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EXPLICIT FIBRANT REPLACEMENT FOR DISCRETE G-SPECTRA 8 DANIELG.DAVIS 0 0 2 Abstract. If C isthe model category of simplicialpresheaves ona sitewith enough points, with fibrations equal to the global fibrations, then it is well- n known that the fibrant objects are, in general, mysterious. Thus, it is not a surprisingthat, when G isaprofinitegroup, the fibrant objects inthemodel J category of discrete G-spectra are alsodifficult to get a handle on. However, 2 withsimplicialpresheaves,itispossibletoconstructanexplicitfibrantmodel foranobjectinC,undercertainfinitenessconditions. Similarly,inthispaper, T] weshowthatifGhasfinitevirtualcohomologicaldimensionandXisadiscrete G-spectrum,thenthereisanexplicitfibrantmodelforX. Also,wegiveseveral A applications ofthisconcretemodelrelatedtoclosedsubgroupsofG. . h t a m 1. Introduction [ In this paper, G always denotes a profinite group and, by “spectrum,” we mean 1 v a Bousfield-Friedlander spectrum of simplicial sets. In particular, a discrete G- 2 spectrum is a G-spectrum such that each simplicial set Xk is a simplicial object in 3 the category of discrete G-sets (thus, the action map on the l-simplices, 3 0 G×(Xk)l →(Xk)l, . 1 iscontinuouswhen(X ) isregardedasadiscretespace,foralll ≥0). Thecategory k l 0 of discrete G-spectra, with morphisms being the G-equivariant maps of spectra, is 8 denoted by Spt . 0 G : Asshownin[3,Section3],SptGisasimplicialmodelcategory,whereamorphism v f in Spt is a weak equivalence (cofibration) if and only if f is a weak equivalence i G X (cofibration)inSpt,the simplicialmodelcategoryofspectra. GivenX ∈Spt ,the G r homotopyfixedpointspectrumXhGisthetotalrightderivedfunctoroffixedpoints: a XhG = (X )G, where X → X is a trivial cofibration and X is fibrant, all f,G f,G f,G inSpt . This definitiongeneralizesthe classicaldefinitionofhomotopyfixedpoint G spectrum, in the case when G is a finite group (see [3, pg. 337]). Notice that we can loosen up the requirements on X . If X → Xf is a weak f,G equivalence, with Xf fibrant, all in Spt , then, by the right lifting property of a G fibrant object, there is a weak equivalence X →Xf in Spt , so that f,G G XhG =(X )G →(Xf)G f,G is a weak equivalence. Thus, we can identify XhG and (Xf)G, and, hence, we only need a fibrant replacement Xf to form XhG. Henceforth, we relabel any such Xf as X and refer to it as a globally fibrant model for X. (Thus, from now on, f,G X →X does not have to be a cofibration.) f,G The preceding discussion shows that a globally fibrant model X is an impor- f,G tant object. Of course, the model category axioms guarantee that X always f,G 1 2 DANIELG.DAVIS exists. But it is reasonableto ask for more. For example, in Spt, there is a functor Q: Spt→Spt, Z 7→Q(Z)=Zf, where Zf is a fibrant spectrum, (Zf)k =colimΩn(Ex∞(Zk+n)), n and there is a natural weak equivalence Z → Zf (see, for example, [13, pg. 524]). Hence, for the model category Spt, there is always an explicit model for fibrant replacement. Similarly, it is natural to wonder if an explicit model for X is f,G available. Butthereisadifficultywiththis. LetG−Sets betheGrothendiecksiteoffinite df discrete G-sets (e.g., see [9, Section 6.2]). There is an equivalence between Spt G and the category of sheaves of spectra on G−Sets (the discrete G-spectrum X df correspondsto thesheafofspectraHom (−,X);see[3,Section3]fordetails), and G it is well-knownthat, in general, for categories of simplicial presheaves,presheaves of spectra, and sheaves of spectra, there is no known explicit model for a globally fibrant object. In fact, the situation is such that [7, pg. 1049] says that “[t]he fibrant objects in all of these theories continue to be really quite mysterious” (a similar statement appears in [10, between Corollary 19 and Definition 20]). Nevertheless, under certain hypotheses, explicit models for globally fibrant ob- jects are available in the cases of simplicial presheaves and presheaves of spectra. Suchresults arebasedonJardine’sresultin[11, Proposition3.3],whichconstructs anexplicitgloballyfibrantmodelforasimplicialpresheafP onthesite´et| ,where S P and the scheme S must satisfy certain finiteness conditions (and other hypothe- ses). Forexample,undersimilarfinitenessconditions,[12,Proposition3.20]follows theproofofJardine’sresulttoobtainaconcretegloballyfibrantmodelforapresheaf of spectra on a site with enough points. Now suppose that G has finite virtual cohomological dimension (see Definition 4.1) and that X is a discrete G-spectrum. In this paper, we show that there is an explicit model for X , by expressing the homotopy limit for diagrams in Spt f,G G in terms of the homotopy limit for diagrams in Spt (see Theorem 2.3) and by modifying the proofof [3, Theorem7.4](which applies the two results cited above, [11,Proposition3.3]and[12,Proposition3.20]). WereferthereadertoTheorem4.2 for the precise statement of our main result; its formulationdepends ondefinitions that are given in Section 3. Let H be a closedsubgroupofG. If Y →Z is a weak equivalence inSpt , such H that Y is a globally fibrant model for X in Spt and Z is a globally fibrant model G for X in Spt , then we label the map Y →Z as rG. Note that the map H H X →(X ) , f,G f,G f,H a weak equivalence in Spt , can be labelled as rG, so that rG always exists. In H H H Corollary4.7, we show that the explicit globally fibrantmodel constructedin The- orem 4.2 yields an explicit model for rG (where, as before, we assume that G has H finite virtual cohomologicaldimension). Section 5 explains that, when H is a closed normal subgroup of G and X is a discrete G-spectrum, there are cases when XhH, unlike XH, is not known to be a G/H-spectrum. In Corollary 5.4, we point out that, if G has finite virtual cohomologicaldimension,thenTheorem4.2implies thatXhH canalwaysbe taken to be a G/H-spectrum. EXPLICIT FIBRANT REPLACEMENT FOR DISCRETE G-SPECTRA 3 Throughout this paper, U < G means that U is an open subgroup of G. o Acknowledgements. I thank Mark Hovey for a helpful conversation. 2. Homotopy limits in the category of discrete G-spectra To explicitly construct the desired fibrant discrete G-spectrum, we first need to understand homotopy limits in the category of discrete G-spectra. Thus, we begin this sectionby followingthe presentationin [8] to givethe generaldefinition of the homotopylimitofaC-diagramX(−)inM,whereMisasimplicialmodelcategory and X(−) is a diagram in M indexed by a small category C. Recallthat, fora smallcategoryC,the classifying space ofC is the simplicialset BC, with l-simplices (BC) equal to the set of compositions l c −σ→0 c −σ→1 ···σ−l→−1 c 0 1 l in C (see, for example, [8, Definition 14.1.1] for the definition of the face and de- generacy maps). Definition 2.1 ([8, Definition 18.1.8]). As above, let M be a simplicial model categoryand let C be a small category. Also, let X =X(−) be a C-diagramin M; that is, X is a functor C → M, so that, for example, if c → d is a morphism in C, then X(c) → X(d) is a morphism in M. Then the homotopy limit of X in M, holimMX, is defined to be the equalizer of the diagram C α // Q X(c)B(C↓c) // Q X(d)B(C↓c) , c∈C σ:c→d β where the secondproduct is indexed overallthe morphisms in C. Here, the map α is defined as follows: the projection of α onto the factor indexed by σ: c → c is 0 1 equal to composing the projection Q X(c)B(C↓c) →X(c )B(C↓c0) c∈C 0 with the canonical map X(c )B(C↓c0) → X(c )B(C↓c0). The map β is defined by 0 1 letting the projectionof β onto the factor indexed by σ be givenby composing the projection Q X(c)B(C↓c) →X(c )B(C↓c1) c∈C 1 with the canonical map X(c )B(C↓c1) → X(c )B(C↓c0) that is induced by the map 1 1 B(C↓c )→B(C↓c ). 0 1 Remark 2.2. Note that the homotopy limit is an equalizer of a diagram involv- ing products and cotensors, and, given a simplicial set K, the cotensor functor (−)K: M → M is a right adjoint. Hence, the homotopy limit holimM(−) com- C mutes with limits in M. If X and Z are C-diagrams in Spt and Spt, respectively, then we use the G less cumbersome holimGX and holim Z to denote holimSptGX and holimSptZ, C C C C respectively. As in Definition 2.1, given c ∈ C, X(c) is the object in M that is indexed by c in the diagram X. Theorem 2.3. If X is a C-diagram in Spt , then there is an isomorphism G holimGX ∼=colim(holimX)N. C N⊳oG C 4 DANIELG.DAVIS Proof. Foreachc∈C,letB denotethe simplicialsetB(C↓c). GivenadiscreteG- c spectrumY andasimplicialsetK,let (YK) andYK denotethe cotensorobjects G in Spt and Spt, respectively. Also, let QG and Q denote products in Spt and G G Spt,respectively. Then,byDefinition2.1,holimGX istheequalizerofthediagram C α // QGc∈C(X(c)Bc)G // QGσ:c→d(X(d)Bc)G β in Spt . G Togofurther,wenotehowlimitsandcotensorsinSpt areformed. Recallfrom G [3,Remark4.2]that,if{Y } isanydiagraminSpt ,thenthelimitofthisdiagram α α G in the categorySptG is colimN⊳oG(limαYα)N, where the limit in this expressionis taken in the category of spectra. The colimit in this expression, and others like it, canbe takeninthe categoryofspectra,sincethe forgetfulfunctor Spt →Sptis a G left adjoint, by [3, Corollary 3.8]. Given a discrete G-spectrum Y and a simplicial set K, the spectrum YK can be regarded as a G-spectrum (but not necessarily a discrete G-spectrum), by using only the G-action on Y. Then (YK) =colim(YK)N G N⊳oG (e.g., see [5, (1.2.2)] and [11, pg. 42]). We apply these observations as follows. First of all, note that holimGX is the equalizer in Spt of the diagram C G α // Nco⊳liomG(Qc∈C(X(c)Bc)G)N β // Nco⊳liomG(Qσ:c→d(X(d)Bc)G)N . Furthermore, let S be a G-set (but not necessarily a discrete G-set) and let U be an open normal subgroup of G. Then it is clear that (S SN)U ⊂ SU. Since N⊳oG U ∈ {N|N ⊳ G}, SU ⊂ S SN, and, hence, SU ⊂ (S SN)U. Thus, we o N⊳oG N⊳oG can conclude that SU =(S SN)U. N⊳oG Similarly, if Y is a G-spectrum, YU ∼=(colimYN)U. N⊳oG Therefore, (Qc∈C(X(c)Bc)G)U =Qc∈C(Nco⊳liomG(X(c)Bc)N)U ∼=Qc∈C(X(c)Bc)U, and, similarly, (Qσ:c→d(X(d)Bc)G)U ∼=Qσ:c→d(X(d)Bc)U. TheprecedingtwoisomorphismsimplythatholimGX isisomorphictotheequal- C izer in Spt of the diagram G α // colim(Q X(c)Bc)N // colim(Q X(d)Bc)N. N⊳oG c∈C β N⊳oG σ:c→d Thus, holimGC X ∼=colimN⊳oGEN, where E is the equalizer in Spt of the diagram α′ // colimN⊳oG(Qc∈CX(c)Bc β′ // Qσ:c→dX(d)Bc)N, where α′ and β′ are the maps in the equalizer diagram for holim X. C EXPLICIT FIBRANT REPLACEMENT FOR DISCRETE G-SPECTRA 5 Since filteredcolimits andfinite limits commute, E ∼=colimN⊳oG(E′)N,whereE′ is the equalizer in Spt of the diagram α′ // Q X(c)Bc // Q X(d)Bc. c∈C β′ σ:c→d Notice that E′ =holim X. C If U is anopen normalsubgroupofG, then (holim X)U is a G/U-spectrum,so C thatcolimN⊳oG(holimCX)N isadiscreteG-spectrum. Also,givenY ∈SptG,there isanisomorphismcolimN⊳oGYN ∼=Y. Therefore,puttingourvariousobservations together, we obtain that holimGX ∼=colimEN ∼=colim(colim(E′)N′)N C N⊳oG N⊳oG N′⊳oG ∼= colim(E′)N′ =colim(holimX)N. N′⊳oG N⊳oG C (cid:3) IfX isaC-diagramoffibrantdiscreteG-spectra(thatis,X(c)isfibrantinSpt , G forallc∈C),thenholimGX isafibrantdiscreteG-spectrum,by[8,Theorem18.5.2 C (2)], so that Theorem 2.3 gives the following result. Corollary2.4. IfX isaC-diagram offibrantdiscreteG-spectra, thenthespectrum colimN⊳oG(holimCX)N is a fibrant discrete G-spectrum. We conclude this section with some observations about Corollary 2.4. Definition 2.5. IfP isaC-diagramofpresheavesofspectraonthesiteG−Sets , df then there is a presheaf of spectra holim P, defined by C (holimP)(S)=holimP(S), C C for each S ∈G−Sets . df LetX beaC-diagraminSpt . Thenitisnaturaltoformthepresheafofspectra G holim Hom (−,X). Also, let C G F =Hom (−,colim(holimX)N), G N⊳oG C the canonical sheaf of spectra on the site G−Sets associated to the spectrum df colimN⊳oG(holimCX)N that is considered in Corollary 2.4. The following lemma says that the presheaf holim Hom (−,X) is actually a C G sheaf of spectra, since it is isomorphic to F. Lemma 2.6. If X is a C-diagram of discrete G-spectra, then the presheaves of spectra F and holim Hom (−,X) on the site G−Sets are isomorphic. C G df Proof. Let S be a finite discrete G-set: S can be identified with a disjoint union `m G/U , where each U is an open subgroup of G. Notice that the collection j=1 j j {N}N⊳oG of open normal subgroups of G is a cofinal subcollection of the collec- tion {U} of open subgroups of G, so that, if Y is a G-spectrum, there is an U<oG 6 DANIELG.DAVIS isomorphism colimN⊳oGYN ∼=colimU<oGYU of G-spectra. Hence, F(S)∼=Qm (colim(holimX)N)Uj j=1 N⊳oG C ∼=Qm (colim(holimX)U)Uj j=1 U<oG C ∼=Qm (holimX)Uj j=1 C ∼=holimHom (S,X), G C where the third isomorphism is due to the fact that U ∈ {U|U < G} (as in the j o proofof Theorem 2.3) and the lastisomorphismapplies Remark 2.2. This chain of isomorphismsshowsthatthereisanisomorphismF(S)∼=holimCHomG(S,X)that is natural for S ∈ G−Sets , so that F and holim Hom (−,X) are isomorphic df C G presheaves of spectra. (cid:3) Remark 2.7. LetX be aC-diagramoffibrantdiscreteG-spectra. Thentheasser- tion of Corollary 2.4 that colimN⊳oG(holimCX)N is a fibrant discrete G-spectrum is equivalentto claiming thatF is a globallyfibrantpresheafofspectra (see [3, pg. 333]). Also, by Lemma 2.6, to show that F is globally fibrant, it suffices to show thatholim Hom (−,X)isagloballyfibrantpresheaf. Thiscanbedonebyadapt- C G ing [11, Proposition 3.3] and [3, Lemma 7.3], since Hom (−,X) is a C-diagram G of globally fibrant presheaves of spectra. This gives a somewhat different way of obtaining Corollary 2.4. 3. The explicit construction of a fibrant discrete G-spectrum In this section, we use Corollary 2.4 to construct the fibrant object in Spt G that is our primary object of interest. We begin with several definitions that are standard in the theory of discrete G-modules and discrete G-spectra. Definition3.1. IfAisanabeliangroupwiththediscretetopology,letMap (G,A) c be the abelian group of continuous maps from G to A. If Z is a spectrum, one can also define the discrete G-spectrum Map (G,Z), where the l-simplices c (Map (G,Z) ) of the kth simplicial set of the spectrum Map (G,Z) are given by c k l c Map (G,(Z ) ), the set of continuous maps from G to (Z ) . Here, (Z ) is given c k l k l k l the discrete topology and the G-action on Map (G,Z) is induced on the level of c sets by (g·f)(g′)=f(g′g), for g,g′ ∈G and f ∈Map (G,(Z ) ), for each k,l≥0. c k l This action also makes Map (G,A) a discrete G-module. c Definition 3.2. Consider the functor Γ : Spt →Spt , X 7→Γ (X)=Map (G,X), G G G G c whereΓ (X)hastheG-actiongivenbyDefinition3.1. Asexplainedin[3,Definition G 7.1], the functor Γ forms a triple and there is a cosimplicial discrete G-spectrum G Γ•X, where, for all n≥0, G (Γ•X)n ∼=Map (Gn+1,X). G c Here, the spectrum Map (Gn+1,X) is defined as in Definition 3.1, since the carte- c sian product Gn+1 is a profinite group, and its discrete G-action is given by the G-action on the constituent sets that is given by (g·f)(g ,g ,g ,...,g )=f(g g,g ,g ,...,g ). 1 2 3 n+1 1 2 3 n+1 EXPLICIT FIBRANT REPLACEMENT FOR DISCRETE G-SPECTRA 7 The next definition restates Definition 3.2 in the context of discrete G-modules. Definition 3.3. LetDMod(G) bethe categoryofdiscreteG-modules. Then,asin Definition 3.2, there is a functor Γ : DMod(G)→DMod(G), M 7→Γ (M)=Map (G,M), G G c and,givenadiscreteG-module M,thereis acosimplicialdiscrete G-module Γ•M. G Definition 3.4 ([3, Remark 7.5]). Given a discrete G-spectrum X, let X =colim(XN)f. b N⊳oG Notice that X is a discrete G-spectrum, since functorialfibrantreplacementin Spt b (see the Introduction) implies that each (XN)f is a G/N-spectrum. Also, X is b fibrant as a spectrum and there is a weak equivalence ψ: X ∼=colimXN →colim(XN)f =X N⊳oG N⊳oG b that is G-equivariant. We define some useful terminology. If X• is a cosimplicial object in Spt , then G X•isacosimplicialdiscreteG-spectrum. IfX•isacosimplicialdiscreteG-spectrum suchthatXnisafibrantdiscreteG-spectrum,foralln≥0,thenX•isacosimplicial fibrant discrete G-spectrum. The following result defines the explicit globally fibrant object that is of partic- ular interest to us. Theorem 3.5. Let G be a profinite group, and let H be a closed subgroup of G. If X is a discrete G-spectrum, then the discrete H-spectrum colim(holimΓ•X)K K⊳oH ∆ G b is fibrant in the model category of discrete H-spectra. In particular, the discrete G-spectrum colim(holimΓ•X)N N⊳oG ∆ G b is fibrant in Spt . G Proof. By Corollary 2.4, we only need to show that Γ•X is a cosimplicial fibrant G b discrete H-spectrum. By [14, Proposition 1.3.4 (c)], there is a homeomorphism h: H×G/H →GthatisH-equivariant,whereH actsonthesourcebyactingonly on the factor H and G/H is the profinite space G/H ∼=limN⊳oGG/NH. Given a spectrum Z and a profinite space W = lim W , where each W is a α α α finite discrete space, as in Definition 3.1, we can form the spectrum Map (W,Z), c where (Map (W,Z) ) =Map (W,(Z )), and there is an isomorphism c k l c k l Map (W,Z)∼=colimQ Z. c α w∈Wα Thus, (3.6) Map (G/H,X)∼=colimQ X. c b N⊳oG G/NH b Since filtered colimits commute with finite limits, Q X ∼=Q colim(X)N′ ∼= colim(Q X)N′, G/NH b G/NHN′⊳oG b N′⊳oG G/NH b 8 DANIELG.DAVIS andit follows that Map (G/H,X)is a discrete G-spectrum, with G acting only on c b X. Therefore, by applying the homeomorphism h, there is an isomorphism b (3.7) Map (G,X)∼=Map (H,Map (G/H,X)) c b c c b of discrete H-spectra. Recall from [3, Corollary 3.8] that if Z is a fibrant spectrum, then Map (H,Z) c is a fibrant discrete H-spectrum. Also, since X is a fibrant spectrum, the product b Q X is also a fibrant spectrum, so that, by (3.6), Map (G/H,X) is fibrant G/NH b c b in Spt. Then, by applying these observations to (3.7), we obtain that Map (G,X) c b is a fibrant discrete H-spectrum. Hence, Map (G,X) is a fibrant spectrum, by [3, c b Lemma 3.10], so that Map (G,Map (G,X)) is a fibrant discrete H-spectrum, by c c b applyingthepreviousargumentagain. Thus,iterationofthisargumentshowsthat Γ•X is a cosimplicial fibrant discrete H-spectrum. (cid:3) G b 4. Completing the proof of the main result In this section, we finish the proof of the main result. Also, we discuss several consequencesof having a concrete model for X , givena discrete G-spectrum X. f,G Definition 4.1. Let H∗(G;M) denote the continuous cohomology of G with co- c efficients in the discrete G-module M. Then a profinite group G has finite virtual cohomological dimension (or finite vcd) if there exists an open subgroup H of G andanon-negativeintegerm, suchthat Hs(H;M)=0,for alldiscrete H-modules c M and all s≥m. Many of the profinite groups that one works with, in practice, have finite vcd. For example, if G is a compact p-adic analytic group, G has finite vcd (see the discussion in [3, pg. 330]). Let X be a discrete G-spectrum. Then there is a G-equivariant monomorphism i: X →Map (G,X) that is defined, on the level of sets, by i(x)(g)=g·x. Then i c induces a map X →Γ•X of cosimplicial discrete G-spectra, where, here, X is the G constant diagram. Thus, the composition X →ψ X →∼= limX →holimX →holimΓ•X b b b G b ∆ ∆ ∆ of canonical maps defines the G-equivariant map ψ: X →holimΓ•X b G b ∆ (the canonical map lim X →holim X is defined in [8, Example 18.3.8 (2)]). ∆ b ∆ b Note that there is a homotopy spectral sequence Es,t =πs(π (Γ•X))⇒π (holimΓ•X), 2 t G b t−s G b ∆ whereE0,t ∼=π (X)andEs,t =0,whens>0,by[3,Section7]. Thus,the spectral 2 t 2 sequence collapses, so that the map ψ is a weak equivalence. b NowletH be aclosedsubgroupofG. ThenX isadiscreteH-spectrum,sothat X ∼=colimK⊳oHXK. Composing this isomorphism with the map colimK⊳oH(ψb)K gives the H-equivariant map Ψ: X → colim(holimΓ•X)K. K⊳oH ∆ G b EXPLICIT FIBRANT REPLACEMENT FOR DISCRETE G-SPECTRA 9 NowweshowthatifGhasfinitevcd,thenΨisaweakequivalence. Asmentioned inthe Introduction, the proof(below) closely followsthe proofof[3, Theorem7.4], so that our proof will be somewhat abbreviated. Also, we should mention that the proof of [3, Theorem 7.4] follows the arguments given in [11, proof of Proposition 3.3] and [12, Proposition 3.20]. Theorem 4.2. Let G have finite vcd, let X be a discrete G-spectrum, and let H be a closed subgroup of G. Then the map Ψ: X → colim(holimΓ•X)K K⊳oH ∆ G b is a weak equivalence in the category of discrete H-spectra, such that the target is a fibrant discrete H-spectrum. Proof. Because of the earlier Theorem 3.5, we only have to prove that Ψ is a weak equivalence of spectra. Since H is closed in G, H also has finite vcd. Hence, H has a collection {U} of open normal subgroups such that (a) {U} is a cofinal subcollection of {K}K⊳oH (so, for example, H ∼=lim H/U) and (b) for all U, Hs(U;M)= 0, for all s ≥m, U c where m is some natural number that is independent of U, and for all discrete U-modules M. Thus, (4.3) colim(holimΓ•X)K ∼=colim(holimΓ•X)U, K⊳oH ∆ G b U ∆ G b so that, to show that Ψ is a weak equivalence, it suffices to show that the map Ψ: X →colim(holimΓ•X)U ∼=colimholim(Γ•X)U, b G b G b U ∆ U ∆ induced by Ψ and (4.3), is a weak equivalence. Notice that each U is a closed subgroup of G. Then, for each U, (Γ•X)U is a G b cosimplicialfibrantspectrum,sothatthereisaconditionallyconvergenthomotopy spectral sequence (4.4) Es,t(U)=πsπ ((Γ•X)U)⇒π (holim(Γ•X)U), 2 t G b t−s G b ∆ with Es,t(U)∼=Hs(U;π (X)) 2 c t (these assertions are verified in the proof of [3, Lemma 7.12]). SinceEs,∗(U)=0whenevers≥m,theE -termsE∗,∗(U)areuniformlybounded 2 2 2 on the right. Therefore, by [12, Proposition 3.3], taking a colimit over {U} of the spectral sequences in (4.4) gives the spectral sequence (4.5) Es,t =colimHs(U;π (X))⇒π (colimholim(Γ•X)U). 2 c t t−s G b U U ∆ Notice that E∗,t ∼=H∗(limU;π (X))∼=H∗({e};π (X)), 2 c t c t U whichisisomorphictoπ (X),concentratedindegreezero. Thus,spectralsequence t (4.5) collapses, so that, for all t, π (colim holim (Γ•X)U) ∼= π (X), and, hence, t U ∆ G b t Ψ is a weak equivalence. (cid:3) b Let X be a C-diagramof discrete G-spectra, where C is a small category. Then, by Theorem 2.3, there is a canonical map φ(X,G): holimGX ∼=colim(holimX)N →holimX C N⊳oG C C 10 DANIELG.DAVIS that is G-equivariant. Corollary 4.6. Let G have finite vcd, let X be a discrete G-spectrum, and let H be a closed subgroup of G. Then the H-equivariant map φ(Γ•X,H): holimH Γ•X →holimΓ•X G b G b G b ∆ ∆ is a weak equivalence in Spt. Proof. Notice that ψ = φ(Γ•X,H)◦Ψ. Then the desired conclusion follows from b G b thefactthatψ andΨareweakequivalences,wherethe latterfactisfromTheorem b 4.2. (cid:3) In the Introduction, we pointed out that a weak equivalence rG: X →X H f,G f,H in Spt always exists. The following result uses Theorem 4.2 to give a concrete H model for rG. H Corollary 4.7. Let G have finite vcd, let X be a discrete G-spectrum, and let H be a closed subgroup of G. Then there is a weak equivalence rG: colim(holimΓ•X)N → colim(holimΓ•X)K H N⊳oG ∆ G b K⊳oH ∆ G b in Spt , where the source of this map is a fibrant discrete G-spectrum and the H target is a fibrant discrete H-spectrum. Proof. Let N be an open normal subgroup of G. Then N ∩H is an open normal subgroup of H and, hence, there is a canonical map (holimΓ•X)N ֒→(holimΓ•X)N∩H → colim(holimΓ•X)K. ∆ G b ∆ G b K⊳oH ∆ G b These maps, as N varies, induce the desired map, which is easily seen to be H- equivariant. InSptH,theweakequivalenceX →colimK⊳oH(holim∆Γ•GXb)K isthe composition of the weak equivalence X → colimN⊳oG(holim∆Γ•GXb)N and rHG, so that rG is a weak equivalence. (cid:3) H The following result is a special case of the fact that, if H is open in G, then a fibrantdiscreteG-spectrumisalsofibrantasadiscreteH-spectrum(see[4,Lemma 3.1] and [9, Remark 6.26]). Corollary 4.8. Let G have finite vcd and let X be a discrete G-spectrum. If H is an open subgroup of G, then colimN⊳oG(holim∆(Γ•GXb))N, a fibrant discrete G- spectrum, is also a fibrant discrete H-spectrum. Proof. ByTheorem4.2,thespectrumcolimK⊳oH(holim∆(Γ•GXb))K isafibrantdis- creteH-spectrum. Thus,toverifythecorollary,itsufficestoshowthatthis fibrant discrete H-spectrum is isomorphic to colimN⊳oG(holim∆(Γ•GXb))N in SptH. Note that if U is an opensubgroupof H, then U is also anopen subgroupof G, so that {H∩V |V < G}={U|U < H}. o o

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