Extensions of locally compact abelian, torsion-free groups by compact torsion abelian groups 5 1 HosseinSAHLEHandAliAkbarALIJANI 0 2 r Department of Pure Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, a M University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran [email protected] 8 ] Abstract. Let X be a compact torsion abelian group. In this paper, we R showthatanextensionofFpbyX splitswhereFp isthep-adicnumbergroup G and p a prime number. Also, we show that an extension of a torsion-free, non-divisibleLCAgroupbyX isnotsplit. . h t Introduction a m Throughout, all groups are Hausdorff abelian topological groups and will be [ written additively. Let £ denote the category of locally compact abelian (LCA) 2 groups with continuous homomorphisms as morphisms. The Pontrjagin dual of a v group G is denoted by Gˆ. A morphism is called proper if it is open onto its image 3 φ ψ and a short exact sequence 0 → A → B → C → 0 in £ is said to be proper exact 8 0 if φ and ψ are proper morphisms. In this case the sequence is called an extension 7 of A by C ( in £). Following [5], we let Ext(C,A) denote the (discrete) group of 1. extensionsofAbyC. ThesplittingprobleminLCAgroupsisfindingconditionson 0 A and C under which Ext(C,A) = 0. In [3, 4, 6] the splitting problem is studied. 4 We havestudied the splitting problemin the categoryofdivisible, LCA groups[9]. 1 By using the splitting problem, we determined the LCA groups G such that the : v maximaltorsionsubgroupofGisclosed[10]. LetX beacompacttorsiongroup. In i [4,Theorem1],itisprovedthatifGisadivisibleLCAgroup,thenExt(X,G)=0. X However,thesuggestedproofin[4]appearstobeincompleteasitusestheincorrect r a Proposition 8 of [3]. In [9], we proved that if G is a divisible, σ−compact group, then Ext(X,G)=0. Let P be the set of all prime numbers, J , the p-adic integer p group and F , the p-adic number group which is the minimal divisible extension p of J for every p ∈ P [7]. By [7, 25.33], a divisible, torsion-free LCA group G p has the form G ∼= Rn A M E, where A is a discrete, torsion-free, divisible group, M a compactLconnLectedLtorsion-free group and E, the minimal divisible extension of Jnp where n is a cardinal number for every p∈P. In general, p∈P p p E 6= FQnp. Let I be a finite subset of P such that p∈P p Q 0 if p6∈I n = p (cid:26) 1 if p∈I 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 20K35,22B05. Keywordsandphrases. locallycompactabeliangroup,extension,divisiblegroup,torsion-free group. 1 2 H.SAHLEHandA.A.ALIJANI Then the minimal divisible extension of Jnp is Fnp. In this paper, p∈I p p∈I p weshowthatifG∼=Rn A M p∈IFQpnp,thenExQt(X,G)=0(seeTheorem 1.6). L L LQ The additive topological group of real numbers is denoted by R, Q is the group ofrationaleswith discrete topologyandZ is the groupofintegers. The topological isomorphismwill be denote by ” ∼= ”. For more on locally compact abelian groups see [7]. 1. Extensions of a torsion-free LCA group by a compact torsion abelian group Lemma 1.1. Let X ∈£ and p a prime number. Then nExt(X,F )=Ext(X,F ) p p for every positive integer n. Proof. Let n be a positive integer and f : F → F , f(x) = nx for all x ∈ F . By p p p [1, Lemma 2], f is open. So f is a proper morphism. Consider the exact sequence f 0→Kerf →F −→F →0. By Corollary2.10 of [5], we have the exact sequence p p (1.1) →Ext(X,Kerf)→Ext(X,F )−f→∗ Ext(X,F )→0 p p Sincef∗(Ext(X,Fp))=nExt(X,Fp),itfollowsfromsequence(1.1)thatnExt(X,Fp)= Ext(X,F ). (cid:3) p Lemma 1.2. Let X be a compact torsion group. Then Ext(X,F )=0. p Proof. F isatotally disconnectedgroup. So,by Theorem24.30of[7], F contains p p a compact open subgroup K. Now we have the following exact sequence (1.2) ...→Ext(X,K)→Ext(X,F )→Ext(X,F /K)→0 p p Since F is divisible, so Ext(X,F /K) = 0 (see [5, Theorem 3.4]). Since X is p p compact and torsion, so by [7, Theorem 25.9], nX = 0 for some positive inte- ger n. Hence, nExt(X,K) = 0 (see [8, Lemma 2.5]). Since (1.2) is exact, so nExt(X,F )=0. Hence by Lemma 1.1, Ext(X,F )=0. (cid:3) p p Remark 1.3. Let X be a group and f : X → X,f(x) = nx for all x ∈ X. If f is a topological isomorphism for every positive integer n, then X is a divisible, torsion-free group. Theorem1.4. LetX beacompact groupandpaprimenumber. Then Ext(X,F ) p is a divisible, torsion-free group. ×n Proof. Let n be a positive integer. Then the exact sequence 0 → X → X → X/nX →0 induces the following exact sequence ×n Ext(X/nX,F )→Ext(X,F ) → Ext(X,F )→0 p p p ×n ByLemma 1.2, Ext(X/nX,F )=0. SoExt(X,F ) → Ext(X,F )is a topological p p p isomorphism. Hence by Remark 1.3, Ext(X,F ) is a divisible, torsion-free group. p (cid:3) Corollary 1.5. Let X ∈£. Then Ext(X,F ) is a divisible, torsion-free group. p Extensions of locally compact abelian, torsion-free groups by compact torsion abelian groups 3 Proof. Let X ∈ £. By [7, Theorem 24.30], X = Rn H where H contains a compact open subgroup K. Consider the exact sequenceL Ext(H/K,F )→Ext(H,F )→Ext(K,F )→0 p p p Since H/K is a discrete group and F a divisible group, so Ext(H/K,F ) = 0. p p ∼ Hence Ext(H,Fp) = Ext(K,Fp). By Theorem 1.4, Ext(K,Fp) is a divisible, torsion-free group. So Ext(X,F ) is a divisible, torsion-free group. (cid:3) p Theorem1.6. LetX beacompacttorsiongroupandG∼=Rn A M p∈IFpnp where I is a finite subset of P defined as follows: L L LQ 0 if p6∈I n = p (cid:26) 1 if p∈I Then Ext(X,G)=0. Proof. First recall that by [5, Theorem 2.13], Ext(X,G)∼=Ext(X,A) Ext(X,M) Ext(X,Fp) M MpY∈I Since X is a totally disconnected group, so by [5, Theorem 3.4], Ext(X,A) = 0. Also Ext(X,M) ∼= Ext(Mˆ,Xˆ). Since Xˆ is a discrete bounded group and Mˆ a discrete torsion-free group, so by [2, Theorem 27.5],Ext(Mˆ,Xˆ) = 0. By Lemma 1.2, Ext(X,F )=0. Hence Ext(X,G)=0. (cid:3) p Lemma 1.7. Let X be a compact torsion group. Then Hom(X,Q/Z)∼=Xˆ. Proof. Theexactsequence0→Z→Q→Q/Zinducesthefollowingexactsequence Hom(X,Q)→Hom(X,Q/Z)→Ext(X,Z)→Ext(X,Q) Since X is torsion and Q is torsion-free, so Hom(X,Q) = 0. Also by [5, Theorem 3.4], Ext(X,Q)=0. Hence Hom(X,Q/Z)∼=Ext(X,Z). By [5, Theorem 2.12 and Proposition 2.17], Ext(X,Z)∼=Ext(Zˆ,Xˆ)∼=Xˆ. So Hom(X,Q/Z)∼=Xˆ. (cid:3) Theorem1.8. LetX beacompacttorsiongroupandGatorsion-free,non-divisible group. Then Ext(X,G)6=0. Proof. LetG∗ be the minimaldivisible extensionofG. By [7, A.13], G∗ is a divisi- ble,torsion-freegroup. SinceX istorsionandG∗ torsion-free,soHom(X,G∗)=0. By [5, Corollary 2.10], we have the following exact sequence 0=Hom(X,G∗)→Hom(X,G∗/G)→Ext(X,G) Since G∗/G is a discrete, torsion divisible group, so Hom(X,G∗/G) containing a copy of Hom(X,Q/Z). Hence by Lemma 1.7, Ext(X,G)6=0. (cid:3) References 1. ArmacostD.L.OnpuresubgroupsofLCAgroups.Trans.Amer.Math.Soc1974;45: 414-418. 2. FuchsL.InfiniteAbelianGroups.NewYork: AcademicPress,1970. 3. FulpR. O. 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