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CREDITS Lead Writer: MattheMwe rcer Producers: BilBle nhamL,e aH eleotDiasnT, o var Writers: JameJs.H aeckJ,a mesl ntrocCahsroiL,so ckey Product Engineer: CyndCaa llaway Developers: JeremCyr awfoDradn,D illoBne,nP etriKsaotrWe,e lch Imaging Technicians: SveBn oleCna,r meCnh eungK,e viYne e Art Administrator: DaviGde rshman Managing Editor: ChristopPheerrk ins Prepress Specialist: JeffersDounn lap Editors: Scott FitGzrgaeyrH,aa lndn aRho seF,.W esleSyc hneider Franchise&. Global Brand Strategy: NathaSnt ewart Art Director: KatIer win Director of Licensing&. Publishing: LizS chuh Graphic Designers: TrisYho chumT,r ystFaanl cone Licensing Manager: HilaRroys s Cover Illustrator: KarKle rsch! Marketing and Communications: BarCta rroPlell,h aGmr eenCeh,r is Interior Illustrators: EveAnm undseJno,n aBha umanMna,r k LindsSahya,u nNaa rciEsmoi,T anjGir,e Tg itoA,n naV o BehmE,r iBce lisDlaenB, i ttencZooulrttaB,no roWse,s leByu rt, D&.D IP Development: AdamL eeA,r Lie vitMcihk,eM earlRsi,c hard CliCneta rlJeeyd,Cd h evriCehri,p pDya,v iRde nCeh ristensen, WhitteSrhsa,w Wno od CoupleOfKoJookmsaC, u etoA,l aynDaa nneKre,n Dta viNsi,k ki Brand Manager: ShelMlayz zanoble DawesA,x eDle foisO,l gDar ebaLsa,r Gsr ant-WJeuslti,Ka onk , Playtest Coordinator: BilBle nham LindLai then, JMeashsoinAc,na d reMwa r, MarMceedleai ros, RobsoMni cheGla,n iM onteIsr,i Nnoar dsoSlt,e phOeank ley, Critical Role Team: LaurBaa ilTeayl,i eJsaiffneA ,s hlJeoyh nsoLni,a m RobiOnl aussColna,u dPiooz aLsi,v ia PJreinmRnaa ,v enna, O'BriMeanr,i sRhaay S,a mR iegeRla,c hReolm eroB,e nV anD er NicRko bleCsa,i Eo SantoDsa,v iSdl adeBkr,i aVna lezAan,n a FliutT ,r avWiisl lingham VeltkaRmipc,h aWrhdi tteSrhsa,w Wno odZ,u zannWau zyk, Special Thanks: AshlByu rcMhi,c aB urtoMna,t Cto lviTlalney,a AnnaZ ee DePasBsr,i aFno steWri,lF lr iedTloed,dK enrecMka,t theKwe y, Cartographer: DeveRnu e SumalMeoe ntanBor,e nnLaene M ulligKahna,r Pya ytoBnr,i ttany WallocDhe,b oraAhn nW oll Thanktso t hem anym,a nyg rouposfp layteswtheohr esl peuds gett hec haracotpetri oannsda dventuirnettsoh efiinra flo rmW.e couldhna'vte made thwiist hboouotk you! ON THE COVER I IllustKraartKloe rr sccha pturtehses tervni sagoefts w os overeigns witahL uxon beacon betweetnh emB.r igQhute enL eylKarsy onf theK ryDny nasatnyd K ing BerDtwreanndda olft hDew endalian Empirhea vnee vesre eeny et oe ye-antdh eciorn flwiiclstlh ape thef uturaensdd estinoifae lsll i ofnet hew ar-tcoornnt inoefn t Wildemount. DisclaiTmheecr o:n tinoefnWti ldemoaunndat l ple oplweist hairnfie c tionaanldp rimarily exitsoti nviytoeua ndy oufrr ieinndtsao w orlodfe xploraitmiaogni,n atainoddn e,e p emotiocnaatlh artshirso uegphi sct ruggalnedvs i ctoWrei easd.v iysoeut oe mbrafcaei lure asm ucha ss uccessasd,n eassms u cha sj oya,n dt or emaivni gilwahnetnt akicnagr oef petosra nimaylosua cquiornye o uard ventuWriezsa.r dst hoeCf o asatn dC ritiRcoalaler e notr esponsfiobarln eym ental trauma bsyau nfifmearle dc ompaonrd ioomness ticated fecyr eaturreessu ftfirnopgme rsisdtaenngtea rn dd eadclhya llenngoeras r,ew er esponsi· blfeo wrh atevlearco kfp assiPveer ceptmiiognhl te atdo a f ailtuorn eo titcheea nimals' rapieds cape. 62C072700000E0N1 ISBN9:7 8--70869-6691-2 FirPsrti ntMianrg:c2 h0 20 CE 987654321 DUNGEONS& DRAGONSD,& O,W izarodsft heC oastth,e d ragoanm persanPdl,a yeHra'nsd booMko,n stMearn uaDlu,n geoMna steGru'isd ael,ol t heWri zardosft heC oasptr oduct namesa,n dt heriers pectliovgeoa sr et rademaorfkW si zarodsft heC oasitnt heU SAa ndo thecro untriTheesw .o rlodf Exandriitgsar ,o uposfi ndividiutaesll se,m enittsds,i stinctive charactaenrdsi ,tl so catiaornets h es olper operotfCy r itiRcoalleA .lr li ghrtess ervAeldol.t hecrh aractaenrdts h ediirs tincltiikveen esasreeps r operotfWy i zarodfst heC oasTth.e m a· teridaelssc riibnet dh isst atemeanrtep rotecutnedde trh ec opyrilgahwtos f t heU niteSdt atoefsA meriacnad a rountdh ew orludn deirn ternatiinotnealll epcrtoupaelrt trye atAineys . reproducotriu onna uthoruiszeeo dft hem atericaolnst aihneerde oirna rtwocrokn taihneerde iisnp rohibiwtietdh otuhtee xprewsrsi ttpeenr missoifoW ni zardofst heC oasotr C ritical Rolaes a pplicable. Printientd h eU SA.© 2020 Wizardofst heC oasLtL CP,O Box70 7, RentoWnA, 98057-0707, USA.M anufactubryeH da sbrSoA ,R ueE mile-Boe3c1.h 2a80t0 DelemonCtH.. Represented by Hasbro Europe 4 TheSquare Stockley Park LJxbrjdge MjdldesexlJ BJJ 1E T UK CONTENTS Preface . ... 4 Humans . . . . 164 Gearkeeper Construct . .290 Welcome... .t.o.. .W....i..l.d...e..m....o..u...n..t.. ............... ......... 5 Aarakocr..a.. .......................................... 165 Gloomstalker .................................. 291 A New D&D Setting ....................... 5 Aasimar ............................................. 166 Horizon back T..o..r..t.o...i.s..e.. ...... ........ ....... 292 Nations ofWildemou..n..t.. ............................... 5 Dragon bo...r..n.. .......................................... 168 Husk Zombie . .. . ................................ 293 What's in This Book? ............................ 6 Firbolgs ............................................. 169 Merrow Shallo..w..p.r..i.e.s..t.. .......................... 294 War! .................................. 6 Genasi .................................................. 170 Moorbounders . . ......................... 295 Calen..d...a..r.. .a..n..d... .T..i..m...e... ........................................ 8 Gnome.s.. ................ .............................. 173 Nergaliid (Devi.l. T...o..a..d...). ............................ 296 Moons of Exandria ......................................................................... 9 Goblinkin... ............................................. 173 SahuaginW arlock of U..k..'.o..t..o..a. .............................. 297 Daily Life inW ildemount ........................... 9 Goliaths ................................................ 175 Sea Fury . . . . 298 Half-Elve.s... ............................................. 176 Shadowgh..a..s..t. ............................................. 299 WPCHahiisnl.d tt1ohe:rm eySo otonouf Wronyft EioaldffxteWaemnri dtlohdrueiena mC.t . ..ao.....l.u..a..n..m....t.. ...i...t....y........ ..................................................... 21111014 OKTTiareebenflaski xnauign . ..s..d.. .. ..H........a........l....f...-...O...........r....c......s....... ................................................................................................................... 111177778967 SUGwdl oaasavskaa i.rn..y. B. ....a......s....i..l...i....s......k....... .............................................................................................................................................. . . 3 3 3000021 Prime Deities . 20 Tortles .................................................................................................. 180 Index . . . . . 304 Betrayer Gods. ............................................................................... 26 Hollow One . .. . 181 Maps .................................................... Lesser Idols . . . . 30 Subclasses ................................................ 182 Continent of Wildemount 7 ........................................ Ch. 2: Factions and Societies 35 Fighter: E..c.h..o.. .K..n.i.g...h.t. ........................... 183 Map 3.1:M enagerie Coast....... .....................6. 1 Dwendalian Empire ................................................. 35 Wizard: ChronurgyM ..a..g..i..c.. ................ 184 Map 3.2: Port Damali ..................... 73 Kryn Dynasty ............................................. 38 Wizard: GraviturgyM agic ............... 185 Map 3.3:M arrow Valle..y.. .......................... 79 Cerberus Assembly . . . 41 Dunamancy Spells ................................................... 186 Map 3.4: Zemni Fields ........................... 97 Clovis Concord ................................ 43 Heroic Chronicle ...................................... 190 Map 3.5: Rexxentrum .............................1. 05 TheM yriad ................................................. 45 Backgrounds ... 200 Map 3.6: GreyingWild..l.a..n...d..s.. .................................. 111 Children ofM....a..l.i.c..e.. ..................................................................... 46 Grinner .................................................. 200 Map 3.7: Eiselcross 123 Diarchy of Uthodurn . ... . .. . .. 48 Volstruc.k..e.r. A...g..e..nt.. .......................... . 202 Map 3.8:W astes of X...h..o...r.h...a..s.. ................. 137 Tribes of Shadycreek. R...u.n. ............... .... 50 Adapting Backgrou..n...d..s.. ........................................... 2 03 Map 3.9: Rosohna .................. 143 Library of the Cobalt Soul...... ................... 52 Ch. 5: Adventures in Wildemount 205 Map 3.10: Blightsh..o..r..e.. ........................... 150 Scars of Scale and Tooth ............................................ 53 Using These Adventures . . ..... 205 Map 5.1: Palma Flora ............................ 209 Claret Orders .............................................. 54 Tide of Retribution . ..................... 206 Map 5.2: Wavechaser ............................. 210 Golden Grin ................................................ 56 Dangerous Designs. ............................... 217 Map 5.3: Ruined Palm..a.. ..F..l.o...r.a... .............. 215 The Revelry .. . . ... .. 56 Frozen Sick . .................................2 35 Map 5.4: Lower Hupperdook .............. 219 Ch. 3: Wilde.m. .o..u...n..t.. .G..a..z..e..t..tee..r.. .............. 59 Unwelcome .S...p..ir..i.t.s.. ...................................... 2 50 Map 5.5: Ironlot Streets . ................ 220 MMEGZiereasmenreyralniocgnirw egoFr W sViieesal i.dlC.ll.ds.eo. .l.y.a.a.. ...sn......td...........s.... .... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... . 11.... 5972189151 MVCAehrasm.g t6iisgc: oeWIsft e tiomhldfe sDe BmoivefWoetrruagniyeltden. .Ter.c.sm.re. ..e ...o...a...u...s....n..u......t..r........e..... ...s........ ......................................................... 222266770554 MMMMMaaaaappppp 55555.....76891:0::: SCNS: Sirtilmaovahaelaslrk mv CeFaraiaun Cslllnttsa'.as. vC.r eLiad .a.v.'.is..e.r. .r.H.. ...n....o.. ........u........s........e........ ............................................. 2 22222232449759 Wastes of Xhorhas .................................. 132 Ch. 7: Wildemount Bestiary. . . 281 Map 5.11: BrokenveilM .....a..r..s..h.. .................................. 254 Blightshore. ............................................... 149 Stat Blocks by Creature Type ................. 281 Map 5.12: Fort Venture .......................... 259 Distant Lands of Exandria . . 158 Wildemount NPCs .. ................281 .................. Aeorian Hunters ................ .................... 282 Ch. 4: Character Options . . 161 Blood Hunter . ............ ..................... 284 Races . .................... 161 Core Spawn ................................................................................... .2 85 Dwa..r..v..e..s.. .............................................................................................. 162 Frost Giant Zombie .. . . . 288 Elves . . 162 Frost Worm ............................. 289 Halflin...g..s.. .................................................... 164 ............................................. ................................ .......... G maginatiottis a 8J-' strange WonGerfu tJ:Ung. Imagination drives innovation and inspires communal A second campaign began shortly thereafter, this creation. For this geeky theater kid, imagination was time taking place in the neighboring continent of Wilde­ my solace. mount, a land bound by dark history, political struggle, Since before my granny began reading me to sleep and dangerous secrets simmering beneath the surface with The Lord of the Rings and Piers Anthony at the of everyday life. Now knowing the complexity my players age of seven, I found myself simultaneously lost in, and were willing to engage with, I developed Wildemount empowered by, imagination. From playing make-believe on a scale and level of intricacy I had not previously with my brother in our rainy, Florida yard as children, attempted. I excitedly watched as this region of Exan­ to mowing through video game RPG after RPG, I found dria took shape, and it was here the Mighty Nein (as myself drawn into stories, especially those I could shape they came to be called) began their adventures, which alongside my friends. It wasn't until I was introduced they currently continue to the day of my writing this to & during my freshman year of foreword. Wildemount expanded into a vast, complex, DUNGEONS DRAGONS high school that I found an experience that entwined and delightful setting that I continued to grow more and everything I loved about storytelling, collaboration, more proud of. Then the incredible opportunity arose to theater, and creativity. I began building worlds for my collaborate with Wizards of the Coast to bring this set­ friends to play in and filling notebooks with strange ting to you in printed form. ideas, quirky NPCs, and mediocre story threads (hey, ev­ I have been nothing short of humbled and ecstatic at eryone has to start somewhere). I had found my favorite this chance to be a part of something so important to pastime, one that continues to lift me up and shape who me. It has been a profound honor to bring our world into I am today. the D&D multiverse and invite you to come play and All these years later, through a magical series of create in it. Exandria continues to be one of my proudest circumstances, a group of gaming friends and I began achievements, with Wildemount my most accomplished streaming our home game of D&D on the internet under aspect of this world to date. This continent is ripe with the name Critical Role, expecting little to no interest adventure and mystery. To work with such talented peo­ after spending nearly a decade in web media being told ple to make this campaign sourceb ook a reality is a joy anything longer than five minutes has little value to the I never thought I'd get to experience. Wildemount began "ADHD generation." These myths were rapidly proven with Critical Role, but this book is an invitation for you wrong, and our home game swelled into a community, and your friends to make this world your own. then into an unanticipated phenomenon that has be­ I invite you all to come to Wildemount. Wander the come something so deeply wonderful and important to dangerous valleys of Western Wynandir, sail up and me, and it seems, many others across the world. down the Menagerie Coast, brave the wastes of Xhor­ It is through the original campaign following the has's scarred lands, and explore the ancient secrets in exploits of the adventuring party Vox Machina, with the regions beyond these war-embroiled realms. Follow myself helming the narrative as the Dungeon Master, the paths of the Mighty Nein or blaze your own trail. that I began crafting the continent of Tal'Dorei and the This is your Wildemount now. world of Exandria for my friends to explore. Expanding Matthew Mercer, this world with each heroic venture my friends took on, Dungeon Master of Critical Role each unique facet of their characters' stories enriching this realm that otherwise existed entirely in my head, Exandria began to grow and mature, feeling at times like it was taking on a life of its own. By the end of that journey, as the heroes ofVox Machina completed their majestic tale, we all knew we had created something special. However, that was but the first of many tales we w-anted to weave. ---. J WELCOME TO WILDEMOUNT WO ARMIES CLASH ON A FOG-SHROUDED If you're a player, this book contains new options that battlefield, heralded by the sound of trumpets will help your character fit in perfectly with this strange new land. You can use the heroic chronicle system to and drums on one side, and by an eerie, chirp­ create a backstory that firmly roots your character in the ing whistle like countless thousands of wailing lands ofWildemount. You'll also find new subclasses as crickets on the other. A raven, its ebonfeathers spattered well as new magic items that will help you attain greater and greater power as you travel the continent. with blood, alights on one of the fallen corpses and gently raps its beak on the soldier's helmet. The raven looks up, NATIONS OF WILDEMOUNT curious, and flies into the slry. A land embroiled in war ex­ Wildemount's various regions are described in greater pands beneath it, and yet, within the shroud of conflict, the detail in chapter 3. Here's a quick overview of the major raven sees twinkling pockets of light. civilizations of Wildemount. The raven sees souls that shine bright with courage, kind­ DWENDALIAN EMPIRE ness, and determination. It sees souls lustrous with greed, The raven soars over a massive city, sprawling outward fear, and anger. And most of all, it sees souls radiating with from a somber, monolithic palace. Soldiers and war a desire to discover their place in the world. The raven sees machines pour from the city, stretching across the land Wildemount. like innumerable grasping arms, greedily encircling the A NEW D&D SETTING continent. The raven notes this hungry behemoth and alters course. Wildemount is a new setting for your & The Dwendalian Empire is a young, ambitious state DUNGEONS campaign, originally created by Matthew borne from decades of strife in Western Wynandir-the DRAGONS Mercer as the setting for the second campaign of the heartland of Wildemount. Its austere lands are dotted hit series Critical Role. Though it's just one continent with tiny villages, ruins of ancient civilizations, and in the larger world of Exandria, Wildemount is teeming pockets of uncharted wilderness. with varied cultures, locales, peoples, and monsters. It Campaigns set in the Dwendalian Empire are bound is home to both avatars of evil and paragons of good, but to involve elements of war and political intrigue. The it is defined by the common people who exist in between empire is at war with the Kryn Dynasty, a nation of sur­ these two ideals. face-dwelling drow which occupies Eastern Wynandir This book is for D&D players and Dungeon Masters and the wastes of Xhorhas. This war allows various of all experience levels. It is for newcomers and for Dwendalian factions, such as the power-hungry Cerbe­ hardcore fans of Critical Role alike. If you've watched rus Assembly, to vie for political dominance. every episode of Critical Role to date, this book will still contain surprises for you, as there are corners of Wilde­ CLOVIS CONCORD mount that even the Mighty Nein weren't able to explore Westward flies the herald oft he Raven Queen. It bursts in their adventures. through the clouds above the western mountains and If you're a Dungeon Master, this book will help you emerges into a land blessed by sun. A sea of lush jungle create a D&D campaign set in a land of war, intrigue, stretches out beneath the raven, until eventually green and swashbuckling adventure. You could set your cam­ gives way to golden sand, and then to a boundless, sap­ paign entirely within one of Wildemount's four regions, phire sea. Ships swarm on that sea like a cloud of gnats, or you could follow the example set by Critical Role and engulfed by flames and the sound of cannon fire. They create a campaign with a constantly evolving tone as the fight for freedom. adventurers journey across the continent. You will also find brand-new monsters and introductory adventures that can help you start a campaign in any of Wilde­ mount's four regions. WELCOME TO WILDEMOUNT 5 WHAT'S IN THIS BooK? The Clovis Concord is a republic of city-states lining the Menagerie Coast, the westernmost shore of Wildemount. This tropical region is rich with history Chapter 1 of this book introduces the big ideas you'll need to know before creating a campaign in Wilde­ and known for a lively, free-spirited culture that con­ mount: its history and its gods. trasts sharply with Wildemount's other, politically Chapter 2 presents the major political players that narrow-minded nations. shape daily life in Wildemount: its factions and societies. Campaigns set on the Menagerie Coast are often nau­ tical, exploring the conflict between the law of the Clovis Depending on the choices made by your party of adven­ turers, these organizations might become their allies or Concord and the chaos of the Revelry pirates. They can their enemies. Some characters might begin play with also investigate the jungles that line the coast and the a history of involvement with one of these factions, and ancient ruins hidden within their verdant boughs. several backgrounds are included later on to represent TRIBES OF SHADYCREEK RUN this allegiance. Chapter 3 contains the Wildemount gazetteer, which The raven, battered by ice and snow; sees petty warlords details the cities and points of interest in each of the lead bands of slavers across the snowfields and under­ continent's regions. The gazetteer includes NPCs, back­ stands that no Jaw but power rules the north. It sees ground information, and even plot hooks that you can smugglers and thieves flee beyond the grasp of civiliza­ use as the seeds of your own adventures. It also gives tion and into the unknown. It sees the vast, roiling wil­ a brief overview of the other lands of Exandria beyond derness act with a fell will of its own, claiming the Jives Wildemount. of those who dare attempt to grasp power beyond their Chapter 4 is for players first and foremost; combined ken. They fight for survival, glory, and greed. with the Player's Handbook, it contains everything you The Tribes of Shadycreek Run are a fragmented coali­ need to create a character for a Wildemount campaign. tion of thieves, slavers, and scoundrels who managed The final chapters of this book, chapters 5 through 7, to amass power in the frigid backwater of Shadycreek give DMs starting adventures they can use to kick off Run. While they struggle to enrich themselves through their campaigns as well as new magic items and mon­ crime, however, they fail to realize that malign, primor­ sters to include in adventures of their own design. dial powers are creeping into the north underneath WAR! their noses. Campaigns set in the Biting North often involve mor­ The continent ofWildemount is a powder keg about to ally gray characters butting heads with equally amoral explode. Tensions between the Dwendalian Empire and organizations in a struggle to survive-and then explode the Kryn Dynasty have just erupted into open war, and into chaos as forces beyond mortal imagination make all everyone in Wildemount, including the adventurers, these petty conflicts seem insignificant by comparison. must contend with the fallout of the conflict between the KRYN DYNASTY continent's two imperial superpowers. Finally, the raven flies east. It sees beings that would THE WAR OF ASH AND LIGHT be slain on sight in the other civilized nations of Wilde­ The war is only as important as you make it. If you place mount, walking side-by-side with humans and gray­ either the battles of the war or their consequences front skinned elves. The raven sees that these people have a and center, the war will be of chief concern to your light within them-and it sees that, far to the east, there players. If you keep the war and its consequences dis­ is a mighty fortress that contains a light unseen since tant, then the characters will be free to interact with or the dawning of the world. Here, they fight for the revela­ ignore the war as they see fit. With a little bit of creative tion of the end of the world. tweaking of the setting, you could create a Wildemount The Kryn Dynasty is an empire made up of dark elves campaign where the war has been called off or never (drow) and other humanoids typically considered to be even happened! monsters by the other nations of Wildemount, such as If you want the war to be an important part of your minotaurs, goblinkin, and gnolls. The Kryn Dynasty campaign, you need to give your players a reason for rules over the wastes of Xhorhas, a land once blighted their characters to care about it. The easiest way to get by the rule of the Betrayer Gods when immortals still buy-in from your players is to discuss out-of-character walked the land. The Kryn safeguard a secret; if your how big of a factor they want war to be in this campaign. players haven't seen any of Critical Role, revealing this You can even dial the importance of the war up and secret could mark the turning point of a campaign. down over the course of the campaign, depending on A campaign set in Xhorhas will doubtless involve the how you and your players feel over time. war between the Kryn Dynasty and the Dwendalian Empire, but it can also include traditional dungeon BRING IT ON! crawls, political intrigue within the courts of the dy­ If you and your players find war to be dramatic and nasty, or even wilderness exploration that could unearth compelling, urge your players to create characters with secrets lost since the fall of the Betrayer Gods. strong ties to the conflict. For example, patriotic (or even jingoistic) characters will always fight for king or WELCOME TO WILDEMOUNT 6 �� i -+ r-- w E r s f 1 I l FRIGID IH DEPTHS i-- I -------+ I ,::; CONTINENT OF W1LDEMOUNT queen and country. Likewise, greedy characters will crime syndicates like the Myriad will need help mov­ fight for profit and glory. Once they've given you their ing illicit goods in and out of Dwendalian and Xhor­ reasons, turn those motivations into plot points in hasian cities, and Revelry pirates will need loyal crew your campaign. members to raid unprotected towns. Disaster. When a town is destroyed by advancing IN THE BACKGROUND armies, or by a landslide caused by artillery, the The adventurers don't have to be active combatants for common folk need help escaping. This could involve the war to affect their lives. See below for a list of ad­ escorting noncombatants through no-man's-land to venture options that touch on the consequences of war a nearby town, or carving out a new settlement from without directly involving mass warfare. the wilds. Law. When officers of the law are conscripted as sol­ No WAR, PLEASE diers, local lawmasters suddenly find themselves in If you want the war to be completely absent, simply dial need of mercenary aid. Lawful characters might find the timeline back by a year, or even just a few months. great adventure in flushing criminals out of cities and All the political tensions between the Dwendalian Em­ busting their wilderness hideaways. pire and the Kryn Dynasty still exist, but now they're Military. Obviously, characters can choose to join up just simmering instead of at a full boil. with one of the sides in this conflict to embark on missions and take orders from a commanding officer. ADVENTURING OPTIONS This is a good option if you want to run an episodic Not all campaigns set in Wildemount need to deal with campaign, where most game sessions begin with a the war directly. That is, the characters aren't expected stated mission that the players must accomplish and to conscript with one army or another, or even serve as ends with a reward and another mission. mercenaries. The effects of war are far-reaching and Upheaval. The explosions of artillery and the pounding multifarious, and loose-cannon adventurers are the of boots against the plains can spook monsters, and perfect people to get involved in the countless conflicts invasions can cause even powerful monsters such as sparked by war. These schemes could include: giants and dragons to flee their lairs. Whenever an upheaval occurs, soldiers and commoners alike find Crime. In times of war, criminals and smugglers take their lives in danger-and only adventurers can deal advantage of lax law enforcement. Petty criminals and with the threat. WELCOME TO WILDE MOUNT 7 Trade. Like the crime syndicates, opportunistic traders and deciding when a creature dies based on your own know that war is a chance to become rich. Adventur­ instinct. This can work once in a while, but try to avoid ers are the perfect pawns for trade barons looking to doing this all the time, since seeing you simply decide sell high-value goods, especially if they have to cross the result of combat without dice can damage the believ­ dangerous land to reach their buyers. ability of your game world. CALENDAR AND TIME How TO RuN A WAR CAMPAIGN If there's one thing D&D adventurers hate, it's being told Keeping track of time using the Exandrian calendar what to do, but serving in an army is all about following can make your game world seem more realistic. It can orders. It's up to the Dungeon Master to make sure the also allow you to align game sessions with important in­ characters are aware of what they're getting into if they game dates, such as holidays. A monster attack on a ru­ decide to enlist. Similarly, if you force your players to ral village is a horrible and thrilling event, but the stakes join a military unit and then discover that the characters are much higher if that monster attacks on the day of the actually want to go on self-directed adventures without Harvest's Close festival, causing previously joyful com­ a commanding officer ordering them around, you and moners to grab their children and flee to safety. your players should talk out-of-game to figure out a way The Exandrian calendar year is divided into 328 days, to turn the campaign around. grouped into seven-day weeks over the course of eleven Since D&D is primarily a game about a small group of months. This calendar was originally established by the characters going on adventurers alone, it can be difficult elves in an ancient age, and their names for the months to simulate massive battles using D&D combat rules. and days of the week have stood the test of time. Because of this, it's generally best to keep the characters The names of the seven days of the week are Miresen, away from mass battles. However, huge conflicts with Grissen, Whelsen, Conthsen, Folsen, Yulisen, and thousands of combatants are a cornerstone of epic fan­ Da'leysen. Each day is 24 hours long. tasy, and your players might be disappointed if your war campaign doesn't have at least one climactic battle. EXANDRIAN CALENDAR To solve this problem, you can break down your mass Month Days Holidays combat into manageable chunks. Find a significant lo­ cation that the characters can either defend or conquer Horisal 29 New Dawn (1st), Hillsgold (27th) with minimal reinforcements, like an overrun citadel. Misuthar 30 Day of Challenging (7th) Then, have the major battle proceed in waves that Dualahei 30 Renewal Festival (13th), guide the characters from one cinematic encounter to Wild's Grandeur (20th) another. You can think of these encounters like rooms Thunsheer 31 Harvest's Rise (11th), in a dungeon; some rooms have multiple doors that the Merryfrond's Day (31st) characters can choose from, while others only have a Unndilar 28 Deep Solace (8th), Zenith (26th) single passage. Brussendar 31 Artisan's Faire (15th), For example, after capturing the ruined fortress, Elvendawn (20th) the characters learn that a garrison of soldiers has ar­ Syde n star 32 Highsummer (7th), rived to help hold onto the fort, and the characters are Morn of Largesse (14th) needed elsewhere on the battlefield. You could present Fessuran 29 Harvest's Close (3rd) them with just a single urgent target, such as an enemy warlord, or you could offer them options, such as three Quen'pillar 27 Hazel Festival (10th), different allied battalions under attack. Civilization's Dawn (22nd) If you need to depict a lot of both allied and hostile Cuersaar 29 Night of Ascension (13th) NPCs battling in the same encounter as the players, you Du scar 32 Barren Eve (2nd), Embertide (5th) can simplify the encounter by ignoring dice rolls entirely SEASONS WHEN DOES THIS BOOK TAKE PLACE? Wildemount is a chilly continent-with the exception of This book is set in a certain moment in the history of the sunny, tropical Menagerie Coast-and each of the re­ Wildemount, and thus setting a campaign in a different gions experiences the passing of the seasons differently. era-or even in a different decade-could make some Western Wynandir suffers from dismal, rainy springs information in the gazetteer invalid. The present year is and bitter winters. The Menagerie Coast enjoys a long, 835 PD ("Post-Divergence"). The history ofWildemount is described in more detail in chapter 1. balmy summer, but must endure a vicious, typhoon-rich From a real-world perspective, this book is set at a cer­ winter. The Biting North is always blanketed by snow, tain point during the adventures of the Mighty Nein in but temperatures drop to deadly lows in the winter, Critical Role's second campaign. Thus, the point at which then let up for a rainy, relatively mild summer. Finally, the adventures you create using this book diverge from Eastern Wynandir enjoys level, temperate weather all canon is at episode SO of campaign 2. That's okay! Look at year long across its lowland regions, save for the cutting it another way: by creating your own Wildemount adven­ winds that rip across the plains in spring and autumn. tures, you are boldly creating your own canon, from which all the events of Critical Role diverge into myth and rumor. WELCOME TO WILDEMOUNT 8 HOLIDAYS The different nations of Wildemount celebrate different All the typical languages found in the Player's Hand­ holidays, though some of the gods' holy days are consis­ book and the Monster Manual are fair game in Wilde­ tent across the land. Notably, the Dwendalian Empire mount. While Common is used across the continent and has banned the worship of certain gods within its bor­ typically associated with human empires, it is not the ders, and thus only celebrates the holidays of legal gods. language that most humans spoke in Wildemount be­ These holy days are listed in chapter 1 of this book, fore the rise of Dwendalian Empire three centuries ago. along with the gods they celebrate. This setting has three languages unique to the human Holidays unrelated to the gods celebrated across the cultures ofWildemount: Zemnian, Marquesian, and continent in some form include the following: Naush. A human character can learn one of these lan­ guages instead of a skill or tool proficiency granted by Zenith. Summer begins at high noon on the 26th of Un­ their background, class, or variant racial traits. Each of ndilar and is celebrated with games, displays of magic, these languages is described below: and black powder fireworks. Harvest's Close. Autumn begins on the 3rd of Fessuran Zemnian. This ancient language was spoken by the peo­ and is typically celebrated with feasting in rural re­ ple of Zemniaz in the Age of Arcanum. That ancient gions and with carnivals in the cities. culture has long since crumbled, but its language and Barren Eve. Winter's longest night, the 2nd of Duscar, its people live on in the Dwendalian Empire. Many is a day of mourning for those lost in war. Come vic­ ancient scrolls were written in Zemnian, but it is a lan­ tory or ruin in the war between the Dwendalians and guage now largely spoken by farmers, as Common is the Kryn, countless candles will be lit on the next the default language of the empire. Barren Eve. Marquesian. The Menagerie Coast was settled by colonists from the arid land of Marquet, and their MOONS OF EXANDRIA language now holds an unusual position in the Clo­ vis Concord. It is the language of high society, as Exandria has two known moons that orbit the planet. many Clovis elite are descended from Marquesians, Catha, the larger and closer of the moons, is the herald but it is also the language of piracy, since countless of night travel and shines a bright white when visible in lower-class Marquesians defected from the Concord the sky. Catha is considered to be intrinsically tied to Se­ and formed the Revelry pirates. hanine, the Moon Weaver, and is regarded by some as a Naush. Originally spoken by the Ki'Nau islanders native creation of the Moon Weaver to watch over the just and to the Menagerie Coast, Naush is a thriving language hide those who require obfuscation. Ruidus, the second within the multicultural cities of the Clovis Concord. moon of Exandria, is much smaller and farther away. Even sailors who only speak Common incorporate With a slower rotation around the world and dark red­ dozens of Naush words into their nautical jargon. brown coloring, Ruidus is often difficult to see among the stars of the night sky and nearly impossible to spot TECHNOLOGY during the day. Little is known of Ruidis, though older cultures and texts speak of it as an omen of ill tidings, The level of technology in Wildemount is generally con­ or even a remnant of a Betrayer God plot left abandoned sistent with the technologies found in the Player's Hand­ and unrealized. book. However, Dwendalian scientists in Hupperdook and Concordian tinkerers in Port Zoon have made in­ DAILY LIFE IN WILDEMOUNT credible advances in black powder technology. Cannons, mobile war engines, and even handheld pistols and mus­ Certain aspects of daily life in Wildemount remain the kets have begun to be used as weapons of war. same across nearly all cultures. Any character native to Black powder weapons are not common, nor are they Wildemount would be familiar with their nation's cur­ available to the general public. Only military engineers rency, languages, and relationship to technology. and special regiments within the Dwendalian armies and the Concordian navy have access to these powerful CURRENCY weapons, though some aspects of these designs are now The nations of Wildemount all mint their own coins, and finding their way into the Xhorhasian military. Statistics though some slight regional differences exist between for weapons such as black powder barrels, pistols, and currencies, all regions readily accept gold, silver, and rifles are provided in chapter 9 of the Dungeon Master's copper coins. Spending money of Dwendalian mint in Guide. All items listed as "Renaissance Items" on the the Kryn Dynasty might turn heads, but a gold coin is Firearms and Explosives tables exist in some form in still a gold coin. Wildemount. Since these items can't be purchased in a Platinum and electrum coins are rarely minted by normal store, characters can only obtain them through modern nations, but enough of both of these currencies theft, military service, or a quest of your own devising. survived the Age of Arcanum that both are considered valid tender across the land. WELCOME TO WTLDEMOUNT 9

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