Reference: Bio/. Bull. 208: IS3-188. (June 2005) 2005 Marine Biological Laboratory Exploration in a T-Maze by the Crayfish Cherax destructor Suggests Bilateral Comparison of Antennal Tactile Information ADRIAN McMAHONt, BLAIR W. PATULLO, AND DAVID MACMILLAN* L. Department ofZoology, The University ofMelbourne, Parkvillc, Victoria 3010, Australia Abstract. Many crayfish species inhabit murky waters or and orienting (Basil and Sandeman, 2000). The major ap- have a crepuscular lifestyle, which forces them to rely on pendages for these sensory tasks are the antennules and chemical and mechanical information rather than visual antennae. Although these appendages are both chemosen- input. Information on how they use one form ofmechanical sory and mechanosensory. the antennules are the primary information tactile cues to explore their local environ- olfactory chemosensory organs (Gate and Derby, 2002; ment is limited. We observed the exploratory behavior of Grasso and Basil, 2002), while the antennae respond pri- the crayfish Cherax destructor in a T-maze under red light. marily to mechanosensory stimuli (Bush and Laverack, Animals moved forward along the long armofthe maze and 1982). Each antenna consists of five basal segments and a then moved equally in one oftwo available directions. The long segmented flagellum. In some species, the antennae are arm chosen by one crayfish did not affect that selected by a as long as the body and extremely flexible (Sandeman, second crayfish tested immediately after in an unwashed 1985, 1989; Zeil et al, 1985). These attributes assist cray- maze. PrevioWuseexperience in the maze also did not affect fish to locate the position of objects by using information the choice. found, however, that crayfish with one from receptors on the flagellum (Zeil el al.. 1985; Sande- antenna denervated or splinted back to the carapace turned man, 1989). more often toward the unaltered side. Our data support the The physiological evidence that the antennae are impor- hypothesis that crayfish bilaterally compare information tant in tactile responses is substantial (Bush and Laverack. from their antennae. 1982). Proprioceptive organs at the base of the flagellum monitor antennal movement and position (Bush and Laver- Introduction ack. 1982; Mellon. 2000). Changes in tactile or hydrody- Crayfish are found in a variety of habitats including namic stimulation of sensilla on the flagellum assist to springs, ephemeral lakes, creeks, rivers, and alpine and determine the direction ofa stimulus (Masters etal., 1982). subtropical streams (Merrick, 1991; Lawrence and Jones, Thisdetailedinformationallowstheanimal todetermine the 2002). Many species are crepuscular and make regular type of object and the distance to it (Zeil et al.. 1985; excursions from their shelters in the first few hours after Sandeman and Varju, 1988). Mechanical, including tactile, dark and before dawn (Page and Larimer, 1972; Reynolds, input from the antennae is therefore likely to be important 1980; Corotto and O'Brien, 2002). As a result, these ani- fornavigation andexploration ofterrain in the wild. In spite mals rely heavily upon nonvisual stimuli such as chemical of this, behavioral evidence on the use of antennae during and mechanical, including tactile, cues for moving about exploration of novel environments is limited (Basil and Sandeman, 2000), and there is no information on how crayfish explore or navigate in confined spaces. In streams, Received 14 September 2004; accepted 25 March 2005. crayfish are often exposed to habitats that contain crevices *Towhomcorrespondenceshouldbeaddressed: Dr. DavidMacmillan. and wooded debris. These and other features restrict or DAuesptarraltimae.ntE-moafilZ:oodllomgayc,[email protected]. Parkville VIC 3010. impede movement and force animals to make decisions tPresent address: School ofTropical Environment Studies and Geog- about moving over or around obstacles. raphy, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland 4811. Australia. This study investigates the exploratory behavior of the 183 184 A. McMAHON ET AL. Cherax destructor (Clark 1936) in a restricted crayfish space. We used an experimental choice apparatus based on atraditional Y-maze to mimic a simple exploratory decision that crayfish might make in their natural habitat. In the maze, we compared the effects of crayfish scent, memory, and removal of sensory input from the antennae with the normal exploratory behavior of control animals. Materials and Methods Animals Crayfish, Cherax destructor, of 6-10 cm rostrum to tail- fan, were obtained from a commercial supplier and main- tained in fiberglass aquaria (120 X 50 X 20cm) at 18 C 1 C and an artificial 12 h/12 h light/dark cycle. Animals were fed pellets ad libitum. Apparatus A T-maze was constructed from PVC pipe (diameter 10 cm). An entrance arm (120 cm) and two side arms (55 cm each) were joined with a T-joint, and each arm was capped to make the maze watertight (Fig. 1). A 3-cm-wide cut was made along the top of each arm to allow us to view the crayfish. After each trial, the maze was cleaned twice with a high-pressure hose and refilled with tap water. Trials commenced 30 min after the onset ofthe dark period ofthe artificial light/dark cycle and continued for 3-6 h, a period 55cm CRAYFISH EXPLORATION 185 TD control for any surgical effects, sham denervations to guide themselves (thigmotaxis). The tubular arms of the were performed identically, except that the nerves were maze meant lhal animals walked roughly in the center wilh neither hooked nor severed, and care was taken to avoid no apparenl deviation. At thejunction, they scanned left and severe bleeding in case this could produce clotting and right with their antennae before lurning into one arm ofthe damage the nerve. maze. Animals entered the side arms without preference for a particular direction: 1 1 animals turned right and 9 turned Splinting ofantennalflagellum left (n = 20. df = I. ,v~ = 0.25. P = 0.617). The antennal flagellum was splinted to the top of the crayfish's carapace. A small plastic tube (6-8 mm length) Influence ofconspecific scent was attached with cyanoacrylate adhesive to the carapace Twenty crayfish were tested in the maze when it was not centrally at the fusion between head and thorax. Crayfish washed between trials. These animals were selected ran- were then given 24 h to adapt before experimentation. domly from a densely populated communal holding tank Thirty minutes prior to a trial the crayfish was placed in a (=60 animals/nr) to minimize differences in social status aplnatsetnicnacownatsaisnpelrin(t2e0d bXy2f0eedXing10itcmt)h,rouagnhd tihtse lpelfatstoircrtiugbhet Tbehtewereesnultinodfivaidturailals waansd troeceonrsduerdeassoamechgoriocuepbefatmwielieanritthy.e on the carapace. The flagellum was held in place with a same or different arm chosen by the animal in the immedi- small amount of adhesive at the distal end of the tube to ately preceding trial. A 'dummy" crayfish was run in the secure it to the animal's back. The splint was checked after maze at the start of the experimenl bul excluded from the the experiment to confirm that it was still in place. analysis. Ifacrayfish failed to walkthrough Ihejunclion and relurned down the entrance arm. it was excluded and an- Analysis other dummy crayfish was used before Ihe experimenl con- General exploratory' behavior. Arm choice was scored as tinued. Once acrayfish hadentered a side arm. a mesh fence either left or right and analyzed with a chi-square test. A was insertedby hand intothaiarm.belween Ihejunclion and Yale's correction was applied because there were only two Ihe animal, to prevent the crayfish from turning back during alternatives in the maze (Fowler et <//., 1998). capture. The crayfish was then removed wilh a nel. In Ihese experiments. 9 crayfish went in the same direclion as the Influence ofscent. A runs test for dichotomized data was previous animal and 1 1 went inlo Ihe opposite arm (runs used to compare right and left choices for randomness test, P > 0.05). This resull suggesls lhal eitherno scent was (Sokal and Rohlf, 1995). This test determines whether left by othercrayfish in the maze orthere was no preference events occur in a random sequence or whether the proba- for animals to follow the preceding individual. bility of a given event is a function of the outcome of a previous event. Influence ofmemory Influenceofmemory. To checkforany patterns in each trial, BeTtweenencraalylfiIsrhialws,erIeheemaaczhetewsatsedwiansh1e0dcaonndseacnuilmiavlesirwiealrse. jatuibnmocevteitoaanknedwnetbroeelwoaalwnkatluhyepzemtdheedfieoanrnt.reaancchecarramyfaisnhd twiimteh sapernutnsinttehset rsreiegspnteieafdliecfdaonrttr2idai-lfs4fe(mrreiunnncseitnienstta,heramlpllcahPsotii>ccec0fo.on0rt5a;ainnsyeerec.rFaTiyhgfe.irsh2e).iwnSaiestsven1no0 Removal ofsensory input. Arm choice was compared with jcurnacytfiisohns(hrouwnsedtersat,ndPom>be0h.a0v5i)o,rwinhetriemaestatkherneetosrheoawcehdthae artpirogYaohanllcleeedd'aesfnrocemrorrdvoreafentcteethrdeevdaamtncaeihzdmiae-alssnqa.dunadrsTethiiamtmemeestgtsrfapookeruneptensa,ictnohlotgwhgreatoljrukuapnncusotpffiooltrnehmfetewdeaernnted-o aNisniigsntniheigefnoiijfcfuaintncchtaetniptcaortpnatayet(frtrineusrnhonsvst(eherrsoutn,twshePediter>srt1a,00n.P0dt5ro)i<ma,lsba0en.(0hdr5au)ovn.nislotyresofton.rePldii<msep0ls.ap0ye5en)d.t normalize data, and compared with a Studenl's Mest using Systat 10.2. Effect ofthe removal ofantennal sensory information Results Removal ofsensory input from one ofthe antenna had a General exploratory behavior pronounced effect on behavior and arm choice. Crayfish with a denervated flagellum often trailed thai appendage When placed in the T-maze. crayfish spread their anten- behind when Ihey walked. They walked down the center of nae to touch the sides before starling lo walk. They then the maze with Ihe intact antenna touching the side, similar walked up the middle of the lube with both anlennae held to the intact animals. These animals turned toward the side out in front, touching the walls on either side of the maze. of Ihe intact antenna. The response was consistent whether 186 A. McMAHON ET AL 10 (0 0) rWe 6 - o> *- ~L. </> 0> (0 CRAYFISH EXPLORATION 187 from a straight wall. In those situations, animals compared a largeopen testarenaand moved more rapidly through it as known tactile information from the wall with no informa- it became more familiar. If crayfish had remembered their tion from the water on the other side, which supports the previous choice in the T-maze, one would predict that they idea that crayfish prefer to explore identified environments. would make a choice more quickly in subsequent trials. This is also supported in ourexperiments by the finding that However, our time data suggest that this is unlikely. Fur- denervated animals make a decision in the junction of the thermore, we would expect arm choice to be the same. It maze faster than intact animals. remains possible that crayfish remembered the maze, but Our data suggest that crayfish compare tactile input from that the memory did not result in a response to move to a the two antennae. The finding that both denervated and familiar environment. The result might be different when a splinted crayfish turned toward their unaltered side suggests chosen direction is reinforced by some resource such as that the response was not some artifact due to the artificial food or shelter. In such situations, animals would be ex- removal of sensory information from the denervation pro- pected to turn in the direction that rewards a particular cedure, but rather that they were comparing inputs from choice. both antennae. When both antennae detected tactile cues in The extent that vision interacts with the tactile system is the maze, animals explored randomly: however, when input unclear. Antennal movement appears to be different be- wasremoved fromone appendage, turns werebiasedtoward tween sighted and blinded crayfish (Zeil et til., 1985). The the side from which information was still arriving. combination of additional sensory input and tactile infor- It has been proposed that crayfish and other decapod mation may influence exploration in spaces such as the crustaceans use bilateral comparison between the antennae T-maze or in the wild, but our darkened conditions elimi- or antennules to orientate toward chemical cues (lobsters: nated this factor. This situation has a parallel in haptic Reederand Ache. 1980; Atema, 1996; Beglane el al. 1997; perception in humans. The haptic sense refers to the move- crayfish: Kraus-Epley and Moore, 2002; review: Grassoand ment of limbs to gather information about their position in Basil. 2002). When considered in conjunction with these space and about objects they encounter by touch. The cray- studies, our results suggest subtle differences between the fish system presents a model that may help explain how way chemical information and tactile information are used visually impaired people gain conscious knowledge of po- forthis comparison. We observed that animals moved faster sition (Zeil et al., 1985). in the junction when tactile input was reduced, whereas This study highlights the importance of the antennae to there is evidence to suggest that selective absence ofchem- crayfish performing directional responses in restricted ical input produces slower movement (Kraus-Epley and spaces. The role ofthe antennae may have implications for Moore. 2002). crayfish living in a dynamic environment where all senses Crayfish encounter a variety of scents in the wild. Some may not always be available. It remains to be determined decapod crustaceans are sensitive to chemical cues at nano- whether the effect of denervation is temporary or persists molar and picomolar concentrations (Derby and Atema, until the crayfish grows a new antenna. 1982). Crayfish release urine in bursts (Breithaupt and Eger. 2002), and thus animals may be able to detect other indi- Acknowledgments avtitdruaacltsedintothtehmeaszcee.ntItoifs kfanmoiwlinarthcaotncsrpaeycfiifsihcsan(dWashrrdimetpaalr.e, We thank Robyn Crook, Garry Jolly-Rogers, Luke Fin- 2004; Crook et al, 2004). In our experiment, we adminis- ley, and Theresa Jones for their input in discussions and tered scent in a way that crayfish may encounter it in the experimental design. 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