwent a profound alteration in morphology. The normally organized arrange- ment of the confluent epithelioid cell layer was transformed into fibroblastoid cells having a mycelia-like appearance in which many of the original cell- cell interactions were lost (Fig. 3). Similar results were obtained when extracellular matrices were isolated from skin fibroblasts or aortic smooth muscle cells and seeded onto BAE cell cultures. The disorganized cells exhibited increased motility, as obser- ved by time-lapse microscopy (not shown). Adjacent areas of the BAE cell monolayer that were not covered by the matrix sheets exhibited normal morphology. This indicates that direct contact with the matrix is required for the altered cell shape and that soluble factors released from the matrix are not inducing the morphological change. The disruption of the normally extensive cell—cell contacts was also evident when the cultures were viewed in cross-section (Fig. 4). The exogenous extracellular matrix was seen to be closely apposed at many sites to the apical surface of the endothelial cells, and the normally extensive cell-cell junctions were lost (Fig. 4B). BAE cells appeared to have established adhesions with the foreign matrix while still maintaining adhesion with the original subendothelial matrix formed at their basal surface. It is particularly noteworthy that at the edge of the matrix fragments endothelial cells migrated from beneath the fragment and began to spread over its surface (Fig. 4c). Eventually a confluent sheet of migrating endothelial cells continuous with the origi- nal cell layer was observed to cover the new matrix (Fig. 4D). Most importantly, as soon as they emerged from beneath the exogenous matrix, this advancing sheet of cells exhibited normal morphology, with highly flattened and closely apposed cells. Latex beads were used as a probe to study the adhesive properties of the BAE cell's apical surface. Uncharged latex particles are normally non-adhesive (Grinnell, 1980), but when coated with fibronectin, a major glycoprotein of the BAE cell's suben- dothelial matrix (Birdwell et al. 1978; Gospodarowicz et al. 1980, 1981; Kramer et al. 1980), the beads were rapidly bound to the BAE cell monolayers, and more than 70 % of the added beads were attached after 20 min incubation at 37 °C. In contrast, latex beads coated with bovine serum albumin did not attach, even after several hours of incubation. Furthermore, at 4°C the fibronectin-coated beads also failed to attach, indicating that the attachment process was temperature-dependent. Latex beads coated with the basement membrane-specific adhesive glycoprotein laminin also R. H. Kramer Fig. 3. Phase-contrast photomicrograph showing the response of BAE cells to contact at their apical surface with isolated extracellular matrix. Fragments of isolated matrix prepared from endothelial cell cultures were seeded onto the confluent endothelial cell monolayer and incubated at 37 °C for 4h. Reorganization of the endothelial cells into fibroblastoid cells has occurred beneath the matrix (arrowheads), while cells not covered by the matrix fragment remain highly organized (top half of microscopic field). Bar, 75/tfn. attached to BAE cell monolayers, but the rate of attachment was less than that obser- ved with fibronectin-coated beads (unpublished results). The normal ultrastructural features of the apical surface of cultured BAE cells, as revealed by scanning electron microscopy, are shown in Fig. 5A. Typically, en- dothelial cells are highly flattened, with no signs of microvilli or lamellopodia, and form a cobblestone-like mosaic of non-overlapping cells with extensive cell-cell con- tacts. Examination by scanning electron microscopy of cultures incubated with fibronectin-coated 12 /im diameter beads for various times is shown in Fig. 5B—D. After incubation for 5 min, the attached latex particles appeared to be bound predominately to the central portion of individual endothelial cells, and even at this early time point there was an eruption of lamellopodia that began to spread up the Matrix-endothelial cell interactions B Fig. 4. Light micrographs of thick sections of Araldite-embedded BAE cell cultures after incubation with isolated extracellular matrices. BAE cell matrix fragments were seeded onto confluent cultures of endothelium, as described for Fig. 3. The normal highly flat- tened morphology of the endothelium (A) contrasts with the disorganized cell layer under- lying matrix after 6h of incubation (B). In c endothelial cells (arrowhead) have begun to migrate onto the top of the added matrix (12h). At 24h this migration is extensive (D). Bar, 30 ^m. surface of the sphere (Fig. 5B), becoming more extensive by 15 min (Fig. 5c). By 1 h most of the beads were completely enveloped by endothelial cells (Fig. 5D) and remained so even after 24 h of incubation (Fig. 6A). Occasionally, it was found that the endothelial cells had spread completely over the latex bead and reformed a normal monolayer. In this case the beads were found sandwiched between the cell layer and the underlying extracellular matrix (Fig. 6B). This was particularly common when beads of very large diameter (90 pan) were presented to endothelial cell cultures. Fig. 6c shows the arrangement of the endothelial cell layer after incubation with fibronectin-coated particles 90 pan in diameter. After 24 h the endothelial cells had migrated over the particle, creating a continuous canopy of highly flattened cells that extended to the original cell layer. This process was usually complete after 12 h of incubation. R. H. Kramer Fig. 5. Scanning electron micrographs of the binding of fibronectin-coated latex beads to endothelial cell monolayers. Confluent BAE cell monolayers exhibit a smooth apical sur- face (A). Fibronectin-coated beads (12/mi in diameter) were presented to BAE cell cul- tures, and the monolayers were fixed and processed for examination after incubation for 5min (B), 15min (c), and 60min (D). Lamellopodia have gradually spread completely over the bead surface. Bars: A, 10/mi; B,C,D, 5/an. Matrix-endothelial cell interactions Fig. 6. Light micrographs of semi-thin sections of plastic-embedded endothelial cell monolayers incubated with fibronectin-coated latex beads. Confluent cell monolayers were seeded with coated beads as described for Fig. 5. After 24 h of incubation with beads 12 /an in diameter (A, B) or 90 ^m in diameter (c), the cultures were processed. In A a single endothelial cell has engulfed the 12 //m bead. Occasionally, the cells migrated over the bead (B) separating the cell layer from its subendothelial matrix (arrowheads). A con- tinuous cell monolayer has formed over the 90 jum diameter bead (c). Bars: A, B, 5 jUm; c, 20 fim. When Nucleopore filters coated with plasma fibronectin were placed on top of confluent monolayers of BAE cells, the underlying cells that came in contact with this structure quickly transformed into a disorganized population of fibroblastoid cells (Fig. 7A-D), similar to that observed when the cells were covered with fragments of matrix (Fig. 3). However, with continued incubation the affected cells were observed to migrate individually from beneath the filter through the 10 \im diameter pores and arrive at the top surface of the filter (Fig. 7c,D). Usually, however, migrating cells maintained some limited contact with adjacent cells in the original monolayer (Fig. 7c,D). After 5 h of incubation, more than 70 % of the cells originally beneath the filter had migrated to the upper surface. By 24 h more than 90% had relocated and established a new organized monolayer at the upper surface of the filter. Filters with 5 ,um diameter pores caused an identical response, but BAE cell migration through the filter pores was somewhat slower than with the 10 fim diameter, filters. Filters coated with bovine serum albumin neither attached to the monolayer nor induced monolayer disorganization. 10 R. H. Kramer Fig. 7

the subendothelial matrix, could be involved in the observed apical cell surface - matrix interactions, latex beads or small discs of Nucleopore filters
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