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Exposure to Bright Light Has Little Effect on Eye Sensitivity and Ultrastructure of Saduria entomon(Crustacea; Isopoda; Valvifera)(Physiology) PDF

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Preview Exposure to Bright Light Has Little Effect on Eye Sensitivity and Ultrastructure of Saduria entomon(Crustacea; Isopoda; Valvifera)(Physiology)

ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 8: 653-663 (1991) 1991 Zoological Societj ofJapan Exposure to Bright Light Has Little Effect on Eye Sensitivity and Ultrastructure of Saduria entomon (Crustacea; Isopoda; Valvifera) Magnus Lindstrom1 Wilhelm Fortelius1 and V. Benno Meyer-Rochow2 , ]Tviirminne Zoological Station, University ofHelsinki, SF-10900 HANKO, Finland and 'School ofScience and Technology, Department ofBiological Sciences, University of Waikato, Private Bag, Hamilton, New Zealand — ABSTRACT Specimens of the isopod Saduria entomon were caught during late winter nights in Finland and divided intothree groups: onewasnot at allexposed toany light and served asthecontrol; a second was exposed to midday sunlight of 9.1X1020qu/m2s for 30min: the third was exposed to artificial white light of4.2X 1020qu m:s during the day for30min. The visual sensitivity thresholds as well as V log I curves of 15 exposed animals from 30min to 456h postexposure were recorded at random intervals and compared with values obtained from nine control animals. Only a very minor reduction ofsensitivity in exposed animals was noticed. Parallel ultrastructural studies confirmed that light-induced structural derangements of visual membranes, known to occur in other species, were minimal, with an enlargement of microvilli to twice their normal diameter being the most obvious. Spectral sensitivity curves recorded from nine control animals reverased one single peak to light of550 nm wavelength, close to maximum transmission of the water in which the animals occur. The res—ults show that apparently not all crustaceans possess eyes that are easily damag—ed by bright light and in view of the light-induced sensitivity loss reported in Mysis relicta (13) highlight the danger of attemptingtopredicthowphotoreceptorsofanotherspecieswouldrespond,evenifthespeciesoccurred in the same habitat. published, in this journal, a thorough analysis of INTRODUCTION light-inducedsensitivitylossandsubsequent recov- In several species of crustaceans it was noticed ery in the opossum shrimp Mysis relicta [13], we that exposure to even moderate levels of bright- decided to follow up that study with an investiga- ness could suppress visual sensitivity for several tion into the effects of bright light on the visual days, if not longer [1.2. 3. 4]. Anatomical studies propertieas and ultrastructure of the eye of Sadur- in parallel with the physiological observations have ia entomon, an isopod species that frequentl\ revealed the light-induced photoreceptor damage shares the same habitat with Mysis relicta. The or breakdown, once triggered, continued to pro- results from this investigation clearly show that ceed in the dark long after the initial exposure to even in species inhabiting seemingly identical en- light [4-9], and. at least in Jasus edwardsii [4] and vironments, a reliable prediction on how the Boreomysis megalops [10]. had a direct impact on photoreceptors would respond to an exposure of the behaviour. bright light in other species m difficult, if not Crustaceans that normally inhabit environments impossible. oflow ambient light levels [2, 7. 9j. or are primari- ly noctural [4. g] seem to be especially at risk \ MATKRIALS AM) METHODS further aggravating factor appears to be higher than usual temperature [11. 12]. Having earlier Electrophysiology Accepted March 15, 1991 I xperimental animals <>t various sizi Received were collected in traps at 5 20m depth from the X 654 M. LlNDSTROM, W. FORTELIUS AND B. MEYER-ROCHOW Eastern Baltic Sea off Tvarminne Zoological Sta- Wratten 87 gelatin filters and sometimes a heat tion and brought to the surface during winter filteraswell, whichwereinsertedintheraypathof nights in complete absence of artificial lights. All white light coming from a microscope lamp. The handling was done with the aid of"Find-R-Scope" incident light, perpendicular to the eye surface, infra-red viewers. Captured animals were main- was centered around the hole through which the tained in the laboratory forseveralweeksat5-6°C recording electrode was lowered 40-50/um into under totally dark conditions and served as con- the eye. The light spot made by the stimulating trols. Some of the animals were exposed to the flash was large enough to cover the entire eye. midday sun at an intensity of9.1X1020qu/m2s for Always the same region of the eye was aimed for 30min from 12.50 to 13.20hr in water of 6°C. A when inserting the electrode. Following prepara- wide beakerplaced in awhiteplastictroughserved tions, which, on average, did not take longer than as the holding receptacle during exposure. The 10min, the test animals were given 30min in total outside temperature happened to be the same as darkness to recuperate from the operation. The the water temperature. Animals treated in this system for stimulation consisted of an extended W way are referred to as "sunexposed animals". source (Osram 6B, 15 microscope lamp, po- Animals exposed to artificial, white light, 4.2 weredbyaconstantvoltagedevice) andallrecord- 1020qu/m2s in intensity, are referred to as "light- ings were made in the AC-setting. Fourteen exposed". The set-up during the 30min exposure narrow band spectral interference filters, covering toartificial lightconsistedofa 1000mlglassbeaker wavelengths from406to 673 nm, were available to (diameter 100mm) filled with 600ml of water. test spectral sensitivity. Flash duration was 0.5 The beaker was insulated from stray light with a sec. styroxcollar at the heightofthewaterlevel. Light At the completion of the recording the eye and spectrum andintensityweremeasuredwithaQSM position ofthe electrode were examinedunderthe 2500 quantum spectrometerunder identical condi- microscope; head and body of the experimental tions through the bottom of the beaker (without animals were then preserved in alcohol. animals). This means the there was an extra glass bottom between sensor and the light source. The Electron microscopy light source consisted of two Argaphoto-BM-200 For ultrastructural observations by transmission V/500W photolamps 50cm overthe bottomofthe electron microscopy a number ofeyes from anim- beaker. The lamps were cooled by two electric als representing controls as well as those that had fans and the temperature ofthe watersurrounding been exposed to sun or artificial lights for 30min the animals was thermostatically controlled and and then allowed to recuperate in the dark for 30 reached a maximum of 8°C. min, 24hr, and 41 hr, were carefully removed Following the exposures to either artificial or from the heads and cut free from surrounding sun light, the animals were immediately returned tissue in a procedure that did not take longer than totheirdarkenvironments, butkeptseparatefrom 2min. Theeyeswereprefixedfor 12hrinsodium- non-exposed control animals. Tests of post- cacodylate-buffered2 1/2% glutaraldehyde, trans- exposure visual sensitivity commenced as early as ferred to buffer, and postifixed three weeks later 30min and continued for up to 456hr thereafter. for 2hr in sodium-cacodylate-buffered 2% Os04. Forty-one animals altogether were examined elec- Dehydration was achieved in the usual way and trophysiologically, but only about 2/3 lasted followed by embedding in Epon. Sections for throughout the experiment and could be evalu- electron microscopy were cut with a Reichert ated. OMU2 ultramicrotome, stained in uranylacetate Experimental procedures closely followed those and lead citrate for a few min each, and examined reported previously [2, 13]. During preparation, under a Philips 400 TEM. using infra-red image converters mounted on a Wild-5 stereomicroscope, eachanimalwasillumin- ated by light that had passed through 2 Kodak Eye Sensitivity and Structure of Isopoda 655 RESULTS wavelengths. There was little variation in the seven specimens studied, hence the small standard deviations at all wavelengths tested (Fig. I). Max- Electrophysic)k)gy imum sensitivity is situated close to the region o( ERG-waveforms of two main shapes were re- maximum transmittance of the water in this area corded, although by far the most common one was (approx. 565 nm [3]). which suggests that the a rapid initial cornea-negative "on-response" fol- animals may be considered well-adapted to the lowed by a slightly slower return to the baseline. local photic environment. This kind ofresponse wasvirtually identical to that Taking a response of 50//V as threshold level, of the eye of the isopod Cirolana borealis [2]. we compared absolute sensitivities to white light in Another type of response that seemed to come animals of different lengths and different degrees from eyes in which the electrode and made less of dark-adaptation (Fig. 2). No statistically signi- optimal contact, i.e. either did not penetrate the ficant correlation with size (and, therefore, pre- corneal hole well or had been pushed into the eye sumably age) ofthe animal was found (R=0.045). toofar. displayed aposititve overshoot immediate- Animals that had been exposed to artificial light ly following the initial negative deflection. Where responsesofthis type were used forthe analysis, as 10000 with all other responses too, only the amplitude of the initial negative deflection wasconsidered. This made comparisons between animals consistent. All eyes responded to increasing light intensities with an increase in amplitude. The highest peak amplitude recorded was 3050juV in a fully dark- adapted animal, but in the majority ofeyes tested peak amplitudes were in the vicinity of 1000/^V. Spectral sensitivity, measured from the eyes of seven control specimens, peaksat550 nm and then falls off towards both shorter and longer '6 " 5 4 3 2 1 log density 3-5 i S2 <-S2 -»-S7 oS8 «S32 «S36 +S37 »S41a *S41b -yM Fig. 2. A comparison of the eye's sensitivity with the 30 _ >^ animal'ssize (monitored astelson length) revealson * correlation J" \ 6 I 20 - in \ T 5 5 10 \ - <*o r I I :00 500nm eoc 15 20 Telsonlength(mm) Fig. I. Spectral sensitivity curve of Saduria Ottoman, based on recordings from se\en different animals 'Control • 5hda 24hda •48nda °72hda Standard deviation for each wavelength tested is \\i, ; \ log I i response stimulus intensity)dataol indicated b\ vertical bars. The sinde maximum (550 ninecontrol animals not exposed to light prior tothe nm) is situated in the region of maximum light recordings, plotted on log-log axes ITin transmission of the watercolumn (approx. 565 nm) sensitivities cluster around a log I ol 5 and pli- Abscissa: the wave-length plotted upon a linear tudesaround 1000ftV. Differentsymbol sent scale of frequenc\ different animaK 656 M. LlNDSTROM, W. FORTELIUS AND B. MeYER-RoCHOW before, did, however, display a trend of reduced artificial light, fall within the limits set by the five sensitivity, which prompted further examination. curves shown in Figure5, representing the ex- V/logI curvesofninecontrol animalsareshown treme dark-adaptation times0.5 hr and approx. 70 A in Figure 3. Taking most and least sensitive hr. further 4 V/log I curves, representing curves, they are distributed across a sensitivity light-exposed animals tested between 22 and28hr band roughly 1 log unit wide and display some post-exposure and another 4 from 41-48hr post- variation in maximum amplitude, but basically exposure animals have been recorded (not shown) they are very similar in shape. V/log I curves of andfallexactlywithintheclusterofcurveshownin seven animals tested from 3 hr to 456hr of dark- Figures4 and 5. adaptation following a 30min exposure to sun- In the study ofthe mysid compound eye [13], it light, form a cluster with little variation between was found that a useful indication ofthe degree of one another (Fig. 4). Likewise, the V/logI curves light-inducedsensitivityreductionwasprovidedby of all thirteen animals exposed for 30min to an examination of the 50-100/uV response span 1 000 ^v 100 5 4 3 2 1 logdensity log density *S253hda ^S2724hda <>S2828hda S2944hda nS60.5hda <>S180.5hda *S1672hda S2070hda +-S3048hda -S38288hda °S39456hda xS2275hda Fig. 4. V/log I data ofseven animals obtained at indi- Fig. 5. V/log I data of five animals obtained at indi- cated times of dark adaptation (da) following a 30 cated times of dark-adaptation (da) following a 30 min exposure to midday sunlight of 9.1xl020qu/ min exposure to artificial light of 4.2xl020qu/m2s m2s intensity. Irrespective of whether testing was during the day. Irrespective ofwhether testingwas carried out three hours postexposure (animal S25) carried out 0.5hr (animal S6) or75hr (animal S22) or 456hr postexposure (animal S39), the difference postexposure, the difference between these, the betweentheseandthecontrolcurvesofFig. 3isvery curves generated by sun-exposed animals, and the small. controls is very minor. 5r Fig. 6. Responses of 50juV and 100//V and * \ their corresponding stimulus intensities (on i, III the ordinate) in relation to postexposure time plotted on the abscissa. Note the slightly elevated sensitivities of the non- exposed control group but the rather uni- form span of the 50-100//V bar on all 24 48 72-Nr 456 animals tested. Dark-adaptionafterexposure(h) Control 4Exposed <j>Sun-exposed Eye Sensitivity and Structure of [sopoda 657 and its associated neutral density range (Fig. 6). Foreach group the mean log density value causing Histology a 50//V response was calculated. Both exposure Dissection oi the eye. because o\ the very hard groups differed on a statistically significant level cuticle surrounding it. proved difficult, but ade- from the control group (t-test, control versus light- quately fixed material from eyes oi 1 1 animals was exposed. t=3.21; p=0.(X)8 and control versus analayzed byelectron microscopy. An overview of sun-exposed t=2.75; p=0.018). No significant gross ommatidiae organisation is shown in Figure differences showed up between sun and artificial 19. There were few screening pigment granules light exposed animals. In contrast to the Mysis surrounding the crystalline cones and. it agree- data [13], the length of the 50-100^V bar is ment with Nilsson [18], no changes were found in virtually identical in controls, sun- and light- light and in darkness. Transversely sectioned exposed animals and only the position ofthe bar in rhabdoms of animals, whether or not exposed to relation to associated neutral densities varies light, displayed a variety of sizes and shapes and slightly between the groups. This suggests that all were often 5-lobed with diameters between oppo- animals, irrespective of their previous exposure site lobes ofaround 30//m (Figs. 8, 9, 11). Screen- history, apparently possess well-functioning eyes, ing pigment granules were moderate in number albeit with slightly different thresholds. and occupied peripheral positions in dark-adapted Another parameter looked at was the difference animals. The numberofcontributing retinula cells between the neutral densities responsible for giv- was normally five, although two smaller additional ing rise to 50fA/ and 100/uV responses (Fig. 7). ones were usually present and sometimes were As in the mysid study [13], this parameter de- seen to have a small rhabdomere as well. Rhab- scribes the slope of the V/log I curves. Thus, the doms stained uniformly and even in eyes of anim- significantly high value of this parameter for the als exposed to sunlight and artificial lights the sun-exposed group as compared with the control majoirty of the rhabdoms retained their integrity group (t=-5.31; p=0.0003) and the light- and staining characteristics known from the con- exposed group (t=—2.25; p=0.04) demonstrates trols. Central regions of abnormal microvilli iso- a shallower slope for the V/log I curve of the lated from apparently undamaged and relatively sun-exposed group. No statistically significant unaltered rhabdom by an electron-translucent gap difference between control and artificial light did develop in some eyes 24hr postexposure to group was revealed. sunlight (Fig. 9). Irregularities and a loosening of the microvillar compound occurred in some ommatidia of the light-exposed, 24 hr post-exposure eye (Fig. L0). However, in all eyes examined 24 hr and 41 hr -. post-exposure, screening pigment granules in the 1 0.75- dark-adapted peripheral positions and the overall picture of retinula cells and rhabdoms was that ot 2- : :c near-normality (Fig. 11). Since the mictOViUi are c the structures not only most at risk from photo ? 025 induced structural damage, but also represent the site of phOtO-transduction and are. thus, a good 24 43 72 288 456 structural indicator of "function", a closer look at Dark-adactionafterexposure(h) their organization seemed an essential require* ntrol •Exposed .Sunexposed ment for this investigation. Fig. 7. Log-density difference between stimuli giving In animals that had been m the dark for at least rise to 50/tV and 100ft\ responses plotted Bgainsl tWO weeks prior to fixation, microvilli exhibited an control-, sun-, and artificial light exposed animals, extremely regular lattice of parallel oriented. atbessctiesdsaat postexposure times indicated on the blind-ending tubes, measuring 65-75 nm in dia- 658 M. LlNDSTROM, W. FORTELIUS AND B. MEYER-ROCHOW j 1* • *.*. Fig. 8. 5. entomonrhabdoms(Rh)comeinvariousshapes,buttypicallymeasureapproximately30jumacross. They are made up of five major and two minor retinula cells (numbered 1-7). In this dark-adapted control animal screening pigment granules are located peripherally. The scale is 10jum. Fig. 9. Somerhabdomslikethisofa30minsun-exposedanimalfixed24hrpostexposureinthedark,displaycentral lesions. Most ofthe rhabdom and itsconstituent microvilli, however, are intact andscreeningpigmentgranules are generally in the dark-adapted position. The scale is 5/um. Fig. 10. A certain degree of loosening of the microvillar arrangement and serrations at the edges ofthe rhabdom were found in material exposed for 30min to artificial light and then fixed 24hr after recuperation in the dark. Eye Sensitivity and Structure of Isopoda 659 meter (Figs. 12. 13). The regular and dense pack- DISCUSSION ing of the microvilli resulted in hexagonal profiles ofthe latterwhen sectioned transversely (Fig. 12). In view of the many publications describing As with microvilli ofother crustaceans, their cyto- light-induced sensitivity loss and ultrastructural plasmic interior was in communication with the damage in crustacean photoreceptors, summarised retinulacell plasma, althought bundlesofmicrovil- in [13], the result that in Saduria entotnon expo- li seemed to arise from the same anchor point sure tosun and artificial lights had very little effect, similar to the situationsdescribed from lobster [14] comes as a surprise. S. entotnon can hardly be and crayfish [15]. termed an animal that habituallyor frequently gets A 30min exposure to artificial light resulted in exposed to sunlight. On the contrary; it spends few signs of microvillar disruption 30 min post- most of its time in or near the bottom mud of the exposure (Fig. 14). Rhabdom microvilli were still Baltic Sea and is clearly nocturnal throughout the regular, though suggestions of swellings in year [24]. It is, however, extremely tolerant to amongst them were apparent. The edges of the changing salinities [16] and copes with a wide rhabdom exhibited signs of light-adaptation in the range of oxygen concentrations and temperatures form of vesicles budding off towards the retinula as well [25]. At present we can not offer an cell and screening pigment granules were in the exhaustive explanation as to why the eyes oisome light-adapted position (Fig. 15). Twenty-four isopods like the deepwater species Cirolana hours post-exposure a considerable proportion of borealis and Bathynomyus giganteus apparently microvilli had become enlarged (Fig. 16), afeature lose all sensitivity [2, 9] and react with a disintegra- also seen in the eye of Mysis relicta as a consequ- tion of the rhabdom to an exposure of bright light ence of bright light exposure [13]. [6, 9] while others including the Antarctic Clypto- Although a greatervariety ofmicrovillardimen- notus antarcticus [17] and Saduria entotnon (this sions and orientations than in the dark-adapted paper) suffer little structural and/or functional control rhabdoms was obvious in eyes exposed to effect. bright light, the overall impression was that of Saduria has a fairly thick, multilayered cornea relatively undisturbed rhabdoms. The swelling of (approx. 30-40//m; this paper) and so has Glypto- the microvillar diameters to at least twice the size notus (approx. 70//m [17]) but we do not believe ofthose ofthe dark-adapted controls was the most that corneal thickness and ultiastructurc alone are obvious change. Forty one hours post-exposure the reason for the greater light tolerance in these microvillar diameters had become reduced, but two species, for Cirolana borealis which reacts still had not reached the pre-exposure dark- sensitively to bright light exposure [2. 6] also has adapted control dimensions (Fig. 17). rather thick corneal lenses (20-55//m: [18]), and Animals exposed to the somewhat brighter sun- the same dichotomy is observed in the amphipods light for 30 min exhibited similar trends, but on a Orchomene plebs and O. sp. cf. rossi [7. 1 1|. The lesser scale. For example, signs of rhabdom dam- duration of the initial exposure to light was twice age, confined to the central portion of some rhab- as long in Mysis relieta 13]. but the intensity Ol the [ doms. were indeed seen 24 hr post-exposure (1 ig. light used was much lower than that used in this 9). But microvillar diameters 30 min postexposure Study. This. too. points to a more fundanienl.il were virtually unchaneged from dark-adapted con- difference in the eye physiolog) ol the two species. trols as well as 24 hr post-exposure eyes (Fig. 18) An interesting structural parallel t«> M. relicta [l<| niter the enlarged microvillusdiametersin the eye Ol Saduria, following exposure to bright light The scale is 15 peak. Fig. 11. Approximate!) twodaysfollowing 30mmofexposure tosunlight, rhabdomsol animalssubsequent!) the dark like this example are apparent!) normal and, apart from a small remnant of the central 1- si earlier, quite indistinguishable from control animals The scale is 10//m 660 M. LlNDSTROM, W. FORTELIUS AND B. MEYER-ROCHOW 13 // W I *\i ? : Fig. 12. Rhabdom microvilli ofdark-adapted, control animals display a regular array ofhexagonally-packed tubes measuring 65-75nm in diatmeter. The scale is 0.5fxm. Fig. 13. Whenlongitudinally-sectioned,themicrovilliofrhabdomsofdark-adaptedcontrolanimalsdisplayaparalle alignment, a uniform diameter of 70nm and anchor-points at the edge of the cytoplasm shared by a group of Eye Sensitivity and Structure of [sopoda 661 But while in M. rclicta the loosening oi the micro- villus compound led to a worseningstate culminat- ing in a severe derangement of microvilli, the Saduria eye possessed sufficient "self-healing" powers to go back to normal. The minor nature of the structural damage was completely mirrored by the ERGs, recorded pre- and post-exposure. While therewasastatisticallysignificant difference in the thresholds and the way the V/log I curves began to rise within the first 50//V (between 50 and 100 uV amplitudes), the effect was very minor t when compared with the dramatic sensitivity loss and flattening ofV/log I curves in M. relicta under very similar experimental conditions [13]. In fact, the higher sensitivities in the dark-adapted con- trols showed an overall, greater scatter than those recorded post-exposure. This indicates to us that the unnaturally longperiod the controls have spent in totaldarkness might have increased the amounts ofphoto-pigment to abnormally high levels, which then raises the question, whether the small micro- villus diameters observed in the dark-adapted con- — trols can be considered normal or abnormally small. In any case, there can be absolutely no doubt ofthe ability ofthe exposed eyes to function normally over a wide range, covering more than 4 log units, of photic stimulation even following the exposure to bright light. Fig. 19. Schematic representation of longitudinal sec- tion of ommatidial unit in the eye of Saduria en- tomon (after Nilsson [IX]). A-axon; CC=crystal- line cone; CE=conc cell extension; CI. corneal layers; DP=distal pigment; E=eyc capsule mem- brane; FM=fenestrated membrane; (» glial cell; RC=retinula cell; RH=rhabdom; RP reflecting pigment. microvilli. The scale is 0.5,um. FlG. 14. Afterthirty minutesin the dark followinga 3')mm exposure toartificial lights, microvillaidiametersare still apparentlyunchanged fromcontrols, but acertaindegreeofdisruption ofthe regularorder isbecomingapparent The scale is li 5//m. FlG. 15. Same treatment as in Fig. 14. but the focus is on the edge of the rhabdom where typical sums ol light-exposure like budding vesicles, screening pigment grams (arrow), are apparent. The scale is 0.6/um Fig. 16. In all three animals in which rhabdoms uere examined one da\ follwing exposure to artificial light fol 50 mm. the microvillai organization for the greater part remained intact, but microvillar dimensions I),id i I with diameters now being 2-3 times as wide as the controls. The scale is0.5 //m Fig. 17. Even 4] hr following exposure to artificial light, microvillus diameters are not back to the control values The scale is 0.5 //m Fig. IS. A touch oflight-induced irregularities in the organization and dimensionsof microvilli is al» n 50 min sun-exposed rhabdoms Rut at 24 hr postexposure (this micrograph), the rhabdom is ban I liffi r< the control. The scale is 0.5 //m. 662 M. LlNDSTROM, W. FORTELIUS AND B. MEYER-ROCHOW The spectral sensitivity curve with its single 23-37. maximum in the green part of the spectrum 4 Meyer-Rochow, V. B. andTiang, K. M. (1984) The appears to reflect a high degree of evolutionary eye ofJasus edwardsii (Crustacea, Decapoda, Pali- adaptation to the light transmission properties of nuridae): electrophysiology, histology, and be- haviour. Zoologica, 45: 1-85. Tvarminne offshore waters, which exhibit a max- 5 Loew, E. R. (1976) Light, and photoreceptor de- imum at around 565 nm [3]. Spectral sensitivity generation in the Norway lobster, Nephrops norve- apparently does not undergo any change with size gicus (L.). Proc. R. Soc. London, 193B: 31-44. (and, therefore, presumably age) of the animals, 6 Nilsson, H. L. and Lindstrom, M. (1983) Retinal which agrees with recent studies by Ziedins and damage and sensitivity loss of a light-sensitive Meyer-Rochow [19] on Petrolisthes elongatus and crustacean compound eye {Cirolana borealis): elec- Forward and Cronin [20] on intertidal crabs. Sea- tBirooln.,m1i0c7r:os2c77o-p2y92a.nd electrophysiology. J. Exp. sonal changes, however, documented in the 7 Meyer-Rochow, V. B. (1981) The eye of crayfish by Nosaki [21] and Suzuki et al. [22] as Orchomene sp. cf. O. rossi, an amphipod living well as variations between geographically isolated undertheRossIceShelf(Antarctica). Proc. R. Soc. populations, reported for example in Mysis relicta London, 212B: 93-111. by Lindstrom and Nilsson [3] cannot be ruled out. 8 Shelton, P. M. J., Gaten, E. and Chapman, C. J. Whatthisstudyhasmade abundanlyclearisthat g(i1c9u8s5)(LL.)ig(hCtruasntdacreeat)in.alPrdoacm.aRg.eSionc.NeLpohnrdoopns,n2o2r6vBe:- generalizations are dangerous. Even crustacean 218-236. species co-inhabiting the same environment may 9 Chamberlain, S. L., Meyer-Rochow, V. B. and display very differnt responses to the exposure of Dossert,W. P. (1986) Morphologyoftheeyeofthe bright light. In the words of Nilsson [23], who giant deep-sea isopod Bathynomus giganteus. J. Morphol., 189: 145-156. presented three examples of crustaceans with "apparentlythe 'wrong' type ofeye", oneisforced 10 A(1t9t8r5a)maCdhaaln,gJe.sGi.n,beFohsasvai,ouJr. aHn.daenydeNmiolrspshono,loHg.yLo.f to accept "how easy it is to underestimate the Boreomysis megalops Sars (Crustacea: Mysidacea) competence of evolution". following exposure to short periods ofartificial and natural daylight. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 85: 135- 148. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 11 Meyer-Rochow,V. B. andTiang,K. M. (1979) The The authors are indebted to the Finnish Academy of effects of light and temperature on the structural organisation of the eye of the Antarctic amphipod Sciences and the Walter and Andree de Nottbeck's Orchomene plebs (Crustacea). Proc. R. Soc. Lon- Foundation for the support rendered to wards this pro- don, 206B: 353-368. ject and Tvarminne Zoological Station for providing workingfacilities. V. B. Meyer-Rochow,further,wishes 12 Meyer-Rochow, V. B. and Tiang, K. M. (1982) tothankthe Alexanderv. HumboldtFoundation(Bonn, Comparison between temperature-induced changes Germany) and Prof. Y. Morita (Hamamatsu Medical and effects caused by dark/light adaptation in the University, Japan) for their roles in the success of this eyes of two species of Antarctic crustaceans. Cell Tissue Res. 221: 625-632. project. 13 Lindstrom, M., Nilsson, H. L. andMeyer-Rochow, V. B. (1988) Recovery from light-induced sensitiv- REFERENCES ity loss in the eye ofthe crustacean Mysis relicta in relationtotemperature: astudyofERG-determined 1 Cummins, D. R. and Goldsmith, T. H. (1986) V/log I relationships and morphology at 4°C and Responses of crayfish photoreceptor cells following 14°C. Zool. Sci. 5: 743-757. intense light adaptatin. J. Comp. Physiol., A158: 14 Rutherford, D. J. and Horridge, G. A. (1965) The 35-42. rhabdom of the lobster eye. Quart J. Microscrop. 2 Lindstrom, M. and Nilsson, H. L. (1983) Spectral Sci., 106: 119-130. andvisualsenitivitesofCirolanaborealisLilljeborg, 15 Meyer-Rochow, V. B. and Eguchi, E. (1984) The a deep-water isopod (Crustacea: Flabellifera). J. effects of temperature and light on particles associ- Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 69: 243-256. ated with crayfish visual membrane: a freeze- 3 Lindstrom, M. and Nilsson, H. L. (1988) Eye fracture analysis and electrophysiological study. 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