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Exploring the lived experiences of adolescents living with vertically acquired HIV by PRETTY PATIENCE JENA submitted in accordance with the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS IN SOCIAL BEHAVIOURAL STUDIES in HIV/AIDS at the UNIVERISTY OF SOUTH AFRICA SUPERVISOR: DR K C MOTHA DECLARATION I, Pretty Patience Jena (Student no: 50809148) hereby declare that EXPLORING THE LIVED EXPERIENCES OF ADOLESCENTS LIVING WITH VERTICALLY ACQUIRED HIV a dissertation of limited scope submitted in partial fulfi lment of the requirements for the Master’s Degree in Social Behavioural Studies in HIV/AIDS to the University of South Africa is my own independent work and has not been previously submitted for any other degree or examination at any other university. ---------------------------------- Pretty Patience Jena Date: 26 February 2014 i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my sincere and heartfe lt gratitude to the following people whose guidance and support have contributetdo the completion of this dissertatio n.  First and foremost tot he Almighty God and Saviour for granting me the strength, courage and determination. He invested in me the perseverance that I needed to press on and complete my studie s.  My deepest thanks to the adolescents that took part i n the study as without them I woudl not have gathered this wealth of i nformation that they provided me for this study .  To Dr K.C Motha, my supervisor. For her professional guidance, motivation, support and endless patience in directing the courosfe t his study .  My mother, for her continuosu prayers, support and encourageme nt.  And finally to my family, friends and colleagues for the moti vation, inspiration and interest . ii ABSTRACT This qualitati ve study explored thleiv ed experiences of adolescents living with vertically acquired HI Vreceiving treatment, care and support services at Dora Nginza Wellness clini,c in Port Elizabeth,S outh Africa. Six adolescents living with vertically acquired HIV (four females and two males) between the ages of 16-17 years participated in -idnepth sem-istructured open- ended individual interviews. Tesch’s (1990) method of data analysis for qualitati ve research was used to analyse the interview s. Adolescents that participated in the stu dsypoke widely abou the outlook on their illness and their li ves both in the past and present. They depicted fear, anxiety, pain and sadness in their lived experience Ts.hey were anxious about their own death and had experienced illness and death of parents, siblings and close relatives due to HIV and AIDS. They describedp ainful and traumaticli fe events related to their illness which included knowing their own HIV status and severe health problems and hospitalsiations. They all learnt about their HIV status in early adolescence and choose not to disclose their status to people outside the family due to fear of rejection, stigma and discrimination. TakinAg RVs was challenging to the participants due to side effects an d strict medication schedules. Their school attendance and performance was affected by their illness. Family was an important resource of support . The participants had good experiences of HIV treatment at the Wellness clinic. The findings suggest that ado lescents living with vertically acquired HIV faced a number of challenges in dealing with their disease and its treatment. They need intensive care and support services that enhance their positive self, facilitate sel-f disclosure and decrease and discourage stigma and discrimination at school and within their communities. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i i ABSTRACT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIA TIONS ix CHAPTER 1: SITUATING THE RESEARCH PROBLEM 1 1.1 Introduction and background of the study 1 1.2 Research problem 2 1.3 Rational of the study 4 1.4 Aim of the study 5 1.5 Objectives of the study 5 1.6 Research questions 5 1.7 Study context 5 1.8 Research methodology 6 1.9 Trustworthiness of the study 6 1.10 Ethical consideration s 7 1.11 Definition of key terms 7 1.12 Overview of chapters 8 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 9 2.1 Introduction 10 2.2 Adolescents living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa 10 2.3 Adolescents living with vertically acquired HIV 11 2.4 Adolescence and HIV and AIDS 1 2 2.5 HIV status disclosure to children and adolescents ilving with vertically 15 acquired HIV 2.5.1 Adolescents disclosure of their HIV status 1 9 2.6 Mental health of adolescents living with HIV 2 1 iv 2.7 Sexual and reproductive health of adolescents living with HIV 23 2.8 Theoretical framework 26 2.9 Conclusion 31 CHAPTER 3: RESEARCHM ETHODOLOGY 3 2 3.1 Introduction 32 3.2 Research design 32 3.3 Population, Sample and Sampling techniques 34 3.3.1 Participant recruitment process 3 5 3.4 Data collection techniques 37 3.4.1 Data collection process 38 3.5 Data analysis 40 3.6 Ensuring trustworthiness 42 3.6.1 Credibility 42 3.6.2 Dependability 43 3.6.3 Conformability 43 3.6.4 Transferability 43 3.7 Ethical considerations 44 3.7.1 Avoidance of harm 44 3.7.2 Informed consent 45 3.7.3 Confidentiality 45 3.7.4 Debriefing of participants 45 3.7.5 Recording 45 3.8 Pilot study 46 3.9 Conclusion 46 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS 48 4.1 Introduction 48 4.2 Biographical information of participants 48 4.3 Emerging themes from participants lived experiences 50 4.3.1 Theme 1: HIV infection 5 1 v Being sick 51 Fear of dying 53 Living with loss 54 4.3.2 Theme 2: Disclosure of HIV status 56 Knowing my HIV status 56 Keeping it a secret 61 Avoiding friendships 66 4.3.3 Theme 3: Copying with HIV 67 Family support 67 Visiting the Wellness clinic 69 Taking ART treatment 74 Going to school 77 Absenteeism from school 77 School pupils’ attitudes 78 Teachers attitudes 79 Sexual relationships 79 Future plans and aspirations 80 4.4 Care and support services appropriate for adolescents living 82 with vertically HIV 4.4.1 Scheduling monthly clinic visits after school hours or during 82 weekends 4.4.2 Facilitate adolescent peer support outside the Wellness clinic 83 4.4.3 Decrease and discourage stigma and discrimination 84 4.4.4 Support adolescents disclose their HIV status 85 4.5 Conclusion 85 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION 8 7 5.1 Introduction 87 5.2 Summary of findings 8 7 5.3 Limitations of the study 8 9 5.4 Suggestions for further research 90 vi 5.5 Recommendations for policy and practice 90 5.6 Conclusion 9 2 REFERENCES 93 APPENDICES APPENDIX A: Application for permission to conduct a research study 116 APPENDIX B: Guardian Information Sheet and Consent Form 119 APPENDIX C: Adolescent Information Sheet and Assent Form 122 APPENDIX D: Interview schedule 125 APPENDIX E: UNISA ethical clearance letter 126 APPENDIX F: Permission to conduct study 128 vii LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Summary of themes and sub-themes 51 viii ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrom e ALHIV Adolescents Living with HIV ART Anti-Retroviral Treatmen t HAART Highly Active An-tRi etroviral Therap y HIV Human Immunodeficiency Viru s PLHIV People Living with HI V SEM Social Ecological Mode l SRH Sexual Reproductive Health SSA Sub-Saharan Africa UK United Kingdom UNAIDS the Joint United NationsP rogramme on HIV and AIDS USA United States of Americ a WHO World Health Organisatio n ix

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