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Gillie Bolton PhD by Publication Explorative and Expressive Writing for Personal and Professional Development University of East Anglia School of Medicine, Health Policy and Practice; Institute of Health 14 May 2010 Gillie Bolton Explorative and Expressive Writing for Personal and Professional Development Abstract How can writing exploratively and expressively help people critically assess their life? In what way can a writing process, akin to that used by creative writers to generate first drafts, be a form of critical reflection and reflexivity for personal and professional development? The publications and introductory essay presented in this PhD by Publication thesis examines reflective practice writing for professional development and therapeutic writing for personal development. Both forms use expressive and explorative writing in association with facilitated critical discussion. The publications cover a twenty-five year period of practice and practitioner research enquiry, using narrative, poetry, fictional and autoethnographic-type writing methods. Reflective and therapeutic writing are claimed to form an element within the internationally growing related fields of medical humanities and literature and medicine. The nature of the self which professionals and individuals enquire into through their writing is examined in this thesis, drawing upon an eclectic range of psychological, literary, educational, philosophical and anthropological theories. Narrative and metaphor (natural human forms for self-understanding, learning, and communication) are central to reflective and therapeutic writing. A wide range of professionals have been involved in this research into practice (for example medical, healthcare, education, clinical psychology and healthcare), and different client groups (for example palliative care, and primary care anxious and depressed patients). Explorative and expressive writing for personal and professional development, embryonic areas of study twenty-five years ago, now has high impact potential in social, cultural and professional areas. Although gaining in interest, credibility and presence, they need significant further research to achieve their potential status and value. Gillie Bolton PhD by Publication 2 Contents Part 1 Critical Analysis 1) Introduction 2) Writing for Personal and Professional Development: a brief explanation 3) Foundations and Development of Explorative and Expressive Writing: an Autobiography 4) Key Themes: The Narrated Self i) Narrative ii) Metaphor 5) Methodological, Educational and Disciplinary Issues i) Authority, Responsibility, Ethics ii) Assessment ethics iii) Critical Rigour iv) Disciplinary Boundaries v) In summary 6) Participants in Explorative and Expressive Writing 7) Conclusion: Future Possibilities References Part 2 Publications Single Authored by Gillie Bolton Set 1 Reflective Practice Writing Set 2 Therapeutic Writing Set 3 Medical Humanities; Poetry Note: publications included in PhD are indicated in the text by the first words of the title in inverted commas (thus: ‘Writing Values’), except chapters from Reflective Practice Writing and Professional Development which are indicated by eg ‘RPW:4’ (digit indicating chapter number). Gillie Bolton PhD by Publication 3 Gillie Bolton Explorative and Expressive Writing for Personal and Professional Development 1. Introduction This is the story of my research and publications, which have been informed by specific disciplines, and particular areas within those disciplines. This overview of my publications about explorative and expressive writing reflects upon and links with these disciplines. This essay begins with a brief explanation of explorative and expressive writing for personal and professional development. A narrative autobiographical account follows, covering the reasons I came to this work, how I began and developed it, and what the major academic and cultural influences were upon its development. My research and practice in this field have gone hand in hand: the research informing the practice and the practice developing the research findings. I have consistently told the story of my research and practice in my publications. So this autobiographical account draws upon a wide range of my publications since 1993, several of which are included in full below. A further section elucidates an area foundational to this theory and practice. This area - the social nature of the narrated self – is discussed with reference to the two core themes of narrative and metaphor which emerged through the enquiry. Later sections concern critical methodological educational and disciplinary issues and then the range of professional practitioners and clients (patients and students) with whom I have worked. The essay concludes with a brief look at future possibilities. 2. Writing for Personal and Professional Development: a Brief Explanation ‘Reflective Practice Writing’ (‘RPW:1-5’), ‘Boundaries of Humanity’, ‘Writing Values’ and ‘Writing is a Way’ describe people gaining access to significant Gillie Bolton PhD by Publication 4 areas of personal understanding. These, ‘RPW:Keyterms’ and ‘Open the box’ explain and demonstrate how insight and memory can be gained by harnessing narrative, metaphor and description to explore, express, and work upon their personal, cultural, spiritual, social, and professional concerns. ‘RPW:3’ gives in depth the educational and ethical principles which underlie these methods. These publications scope the basis of my work. The same papers show how a range of professionals and hospital and primary care patients have undertaken this process (see also Bolton 2006a, 2005, 20003e, 2002, 2001b,c, 1999a,b,c, 1998a,b). ‘RPW’, ‘Open the Box’ describe my training of professionals to offer reflective practice writing and therapeutic writing. My research, as demonstrated in ‘RPW’, ‘Writing Values’, ‘Boundaries of Humanity’, ‘Writing is a Way’, ‘Opening the Word Hoard’, ‘Around the Slices’, ‘Just a Bobble Hat’, suggests that explorative expressive writing can help people question, experiment, and live with the liminal uncertainty involved in developing and reconfiguring the narratives and metaphors by which they live and work. Writing, rewriting and discussion processes seem to enable professionals and individuals to do two things. The first is to perceive their situation differently, and therefore act differently (also Bolton 1994a, 1998a,b 1999a,bc, 2001b,c, 2003e, 2005, 2006a, 2009b, Bolton et al 2004). Secondly, reflective writers seem to gain greater peace of mind, and lessen negative emotions around issues explored in writing and discussion (also Bolton 2007a, Bolton et al 2004). They do this by, for example, questioning their roles, assumptions and values. Unlike structured approaches such as significant event analysis (see eg Moon 2004) or direct counseling approaches, however, they work on these indirectly. The writing processes enable reconsideration of events from different perspectives, from the point of view of another significant person. This focused study brings elements of values and assumptions inexorably into view. Writers are thus enabled for example to begin to realise they were practicing counter to their firmly espoused values, which may lead to questioning the practice, as well as review of the relevance of the espoused value. Or, writing perhaps from the point of view of another significant person about a specific incident, the situation is perceived very differently. Assumptions about that person, their point of view Gillie Bolton PhD by Publication 5 perhaps, can be questioned. Such reflection affects the future actions of writers (eg ‘RPW:2 p40-41’, Munno 2006). I came to the conclusion that writing has three qualities making it an appropriate vehicle for reflection and personal development: its privacy while being written, its plasticity, and its durability, as explored in ‘RPW:5’ (also Bolton 1999b). Unlike speech, writing is private and not usually immediately shared with another. Interlocutors censor their utterances, even without being aware; whereas the privacy of writing can enable communication with the silent accepting page, offering surprising but enlightening connections and forgotten memories. The form and precise wording of orally told personal stories disappear on the breath. Written accounts endure, to be reflected upon further, potentially to be rewritten. Writing can be a physical artistic activity, at times like the non-verbal arts, expressing and exploring areas different from conversation, discussion, or reflective thought, creating fuller, more reflective narratives. Reflective and therapeutic writing employ intuitive synthetic methods akin to the first stages of creative writing (also Bolton 1999a,b). This is a particular approach to gaining inspiration for writing, characteristic of many poets and some novelists and autobiographers (as well as other writers). The process is to write with little forethought and no planning, to allow thoughts, ideas, memories and inspirations to surface. Sometimes an initial simple theme is used to get started, such as describing a particular event (person, place, thing or situation), telling the story of an experienced or fictional incident, writing a dialogue or set of unsent letters, or playing with metaphor. Reflective Practice Writing contains many such openers, particularly at chapter ends (see ‘RPW: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12, 13, 14’; also Bolton 2009b, 2006b, 1999b). Sometimes there is no theme, the writer seeking to find out more what is in their mind. Explorative and expressive writing seems to occur in three stages, as described in ‘RPW:5’ (also Bolton 1999b). The unplanned initial style of this writing, following the mind’s flow, can enable writers to defer reflection upon its significance. The writing is then read back to the self silently, writer relating to text as if in dialogue. Writers then, if appropriate, read all or part to a trusted Gillie Bolton PhD by Publication 6 confidential peer, small group, or facilitator, who respond constructively and positively, helping writers to perceive and realize greater implications and associations (also Bolton 1999b, Bolton et al 2004). ‘RPW:3’ shows how reflective practice and personal therapeutic writing therefore involve carefully facilitated group work or individual facilitation (face to face, telephone or email) (see also Bolton 1999b, Bolton 2010:9,10, Bolton et al 2004). Some write with no facilitator, using suggestions from my books, and choose their own interlocutor(s) privately (see Bolton et al 2006b). An introduction to how to start writing in this way is included in many of my publications, most fully in Reflective Practice Writing Chapter 6, and briefly in a paper for medical registrars (Bolton 2009b, also http://www.uk.sagepub.com/bolton/7%20Oxford%20Paper.pdf). The qualities and nature of expressive and explorative writing will be explained further in context. I now turn to an examination of early academic and cultural influences and then the development of the research and practice as evidenced in my publications. 3. Foundations and Development of Explorative and Expressive Writing: an Autobiography Expressive and explorative writing practice and research started with my own personal experience, and then focussed on personal and professional development methods for the helping and caring professions. This section draws upon my publications to explain this journey. ‘Around the Slices of Herself’ concerns my own introduction to explorative and expressive writing and how its practice and theories became my work and field of study because of what my own writing taught me. As a childhood trauma survivor, I realised I needed something to enable me to live life as a normal adult. Writing presented itself, enabling me to make sense of and face the trauma, and tackle its disabling effects. I then reflected on the ways writing had been useful to me and adapted it for others (also Bolton 2002). The poems ‘No thank you’, A Log Fire’, ‘Red Shoes’ and ‘Of Course Haloes’ are all drawn from the narrative of my first personal exploration, though published Gillie Bolton PhD by Publication 7 much later. Initially I wrote an idyllic autobiography from which I learned nothing, except that it was a story I’d previously told verbally. I then rewrote my life history critically. An influence was Marion Milner (nom-de-plume of Joanna Field), a psychoanalyst who studied her own process of introspective journal writing and drawing (see Bolton 1999b). Her On Not Being Able to Paint (1950) was more accessible to me than her books about journal writing (1936, 1937). Perhaps because I cannot draw I could relate to Milner’s inabilities and follow her example in a light explorative manner. Whereas a book about writing, an art I felt I might be able to practice, I would have had to take seriously. So, for ‘paint’ I read ‘write’, and set off on my first creative writing or journal journey (Bolton 1999b). I also discovered how poets have clarified this creative writing process with metaphors, as explained in RPW:5 (also Bolton 2007a, Bolton et al 2004). Using the pen as a spade to dig for what is there in the mind (like Heaney) is central to most novelists’ or poets’ first draft exploration (see Hughes 1967). Virginia Woolf was inspirational during this period, the way she demonstrates in her novels and explains in her letters (eg 1975) and diaries (eg 1977) her intuitive writing flow, followed by intensive drafting, redrafting and editing. In ‘RPW:5’, ‘Boundaries of Humanity’, ‘Writing is a Way’, ‘Open the Word Hoard’ I show how I later adapted these inspirations for personal therapeutic and reflective professional development writers (see also Bolton 2005). This writing with little direction or plan built on Milner’s methods (1936), I later found similar to those of Elbow (1981) and Schneider & Killick (1998). In ‘RPW’, ‘Writing Values’, ‘Boundaries of Humanity’, ‘Writing is a Way’, ‘Open the Box’, ‘Just a Bobble Hat’ I call it six minutes, or free-intuitive writing (also Bolton 1994a, 1999b, 2003e, 2008a, 2009b, Bolton et al 2004). ‘Around the Slices’ is the reflexive critical analysis of my writing route out of childhood sexual abuse trauma (also Bolton 2002), which the qualitative researcher Kim Etherington asked me to write several years later. Later still she undertook reflexive narrative analysis into her own research methods (2005), interviewing me and others about our book chapters: this was qualitative narrative research into qualitative narrative research into auto-ethnographic Gillie Bolton PhD by Publication 8 research into personal exploration. Here is an extract from my response to one of her interview questions. Writing THAT piece of writing It's not only about understanding and finishing unfinished business, but also about giving things back to whom they belong, and putting things in the boxes where they belong, rather than oozing and squirming over all the rest of my life. It's also about owning what happened to me and paying respect to that little girl, what she suffered, and still suffers, and not just blaming her still for the bother she causes with her anxiety and nervousness. Writing it was a kind of coming out. More importantly it helps me to recognise things like - that I don’t just happen to be a deeply anxious person - I am because I never had a secure childhood - confident in the steady affection of my carers, and confident in peace and consistency from them. Keeping vital secrets and having to create distinct categories - what can be said to whom and what can never be said to anybody - in an already puzzling world is not good for a little child. I had learned as a troubled child incest sufferer and teenager survivor how reading stories can transport, inform, and educate. My personal foundations of trust and respect were shaky or non-existent. Books provided examples of environments with stable sound values, and safe places where I could learn about other worlds and the people within them, with no fear of censure or criticism. These books informed my life, but also thrilled it. Vicariously, as reader, I entered a wide range of different worlds and ways of thinking and being. At the same time as providing evidence of dependable character and relationships, literature enabled me to learn how to distinguish unreliable and untrustworthy characteristics. I could explore dangerous life situations relatively safely: unlike in my real life, I could always close the book (see Bolton 2007b). My escape from this abusive home was to become a social anthropology student (Cambridge University 1970-3). An enduring insight was the way cultures create their accepted social norms. Edmund Leach’s lectures introduced me to structuralist theory and Levi Strauss. ‘RPW:1’ shows the significance of Levi Strauss’s theory of the bricoleur creating himself and his world (1966), and his demonstration of how myths give us our cultural Gillie Bolton PhD by Publication 9 archetypes. Theories of rites of passage, particularly the liminal stage (Turner 1969; van Gennep 1960), have and still do influence my understanding of people’s distressing uncertainty. ‘RPW:1-4’ explores how reflective and therapeutic writing work can help people make sense of and gain from these states. Educational influences included Dewey and his insistence on love of learning (1910, 1922, Simpson et al 2005), and Bruner’s theory of narrative and story (eg 2002). ‘RPW:1,2,3,4,12’ show the influence of Bruner’s assertion that people learn if they are vividly interested and involved (1960, 1996). Bruner also reinforced social constructivist theories I had gained from social anthropology: 'Culture shapes the mind... it provides us with the toolkit by which we construct not only our worlds but our very conception of our selves and our powers. … Human mental activity is neither solo nor conducted unassisted, even when it goes on "inside the head"‘ (1996:x-xi). In ‘RPW:2,3’ I took Bruner’s definition of intuition as an intellectual non-analytical process (1960) further to posit that it is a synthetic process (also Bolton 1994a). RPW:1 builds upon Mary Douglas’s theory of dirt and tabooed elements being ‘matter out of place’ (1966), and how this extended my understanding of people’s liminal confusion. Later I realised the impact of Clifford Geertz’s insistence on ethnography’s need to understand cultures from inside (rather than assuming facts can be ascertained from an outside stance) through ‘thick descriptions’ (Geertz 1973; also Bolton 1994a). My world was being turned upside down with these enquiries. I reread my school sixth-form love: Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass ([1865] 1954). Written by an eminent Victorian Oxford logician, it deals with myriad logical, philosophical and linguistic issues divergently and humorously. More importantly, falling down the rabbit hole out of cultural and social norms, or passing through the threshold of the looking glass into ‘looking glass world’ are playful illuminative images for significant change and development. A non-logical, non-step-by-step process, it at once illustrates and confounds many western assumptions about education and change. Alice’s Gillie Bolton PhD by Publication 10

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