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Exploring Jazz Piano - Volume 1 PDF

254 Pages·2005·23.29 MB·English
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Oe eee Photographs ater 2IFat ers chapter 2 Spal i + Kuth cars hap 3 DE ny lan EDs 113 Toronen eae 135 toby Vas hapten Fd Pos 7 Milo Ble: 25 Heal Malddt hae 8 194 a be 21 Hons Sn avenue BE Telly iow BH Gea About the Author Fir tices Beaman“ fone cree ly 981% a est Enon fe adep ec nsineem a rowp Spel er bates 19 Eel w 1373, ARE mera Ios sney Papa connty egal rs ab aera ore Neswuno ssf ?aenvd: Bony lesen Heacaui Hy rsae Af Pasta J Gian Tesch revs beh asia sence on ea 94 greg Set Lo twatiaperr rd sn seamgs G4 S38" Thi sere ered ac Tse fs Slacapcemnirzamend Lacan 3b, Worwes lars mony aan ade SSE eles or onnsighy “Pana toning mg var ans caone tin eae sch bs rl de sud Lig seg rs eee "Cisne sas aa Rhvses annals de 33 she eels Tae La dite avant cere ral eoracs pon fps Stew eae ep hte mdey™ Soy 2 Cold Gol "thas nn in Fo toast nas ina anes an les wl fs 369 i ar Selected Discography Groat Spit ise fee 20 2505 nepa br trang faa 59, orcs Tr Sc gy en bre, aloe Tin Rc“ Tha” Meas? 25 WibTieciak Vom! sextant Mac Oates ere Thame, Lhe Toe be Bre Gratis Sekt er 1979-1980 2 75 pieemraiartion Ninepice bend frre Aon are epi toa ‘onal, Foe (ort ale hanover Or las Ds Eas Equiv Eoea qu emtip ors tiaks laine 2a Dyes Lor fy Cea 96h ate HEldogenth rk 8 rll eueyet ovis athe, Sand, Tinks & Ss ites Sumdscape Shiba RMRCDe sort ‘Seon rth Views usp Soe ace Wana ea So 1c Pon Rg slo thong asco 1a He thi soy Ny, Pod as sth Mi Pals Tin Boks Tg he hen 8 lust?) 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Seale _ re) lunaryale and Fata = ny Gowting to Row your Ma OF ads all Kop a The Cyale ot bls 2 Wa Major Trind Gyo, a4 Trisd Arpesgioe % Coincidence Calypso Tas Richards omic Major Iilad Werkour Teryet Nonstane Pick ps F tesensens! 4 FY Todaviala Quiero ue Henderson: 36 Vert eal Trrprosisution ‘Wechniques _ 7s |e On Geen Dalphin Stecet iparel; £ . Spread Posi.iom Triads 4 aveloping Hugues ita Soread Posian Tiss “4 Braker: Chords Al The Lost Valley Peatatanic Sears Pingetiog, vias, Mere Fina’ Clickewint: Augmereis Tacs Major Triad Quiz, ‘Mine Triede lc Blue and Whio The Relative Minar The MicorFireVinger Post Minoe [rust i dhe Misr Trae usa 0 Chord Mannenberg Abilis Tirabiea Thickening tbe Melody Panranmie Sate raprovisatioe Kechragniss 2 Take The'A’ leain Billy Strashara Goambitiug Nass amd Chords tne Fete Tha Bevheu Chords — PIS Livia Improvisation walking bt Haas vag Dimicasioe. toad “Monta for Monty Thoee Dilirers Wwe Seales Nawal Minor Workout Twrtiar Phasing Conceoes Lines The Minor Prati Sa Open Tels “AIF Open triad Workout Final Chec rir Diminished nds teil Quie Maur vena Choe herds a breamon Maar Sov: lusrsioes 231 Major Sevemh Workout Scns anne Seale Pagers — RI Ihe Ker Chk Down the Line Ihe ele Bar Blues Sei Play Donaunut Seventhy as Ths Smaighe Nn Chaser Welonians Mt Hominanr Seve Seales Who gins Seales Monit Soto on Straight No Chaser Learnt Domina Sseanche inal Koy { Hominnat Seventh Warknot Ta Broken Chord Pauerrs, Dhyuhinie. Wat iatous SN sc ea GY a1 The These bles Dac “nprosisieg ovate Louie Chord 1s Kespng he Fos re Resthre Change’ Chords fr Seer Save Chords Us ‘Lbe Dorian Mode ar cal Dalia am. 8 Final Cake: CRIBS Teanionahipe me anein Hat as Mande Voi ur Rour Sete Cs im 8 2 Open Tp be Modi tmpsiciarom a! Maal Saapes wo Uhell-¥ sequence 14 $ Fy itosie Cpe ol Foe —s | Brarilian Racthias 144 3 te Bovsa Naa Comming 21 we fe Fly Metu the Moon Bart Hosea 146 z Secnany Doar =— Hs Sah Chords Mg noe Sth Chords 48 Open Out Four Note Ca ie Es i Aum Leaves sep Rose 7 ae Shu 153 Thr Bsa Seals GG 29 Omitlngy Gras Parhr be Veatc: Firovsrion ba Lama Shor t= Sageances ir Suna sao che Thr cal FU 162 att ¥an Arpeeie Woon twa TW = (Sequences Joe Sn 166 W=¥-1Eudings TW Vill ¢ Endings Fake Back FU-vGyal Tend Shee.s 1 Clarckpones Mises ‘wes Qui Grater Billo i Shans Sine 0 Sell rea ‘ning Pectatorne SeZlex beer May Pentatnc Seale Barterns The i Chard Quaccal armery © Deca Improvisation. Dominant Nini: Chords 71 Fnley Two-live 3 Pectatouk Paw g Faodladed Em Siaor Ninth Chords Gleud Nine Mire Vion Nth lapse 4 Clana Nine Fmpeoviation 3 Song For My Tithe Hots SE Tora ise’ Sl on Song Tor Sy Eathet Blovna nalsio Fhe hla 69 Chol Ganwwe Cle Phyo ide Majer and Miso ie Chore Ca & Whine sian TEVIETE V See x036 vt Ina Sepia Mood Du Fg Shear Bloc Chae roo Te Vox. hal Csi To Bad Cdn ie Ags T Snggested Lin ening, (DE=oRrap _ TWPevetonie sake TU Syabols Use TY Gassacy of rs Quiz Ansvies Lukes _ CO Vind Tas Vel Athi Bok Introduction eploving Tac Benn ise soquel w “ay 1997 Sahote publication tprocising Bikes Pico. Overs, Ue tee ics] and theore ical level 3a litte high ane players are senply advised to work through the sealce Pook Fst. tors baie} someents it depth. UF you. ase prablerm teith eortedinating Betener he kan Jmpcorwing arousd ple chu seae fin prone pla to hag Take ite pe starting pornt 0 the iuuroduction of various carers *elairg 16 melody, aaythm and F-mprovisation, gin Yul, 1 froma esis triads ti soyenth anal it slals eth esmgy imaorent it fo with the blues esi, Ub boos uses harmony 2331 roe iad choral. Vol, 2 continues the progressinn via leverrh ara tbergonth chords. ut ir-vishea nd Creve haruauny, feamarng sure sumplex and lonréul okevds and scales Peal eobomes ent interes. 9 4 challenging pieocs er alay and impruise ocr alike some ace piano Urea, this ut place harmony vom jartente, As panies, we are expected 10 have a thos dows net tb ams iewprowisauior m separate [rood grasp of harmeny ei. uo be able en iay dow shonds for surselves obey to imavowine oven We are alsy expected no be able ro create # wood grote accuaupanimert, Because af the siaria's aig. o's as soles. accompanist, aud mente Ube aeythin cation, rhese ropies are deals with alongside each ‘rhe derauhout tke Book Jara pian isa comp ex nal demmanciing subiect, -equiving many roars of study aval practice kefore arything approaching mastery ear be ackzevew Thuowahoct ehe bem 1 bore strc the tartans of Titan ag inca evans, playing with ore rrasiciamsy aru eau live jo as an ssscnial panto the Learning process, Thome Una xorg fe: Pina snes yon 91a jourzaey ‘oom oui an Tomes ceajopmert, Ged hace om your craves Tins Rasharls Localeat 2005 How te use this book As wie LRP ae T shal reise vs iti esse each rauct within isell, Uhe piocea rowers tae end th considerably hades, [his meame that hore are zelacively easy places ithe book at be srareat every ebapecr Treweres, this grading is uot quite as clear-cal as wich IBP =a catenin Susie comapurence is sumed. and sore quate 1 engng ope oF piowes exe esczsionally ineroduced qu ce carly om. You ray wish ter ship these pages the est nme you work Parmagh a shapeer, eomriry to thee at a Ister dats, fe is recor neneut thet you severt times, e-ecbing fre casest material “rst, su Tear pou bave & ark thro. the hoc apscrticia’ nbe:standimy of the wule, The go over ie agata iu nore dpe, progressing Anefver through each Crapter a increasing Your skill ana hacweledge. You'll probably creed 19 rape: cis phocess seven! Limes over a pred ul mers [ hetiere that bis neeinerageack mse closely lupficates ke way that mase prafessional musicians Ja Undersea ‘yom get bugged down in ane chaaer, mows Lo Lae Teer the sacs in lagers =i sesive pieces atthe stactof the ret, camry buck othe kaeder material The cD very piece iv the boo’ ear 2 Tea on the CD. tet ince the bic st listening 20 it as wel ae reading Ibe runic amtirg pies ky ear isa viahle altercative “Tracks played om piu alore are recorded in 0, junt like an onlirary sugliv CD. Tewever sorte at the subse tracks may suum a lite stremge 95 Sar instormous have beer sored It aa iit tor ‘enteral pape. AW yostee ust picked ap this buol, ara would lice Le pst a iste of Ste pieces il eoetains, prograrrn Four CD slaysr eo pay the following urtcks: poo BAIS 2-34-35 ie 36-39 Seliot the ‘uw seting an your acon. hss fone, te elin-nace Fhe panting. aessiwith druamsaccompanitren hase been wick tere separation. Althous deameand ane wer record st the same tie, Ube paar Ie a right in the recordieg stadio. tt yo svinh ta iminate dhe pian ron the iscording, you can ileucing rh right sing this: slay alone seth the crural pardhannel, There arene way ‘e-tora Fhe balene knoa on your am plier tothe let, So that ww sound coxors ort the right had sgeacer eH ysis soul’ol, exe hesapkones; ut vy Ustue “ech leet ean, The cubes one sam be pusirqned aehiue 0es «a sp thal you dot hear ie Porth pieces wich drm, the piame usuerall plays faba inc in the loft rnd eich is wl the bass is (@-Baseand drums ‘ze tie euch Rave the pati cn thes righ, 960 the ee, ih ube duns opt betwee pout channels, By sileeaiug the prame as less ed bone, yr cad play alg wurh bars aac Drums ‘yon were the pian in my io! following Uacks, the ass ory ances ater iF F Buaky Toe tice Le Cora Nine his is heeatne ths plane pays the buss Tine eo stare ye ta doi your'ee By vousell, Wher the nase ee selves to Tetchand ebards to avoid doe fing tie Dass lire Ie scare ertcks, the baes only emes al way swith, something yon'll hs ths piane. generally ‘irmagh, wea the pioss it vaperced wk ‘ft hand ini eburels Py Mujer Sorenth Workout Ww Domnore Seventh Werk FL Ansuene ‘© Playing along A. ‘wick, Intl, practise cael hand separately, auc sckscan 3e nsec ty lay along same i aoe pizne on che evodinw, F you can't LLesp up, practise ata skawer teen, away fom the CD, you've had u chou to getup to spsea, Whan rhe loft-aad gpbechand pasare bo u Ar his pint, yi stole slenes the piano au play slong sick {st tae creme fr has am reas 10 agvide you. @ Compl Aer tae wad the Falleneing mes Tjnse play -he bassline or hassars:shords, lediane cher Le Threesume Fn Green Tih Mansesbury A Monza FL Dreantin rdchorst FL Danwrssbe Cane Hl fhe Fhesne PW Oreuthadonry Sing Pa My keer eure rAleay ‘This koopa as siping? aulis what yor'd olay asked Woagcompany sorsweue esc 010, hse sczges arsdlesignedas a backdrop “oryen: own iyp-ovinatiem. Eauually youll wars to play youraen accompanirent while yo, imgrevire, by ening the Prghechamd eal (©-The workouts he Solowrngraueas cortam ‘blac cut som sepa hc writen at, ih rmaserual, and try ont variations unt 31 Major Trad Barkow Narunal Menor Wiekose 1 Open’ Poind Westone FE MuiorSeeams FA Dowdnans Serth Worden SB) DVET Arpaia Weckant @ lmpenvsation Move of bec in:21oviseé woke whi detaonstvte che topics under disentsion. Fe rexeans of space chesehae often her leeprsquite suc Lf puu’d koe sear sales Lia. strech outa litte scum, alease lier to ony eamrverially avai ab. eeotdiegs, many of which i’ ude ieee trout, is aco fee p.4 Before you start do bore on play Sorapreactavely the vot range a onj’es thar have Porae ule esistence siace tke besisiinge o® the erie over 10D years au, Jaze bas Fovocie verse Ura 1B Je: pla er clam ro cower is m danger 9 bacoming.a meauiaglews wos) User's lnzzrek, sepa, sour Sc, wot fay wun jce laze fusion, cud faz, wuasneierm a” iazs, Now" Orleans ji bot ee, eo Stroin jee, Lin jee, minder’ faze, bebo, bop. post bu, free see, eomiermioniey ugg, modal laze auant-gane jase, axl a while host of other labale of varying dapices a seule West Con sad (© Listening Paced wth ris hewilde-ing variety of 3 the jaz pian'sthava lato choices In make Ue mest importatieehing ists ccep an open rind, and el te oube: tocpicians as emel as possible, or recids, or the ali, ad a “ve us. Fird we whew yx local jaze venues aren! attendegelarly the wane wat its bestia live sition, and thea icicusdeperd on rar spon Th Apperdis Tip, 228: you'll find a discagsaphy Tinpaineing sore estentin’ Perening, aeraxs a “ow 0° the syle: indie whive, Chick ort 95 mam as vassible of those rseordings tase your hacal Feary tor sigyl oF CDs), Withoe innmersing yarselt ny the aausie you eat eapeet ke become a provicien: jaz (@ Learning thelanguage |.cuccng ly ply je foe cay ‘cher smeal lion i eory sma learning anycage. Imagine erying te leara Tcnsh or Spans, ‘sishwst hesringizspolsent Tn order no somnd lise 4 o corstand: stem and ep AT ehe geeal ino ators in ize hve hac a sonrd kr potieaee of Ue sty Imp-pviang, is micol Tike L'a a ex versations eave sewer you ha edge ara at cane hore We dhirrplan ir advance wien ws sap shea speci, mers. [riensls— we" rn drawang evan inatine. i kaowledge of semen samamar end sescabolary, Playing faa is ni ditsrens — hear, spin ans patterns is a sn ta udying che tnd sermmar ofa foreign wong. They are ie bbave elements ws nore (9 ee ares ou: iss, scales, Bora Litof Symbuks and Glo: " (© The improvisation boxes ese Loutsin susuested noes that tit he gives chords aryo. sala, clea a seals, onpexgisor pestaromie scale, You are ner obliged weiss allekemetae, nr do you have us slay ther in #49 9 der sive. You cin shang ehesgister cf the notes ro0, aT play teu: justasugsotion other nitee iy sound god rac, 7 vyomcan jus, do you osu thingl ous owen rhythm, Remerber char hee (0 Prechearingideas Pracusing sca.es arpewis pullesus and choather echniquasi Is bone wil ao, we absell, sri you bate a jazz musician —dhey are merely che tools which eva ks yom eo play head ‘Most imprusising masciars gre-hea” phrasesa split- sevo:al before playing them. Imagine the eo naar or Heth of a plzase ad let your taygess ey to rind tbe sno1c3 a» bea Lae eae Perfecting thi conection betwseu what you hea and 2-70 play Fs perhaps the unas an soetant thing ofall tn-a zara mussiian, WF yee doar hes aythingir yore head, chove’s a dange- yen'll ne yas, rpging your fingers and playing notes ar random — rot very ping forthe ligerert (© Sinzing Hee if you'ee not pzoacd of your wie oF vonFidon a singing, itco:porate it into your orate. Pes sale or pau, shige vwullae plying i, (hen sing variation on waned uy 19 phy that. Thisis paricala relator ie seals and f'ne9 59'¢s, since they camera uly atew nos vou bas Many uicsician sing alorg in enisom seth ‘he vionprosiea Lue be ultimate prao® chat thsy're Tayi vet Uses Transeriing solos, oF xt plartgalacy sith ‘arpenais, sand their sand incasy co rain in ‘cords and copying what yor lca Uie logical extension of des process IFyon can’; aay sc meng, sing it first. (© Rhy Ficl’y, Leau't cress emoeigh taneche mast nly of jazewa.sic i chyttan,sstaneves the stole tin the proces, ap your Zouk play with a steady ake Ana feel che music wilh yaue bode 1 of Teens used this bk, sen Appendices WI aed LV, 99. 236-237, Triads are chzee-note chords, the basic harmonic building blocks of Westecn music. Athorough knowledg theen is essential to help youdeal with the more complex chords Found later in this hook. of Chapter One ‘Lene ase “our Ispss oF triad: mon, ine, dicsisbed acd a jnuenuedl 15 Ih tape wll deal with aor trade whic wre Formed fromm the fess chied and fith notes ot rhe rajor scale, The Eestzaas ol ascaleis cao th by a Paikl R, Othur sitar al the ocak ace even mumbers according to chee pire in the sale. These aac appene bod ps, RBB rhevetore dasercbus ch Formation oa mace ad. Fi As Deaton of © mar ted or helt fe notes of C major seal oor ingieaend R 3 5 [hemambors ahaa Fae nes ay le ays Tharb=1 Indea ger 2 Middefingor <3. Ringringer=4 Lele ager: Tn Fig L Linas size sou al ucats a aii te ie fgger ow G, “hig hard positon is clea ‘five finger posaion?. The rn Finger tor cack rate, ening with tuajur usad should be payed wil. 135 tirgeri, tom Ube sarae hoor positon. Now uy play rg che ehora ir the lefe hand an vetave lower} wwth che Fete Cgeror Cand thethamnb cn €, Notice buw te lingecing, $41 kee oppasite sway romnd, Now ooh eke right hand play ue ft Tye notes ot the sale, and down: Fig 1.2: Fiera exrcie wth esta accompa c a] =e gil: phe Feowep ZL fF {hs ond wade ga wandard abbceviate for anor rm 1a poparaion far Thversarne wera play Vig 22. “or she curds of T and Gi wil the righr had play fist five au. oF re senley of F and Coa " [IE strsiptos . Threesome TD owing = with play-along sectton on Checkpoint: Thravsan (© AABA form Foch sigh -bar soaion i given a leicrie a square bn br the leo ‘he firer hae The Firs eighehars and the sen soetion beta Faye the same chore and ferthae reasen ae hock given the etre “A, ae = the Fal cigh-barsetinn, They ererained’AT\‘AZ ane ‘AS! ta ird-cate their position the erm The third eight har sstion ix gen the leer BR hrzant the cra-de and anclnly ace dllerent foam the '87 sections, Desrae itis srelviched hemes lhe, heb sect: wen lle te aude veeion pr *Br‘des". Many popula songs aad jazz tncs follow this AMS sur.ctute ine dine this bens Tae te ‘at Tran (Chaplor 23. the Theme iCha we 3} au tro Sent bsenial Mond (Chaptor Sh, The fellow can be fomnal 13 Vol. 2: Raffeslone Chapter 6, Tinpreesioas (Chaperr fh ptr 7 Carano ‘Chapt 8 Cheerges (Chapte: 9nd Meena Sianise Chapter 1: (© Grace notes Like AW in he 4 shld be played on the beat, togstlier wth the deft hand chord. You. vic use thy (rind finger fembetl nates :T pou wish a ing Eom st to By oF you can vee Uhe second finger ot. AF iyslecd. The sare Crag ag yore “or the other yriws Bolte ia Us pie, becas they areal bles Thng civvehiee noes. 4 dona see Hie 8.20, race rates mentioned abose are all a seaitone below the tied note of che “ivestinger position, The Hlatssned kis! oC a chord cr scale i lit cunt be ston exher semisally cx led the rsino third. f fei played vag a majer eh ceo 48 “ble” thi, Note du ce ble third tC: ea tas Br ors Ad hickeser's conveaican, (See Bl Third Rus, JBP.p Aalding but [snl in (emt oF maine sPide gives colo ro rhe relody. Ty dingit even when == noe wevicen, og: a use fest ar

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