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Exploring the Powers of Your Inner Mind PDF

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• ,.,.,x!;.",..<cc:==-:=~=-4==,.,.,,.,.,:=."ac-e=,.,.,=:=V'l - ---c--= 3". . - "'.. :'..• ==<:'= 3g ; c - Preface to the ReuisedEdition The first edition of this book was published by the Inner Mind Development Institute in 1992and underwent twelveprintingsovera period of ten years. Both students and professionals liked it and EXI)lorin~[hePowersofYourInnerMind recommended it to friendsand relatives. It isone ofthe most saleable (Retised Edilion) fryJaime T.Ucauco books I've written. It continues to be saleable up to this time. One reason for its popularity is its practicalcontents written in an easy-to Copyrighr<0JAIMET.LlCAUCO,2005 understand language. Thisrevised and updated edition containsonly50 percent of the All rights reserved. No partofthishook mavbe contentsofthe firstedition.The otherhalfiscomprised ofcompletely reproduced in:JIWformorh~,any means new material based on recent research. I have made the book more withoutthewritten permission cohesive in terms of subject matter or theme, and thus much more o(theauthorandthepublisher. useful, relevant and compact. I'ubhshedandexcluaivelvdistributedby I have, for instance, expanded the chapter on visualization and ANVILPUIlLlSHING INC. added new materialabout using imageryto heal ourselves. 8007·8 Pioneer Sf. Business executives, entrepreneursand otherdecision makerswill RJ::),.Kapirolvo,Pas.igCity 1603Philippines bepleased tofindusefultopicson intuitiveproblem-solvingandwhole Sales& Marketing:637·.3621;637·5(,92;637.5141; brain management, including proofofthe strongconnection between <[email protected] ESPand profitability. Fa" 637.6084 There are also many new materialsand topicsadded to chapter 7 Visualsprovidedbytheauthor. (UniqueMind PowerApplications)andchapter8(Common Questions About Inner Mind Power). Coverdesign byArnold Ramos Although this revised edition is practically a new book, I have InteriordesignbyAniV.Habulnn .h-cklcd to retain the Introduction written byDr. Lucrecia R. Kasilag, Nil'ional Artist for Music, because I find her commentsstill relevant ISBN971-27-1564·7 (np] f'Vt'll afterten years. ISIlN971-27-1573·6(bp) Thisbook ismeant to be a practical handbook on how to use both ol,I,·s,Ifourbrain moreeffectively.Ihope ithasachieved that objective Primed inthe Philippines ItI fitunc degree. byOrogemInternational PublishingCA.,Inc. JAIMET.LICAUCO 2005 u Preface to the first Edition classalthough themaximum limit wasonlyforty.Even facultymembers expressed interest in sitting in on that weekend class. In 1989, the Asian Institute ofManagement invited me to teach Creative and Intuitive Management in its Master in Development Management (MDM) program. It hecamean instant successand Iwas asked to teach itagain overthe next twoyears.The Master in Business Management (MBM) and Management Development Program (MOP) MyInner Mind column first appeared in 1982inTheTime.<]oumal (ollowcdsuit.At the same time, the Inner Mind column continued to (nowknownasthel'hili/>/Jine]oumal)and ran until1986.Selectedpieces appeareveryThursdayintheInquirerandsomereadersreported c1ippmg appeared asportionsof the book The Psychic World and You, which the column and passing it on to friendsand relatives. waspublished byGoodwill Bookstore in 1982. Perhapsat thispoint, it would heagood idea forme to explain the The columns from 1984 to 1986 formed the contents ofthe book meaningofthecolumn'stitle. Icallit"InnerMind" hecauseIwant the published by the Solar Publishing Company under the title Beyond column to dealwith the vast potentialsof the human mind which arc Ordinary Reality (Ex/,Iorin!: the Powers ofthe Inner Mind) in 1986. mostly hidden from our normal awareness.These powersbelongto the When the bookwasallsoldout in mid-I'!9I, thepublisherdecided not inner mine],not the outer mind.The outer mind refers to the ordinary to reprint the book anymore because of some shift in priorities and levelsof awareness, to the intellect and the reasoning faculties ofthe gave the right to republish it back to the author. mind, which arc associated with the left hemisphere of the cerebral Bythetimethat bookcameout, theInnerMind column had already cortex. Butthe innermind issomethingdeep, mysteriousand powerful. developed a strong following nationwide. This could be gauged from It isassociatedwith therighthemisphereofthecerebralcortex.Iwanted the fact that many letters coming from various parts of the country to showthat these activitiesofthe human mind arc important for the were continuouslywritten to it. higher development and even survivalofman on planet Earth. In 1987, while I was still employed in a large and well-known The innermind isin much with alllevelsofcreation, with itsvarious corporation,the InnerMind column again appeared in print,thistime levelsofmanifestation orplanesofexistence.The inner mind belongs in the l'hili/,/JineDaily Inquirer,upon the invitation of itspublisherand to the realm of causes, whereas the outer mind, being closely linked cofounder, Ms. Eugenia Apostol. It continues to be published every with the physical, isconcerned with the realm ofeffects, week. Its following has grown tremendously. I could hardly'keep up Thegreat Kahunas("Keepersofthe Secret Knowledge") of Hawaii with all the letters pouring in from allover the archipelago. liuve for their motto the statement, "Let that which is unknown be . 1also noticed that my readership covered a large cross-section of II,,,de known," In the same manner, the objective of my Inner Mind the population,from youngstudents to professionals,academicians,the r ulumn is to make known that which is unknown, hidden and clergy,and even government officials.The reactions ofyoung people Irncxplaincd, and todefine rharwhich isundefinable, And in sodoing, wereparticularlygratifying.Manyofthembegantotakeaseriousinterest we may realize one great truth, that the mind knows no limits, aside, in the mind sciences and unusual phenomena and made these the "011\ Ihose it accepts. subjects of term papers and theses. Likewise noticeable is how faculty It is in response to repeated requests from readersto reproduce the members in variousschoolswere veryopen to the idea ofstudyingthe ,"IIImllS and make them available in handy form that this hook has subject in greater depth. In fact, a term paper waseven written about 1"'1'1\ written. Ihope it inspires more people to rethink their commnn my life and works in the field ofpsychic research orparapsychology. "" ""'I'tionsabout lifeand the natureofreality,for,asSocrates used to '''I', In 1982,forthefirsttime in Philippineacademichistory,thesuhject "The unexamined life isnot worth living," of Parapsychologywasincluded asa separate suhject in the Behavioral Science Department of De La Salle University. I taught the subject as an elective during the year. Over fiftystudents were adrnirred in that JAIME T.LICAUCO 1992 vi ull Licauco's latest puhlication to come off the press, circa 1992, is foreword to the first Edition casually titled EX[I/oring lite Powers of Your Inner Mi,W (For Health, Wealth and Happiness). A brilliant expllSc and comprehensive consolidation of his vast personal explomtions of the human mind, cnga~ing covered in twelve chaptersand written in his usual straight.. forward,logical,lucid :md precise style, thisbouk isreplete with valid and authoritative quotations from cxrremclv scientific sources and credihle testimonials,with vivid examplesofdramatic happeningsand Since mycarll'collegedays,Ihave been greatly fascinated with the occurrencesas practical illustrationsdrawn fromhismore than twenty occult and the paranormal. I attended hypnotism sessions and yearsofcriticalobservation,mcnroriugandcOlll1sclingexperienceand mediumistic seances, watched popular faith healers at work, and involvement with psychic phenomena and parapsychology. witnessedexorcismrituals.Through theyears, Iacquireda lotofspiritual Through his current and periodic worldwioe travels and many and csoreric hooks and assiduously read about yoga, meditation, mind intemationalaffiliations,JTLkeepsusaucourantwith knowledgeabout rending, automatic writing, crystalPO\VCf, magic,psychic healing, and limitless global evolutionary developments in mind science from folk medicine. However, deep immersion in a full and hectic musical antiquity to the future. careeras an artist, educator, composerand administrator left me little All his Inner Mimi column readers ami "camp followers" like me to further pursue my underlying interest in psychic phenomena and will morethan we!come thismost recent hook which validlyrecordsin mysticism. As I entered my seventh decade in the musical world, I print and unfoldsthe hidden infinite powersand deep mysteriesofthe decided toretireafter twentyyearsingovernmentserviceat theCultural human mind. Clearly defined and intelligently delineated are the Centerofthe Philippinesand returned to the academe. techniquesand proceduresofmcdlration .md visualization, the usesof With more time on my hands, I was drawn into the inner mind imagery, mind reading, the "Third Eye," the tarot card, predictionsof development coursesofJaime T.Licauco (JTL), the foremost Filipino Ihe future, remote viewing, telepathy, soulmate..karma..rcincarnatiol1 authority on psi phenomena and the occult world. I was quite (SKR),extrasensory perception (ESP),clairvoyance,astralprojection determined to improve my spiritual and mental well-being against oreven astral sex (!),the useofthependulum,telekinesis,psychometry, gradual deterioration, the bane of most retirees. Since 1988, I joined Asian mysticism and folk healing,psychicsurgery,thespirit world and Licauco'sworkshopsandseminarson Mind Control,hasicandadvanced 'I'irit guides, as well as native beliefs and practices, including the coursesin ESP(Extrasensory Perception),SKR (Soulmates,Karma and "'lInghuh"la and manghihilot, magic and witchcraft! He briefs uslightly Reincarnation), andThe Inner Mind Development series. Along with on Ihe all-embracing New Age Movement orThe Age ofAquarius,as allthese mind boosters,Ialso enrolled in the AncientScience and Art IH' parries off existing critical controversies and religiolls biases and of Pranic Healing and Psychotherapy course, earning a coveted traditions. Indeed, such an extcnsive range includes the whole g:lInut Certificate of Proficiency from Master Choa Kok Sui's Inner Studies "I topics we have taken up in Jaime T. Licauco's Inner Mind Instituteafter maintainingasignificantrecordofmorethan300healing I)('vdopmcnt courses. cases within the past two years. Essentially,thisbook offerswideropportunitiesfor ustogainabetter Meanwhile, Jaime T. Licauco's five best-selling hooks on esoteric lilldl."tandingofthehigher levelsofhuman consciousnessandspiritual phenomena have become my favorite library "cup of tea," to wit: lwareness than we can ever expect simply by effectively "doing the UndersCil,wingIhePsychicPowersofMan(1978), TheTrwh BehindFailh Ihuu;"ourselvestoattain innergrowth andenlightenmentandto realize Healingin the PI,ili/,/,ine" (I981-82), The Magicians of God (I981-82), I""itiveendsand loftier goals. In the exultant processofself-discovery Thel'.lychicWorldanaYo" (1982),andTrueEncounterswilhtheUnknawn IllIl realization of our vast hidden mind powers, we arc, however, (I986). IK ulil ncknowledgments cautioned with theserious responsibility never to usc these powers for selfish or negative motives,but onlyforthe benefitand loveofhumanity, lest the lawofkarma boomerangagainstus,an incvirahle consequence. With several interesting case examples of amazing successes and actualexperiencesreported bystudentsin the minddevelopmentclasses revealing the awesome powers of imagerY1 ]TL convincingly exclaims with encouragement:"Theydid it, andso can you!"So, let usreadon and enjoy exploring the potentialsofour innermind for our own good There are many individuals who have contributed in one way or health, wealth and happiness to make life more meaningful! ;lIHIIherto the makingofthishook. They arctoo numerousto menrion Veritably, constant communing with one's inner sublime self lu-re hy name. I wish to thank the many readers of my column Inner ultimatelybringsfonh man'sinnatedivinityandgodliness,thusexalting Awateness (formerly Inner Mind) in the Philill/lineDaily Inquirer.Ifirst ~an the spirit and enhancing humankind. Iu- writing for this paper in 1987. My column is in facr one of its Ipn~esl-running columns and though the years it has acquired a large ipllpwing both here and abroad. For this I am grateful. My readers, IPg"lher with my thousands of listenersin my weeklyprogram,"Inner LUCRECIA R.KASILAG Mind on Radio," over station DZMM (630khz), have stimulated my National Artist for Music IItind through theirquestions. some ofwhich Ihave used in this book. 1992 The first edition ofthisbook wasedited by Angie BlurdonvUreta Ilhlrhe revised edition's manuscript was proofread by mywife, Yoly. I Ihank them both. Ialso wish toacknowledge and thankmytwosecretaries,Anroncrte Slln~a '-,. and Emma C. delos Angeles, for their patience in typingand p'\Yl'ing the manuscript until it got to its final form that you have in VI'llf handsnow. Again, Iwish to thank mychildren Yvonne Sophia (who hasbeen 11l'IIlg in California for a long time now), Jo\;\O Alexander (and his " II,' Eden), and Jaime Raphael, for their moral support and IIII'Il·rslanding. xl x Contents 4:VISUALIZATION ANDGOALATTAINMENT 67 1. Visualization-the Key toGc..·tling What You Want 68 Specificstepsin visualization 71 They did it- so can you! 74 Some questionson visualimtiou 78 2. Visualization ImprovesSports Pcrfonnuncc 81 3. Can Visualization Make aGuyFall for You? 83 Preface to the Revised Edili~m (2005) v 4. How the Hologram IsLike the Brain 85 Prl'fa~c.: 10 the First Edition (1992) vi ForC\\'llrd [ll rill' First Editiou hyDr.Lucrecia R.Ka:.;i!ag viii Ackn'l\vlt..·dgl'IllCilIS xi 5: IIEALING \'OURSELFTHROUGH VISUALIZATION 87 l. Your MindCan Keep You Well 88 2. MentalConditioning Affectsthe ImmuneSystem 97 I:SCIENCE AND I'SII'IIENOMENA \Xlhm ifeverycell inourhodycould think! 99 A simple technique to boost the immunesystem 101 I. R(~,dilyofESPProved in Lahoratury 2 .1. Experiment Proves PowerofPrayer to Heal 104 2. Scientific Rias YS. Psi PhC!10111cn:1 5 4. Severe BackPain andVisualization 107 t Even Great ScientistsStudied the Occult S S. "How Visualization Healed MyMyoma" 110 4, IsTlu're an ESP PersonalityType? 12 1. Qunnnun Physicsand Pnranorma] PIH:nollll'n:l 15 6. Ilung-arianScicnrisrs Prol-e Filipino Healers 19 II:INTUITION.ESPANDMANAGEMENT 1/3 I. Whole..Brain Management, Keyto Peak Performance 114 2:TIlE NATUREAND USES OFPSYClliC 1'0\VEliS 23 2. Experiment ProvesESPand I'rofirahilityGoTogether 123 3. An Encounterwith an IntuitiveCEO 126 I. WhyD,·vcl,,1'YourESP? 24 2. BenefitsofRegular Meditation 32 Achieving much (rom doing Ilothing 14 UNIQUE MIND I'OWERAPPLICATIONS 129 Banishingstress through meditation 36 Meditation and psychic powers 40 I. HowtoArtracr Good Luck 130 \Vhar to expect (rom meditation 41 2. How to Use Magic Chnnrs to BringMoney 135 L Avoiding rhc ESPTrap 43 ~. Questionson the UseofChants 138 4. The AWCStHlH.'.Power ofAffirmation 45 4. To Produce Rain, TryMagic 140 S. Can'tGetThrough the Phone? Try YourAwesome MentalPower 142 3:SEEING \VITIITIlE 'THIRDErE" 47 (" ArcCursesFor Real? 145 7, On Astral Projection & AstralSex 148 I. J)l~~crihing;1 Place You've NeverSeen Before 48 H, Questionson Astral Projection and Howto Do AstralSex155 2, Sc..'eing What Is toCome 53 'J. Calla PsychicSee YouNaked? 157 3. I'rvdictions:\Vhal They Are,HowThey Jb ppl'n 56 10. Using Dreamsto Solve Problems 159 4. LesserMcrlrodsofPredicting the Future 61 11. TheMallWho CanSmellDiseasePsychically 164 S. A KinglyTest for Fortune Tellers 65 Il. Keep Your Brain YoungThrough "Ncurohics" 167 xii xiii 8:CUlvlMONQUESTIONSABOUT INNE~ MINDI'OWE/< 169 1. WhoDiscover...·dESP? 170 2. llow Can IControlMyPsi Powers! 173 3. Can Hypnosis ImproveOne'sMental Ability! 175 4. How G(lo~1 a Prophet\VasNosrrad.unus! 177 5. Can nPredicted Event fie Avoided? 181 6. Whyl:toesIXFI VII Happen? 184 7. IsPsychic Research Demonic! 186 H. IsTlmeTravel Possible? 188 lJ. Psychic PerceptionorHnllucinmion' 191 10. IlowDol':sthe PendulumWork? 193 II. IlowFarCanTelepathyReach? 196 IZ. WhatMakesPrayerWork? 201 1 Science Bihlingraphy lindSuggested Further Readings 205 6 Ahour IheAuthor 209 Psi Phenomena xlu Reality of ESP Proued in laboratory ZENERCARDS,N....MEDAFTERTtlEr:;YCIIOUXJlsTWHOSUlaiESTEI}THE Of ~II the psychic powersof man, telepathy is the most common mEA, WEREO!:VISEI>BYJ. B.RHINEroa USEINHISExrERIMENTSINESP and rhe most easily proven. (EXTRASENSORYI'£II.GErTION).THEYCOMEINrerxsOfTWENTY-FIVE, OONSISTINO01'fIVESETSOf FIVECAII.OSWITHEACHOfTHEFOUOWINCi Tclcparhy can he defined as the nbilitv or power ro transmit or 5YMIIOl.$:/I.5T/l.R,/I.CIRCl.E,ACROSS,/I.SQU/l.RE/l.NIlTHREEWAVYLINES. receive thoughts from another person without the usc ofone's senses. INTEu:r/l.THYExreRIMENTSTHEYARESHUFFLEO....Nn THENruRNF.DOVER ONEIIYONElIYrueSE.~Ilr:K, THE['EII.CJrIENT,SITIINOINIIrO:';lTlON It is also known as "mind-to..mind" communication. FROMWIl!CIITIlECARDSC/l.SNOT1\ESEE.~,SOMETIMESEVENINANOTtiER The term tele[)arhycomesfrom theGreek words,tcle,mcaning"far," ROOM,TRIESTO(,UESSWHATTHECARns /l.REASTHEYARETURNEOaVEII.. and })athos, meaning "[ccliug." Therefore rclcpruhv, literally means "feeling from afar." The first scientist to Dr.Rhine tested rhe telepathicpowersofindividualsbyusingZener study relepnrhv and •.inls,a pack oftwenty-five speciallydesigned cards with five symbols: other psychicpowersof .t '1'111', a wave,~ cross, a square and a circle. Sometimes these symbols man under strict w 'ul,1he transmittcd by Dr.Rhine'sassistantsfrom milesawavand rhe lahoraroryconditions "hi"l', wouldget thecorrectanswers.Certain individualswere proven wasDr.J.B. Rhincof 1,\ 1.,," to possess cxtraordinarv telepathic abilities that could not be Duke University in , 'i,1.1I11<'d hI' chance alone. North Carolina When given sedative drugs, the high guessers were lesssuccessful, back in the 1930s. 1,," wlu-n givcn stimulantssuch as coffee, rheir accuracy improved. In fact, itwas Dr. 1\ IIIling rhe psychic powers that Dr. Rhine studied, aside from Rhine who firsr " I,1,,'lhy, were clairvoyance (rhe abilitv to see thingswirhout the usc coincd rhc tcrm ,d,'"',', 11hysic:t1 sense ofsighr), precognition (theabilitytorellwhat is "e xtrasensory ,IIIV III happen before it happens), and psychokinesis (the ability to perception," now l'I({)II'S"llltJ.B.RIII~LWilliIll";\VIFE,LllurSAR,IINE. RlllNI-.ISAN """" ," lx-nd objects without using physical force). AMI'IUCI\~l'AI{AI'SI'{:11\lLt)l,,JS1 Will) I'ltlNI-m[l)Ml)!lmNI'SW:llli:Al commonly referred 1(1~"EAltl"II,MAINIYAI 1)111.:1:UNIVIli:-.rrrIN Nonrn CIII\()llNA. III oIlu"herseries ofexperimentsrhat lasted eighr years,heshowed ro as ESP. 01," d,..IIIlilian mind can influence the fallofthe dice,therebyproving "Extrasensory perception" isan unfortunatechoiceofwordsbecause 01" " "'I \'IIlpsychokinesis.Healsofound that aperson'spsychicabilities it implies nn extra or sixth sense that some people have but others u. ~'" .,,, " when he or she is interested, enthusiastic and alert, but don't. In point offacr, however,everybody has ESP,onlysome people Ill" ,,1"'11 he orshe is rired or bored. have morecontroloverirthan others,orhave developed theirabilities more. 2 3

In this revised and illustrated edition of one of his best selling books, Exploring the Powers of Your Inner Mind, internationally-known lecturer and author Jaime T. Licauco covers familiar terrain and breaks new ground in the use of one's inner mind to -Make more money; -Anticipate and solve proble
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