The Explanation of T T h e h r e e FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES © Authentic Statements Publishing, USA All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any language, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, whether electronic, mechanic, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without express permission of the copyright owner. ISBN: 978-1-7923-0837-6 (softback) 978-1-7923-0955-7 (hardback) First Edition: Sha’ban 1440 AH / April 2019 CE Cover Design: Usui Design Email: [email protected] Translator: Raha Batts Editing & Formatting: Danielle Lebenson al-Amrikiyyah Publisher’s Information: Authentic Statements Publishing P.O. Box 15536 Philadelphia, PA 19131 215.382.3382 215.382.3782-Fax Store: 5000 Locust St.(Side Entrance) Philadelphia, PA 19139 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Please visit our website for upcoming publications, audio/DVD online catalog, and info on events and seminars, inshaAllah. © Transliteration Table Consonants t- » d (-H3 d til k l_J b j dh t J 1 Cj t j r z c* m < di th j z t u n C i u* s i gh Jb h u c h (J- sh c_a f J w t kh O3 s l3 q L9 y Vowels Short — a — i — u Long 1_ a I u Diphthongs ay aw Glyphs cpF Salldllahu 'alayhi wa sallam (May Allah’s praise & salutations be upon him) fjis Alayh is-saldm (Peace be upon him) / StIf Alayhim as-saldm (Peace be upon them) Radiyalldhu 'anhu (May Allah be pleased with him) r&k. Radiyalldhu 'anhuma (May Allah be pleased with them both) Igjl Radiyallahu 'anha (May Allah be pleased with her) Rahimahulldh (May Allah have mercy on him) life Tabaraka wa Ta’dla (Blessed and Exalted be He) Subhdnahu wa Ta’ald (Glorified and Exalted be He) cjffi Azza wa Jail (The Mighty and Majestic) JS0? Jalla wa Aid (The Majestic and High) C o n t e n t s Translator’s Foreword 1 Arabic Text of The Three Fundamental Principles 3 Author’s Introduction 14 THE FIRST TREATISE: THE FOUR AFFAIRS CONTAINED IN SORAH AL-‘ASR 17 Knowledge 19 Acting Upon Knowledge 27 C'ailing to Knowledge 29 Patience in Bearing Harm Encountered Upon It 31 the Se c o n d Treatise: three issues w h i c h are in c u m b en t u p o n the M uslim to Learn & act U pon 42 Believing that Allah Created Us, Provided for Us, & Did Not Leave Us Without Purpose 45 Allah is Not Pleased That Partners Should Be Set Up With Him in His Worship 58 Al-Wala' wal-Bara (Allegiance & Disassociation) 68 T he T hird T reatise: m o n o t h e is m is the religion of ibrAh Im 82 The Greatest of That Which Allah Has Commanded With is Tawhid 91 The Greatest of That WLiich Allah Has Prohibited is Polytheism 95 THE FIRST PRINCIPLE: KNOWLEDGE OF ALLAH 107 The Three Principles Wliich are Obligatory to Know 107 The Proof for His Lordship & Divinity 125 The Different Types of Worship Allah Has Commanded With & the Proofs for Each Type 143 Al-Isldm, al-Imdn, and al-Ihsdn & the Proof for Each 148 Du’d : Its Categories & Evidence ' 149 Al-Khawf(¥eat): Its Types & Evidence 157 Ar-Rajd'{Hope) & Its Evidence 161 At-Tawakkul (Trust & Reliance) & Its Evidence 163 Ar-Raghbah (Fervent Desire), ar-Rahbah (Dread), and al-Khushu (Humility), & the Evidence for Each 166 Al-Khashyah (Awe) & Its Evidence 169 Al-Indbah (Turning in Repentance) & Its Evidence 170 Al-Isti’dnah (Seeking Aid) & Its Evidence 172 Al-Istiddhah (Seeking Refuge) & Its Evidence 175 Al-Istighathah (Seeking Deliverance) & Its Evidence 181 Adh-Dhabh (Sacrificing): Its Categories & Its Evidence 182 An-Nadhar (Vows) & Its Evidence 184 THE SECOND PRINCIPLE: KNOWLEDGE OF THE RELIGION 186 The Levels of the Religion 190 The Pillars of al-Isldm 193 The Second Level: al-Iman 234 The Pillars of al-Iman 239 The Proof for the Pillars of al-Iman 258 The Third Level: al-Ihsan 261 The Evidence for al-Ihsan 264 THE THIRD PRINCIPLE: KNOWLEDGE OF OUR Prophet M u h a m m a d 285 The Descending of the Revelation Upon Him 293 The Length of the Da'wah in Makkah 297 Al-Isra wal-Mi’raj 299 Hijrah to al-Madinah 305 Settling in al-Madinah, the Revelation of the Remaining Legislations, & the Completion of the Religion 314 CONCLUSION: Im AN IN THE RESURRECTION 322 The Reckoning & the Scale 330 Imdn in the Messengers 336 Disbelief in at-Tdghut & Belief in Allah 346 The Types of Taghut 355 01 T r a n s l a t o r 's f o r e w o r d All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists. May the prayers and peace from Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family members, and his Companions, altogether. To proceed: Indeed, it pleases me to have a hand in presenting to the English-speaking Muslims another magnificent explanation of this great work: The Three Fundamental Principles, this explanation being by Shaykh Salih bin Fawzan al-Fawzan, may Allah preserve him. Previously, our brothers at Authentic Statements published the first portion of the book under the title The Three Treatises, which was an explanation of the introduction only. In this version, we have the complete explanation of the book itself, along with the introduc tion, and all praise is due to Allah with whose aid the good deeds are completed. As an added benefit, the Arabic text of the book has been placed in the beginning to assist in the memorization of this great work, for those who wish to do so. Thanks are due to brother Abu Rumaysah Mujahid for facilitating the production of this work; to Abu Qaylah Rasheed Barbee for his checking of the translation; to sister Umm Yaasir for her transcription of the manuscript; and to all else who played a role in the production of this work. 1