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Preview Exponential Bounds for the Erd\H{o}s-Ginzburg-Ziv Constant

EXPONENTIAL BOUNDS FOR THE ERDŐS-GINZBURG-ZIV CONSTANT ERIC NASLUND Abstract. The Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv constant of an abelian group G, denoted s(G), is the smallest k N such that any sequence of length s(G) contains a zero-sum 7 ∈ 1 subsequenceoflength exp(G). Inthispaper,weusethe multi-slicerankmethodfrom 0 [12], which is a variant of Tao’s slice rank method [15], to prove that 2 s Fn 3(p 1)p!(J(p)p)n n p ≤ − a where 0.8414 < J(p) < .9183(cid:0)7 is(cid:1)a constant depending on p, equal to the constant J appearing in Ellenberg and Gijswijt’s bounds for arithmetic progression-free subsets 8 inFn [4]. We alsoimproveupona recentresultofHegedűs,andshowthatif (Z/kZ)n p 1 satisfies property D as defined in [7], then O] s((Z/kZ)n)≤(n−1)γkn,q +1 where C k 1 xq −q−1 h. γk,q = q 0<inxf<1 1− x x k , t andqisthelargestprimepowerdividingk. In−particular,if(Z/qZ)n satisfiesproperty a m D where q is a prime power, then [ s((Z/qZ)n) (n 1)4n+1. ≤ − 1 v 2 4 9 1. Introduction 4 0 For an abelian group G, let exp(G) denote the exponent of G, which is the maximal 1. order of any element in G. The Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv constant of G, denoted s(G), is 0 defined to be the smallest k N such that any sequence of elements of G of length 7 s(G) contains a zero-sum subs∈equence of length exp(G). In their original paper, Erdős, 1 : Ginzburg and Ziv [5] proved that v i X s(Z/kZ) = 2k 1. − r a That is, among any sequence of 2k 1 integers there is a subsequence of length k whose − sum is divisible by k, and furthermore this is not true if 2k 1 is replaced by 2k 2. − − In 2007 Reiher [14] proved that s (Z/kZ)2 = 4k 3, − which resolved a longstanding co(cid:0)njecture o(cid:1)f Kemnitz [10], and more generally when 1 k k , 1 2 ≤ | s((Z/k Z) (Z/k Z)) = 2k +2k 3, 1 2 1 2 ⊕ − see [11, Theorem 5.8.3] for a proof. In the case where G = (Z/kZ)n with n large, very little is known. Heiko [8] gave the elementary bounds (k 1)2n +1 s((Z/kZ)n) (k 1)kn +1, − ≤ ≤ − Date: January 19, 2017. 1 EXPONENTIAL BOUNDS FOR THE ERDŐS-GINZBURG-ZIV CONSTANT 2 and Alon and Dubiner [1] proved that s((Z/kZ)n) (cnlogn)nk ≤ for some c > 0. Ellenberg and Gijswijt’s recent bounds for capsets in Fn [4] imply that 3 s((Z/3Z)n) 2(J(3)3)n ≤ where 1 J(3) = 3 207+33√33 = 0.9183.... 8 q In this paper, for p 5 we give an unconditional exponential improvement to the upper bounds for s F≥n as n , where F = (Z/pZ) denotes the finite field with p p → ∞ p elements. Our main result is: (cid:0) (cid:1) Theorem 1. Suppose that A Fn has size ⊂ p A > 3(p 1)p!(J(p)p)n | | − where 1 1 xp J(p) = inf − . p 0<x<1 (1 x)x2/3 − Then A contains p distinct elements x ,...,x such that 1 p x + +x = 0. 1 p ··· We immediately have the following corollary: Corollary 1. The Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv constant of Fn satisfies p s(Fn) 3(p 1)p!(J(p)p)n. p ≤ − For p 5, this implies the bound ≥ (1.1) s(Fn) (J(p)p)n+p, p ≤ since 3(p 1)p! (J(p)p)p for p 5. J(p) is the same constant appearing in Ellenberg − ≤ ≥ and Gijswijt’s bound for arithmetic progression-free sets, and in [2, prop. 4.12] it was proven that J(p) is a decreasing function of p, and that z z−2 lim J(p) = inf − = 0.8414.... p→∞ z>1 3logz Since J(3) = 0.9183..., it follows that for p 3, J(p) lies in the range ≥ 0.8414 J(p) 0.9184. ≤ ≤ The proof of theorem 1 uses the multi-slice rank method, given in [12], which is a variant of slice rank method [15]. The multi-slice rank allows us to handle the indicator tensor that results from forcing the variables to be distinct, which has large slice rank for p 5. The slice rank method was introduced by Tao [15] following the work of ≥ Ellenberg and Gijswijt [4], and the breakthrough result of Croot, Lev and Pach [3]. The slice rank method has seen numerous applications, such as Tao’s proof of Ellenberg and Gijswijt’s upper bound for progression-free sets in Fn [15, 4], new bounds for the Erdős- p Szemerédi sunflower problem [13, 6], and disproving certain conjectures concerning fast matrix multiplication [2]. We refer the reader to [2] for a more detailed discussion of the properties of the slice rank. EXPONENTIAL BOUNDS FOR THE ERDŐS-GINZBURG-ZIV CONSTANT 3 We say that a group G satisfies property D (see [7, Sec. 7]) if every sequence S of length s(G) 1 that does not contain exp(G) elements summing to 0, when viewed as − a multi-set, takes the form exp(G)−1 S = T ∪i=1 for some set T. That is, if S is a maximal sequence that does not contain exp(G) elements summing to zero, then every element in S appears exactly exp(G) 1 times. Gao and Geroldinger conjecture [7, Conj. 7.2] that (Z/kZ)n satisfies prope−rty D for everyk andn, andunder thisconjecturewecanimprove upontheboundsfortheErdős- Ginzburg-Ziv constant using the slice rank method. Recently, Hegedűs [9] showed that if Fn satisfies property D, then p 1− (p−2)2 n+1 s Fn (p 1)p(cid:18) 2p2logp(cid:19) +1, p ≤ − and we give the following im(cid:0) pr(cid:1)ovement: Theorem 2. Assume that (Z/kZ)n satisfies property D. Then s((Z/kZ)n) (n 1)γn +1 ≤ − k,q where k 1 xq γk,q = inf − x−q−k1. q 0<x<1 1 x − In particular, if q is a prime power and (Z/qZ)n satisfies property D, then s((Z/qZ)n) (n 1)4n +1. ≤ − Remark 1. When k = q is a prime power, γ is at most 4 since q,q γq,q = q inf 1−xq x−q−q1 < inf 1 = 4. q 0<x<1 (1 x) 0<x<1 (1 x)x − − For general k,q, q−1 γk,q < k inf 1 x−q−k1 = k 1+ q −1 1+ k k , q 0<x<1 1 x q k q 1 − (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) − (cid:19) 1 and as (1+x)x is decreasing on (1, ), for k q we have the bound ∞ ≥ k 1 γ < 2 1+ − . k,q q (cid:18) (cid:19) To prove theorem 2, we first prove the following result for subsets of (Z/kZ)n: Theorem 3. Suppose that A (Z/kZ)n satisfies ⊂ A > γn | | k,q where k 1 xq γk,q = inf − x−q−k1, q 0<x<1 1 x − and q is the largest prime power dividing k. Then A contains k not necessarily distinct, but not all equal, elements x ,...,x which sum to 0. 1 k Using this result, theorem 2 follows as a corollary. EXPONENTIAL BOUNDS FOR THE ERDŐS-GINZBURG-ZIV CONSTANT 4 Proof. (Theorem 3 implies theorem 2) Let S be a sequence in (Z/kZ)n of length s((Z/kZ)n) 1 for which no k elements that sum to 0. By property D, it follows − that as a multi-set S = k−1T ∪i=1 for some T (Z/kZ)n. This implies that the only solution to ⊂ x + +x = 0 1 k ··· for x T is when x = x = = x , and so by theorem 3 T γn, and hence s((Z/ik∈Z)n) (n 1)1γn +12. ··· k | | ≤ k (cid:3) ≤ − k Theproofoftheorem3uses theslice rankmethodanddoesnotrequirethemulti-slice rank. The key ideas originate in [2], where they extend Ellenberg and Gijswijt’s bounds for progression-free sets in Fn to progression-free sets in (Z/kZ)n using a binomial p coefficient indicator as well as a lemma concerning the slice-rank of a tensor-product. In particular, in [2] they proved the following theorem: Theorem 4. ([2, Theorem 4.14]) Suppose that A (Z/kZ)n contains no non-trivial 3- ⊂ term arithmetic progression, that is it contains no non-trivial solutions to the equations x+y = 2z. Then A (k J(q))n | | ≤ · where q is the largest prime power dividing k. Theorem 3 extends the above result to a k-variable linear equation. 2. The Multi-Slice Rank To motivate the definition of the slice rank and the multi-slice rank, we begin by recalling the definition of the tensor rank. For finite sets X ,...,X , a function 1 n h : X X F, 1 n ×···× → h = 0, of the form 6 h(x ,...,x ) = f (x )f (x ) f (x ) 1 n 1 1 2 2 n n ··· for some f ,...,f , is called a rank 1 function, and the tensor rank of 1 n F : X X F 1 n ×···× → is defined to be the minimal k such that k F = g i i=1 X where the g are rank 1 functions. To define the multi-slice rank, we first need some i notation. Given variables x ,...,x and a set S 1,...,n , S = s ,...,s , let x 1 n 1 k −→S ⊂ { } { } denote the k-tuple x ,...,x , s1 sk and so for a function g of k variables, we have that g(x ) = g(x ,...,x ). −→S s1 sk EXPONENTIAL BOUNDS FOR THE ERDŐS-GINZBURG-ZIV CONSTANT 5 Definition 1. Let X ,...,X be finite sets. We say that the function 1 n h : X X F, 1 n ×···× → h = 0 is a b-slice for 1 b n if 6 ≤ ≤ 2 h(x ,...,x ) = f(x )g x 1 n −→S −→{1,...,n}\S for some f,g and S 1,2,...,n of size S =(cid:0)b. More gen(cid:1)erally, we say that F is a ⊂ { } | | slice if it is a b-slice for some 1 b n. ≤ ≤ 2 For example, the function F : X X X X F × × × → defined by 1 if x = y and z = w F (x,y,z,w) = 0 otherwise ( takes the form F(x,y,z,w) = δ(x,y)δ(z,w) where δ(x,y) is 1 if x = y, and 0 otherwise, and so F is a 2-slice. Definition 2. Let X ,...,X be finite sets. The slice rank of F is the minimal k such 1 n that k F = c h i i i=1 X where each h is a 1-slice. The multi-slice rank of a function i F : X X F 1 n ×···× → is the minimal k such that k F = c g i i i=1 X where the g are slices, that is each g is a b-slice for some b n. i i ≤ 2 We note that for two variables, the slice-rank, multi-slice rank and tensor rank are equivalent. For three variables, the multi-slice rank and the slice rank are equivalent, and for 4 or more variables, all three ranks are different. A key property of the multi- slice rank is the following lemma, given in [12, Lemma 8], which generalizes [15, Lemma 1]. Lemma 1. Let X be a finite set, and let Xk denote the k-fold Cartesian product of X with itself. Suppose that F : Xk F → is a diagonal tensor, that is F(x ,...,x ) = c δ (x ) δ (x ) 1 n a a 1 a n ··· a∈A X for some A X where c = 0, and a ⊂ 6 1 x = a δ (x) = . a 0 otherwise ( Then multi-slice-rank(F) = A . | | EXPONENTIAL BOUNDS FOR THE ERDŐS-GINZBURG-ZIV CONSTANT 6 Proof. See [12, Lemma 8]. (cid:3) Thefollowinglemmaisproposition4.2in[2],anditplaysanimportantroleinproving theorem 2. Lemma 2. Let G,H be finite abelian groups, and suppose that u : Gk F and v : Hk F where Gk denotes the k-fold product G G. Define the t→ensor on the → × ···× product of the groups u v : (G H)k F ⊗ × → by writting each element t G H as a pair t = (g,h) where g G and h H, and ∈ × ∈ ∈ setting u v(t ,...,t ) = u(g ,...,g )v(h ,...,h ) 1 k 1 k 1 k ⊗ where t is given as the pair (g ,h ) for each i. Then i i i slice-rank(u v) slice-rank(u) H . ⊗ ≤ ·| | Proof. Suppose that slice-rank(u) = k. Then we may write k u(g ,...,g ) = f (g )v g 1 k i ji i −→{1,...,k}\ji i=1 X (cid:0) (cid:1) for some choice of functions f ,v and indices j . For r ,...,r H we can split v based i i i 1 k ∈ on its value at each point in Hk and write v(r ,...,r ) = c δ(h ,r ) δ(h ,r ) 1 k h1,...,hk 1 1 ··· k k (h1,..X.,hk)∈Hk where 1 if h = r δ(h,r) = , 0 otherwise ( and c F are constants. Then h1,...,hk ∈ k u(g ,...,g )v(r ,...,r ) = f (g )δ(h ,r )v g R −→h 1 k 1 k i ji ji ji i −→{1,...,k}\ji {1,...,k}\ji Xi=1 hXji∈H (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:16) (cid:17) where  k  R −→h = c δ(h ,r ) , {1,...,k}\ji h1,...,hk l l   −→ (cid:16) (cid:17) h{1,...,kX}\ji∈Hk−1 lY= 1   l = j  i  6    and so slice-rank(u v) k H . ⊗ ≤ | | (cid:3) EXPONENTIAL BOUNDS FOR THE ERDŐS-GINZBURG-ZIV CONSTANT 7 3. Unconditional Bounds for s Fn p Let p > 2 be a prime number. For x ,...,x Fn, define(cid:0) (cid:1) 1 p ∈ p F : Fn p F p p → p by (cid:0) (cid:1) n (3.1) F (x ,...,x ) = 1 (x +x + +x )p−1 , p 1 p 1i 2i pi − ··· i=1 Y(cid:0) (cid:1) where x is understood to be the ith coordinate of the vector x Fn, and the notation ji j ∈ p Fn p is used to denote the p-fold Cartesian product of Fn with itself. Then p p (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 if x +x + +x = 0 1 2 p F (x ,...,x ) = ··· . p 1 p 0 otherwise ( This tensor does not take into account whether or not the variables are distinct, and so in particular for any x Fn ∈ p F (x,...,x) = 1. p In order to modify this tensor so that it picks up only distinct k-tuples of elements summing to zero, we use the technique in [12], and introduce an indicator which is a sum over the permutations in the symmetric group S . For every σ S , define p p ∈ (3.2) f : Xp F σ → to be the function that is 1 if (x ,...,x ) is a fixed point of σ, and 0 otherwise. The 1 p following is [12, Lemma 4]: Lemma 3. We have the identity 1 if x ,...,x are distinct 1 k sgn(σ)f (x ,...,x ) = , σ 1 k 0 otherwise ( σX∈Sk where sgn(σ) is the sign of the permutation. Proof. By definition, sgn(σ)f (x ,...,x ) = sgn(σ) σ 1 k σX∈Sk σ∈SXtab(−→x) whereStab(x) S isthestabilizerof x. Sincethestabilizerisaproductofsymmetric −→ k −→ ⊂ groups, this will be non-zero precisely when Stab(x) is trivial, and hence x ,...,x −→ 1 k must be distinct. (cid:3) Using this lemma, we give the following modification of [12, Lemma 5]: Lemma 4. Let S denote the set all elements in S given as a product of i disjoint i k k C ⊂ cycles. Define R (x ,...,x ) = sgn(σ)f (x ,...,x ). k 1 k σ 1 k σXSk ∈ σ / C ,C 1 2 ∈ EXPONENTIAL BOUNDS FOR THE ERDŐS-GINZBURG-ZIV CONSTANT 8 Then for k 3, ≥ 1 if x ,...,x are distinct 1 k ( 1)k−1(k 1)! k−1 1 if x = = x R (x ,...,x ) =  − − j=2 j 1 ··· k , k 1 k α(x1,...,xk) P if x1,...,xk take on 2 distinct values  0 otherwise   where  α(x ,...,x ) = ( 1)k−1# σ that fix (x ,...,x ) . 1 k 2 1 k − { ∈ C } Proof. If there are 3 or more distinct elements among x ,...,x then f (x ,...,x ) = 0 1 k σ 1 k for any σ , , and so the identity holds by lemma 3. When there are exactly two 2 1 ∈ C C distinct elements among x ,...,x , f (x ,...,x ) = 0 for any σ , and so 1 k σ 1 k 1 ∈ C R (x ,...,x ) = ( 1)k−1# σ that fix (x ,...,x ) k 1 k 2 1 k − { ∈ C } since sgn(σ) = ( 1)k for any σ . Lastly, when x = = x , we have that 2 1 k − ∈ C ··· R (x ,...,x )+( 1)k +( 1)k−1 = 0 k 1 k 2 1 − |C | − |C | by lemma 3 since sgnσ = ( 1)k−1 for σ . Since 1 − ∈ C k−1 1 = (k 1)! and = (k 1)! , 1 2 |C | − |C | − j j=1 X it follows that k−1 1 R (x ,...,x ) = ( 1)k−1 l 1 k − j j=2 X when x = = x . (cid:3) 1 k ··· Remark 2. Let 1 x = = x 1 k δ(x ,...,x ) = ··· . 1 k 0 otherwise ( We can calculate R (x ,...,x ) exactly as a linear combination of k! (k 1)! (k k 1 k − − − − 1)! k−1 1 delta functions, including the constant function. When k = 3 j=1 j P R (x ,x ,x ) = 1, 3 1 2 3 when k = 4 R (x ,x ,x ,x ) =1 δ(x ,x ) δ (x ,x ) δ(x ,x ) 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 − − − δ(x ,x ) δ(x ,x ) δ(x ,x ), 4 1 1 3 2 4 − − − and when k = 5 R (x ,x ,x ,x ,x ) =1 δ(x ,x )+2 δ(x ,x ,x ) 5 1 2 3 4 5 i j i j l − i<j≤5 i<j<l≤5 X X δ(x ,x ) δ(x ,x ). i j l m i<Xj≤5 l <Xm 5 ≤ l,m = i,j 6 EXPONENTIAL BOUNDS FOR THE ERDŐS-GINZBURG-ZIV CONSTANT 9 Starting with k = 5, there will be terms that are the product of multiple delta functions in multiple variables, and to handle these we need to use the multi-slice rank. Note, for example, that as a function on X4, δ(x ,x )δ(x ,x ) 1 2 3 4 has slice rank equal to X (see [16]) but multi-slice rank equal to 1. | | We now use the function R (x ,...,x ) to modify F , and arrive at an appropriate p 1 p p tensor. Lemma 5. For x ,...,x Fn define 1 p ∈ p I (x ,...,x ) = R (x ,...,x )F (x ,...,x ) p 1 p p 1 p p 1 p where F is defined in (3.1) and R is defined in 4. Let B Fn be any subset which p p ⊂ p has no two elements x,y B satisfying x = cy for some c F×. Then when restricted ∈ ∈ p to Ap = A A, I is given by p ×···× 1 if x ,...,x are distinct and sum to zero 1 p I (x ,...,x ) = ( 1)p−1 if x = = x . p 1 p  1 p − ··· 0 otherwise Proof. By pairing every element in F× with it’s inverse we have that  p p−1 p−1 1 1 = 1+ = 1, j − j − j=2 j=1 X X and so by Wilson’s theorem p−1 1 ( 1)p−1(p 1)! = ( 1)p−1, − − j − j=2 X and hence if x = = x , I (x ,...,x ) = ( 1)p−1. If there are exactly two distinct 1 p p 1 p elements among x·,·.·..,x , say x,y Fn, then− 1 p ∈ p x + +x = cx+(p c)y 1 p ··· − where 1 c p 1, and this can never equal 0 by the assumption on B, and so ≤ ≤ − F (x ,...,x ) = 0 in this case. When x ,...,x are distinct, F (x ,...,x ) = 1, and p 1 p 1 p p 1 p so the result follows. (cid:3) We are now ready to prove theorem 1. Proof. Suppose that A Fn, and that there does not exist distinct x ,...,x A ⊂ p 1 p ∈ satifying x + +x = 0. 1 p ··· Let v Fn be any vector. Then A cannot contain the entire line 0,v,2v,...,(p 1)v, ∈ p − since this sums to 0, and so A contains at most p 1 elements along any line. Thus − there exists B A of size ⊂ 1 B A | | ≥ p 1| | − such that no two elements in B lie on the same line. Since B is a subset of A, there does not exist distinct x ,...,x B satisfying x + +x = 0. Letting I be defined 1 p 1 p p ∈ ··· EXPONENTIAL BOUNDS FOR THE ERDŐS-GINZBURG-ZIV CONSTANT 10 as in 5, when we restrict I to Bp it will be a diagonal tensor with ( 1)p−1 along the p − diagonal, and so by 1 B multi-slice-rank(I ). p | | ≤ To bound the multi-slice rank of I (x ,...,x ), consider p 1 p (3.3) f (x ,...,x )F (x ,...,x ) σ 1 p p 1 p where f was defined in (3.2) and F was defined in (3.1). We can decompose σ as a σ p product of disjoint cycles π π . Let r be the number of elements in the cycle π , 1 t i i so that t r = p. Write ea··ch· cycle explicitely as π = (j j j ) where j are i=1 i i i1 i2 ··· iri il indices, and i ranges from 1 to t, and l ranges from 1 to r . For f (x ,...,x ) to be i σ 1 p P non-zero, we must have x = x = = x . ji1 ji2 ··· iri Define the function n t p−1 M (z ,...,z ) = 1 r z . r1,...,rt 1 t  − i ij  ! j=1 i=1 Y X   When f = 1, then we have the equality of functions σ f (x ,...,x )F (x ,...,x ) = f (x ,...,x )M x ,...,x σ 1 p p 1 p σ 1 p r1,...,rt j1,1 jt,1 and so the mult-slice rank f f (x ,...,x )F (x ,...,x ) will b(cid:0)e at most the(cid:1)slice rank σ 1 p p 1 p of M (z ,...,z ). This is a polynomial of degree (p 1)n in t variables, and we r1,...,rt 1 t − may expand the product as a linear combination of monomials of the form (ze11 ze1n)(ze21 ze2n) (zet1 zetn), 11 ··· 1n 21 ··· 2n ··· t1 ··· tn where e p 1 and t n e (p 1)n. For each term, there will be some ij ≤ − i=1 j=1 ij ≤ − coordinate i such that the monomial P P zei1 zein i1 ··· in hasdegree at most (p−1)n. By always slicing offthe lowest degree piece of our monomial, t it follows that the slice rank of M will be at most t multiplied by the number of r1,...,rt n-variable monomials over F of degree at most n(p−1). In other words, p t n n(p 1) (3.4) slice-rank(M ) t # v 0,1,...,p 1 n : v − . r1,...,rt ≤ · ∈ { − } i ≤ t ( ) i=1 X Let n denote the unsigned Stirling numbers of the first kind, which count the number k of elements in S which are the product of exactly k disjoint cycles. Thus we have n (cid:2) (cid:3) proven that (3.5) p n n n(p 1) multi-slice-rank(I ) t # v 0,1,...,p 1 n : v − . p i ≤ t · ∈ { − } ≤ t ( ) Xt=3 h i Xi=1 We will use a slightly cruder bound, using the fact that the right hand side of (3.4) as a function of t is largest when t = 3. Since there are p! terms, we have the bound n n(p 1) multi-slice-rank(I ) 3p!# v 0,1,...,p 1 n : v − . p i ≤ ∈ { − } ≤ 3 ( ) i=1 X

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