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Exploiting Robotic Swarm Characteristics for Adversarial Subversion in PDF

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Preview Exploiting Robotic Swarm Characteristics for Adversarial Subversion in

Exploiting Robotic Swarm Characteristics for Adversarial Subversion in Coverage Tasks NavyataSanghvi CMU-RI-TR-17-60 August2017 Submittedinpartialfulfillmentoftherequirementsforthedegreeof MasterofScienceinRobotics RoboticsInstitute CarnegieMellonUniversity Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania15213 ThesisCommittee: KatiaSycara,Chair MaximLikhachev SasankaNagavalli Copyright(cid:13)c 2017NavyataSanghvi For my parents Abstract Multi-robotsystems, suchasswarms, withlargenumberofmembersthatareho- mogeneousandanonymousarerobusttodeletionandadditionofmembers. However, thesesamepropertiesthatmakethesystemrobust,createvulnerabilitiesundercertain circumstances. Inthiswork,westudysuchacase,namelytheinsertionbyadversarial agents,calledmoles,thatsubverttheperformanceofthesystem. Theadversarymon- itorstheswarm’smovementsduringsurveillanceoperationsforthepresenceofholes, i.e. areasthatwereleftuncoveredbytheswarm. Theadversarythenaddsmolesthat getpositionedintheswarm,insuchawayastodeceivetheswarmsregardingtheexis- tenceofholesandthuspreventingtheswarmfromdiscoveringandrepairingtheholes. This problem has significant military applications. Our contributions are as follows: First,tothebestofourknowledge,thisisthefirstpaperthatstudiesthisproblem. Sec- ond,weprovideaformalizationoftheproblem. Third,weprovideseveralalgorithms, and characterizethem formallyand also experimentally. Finally, based ondeveloped theoryandalgorithms, wepresentadynamicscenarioanddescribeadversarycontrol lawstoleveragetheidentifiedswarmvulnerability. I Acknowledgements I would like to begin by thanking my advisor, Professor Katia Sycara, for her unerring guidance and enthusiasm. Her passion for the field of swarm robotics, as well as her constant advice and insights have created for me a novel, exciting and highlyinterestingjourneyinroboticsresearch. Throughallthetriumphsandfailures accompanyingthisforay,Iamhonoredtohavehadhervastknowledgeandinvariable supportbymyside. IwouldalsoliketothankSasankaNagavalli,whoseexperienceandkeenintellect havebothbeenaninspirationaswellasasteadyinghand.Hehasspentcountlesshours with me on insightful discussions which have helped me overcome many a stressful timeandhavealwayssteeredmyresearchinnew,fulfillingdirections. IwouldliketothankmycommitteememberProfessorMaximLikhachevforinter- estingquestionsandcomments,andtheopportunitytohavehisexperiencedjudgment tocritiqueandbettermywork. IwouldliketothankProfessorNilanjanChakraborty, ProfessorMichael Lewisand ChangjooNam fortheirexpert adviceduring manylab meetings. I would also like to thank other members of our lab, Wenhao Luo, She- hzamanKhatib, AnqiLi, JimitGandhi, and Ramitha Sundarformanyconversations, lotsofhelp,laughterandsharing-in-strifeduringbothstudyandwork. Ithasbeenan invaluableexperiencetowork,learnandgrowwiththisbunch. Finally, I would like to express my endless thanks to my family and parents for theirmanysacrifices,long-distancesupport,love,cheers,andboundlessfaith. II Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 RelatedWork 2 3 ProblemFormulation 2 3.1 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3.2 ProblemStatement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 Algorithms 5 4.1 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4.1.1 Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4.1.2 MoleAgentsperCitizenAgent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4.1.3 Input,OutputandConstraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4.2 RandomScatterAlgorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4.3 GridSearchAlgorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4.3.1 MoleAgentInsertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4.3.2 ProtrusionsGridSearchInsertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4.3.3 RandomizedGridSearchInsertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 4.4 DiscreteArcCoverAlgorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 4.4.1 AlgorithmDescription . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 4.4.2 Greedyversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 4.4.3 BoundsonSub-optimality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 4.5 ContinuousArcCoverAlgorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.5.1 AlgorithmDescription . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.5.2 Greedyversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 5 AlgorithmResultsandDiscussion 16 5.1 CharacteristicsComparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 5.2 AlgorithmAdvantage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 5.3 Run-timeRatio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 5.4 OverallObservations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 6 DynamicProblem 19 7 ConclusionsandFutureWork 23 III 1 Introduction In recent years, there has been significant interest in distributed multi-robot systems whosemembersactbasedoninformationacquiredthroughlocalsensingand/orcom- municationwithotherrobotsintheirspatialneighborhood. Whentheselocalinterac- tions result in global collective behaviors (e.g. rendezvous, flocking, dispersion), the systemisknownasaroboticswarm[3,11]. Roboticswarmsarecomposedofalarge numberofagents thatarehomogeneous. Additionally, swarms arerobusttoaddition orsubtractionofagents, whichgivesthemthebeneficialpropertiesofscalabilityand robustnesstoindividualrobotfailure. However, thesesamecharacteristicsalsomake theswarmvulnerabletomanipulationbyagentsthatcouldbeinsertedintotheswarm byanadversaryforthepurposeofsubvertingtheswarm’sperformance. Swarms have great potential for many applications including search and rescue, environmental monitoring, exploration, reconnaissance and surveillance. Particularly formilitaryapplications,theyhavethepotentialtobeanexcellentassetwhenemployed by allied forces or a dangerous threat when used by enemies. Robotic swarms are envisionedtobecomposedofrelativelyinexpensive(evendisposable)robotssuchas commercially available quadrotors that only cost tens or hundreds of dollars, which makes them easily accessible to many parties — even those with limited monetary resources. Based on current trends [16], [14], it is reasonable to expect that robotic swarmswillcontinuetodecreaseincost. Thus,ithasbeenargued[17]inthemilitary literature that when defending against a hostile swarm, it is not cost-effective to use traditionalmeanstodisruptordestroytheswarm(e.g.ammunitionexpendedtodestroy swarmmaybemoreexpensivethanswarmitself). Inthesesituations,abetterstrategy wouldbetoexploitswarmvulnerabilitiestoinsertadversarialagentsforthepurposeof disruptingswarmperformance,withtheaddedadvantagethattheenemystillthinksits swarmworkscorrectly. Studyingsuchdeceptionstrategiesisalsonecessarytoguide developmentofcounter-measuresagainstdisruptionofswarmbehaviorbyadversarial agentsinfriendlyswarms. Inthiswork, westudyascenarioinwhichahostileswarmisperformingsurveil- lanceoperations. Eachrobotintheswarmisassumedtohaverange-limitedcommuni- cationandsensing.Apointintheenvironmentisconsidered“covered”forsurveillance ifitiswithinthesensingdiskofanyswarmrobot. Astheswarmrobotsslowlymove ensuring that they maintain communication connectivity, holes in coverage dynami- cally appear. The detection of “coverage” holes in sensor networks using both topo- logicalapproaches[9]andmetricapproaches[20,12]hasbeenstudiedintheliterature [1]. OneapproachbasedonlocalizedVoronoidiagrams[22]requiresonlylocalinfor- mationandone-hopcommunicationbetweenmembersinthesensornetwork, soitis particularlyapplicabletoswarmsandweassumetheswarmunderstudyusesthisap- proach. Bymonitoringtheswarm’smovements,ourgoalistoperiodicallyidentifythe numberandlocationwhereadversarial“mole”agentsmustbeinsertedintothehostile swarmtopreventitsoriginal“citizen”agentsfromdetectinganyholesincoverage. This research makes the following contributions. First, to the best of our knowl- edge,thisisthefirstworkthatstudiesthisproblem.Second,weprovideaformalization oftheproblem. Third,weprovideseveralalgorithms,andcharacterizethemformally and also experimentally. In Section 3, we formalize this problem. In Section 4, we 1 present and characterize several algorithms to find the required number of moles and their insertion locations. In Section 5, we present simulation results and discuss the effectivenessofeachalgorithm. Finally,inSection6wedescribeadynamicscenario andadversarycontrollawsbasedonthedevelopedtheoryandalgorithms. 2 Related Work The problem of coverage hole discovery in sensor networks has been widely studied intheliterature[1,21]. Avarietyofapproachestocoverageholediscoveryhavebeen consideredforbothstaticandmobilenetworksincludingthosebasedoncomputational geometry[22,12]andtopology[9,8]. Computationalgeometryapproachestypically involvecomputingtheVoronoidiagram[2]andthen(formobilesensornetworks)fol- lowingasimplemotionruletoheuristicallyminimizecoverageholes[20](e.g.moving towardsthefurthestVoronoivertex,minimizingthemaximumdistanceofanypointto thenearestVoronoivertex).Topologicalapproachesmakeminimalmetricassumptions (e.g.theabilitytodistinguish‘near’and‘far’neighbors)andthenuseonlyinformation basedontheconnectivityofthesensinggraphstofindandrepairholes[7]. Whilethe previous literature has studied hole discovery, we study the novel problem of how to placeagentstopreventholediscovery. Whilethereissignificantliteratureonsecurityinsensornetworks[4,18],thatwork hasfocusedonsecurityincommunicationsbasedon(a)attacksonsecrecyandauthen- tication(e.g. unauthorizedsnoopingonprivatecommunicationchannels), (b)attacks on network availability (e.g. overloading the network to cause distributed denial of service)or(c)attacksonserviceintegrity(e.g. compromisingasensorinthenetwork and injecting false data). That work is not relevant to our work since we do not try tocompromisenetworksecurity,availabilityorintegritythroughcommunications. In- stead,weexploitphysicalvulnerabilitiesintrinsictoroboticswarmsinordertoinsert the minimum number of mole agents to prevent the hostile swarm from successfully detectingcoverageholes. PreviousworkonParticleSwarmOptimization(PSO) [15]defines‘deception’as theaverageproportionofoptimizationiterationsinwhichtheselectedandtrueneigh- borhood bests are different due to noise in particles’ personal best objective values, leadingtosub-optimalparticlepropagation. Theactions,beliefsanddeceptionstrate- gies of a deceiver robot against its mark have also been studied using game theory [19],butinthecontextoftwoindividuals’interaction. Incontrasttosuchpriorwork onroboticdeception,wearethefirsttoformadeliberate,structuredattackonacitizen swarmthroughadversarialagentinsertiontosubvertitsperformance. Wedemonstrate thisattackinthecontextofaswarmperformingsurveillanceoperations. 3 Problem Formulation 3.1 Preliminaries Wepresentinthissub-sectionpreliminaryconcepts,definitionsandassumptionsused todefineourproblem. 2 CitizenandMoleAgents: Assumethehostileswarmiscomposedofncitizenagents P = {p ,p ,...,p }, p ∈ R2. We wish to insert a set of adversarial mole agents 1 2 n i Q = {q ,q ,...},q ∈ R2 todisrupttheperformanceofthehostileswarm. Ourgoal 1 2 i is to identify the quantity and locations of moles necessary to disrupt swarm perfor- mance. Weassumemolescommunicateidenticallytocitizens. Thatis, messagesare exchangedbetweenmolesinthesamemannerandformatasbetweencitizens. Sensing, Communication and Agent Radius: We assume the sensing range r and s communication range r are identical for all agents (P ∪Q) (i.e. r = r = r). In c s c addition, we assume each agent occupies a disk of radius r . That is, ∀u ,u ∈ min i j (P ∪Q) : (cid:107)u −u (cid:107) ≥ 2r . To make connectivity possible, r ∈ (cid:0)0,r(cid:3). i j 2 min min 2 Weassumethecitizenswarmisconnected. Whenaddingmoles,wemustensurethat the resulting network of agents (P ∪Q) is connected. If mole agents q are added i incrementally one-by-one, the following condition is both necessary and sufficient to ensureglobalconnectivity: ∃v∈(P ∪Q):(cid:107)q −v(cid:107) ≤r. i 2 Figure1: Voronoicellsof8agents. Agentp’scellis(cid:3)v v v v v . 1 2 3 4 5 VoronoiPartition[2]: ConsidertheR2plane. Giventhesetofcitizenagentlocations P ⊂ R2, a Voronoi partition of the plane divides it into convex polygons known as Voronoi cells (one per agent). A Voronoi cell corresponding to agent p ∈ P is the setofallpointsclosertopthantoanyotheragent. Formally,ifH(p ,p )represents i j thehalf-planedefinedbytheperpendicularbisectorofthelinesegmentjoiningagents p ,p ∈P andcontainingp ,theVoronoicellofp isgivenbythefollowing. i j i i (cid:92) cell (p )= H(p ,p ) (1) vd i i j pj∈P\{pi} Voronoi Vertices: We represent the Voronoi cell corresponding to agent p ∈ P by its set of vertices V (P) generated by the Voronoi partition of P. Figure 1 shows an p exampleofaVoronoipartitionwhere,foragentp,V (P)={v ,v ,v ,v ,v }. p 1 2 3 4 5 BoundaryAgents: WhentheswarmincludesbothcitizensP andmolesQ,boundary agents B (P) ⊆ P are the subset of citizens at the edge of a coverage hole. Since Q Voronoicellsaredefinedasthesetofpointsclosesttothecorrespondingagent,ifany point is within an agent’s Voronoi cell but outside its sensing range, that point is not withinanyagent’ssensingrange(i.e. thereisacoverageholeandthisagentisatthe 3 boundaryofthatcoveragehole). SinceVoronoicellsareconvex,aboundaryagentis anycitizenwithoneormoreVoronoiverticesoutsideofitssensingranger. B (P)={p∈P|∃v∈V (P ∪Q):(cid:107)v−p(cid:107) >r} (2) Q p 2 Internal Agents: These are the subset of citizen agents I (P) ⊆ P which are not Q boundaryagents(i.e. I (P)=P \B (P)). Q Q 3.2 ProblemStatement Given a multi-agent configuration of citizen agents P performing an exploration and surveillancemission,ourproblemisidentifyingnear-optimallythenumberandinser- tionlocationsofmoleagentsQtopreventthediscoveryofcoverageholesinagiven stateofthecitizensystem. Theseinsertionpointsareidentifiedsuchthateachcitizen agent (after the insertion) believes that it is not on the edge of a hole (i.e. it is not a boundaryagent)andthus,thatthesystemasawholehasachievedfullcoverage. Figure2: Inthisfigure,circlesrepresentthesensingdiskofeachagentwithradii equaltosensingrangesr,andsoliddisks(blueorred)representthephysicalarea occupiedbyeachagentwithradii=r . Theleftpanelshowsthecitizenagent min formationinR2andtheirVoronoicells. Theareainpinkrepresentsholesinsensing. Therighthandpaneldisplaysanexamplesolutionincludingcitizens(inblue),moles (inred),andmoleagentplacementsandsensingdisks(alsoinR2). Theplacementof themolesensuresthatnocitizenisaboundaryagent. Thiscanbeseenfromthe resultingVoronoicellsofcitizens,shownviabluelines. ConsiderunweightedundirectedgraphG=(V,E)withvertexsetV =P∪Q(i.e. citizensandmolesarevertices)andedgesE ={(i,j)|v ,v ∈V :(cid:107)v −v (cid:107) ≤r} i j i j 2 (i.e. anedgeconnectstwoagentsiftheyarewithinsensingrangeofeachother). Let theLaplacianmatrixforthisgraphbegivenbyL(G). Itisknownthattheeigenvalues of this matrix are non-negative (i.e. ∀k : 0 ≤ λ ≤ λ ). In addition, the second k k+1 smallesteigenvalueisnon-zero(i.e. λ >0)ifandonlyifthegraphisconnected[13]. 2 4 We must ensure this condition is true to ensure global connectivity of our network of agents. If mole agents are incrementally inserted, incorporating sensing and agent radiusconstraintsfromSection3.1givesusourobjective: argmin |Q| Q subjectto B (P)=∅ Q ∀u ,u ∈(P ∪Q) : (cid:107)u −u (cid:107) ≥2r i j i j 2 min (cid:8) (cid:9) λ(L(G))= λ ,λ ,...,λ :λ >0 1 2 |P∪Q| 2 InFigure2,anexampleofaformationofcitizenagentsisshownintheleftpanel, along with an example solution (i.e. the near-optimal insertion locations of mole agents) in red in the right panel. Also shown are the resulting Voronoi cells of the citizenagentsaftermoleinsertion,whichareallwithintherespectiveagents’sensing ranges, thus making the system of citizen agents conclude that there are no holes in sensing. 4 Algorithms 4.1 Preliminaries Weintroduceheresomepreliminaryterminology,definitionsandtheoremsrequiredto understandouralgorithms. 4.1.1 Terminology To illustrate the following concepts, consider the example boundary citizen agent in Figure3. WeassumethattheplanecontainscitizensP andmolesQ. Figure3: Exampleofacitizenagentp ,itsVoronoicell(cid:3)v v v v ,sensingdisk 1 1 2 3 4 sdisk(p ),protrusionsprot (p ),angleofprotrusion∠protandpiecedanglesof 1 k 1 protrusion∠prot fork ∈{1,2}. k 5

theory and algorithms, we present a dynamic scenario and describe adversary control Her passion for the field of swarm robotics, as . Robotic swarms are envisioned to be composed of relatively inexpensive (even disposable) robots such as commercially available quadrotors that only cost tens or
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