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Exposition of Damnable Heresies Questions And Answers: "7 SEALS RELATED HERESIES ... PDF

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Preview Exposition of Damnable Heresies Questions And Answers: "7 SEALS RELATED HERESIES ...

Exposition of Damnable Heresies Questions And Answers: "7 SEALS RELATED HERESIES: WHAT, WHO, WHY & WHEN? VS THE TRUE REVELATION, QUESTIONS & ANSWERS" TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword Introduction Question # 306: Heretical Article No. 197: "Were men born unto condemnation?" Question # 307: Heretical Article No. 198: "Why heresies based on the seals?" Question # 308: Heretical Article No. 199: "Was the seven seals the capstone?" Question # 309: Heretical Article No. 200: "Was the five-fold ministry set in order at the opening of the seals?" Question # 310: Heretical Article No. 201: "Was the Tent vision fulfilled at the seals in that room?" Question # 311: Heretical Article No. 202: "Some say that the Tent is the cloud." Question # 312: Heretical Article No. 203: "Was the Joshua commission fulfilled or is it yet to come?" Question # 313: Heretical Article No. 204: "Are the seven seals the seven thunders?" Question # 314: "When the seals were opened, were there also fallen angels loosed from Satan?" Question # 315: "How do those Seals relate to false Christs?" Question # 316: Heretical Article No. 205: "Was the voice of the archangel Santiago, Vin Dayal or others?" Question # 317: : Heretical Article No. 206: "Is all over since the opening of the seals?" Question # 318: Heretical Article No. 207: "Since the perfect Word came, is that which is in part done away?" Question # 319: Heretical Article No. 208: "Are there no more preachers since the opening of the seals in 1963?" Question # 320: Heretical Article No. 209: "Did evangelism cease at the opening of the seals?" Question # 321: Heretical Article No. 210: "Since the opening of the seals, should we discontinue communion and feet washing?" Question # 322: Heretical Article No. 211: "Is there no physical return in His second coming?" Question # 323: Heretical Article No. 212: "Did Christ actually arose from the altar of sacrifice? Did the blood leave the mercy seat?" Question # 324: Heretical Article No. 213: "Is mercy over since the opening of the seals?" Question # 325: Heretical Article No. 214: "Is the Blood only in the Word now and not on the altar of sacrifice?" Question # 326: Heretical Article No. 215: "Has the mercy seat become a judgment seat since 1963?" Question # 327: Heretical Article No. 216: "Did the Lamb leave the mercy seat, and return to it?" Question # 328: Heretical Article No. 217: "Are these "eighth messengers" now God's mercy seat?" Question # 329: Heretical Article No. 218: "Some teach that Jesus could not be upon the altar of sacrifice, if the seals are opened?" Question # 330: Heretical Article No. 219: "Revelation 10:1, is He going to the Jews in a gentile messenger?" Question # 331: Heretical Article No. 220: "Revelation 10:1's rainbow, what is the meaning of this? White Throne Judgment?" Question # 332: Heretical Article No. 221: "Does that rainbow have to do with the opening of the seven seals? How important is it?" Question # 333: Heretical Article No. 222: "What is time no longer at the opening of the seals? Question # 334: Heretical Article No. 223: "Are there fourteen seals? Seven on the backside of the Book?" Question # 335: Heretical Article No. 224: "Are there seven seals for the gentiles and seven for the Jews?" Question # 336: Heretical Article No. 225: "Will Moses and Elijah reveal that second set of seven seals?" Question # 337: Heretical Article No. 226: "Are the Trumpets the last set of seven seals? Question # 338: Heretical Article No. 227: "Do the seven seals have anything to do with the trail of the serpent seed? Is it homosexuality?" Question # 339: Heretical Article No. 228: "Some say, what Brother Branham said after the seals is inspired, but what he said before was not inspired and should be ignored." Question # 340: Heretical Article No. 229: "Some say that Brother Branham said that the seventh seal was not opened, just to throw off the people. Is this true?" Question # 341: Heretical Article No. 230: "Brother Branham said that the Bible became a new book. Does that mean that the Bible is now the Spoken Word books?" Question # 342: Heretical Article No. 231: "Has the last elect church age been baptized into the Body of Christ?" Question # 343: Heretical Article No. 232: "Is the last member not yet baptized into the Body for the Bride age? Question # 344: Heretical Article No. 233: "Brother Branham said that "he opened the seven seals"; did he mean that he opened all seven seals in 1963?" Question # 345: Heretical Article No. 234: "Many preach that Brother Branham fulfilled Revelation 10:1-7, is this so?" Question # 346: Heretical Article No. 235: "Is William Branham to return for the last seal and seven thunders?" Question # 347: Heretical Article No. 236: "Brother Branham preached the seven seals from Larkin's doctrine in 1963. Is this right?" Question # 348: Heretical Article No. 237: "How is it that some say that redemption is over since the seals were opened?" Question # 349: Heretical Article No. 238: "Theophanies of the church ages messengers open the seven seals?" Question # 350: Heretical Article No. 239: "The Angel of Revelation 10:1 is a messenger. Is he Santiago? or Vin?" Question # 351: Heretical Article No. 240: "How do the majority of message preachers preach the seven thunders? Coleman, Vin Dayal, Lawrie, Gan, Santiago, C. W. Woods? They cannot all be wrong." Question # 352: "How does the Bride identify these impersonators? Are there identifications?" Question # 353: Heretical Article No. 241: "Was the 7th seal/7 thunders revealed & preached by Brother Branham in riddles & parables?" Question # 354: Heretical Article No. 242: "Was the seventh seal revealed progressively?" Question # 355: Heretical Article No. 243: "Has the rapture been in progress, since the opening of the seals in 1963?" Question # 356: Heretical Article No. 244: "Is the seven thunders the seven virtues?" Question # 357: Heretical Article No. 245: "Is the seven thunders revealed by seven men, as Mr. Richard Gan teaches?" Question # 358: Heretical Article No. 246: "Is the revelation of the 7th seal/ 7 thunders, one 'eighth messenger prophet,' Coming of Christ, Moses and Elijah?" Question # 359: "What is the relationship of the opening of the seals, with the Day of Atonement?" The Introduction of the Seven Seals The Revelation of the First Seal The Revelation of the Second Seal The Revelation of the Third Seal The Revelation of the Fourth Seal The Revelation of the Fifth Seal The Revelation of the Sixth Seal Facts of the Seventh Seal Other Available Literature Top FOREWORD Our publication entitled, "Exposition of Damnable Heresies" Books one to ten, dealt with most of the major doctrines and teachings of the Bible, and moreover, the message of Malachi 4: 5 & 6. They are in circulation in most of the major countries of the world. Many perversions and heresies were exposed. Thousands are tremendously blessed by our work, which majors on exposing heretics and heresies, and endeavors to establish the purity of the message. Several major heresies in perversion of the seven seals and in particular the seventh seal/seven thunders, were exposed. However, there are several that are left outstanding of both old and new heresies. Some are very popular, while new ones are gaining grounds in many countries. This work endeavors to address such heresies and group together in a more elaborate form those that were previously exposed. We have seen the need of such exposition and putting into one book all the major heresies, since we have a collection of many questions pertinent to the opening of the seals, and in particular heretical teachings. In addition to answers to those questions given by Pastor Dalton Bruce and Assistant Pastor Sookdeo Ramnarine is a general rehearsal of the revelation of the seals. This book will be launched in our sixteenth annual memorial of the seven seals and is entitled "7 Seals related heresies: what, who, why & when? Vs the true Revelation, Questions & Answers". The ministers, who were chiefly engaged in this spiritual exercise, for the past fifteen years, are pastors Kenny Mcgahee, Gerald Renner and Timothy Lambert, of Connecticut USA. Pastors P. Penniston and N. Titis of South America, Guyana. And from the Caribbean Trinidad W.I., R. Barrow, A Chandler, D. Seebrat, K. Bachan, C. Bynoe, A. Trotman, Sookdeo Ramnarine and Dalton Bruce of Bethel "The House of God", and from St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Pastors C. William, and P. Duncan. Included in this work, were vibrant young men and women, from Connecticut USA and Bethel {The House of God}, Trinidad W.I. Brother Ronald Jack had a most important contribution to this work, editing, and identifying quotations of the prophet. Their work is of great importance and will benefit many around the world, and I am sure that they have a great reward bestowed in Heaven for them. By God's grace, I am sure that they will be a part of this great revival and outpouring to come upon the endtime Bride. This book is free of charge, to all believers of third world countries and the underprivileged. Europeans, USA, and Canadian citizens must give a donation of $7:00 US per copy for printing and postage cost. This book may be reproduced or translated but strictly without alteration in any form and written permission must be obtained from the authors. The contents of this book, were documented from magnetic tape recordings. We also apologize for any typographical errors in this booklet. Pastor Of Bethel Dalton Bruce Written and Published by Dalton Bruce in March 2004 Top INTRODUCTION God by his grace sent unto us Elijah the prophet fulfilling the scriptures of Malachi 4: 5-6, revelation 3:14, 10:7. However as in every age, when God sends a message to his people Satan, seducing spirits, false prophets and teachers, stands ready to pervert the message of the age like it was perverted in Genesis, when God himself delivered the first message to his children. While the apostle Paul, the first messenger of the seven church ages were yet alive, the gospel of Jesus Christ and Paul's teachings were perverted {Galatians 1:1-8}, and at his departure grievous wolves entered and spoiled the flock. Men who represented his message and teachings arose and divided the flock by heresies. The same was repeated under the ministry and message of William Branham. While he was yet alive, He said that there were nine different interpretations of his message in Tucson Arizona USA., alone. After this departure, there were many other interpretations formulated. Is it 900 thousand, since his departure? I am not sure. Many diabolical, and satanic heresies were formulated after 1963, just as he prophesied, evil men arose like in the days of Paul, false prophets and false Christ as prophesied by the Lord Jesus, Matthew 24:24. Some have international recognition amongst message churches, ministers and believers. This work seeks to identify such men and establish how these heresies were formulated, when they were formulated, why they were formulated, and who formulated them, since they are Satan's strong hold and makes up the most dangerous weapons of Satan against the endtime church in a last attempt of Satan to prevent the translation of the saints. Many heresies were exposed by our former works by book, tracts, audio and video tapes, inclusive of seals related heresies, that this work seeks to group together in an elaborate form and also expose major heresies that were not exposed before. Under the title of "7 Seals related heresies: what, who, why & when? Vs the true Revelation, Questions & Answers". We will first establish the revelation of each seal and the facts of the last seal. People who are acquainted with the message, know that the revelation of each seal proper only makes up a few paragraphs, though Brother Branham had many things to say before and after he delivered the revelation of each seal, by the Lamb. Questions and answers relative to the seals will make up a great portion of this book. The actual preaching of the revelation of the seals will follow that elaborate work. This same revelation was preached on magnetic tapes, through fifteen years of the rehearsal of the seals, without contradiction of the word, the message, or any perversion of the revelation of the seals. Various ministers, were used of the Lord, from the Caribbean, Trinidad, St. Vincent, South America and in Connecticut, United States of America. This same vision continues in 2004, in which year this book will be launched. Some of our brethren, locally and overseas, were associated with such heresies, and were delivered. Many who were associated with many of these heresies, testified by letters, how the Lord delivered them, and I believe that He will continue to deliver many more in the days to come. Though such doctrines is established as truth and the message of Malachi 4, and have deceived many of God's children and His servants for the past forty years. "7 SEALS RELATED HERESIES: WHAT, WHO, WHY & WHEN? VS THE TRUE REVELATION,QUESTIONS & ANSWERS". The event of the loosing of the seven seals was prophesied, foreordained and predestinated for our day, the end of all ages, when the church of Jesus Christ needs rapturing grace, faith and translation power. It occurred in March 18th-24th, 1963, at Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA, the lamb, Jesus Christ, who was the only worthy one, revealed the seals. There was a scriptural ministry prophesied, foreordained and predestinated for our day to receive and reveal that revelation from the loosing of the seven seals. (Malachi 4:5&6, Revelation 10:7, Revelation 3:14). God vindicated that ministry by a pillar of fire and a cloud even as He vindicated the ministry of Moses when he led the children of Israel out of Egypt land on his way to the Promised Land. No other ministry was so supernaturally vindicated since the days of our Lord Jesus Christ and the apostolic church. The dead were raised, the sick were healed, and many supernatural signs and wonders were performed seven times around the world. This great ministry climaxed in the loosing of the seals. The chosen vessel of God and the Lamb Jesus Christ was a humble little Prophet named William Marrion Branham (1909 - 1965). A man hated, despised and rejected by the religious system of organizations, which claim to represent Christianity. Nevertheless, such rejections did not change the purpose of God for his life. The seals were loosed and the revelation was channeled down through his ministry to the elected Bride. On February 28th 1963, when Brother Branham was in the wilderness of Arizona, science took a photograph of a mysterious cloud that appeared twenty-six miles high and thirty miles across. It was seven angels that came down from heaven and took Brother Branham up into that cloud. He was told to return home for the opening of the seals. Although this declaration seems to be mysterious, incredible and far-fetched to the human mind, it is scriptural, and the revelation foreordained and predestinated to be understood by the elect of God, for it is written, "They shall all be taught of God."(John 6:45). Some are not aware and others are not too careful to search the Scriptures concerning the greatest event of the twentieth century - the loosing of the seals. In Revelation 5, it is written about a book in the hand of God, written within and sealed with seven seals. A proclamation went forth by an angel, "Who is worthy to take the book...?". No one was found worthy to take the book and loose the seven seals but the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. Though this event started with a heavenly scene, it also had its earthly representations. In Revelation 10: 1-4, there was a mighty angel standing upon land and sea with an open book in his hand. He was symbolizing the Lord Jesus Christ who was the only one to take the book and loose the seals, but here he was symbolized as a lion, which signifies the judgments of God to follow this great event. Revelation 10:7 is the earthly messenger to the Laodicean church age, the last and seventh age, (Revelation 3:14 - 22) who was chosen of God to receive and reveal the revelation of the mysteries of God that were recorded in the book. Included were the six seals, since the seventh seal was not recorded in the book and was held in the seven unknown thunders. That revelation was declared by the messenger/Prophet of Malachi 4:5&6, Revelation 10:7 to be the mystery of the second coming of Jesus Christ, which is to be revealed to the public about the time of Christ's coming and the Rapture. "Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse." (Malachi 4:5-6). "And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven clothed with a cloud; and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not. And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer: But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished as he hath declared to his servants the prophets." (Revelation 10:1-7). "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." (Daniel 12:8-10). "And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And he said, Go thy way Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand." (Daniel 12:4). People, who are acquainted with the message, know that the revelation of each seal proper only makes up a few paragraphs, though Brother Branham had many things to say before and after he delivered the revelation of each seal, by the Lamb. However the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation is based upon the major facts of the revelation of the seals. We will first establish the revelation of each seal. Unabridged, and exactly as the prophet himself preached them in 1963. This will serve as a quick reference to ministers, and believers to examine each heresy for themselves and to detect any foreign elements, misconstruestion, and perversions which are injected, into the revelation of the seals which were revealed by the lamb himself, the Lord Jesus Christ. THE REVELATION OF THE FIRST SEAL "The first thing happened... When that Lamb broke that First Seal, a thunder roared. Now, that's got a significance; it's got a meaning…St. John, the 12th chapter, and now let's begin with the 23rd verse…Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again. The people said... that stood by, that heard it, they said... it thundered... Then when the Lamb took the Book and broke that First Seal, God spoke from His eternal throne to say what that Seal was to be revealed. But when it's placed before John, it was in a symbol…Remember, a loud clapping noise of a thunder is the voice of God…Now, what does the white horse mean?... I got Smith's book on "Daniel's Revelation."… And they said,…"The man that set on that was the white horse was the Holy Spirit…Now, that sounds very good, but it isn't the Truth…My revelation by the Holy Spirit is: Christ and the Holy Spirit is the self same Person (See?), only in a different form. So here stands Christ, the Lamb. We know He was the Lamb. He's standing here with the Books in His hand, and there goes the white horse rider. See? So it wasn't the Holy Spirit… Now, the Holy Spirit is Christ in another form. That's right. Notice, it is a Lamb that opened the Book, and the Lamb is Christ; and Christ is not seen anymore from then, but He is seen in the Book of Revelations the 19th chapter, coming on a white horse…There comes the Messiah. There He is, not this fellow on this horse back here…so if this guy is riding a white horse, he's only an impersonator of Christ. See? Get that? Notice, the rider on the white horse don't have any name. He might use two or three titles, but he hasn't got any name. But Christ has a Name. What is it? The Word of God…The rider has no arrows for his bow. He had a bow, but there's nothing said about having any arrows; so he must be a bluffer…Who is this mysterious rider that starts forth in the first church age and rides plumb on out into eternity, goes to the end…He's mighty in his conquering power…He's the antichrist... Jesus said that the two would be so close together until it would deceive the very elected, the Bride, if it was possible. Antichrist, it's the antichrist spirit… Remember in the church ages when we opened the first church age back there, we found out that the Holy Spirit was against a certain thing that got started in that church age, and that was called "the deeds of the Nicolaitanes."…"Nico" means "to conquer." "Laity" means "the church, the laity." "Nicolaitanes" "to conquer the laity": take the Holy Spirit out of the church and give it all to one holy man, let him be the boss of all of it. You went through it (See?). Notice, Nicolaitia was a saying in one church; it become a doctrine in the next church age. And in the third church age it

Some are very popular, while new ones are gaining grounds in many countries. anti--so close it'd deceive the very elect Now, we got our the Word of God; and false anointed ones are not straight on the Word of God. That.
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