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Experimental Realization of a 2D Fractional Quantum Spin Liquid R. Coldea1,2, D.A. Tennant2,3, A.M. Tsvelik4, and Z. Tylczynski5 1Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA 2ISIS Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon OX11 0QX, UK 3Oxford Physics, Clarendon Laboratory, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PU, UK 4University of Oxford, Department of Theoretical Physics, 1 Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3NP, UK 5Institute of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Umultowska 85, 61-614 Poznan, Poland 1 (3 November2000) 0 0 Theground-stateorderinganddynamicsofthetwo-dimensional(2D)S=1/2frustratedHeisenberg 2 antiferromagnet Cs2CuCl4 is explored using neutron scattering in high magnetic fields. We find that the dynamic correlations show a highly dispersive continuum of excited states, characteristic n of the RVB state, arising from pairs of S=1/2 spinons. Quantum renormalization factors for the a J excitation energies (1.65) and incommensuration (0.56) are large. 4 ] l e The concept of fractional quantum states is central to ˚A at 0.3 K. Magnetic interactions are mostly restricted - r the modern theory of strongly correlated systems. In between Cu2+ S=1/2 spin-sites in the (b,c) plane, see t s magnetism, the most famous example is the spin S=1/2 Fig. 1(a), with coupling J along b (“chains”) and zig- . t 1D Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain (HAFC) where zag “interchain” coupling J′ along the c-axis [11]. A a m pairs of S=1/2 spinons are deconfined from locally al- smallinterlayercouplingJ′′ <10−2J (alonga)stabilizes lowed S=1 states; a phenomenon that is now well es- 3D order below T = 0.62 K into an incommensurate N - d tablished both theoretically [1] and experimentally [2]. structure along b due to the frustrated couplings; weak n These spinons are topological excitations identified with anisotropies confine the ordered moments to rotate in o quantum domain walls. Experimentally, such fractional- cycloids near coincident with the (b,c) plane, see Fig. c ization is manifest as a highly dispersive continuum in 1(d) but with a small tilt of the cycloidal plane relative [ the dynamical magnetic susceptibility measured by e.g. to the (b,c) plane whose sense alternates along c such 2 neutron scattering [2], and for the HAFC identified as thatforeachplaquette(isoscelestriangle)hS1·(S2×S3)i v creation of pairs of spinons. is small but nonzero (order is noncoplanar) [11], making 2 In 1973 Anderson [3] suggested that a 2D fractional this system a candidate for a chiral spin state [12]. The 7 1 quantum spin liquid may take the form of a “resonating minimal Hamiltonian determining the magnetic order is 7 valence bond” (RVB) state comprising singlet spin pair- 0 ingsinthegroundstate,andwithpairsofexcitedS=1/2 H= X JSi·Si′ +J′XSi·Sj (1) 0 spinons separating via rearrangement of those bonds. hi,i′i hi,ji 0 The dominant feature of the RVB state, present in all / t with each interacting spin-pair counted once, see Fig. a its theoretical descriptions [4–6] is an extended, highly- m dispersive, continuum. To date this feature remains un- 1(a); a detailed description of the full Hamiltonian in- cluding small Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya terms is given else- - observed in any 2D magnet; in the case of the S=1/2 d Heisenberg square lattice (HSL) mean field confining ef- where [13]. The Hamiltonian interpolates between non- n interacting HAFCs (J′ = 0), the fully frustrated trian- fects lead to S=1 magnons and a renormalized classical o gular lattice (J′ =J), and unfrustrated HSL (J =0). picture of fluctuations around local N´eel order emerges c Quantifying the couplings in (1) is of considerable im- : [7,8]. One may think, however, that because frustrating v portancebothtoguidetheoryandputourresultsincon- interactions can counteract the staggered fields respon- i X sible for confinement [8,9], they may provide a route to text. We do this using the following approach: neutron diffractionmeasurementsweremadeonasinglecrystalof r generating fractional phases in 2D. a Weexploresuchascenariobymakingneutronscatter- Cs2CuCl4 inmagnetic fields upto 7T andtemperatures down to 0.2 K using the PRISMA time-of-flight (TOF) ingstudiesonCs2CuCl4. Byexploitingitsuniqueexper- spectrometer at the ISIS spallation neutron source. For imental properties as a low-exchange quantum magnet fields along a (near perpendicular to the planes of spin [10]werevealanunexpectedlystrongtwo-dimensionality rotation) a 3D incommensurate “cone” order is stable intheformofatriangularantiferromagnetwithpartially up to full ferromagnetic (F) alignment (B = 8.44 T at released frustration. The simplicity of the couplings in c T=0.03 K), see Fig. 1(c). At T=0.2 K magnetic Bragg Cs2CuCl4 makesitamodelsystemtoinvestigategeneric peaksarisingfromthetransversespinrotationmovefrom features of 2D frustrated quantum antiferromagnets. The structure of Cs2CuCl4 is orthorhombic (Pnma) ǫ0=0.030(2) in zero field to ǫ=0.047(2) at 7 T, where ǫ withlatticeparametersa=9.65˚A,b=7.48˚Aandc=12.35 is the incommensuration relative to N´eel order, see Fig. 1 1(f). Mean-fieldtheorypredictsnochangewithfield,and Aremarkablefeatureofthemeasureddynamicalcorre- the large renormalization observed is a purely quantum lationsisthatthesedonotshowsingleparticlepoles,but effect. Since the ferromagnetic (F) state is an eigenstate rather extended continua. Fig. 2(b) (open circles) shows of (1) with no fluctuations, ǫ at the saturation field B a scan at the magnetic zone boundary taken at 0.1 K. c is at its classical value [14] sinπǫ = J′/2J. Higher- The scattering is highly asymmetric with a significant c field measurements [13] observe ǫ = 0.053(1), imply- high-energy tail. The non-magnetic background(dashed c ing an exchange coupling ratio of J′/J=0.33(1). The line)ismodeledbyaconstant-plus-exponentialfunction. resulting quantum renormalization of the zero-field in- Themagneticpeakdisappearsat15K(solidcircles)and commensurationǫ0/ǫc=0.56(2)issimilartothepredicted is replaced by a broad, overdamped, paramagnetic sig- value of 0.43(1) (J′/J=0.33(1)) estimated by series ex- nal. Figs. 3A-D show 0.1 K data properly normalized pansions using a paired singlet basis [14] Additionally, andcorrectedforabsorption,andwiththenon-magnetic the determined exchange coupling ratio is in agreement background subtracted. To quantify discussion of the with the observed 2D dispersion in the saturated phase dynamical correlations measured by neutron scattering, at12T ka [13],whichgivethe bareexchangecouplings- we first consider a spin-wave model, which is known to per-site J=0.375(5)meV within chains and 2J′=0.25(1) provide a good description of the unfrustrated HSL [7]. meV between chains. This demonstrates that “inter- The dynamical correlations of the spin-wave model chain” couplings are of the same order as “intrachain” [15]forHamiltonian(1)exhibitsingle-particlepolesfrom and Cs2CuCl4 is therefore a quasi-2D system. These ob- three spin-1 magnon modes, polarized with respect to servations require a change in the point of view taken the cycloidal plane. Fig. 2(a) shows the main dispersion by earlier studies [10], which proposed a quasi-1D pic- modeω(k),polarizedout-of-plane,andthetwosecondary turebasedonestimatesofthe“interchain”couplingsnot modes, ω−(k) = ω(k−Q) and ω+(k) = ω(k+Q), both including the large quantum renormalization of the in- polarized in-plane, where the equilibrium spin direction commensurationreportedhere. We nowpresentdetailed rotates in-plane with wavevector Q. The expected scat- measurements of the excited states. tering is given by the dashed lines in Figs. 3A-D, which Dynamical correlations in a 2.5 cm3 single crystal clearly fails to account for the observed intensity as well of Cs2CuCl4 were probed using the indirect-geometry as the extended high-energy tail of the scattering. This TOFspectrometerIRIS,alsoatISIS.The energyresolu- tailisnotaninstrumentaleffectastheFWHMoftheen- tion(0.016meVfull-width-half-maximum(FWHM))was ergy resolution (horizontal bar in Fig. 2(b)) is an order an improvement of nearly an order of magnitude com- of magnitude narrower than the signal width. Including pared to our previous studies [10]. The detectors form next-order processes also fails to account for the scat- a semicircular 51-element array covering a wide range tering: the two-magnon scattering (polarized in-plane) of scattering angles (25.75◦ to 158.0◦). The sample was contribution to the lineshape is also shown in Fig. 3D mounted with the (a,b) scattering plane horizontal in a (shadedarea)-this wascalculatednumericallyusingthe dilution refrigeratorinsert with base temperature 0.1 K. method described in [16] using the experimentally esti- The results for the b∗ dispersion are shown in Fig. mated spin reduction ∆S ∼ 0.13 [11] to normalize the 2(a). Although the data points also have a finite elastic, one- and two-magnon scattering. wavevector component along a∗, no measurable disper- Because in a neutron scattering process the total sion could be detected along this direction confirming spin changes by ∆S =0,±1 the absence of single- total that the coupling between layers J′′ is negligible. The particle poles and the presence of excitation con- observed dispersion is well accounted for by the prin- tinua implies that the underlying excitations carry frac- cipal spin-wave mode [15] of Hamiltonian (1), ω(k) = tional quantum numbers. For J′=0, these are rig- p(Jk−JQ)[(Jk−Q+Jk+Q)/2−JQ] where the Fourier orously known to be S=1/2 spinons [1], and two- transform of exchange couplings is J = J˜cos2πk + spinon production is the principal neutron scattering k 2J˜′cosπkcosπl andk=(h,k,l). The orderingwavevec- process [2]. Our analysis shows that the measured tor in the 2D Brillouin zone of the triangular lattice is scattering can be described by the Mu¨ller ansatz line- Q=(0.5+ǫ0)b∗ and the effective exchange parameters shape appropriate to the 1D J′ = 0 limit S(k,ω) ∼ J˜=0.62(1) meV and J˜′ =2J˜sinπǫ0 (fixed) are in agree- Θ(ω−ωl(k))Θ(ωu(k)−ω)/pω2−ωl2(k), where Θ is ment with [10]. The quantum renormalizationof the ex- the Heaviside step function, andωl and ωu are the lower citation energy J˜/J=1.65 is very large and is similar to anduppercontinuumboundaries,generalizedto2Dsuch the exact result π/2 for the 1D S=1/2 HAFC (see e.g. that: (1) the total cross-section has three continua with [1]). In contrast, the spin-wave velocity (energy) renor- the lower boundaries ω(k), ω−(k) and ω+(k) shown in malization in the unfrustrated S=1/2 HSL is only 1.18. Fig. 2(a); (2) the continua have equal weights and are Such large renormalizations of energy (1.65) and incom- isotropic in spin space; and (3) a modified upper bound- mensuration (0.56) show the crucial importance of quan- ary ωu (dashed upper line in Fig. 2(a)) is used. This tum fluctuations in the low-field state of Cs2CuCl4. model provides an excellent description of the data, see Figs.3A-D.Itisalsonoteworthythatboththeasymmet- 2 ric dispersion, characteristic of 2D frustrated couplings, antiferromagnets, and shows: (1) very strong quantum and the excitation continua are essentially unchanged at renormalizations indicating the importance of fluctua- T=0.9K above T =0.62 K in the disorderedspin liquid tions; (2) continua in the dynamical correlationsdemon- N phase showing that ordering affects only the low-energy strating fractionalexcitations; (3) very large field-driven behavior. We conclude that, in contrast to the HSL incommensurationanddisordereffectsfrominplanefields (J=0) where unfrustrated couplings confine spinons into showing that exclusion statistics are important; and (4) S=1 magnons throughout the Brillouin zone, Cs2CuCl4 stabilization of a spin liquid ground state by inplane hasfractionalspinquasiparticlescarryingthesamequan- fields. We believe new theoretical work is needed to ex- tum numbers as in the HAFC (J′=0), namely S=1/2 plain these findings. spinons, and, further, that these spinons are modified by Full details of the analysis and extensive results from the two-dimensionality at all energy scales. Although no otherrelatedexperimentsonCs2CuCl4 willbegivenina evidence of spinon confinement is observed at any of the forthcoming publication [13]. We would like to thank energyscalesprobedinourexperiments,lowenergyS=1 M. Eskildsen, M.A. Adams and M.J. Bull for techni- Goldstonemodesareexpectedtooccurinthe3Dordered cal support and we acknowledge very useful discussions phase; weaklycoupled HAFCs haverecently been shown with D.F. McMorrow, R.A. Cowley, F.H.L. Essler, A.O. to exhibit dimensional crossover in the dynamical cor- Gogolinand M. Kenzelmann. ORNL is managed for the relations from low-energy 3D spinwaves to high-energy USDOEbyUT-Battelle,LLC,undercontractDE-AC05- 1D spinon continua on an energy scale of the interchain 00OR22725. A.M.T.isgratefultoIsaacNewtonInstitute coupling [17]. and Trinity College Cambridge for kind hospitality. Magneticfields appliedwithinthe orderingplane have a profoundlydifferenteffect fromthosealonga. Infields along c a transition occurs above 1.4 T (T <0.3 K) to a phase, marked S on Fig. 1(b), where (1) the structure is elliptical with a large elongation along the field direc- tion, (2) the incommensuration approachesa linear rela- [1] G.Mu¨ller et al.,Phys.Rev.B24,1429(1981); J.C.Tal- tion with field with a large slope [13], see Fig. 1(e), and straandF.D.M.Haldane,Phys.Rev.B50,6889(1994). (3) the total ordered moment decreases with increasing [2] D.A.Tennantetal.,Phys.Rev.B52,13368(1995);D.C. field. Above 2.1 T there is no long-range order at least Denderet al.,Phys.Rev. B 53, 2583 (1996). down to 35 mK, and the system is in a spin liquid state. [3] P.W. Anderson, Mat. Res. Bull. 8, 153 (1973). In this phase the dynamical correlations show shifts of [4] V. Kalmeyer and R.B. Laughlin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, continua and redistribution of scattering weight [10] as 2095 (1987); Phys.Rev. B 39, 11879 (1989); expected for spinonstates andcomparedin[10]with 1D [5] L.B.IoffeandA.I.Larkin,Phys.Rev.B39,8988(1989). results [1]. However, 2D correlations are also important [6] P.A.LeeandN.Nagaosa, Phys.Rev.B46,5621(1992). (by continuity they persist to the ferromagnetic F phase [7] S.M. Hayden et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 3622 (1991); atsaturationandtothespinliquidphaseaboveT ,both S.J.Clarkeet al.,SolidStateCommun.112,561(1999). N [8] See for example S. Sachdev, in Quantum Phase Transi- show2Dcharacter)andgiverisetoanasymmetricdistri- tions (Cambridge, Cambridge,1999) ch.13. bution ofscatteringweightaroundk=1.5[10,13]. Linear [9] S.Watanabeand H.Yokoyama,J. Phys.Soc.Japan 68, fielddependence ofthe incommensurationofthelongitu- 2073(1999);D.Allen,F.H.L.Essler,andA.A.Nersesyan, dinalspincorrelationsisasignatureofexclusionstatistics Phys. Rev.B 61, 8871 (2000). for the spinon quasiparticles in the HAFC, and the ob- [10] R. Coldea et al.,Phys. Rev.Lett. 79, 151 (1997). servedsimilarbehavioroftheincommensurationintheS [11] R. Coldea et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 8, 7473 phasedominatedbythe orderingofthelongitudinal spin (1996); J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 177, 659 (1998). components suggests that exclusion statistics are impor- [12] X.-G. Wen, F. Wilczek, and A. Zee, Phys. Rev. B 39, tant for the quasiparticles in Cs2CuCl4. The existence 11413 (1989); R.B. Laughlin, Science 242, 525 (1988). of a modulated continuum upper boundary indicating [13] R. Coldea et al.,(in preparation). phase space restrictions for paired states also supports [14] Z. Weihong, R.H. McKenzie, and R.R.P. Singh, Phys. Rev. B 59, 14367 (1999). this conclusion. Susceptibility measurements [13] show [15] J. Jensen and A.R. Mackintosh, in Rare Earth Mag- noevidence ofaphasetransitionbetweenthe spinliquid netism. Structures and Excitations (Clarendon, Oxford, behavior in zero field above T =0.62 K and the disor- N 1991) p.291. deredphasefoundforfieldsgreaterthan2.1Tdowntoat [16] D.A. Tennant et al.,Phys. Rev.B 52, 13381 (1995). least 35 mK.This indicates that fields applied within the [17] H.J. Schulz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 2790 (1996); F.H.L. ordering plane stabilize the fractional spin liquid state. Essler, A.M. Tsvelik, and G. Delfino, Phys. Rev. B56, In conclusion we have studied the ground-state and 11001 (1997); B. Lake, D.A. Tennant, and S.E. Nagler, excitations of the frustrated quantum antiferromagnet Phys. Rev.Lett. 85, 832 (2000). Cs2CuCl4. This material has a 2D Hamiltonian interpo- lating betweenthe square,triangularand1DHeisenberg 3 FIG. 1. (a) 2D couplings in Cs2CuCl4: Strong bonds J (heavy lines) and smaller frustrating zig-zag bonds J′ (thin lines).(b)and(c)Magneticphasediagraminafieldalongthe candaaxes,respectively.Symbolsshowtheboundariesofthe various phases described in the text measured using neutron scattering (squares) [11,13] and susceptibility (circles) [13]. Solid curvesarea guidetotheeye,anddashed line indicates crossover to paramagnetic behavior. (d) Spin rotation in the (b,c)plane.Heavyarrowsarespinvectorsandthecircleindi- cates the spin rotation upon translation along the b-axis. (e) Incommensuration ǫvs.fieldalong c[13]. (f) ǫvs.fieldalong a (solid line is a guide to theeye, solid circle is from [13]). FIG. 2. (a) Dispersion of the magnetic excitations along the b∗-axis (T=0.1 K, zero field). Filled symbols (triangles from [10]) show the main peak in the measured lineshape and solid line is a fit to the principal spin-wave mode ω(k) of Hamiltonian (1) (dashed and dash-dotted lines show the corresponding dispersion of the other two secondary modes, ω+ and ω− respectively, as described in the text). Typical scan trajectories are shown by the light shaded regions la- belled A-D (the line thickness is the wavevector averaging) and the measured data are shown in Fig. 3A-D. Open cir- cles show the experimentally estimated upper boundary of the continuum and upper (heavy) dashed line is a guide to theeye. Dotted area indicates extent of magnetic scattering. (b) Intensity measured along scan D above, in the cycloidal phase at 0.1 K (open circles) and in the paramagnetic phase at 15 K (solid circles). Data points are the raw counts and dashed line shows the estimated non-magnetic background. Solid lines are guides to the eye and the horizontal bar indi- cates the instrumentalenergy resolution. FIG. 3. Magnetic inelastic scattering measured at 0.1 K alongthelightshadedregionslabelledA-DinFig.2(a). Top axis shows wavevector change along scan direction. Count- ing times were typically 35 hours at an average proton cur- rent of 170µA. Solid lines are fits to a modified two-spinon cross-section (see text). Vertical arrows indicate estimated upper boundary. Dashed lines show predicted lineshape for polarised cycloidal spin waves and the dark shaded re- gion (shown only in D for brevity) indicates the estimated two-magnon scattering continuum. All calculations include theisotropicmagneticformfactorofCu++ ionsandthecon- volution with thespectrometer resolution function. 4 0.8 (a) (b) (c) J’ 0.6 d J i u ) q K i L 0.4 ( c n d T i pi o Cone l S c y 0.2 C b F S F (d) (e) (f) 0.08 ε (0,1.5- ,0) ε (0,½- ,1) 3 −π−πε (0,½+ε,2) 0.06 2 b) / c/2 π 0.042 ( π−2πε ε T<0.1 K ε, 0.02 (2,½+ 0) (1,½+ε,0) T=0.20(2) K 0.00 b 8 7 2 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 B (T) || c B (T) || a 1.2 (a) A B C D 1 0.8 ) V e m ( 0.6 y g r e n 0.4 E 0.2 0 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 π k (2 /b) )(cid:13)s 3.5(cid:13) (b)(cid:13) 2.2(cid:13) 2.3(cid:13) 2.4(cid:13) (0.69,(cid:13)k,(cid:13) 0)(cid:13) t i n 0.1 K(cid:13) u 3.0(cid:13) D(cid:13) . 15 K(cid:13) b 2.5(cid:13) r a ( 2.0(cid:13) y t i s 1.5(cid:13) n e tn 1.0(cid:13) I 0.2(cid:13) 0.4(cid:13) 0.6(cid:13) 0.8(cid:13) 1.0(cid:13) 1.2(cid:13) 1.4(cid:13) Energy (meV)(cid:13) 0.8 -0.30 -0.25 -0.20 -0.25 -0.2 -0.15 A (1.91+1.54k,k,0) B (2.16+1.54k,k,0) 0.6 1.0 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.0 ) 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 s it Energy (meV) Energy (meV) n u . b 0.3 0.4 0.5 2.2 2.3 2.4 ar 0.8 ( (0.84,k,0) (0.69,k,0) y C D t i ns1.0 0.6 e t n I 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Energy (meV) Energy (meV)

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