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Preview Exploring University Mathematics. Lectures Given at Bedford College, London, Volume 3

EXPLORING UNIVERSITY MATHEMATICS 3 LECTURES GIVEN AT BEDFORD COLLEGE, LONDON by MARY BRADBURN G. T. KNEEBONE M. R. HOARE C. A. ROGERS P. C. KENDALL A. GRAHAM H. G. EGGLESTON Edited by N. J. HARDIMAN PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD · LONDON · EDINBURGH · NEW YORK TORONTO · SYDNEY · PARIS · BRAUNSCHWEIG Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford 4 & 5 Fitzroy Square, London W. 1 Pergamon Press (Scotland) Ltd., 2 & 3 Teviot Place, Edinburgh 1 Pergamon Press Inc., 44-01 21st Street, Long Island City, New York 11101 Pergamon of Canada Ltd., 207 Queen's Quay West, Toronto 1 Pergamon Press (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., Rushcutter's Bay, N.S.W. 2011, Australia Pergamon Press S.A.R.L., 24 rue des Ecoles, Paris 5 e Vieweg & Sohn GmbH, Burgplatz 1, Braunschweig Copyright© 1969 Pergamon Press Ltd. First edition 1969 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 66-18391 Printed in Great Britain by A. Wheaton & Co., Exeter This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise disposed of without the publisher's consent, in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published. 08 012902 1 (Flexicover) 08 012903 x (hard cover) EDITORIAL THE seven lectures comprising the chapters of this book formed the programme for the 1967 Easter Conference in Mathematics at Bedford College, London. These conferences are given annually and the 1965 and 1966 lectures have been published in Exploring University Mathematics, vols. 1 and 2 (Pergamon Press). In the Foreword to vol. 1, Professor Eggleston says: 'The lectures are primarily designed for students about to embark on a degree course of which mathematics is a major part. Although those attending are drawn from schools in all parts of the country, the number involved each year is, un- fortunately, very limited The organizers of the conferences felt that these lectures, given by professional mathematicians on subjects of current mathematical interest and yet assuming little mathematical background, would be of interest to a wider public. It was therefore decided to publish them in a book and so increase the 'audience' many times." The scope of the lectures is fairly wide and is divided between pure mathematics and applied mathematics, with a natural bias towards the former at this level. Each lecture is quite independent, so that getting "lost" in one lecture does not mean that a subsequent lecture is unintelligible. This, of course, is less important in the book, as the reader has time to take each lecture as slowly as necessary for complete comprehen- sion. Wherever possible, a list of suggestions for further reading is given. Vll Vlll EDITORIAL Two of the lectures were given by members of the Mathe- matics Department at Bedford College, one by a member of the Physics Department, whilst for the other four lectures we were very pleased to welcome Professor Rogers, F.R.S. (Uni- versity College, London), Dr. Mary Bradburn and Professor Eggleston (Royal Holloway College, London), and, once again, Professor Kendall (University of Sheffield). Each lecturer chose a subject in which he is an expert, either as a teacher or as a research worker. Dr. Bradburn chose as the subject for her lecture "Symmetry of Pyramids and Prisms". This is in some ways an extension to three dimensions of the chapter in vol. 2 on "Wallpaper Patterns". The lecture was illustrated by a large number of three-dimensional models which cannot be easily reproduced as diagrams in this book, but the reader might well profit by making some for himself. (Hint: Dr. Bradburn used brightly coloured paper as a code for quick recognition of the type of symmetry involved in the model.) Dr. Hoare is a member of the Physics Department, but his own field of research, statistical mechanics, is on the borderline between mathematics and physics and this is reflected in the topic he chose for his lecture. He gives a thoughtful and closely reasoned account of the close relationship between the two subjects, best described in his own words: "I must give you a large-scale picture of the part played by mathematics in modern science, explain why it is indispensable, at least to the physical scientist, how it not only makes possible his calculations but shapes his whole attitude to Nature, and the sort of language he talks." Although the lecture on "Cushion Craft" was delivered by Professor Kendall, it was written jointly by P. C. Kendall, R. R. McLone and P. Polak, and so all three names appear in the heading for Chapter 3 and I would like to extend my thanks to McLone and Polak for their share in the preparation of this lecture. The lecture falls into two parts: the first part EDITORIAL IX describes the isometric transformations involved when a sur- face formed by an inextensible membrane is deformed, and the second part develops the mechanics involved in the problem and gives the theory of a hovercraft skirt in two dimensions. Each year we try to include at least one lecture on the lecturer's own research work, although the topics which can be presented at this level are, of course, very limited. Dr. Kneebone is Reader in Foundations of Mathematics at Bed- ford College and his lecture on "Logic" is a clear and concise introduction to the work in which he is interested. He has written an authoritative book Mathematical Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, and Bedford College is a centre of research work in Logic in the University of London. Professor Rogers' lecture started with a simple illustration of a three-dimensional house, but quickly and almost impercep- tibly he led his audience with him to the mathematician's imaginary, yet familiar, /i-dimensional space. I think all those privileged to be present at the lecture would agree that in the hands of an expert «-dimensional space was made to sound deceptively simple. Calculating machines and electronic computers have de- veloped so rapidly since the war that they are now everyday equipment both in research establishments and in industry. Mr. Graham is a lecturer jointly at Bedford College and the Institute of Computer Science, and in his lecture he talked about some of the mathematics which makes it possible to use these machines — although they operate so very quickly, all calculations must first be expressed in terms of four basic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Hence behind every computer there are mathematicians. Professor Eggleston's lecture on "Some Irrational Numbers" was given to an invited audience of the more advanced pupils (i.e. those who had already passed A-level), the school teachers and the university lecturers. Professor Eggleston was Head of the Mathematics Department at Bedford College from 1958 X EDITORIAL to 1966, and it was largely due to his enthusiasm and support that these conferences have become an annual event, and also that the 1965-7 conferences are being published in book form. It was, therefore, very fitting that he should be invited to give this "special" lecture and we were delighted when he agreed to give it. I should like to thank all those who have taken part in the writing and proof-reading of this book, especially Dr. Sargent and Mr. E. L. Knight, and the Pergamon Press for the care which they have given to the production of the book. Bedford College, London N. J. HARDIMAN July 1967 CHAPTER 1 SYMMETRY OF PYRAMIDS AND PRISMS MARY BRADBURN Mappings An idea which plays a very important part in university mathematics is the idea of a map. A map is a familiar thing in many walks of life. There are maps in an atlas in which a portion of the surface of the earth is mapped onto the page of a book. A street map of a town, road maps for the motorist and representational diagrams of the underground system are other geographical kinds of maps. There are, however, other uses of mappings; architect's plans in which a building is represented formally by ground plans and elevations and the blue prints used by engineers to represent a machine, or a structure, or an electric circuit are also maps. Photographs, sketches and paintings are mappings of a three-dimensional subject on to a plane. Representations need not be limited to those on a plane, three-dimensional models such as model ships, aeroplanes, trains and cars are maps of the originals with the dimensions scaled down. In mathematics a mapping provides a correspondence between elements of one set with elements of another. An element P of one set is mapped onto an element P' of the i 2 EXPLORING UNIVERSITY MATHEMATICS 3 second set and P' is uniquely determined for a particular element P and for a given mapping. If the sets are sets of points the mapping has a geometrical significance similar to the examples described. Though it is an essential and common feature of all mappings that the point P' on the map is uniquely determined for a chosen point P of the original, there are mappings in which several points P P ,... ,P on the original u 2 W set map onto the same point Pf. This happens when a solid is represented on a sheet of paper. If a wire tetrahedron made up of six wire edges is represented on a sheet of paper, the map will be the six lines formed by the four sides of a quadri- lateral and its two diagonals, shown in Fig. 1.1. The point FIG. 1.1 of intersection P of the diagonals AC and OB on the diagram will be derived from two distinct points P and P on opposite x 2 edges of the tetrahedron. Isometric mappings Maps in which each point P' on the map corresponds to one and only one point P on the original structure are a special SYMMETRY OF PYRAMIDS AND PRISMS 3 type and are called for obvious reasons one-to-one mappings, written (1,1). The mapping of part of the surface of the earth onto the page of an atlas is (1,1) but in addition to this property these maps can be designed to preserve various features of the original. Some maps preserve angles without preserving relative size and others preserve relative size without preser- ving shape, but all maps of the surface of a sphere onto a plane produce some kind of distortion. Most maps designed to show the major land masses of the earth distort the relative size or shape of the polar regions and other regions round the edge of the map. All geographical maps are on a scale much reduced from the original. Maps which take surfaces into surfaces and solids into solids can be designed to be (1,1) and also to preserve some geo- metrical features. A mapping which preserves shape is called an isomorphism. A mapping which preserves shape and also preserves size is called isometric. Such a mapping produces an exact replica of the original or a point for point representa- tion with distances between pairs of points preserved exactly, and the map can be recognized immediately as closely related to the original. Isometric mappings are the class of mappings needed in the study of symmetry. A design on a sheet of paper can be mapped isometrically on to another sheet by taking a tracing and the tracing can be looked at from above or below. A solid can be mapped by making an exact replica. One cube can be mapped onto an equal cube. The second cube can be turned around and moved about at will and whatever its position it will be possible to define a mapping which takes the original cube into the model and the mapping will preserve size and shape. This collection of mappings is too haphazard for the study of symmetry and some kind of order must be produced from all the arbitrary positions of the model. A convenient way to describe the positions of a set of points is to choose three mutually perpendicular axes fixed in space 4 EXPLORING UNIVERSITY MATHEMATICS 3 through a point O and label the three lines Ox, <9y, Oz. The position of a point is determined by its three coordinates (x, y, z). This is just an extension of the point in two-dimen- sional coordinate geometry to include the third dimension by the use of z. In Fig. 1.2 the x-axis and y-axis are intended to r(P) ZKP) XI (PI f 111 .1 11■ f P 1 1 y ' 1 1 Λ 11 s * 1 x / ΚΡ)χ^[ 1 X(P) -1 I z X I / / Z(P) YKP) FIG. 1.2 lie in the familiar position in the plane of the paper and the z-axis is perpendicular to the plane directed towards the reader. The three distances x, y and z giving the coordinates of the point P are shown. A mapping can be denoted by a symbol M and M(P) would be the symbolic way of writing "the point into which P is mapped by the mapping M". If this is a point P\ it is possible to write M(P) =P', and the coordinates (V, y\ z') of P' referred to the fixed axes will depend on the mapping M and the coordinates (JC, y, z).

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