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Exponential complexity and ontological theories of quantum mechanics A. Montina Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit`a di Firenze, Via Sansone 1, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI), Italy (Dated: February 2, 2008) Ontological theories of quantum mechanics describe a single system by means of well-defined classical variables and attribute the quantum uncertainties to our ignorance about the underlying realityrepresentedbythesevariables. Weconsiderthegeneralclassofontologicaltheoriesdescribing aquantumsystembyasetofvariableswithMarkovian(eitherdeterministicorstochastic)evolution. Weprovidethefirstproofthatthenumberofcontinuousvariablescannotbesmallerthan2N−2,N beingtheHilbert space dimension. Thus,any ontological Markovian theory of quantummechanics requires a number of variables which grows exponentially with the physical size. This result is 8 relevant also in theframework of quantum MonteCarlo methods. 0 0 2 I. INTRODUCTION wouldimply anexponentialgrowthofphysicalvariables. In the Born’s interpretation the wave-function does not n represent real quantities, but it is merely a mathemat- a Inclassicalmechanics,thenumberofvariablesdescrib- J ical tool of the theory enabling to evaluate the proba- ing the state of a particle ensemble scales as the number 5 bilities of physical events. It is similar to the classical of particles, thus the calculation time and memory re- 2 concept of probability distribution, that has the form sources which are necessary in a numerical simulation ρ(~x ,~p ,...,~x ,~p ) for an ensemble of M particles and ] are generally a polynomial function of the physical size. live1s in1 the pMhasMe space of the whole system. In spite h This friendly property of classical systems seems to be p of this similarity, the Born’s interpretation constitutes a lost at the microscopic level, when quantum effects be- - deep departure from classical statistical theories, where t come relevant. It is well-known that the definition of a n each system is described by well-defined (ontological) quantum state requires a number of resources growing a quantities and the probability distributions merely pro- exponentially with the number of particles. This char- u videastatistical(epistemological)descriptionofthem(in q acteristic is at the basis of the exponential complexity the following,we use the terms ”classical”,”ontological” [ of quantum mechanics (QM) and forbids at present to and ”realistic” as synonyms). efficiently simulate the dynamics of many-body systems, 2 This departure is not unavoidable, indeed ontological unlesssomeapproximationisinvolvedorparticularprob- v theoriesofquantumphenomenaexist,suchasBohmme- 0 lems are considered [1, 2, 3, 4]. chanics[5,6,7],whichdescribessinglesystemsbymeans 7 The origin of the exponential growth can be under- ofwell-definedvariables(onticvariables)determiningthe 7 stood with the following example. A quantum scalar outgoingvaluesofmeasurements. HowevertheBorn’sar- 4 . particle is associatedwith a complex wave-functionψ(~x) gumentation constitutes the main difficulty of these ap- 1 whichlivesinthe three-dimensionalspaceandevolvesin proaches,since they promote the abstract wave-function 1 accordance with the Schr¨odinger equation. Discretizing to the rank of a classical real field. Thus, it is nat- 7 0 eachcoordinatewithRpoints andevaluatingthe spatial ural to ask whether there exists an ontological theory : derivativesbyfinitedifferences,theSchr¨odingerequation of quantum phenomena which uses an alternative rep- v is then reduced to 2R3 real ordinary differential equa- resentation of a single system and is not subject to the i X tions. One could interpret ψ as a physical field which exponential growth of the number of variables. This is r pilots the particle and intuitively conclude that M in- not only a foundational problem, but it has also a con- a teracting particles are trivially described by M complex crete relevance,since such a theory would provide a new wave-functionsinthethree-dimensionalspace. Thus,the revolutionaryquantumMonteCarlomethod(QMC)for numberofvariableswouldgrowlinearlywiththenumber many-body problems [3, 4, 8]. Questions pertaining to ofparticles. Instead,inthestandarddescriptionofquan- the computational complexity of QMC are discussed in tumphenomena,anensembleofM particlesisassociated Ref. [9]. with a single complex wave-functionψ(~x ,...,~x ) which 1 M Inthisarticle,weconsiderthisproblemfromageneral lives in the configuration space of the whole system. If pointofviewandgivethefirstproofthattheexponential eachcoordinate is discretizedwithR points, the number growthofthenumberofvariablesisacommonfeatureof ofrealvariableswehavetointegrategrowsexponentially any ontological Markovian (deterministic or probabilis- with M and is given by 2R3M. tic)theoryofquantumsystems. Morepreciselyweprove In general terms, if two quantum systems A and A that, for a system with a finite N-dimensional Hilbert 1 2 are associated with the Hilbert spaces and , then space, the number of continuous ontic variables can not 1 2 H H thecompositesystemA +A isassociatedwiththeten- be smaller than 2N 2. As a consequence, the Born’s 1 2 − sorialproduct . Thischaracteristicwasattheba- criticism does not concern only the pilot-wave theories, 1 2 H ⊗H sis of the Born’s argumentations against the realistic in- but every realistic Markovian theory. If we assume QM terpretation of the wave-function by Schr¨odinger, which exact, then this result suggests two choices, either to re- 2 jectontologicalcausaltheoriesofquantumsystems orto first one concerns the ambiguity in the state projection accept the exponential growth of the ontic variables as rule, which requires one to mark a boundary between an intrinsic feature of quantum phenomena. After this the fuzzy microscopic quantum world and the macro- workwascompleted,webecameawarethatsimilarques- scopic well-defined observations. This ambiguity has at tions were discussed by L. Hardy [10]. He proved that presentnopracticalconsequence,sincethequantumpre- the number of ontic states can not be finite, but did not dictions are practically insensitive to the boundary, once placedconstraintsonthedimensionalityoftheonticstate the quantum domain is taken sufficiently large. This in- space. As far as we know, the question on the exponen- sensitivityisrelatedtodecoherencephenomena[12]. Our tial growth of the ontological dimensionality was posed work is motivated by another more practical reason. In for the first time in Refs.[4, 8]. Very recently, similar classical mechanics, the number of variables which spec- studies hasbeentackledinRef.[11]. However,untilnow ify the state scales linearly with the physical size, thus a no answer to this open question was given. numerical simulation of dynamics is generally a polyno- One could object that the use of the multi-particle mial complexity problem. Conversely, the definition of wave-function as a variable field in ontological models is aquantumstate requiresanexponentiallygrowingnum- anobviousrequirement,becauseofBell’stheoremonen- berofresources,makingthenumericalintegrationofthe tangled states. Thus, our proof would not be necessary. Schr¨odinger equation impossible even for a small num- HoweverBell’s theoremimposes only a non-locality con- ber of particles. Many approximate methods are used dition on realistic theories and says nothing about the in order to circumvent this problem, such as quantum dimensionality of the ontic state space. One can not re- Monte Carlo and semi-classical methods, the Hartree- jecta priori the possibilityofa non-localrealistictheory Fockapproximation,thedensity-functionaltheoryandso with a space of variables smaller than the Hilbert space on. However, at present no general numerical method is without an explicit proof. knownwhichisabletosolveinpolynomialtimequantum InsectionIIwegivethemotivationsforthisstudyand many-bodydynamics. Itis interestingtoobservethatin introduce the generalproperties that an ontologicalthe- the standard interpretation the wave-function does not ory of QM has to satisfy. In section III we provide some representa physicalfield, butitprovidesacomplete sta- examples and in section IV discuss a particular case of tistical information on an infinite ensemble of realiza- dimensional reduction of the ontic state space. In sec- tions, thus the exponential growth of resources in the tion VA the proof of the theorem on the classical space solution of the Schr¨odinger equation is not surprising. dimensionispresentedanditsconsequencesforquantum Indeed, this occurs also in classical mechanics with the Monte Carlo methods are sketched. Finally, the conclu- definition of the multi-particle probability distribution sions are drawn in the last section. ρ(~x1,~p1,...,~xM,~pM). For example, consider the prob- lem of M mutually coupled classicalBrownian particles, which are described by the stochastic equations II. CLASSICAL THEORIES OF QUANTUM d~v MECHANICS i = F~ij(~xi,~xj) γ~vi+~ηi(t), (2) dt − X j6=i Thestateofaquantumsystemisdescribedbyatrace- where ~x , ~v , F~ , γ and ~η (η1,η2,η3) are the spa- one density operator ρˆ which is Hermitian and non- i i ij i ≡ i i i tial coordinates, the velocity, the interaction force, the negative defined, i.e., it satisfies the properties coefficient of viscosity and the noise term, respectively. The two-time correlation function of the noise term is Trρˆ=1 ηk(t)ηl(t′) =gδ δ δ(t t′). The masses are set equal ρˆ† =ρˆ (1) h i j i ij kl − to 1. The solution of these equations is the trajectory φρˆφ 0 for every φ . h | | i≥ | i of a single realization and its evaluation is a polynomial problem. Equation (2) is associated with the following When the maximal information on the system is ob- Fokker-Planckequation tained, the quantum state is described by a Hilbert space vector ψ and the density operator is the projec- | i ∂ρ ∂ g ∂2 ∂ tor ψ ψ . A von Neumann measurement is associated =  (γ~v F~ )+ ~v ρ. with| aihHe|rmitian operator Mˆ = kmk|kihk|, where mk ∂t Xi ∂~vi · i−Xj6=i ij 2∂~vi2 − ∂~xi · i are the possible results and the vPectors k are orthonor- (3) | i mal. If Mˆ is not degenerate, when Mˆ is measured and Its direct numerical integration is an exponential com- the systemis inthe purestate ψ , the probabilityofob- plexity problem. The difference of complexity between | i taining result m is p = k ψ 2. If m is obtained, the Eq. (2) and Eq. (3) is not amazing, since the first equa- k k k |h | i| quantum state is projected into k . This is the general tion describes the trajectory of a single realization, con- | i framework of QM. versely the second one provides a complete statistical InspiteoftheevidentsuccessofQM inexplainingsec- description of an infinite number of realizations. Since ular experimental results, there are at least two reasons this complete informationis in generaloutofthe experi- toaskforanalternativereformulationofthetheory. The mentaldomain,adetailedevolutionofthe multi-particle 3 probability distribution is not required and it is practi- mapping cally sufficient to evaluate the averages of some quan- tities over a finite number of trajectories by means of ψ ρ(X ψ,η),η . (6) | i→{ | ∈C} a Monte Carlo method. In QM, a similar approach is used for thermal equilibrium problems and, with some This over-labeling of ρ can be found also in the posi- approximations,indynamicalproblems(quantumMonte tiveP-functions[13],mainlyusedinquantumopticsand Carlo methods). The point of this discussion is the fol- degenerate boson gases, and in Ref. [14], where η lowing. Suppose,inaccordancewiththeEinstein’s view, is identified as context for the quantum state prepa∈raC- that there exists a more fundamental theory which does tion. Obviously, if ψ ψ = ψ′ ψ′ , then ρ(X ψ,η) = not provide a statistical description on ensembles and ρ(X ψ′,η′) for any η| ainhd|η′6 | .iThhu|s, Function|(6) ca6n characterizes each quantum system by means of a set be in|verted and we have ∈C of well-defined physical variables. The dynamical laws of this ontological theory and the Schr¨odinger equation ψ ψ =Dˆ(ρ), (7) would be similar to Eqs. (2,3) of our example, respec- | ih | tively. Thus, it is naturalto pose the following question: where the operator Dˆ(ρ) is a function whose domain is is the trajectorysimulationin this fundamentaltheory a the image of the functional ρ(X ψ,η). polynomial problem? more precisely, does the ontologi- | Equation (6) and its equivalent form, Eq. (7), are our calspacedimensiongrowpolynomiallywiththe physical first hypothesis. As a practical example, consider a sin- size? Inthiscase,the fundamentaltheorywouldprovide glemodeofthe electromagneticfield,whoseannihilation in a natural way a revolutionary quantum Monte Carlo and creation operators are aˆ and aˆ†, respectively. The method. This is the non-obvious core question of this coherent state α of the mode is article and we will find that the answer is negative, i.e., | i theexponentialcomplexityisnotrelatedtotheensemble description, but it is a general feature of any ontological α =e−|α|2/2 ∞ (αaˆ†)n 0 , (8) Markovian theory of quantum phenomena. In the fol- | i X n! | i n=0 lowing subsections, we introduce the general properties of such theories. where 0 isthevacuumstateandαisacomplexnumber. | i By means of the coherent state, it is possible to define some quasi-probability distributions associated with the quantum states. The Glauber distribution P (α) of the A. Kinematics G state ψ is defined as follows, | i We characterize a single system by means of a set of continuous and discrete ontological variables, say Z dαPG(α)|αihα| ≡|ψihψ|. (9) x ,x ,...,x and s ,...,s , respectively. In the follow- 1 2 w 1 p ing we use synthetically the symbol X for this set, i.e., AGlauberdistributionexistsforanyquantumstate,but X = x ,...x ,s ,...s . For a single system, it takes a 1 w 1 p in general it is highly singular and non-positive and can { } well-defined value X(t) at any time t. When a quantum notbe interpretedasa probabilitydistribution[Eq.(5)]. systemispreparedinastate ψ ,theontologicalvariable Thepositive-P distributionP(α,β)isageneralizationof | i takes a value X with a probability ρ(X) which depends P and is such that G on ψ . ρ(X) has to satisfy the following conditions | i dαdβP(α,β)Bˆ(α,β) ψ ψ , (10) dXρ(X)=1 (4) Z ≡| ih | Z ρ(X) 0. (5) where Bˆ(α,β) e(|α|2+|β|2−2β∗α)/2 α β . It is possible ≥ ≡ | ih | toprovethateachquantumstate ψ isassociatedwitha | i Inprinciple,itispossiblethat ψ doesnotfixunequivo- positive-P distribution [13]. Equation (10) is a concrete | i callyρ;thisonecouldthendependonthe specificexper- exampleofEq.(7),X beingthevariableset α,β . Note { } imental setup used to prepare the pure state. Further- that a single mode has an infinite dimensional Hilbert more in the quantum formalism the pure state prepara- space, conversely the α,β space is four-dimensional, { } tion deletes the memory of the previous history. This is i.e, we can represent a quantum state as a statistical not necessarily true in the ontological theory. In order ensemble on a reduced space of variables. These vari- not to lose in generality,we assume that each pure state ables and P(α,β) are analogous to the variables ~x ,~v i i { } canbe associatedwithdifferentprobabilitydistributions in Eq. (2) and the probability distribution ρ in Eq. (3), whichcandependonthespecificexperimentalsetupand respectively. The dimensional reduction program would the previous history. This prevents us from writing a look, at this stage, feasible. However, we have still to single-valuedfunctionalrelation ψ ρ(X ψ). Let be define the dynamics ofX andthe connectionbetweenX | i→ | C a set which contains at least one element, we write the and the measurements. 4 B. Dynamics These are the general hypotheses for the dynamics in the ontological theory. In the case of the positive-P dis- Inquantummechanics,thestateevolutionofaconser- tribution,itispossibletodefineconditionalprobabilities vativesystemfromtimet tot isdescribedbyaunitary which satisfy these conditions, but we will not show it. 0 1 operator Uˆ(t ;t ), i.e., we have the Markovian and de- It is important for our purposes to deduce some prop- terministic ev1olu0tion erties of P(X X¯,Uˆ,χ) and ρ(X ψ,η). We introduce the | | following ψ(t ) =Uˆ(t ;t )ψ(t ) . (11) Definition 1. We denote by I(ψ,η) the support of 1 1 0 0 | i | i the probability distribution ρ(X ψ,η), i.e., the smallest We retain in the ontologicaltheory the Markovianprop- closed set with probability 1 and|define I(ψ) as follows erty and define a conditional probability P(X,t X¯,t ) 1 0 such that ρ (X) = dX¯P(X,t X¯,t )ρ (X¯), |where I(ψ)= I(ψ,η),η C (17) 1 1| 0 0 { ∈ } ρ (X) and ρ (X) are Rtwo probability distributions as- 0 1 In practice, if the set of values X is countable, then X sociated with ψ(t ) and ψ(t ) , respectively. 0 1 ∈ | i | i I(ψ,η) ρ(X ψ,η) = 0. For continuous spaces this is We assume that every unitary evolution is physically ⇔ | 6 still true apart from a zero probability set. In order not attainable. This hypothesis rests on the fact that, in to be pedantic, we assume that these negligible sets are quantum computers, every unitary evolution is in prin- null, i.e., we assume that our probability distributions ciple feasible by means of a finite number of quantum have the same properties of discrete distributions. gates, that have a physical implementation (see for ex- Property 1. If X¯ I(ψ), then the support of ample Chapter 4 of Ref. [15]). As a consequence, every ∈ unitary operator has to be associated with a conditional P(X X¯,Uˆ,χ) is a subset of I(Uˆψ). Equivalently, if | probability. As for the probability distribution, in gen- X¯ I(ψ) and P(X X¯,Uˆ,χ)=0, then X I(Uψ). ∈ | 6 ∈ eral each unitary operator can be mapped to many dif- If the X space is discrete, this property is a conse- ferent conditional probabilities which can depend on the quence of Eqs (5,13,15). The proof is as follows: if the physical implementation of the evolution. Thus, we X¯ I(ψ)thenthereexistsanη suchthatρ(X¯ ψ,η)=0. ∈ | 6 introduce a set which contains atleastan element and Thus,ifX isanelementofthesupportofP(X X¯,Uˆ,χ), E | define the mapping then exists an η (second enumerated conditions) such 1 that ρ(X Uˆψ,η ) = P(X X˜,Uˆ,χ)ρ(X˜ ψ,η) Uˆ P(X X¯,Uˆ,χ),χ . (12) | 1 X˜ | | ≥ →{ | ∈E} P(X X¯,Uˆ,χ)ρ(X¯ ψ,η) =P 0, i.e., X is an element of | | 6 The label χ identifies the context for the unitary I(Uˆψ). For continuous spaces, Property 1 is true apart ∈ E evolution [14]. from unimportant sets with zero probability. As previ- The conditional probabilities have to satisfy the fol- ously said, we will assume them null. lowing conditions: Property 1 can formulated in these terms. If X(t) is the deterministic/stochastic trajectory of the ontologi- 1. For any Uˆ and χ cal variable and X(t ) I(ψ) at time t , then at a ∈E 0 ∈ 0 P(X X¯,Uˆ,χ) 0, (13) subsequent time t1 > t0 X(t1) ∈ I[Uˆ(t1;t0)ψ]. In gen- | ≥ eral,this propertyis notinvariantfortime inversionand dX¯P(X¯ X,Uˆ,χ)=1. (14) X(t0) / I(ψ)doesnotimpliesthatX(t1) / I[Uˆ(t1;t0)ψ]. Z | The no∈n-invariance is due to the fact th∈at a backward MarkovianprocessisnotingeneralaMarkovianprocess. 2. For any Uˆ, χ , ψ and η , there exists a Thus, the set I[ψ(t)] is as a black hole, the trajectories ∈ E | i ∈ C η1 such that X(t) can jump into it but can not escape from it. This ∈C is illustrated in Fig. 1a. The points (I), (II) and (III) in ρ(X Uˆψ,η )= dX¯P(X X¯,Uˆ,χ)ρ(X¯ ψ,η); (15) the figure are defined in the caption. | 1 Z | | It is reasonable to assume that this confluence of the trajectories into I[Uˆ(t ;t )ψ] corresponds to a transient 1 0 3. For any Uˆ and χ , there exists a χ behavior which becomes negligible after a suitable series 1,2 1,2 3 ∈ E ∈ E such that of unitary evolutions. This is equivalent to say that for any ψ′ ,thereexistsaprobabilitydistributionρ(X ψ′,η) dX P(X¯ X ,Uˆ ,χ )P(X X,Uˆ ,χ )= | i | i | i 2 2 i| 1 1 (16) whose support contains only points of type (I) and (III) R P(X¯ X,Uˆ2Uˆ1,χ3). (Fig. 1b). | Inthe following,weassumethat,afterasuitabletran- Note that the integral symbol dX synthetically indi- sient evolution, the variable X evolves towards a clas- cates the integration and sum oRver the continuous and sical subspace where the time symmetry is fulfilled and discrete variables. consider only this subspace as the space of ontic states. The set P(X¯ X,Uˆ,χ),χ is an equivalence class Thus, we enunciate labeled by{Uˆ. Th|e set of all∈thEe}equivalence classes is a Property 2. For any ψ , Uˆ and χ , if X¯ / I(ψ) | i ∈ E ∈ group, whose identity is P(X¯ X, ,χ),χ . and P(X X¯,Uˆ,χ)=0, then X / I(Uψ). { | 1 ∈E} | 6 ∈ 5 (a) (b) dXP (k X)ρ(X ψ,η)= k ψ 2, (21) Ι[ψ(t 2 )] time Ι[ψ~( t 2 )] Ι[ψ( t 2 )] Z Mˆ | | |h | i| for any η and ψ . Equation(21) makesthe classical ∈C | i Ι[ψ~( t )] measurement rule equivalent to the Born’s rule. (II) Ι[ψ(t 1 )] 1 WhenPMˆ(k|X)takesonlythevalues0and1,theonto- logicaltheoryis called”dispersion-free”andthe variable Ι[ψ( t 1 )] X determinesexactlythemeasurementresults. However, this property is not necessary for our scope and will not (II) be assumed. It is useful to note that each Hermitian (I) Ι[ψ~( t )] Ι[ψ( t 0 )] operator Mˆ may be associated with many conditional 0 Ι[ψ(t 0 )] (III) probability distributions, i.e., the measurement results may depend on the physical implementation of the mea- FIG. 1: Visual representation of the evolution of I[ψ(t)] in surementofMˆ. Inorderto accountfor this dependence, the ontic state space. (a) Classical states in I[ψ(t0)] at time we have to introduce a set , akin to and , and let t0[labeledwith(I)]cannotescapefromI[ψ(t)]atsubsequent the conditionalprobabilitydDependonτC , tEhatis,de- time t > t0. However, some states outside I[ψ(t0)] [labeled ∈D notetheconditionalprobabilitybyP (k X,τ)[14]. This with (II)]can jump intoI[ψ(t)]. Otherstates (III)may exist Mˆ | function has to satisfy properties (19-21) for any τ . whichremainalwaysoutsideI[ψ(t)]. (b)Theevolutionofthe ∈D supportI fortwodifferentstates|ψiand|ψ˜i. Afterasuitable For our purpose, it is sufficient to consider only trace- one projectors and prove the following transientevolution,notrajectorycanescapefromortojump into I[ψ(t)]and I[ψ˜(t)]. Property 3. If ψ and ψ⊥ are two orthogonal | i | i states, then the supports of ρ(X ψ,η ) and ρ(X ψ ,η ) 1 ⊥ 2 | | do not contain common elements, for every η and η , 1 2 Equivalently, if X(t) is a deterministic/stochastic tra- i.e., I(ψ) I(ψ ) = . Proof: Assume ab absurdo the ⊥ ∩ ⊘ tjeimcteorty1a>ndt0XX(t(0t)1)∈/∈/II(ψ[Uˆ)(att1;ttim0)eψt]0(,Ftihge.n1abt).asubsequent oρp(Xpo0s|ψit⊥e,aηn2d)laerteXn0otbeeqauvaallutoeszuecrho.thLaettρP(X(10||Xψ,)ηb1)eatnhde It is interesting to note that the actual state of a sys- conditionalprobabilityofobtaining1withtheprojective temweseektodescribeinthelaboratorymightnothave measurement ψ ψ anda fixedτ. By Eq.(21), we have | ih | undergone the suitable transientevolutionand not be in aregionwiththe time symmetry property. Forexample, dXP(1X)ρ(X ψ,η )=1. (22) this might occur for a system sufficiently isolated since Z | | 1 the early universe. However,it important to realize that the ontic state spaceis fixedonce andforallanditmust Since ρ(X ψ,η1) is positive and normalized to one | be able to describe every potential future evolution of [Eqs. (4,5)], and ρ(X0 ψ,η1) = 0, by Eq. (22) we have | 6 the system. Forourpurpose,itis sufficienttoknowthat that P(1X0)=1. This is obvious if the set of values X | there exists a region with the time symmetry property is countable. As said in Section IIB, this is true also in establishedby Property2. The constraintonthe dimen- the continuous case apart from events with zero proba- sionalitythatwewillfindforthissub-regionwillbevalid bility which can be neglected. Similarly, we have for the whole classical space. Properties 1-2 will be fundamental for our proof in dXP(1X)ρ(X ψ ,η )=0. (23) Section VA. Z | | ⊥ 2 Since ρ(X ψ ,η ) = 0, we have that P(1X ) = 0, in 0 ⊥ 2 0 | 6 | contradictionwiththepreviousdeduction. Thus,X can C. Measurements 0 not be a common element of I(ψ) and I(ψ ). In simple ⊥ words,since ψ and ψ correspondto mutually exclu- Let Mˆ be a Hermitian operator with eigenvectors k | i | ⊥i | i sive events, they can not be associated with the same and eigenvalues m , k being an integer index. When a k value ofthe ontologicalvariable. This propertyhas been measurement of Mˆ is performed on the state ψ , the | i usedinRef.[14]toderiveano-gotheoremfornoncontex- result m is obtained with probability k tual hidden variable models, and a similar property has p = k ψ 2 (18) been used in Ref. [10] to derive the ”ontological excess k |h | i| baggage theorem”. if mk is not degenerate. Itisinterestingtonotethateverypositivedistribution In the ontological theory, we introduce a conditional introducedinquantumoptics,suchasthepositive-P and probability PMˆ(k|X) such that [8] theHusimiQfunctionsdonotprovideanontologicalde- scription of quantum mechanics, since in general their PMˆ(k|X)=1, (19) support is the whole phase space and two orthogonal Xk quantum states can have overlapping probability distri- P (k X) 0, (20) butions. Mˆ | ≥ 6 Wehavecompletedourcharacterizationofanontolog- Themeasurementruleisasfollows: theprobabilityofan icaltheoryofQM. Inthefollowingsection,weintroduce event associated with the vector φ is | i some ontologicalmodels of simple quantum systems and show that their space dimension is always equal to or P(φ~v) θ[w~(φ) ~v]. (30) | ≡ · largerthan2N 2, where N is the Hilbert space dimen- − It is possible to prove that sion. d~vP(φ~v)ρ(~v ψ)= φψ 2, (31) Z | | |h | i| III. TWO EXAMPLES OF ONTOLOGICAL THEORIES the second side being the probability of the event φ | i according to the Born rule. Thus, we can describe a A. two-state quantum system two-state system as a classical one in a space with the dimension equal to 2N 2, where N = 2 is the Hilbert − We consider the ontological model of a two-state sys- space dimension. tem reported in Ref. [16]. The classical variable X is a It is useful to remark that, in this model, each vec- three-dimensionalunitvector,whichwedenoteby~v. Let tor ~v is not associated with only one quantum state, 1 and 1 betwoorthogonalstates,weassociateeach i.e., probability distributions associated with different |− i | i quantumstate ψ ψ 1 +ψ 1 withthefollowing quantum states can overlap. In other words, if we de- −1 1 | i≡ |− i | i probability distribution in X, fine (~v) as the set of Hilbert space vectors ψ such S | i that ρ(~v ψ) = 0, then (~v) contains infinite elements. 1 Note tha|t thi6s model satSisfies property 3, i.e., if ψ and ρ(~v ψ)= ~v w~(ψ)θ[~v w~(ψ)], (24) | i | π · · ψ are two orthogonal vectors and ψ (~v), then ⊥ | i | i ∈ S ψ / (~v) (This property will be further discussed in where θ is the Heaviside function and the three compo- | ⊥i ∈ S Section VA). nents of w~(ψ) are w (ψ) ψ∗ ψ +ψ∗ψ , 1 ≡ −1 1 1 −1 B. Higher dimension of the Hilbert space and w (ψ) iψ∗ ψ +iψ∗ψ , (25) 2 ≡− −1 1 1 −1 Kochen-Specker theorem w (ψ) ψ 2 ψ 2, 3 −1 1 ≡| | −| | Classical dispersion-free models are possible also for i.e., w~(ψ) is the Blochvector of ψ . w~(ψ) is the symme- | i higher dimensional quantum systems. Here we discuss a try axis of the probability distribution, whose support is simpleexampleintroducedinthefirstchapterofRef.[6]. a hemisphere (the region where ρ is different from zero). It is very artificial, but shows that ontological formula- We write the Hamiltonian as tions of quantum mechanics are possible. 3 We consider a quantum system associated with an N- Hˆ = hk(t)σˆk, (26) dimensional Hilbert space. Let 1 , 2 ,...,N be an or- Xk=1 thonormal basis. We associate th|eiqu|aintum| sitate σˆ andh (t)beingthePaulimatricesandthreerealtime- k k ψ = ψ k (32) k dependentcoefficients,respectively. Thevectors 1 are | i X | i |± i k the eigenstates of σˆ with eigenvalues 1. It is easy to 3 ± prove that the equation of motion of w~(ψ) is with the probability distribution ddwti =2Xǫijkhj(t)wk, (27) ρ(χ1,....,χN,λ|ψ)≡Yk δ(χk−ψk), (33) jk wheretheonticstatespaceisspannedbytheN complex whereǫ istheLevi-Civitasymbol. Thus,theprobabil- ijk variablesχ andλ,whichtakesvaluesintherealinterval k ity distribution evolves rigidly according to the Louville [0,1] with uniform probability. Obviously, the ontologi- equation cal variables χ evolves deterministically as ψ , i.e., by k k means of the Schr¨odinger equation ∂ρ ∂ρ = 2 ǫ h (t)v , (28) ijk j k ∂t − Xijk ∂vi i~∂χk = k Hˆ l χ . (34) l ∂t h | | i X l which corresponds to the deterministic equation for the ontologicalvariable~v We can consider λ a constant of motion. At this point, we have to write a conditional probability for events. dv i =2 ǫ h (t)v . (29) Let φ(1) ,...φ(N) be a set of orthonormal vectors as- dt X ijk j k socia|ted wiith| evenits. If the projective operator Pˆ(1) = jk 7 φ(1) φ(1) ismeasured,theprobabilityoftheeventφ(1) The corresponding ontological manifold has 2N 2 di- | ih | − is mensions. Althoughthisexamplesoundstrivial,itshows thatanontologicaltheoryina2N 2dimensionalspace P(1ψ) φ(1)ψ 2. (35) whichsatisfyourconditionsis poss−ible. As wewillprove | ≡|h | i| in Section VA, this dimensional value is also the lowest It is easy to prove that possible one. 1 P(1ψ)= d2Nχ dλP(1χ,λ)ρ(χ,λψ), (36) | Z Z | | 0 IV. DIMENSIONAL REDUCTION OF THE where ONTOLOGICAL SPACE IN A PARTICULAR CASE P(1χ,λ) θ[ χφ(1) 2 λ] (37) | ≡ |h | i| − In this section we discuss an example of dimensional with χ χ k . Thus, the function P(1χ,λ) can | i ≡ k k| i | reductionoftheontologicalspace. Thisreductionispos- be interpretPedastheconditionalprobabilityofthe event sible for particular quantum states and measurements. 1. If the projective operator φ(2) φ(2) is subsequently | ih | We will consider a bosonic mode and show that there measured, the probability of the event φ(2) is exists a four-dimensional manifold in the Hilbert space P(2ψ) φ(2)ψ 2. (38) whose elements can be represented in a two-dimensional | ≡|h | i| classical space. Since this example is very well-known in We want to find a conditionalprobabilityP(2χ,λ) such literature, its discussion will be brief. For more details, | that see for example Ref. [4] and references cited there in. We consider a one bosonic mode with a Hamiltonian 1 P(2ψ)= d2Nχ dλP(2χ,λ)ρ(χ,λψ). (39) quadratic in the annihilation and creation operators aˆ | Z Z0 | | and aˆ†. The results can be extended to the case of a higher number of modes. The Wigner distribution of a Since the two events φ(1) and φ(2) are mutually exclu- quantum state ψ is by definition the function sive, P(1χ,λ) and P(2χ,λ) cannot be different from | i | | zero for the same values of the conditional variables. 1 W(α) ψ eλaˆ†−λ∗aˆ ψ eλ∗α−λα∗d2λ, (43) Bearing this in mind, we put ≡ π2 Z h | | i P(2χ,λ)=θ[ χφ(1) 2+ χφ(2) 2 λ] P(1χ,λ), whereαis acomplexnumberandthe domainofintegra- | |h | i| |h | i| − − | (40) tion is the complex plane. i.e., P(2χ,λ) is 1 for χφ(1) 2 < λ < χφ(1) 2 + Let qˆ and pˆ be two Hermitian operators such that χφ(2)|2 and zero el|shew|herei.| Analogo|uhs|consit|ruc- aˆ = (qˆ+ipˆ)/√2, they satisfy the canonical commuta- |h | i| tionscanbemadefortheotherprojectivemeasurements tion relation [qˆ,pˆ] = i. In the basis of the eigenvectors φ(k) φ(k). x of qˆ, Equation (43) becomes | ih | | i It is interesting to note that the conditional probabil- 1 ∞ ity of the event φ(2) depends by construction on φ(1) , W(q,p)= dxψ(q+x/2)ψ∗(q x/2)e−ixp, (44) i.e.,adifferentchoiceofthefirstprojectivemeasur|emenit 2π Z − −∞ modifiestheoutgoingresultofthesecondone. Thischar- where q+ip α and ψ(x) xψ . acteristic is called contextualityand is unavoidablewhen ≡ ≡h | i The Wigner function satisfies the identity the Hilbert space dimension is higher than 2, as estab- lished by the Kochen-Specker theorem [16, 17]. We have shown that it is possible to construct an on- dqdpW(q,p)=1. (45) Z tologicaltheory which fulfills the three conditions estab- lished in Section II. The classical variables are 2N +1 Ingeneral,it cantake negativevalues, but for particular in number. However, since χ 2 = 1 and the global states it is positive in the whole phase space (q,p) and k| k| phase is unimportant, the mPanifold of ontic states can can be interpreted as a probability distribution. This is be reduced to 2N 1. Another dimension can be elimi- the case of the Gaussian states − nated if we give up the dispersion-free property. A very simpleexampleofmodelwhichisnotdispersion-freeand ψ(x|q0,p0,a,b)≡ (πa1)1/4e−(x2−aq0)2+ip0(x−q0)+ib(x−q0)2, satisfiesourthreegeneralconditionsisobtainedwiththe (46) followingprobability distributionandconditionalproba- whose Wigner distribution is the two-dimensional Gaus- bility for the state ψ and the event φ, sian function ρ(χ1,....,χN|ψ)≡Yk δ(χk−ψk), (41) W(q,p|q0,p0,a,b)= π1e−(q−aq0)2−a[p−p0−2b(q−q0)]2. (47) q andp arethe meanvaluesof q andp,a andb setthe 0 0 P(φχ)= φχ 2. (42) squeezing and the symmetry axes of the distribution. | |h | i| 8 From Eq. (44) it easy to verify that of conditional probabilities P(X X¯,Uˆ,χ). These | distributions satisfy the properties in Sect. IIB. ∞ Z dpW(q,p)=|ψ(q)|2, (48) 3. Let Pˆ(φ) be the trace-one projector φ φ. There −∞ | ih | existsaconditionalprobabilityP (φX)suchthat ∞ M dqW(q,p)= ψ˜(p)2, (49) | Z | | −∞ dXP (φX)ρ(X ψ,η)= ψ Pˆ(φ)ψ = φψ 2. Z M | | h | | i |h | i| where ψ˜ is the Fourier transform of ψ. Thus, the (51) marginal probability distributions of q and p are the for every η and ψ . probability distributions of the observables xˆ and pˆ, re- | i spectively. In general, the probability distribution of It is useful to introduce the following definitions: the observables cosθqˆ+sinθpˆ, called in quantum optics Definition2. Wecall (X)thesetofquantumstates quadratures, is the marginal probability distribution of ψ such that X I(ψ). S cosθx+sinθp. | iDefinition 3.∈Uˆ (X) is the set of the vectors Uˆ ψ , If only quadrature measurements of are considered, with ψ (X). InSsimplewords,Uˆ (X)isthe unit|ariy then the probability distribution of the outgoing values | i∈S S evolution of the set (X). can be obtained by means of the classical probability S By means of Properties 1-2, it is trivial to prove rulesofSectionIIC. Forexample,wehavefromEq.(48) Property 4. If P(X X¯,Uˆ,χ) = 0, then Uˆ (X¯) = | 6 S (X). ψ(q)2 = dq¯dp¯P(q q¯,p¯)W(q¯,p¯), (50) S Proof. It is sufficient to prove that a state ψ is in | | Z | | i (X¯) if and only if Uˆ ψ (X). If ψ (X¯), then S | i ∈ S | i ∈ S where P(q q¯,p¯) δ(q q¯) is the conditional probability X¯ I(ψ). By Property 1, X I(Uˆψ), i.e., Uˆ ψ density ass|ociate≡d wit−h the measurement of qˆ. Further- (X∈). Similarly, it is proved by∈means of Prope|rtiy∈2 more,itispossibletoprovethatforanyunitaryevolution tShat Uˆ ψ (X) ψ (X¯). whose generator is quadratic in aˆ and aˆ†, the Wigner Prop|erity∈4Scan b⇒e f|orim∈ulSated in these terms. If X(t) function evolves according to the rules of Section IIB. is a deterministic/stochastictrajectoryin the ontic state More precisely, the evolution equation of W is a Liou- space and Uˆ(t ;t ) is the associated unitary evolution 1 0 ville equation [4]. from time t and to time t , then 0 1 The manifold of the Gaussian quantum states is four- dimensional, converselythe number ofclassicalvariables Uˆ(t ;t ) [X(t )]= [X(t )], (52) 1 0 0 1 is two. The dimensional reduction becomes more dras- S S tic when M modes are considered. In this case, the for any t . An illustration of this property is reported 0,1 number of classical variables grows linearly with M, in Fig. 2, where the unitary evolution Uˆ(t ;t ) is syn- 1 0 conversely the dimension of the manifold of Gaussian thetically denoted by Uˆ. At left we have represented a quantum states grows quadratically. Multidimensional trajectory in a one-dimensional classical space. At right Wigner functions are used for example in the study of the corresponding evolution of is sketched. [X(t )] Bose-Einstein condensates [18, 19]. S S 0,1 aredrawnasconeswith Ψ andUˆ Ψ assymmetryaxis. | i | i The Hilbert space is represented as a three-dimensional Euclidean space. V. THEOREM ON THE DIMENSION OF THE ONTOLOGICAL SPACE Another fundamental property of holds. S Property 5. The set (X) can not contain every S vector of the Hilbert space. This is a consequence of A. Definitions and properties Property 3. If ψ is a vector of (X), i.e. X I(ψ), | i S ∈ then any orthogonal vector of ψ is not an element of In Section II we have established three general condi- | i this set. tionsofontologicaltheoriesofquantummechanics,letus Atthispoint,theproofofourtheoremonthe classical enumerate them. space dimension is very simple. 1. Let X, and be a set of discrete and/or contin- H C uous variables, a N-dimensional Hilbert space and B. The theorem a set which contains at least one element. There exists a functional ψ ρ(X ψ,η),η C which associates each qua|ntiu→m{state|ψ ∈wit}h a set By means of the outlined properties,we will provethe of probability distributions of th|eiv∈ariHables X. following Theorem: The number ofcontinuousvariablesinthe 2. Let be asetwithatleastone element. Thereex- set X can not be smaller than 2N 2. istsaEfunctionalUˆ P(X X¯,Uˆ,χ),χ which Inthe proof, we will use Propert−ies4 and5, whichare →{ | ∈E} associateseach unitary operator Uˆ of with a set a synthesis of Properties 1-3. H 9 X(t) two orthogonalaxes andspecify their directions. In gen- 1 eral,forasetofelementsinanN-dimensionalEuclidean U Ψ or Hilbert space the orientationis specified by N 1 or- me thonormal vectors when the set has no symmetr−y with ti respect to rotations, whereas no parameter is required if the set is completely symmetric. In our case, since is S notuniform,thenumberofrequiredorientationvectorsis atleastone. Thisminimallabelingispossiblewhenthere existsonevector Ψ suchthat isinvariantwithrespect | i S to every unitary evolution which leaves Ψ unchanged. | i X(t) In simple words, the orientation can be merely specified 0 Ψ by one vector when there exists a symmetry ”axis” and X space Hilbert space Ψ is the direction of this ”axis” (see Fig. 2). Thus, the | i set Uˆ (X¯) = (X) is identified by Uˆ Ψ , where Ψ is FIG. 2: Visual representation of a trajectory in a one- the sySmmetrySaxis of (X¯). This vec|toir is defin|ediby S dimensionalclassical spaceandcorrespondingevolutionofS. N complex numbers, but because of the normalization Attimet0,theontological variabletakesthevalueX(t0). At of the quantum states and the irrelevance of their global the subsequent time t1, the variable has evolved to a value phase,itcanbelabeledby2N 2realparameters,which X(t1) with probability P[X(t1)|X(t0),Uˆ,χ]. If this proba- aretheminimalnumberofpara−metersrequiredtospecify bility is finite, the set S[X(t1)] of Hilbert space vectors (top the orientation of Uˆ . rightinset)isequaltotheunitaryevolutionofS[X(t0)](bot- S tom right inset), i.e., equal to UˆS[X(t0)]. The sets S are Letusconsiderthe two-statemodelofSectionIIIAas represented as cones with |Ψi and Uˆ|Ψi as symmetry axis. apracticalillustrationofthetheorem. ThespaceX isthe NotethatiftheHilbertspacehasadimensionhigherthan2, setofthree-dimensionalunitvectors~vandeachquantum thepointsoftheone-dimensionalclassical spacecannotmap state is associated with the probability distribution in every possible orientation of S[X(t1)]. Eq.(24). Inthiscase,theelementsof (~v)aretheHilbert S space vectors ψ such that ψ φ 2 > B 1/2, φ be- | i |h | i| ≡ | i ing the state whose bloch vector, defined by Eq. (25), Proof: LetX¯ beafixedvaluesuchthat (X¯)contains is ~v. It is clear that φ is the symmetry axis of (~v) S | i S at least one vector of the Hilbert space. Property 4 says and determines the orientation of the set. The dynam- thatforeveryunitaryevolutionUˆ thereexists avalueX ics of (~v) is a mere rotation and the axis evolves ac- S such that cording with Eq. (53). This model is dispersion-free. For more general models, it is possible to have differ- Uˆ (X¯)= (X), (53) ent symmetric sets (~v) with 0 B < 1/2. However, S S S ≤ B can not be larger than 1/2, because of Property 3. This implies that the number of continuous ontological For B =0, set (~v) contains only the vector φ and the S | i variables in X (x1,...xw; see Sec. IIA) is at least equal conditionalprobabilitydefinedbyEq.(30)isreplacedby to the number of parameters required to specify the ori- P(φ~v) (1/2)[1+w~(φ) ~v]. It is possible to have the- entation of any unitary evolution of (X¯) (see Fig. 2). ories|wi≡th an asymmetric·set , but in this case the two If (X¯) would be invariant with respeSct to every Uˆ, one dimensions of the Bloch spherSe are not sufficient. S would find 0 as lowest bound, but this is not our case, The hidden-variable model discussed by Aaronson in since (X¯) is not a null set and does not contains ev- Ref. [20] is another practical illustration of our result. S ery vector (Property 5). As discussed in the following, Let 1 ,...,N be a complete orthonormal basis of a N- the lowest number of required orientation parameters is dime|nision|al iHilbert space. In Ref. [20], the quantum 2N 2. Thus, the theorem is proved. (cid:3) state ψ α 1 +...+α N is mapped to a probabil- − | i≡ 1| i N| i In an N-dimensional Hilbert space the orientation of ity distribution ρ(n) α whose domainis a space of N n Uˆ (X) can be specified by N 1 orthogonal vectors, onticstates. Theunit≡aryevolutionismappedtoaN N whSich evolve according to Uˆ, i.e−., they are rigidly fixed stochastic matrix, which corresponds to the conditio×nal in Uˆ (X). This representation is sufficient, but could probability P introduced in Section IIB. As previous S be redundant when has some symmetry. In order to proven by Hardy [10], this mapping of quantum state S clarify intuitively this point, one can consider some vi- doesnotwork,sincethenumberofonticstateshastobe sual examples in the Euclidean three-dimensional space. infinite. Furthermore, our theorem says that we need at The orientation of a sphere does not require any param- least 2N 2 continuous ontological variables. Aaronson − eter, since it is invariant with respect to every rotation. makesupforsuchlackofasuitablenumberofonticstates A cylinder or a cone are invariant with respect to the byassumingthatthestochasticmatrixhastodependon rotation around their symmetry axis. Thus, in order to thequantumstate ψ (Seepage4inRef.[20]). Thiscor- | i specify their orientation it is sufficient to give the direc- respondstoassumethat ψ isanontologicalvariable,as | i tion of this axis, i.e., a vector. By contrast, a pyramid in the Bohm theory. These models are typical examples has no rotational symmetry and we have to rigidly fix of pilot-wave theories and the dimension of their ontic 10 state space is consistent with our constraint. theory in a reduced phase space, as expected in clas- Every known classical formulation of quantum me- sical limit. However, it is generally surmised that sys- chanics satisfies our constraint on the dimension of the tems as quantum computers require nearly unitary evo- classical space. In section III and here, we have con- lutionswithnegligibledecoherenceeffects inorderto ex- sidered some examples, other examples are provided in ecute efficiently quantum algorithms [15] and would not Refs. [21, 22, 23, 24], where a N-dimensional Hilbert be suitably simulated by approximated stochastic meth- space is reduced to a classical phase space of 2N real ods which replace pure state by mixtures. These con- variables. Our result is relevant also for quantum Monte clusions would support the conjecture that, in general, Carlo methods. By means of them, one tries to map quantum algorithms cannot be efficiently simulated by a quantum dynamics to a classical one with a reduced classical computers in polynomial time [27]. Indeed, the phase space dimension. We have proved that this map- actual speed-up of quantum computation requires fur- ping is not possible, unless some condition on the prob- ther corroborations. For example, nobody has proven ability distributions and the conditional probability dis- that factoring does not have a polynomial solution clas- tributions is discarded. Quantum Monte Carlo methods sically. Note that the subset of available quantum states in a reduced sampling space are introduced for example can be parametrized with a number of variables which in Ref. [1]. In these methods, the kinematics and dy- grows with the number of quantum gates, i.e., with the namics conditions inSec. II arefulfilled, but they do not physical size. If this subset is dense in the Hilbert space provide positive conditional probability distributions for or its parametrization is computational hard, then our measurements. As a consequence, they are subject to theoremsupports the conjecture on the polynomial non- the celebrated”signproblem”andhaveacomputational computability,buttheseconditionscannotbeassumeda complexitywhichgrowsexponentiallywiththeevolution priori. The subset parametrization is certainly possible time andthenumberofparticles. This complexityisnot for example in particular classes of quantum computers, due to the dimension of the sampling space, but to the as recently reported in Refs. [28, 29]. necessityofanexponentiallylargenumberofrealizations Finally, we conclude with a discussion on some possi- in order to reduce the statistical errors. ble implications of our theorem for the future study of thehiddenvariabletheories. Assaidintheintroduction, the main criticism against the known ontological mod- VI. CONCLUSIONS els, such as Bohm mechanics, is indeed the exponential growth of the ontic space dimension with the physical The proved theorem clearly shows that, if quantum size. We have shown rigorously that this feature is un- mechanics is formulated as a Markovianrealistic theory, avoidableintheframeworkofcausalMarkoviantheories. the corresponding phase space grows exponentially with Thus our result seems to put another nail in the hidden the physical size of the system. This occurs for theories variable coffin and to imply that the realistic interpreta- which are able to describe every attainable unitary evo- tions do not provide a practical advantage for the study lution. Theexplosionofthevariablenumberimpliesthat of quantum systems. However, our intent is to give a an exact Monte Carlo approach, which simulates quan- constructive result and to suggest a novel direction for tum processes by means of realistic Markovianchains, is theinvestigationsontheontologicaltheories. Inorderto in generalsubject to anexponentialgrowthofnumerical avoidtheexponentialgrowthofthenumberofonticvari- resources and integration time [25]. ables,wehaveonepossibility,todiscardsomehypotheses In some practical cases, polynomial algorithms could of the theorem. In our opinion, the Markovian property be feasible,forexamplewhenthe trajectoryofthe quan- istheonlyonesacrifiable. Moredrastically,wecoulddis- tum state is not dense in the Hilbert space or different cardthe causalityhypothesis. Itisinterestingtoobserve states are indistinguishable experimentally. This is the that the Bell theorem and the Lorentz invariance seem case for example with dilute Bose-Einstein condensates to suggestthe same conclusion. The Belltheoremestab- in the mean field approximation. Decoherence could ac- lishes that an ontological theory of quantum mechanics tuallyplayanimportantroleinthecomplexityreduction can not be local and relativity implies that a non-local for concrete systems. Roughly speaking, decoherence is theory is also non-causal. We suspect that realism in due to our inability to distinguish a pure quantum state quantum mechanics with non-pathological consequences from a mixture of other quantum states [26]. When a fortheonticspacedimensioncouldbepossiblewithnon- system is composed of many particles, such as a macro- causal rules for evaluating correlations among events. scopicgas,this inabilityisnotmerelytechnical,butfun- damental. Thus, a large set of states could be described IthankF.T.Arecchiforusefuldiscussions. Thiswork as statistical mixtures of a smallerset of pure states, en- was supported by Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze ablingtosimulatethedynamicsbymeansofaMarkovian under the project ”dinamiche cerebrali caotiche”. [1] I. Carusotto, Y. Castin, J. Dalibard, Phys. Rev. A 63, 013618 (2006); P. Deuar and P. D. Drummond, Phys. 023606 (2001); A.Montina,Y.Castin, Phys.Rev.A73,

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