ExploNsairvrea tives a. ol Z e mil b of E Terrorism anD AHarc � s k r o W theW orfk s e h1 o Emile zola h n t y i h c r a n A m and pg=1 Eouaroo A.F ebles s p ri & o 4 Terr 012 s : 042 Eduardo A. (Author). Explosive Narrative am, NLD: Editions Rodopi, 2010. p 1. e.ebrary.com/lib/dominicanuc/Doc?id=1 Febles, Amsterd http://sit Explosive Narratives Terrorism ana Anarcb:9 in tbe Works of Emile zola a. ol Z e mil E of s k r o W e h n t y i h c r a n A m and pg=2 s p ri & o 4 Terr 012 s : 042 Eduardo A. (Author). Explosive Narrative am, NLD: Editions Rodopi, 2010. p 2. e.ebrary.com/lib/dominicanuc/Doc?id=1 Febles, Amsterd http://sit FAUX TITRE 350 Etuddeesl angeutel iw;!rfartaunryea ises publiSeOlleSs 1 ad irectdieo n KeirBhu sbtyM,. )F.r eeman, SjeHfo uppermaenrPs a uPle lckmans a. ol Z e mil E of s k r o W e h n t y i h c r a n A m and pg=3 s p ri & o 4 Terr 012 s : 042 Eduardo A. (Author). Explosive Narrative am, NLD: Editions Rodopi, 2010. p 3. e.ebrary.com/lib/dominicanuc/Doc?id=1 Febles, Amsterd http://sit Explosive Narratives Terrorism anD Anarch� in the works of Emi[e zo[a Eouaroo A. Febles a. ol Z e mil E of s k r o W e h n t y i h c r a n A m and pg=4 s p ri & o 4 Terr 012 s : 042 Eduardo A. (Author). Explosive Narrative am, NLD: Editions Rodopi, 2010. p 4. e.ebrary.com/lib/dominicanuc/Doc?id=1 AMSTERDAM - NEW YORK, NY 2010 Febles, Amsterd http://sit a. Illustration cover: Emile Henry, Cafe Terminus Paris, 12 February, 1894. ol Z Silk screen print by Flavio Costantini, 1971, www.christiebooks.com; e mil The Art of Anarchy by Flavio Costantini, 1975 (Cienfuegos Press, London). E of s rk Cover design: Pier Post. o W e h n t The paper on which this book is printed meets the requirements of y i h 'ISO 9706: 1994, Information and documentation -Paper for documents - c r a n Requirements for pennanence'. A m and pg=5 Le papier sur lequelle present ouvrage est imprime remp1it 1es prescriptions s p ri & s : Terro 0420124 Pdere 'sIcSrOip t9io7n0s6 :p o19u9r 4la, Ipnefromramnaetinocne e'.t documentation -Papier pOllr documents - Eduardo A. (Author). Explosive Narrative am, NLD: Editions Rodopi, 2010. p 5. e.ebrary.com/lib/dominicanuc/Doc?id=1 ©IEPSr- iBBEnoNdteoi:dt ki9 o i7InnS8s T-B 9RhN0eo- :d N49o2e7p0t8ih- -B3e90r.0Vl6a-44.n, -2dA00s m -3s0te6r5d-a7m -New York, NY 2010 Febles, Amsterd http://sit Table of Contents Acknowledgments 7 Introduction: Anarchy, Entropy, Naturalism 9 Anarchy 22 Entropy 25 Naturalism 28 Chapter 1 Souvarine's Vanishing Act: 33 The Effacement of Anarchy in Germinal The Ambiguous Politics aJGerminal 36 The Resurgence ojA narchyf rom the Underground Mine 45 Undermining Narratives: The Sub-text oj Anarchy 55 Chapter 2 Anarchy as Narrative Capital: The Emplotment of Terrorism in Paris 65 a. ol Z e The Political Discourse in Paris 73 mil E Anarchy as Narrative Capilal 89 of s Towards Utopia: Taking the Bire Dllt afAnarchy 96 k r o W he Chapter 3 n t y i The Anarchic Commune as World's Fair in Travail 109 h c r a n m and A pg=6 RIdeev%olugtiioccl10i/ 1WYe Rldaipneg :a sF oEuflrfrioerp aicn dI-I Aeanta Drcehaitshm 113203 s p ri & Beyond Narrative Entropy: Utopia 140 o 4 Terr 012 The Anarchic Commune as World's Fair 151 s : 042 Eduardo A. (Author). Explosive Narrative am, NLD: Editions Rodopi, 2010. p 6. e.ebrary.com/lib/dominicanuc/Doc?id=1 EBZInpoidbilelaloxi'ogs g uDrear peahmy 111698371 Febles, Amsterd http://sit Acknowledgments The process of writing hook C(ln be comp<lren to an anllfchic (I commune. In the true spirit of mutual aid, I have been fortunate enough to receive constant help throughout the many stages of this project. Though anarchy refuses the search for origins, the topic for this book was nevertheless born very specifically during a seminar on modernism led by Professor Robert Scholes at Brown University, where completed my graduate work. My formative years in that 1 institution were indelibly marked by the finest scholars who were always supportive and my colleagues who inspired me to perfonn at my very best Thanks to all the Professors at Rochambeau House on Prospect Street and especially to Edward Ahearn who was my director and mentor: his keen insight into the problem of literature and politics has shaped my own thoughts in the matter. Furthermore, his caring approach to teaching and pedagogy remains with me to this day. I also want to express a nostalgic salute to the many special moments shared a. with Deborah Hahn and Jacinta Wright. ol Z e My years at Simmons College have been the most productive pro mil E fessionally. Rare is it to find an institution that allows individuals to s of cultivate their interests with such freedom and in an atmosphere of k r Wo honest collegiality. I want to extend a heart-felt thanks to all my col he leagues in the Department of Modem Languages and Literatures: n t y i Professor Danisa Bonadc, Professor Florence Ciret-Strecker, Profes h rc sor Louise Cohen, Professor Deborah Fraioli, Professor Raquel Halty, a n m and A pg=7 Danodl oPrreosf ePsesloare zA-Blisetneirt eIzn,g leims. bTohdei eCs htahier omfo msty bDeeapuatirftuml eanstp, ePcrtosf eosfso ar ris &p utopian fantasy without ever losing her grounding in reality. Thank o 4 Terr 012 you, my friend. s : 042 I also want to thank Professors Anthony S. Zielonka and Dean de Eduardo A. (Author). Explosive Narrative am, NLD: Editions Rodopi, 2010. p 7. e.ebrary.com/lib/dominicanuc/Doc?id=1 nslleaeec leftMdu-deaoodlt u tteribta t v.ft hoerlei nrmge oacdsotimn. gpH aetnhnireoy n msM aannajdue swhcarsvikpeit haaennldpd e Jdoo fsmfee erS iwnagneta otshsu eparpr moe romt mwye hnintestn eo lIf Febles, Amsterd http://sit 8 Explosive Narratives My parents and family provided me with the strength to accomplish my goals. My parents are the fountain of my thirst for knowledge and I thank them for instilling in me the curiosity that has driven all of my endeavors. dedicate this book to Steven Ransom who has helped me to I manage the entropy in my life. love you. 1 This project was supported in part by a grant from the Simmons College Fund for Research. I wish to thank Mme Danielle Coussot who allowed me to use the wonderful resources of the Centre Zola in Paris, and Mme Michele Sacquin, Chief Curator of the manuscripts department at the Richelieu branch of the Bibliotheque Nationale de France for permitting me to consult the original notebooks for Travail. Parts of Chapter 2 were first published as an article under the title "Souvarine's Vanishing Act: The Effacement of Anarchy in Zola's Germillaf' in Excavatio, XXI, nos 1-2 (2006): 184-197. Material from the article is reproduced with permission of Dr. Anna Gural-Migdal, Editor of Excavatio. Parts of Chapter 3 were first published as an article under the title "The Anarchic Commune as World's Fair in Zola's Travail" in Nineteenth Century French Studies, volume 36, nos 3 & 4 (Spring Summer 2008): 286-304. Material from the article is reproduced with pem1ission of the publisher, the University of Nebraska Press. Parts of the Epilogue appeared as a book review of Frigerio, a. ol Vittorio, ed. Emile 20la au pays de l'al1archie. Grenoble, ELLUG Z e [Editions litteraires et linguistiques de l'Universite de Grenoble], 2006 mil Os E which appeared in Nineteenth-CentlilY French Studies, volume 36, n of s 3 & 4 (Spring-Summer 2008): 368-369. Material from the review is k r o W reproduced with permission of the publisher, the University of e n th Nebraska Press. hy i I am also indebted to the team of editors at Rodopi Press and the c ar Faux Titre Series for their gracious assistance, especially to Professor n A m and pg=8 ChriTsthae Sctoevveern sim. age, "Terminus," by Flavio Costantini, is reproduced s p ori 4& with permission of the Kate Sharpley LibraI)', Stuart Christie and his Terr 012 website www.christiebooks.com. Thank you so much for allowing me s : 042 to use this beautiful image gratis. Eduardo A. (Author). Explosive Narrative am, NLD: Editions Rodopi, 2010. p 8. e.ebrary.com/lib/dominicanuc/Doc?id=1 Febles, Amsterd http://sit Introduction Anarchy, Entropy, Naturalism Throughout recent history, the ghost of terrorism has haunted modern democracies. At times, it appeared under the guise of a die hard Communist; at others, it donned a gray-hooded sweatshirt, camouflaged its stare behind large sunglasses, and was named the Unabomber. In its latest manifestation, it is a religious fanatic and comes from the Middle East. In Belle Epoque France, it was a bomb throwing anarchist. The changing image of the terrorist underscores the very fact that it is historically grounded. Yet, even to advance the seemingly innocuous thesis that terrorism is socially constructed can backfire because public authorities try to present the phenomenon as an essential category by appealing to values of good and evil. Constructionist theories do not erase the reality of terrorism but rather analyze its structural function within a society through a study of a. competing ideologies as inscribed within discursive practices, from ol Z mile whehgiecmh ocnainc ntoot sbueb vaeprspirveeh. eBnduet dw, htahta ti fw tehrircohr iscma nI nwota s bper eccoisnefliyg utrheadt E s of symbolically inside a social structure? k or Another specter looms on the recent horizon of terrorism. Though W he hesitant at first to include any mention of the September 11th events in n t y i the present study, I realized that its very absence would already con h rc vey meaning; an auto-censorship that revealed the very resistance to a n A analysis that have posited at the heart of terrorism. This resistance m and pg=9 comes to the If ore in the articles that appeared immediately after the s p ri & o 4 Terr 012 s : 042 Eduardo A. (Author). Explosive Narrative am, NLD: Editions Rodopi, 2010. p 9. e.ebrary.com/lib/dominicanuc/Doc?id=1 "oI vfF iioonlrse pnthitre ian pcgtu sfr epcaoarrrs ienise dtho feo tuwht iisdn ebmrod poookmp, ulIyl a wtaigiolaln i"un ss(et2 7nP)oh. nilmipi lJiteanryk,i ncsi'vsi ldiaenfi ntaitriogent so, fw teitrrho trhisem a iams Febles, Amsterd http://sit