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Extending quantum control oftime-independent systemsto time-dependent systems Zhen-Yu Wang and Ren-Bao Liu∗ Department of Physics, TheChineseUniversityofHongHong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong, China Weestablishthatifascheme cancontrol atime-independent systemarbitrarilycoupled toageneric finite bathoverashortperiodoftimeT withcontrolprecisionO(TN+1),itcanalsorealizethecontrolwiththesame order ofprecision onsmoothly time-dependent systems. Thisresult extendsthevalidityof various universal dynamicalcontrolschemestoarbitraryanalyticallytime-dependentsystems. PACSnumbers:03.67.Pp,03.65.Yz 1 I. INTRODUCTION II. CONTROLOFTIME-DEPENDENTSYSTEMS 1 0 A. Universalcontroloftime-independentsystems 2 Quantum systems interact with their environments (or n baths). This results in errors in controlling evolution of a Let us first consider a target system coupled to a bath a J quantumsystem,suchasdecoherenceandunwanteddynam- throughatime-independentHamiltonian ics. Inspiredbyphase-refocusingtechniquesinmagneticres- 7 D−1 onancespectroscopy[1, 2], variousschemesofquantumdy- 2 H = S ⊗B , (1) namical control [3–22] have been developed in the context SB α α ] of quantuminformationprocessing to average out undesired Xα=0 h coupling through fast open-loop modulation on the system where Sα and Bα are operators of the system and bath, re- p evolution.Thesedynamicalcontrolschemeshaveadvantages spectively, and in particular, S0 ≡ IS is the identity opera- - t ofcorrectingerrorswithoutmeasurement,feedback,orredun- tor and B0 is the bath internal interaction. We assume that n dantencoding[6]. Thesimplestoneisdynamicaldecoupling Sα and Bα are bounded in spectrum so that a perturbative a u (DD) [3–15], which aims at preservation of arbitrary states expansionofthesystem-bathpropagatordrivenby HSB con- q (i.e.,quantummemoryorNULLquantumcontrol)byachiev- vergesfora shortevolutiontimeT. Otherwise, the coupling [ ing a trivial identity evolution. Recent experiments [23–28] isgeneric,thatis,thedetailsofBαareunspecified.InEq.(1), havedemonstratedtheperformanceofDD.Moregeneralaims S≡{Sα|α=0,...,D−1}doesnothavetobethebasisofthe 1 aretoimplementnon-trivialquantumevolutions[16–22]. Ar- fullLie algebra. For example, in the puredephasingHamil- v 6 bitrarily accurate dynamicalcontrolcan be achieved using a tonian of a qubitcoupled to a bath, S = {I,σz}, which only 8 concatenateddesign[19]. generatesasub-algebraofaqubit. 2 ControlofthesystemisimplementedbyapplyingaHamil- 5 A quantum dynamical control is called universal if it has tonianVc,T(t)onthesystem. Torealizeadesiredsystemevo- 1. errors up to an order in short evolution time T for an arbi- lution Q(e.g.,aquantumgate)overagivendurationoftime 0 trary finite bath. Most universal schemes [6–14, 17–19] are T,Vc,T(t)scaleswithT sothat(~=1) 1 designedfortime-independentsystemsandtheirapplicability t 1 to time-dependentsystems is unclear, except an explicit ex- U (t)≡T exp −i V (τ)dτ c,T c,T v: tension [29] of Uhrig dynamicaldecoupling(UDD) [10, 30] " Z0 # Xi toanalyticallytime-dependentsystems. =T exp −i t/TV (θ)dθ ≡U (t/T), (2) c c " Z # 0 r Inthispaper,we proveatheoremthatifadynamicalcon- a where T denotes the time-ordering operator, and V (θ) = trol has errors to the Nth order in short evolution time T c TV (Tθ). We consider the case of perfect control, that is, for a generic time-independentsystem, it will automatically c,T U (T)=U (1)= Qisthedesiredcontrolofthesystem.Un- achieve the same order of precision for analytically time- c,T c derinfluenceoftheenvironment,thesystem-bathpropagator dependent systems. The theorem establishes the validity of reads universalDD in Refs. [6–14], optimized pulsesin Ref. [17], and dynamical quantum error correction [18, 19] on non- T U(T)=T exp −i H +V (t) dt . (3) equilibriumbaths. Inaddition,itgreatlysimplifiesdesigning Z SB c,T ! 0 newuniversaldynamicalcontrolschemessincewe justneed (cid:2) (cid:3) The errorsinducedby H can be isolated in the interaction toworkwithtime-independentmodels. SB picturebywritingU(T)= QU (T),wheretheerrorpropaga- E tor WepresenttheproofinSec.IIanddrawtheconclusionin Sec.III. T U (T)≡T exp −i U† (t)H U (t)dt E " Z c,T SB c,T # 0 1 =T exp −iT U†(θ)H U (θ)dθ . (4) ∗Electronicaddress:[email protected] " Z0 c SB c # 2 WesupposethatthecontrolVc,T(t)hasbeendesignedtosup- with[iB0,Bα]k+1 ≡ [iB0,[iB0,Bα]k]and[iB0,Bα]0 ≡ Bα. The presstheerrorsduetoH uptotheNthorderoftheevolution perturbativeexpansionofU˜ (T)inshorttimeT reads SB E timeT,whichisassumedshort,thatis, ∞ D−1 ∞ UE(T)=UΩh1+O(cid:16)TN+1(cid:17)i, (5) U˜E(T)=1+Xn=1Xα~=1X~p=0Tn+|~p|Snα~,~p⊗Bαn~,~p, (12) whereUΩ isanoperatorcommutingwithacertainsetofsys- with short-hand notations D−1 ≡ D−1 ··· D−1, ∞ ≡ temoperatorsΩ. AcontrolV (t)isuniversalifEq.(5)holds α~=1 α1=1 αn=1 ~p=0 forarbitrarytime-independenct,TBα.Ref.[19]showsthatVc,T(t) op∞pe1r=a0t·o·r·sar∞pen,=0,and|~p|≡ Pnj=1pj,wPherethebPathandPsystem canbedesignedtoachieveEq.(5)witharbitraryNandQ, I P P P S forageneraltime-independentmodel[Eq.(1)]. Forthespe- [iB ,B ] [iB ,B ] tcoiarslcinasΩeoafredpyrneasmerivceadl;diefcΩouspplainngs,tQhe=fulIlSaalgnedbarlalothfethoepseyras-- Bnα~,~p ≡ 0p1!α1 p1 ··· 0pn!αn pn, (13) tqeuman,tUumΩ icsoarrpeularteiobnast)hwoipllerbaetoprroantedctaendy[1sy4s]t.emstates(hence Sn~α,~p ≡Z01Uc†(θ1)Sα1Uc(θ1)θ1p1Z0θ1Uc†(θ2)Sα2Uc(θ2)θ2p2 θn−1 ×··· U†(θ )S U (θ )θpndθ dθ ···dθ , (14) Z c n αn c n n 1 2 n 0 B. Generalizationtotime-dependentsystems respectively. Forthetime-dependentHamiltonianH′ (t),theexpansion Atime-dependentversionofEq.(1)reads SB † D−1 ofU˜E′(T)≡(cid:18)Te−iR0TB′0(t)dt(cid:19) UE′(T)hasasimilarform HS′B(t)= Sα⊗B′α(t), (6) ∞ D−1 ∞ Xα=0 U˜E′(T)=1+ Tn+|~p|Snα~,~p⊗Bn′α~,~p, (15) Xn=1Xα~=1X~p=0 wherethegenericbathoperatorsareassumedanalyticintime: where B′α~,~p ≡ (B′(α1)/p !)···(B′(αn)/p !) with B′(α) de- B′(t)= ∞ B′(α) 1 tp. (7) fined bynthe expansipo1n,0 of1B′α(t) inpn,t0he innteraction pp,i0cture, α p p! † Xp=0 (cid:18)Te−iR0tB′0(s)ds(cid:19) B′α(t)(cid:18)Te−iR0tB′0(s)ds(cid:19)≡ ∞p=0B′p(,α0)tp/p!. We also assume that the bath operators B′(α) are bounded in By assumption, Vc,T(t) realizes Eq.(P5) fora generictime- p independentH . InAppendix,wegiveanexplicitconstruc- spectrum.Wearetoprovethefollowingtheorem. SB tionof{B },forwhichthesetofbathoperators{Bα~,~p|n+|~p|≤ α n Theorem. If Vc,T(t) realizes Eq. (5) for an arbitrary time- N}islinearindependent.Eqs.(5)and(9)indicatethatU˜E(T) independent Hamiltonian in Eq. (1), it will realize the con- commuteswithΩuptotheNthorderinT. Ifthebathopera- trol with the same order of precision for an arbitrary time- tors{Bα~,~p|n+|~p|≤ N}inEq.(12)arelinearindependent(non- n dependent Hamiltonian in Eq. (6), that is, the system-bath zero,ofcourse),S~α,~pmustcommutewiththesystemoperator n propagator commutes with the system operator set Ω up to set Ω for n +|~p| ≤ N. Since Eq. (15) is also an expansion anerrorO(TN+1), of S~α,~p, U˜′(T) and hence U′(T) commute with the system n E E operatorsetΩuptoanerrorO(TN+1). (cid:3) T U′(T)≡T exp −i H′ (t)+V (t) dt Z SB c,T ! The theorem extends the validity of universal dynamical 0 (cid:2) (cid:3) controlto analytically time-dependentsystems. Note that in ≡ QUE′(T)= QUΩ′ 1+O TN+1 , (8) Eq.(1),S = {S |α = 0,...,D−1}doesnothavetospanthe α h (cid:16) (cid:17)i fullalgebraofthesystembutshouldcontaintheidentityop- whereU′ commuteswiththeoperatorsetΩ. Ω eratorI . Thereforethetheoremdoesnotrelyonthespecific S algebrageneratedbySandisgeneralforanysystem-bathin- Proof. Wewrite teractionsprovidedthatthetotalgenericHamiltonianincludes UE(T)=e−iB0TU˜E(T), (9) adeftraeielsboafththteerbmatIhSo⊗peBr0a.toItrsshBo′u(ltd)abreesutrnesspseecdifitheadt,btheecaduysneatmhe- α icalcontrolisstillvalidifwedothefollowingvariation: and D−1 1D−1 H′ (t)→H (t)⊗I + S ⊗B′(t), (16) U˜ (T)=T exp −iT U†(θ)B (θ)U (θ)dθ , (10) SB S B α α E  Z c α c  Xα=0  0 Xα=1∞ (Tθ)k  where HS(t) is a bounded system operator in the space Bα(θ)=eiB0TθBαe−iB0Tθ = [iB0,Bα]k k! , (11) spanned by S and analytic in time and IB is the identity op- Xk=0 erator of the bath. Actually, the first term in the right-hand 3 sideofEq.(16)canbereadilyabsorbedintothesystem-bath Examinationoftheprojection|0ih0|O O ···O showsthat k1 k2 krj coupling. Thedrifterrorsintroducedbythesystem’sinternal theoperatorO O ···O containsoneandonlyonecompo- HaTmhieltoonpiearnatHorS(Ht)′ar(et)ailssoreeqluimiriendatteodb.e boundedforanyt ∈ nentoftheformk1 |0k2ihl|,exkprjlicitly,|0ih(k1k2···krj)K|,where SB [0,T]. However,toimplementasystemevolutionU (T) = Uc(1) = Q , IS,thecontrolVc,T(t)mustscaleas∼ 1c/,TT;this (k1k2···krj)K ≡ Krj−1k1+···+Kkrj−1+krj, (A.2) scalinginducesafasterevolutiononthesystemasT → 0in thelimitofinstantaneouspulsesandthisistherequirementof is a number of base K with 1 ≤ k ≤ K −1. Therefore all l anydynamicalcontrolschemestosuppresserrors: theevolu- the operator products O O ···O for different sequences tbieonfaostfetrhtehasynsttheembdatrhiveevnobluytitohneicnodnutcroedlfibeyldHVSBc,To(rt)HnS′eBe(dt)s.to i(nk1dke2p·e·n·dkernj)t.with 1 ≤ kkl1 ≤k2K′ ankdrj 1 ≤ rj ≤ R are linea(cid:3)r III. CONCLUSIONS Anexplicitconstructionof{B }reads α We have proved that a universal dynamicalcontrol which implements a quantum evolution of a system up to an er- N−1 ror O(TN+1) in total evolution time T for a generic time- Bα = |rihr|⊗h(rα), forα≥1, (A.3a) independent system-bath Hamiltonian automatically sup- Xr=0 presseserrorstoO(TN+1)foranyanalyticallytime-dependent N−1 Hamiltonians. The extensionof variousuniversaldynamical B0 = |rihr+1|⊗Ih+h.c., (A.3b) controlschemes[6–14,17–19]toarbitraryanalyticallytime- Xr=0 dependent systems is therefore established. This result also simplifiesthedesignofotheruniversalcontrolschemes. The where {|ri|r = 0,...,N − 1} is an N-dimensional orthonor- currentresearchraisesaninterestingquestionforfuturestudy: mal basis with the periodic condition |r + Ni = |ri, h(α) is r Arethereminimalmodelsforwhichacontrolschemeworks an Hermitianoperator, and Ih is the identityoperator. Using with a certain degree of precision will work with the same theLemma,wehaveaconstructionoftheoperators{h(α)|0 ≤ r orderof precisionforarbitrarysystems, time-independentor r ≤ N −1,1 ≤ α ≤ D−1} such that all operator products not? h(α1)···h(αn) arelinearindependentfordifferentsequencesof (αr11,...,αrnn) and (r1,...,rn). We decompose B0 = B+ + B− withB+ ≡ rN=−01|rihr+1|⊗IhandB− =(B+)†. Somecalcula- Acknowledgments tiongives P CUTHhKis40w22o0rk9, twheasCUsuHpKporFteodcusbedy InHvoenstgmenKtosngSchGemReF, [iB+,Bα]p =N−1|rihr+p|⊗ p c(k)h(α) , (A.4) a1n1d02N85a1ti0o.nal Natural Science Foundation of China Project p! Xr=0 Xk=0 p r+p−k where p ≥ 0 and c(k) = (−1)kip/[k!(p − k)!] is a non-zero p coefficient.Therefore Appendix sinedtHeoepfreebnadwtehenotg.piFevroeartaotnhraset{xpBpulnα~ri,cp~pi|ontsce+own|~pes|trp≤urcoNtvieo}ntihnoeEffqo{B.ll(αo1}w,2i)snoagrtelhelamitnmethaaer. (cid:28)=0(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)Bpnα~1,~pc(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(|k~p)h|(cid:29)(α=1)*0(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)p[2iBc+(p,k)B1h!α(α12])p1 ····[·iB· +p,pnBn!αcn(]kp)hn(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(α|n~p)|+ . LofeKm′mHae.rmFoitriaanfionpietreatnourmsb{Oer}RK,′ t,hseurcehetxhiasttsaallcthoensotpruercatitoonr Xk=0 p1 p1−kXk=0 p2 p1+p2−k Xk=0 pn p1+···+pn−(kA.5) k k=1 products O O ···O for different sequences (k k ···k ) k1 k2 krj 1 2 rj with1≤k ≤K′and1≤r ≤Rarelinearindependent. There is one and only one operator product l j Proof. Let K = K′ +1 and {|li|l = 0,...,(KR +1)K} be an h(pα11)h(pα12+)p2···h(pα1n+)···+pn in (cid:28)0(cid:12)Bαn~,~p(cid:12)|~p|(cid:29). If n + |~p| ≤ N, oerrathtoornsoirnmtahlebHasilibs.erWtsepcaocensetxrupcatntdheedfboyllothwisinbgaHsisermitianop- tfhoer doipffeeraretonrts{nh,(pα~α11),h~p(pα}12+)apc2c·o·r·dhi(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(pnα1n+g)···+t(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)opnthaereLleinmemara.indTepheunsdefonrt n+|~p| ≤ N, n ≥ 1,and|~p| ≥ 0, 0 Bα~,~p |~p| andhenceBα~,~p KR n n (cid:28) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:29) O = |lihKl+k|+h.c.. 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