Explosion, Shock Wave and Hypervelocity Phenomena in Materials II Explosion, Shock Wave and Hypervelocity Phenomena in Materials II Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Symposium on Explosion, Shock Wave and Hypervelocity Phenomena (ESHP-2), 6-9 March 2007, Kumamoto, Japan Edited by: S. Itoh and K. Hokamoto TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD Switzerland • UK • USA Copyright © 2008 Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher. Trans Tech Publications Ltd Laubisrutistr. 24 CH-8712 Stafa-Zurich Switzerland http://www.ttp.net Volume 566 of Materials Science Forum ISSN 0255-5476 Full text available online at http://www.scientific.net Distributed worldwide by and in the Americas by Trans Tech Publications Ltd Trans Tech Publications Inc. Laubisrutistr. 24 PO Box 699, May Street CH-8712 Stafa-Zurich Enfield, NH 03748 Switzerland USA Phone: +1 (603) 632-7377 Fax: +41 (44) 922 10 33 Fax: +1 (603) 632-5611 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Table of Contents Reconsideration of the So-Called von Neumann Paradox in the Reflection of a Shock Wave over a Wedge E.I. Vasilev, T. Elperin and G. Ben-Dor 1 Development of a Large Diameter Diaphragmless Shock Tube for Gas-Dynamic Laser Studies I. da S. Rego, K.N. Sato, S. Kugimiya, T. Aoki, Y. Miyoshi, T. Ando, K. Goto and M. Sakamoto 9 Behaviors of High Explosive near the Critical Conditions for Shock Initiation of Detonation S. Kubota, Y. Ogata, Y. Wada, T. Saburi and K. Nagayama 15 Experimental Determination of Shock Hugoniot for Water, Castor Oil, and Aqueous Solutions of Sodium Chloride, Sucrose and Gelatin A.B. Gojani and K. Takayama 23 Dynamic Response of a Steel Pipe to Internal Blast Loading G.M. Simangunsong, S. Kubota, T. Saburi, K. Katoh, S. Yoshino, Y. Wada and Y. Ogata 29 Design and Experiment of Compact Projectile Accelerator Driven by Explosives T. Saburi, S. Kubota, M. Yoshida, G.M. Simangunsong, Y. Wada and Y. Ogata 35 Detonation Behaviors of Nitromethane with Various Initiating Shock Pressure H. Hamashima, A. Osada, S. Itoh and Y. Kato 41 High-Speed Photographic Observation of Shock-Pressure Pulses in Water Induced by Laser Energy Absorption at Roughened Surface M. Nakahara, K. Nagayama, T. Kajiwara and T. Nishiyama 47 Behaviour of Cellular Structures under Impact Loading a Computational Study Z. Ren, M. Vesenjak and A. Öchsner 53 Numerical Studies of Explosive Welding by SPH K. Tanaka 61 Numerical Simulation of Shaped Charges Using the SPH Solver: Jet Formation and Target Penetration H. Miyoshi 65 Numerical Analysis of Projectile-Launch Tube Wall Friction Effects on Projectile Acceleration in Single-Stage Gun H. Miura and A. Matsuo 71 Numerical Simulation of Underwater Explosive Compaction Process for Compaction of Tungsten Powder M. Zohoor and A. Mehdipoor 77 Plate Response to Buried Charge Explosion S. Rolc, V. Adamík, J. Buchar and L. Severa 83 Numerical Prediction on Cookoff Explosion of Explosive under Strong Confinement Z.Y. Liu and M. Suceska 89 Multi-Physics Modeling Based on Combustion of Energetic Materials K.H. Kim and J.I. Yoh 95 Diameter Effect on Detonation Velocity of Ammonium Nitrate and Activated Carbon Mixtures A. Miyake, H. Kobayashi, H. Echigoya, K. Katoh, S. Kubota, Y. Wada, Y. Ogata and T. Ogawa 101 Detonation Velocity and Pressure of Ammonium Nitrate and Activated Carbon Mixtures A. Miyake, H. Echigoya, H. Kobayashi, K. Katoh, S. Kubota, Y. Wada, Y. Ogata and T. Ogawa 107 Hot Explosive Compaction of Udimet 700 Powder R. Prümmer and A. Witt 113 Explosive Welding of ZrTiCuNiBe Bulk Metallic Glass to Crystalline Metallic Plates A. Chiba, Y. Kawamura and M. Nishida 119 Shock Wave Chemical Reactions; Synthesis of Carbon Nitrides T. Sekine 125 Properties of Cubic Si N Obtained by Shock Synthesis 3 4 V.D. Blank, A.A. Deribas, N.A. Lvova, R.H. Bagramov, B.A. Kulnitsky, I.A. Perezhogin, V.M. Prokhorov, V.V. Silvestrov and A.S. Yunoschev 129 Novelties in Physics of Explosive Welding and Powder Compaction I. Plaksin, J. Campos, J. Ribeiro, R. Mendes, J. Direito, D. Braga and R. Prümmer 135 b Explosion, Shock Wave and Hypervelocity Phenomena Processing of Advanced Materials Using Conventional and Shock Techniques A.G. Mamalis 141 Explosive Cladding for ITER Components E. Carton and M. Stuivinga 149 A DTA Study on HVOF Thermally Sprayed WC–M Coatings M. Heydarzadeh Sohi, S. Khameneh Asl, K. Hokamoto and M. Rezvani 155 Study of Phase Transformations in Heat Treatment of HVOF Thermally Sprayed WC–17Co Coating S. Khameneh Asl, M. Heydarzadeh Sohi, K. Hokamoto, M. Matsuda, R. Tomoshige and M. Nishida 161 On Micro Forming by Hydro Spark Forming Method T. Hasebe and Y. Imaida 167 Control of Onset of Buckling Lobe in Axial Impact of Square Tube M. Yamashita, T. Okuyama, N. Nishimura and T. Hattori 173 Dependence of Blast Attenuation on Weight of Barrier Materials T. Homae, K. Wakabayashi, T. Matsumura and Y. Nakayama 179 Underground Space Construction by Explosive Loading in a Borehole K. Tateyama, S. Itoh and H. Maehara 185 The Sterilization of Dry Powdered Foods by Successive Impacts K. Fujiwara, T. Hiroe, H. Hata and M. Furukawa 191 Study on the Relationship between Some Foods and Underwater Shock Wave Using the Explosion of the Detonating Fuse A. Oda, N. Okamoto and S. Itoh 197 Research on Sessile Organism Removal from Metal Using the Underwater Shock Wave A. Takemoto, T. Watanabe, H. Iyama and S. Itoh 203 Influence of Inert Copper and Silicon Carbide Inserts on Process of Detonation Transmission through Water I.A. Balagansky, A.D. Matrosov, I.A. Stadnichenko, A.I. Glumov and A.V. Samsonov 207 Analysis of Explosion Combustion Phenomenon with Ammonium Nitrate S. Kimura, H. Hata, T. Hiroe, K. Fujiwara and H. Kusano 213 A Safe Use of Explosives by Parting into a Small Amount of Powder M. Fujiwara, K. Fujiwara, T. Hiroe and H. Hata 219 A Study on Shock Energy for Concrete Destruction Using Underwater Shock Wave M. Otsuka, N. Okamoto and S. Itoh 225 The Study about “Cullet” Generation Technique and Application for Recycling System by Using Underwater Shockwaves S. Kawabe, H. Sakamoto, M. Himeno, T. Ono and S. Itoh 231 Mechanical Changes in Materials Caused by Explosive Precompression Shock Waves and the Effects on Fragmentation of Exploding Cylinders T. Hiroe, K. Fujiwara, H. Hata, K. Watanabe and M. Yamamoto 237 Basic Study for Crushing of Ice by Underwater Shock Wave T. Watanabe, H. Maehara and S. Itoh 243 Effect on Aqua Quenching of Spring Steel (JIS SUP 9) S.S. Lee, C.H. Lee and Y.T. Cho 249 New Impact Testing Methods for Sheet Metals Based on SHPB Technique T. Hasebe and Y. Imaida 255 Ultrasonic Nondestructive Approach on Fiber Orientation Inspection in CFRP Composite Laminates I.Y. Yang, Y.J. Yang, K.S. Lee, D.K. Hsu and K.H. Im 261 Nondestructive Evaluation of Rayleigh Pitch-Catch Contact Ultrasound Waves on Impacted-Damaged Composites J.W. Park, I.Y. Yang, K.H. Im, D.K. Hsu, S.J. Song, H.J. Kim and Y.T. Cho 267 Observation of High Velocity Oblique Collision of Titanium and Stainless Steel Plates by Using Gas Gun P. Manikandan, K. Hokamoto, S.H. Ghaderi and N.N. Thadhani 273 Micro Structural Studies On Explosively Clad Cu/Ss, Br/Ss and Al/Ss Plates P. Tamilchelvan, K. Raghukandan, N. Meikandan and K. Sivakumar 279 Materials Science Forum Vol. 566 c A Study of the Weld Zones on Explosive Cladded Titan12/Ss 304 L Plates K. Raghukandan, P. Tamilchelvan and N. Meikandan 285 Explosion Joining of Magnesium Alloy AZ31 and Aluminum S.H. Ghaderi, A. Mori and K. Hokamoto 291 Utilization of Technology of Explosive Welding at Development of Multilayer Ballistic Resistant Materials P. Nesvadba and S. Rolc 297 Underwater Explosive Welding of Thin Magnesium Plate onto some Metal Plates A. Mori, K. Hokamoto and M. Fujita 303 Numerical Simulation on Explosive Welding Process Using Reflected Underwater Shock Wave K. Shiramoto, M. Fujita, Y. Ujimoto, H. Iyama and S. Itoh 309 Collection of Product Synthesized Using Extremely High Impulsive Pressure Generator A. Kira, K. Hokamoto, Y. Ujimoto, S. Kai and M. Fujita 315 Advanced Materials Synthesis and Microstructural Characterization Using Explosive at Sojo University S. Ii, A. Kira, R. Tomoshige and M. Fujita 321 Investigation of Jet Formation with Overdriven Detonation in High Density Explosive H. Kato, K. Murata, S. Itoh and Y. Kato 327 Shock Compaction of WC-Co Powder in Metallic Tube S. Tanaka, K. Hokamoto and S. Itoh 333 Optimal Design of Shock Compaction Device Y.K. Kim, K. Hokamoto and S. Itoh 339 A Study on the Consolidation of Cu, Ni / Graphite Powder Using Shock Compaction Method Y.K. Kim, K. Hokamoto and S. Itoh 345 Microstructure Modification of Magnesium Alloys by High Current Electropulsing S. Tanaka, Y. Takemori, M. Tsushida, H. Kitahara, S. Ando and H. Tonda 351 The Formation of Onions at Shock-Wave Loading of Graphite V.D. Blank, A.A. Deribas, B.A. Kulnitsky, I.A. Perezhogin and A.V. Utkin 357 The Industrial Applications of Underwater Shock Wave S. Itoh 361 Materials Science Forum Vol. 566 (2008) pp 1-8 © (2008) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.566.1 Reconsideration of the So-called von Neumann Paradox in the Reflection of a Shock wave Over a Wedge Eugene I. Vasilev 1,a, Tov Elperin 2,b and Gabi Ben-Dor 2,c 1 Department of Computational Mechanics, Volgograd University, Volgograd, Russia 2 Pearlstone Center for Aeronautical Engineering Studies, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel a [email protected], b [email protected], c [email protected] Keywords: Shock Wave Reflection, von Neumann Paradox. Abstract. Numerous experimental investigations on the reflection of plane shock waves over straight wedges indicated that there is a domain, frequently referred to as the weak shock wave domain, inside which the resulted wave configurations resemble the wave configuration of a Mach reflection although the classical three-shock theory does not provide an analytical solution. This paradox is known in the literature as the von Neumann paradox. While numerically investigating this paradox Colella & Henderson [1] suggested that the observed reflections were not Mach reflections but another reflection, in which the reflected wave at the triple point was not a shock wave but a compression wave. They termed them it von Neumann reflection. Consequently, based on their study there was no paradox since the three-shock theory never aimed at predicting this wave configuration. Vasilev & Kraiko [2] who numerically investigated the same phenomenon a decade later concluded that the wave configuration, inside the questionable domain, includes in addition to the three shock waves a very tiny Prandtl-Meyer expansion fan centered at the triple point. This wave configuration, which was first predicted by Guderley [3], was recently observed experimentally by Skews & Ashworth [4] who named it Guderley reflection. The entire phenomenon was re-investigated by us analytically. It has been found that there are in fact three different reflection configurations inside the weak reflection domain: • A von Neumann reflection – vNR, • A yet not named reflection – ?R, • A Guderley reflection – GR. The transition boundaries between MR, vNR, ?R and GR and their domains have been determined analytically. The reported study presents for the first time a full solution of the weak shock wave domain, which has been puzzling the scientific community for a few decades. Although the present study has been conducted in a perfect gas, it is believed that the reported various wave configurations, namely, vNR, ?R and GR, exist also in the reflection of shock waves in condensed matter. Introduction The phenomenon of shock wave reflection was reported first by Mach [5]. In his experiments he discovered two types of shock waves reflection configurations: regular reflection, RR, and irregular reflection, IR, with a triple point, that was later named Mach reflection, MR. In order to describe the shock waves configuration in the vicinity of a triple point von Neumann [6,7] suggested a simple three-shock waves theory, 3ST, that was based on the conservation equations across an oblique shock waves and appropriate boundary conditions. Discrepancies between von Neumann’s 3ST and experiments were detected first by White [8]. In his experiments for weak shock waves with M <1.5 , he recorded MR configurations in a S parameter domain for which the 3ST did not allow such a solution. This discrepancy that later 2 Explosion, Shock Wave and Hypervelocity Phenomena confirmed by many investigators was named the von Neumann paradox. Subsequent efforts were directed towards searching theoretical models that could explain the experimental results. The efforts to resolve theoretically the von Neumann paradox were reduced mainly to modifications or revisions of the 3ST. A theoretically consistent solution instead of the von Neumann's 3ST was suggested first by Guderley [3], who concluded that a supersonic patch exists behind the triple point. The isentropic solution of Guderley could not eliminate the contradiction in von Neumann's theory since it did not include a tangential discontinuity; however, it contained two important elements: a reflected shock wave that was directed against the flow; and a supersonic patch behind the triple point. The first serious attempt to simulate numerically shock wave reflection under the conditions of the von Neumann paradox was undertaken by Colella & Henderson [1]. Based on their calculations, they hypothesized that the reflected shock wave degenerated near the triple point into a continuous compression wave. However, Olim & Dewey [9] showed that experiments comply with this hypothesis only when M <1.05, or for wedge angle θ <10o. Under different conditions the s w reflected wave propagates with supersonic velocity, and it is a shock wave with finite amplitude. This suggests that the smearing of the shock wave front in Colella & Henderson’s [1] numerical calculations was a numerical artifact of their shock capturing scheme, and that numerical flow modeling in the vicinity of a triple point requires a considerably higher resolution. Calculations performed by Vasilev [10] using a numerical scheme with a very high resolution and new front tracking techniques confirmed the principal points of Guderley’s solution. The calculations revealed the existence of an expansion fan emerging from the triple point with a supersonic patch behind it. These results allowed formulating a four-wave theory, 4WT, that completely resolved the von Neumann paradox. It was shown that the four-wave theory complies fairly well with the experimental results of Olim & Dewey [9]. Vasilev & Kraiko [2] performed similar calculations on adaptive grids. Using extrapolation they showed that the numerical results agreed with a generalized three-wave/four-wave theory in the whole range of the wedge angles, θ . w Vasilev [11] showed numerically that for weak shock waves a very small logarithmic singularity with very large (infinite) gradients of the flow variables is formed in the vicinity of a triple point. The curvature of the reflected shock wave at the triple point also approached infinity. Because of the large curvature of the reflected shock wave the subsonic flow behind it converges and becomes supersonic. Owing to the small sizes of both the singularity and of the supersonic zone they could not be detected in experiments with affordable resolution, and probably this was an additional reason for the emergence of von Neumann paradox. The solution also revealed the existence of configurations where the flow behind the Mach stem is subsonic with a supersonic flow region, which is in contact with the shock waves only at the triple point. Such a configuration is different from that described by Guderley since it cannot be described using his potential isentropic flow model. The final closure to the 50-year history of the von Neumann paradox was achieved recently by Skews & Ashworth [4] who detected, in their unique experiments using a large-scale installation, the above-mentioned expansion fan. Present Study The analytical approach for describing the MR wave configuration, three-shock theory – 3ST, makes use of the conservation equations of mass, normal momentum, tangential momentum and energy across the three shock waves (incident, reflected and Mach stem) and appropriate boundary conditions, which arise from the fact that states (2) and (3) of an MR are separated by a slipstream across which the pressure remains constant, and the streamlines are parallel, θ ±θ =θ . The latter 1 2 3 boundary condition divides the 3ST into two types: • A “standard” three-shock theory for which θ −θ =θ 1 2 3 • An “non-standard” three-shock theory for which θ +θ =θ . 1 2 3 Materials Science Forum Vol. 566 3 Colella & Henderson [1] concluded that: • When the solution of the governing equations of the 3ST results in a standard solution,θ −θ =θ , the reflection is an MR, and 1 2 3 • When the solution of the governing equations of the 3ST results in a non-standard solution,θ +θ =θ , the reflection is a vNR. 1 2 3 As will be shown subsequently while the first conclusion is correct the second one is only partially correct since there are cases in which the 3ST does have a non-standard solution but the solution is not physical. Hence, the second conclusion should be modified to read: • When the solution of the governing equations of the 3ST results in a non-standard solution, θ +θ =θ , the reflection is a vNR provided that the solution is physical. 1 2 3 It should be noted here that this conclusion contradicts the concept forwarded by Colella & Henderson [1] that the vNR resolves the “von Neumann paradox” in which wave configurations similar to MR occur in situations for which the 3ST does not have a solution. As just indicated, the vNR takes place not when the 3ST does not have a solution but when the 3ST provides a “non- standard” solution, i.e., a solution for which θ +θ =θ rather than θ −θ =θ as is the case of a 1 2 3 1 2 3 “standard” solution, which results in an MR. Now that the picture is clear when the 3ST provides standard and non-standard solutions that are physical, there are still two unresolved situations: 1) The 3ST provides a “non-standard” solution, which is mathematical but not physical. 2) There are experimental situations in which the recorded reflections resemble MR wave configurations in a domain where the 3ST does not provide any solution (the I- and R- polars do not intersect at all). This, in fact, is the “von Neumann paradox”. As it turns out, this paradox was resolved almost over 60 years ago by Guderley [3], who claimed that in addition to the well-known three shock waves that meet at the triple point, there are cases in which a very tiny Prandtl-Meyer expansion fan complements the wave configuration. Hence, rather then a three-shock wave confluence there is a four-wave confluence (three shocks and one expansion). For this reason, it should not be surprising that the 3ST failed to describe this reflection since it never intended to model a four wave confluence. Following Skews & Ashworth [4] this reflection, which is shown schematically in Fig.1c, is named after Guderley and is called Guderley refection, GR. (a) (b) (c) Figure 1: Schematic illustration of the wave configurations of (a) von Neumann reflection, vNR, (b) the newly presented reflection, ?R, and (c) the Guderley reflection, GR. The gray denotes subsonic flow Unfortunately, however, as it turned out, the forgoing presentation still does not provide a full picture of the entire phenomenon, since as will be shown subsequently, there are situations between the domains inside which the resulted reflections are a vNR and a GR for which none of these two reflection configurations is possible, and there is a yet another wave configuration there. This is shown in the followings by means of the evolution of the (I−R)-polars combinations as the complementary wedge angle, θC =90°−φ , is decreased from an initial value of 41°, for which w 1