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Extra Dimensions and Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Experiments Marek G´o´zd´z,1,∗ Wiesl aw A. Kamin´ski,1,† and Amand Faessler2,‡ 1Theoretical Physics Department, Maria Curie–Sk lodowska University, Lublin, Poland 2Institute fu¨r Theoretische Physik, Universita¨t Tu¨bingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 14, D-72076 Tu¨bingen, Germany The neutrinoless double beta decay is one of the few phenomena, belonging to the non-standard physics,whichisextensivelybeingsoughtforinexperiments. Inthepresentpaperthelinkbetween the half-life of the neutrinoless double beta decay and theories with large extra dimensions is ex- plored. The use of the sensitivities of currently planned 0ν2β experiments: DAMA, CANDLES, COBRA, DCBA, CAMEO, GENIUS, GEM, MAJORANA, MOON, CUORE, EXO, and XMASS, gives the possibility for a non-direct ‘experimental’ verification of various extra dimensional sce- narios. We discuss also the results of the Heidelberg–Moscow Collaboration. The calculations are 2 based on the Majorana neutrino mass generation mechanism in the Arkani-Hamed–Dimopoulos– 1 Dvalimodel. 0 2 PACSnumbers: 11.10.Kk,12.60.-i,14.60.St,14.60.Pq Keywords: neutrinomass,extradimensions,ADDmodel,neutrinolessdoublebetadecay n a J I. INTRODUCTION shapes with tiny radii (the so-calledCalabi–Yaushapes) 5 whichhasverysmallinfluenceonourlife. Itis,however, possible that the extra dimensions are open, large, and ] The standardmodel (SM), despite being very success- h the difficulty in observing them has a different basis. p ful, has many drawbacks and cannot be regarded as the There are three main models used in building theo- - ultimate theory of elementary particles and their inter- p ries with large extra dimensions. Firstly, we have the actions. One of the most severe are the big number of e descriptionbasedonthe originalKaluza–Kleinapproach free parameters and the hierarchy problem. The idea of h [6,7],whichpredictsaloadofnewparticles,theso-called [ going beyond the SM is old, but only recently has been towersofKKexcitations. Secondly,therearemodelsfor- fully backedup by experimentalevidence of neutrino os- 1 mulated by Randall and Sundrum (RS models) [8, 9], in cillations [1–5]. This observation clearly calls for a more v whichtheextradimensionsarecompactifiedonorbifolds fundamental theory, which will extend the SM. One of 8 withaZ symmetry. Lastbutnotleast,therearepropo- the best candidates, whichcures mostof the SM’s weak- 2 2 sitionsofArkani-Hammed,DimopoulosandDvali(ADD 2 nesses, is the theory of superstrings. Within this theory models) [10–14], in which the standard model particles 1 onegetsridoftheproblematicpoint-likenatureofparti- are trapped on a 3D brane, which in turn floats in a . cles, therefore removing ultravioletdivergences. What is 1 higher dimensional bulk. In what follows we will use the 0 more,thereisnoneedtointroduceandfittoexperiments ADD approach. 2 so many free parameters (more than 20 in the SM). The Asmentionedabove,themainevidenceforphysicsbe- 1 stringtheoryisaconsistent,divergent-freequantumfield : theory. Itallowsalsotogenerate,inanaturalway,aspin- yondthe SM arethe oscillationsofneutrinos. According v to most theories, neutrino oscillations imply a non-zero i 2 massless field, which represents the graviton,therefore X neutrino mass and a difference between the flavor and unifying gravity and electroweak interactions. mass eigenstates of neutrinos. The physical mechanism r a However, the string theory requires two new features generating this difference, as well as masses, remain still for consistent formulation: the supersymmetry and ad- an open issue. ditional spatial dimensions. Supersymmetry introduces Assuming the existence of supersymmetry, or non- newkindofoperators,whichchangethe spinofparticles standard physics in general, one may expect the phe- by 1/2. Therefore a boson may be turned into a fermion nomena, normally forbidden by the symmetries of SM. and vice versa, which results in unification of forces and One of these is the neutrinoless channel of double beta matter. The idea of additional spatial dimensions sound decay (0ν2β) [15]. This decay, still not confirmed, is the evenmorestrange. Becausethesetwophenomenaarenot onlyexperimentalpossibilityofdeterminingthenatureof observed in the low energy domain, the supersymmetric neutrino (Majorana or Dirac particle). It may also help particles must be heavier than our current experimental in obtaining the absolute mass of these particles, since capabilities,andextradimensionsmuchsmallerthanour the oscillation experiments are sensitive to differences of ability to observe them. They may form closed, curled masses squared only. In our earlier work [16, 17] we have shown, that it is possibletorelatetheparametersdescribingextradimen- sionstothehalf-lifeofthe0ν2β decay. Inthepresentpa- ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] †Electronicaddress: [email protected] per we continue this topic with the analysis of the data ‡Electronicaddress: [email protected] provided by the Heidelberg–Moscow Collaboration (H– 2 M) as well as sensitivities of planned 0ν2β experiments, “shines” it everywhere, in particular also on our brane. from the point of view of large extra dimensions. The strength of the shined χ is in a natural way sup- Inthe nextsectionwerecallthe necessaryinformation pressed by the distance r between branes, and therefore about the ADD model of large extra dimensions. In the one can write for the messenger following section we shortly discuss the formula describ- ing the half-life of neutrinoless double beta decay. After χ = φ ∆n(r), (2) h i h i that, we arrive at the final formula and present and dis- where ∆ (R) is the n-dimensional propagator given by cuss the results. A summary follows at the end. n log(Rm ), (Rm 1) χ χ II. EXTRA DIMENSIONS ∆2(R) ∼ (−√e−RRmmχχ, (Rmχ ≪≫1) (3) 1 , (Rm 1) twIonmthaeinADpaDrtsa.pprOoanceh itshethsepascoe-ccaalnledbebduilvki,dead 3int+o ∆n>2(R) ∼ (eRR−nnR−−m22χ, (Rmχχ ≪≫1) (4) n dimensional space in which the gravity propagates. − Besides gravitons, it may be also populated with other We introduce a lepton field l(x) and a Higgs scalar field particles and fields, which are not contained in the stan- h(x) localized on our brane. They can interact with the dard model. Floating in the bulk, there is at least one messenger and the interaction is given by the following 3-dimensionalbrane,anobjectwhichispredictedby the Lagrangian[14]: string theory as a higher-dimensional generalization of thestring. Thestandardmodelisassumedtobeconfined Mn−1 int d4x′ φ χ(x′,y )+ on suchbrane. It means that all the SM interactionsare ∗ L ∼ h i ∗ Z propagating only within the brane. The same goes to d4x α[l(x)h∗(x)]2χ(x,0), (5) fermions, which must also be restricted to live on the Z brane. The just presented setting immediately explains the weakness of gravity in our universe, thus solving the where the first part represents the lepton number viola- hierarchyproblem. Namely,usingforexamplethegener- tion, occurring on the other brane, and the second part alized Gauss Law, one arrives at the so-called reduction is responsible for the interaction between SM fields and formula [13] the messenger on our brane. Let us assume for simplic- ity, that the second brane is as far away from ours as M2 RnM2+n, (1) possible, i.e. the distance between the branes is approx- Pl ∼ ∗ imately equal to R, the compactification radius. After where M 1028 eVis the Planckmass, M is the true Pl ∗ spontaneous symmetry breaking we substitute (2) into ∼ scaleofgravity,andRis the assumedcommoncompact- (5), write the Higgs field in terms of its vev v, and iden- ification radius of extra dimensions. One sees that, by tifyl withν . WearriveatamasstermoftheMajorana L properly adjusting the values of R and n, it is possible formm νT ν withthe massgivenapproximatelyby Maj L L tolowerthe true scaleofgravitytothe electroweakscale [14]: 1TeV,thusgettingridofthe hierarchyproblem. This ∼ is the main motivation for the ADD approach. v2∆(r) m . (6) Introducing a second brane, parallel to ours, one may Maj ∼ Mn−1 ∗ generate, under special conditions, a Majorana neutrino mass term. Let us denote the coordinates by xµ,ym , which, using Eq. (1), may be rewritten as [16]: { } where µ = 0...3 labels the ordinary space-time coordi- indaetnetsifaynindgmy =y1+..2.πnRlawbeelcsotmhpeaecxtitfryatdhiemeexntsriaondsi.meBny- mMaj ∼v2Rn(nn+−21)MP2(ln1+−2n)∆n(R), (7) ∼ sions on circles. (From now on we will drop the indices withv2 =(174 GeV)2 1022 eV2 beingthe Higgsboson µ and m for simplicity.) ∼ vev. Letusassume[13,14]thatleptonnumberisconserved onourbrane,locatedaty =0,butmaximallybrokenon the other one, placed on y = y∗. The breaking occurs III. NEUTRINOLESS DOUBLE BETA DECAY in a reaction where a particle χ, with lepton number L = 2 and mass m , escapes the other brane into the χ Neutrinoless double beta decay (0ν2β) is a process in bulk. This particle, called the messenger, may interact whichanucleusundergoestwosimultaneousbetadecays withourbraneandtransmittoustheinformationabout without emission of neutrinos lepton number breaking. To be more specific, let us introduce a field φL=2 lo- A(Z,N) A(Z+2,N 2)+2e−. (8) cated on the other brane, whose vacuum expectation → − value (vev) breaks the lepton number. What is more, It requires neutrino to be a Majorana particle, so that it acts as a source for the bulk messenger field χ and twoneutrinosemittedinbetadecaysannihilatewitheach 3 other. It is readily seen that this process violates the TABLEI:Sensitivitiesofsome0ν2β experimentsplannedfor lepton number by two units, thus it is forbidden in the the future. The half-life Texpt. is expressed in years, while frameworkofSM.The0ν2βdecayhasbeenclaimedtobe 1/2 effective neutrino mass in eV; ξ = Texpt.hm i2 . Values observed[18], butthis informationhasnotyetbeencon- 1/2 ν expt. firmed and has met some strong criticism from the com- taken from Refs. [21–25]. munity (see e.g. [19, 20]). In any case, even the limit for Texpt. hm i ξ non-observability of this decay sets valuable constraints 1/2 ν expt. expt. [y] [eV] [y eV2] on the shape of physics beyond the SM. It is the main tool to verify the nature of neutrino (Dirac or Majorana DAMA (136Xe) 1.2×1024 2.3 6.3×1024 particle). It may also help in determining the absolute MAJORANA(76Ge) 3×1027 0.044 5.8×1024 value of the neutrino mass. EXO 10t (136Xe) 4×1028 0.012 5.7×1024 Ignoring the contributions from right-handed weak GEM (76Ge) 7×1027 0.028 5.5×1024 currents, the half-life of 0ν2β can be written in the form GENIUS (76Ge) 1×1028 0.023 5.3×1024 [15]: CANDLES (48Ca) 1×1026 0.2 4.0×1024 m2 MOON (100Mo) 1×1027 0.058 3.4×1024 T1/2 =M−sp1ec me2. (9) XMASS (136Xe) 3×1026 0.10 3.0×1024 h νi CUORE (130Te) 2×1026 0.10 2.0×1024 One can write the same for any performed or planned COBRA (116Cd) 1×1024 1 1.0×1024 0ν2β experiment, replacing the relevant values with the DCBA (100Mo) 2×1026 0.07 9.8×1023 sensitivities of the experiments DCBA (82Se) 3×1026 0.04 4.8×1023 CAMEO (116Cd) 1×1027 0.02 4.0×1023 m2 Texpt. = −1 e , (10) DCBA (150Nd) 1×1026 0.02 4.0×1022 1/2 Mspec m 2 h νiexpt. Inrelations(9)and(10) isthe nuclearmatrixele- spec mentforaspecificnucleuMswhichcanbecalculatedwithin can be treated as nearly degenerate, with m1 m2 [28]. ≈ certainnuclearmodels,andme istheelectronmass. The Within these approximations one may express mee as a so-called effective neutrino mass mν is defined by the function of m1 and two mixing angles in the following relation h i form [28]: m2 =[1 sin2(2θ )sin2(φ /2)]m2 κ−1m2, (13) m = m U2 ee − Solar 12 1 ≡ 1 h νi (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)Xmi Ui e2i(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) m U 2 m U 2 , (11) wthheeKreasminL2a(n2θdSroelasur)lt≈s[10–.832,;2t9h].isBvyalCuePtsaykmesminettroyaccocnosuenrt- ⇒ (cid:12) 1| e1| (cid:12)± 2| e2| ± 3| e3| vation, the relative phase factor φ takes values either 12 (cid:12) (cid:12) where U is the(cid:12)neutrino mixing matrix and m a(cid:12)re neu- 0 or π/2. For φ12 = 0, mee = m1. The more interesting (cid:12) i (cid:12) case involves the mixing angle θ therefore we chose trinomasseigenvalues. ThelastformulationassumesCP Solar the value φ =π/2 having invariance. One sees from this equation that it is possi- 12 bmleattroixidinentthiefyflhamvoνribwaistihs the ee entry of neutrino mass m2ee =1.69 m21, (14) Infactthe exactvalue ofκis irrelevantinourdiscussion m =m , (12) h νi ee and the whole coefficient can in principle be set to one. What we are interested in is the order of magnitude of whichisgivenexactlybythesuperpositionofmasseigen- the half-life of 0ν2β decay. values from Eq. (11). By rewriting T in terms of Texpt. we get rid of the In the next section the link between T and the pa- 1/2 1/2 1/2 unwanted nuclear matrix elements rametersdescribingextradimensionswillbeestablished. m 2 T =Texpt.h νiexpt. =ξ m −2, (15) 1/2 1/2 m 2 h νi IV. RESULTS h νi where we have gathered all experimental values in the In the calculations we have neglected the contribution parameter ξ =Texpt. m 2 . Eqs. (12) and (14) allow comingfromthethirdneutrinointhemassbasis,setting 1/2 h νiexpt. to rewrite this expression as U 2m =0. This is justified by the results of CHOOZ e3 3 | | experiment [26, 27], which showed that there is a negli- T =ξm−2 =ξκm−2. (16) 1/2 ee 1 gible admixture of ν in the third mass eigenstate (less e than 3%; most of the analyses place the value of U 2 Finally,weassumethatneutrinosareMajoranaparticles e3 | | between0and0.05). Theremainingtwomasseigenstates in order to discuss the neutrinoless double beta decay. 4 Sinceweareleftwithonlyoneindependentmass,wemay specificvaluesofT . Ifapositivesignalwillberecorded 1/2 replace m with the expression for Majorana neutrino by that collaboration, it may be compared with our val- 1 mass, Eq. (7), finishing with ues to estimate the values of n, R and Rm . χ Letusstartwiththediscussionoftheclaimofevidence T1/2 = κ ξ v−4 R2n(1−n)/n+2 of 0ν2β decay. Klapdor et. al. in Ref. [18] reported a M4(n−1)/n+2 [∆ (R)]−2. (17) positive signal for the 0ν2β transition in 76Ge and, after × Pl n reanalyzing the data, announced the following values at more than 99.9% confidence level [37]: One sees that Eq. (17) consists of two parts. The first one is connected with 0ν2β experiments, for which the TH−M =1.19 1025 y, m =0.44 eV, (21) relevantvaluesarepresentedinTab.I.Wehaveincluded 1/2 × h νiH−M tha values as given by various collaboration assuming, which corresponds to ξ = 2.3 1024 y eV2. This claim, that these represent the best sensitivity of the projects. × although not confirmed, has not been withdrawn, so it Therefore the effective neutrino mass, which depends on deserves a careful analysis. The results are presented in the nuclear matrix elements, may be different for the Fig. 1. sameisotope. Howeverthecalculationsofthematrixele- Oneseesthatforalightmessengerparticle,theresults mentsusingvariousapproachesgiveonaverageachange do not depend on Rm , except for n=2, where the de- χ in m 200–300%which is well below the level of accu- ν pendenceisveryweak. Infacttheyareevenindependent h i racy of our discussion. of R and m separately. Obtaining constant values for χ The second part of Eq. (17) contains parameters of thatcase(forn 3)isageneralfeatureofthe model,as the extra dimensions. At this point we need to include ≥ will be seen in further discussion. Assuming that the H– constraints coming from other sources, like supernova M values correctly describe 0ν2β decay, and taking into and neutron star data [30–34], and cosmological mod- account possible errors, the closest match will be n= 3. els [35, 36]. Altogether, one of the most complete limits The n = 2 case is practically ruled out, since the sensi- have been derived in Ref. [32] and read: tivities of the experiments exceeded the obtained value by more than 15 orders of magnitude, and all of them R<1.5 10−7 mm for n=2, (18) × reported negative results. Another possible scenario is R<2.6 10−9 mm for n=3, (19) the n=4, but its verification will have to wait for more × R<3.4 10−10 mm for n=4. (20) powerful experiments than those planned today. × In the case of heavy messenger, the first solution is Taking into account bounds Eqs. (18)–(20) the formula n=2andRm 17. IftheH–Mresultswereconfirmed, χ forT1/2 becomesaninequality. ExplicitlyEq. (17)takes this possibility i≈s promising. Another choice could be the following forms of lower bounds on the half-life of n = 3 and Rm being close to 1. This, however, puts χ 0ν2β: a question mark on our prediction, since we have used Case n=2 theasymptoticalformsofthe propagator,whicharenot validforRm 1. Moreextradimensionsblowthehalf- T >1.11 10−15 ξ′ (log(Rm ))−2 , (Rm 1); χ ≈ 1/2 × χ χ ≪ life to extremely huge values, making the discussion at T >1.11 10−15 ξ′ e2Rmχ Rm , (Rm 1). this stage meaningless. 1/2 χ χ × ≫ The H–M data’s ξ value places itself in the middle of Case n=3 considered projects. Let us now say a few words about the currently planned 0ν2β experiments. The results for T >0.039 ξ′ , (Rm 1); 1/2 χ ≪ the DCBA experiment, which has the smallest ξ value, T >0.039 ξ′ e2Rmχ , (Rm 1). and for DAMA experiments with the biggest ξ are de- 1/2 χ ≫ picted on Figs. 2 and 3, respectively. For the remaining Case n=4 projects the results are summarized in Tabs. II and III. Allthevaluespresentedinthetablesareboundsfrombe- T >1.69 1011 ξ′ , (Rm 1); 1/2 × χ ≪ low on the 0ν2β half-life. In any case one should always T >1.69 1011 ξ′ e2Rmχ . (Rm 1). bear in mind the upper limit on R and from the value 1/2 χ × ≫ of Rm deduce the appropriate mass of the messenger χ We have denoted ξ′ = ξ/(1 eV2). In the above calcu- particle. lations the value κ = 1.69 has been used, which is con- The results for n = 2 are summarized in Tab. II. The sistent with the KamLand results [29]. The inequalities caseoflightmessengerisexcludedbythenegativeresults represent lower bounds on the half-life. The true value of 0ν2β experiments, which sensitivities have exceeded of T may be much bigger than the bounds itself. We thegiventhresholdbymorethan15ordersofmagnitude. 1/2 wouldliketo stress,thatthe followingdiscussionis valid In the case of heavy messenger,the quantity Rm turns χ onlyunderourassumptions,i.e. weliveinabraneworld out to be equal to at least 15. This value matches well andgenerateneutrinomassesaccordingtotheADDsug- the Rm 17 obtained for H–M experiment. χ ≈ gestion. If not, our bounds onT are not valid. Insert- Case n = 3 is presented in Tab. III for heavy messen- 1/2 ing ξ corresponding to various experiments one obtains ger. One sees that this case is not limited by the ex- 5 1e+40 1e+65 1e+60 1e+35 1e+55 y] 1e+30 y] 1e+50 [1/2 [1/2 1e+45 T T on 1e+25 on 1e+40 d d n n u u 1e+35 o 1e+20 o b b er H-M result er 1e+30 w n=2 w lo 1e+15 n=3 lo 1e+25 n=4 H-M result 1e+20 n=2 1e+10 n=3 1e+15 n=4 100000 1e+10 1e-05 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 5 10 15 20 25 30 R mχ R mχ FIG.1: Lowerboundsonthehalf-lifeofneutrinolessdoublebetadecayinthecaseoflight(leftpanel)andheavy(rightpanel) messenger particle for theHeidelberg–Moscow experiment. 1e+35 1e+60 1e+55 1e+30 1e+50 y] y] 1e+45 [2 1e+25 [2 T1/ T1/ 1e+40 n n o o d 1e+20 d 1e+35 n n ou n=2 ou wer b 1e+15 nn==34 wer b 1e+30 o o 1e+25 l l n=2 1e+20 n=3 1e+10 n=4 1e+15 100000 1e+10 1e-05 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 5 10 15 20 25 30 R mχ R mχ FIG.2: Lowerboundsonthehalf-lifeofneutrinolessdoublebetadecayinthecaseoflight(leftpanel)andheavy(rightpanel) messenger particle for theplanned DCBA (150Nd) experiment. periments. In fact the values Rm around 3 correspond periment. It may, however, serve as clue if all of them χ to the sensitivities of currently performed experiments, report negative results. For a light messenger, we face like the Germanium neutrinoless double beta decay in a similar situation as previously, i.e. the m depen- χ Gran Sasso. We repeat here, that for such small value, dencedropsout. Forfourextradimensionswefinishwith the validity of the results may be questioned. For light T >1.69 1011 ξ′, therefore obtaining T >1035 y. 1/2 1/2 χ particle the calculations give T > 3.9 10−2 ξ′, so × 1/2 × thereisnom dependence. Sincetheexperimentalfactor χ is of the order of 1024, we end up with T >1022−23 y. 1/2 Ifthenumberofextradimensionsisfour,asimplecal- Thediscussionmaybeextendedformoreextradimen- culation gives T > 1038 y for heavy messenger. This sions, if one is interested in the half-life of 0ν2β being 1/2 value isbeyondthe abilities ofanycurrentlyplannedex- longer than 1038 years. 6 1e+40 1e+65 1e+60 n=2 1e+35 n=3 1e+55 n=4 n=2 [y]1/2 1e+30 nn==34 [y]1/2 11ee++4550 T T on 1e+25 on 1e+40 d d n n u u 1e+35 o 1e+20 o b b er er 1e+30 w w lo 1e+15 lo 1e+25 1e+20 1e+10 1e+15 100000 1e+10 1e-05 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 5 10 15 20 25 30 R mχ R mχ FIG.3: Lowerboundsonthehalf-lifeofneutrinolessdoublebetadecayinthecaseoflight(leftpanel)andheavy(rightpanel) messenger particle for theplanned DAMA experiment. TABLE II: Lower boundson T1/2 in years for two additional dimensions (R<1.5×10−7 mm). Rm = 0.001 0.01 0.1 10 15 20 25 χ DAMA 1.6×108 3.6×108 1.4×109 3.7×1019 1.2×1024 3.6×1028 1.0×1033 MAJORANA 1.5×108 3.3×108 1.3×109 3.4×1019 1.1×1024 3.3×1028 9.2×1032 EXO (10t) 1.4×108 3.2×108 1.3×109 3.3×1019 1.1×1024 3.2×1028 9.0×1032 GEM 1.3×108 3.1×108 1.2×109 3.2×1019 1.0×1024 3.1×1028 8.6×1032 GENIUS 1.3×108 3.0×108 1.2×109 3.1×1019 1.0×1024 3.0×1028 8.3×1032 CANDLES 9.7×107 2.2×108 8.7×108 2.3×1019 7.5×1023 2.2×1028 6.2×1032 MOON 8.2×107 1.9×108 7.4×108 2.0×1019 6.3×1023 1.9×1028 5.3×1032 XMASS 7.2×107 1.7×108 6.5×108 1.7×1019 5.6×1023 1.7×1028 4.7×1032 CUORE 4.7×107 1.1×108 4.3×108 1.1×1019 3.7×1023 1.1×1028 3.1×1032 COBRA 2.4×107 5.5×107 2.1×108 5.7×1018 1.8×1023 5.5×1027 1.5×1032 DCBA (100Mo) 2.3×107 5.4×107 2.1×108 5.6×1018 1.8×1023 5.4×1027 1.5×1032 DCBA (82Se) 1.1×107 2.6×107 1.0×108 2.7×1018 8.8×1022 2.6×1027 7.4×1031 CAMEO 9.5×106 2.2×107 8.5×107 2.3×1018 7.3×1022 2.2×1027 6.1×1031 DCBA (150Nd) 9.5×105 2.2×106 8.5×106 2.3×1017 7.3×1021 2.2×1026 6.1×1030 V. SUMMARY use the results for exotic nuclear processes also to con- strainthe theorieswithlargeextradimensions. Needless to say, we have much better control over these experi- Theories which deal with extra dimensions face one ments, than those aforementioned. basic problem, namely the obvious difficulty of verifica- To sum up the results of the present paper, one can tion. Therearetwomaintypesofexperimentsperformed say that within the model used, the current0ν2β exper- nowadays. One are the tabletop gravity experiments, iments have reached the sensitivity to explore the possi- which test the Newton 1/r2 law on very small distances. bility of two, and maybe three additional spatial dimen- Thebestaccuracyofpresentsetupsis0.1mm[38]which sions. The future experiments shouldbe able to rule out isnotsufficient. Theotherarebasedonastronomicalob- the possibility of three extra dimensions, provided they servations,mainlyconcerningsupernovasandblackholes finish with negative results. The sensitivity needed to [30–36]. These, however, are very difficult and highly reach the n = 4 threshold should be at least 1035 y, ∼ model-dependent. The work presented first in Refs. [16] which is 7 to 9 orders of magnitude better than the cur- and [17], and continued here, shows that it is possible to rently planned experiments can achieve. 7 TABLE III: Lower bounds on T1/2 in years for three additional dimensions (R < 2.6×10−9 mm). The case of light mχ is discussed in thetext. Rm = 3 5 10 15 χ DAMA 1.1×1026 6.0×1027 1.3×1032 2.9×1036 MAJORANA 1.0×1026 5.5×1027 1.2×1032 2.7×1036 EXO (10t) 1.0×1026 5.4×1027 1.2×1032 2.6×1036 GEM 9.5×1025 5.2×1027 1.1×1032 2.5×1036 GENIUS 9.1×1025 5.0×1027 1.1×1032 2.4×1036 CANDLES 6.8×1025 3.7×1027 8.1×1031 1.8×1036 MOON 5.8×1025 3.2×1027 6.9×1031 1.5×1036 XMASS 5.1×1025 2.8×1027 6.0×1031 1.3×1036 CUORE 3.4×1025 1.8×1027 4.0×1031 9.0×1035 COBRA 1.7×1025 9.2×1026 2.0×1031 4.5×1035 DCBA (100Mo) 1.6×1025 9.0×1026 2.0×1031 4.4×1035 DCBA (82Se) 8.1×1024 4.4×1026 9.6×1030 2.1×1035 CAMEO 6.7×1024 3.6×1026 8.0×1030 1.8×1035 DCBA (150Nd) 6.7×1023 3.6×1025 8.0×1029 1.8×1034 Acknowledgments national Graduiertenkolleg GRK683 by the DFG (Ger- many). Twoofus(MG,WAK)wouldliketothankProf. This work has been supported by the Polish A. Faessler for his warm hospitality in Tu¨bingen during State Committee for Scientific Research under grants the Summer 2004. no. 2P03B 071 25 and 1P03B 098 27 and the Inter- [1] Q. R. Ahmad et al. 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