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AUTHOR INDEX AsBAS S.K. see BARRI M.E.S., ABBAS S.K. & CARE A.D. The effects in the rat of two fragments of parathyroid hormone-related protein on uterine contractions in situ. ACHARYA Sujatha see SHANMUGASUNDARAM K.R., PADMAVATHI C., ACHARYA Sujatha, VIDHYALAKSHMI N. & VIJAYAN V.K. Exercise-induced cholesterol depletion and Na*, K*-ATPase activities in human red cell membrane. (RC) AINSWORTH W.A. Book review: Clinical Voice Disorders: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 3rd edn. by Arnold E. Aronson. ALEXANDER Brian F. see DALY Steven E.J., KENT Jacqueline C., HUYNH Du Q., Owens Robyn A., ALEXANDER Brian F., NG Kim C. & HARTMANN Peter E. The determination of short-term breast volume changes and the rate of synthesis of human milk using computerized breast measurement. ALLEN David G. see WESTERBLAD Hakan & ALLEN David G. Myoplasmic Mg** concentration in Xenopus muscle fibres at rest, during fatigue and during metabolic blockade. AL-TIMMAN J.K.A. & HAINSWORTH R._ Reflex vascular responses to changes in left ventricular pressures, heart rate and inotropic state in dogs. ARBUTHNOTT E.R., GLADDEN M.H. & SUTHERLAND F.I. Diversity and homogeneity within endplates associated with physiologically identified static y-axons in cat tenuissimus muscle. ARGIBAY J.A. see PEINEAU N., GARNIER D. & ARGIBAY J.A. Rate dependence of action potential duration and calcium current in isolated guinea-pig cardiocytes. ASHMORE Jonathan Book review: Regeneration of Vertebrate Sensory Receptor Cells, Ciba Foundation Symposium 160 edited by Gregory R. Bock & Julie Whelan. BANKS D., KURIAKOSE M. & MATTHEWS B. Modulation by peripheral conditioning stimuli of the responses of trigeminal brain stem neurones and of the jaw opening reflex to tooth pulp stimulation in chronically prepared, anaesthetized cats. BARANI H. see SZEREDA-PRZESTASZEWSKA M., JAKUs J., STRANSKY A. & BARANI H. Characteristics of augmented breaths provoked by almitrine bismesylate in cats. BaREJ Wiestaw see ZABIELSKI Romuald, KATO Seiyu, PIERZYNOWSKI Stefan Grzegorz, MINEO Hitoshi, PODGURNIAK Pawel & BaREJ Wieslaw Effect of intraduodenal HCl and soybean extract on pancreatic juice secretion during atropinization and cold vagal blockade in calves. BARLET Jean-Pierre see DAvicco Marie-Jeanne, COxAM Véronique, LEFAIVRE Jacques & BARLET Jean- Pierre Parathyroid hormone-related peptide increases urinary phosphate excretion in fetal lambs. BARLOW Horace Book review: Night Vision: Basic, Clinical and Applied Aspects, edited by R.F. Hess, L.T. Sharpe & K. Nordby. BARNES R. Erratum: Experimental Physiology 76 (1991) BARRI M.E.S., ABBAS S.K. & CAREA.D. The effects in the rat of two fragments of parathyroid hormone- related protein on uterine contractions in situ. Barrio J.P. see ForBes J.M. & BARRIO J.P. Abdominal chemo- and mechanosensitivity in ruminants and its role in the control of food intake. BARRY Jacqueline A. see PATTULO Mary C., COTTER Mary A., CAMERON Norman E. & Barry Jacqueline A. Effects of lengthened immobilization on functional and histochemical properties of rabbit tibialis anterior muscle. BASCAL Zainab A., MOONGA Baljit S., DACKE Christopher G. & ZAip1 Mone Osteoclasts from medullary bone of egg-laying Japanese quail do not express the putative calcium ‘receptor’. (RC) BassETT J.M., BOMFORD J., HANSON C., Mott J.C. & WEEDING C.M. Effects of the £-adrenergic agonist, ritodrine, and insulin on plasma potassium concentrations in fetal lambs. (RC) BASSETT John E., SIMKIN Peter A., Jacoss Cindy & Roux Eileen Avoidance of endotoxin-induced inflammation during studies of albumin clearance from caprine joints. BAUCELLS M.D. see PROSSER C.G., BAUCELLS M.D. & FLEETI.R. Transfer of insulin-like growth factors I and II from plasma to lymph in young goats. BEAVER William L. see Cooper Christopher B., BEAVER William L., Cooper Dan M. & WASSERMAN Karlman Factors affecting the components of the alveolar CO, output—O, uptake relationship during incremental exercise in man. BrE Denise, EMERY Celia J. & HowarpD P. An analysis of the action of an analogue of almitrine bismesylate in the rat model of hypoxic lung disease. ii AUTHOR INDEX BERESFORD M.J. & Fitzsimons J.T. Intracerebroventricular angiotensin II-induced thirst and sodium appetite in rat are blocked by the AT, receptor antagonist, Losartan (DuP 753), but not by the AT, antagonist, CGP 42112B. (RC) BERGEL D.H. see PATERSON D.J., DORRINGTON K.L., BERGEL D.H., KERR G., MIALL R.C., STEIN J.F. & Nye P.C.G. Effect of potassium on ventilation in the rhesus monkey. (RC) Bevis Peter J.R. see MOONGA Baljit S., Datta Harish K., Bevis Peter J.R., HUANG C.L.-H., MACINTYRE Iain & ZaipbE Mone _ Erratum: Experimental Physiology 76 (1991) BODEKER D., SHEN Y., KEMKOwSKI J. & HOLLER H. Influence of short-chain fatty acids on ammonia absorption across the rumen wall in sheep. BODEKER D., OPPELLAND G. & HOLLER H. Involvement of carbonic anhydrase in ammonia flux across rumen mucosa in vitro. (RC) BomMForD J. see BASSETT J.M., BOMFORD J., HANSON C., Mott J.C. & WEEDING C.M. Effects of the /- adrenergic agonist, ritodrine, and insulin on plasma potassium concentrations in fetal lambs. (RC) Bower E.A. see O'DONNELL C.P. & BoweR E.A. Heart rate changes evoked by hypoxia in the anaesthetized, artificially ventilated cat. Boyp C.A.R. Book review: The Gastrointestinal System, vol. TV in Intestinal Absorption and Secretion edited by Stanley G. Schultz. BRIGHT Catherine M. & ELuis David Intracellular pH changes induced by hypoxia and anoxia in isolated sheep heart Purkinje fibres. BUKAUSKAS Feliksas F., KEMPF Christoph & WEINGART Robert Cytoplasmic bridges and gap junctions in an insect cell line (Aedes albopictus). BuRNETT Alison see WILDE Colin J., KERR Marian A., KNIGHT Christopher H., RAcEY Paul A. & BURNETT Alison Effect of stage of lactation and milk accumulation on mammary cell differentiation in lactating bats. Catvo J.J. see Garcia L.J., MONTERO A., MINGUELA A., CALvo J.J. & Lopez M.A. Cholinergic mechanisms for secretin release after intraduodenal alkalinization in the anaesthetized rabbit. CAMELLO Pedro J. see SINGH Jaipaul, LENNARD Roger, SALIDO Gines M., WispoM Denham, RENDER Caroline L., Pozo Marie J., PARIENTE Jose A. & CAMELLO Pedro J. Interaction between secretin and cholecystokinin-octapeptide in the exocrine rat pancreas in vivo and in vitro. CAMERON N.E., COTTER M.A., ROBERTSON S. & Cox D. Muscle and nerve dysfunction in rats with experimental galactosaemia. CAMERON N.E. see COTTER M.A., CAMERON N.E. & ROBERTSON S. Polyol pathway-mediated changes in cardiac muscle contractile properties: studies in streptozotocin-diabetic and galactose-fed rats. CAMERON Norman E. see PATTULO Mary C., COTTER Mary A., CAMERON Norman E. & BARRY Jacqueline A. Effects of lengthened immobilization on functional and histochemical properties of rabbit tibialis anterior muscle. Camo A. John see GILL Jaswinder S., MOONGA Baljit S., HUANG Christopher L.-H., Lu Fei, ZAip1 Mone & CaMMA. John Voltage-sensitive elevation of cytosolic in guinea-pig cardiac myocytes elicited by calcitonin gene-related peptide. (RC) Care A.D. see BARRI M.E.S., ABBAS S.K. & CARE A.D. The effects in the rat of two fragments of parathyroid hormone-related protein on uterine contractions in situ. Caro C.G. see LEVER M.J., TARBELL J.M. & Caro C.G. The effect of luminal flow in rabbit carotid artery on transmural fluid transport. CHOWRIMOOTOO G., DEBNAM E.S., SRAI S.K.S. & EPSTEIN O. Regional characteristics of intestinal iron absorption in the guinea-pig. CLARKE J.D.W. see GORDON-WEEKS Phillip R., GOLDING Jon P., CLARKE J.D.W. & TONGE David A study of the expression of laminin in the spinal cord of the frog during development and regeneration. COLLINGRIDGE Graham L. The Sharpey—Schafer Prize Lecture. The mechanism of induction of NMDA receptor-dependent long-term potentiation in the hippocampus. Cooper Christopher B., BEAVER William L., Cooper Dan M. & WASSERMAN Karlman Factors affecting the components of the alveolar CO, output—O, uptake relationship during incremental exercise in man. Cooper Dan M. see Cooper Christopher B., BEAVER William L., COOPER Dan M. & WASSERMAN Karlman Factors affecting the components of the alveolar CO, output-O, uptake relationship during incremental exercise in man. CorcorRAN B.M. & HaiGH A.L. The effect of tachykinins on sheep bronchomotor tone. AUTHOR INDEX COTTER M.A. see CAMERON N.E., COTTER M.A., ROBERTSON S. & Cox D. Muscle and nerve dysfunction in rats with experimental galactosaemia. CoTTeER M.A. Book review: Jllustrated Physiology, Sth edn. by B.R. Mackenna & R. Callender. CoTTER M.A., CAMERON N.E. & ROBERTSON S. Polyol pathway-mediated changes in cardiac muscle contractile properties: studies in streptozotocin-diabetic and galactose-fed rats. COTTER Mary A. see PATTULO Mary C., COTTER Mary A., CAMERON Norman E. & BARRY Jacqueline A. Effects of lengthened immobilization on functional and histochemical properties of rabbit tibialis anterior muscle. CoTTRELL D.F. & STANLEY H.G. An excitatory body—antral reflex in the sheep abomasum. CoTTrRELL G.A., LIN J.-W., Linas R., Price D.A., SuGiMorI M. & STANLEY E.F. FMRFamide-related peptides potentiate transmission at the squid giant synapse. CoTTRELL G.A. see HILL-VENNING C. & CoTTRELL G.A. Modulation of voltage-dependent calcium current in Helix aspersa buccal neurones by serotonin and protein kinase C activators. Cox D. see CAMERON N.E., COTTER M.A., ROBERTSON S. & Cox D. Muscle and nerve dysfunction in rats with experimental galactosaemia. CoxaM Véronique see DAvicco Marie-Jeanne, COXAM Véronique, LEFAIVRE Jacques & BARLET Jean-Pierre Parathyroid hormone-related peptide increases urinary phosphate excretion in fetal lambs. CRASKE Brian see FERRELL William R. & CRASKE Brian Contribution of joint and muscle afferents to position sense at the human proximal interphalangeal joint. CREMASCHI D. see PorTA C., JAMES P.S., PHILLIPS A.D., SAvIDGE T.C., SMiTH M.W. & CREMASCHI D. Confocal analysis of fluorescent bead uptake by mouse Peyer’s patch follicle-associated M cells. (RC) CriaDo J.M., FUENTE A.J., PATINO A., RioLopos A.S. & YAJEYA J. Electrophysiological influences of the parietal cortex and dorso-medial thalamic nucleus on the prefrontal cortex of the cat. CRIGHTON Andrew see FERRELL William R., CRIGHTON Andrew & STURROCK Roger D. Position sense at the proximal interphalangeal joint is distorted in patients with rheumatoid arthritis of finger joints. DackE Christopher G. see BASCAL Zainab A., MoonGa Baljit S., DACKE Christopher G. & Zaip1 Mone Osteoclasts from medullary bone of egg-laying Japanese quail do not express the putative calcium ‘receptor’. (RC) DALy Steven E.J., KENT Jacqueline C., HUYNH Du Q., Owens Robyn A., ALEXANDER Brian F., NG Kim C. & HARTMANN Peter E. The determination of short-term breast volume changes and the rate of synthesis of human milk using computerized breast measurement. Datta Harish K. see MOONGA Baljit S., Datta Harish K., Bevis Peter J.R., HUANG C.L.-H., MACINTYRE lain & ZAIDE Mone Erratum: Experimental Physiology 76 (1991) Davicco Marie-Jeanne, CoxaM Véronique, LEFAIVRE Jacques & BARLET Jean-Pierre Parathyroid hormone-related peptide increases urinary phosphate excretion in fetal lambs. Davies S.N. Book review: Neural Networks of the Hippocampus by Roger D. Traub & Richard Miles. Davis Julian P.L. The effects of Na*-K*—Cl- co-transport and Cl-HCO, —exchange blockade on the membrane potential and intracellular chloride levels of rat arterial smooth muscle, in vitro. Davison Joseph S. see FRASER Kathleen A. & DAvison Joseph S. Cholecystokinin-induced c-fos expression in the rat brain stem is influenced by vagal nerve integrity. (RC) DEBNAM E.S. see CHOWRIMOOTOO G., DEBNAM E.S., SRA S.K.S. & EpsTEIN O. Regional characteristics of intestinal iron absorption in the guinea-pig. DEBNAM ES. see SHARP P.A. & DEBNAME.S. Rapid stimulatory effect of bradykinin on glucose transport across the brush-border and basolateral membranes of rat jejunal enterocytes. (RC) DE HAAN A., DE RuiTER C.J., LIND A. & SARGEANT A.J. Growth-related change in specific force but not in specific power of rat fast skeletal muscle. (RC) DE RUITER C.J. see DE HAAN A., DE RUITER C.J., LIND A. & SARGEANT A.J. Growth-related change in specific force but not in specific power of rat fast skeletal muscle. (RC) Dockray G.J. see FORSTER E.R. & Dockray G.J. The role of cholecystokinin in inhibition of gastric emptying by peptone in the rat. DorRINGTON K.L. see PATERSON D.J., DORRINGTON K.L., BERGEL D.H., KERR G., MIALL R.C., STEIN J.F. & Nye P.C.G._ Effect of potassium on ventilation in the rhesus monkey. (RC) Duaains Katrina see WRAY Susan, DuGGINs Katrina, ILEs Rachael, NYMAN Lorraine & OSMAN Virginia The effects of metabolic inhibition and acidification on force production in the rat uterus. DuNLopP W. see GILLESPIE J.I., OTUN H., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. Evidence for Na?*—Ca”* exchange and Ca?*-induced Ca®* release in a cultured vascular smooth muscle cell line from the rat. iv AUTHOR INDEX DUNLOP W. see OTUN H., GILLESPIE J.1., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. Calcium oscillations in single isolated human vascular smooth muscle cells. (RC) DUNLOP W. see THORNTON S., GILLESPIE J.I., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. Mobilization of calcium by the brief application of oxytocin and prostaglandin E, in single cultured human myometrial cells. DUNLOP W. see THORNTON S., GILLESPIE J.I., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. Oxytocin-evoked repetitive rises of intracellular calcium in single cultured human myometrial cells. (RC) DUuNLopP W. see GILLESPIE J.I., OTUN H., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. The effect of, a nd , on Ca* mobilization in the rat aortic smooth muscle cell line A7r5. Dunlop W. see OTUN H., GILLEsPIE J.I., NICHOLLS J.A., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. Transients in intracellular free calcium in subconfluent and confluent cultures of a rat smooth muscle cell line DuNLopP W. see GILLESPIE J.I., OTUN H., NICHOLLS J.A., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. Repetitive transients in intracellular Ca?* in cultured human vascular smooth muscle cells. ELuis David see BRIGHT Catherine M. & ELtis David Intracellular pH changes induced by hypoxia and anoxia in isolated sheep heart Purkinje fibres. Emery Celia J. see BEE Denise, EMERY Celia J. & Howarp P. An analysis of the action of an analogue of almitrine bismesylate in the rat model of hypoxic lung disease. ENGELHARDT W.v. & RECHKEMMER G. Segmental differences of short-chain fatty acid transport across guinea-pig large intestine. EPSTEIN O. see CHOWRIMOOTOO G., DEBNAM E.S., SRAI S.K.S. & EPSTEIN O. Regional characteristics of intestinal iron absorption in the guinea-pig. FERRELL William R. & CRASKE Brian Contribution of joint and muscle afferents to position sense at the human proximal interphalangeal joint. FERRELL William R., CRIGHTON Andrew & StTuRROcK Roger D. Position sense at the proximal interphalangeal joint is distorted in patients with rheumatoid arthritis of finger joints. FITZSIMONS J.T. see BERESFORD M.J. & Fitzsimons J.T. Intracerebroventricular angiotensin II-induced thirst and sodium appetite in rat are blocked by the AT, receptor antagonist, Losartan (DuP 753), but not by the AT, antagonist, CGP 42112B. (RC) FLEET I.R. see PROSSER C.G., BAUCELLS M.D. & FLEET I.R. Transfer of insulin-like growth factors I and II from plasma to lymph in young goats. Forses J.M. & BARRIO J.P. Abdominal chemo- and mechanosensitivity in ruminants and its role in the control of food intake. ForsTER E.R. & Dockray G.J._ The role of cholecystokinin in inhibition of gastric emptying by peptone in the rat. FRASER Kathleen A. & DAvison Joseph S. Cholecystokinin-induced c-fos expression in the rat brain stem is influenced by vagal nerve integrity. (RC) FREEMAN T.C. see SMITH M.W., TuRVvEY A. & FREEMAN T.C. Appearance of phloridzin-sensitive glucose transport is not controlled at mRNA level in rabbit jejunal enterocytes. (RC) FUENTE A.J. see CRIADO J.M., FUENTE A.J., PATINO A., RioLopos A.S. & YasEYA J. Electrophysiological influences of the parietal cortex and dorso-medial thalamic nucleus on the prefrontal cortex of the cat. FUKUMITSU T. see OKASHIRO T., TOKUNO H., Fukumitsu T., HayasH! H. & Tomita T. Effects of intracellular ATP on calcium current in freshly dispersed single cells of guinea-pig portal vein. Garcia L.J., MONTERO A., MINGUELA A., CALVO J.J. & LOpEzZ M.A. Cholinergic mechanisms for secretin release after intraduodenal alkalinization in the anaesthetized rabbit. GARNIER D. see PEINEAU N., GARNIER D. & ARGIBAY J.A. Rate dependence of action potential duration and calcium current in isolated guinea-pig cardiocytes. GATTULLO Donatella, LINDEN R.J., LOSANO G., PAGLIARO P. & WESTERHOF N. Coronary flow and left ventricular pressure during diastole in the anaesthetized dog. (RC) GERSTBERGER Riidiger, ScHUTz Helmuth, LUTHER-DyrorF Daniela, KeiL Ralf & Simon Eckhart Inhibition of vasopressin and aldosterone release by atrial natriuretic peptide in conscious rabbits. GILL Jaswinder S., MOONGA Baljit S., HUANG Christopher L.-H., Lu Fei, ZAIDI Mone & Camo A. John Voltage-sensitive elevation of cytosolic in guinea-pig cardiac myocytes elicited by calcitonin gene- related peptide. (RC) GILLespiE J.1., OTUN H., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. Evidence for Na®*-Ca®* exchange and Ca?*- induced Ca** release in a cultured vascular smooth muscle cell line from the rat. GILLesPIE J.I. see OTUN H., GILLESPIE J.I1., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. Calcium oscillations in single isolated human vascular smooth muscle cells. (RC) AUTHOR INDEX GILLESPIE J.I. see THORNTON S., GILLESPIE J.I., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. Mobilization of calcium by the brief application of oxytocin and prostaglandin E, in single cultured human myometrial cells. GILLESPIE J.I. see THORNTON S., GILLESPIE J.I., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. Oxytocin-evoked repetitive rises of intracellular calcium in single cultured human myometrial cells. (RC) GILLESPIE J.I., JOHNSON Carol, NICHOLLS Juliet, LYNCH M. & GREENWELL J.R. Is there a calcium paradox in isolated bovine aortic endothelial cells? (RC) GILLesPiE J.I., OTUN H., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. The effect of, and , on Ca** mobilization in the rat aortic smooth muscle cell line A7rS. GILLESPIE J.I. see LYNCH M., GILLESPIE J.I., GREENWELL J.R. & JOHNSON Carol Actions of the phorbol ester, PMA, on ATP-induced fluctuations in cytoplasmic calcium in single isolated bovine aortic endothelial cells. (RC) GILLESPIE J.I. see OTUN H., GILLEsPIE J.I., NICHOLLS J.A., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. Transients in intracellular free calcium in subconfluent and confluent cultures of a rat smooth muscle cell line GILLesPiE J.I., OTUN H., NICHOLLS J.A., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. Repetitive transients in intracellular Ca®* in cultured human vascular smooth muscle cells. GLADDEN M.H. see ARBUTHNOTT E.R., GLADDEN M.H. & SUTHERLAND F.I. Diversity and homogeneity within endplates associated with physiologically identified static y-axons in cat tenuissimus muscle. GOLDING Jon P. see GORDON-WEEKS Phillip R., GOLDING Jon P., CLARKE J.D.W. & ToNGE David A study of the expression of laminin in the spinal cord of the frog during development and regeneration. GOLDsPINK Geoffrey Book review: Jsozymes: Structure, Function and use in Biology and Medicine edited by Zen-ichi Ogita & Clement L. Markert. GorDON-WEEKS Phillip R., GOLDING Jon P., CLARKE J.D.W. & TONGE David As tudy of the expression of laminin in the spinal cord of the frog during development and regeneration. Gow N.A.R. see RAJNICEK A.M., Gow N.A.R. & McCaiG C.D. Electric field-induced orientation of rat hippocampal neurones in vitro. (RC) GREENWELL J.R. see GILLESPIE J.I., OTUN H., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. Evidence for Na**—Ca?* exchange and Ca?*-induced Ca** release in a cultured vascular smooth muscle cell line from the rat. GREENWELL J.R. see OTUN H., GILLESPIE J.I., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. Calcium oscillations in single isolated human vascular smooth muscle cells. (RC) GREENWELL J.R. see THORNTON S., GILLESPIE J.1., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. Mobilization of calcium by the brief application of oxytocin and prostaglandin E, in single cultured human myometrial cells. GREENWELL J.R. see THORNTON S., GILLESPIE J.I., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. Oxytocin-evoked repetitive rises of intracellular calcium in single cultured human myometrial cells. (RC) GREENWELL J.R. see GILLESPIE J.I., JOHNSON Carol, NICHOLLS Juliet, LYNCH M. & GREENWELL J.R. Is there a calcium paradox in isolated bovine aortic endothelial cells? (RC) GREENWELL J.R. see GILLESPIE J.1., OTUN H., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. The effect of, and , on Ca** mobilization in the rat aortic smooth muscle cell line A7r5. GREENWELL J.R. see LYNCH M., GILLESPIE J.1., GREENWELL J.R. & JOHNSON Carol Actions of the phorbol ester, PMA, on ATP-induced fluctuations in cytoplasmic calcium in single isolated bovine aortic endothelial cells. (RC) GREENWELL J.R. see OTUN H., GILLesPiE J.I., NICHOLLS J.A., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. Transients in intracellular free calcium in subconfluent and confluent cultures of a rat smooth muscle cell line GREENWELL J.R. see GILLESPIE J.I., OTUN H., NICHOLLS J.A., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. Repetitive transients in intracellular Ca?* in cultured human vascular smooth muscle cells. HalGH A.L. see CoRCORAN 8.M. & HAIGH A.L. The effect of tachykinins on sheep bronchomotor tone. HAINSWORTH R. see AL-TIMMAN J.K.A. & HAINSWoRTH R._ Reflex vascular responses to changes in left ventricular pressures, heart rate and inotropic state in dogs. HALL A.C. see WILKINS R.J. & HALL A.C. Measurement of intracellular pH in isolated bovine articular chondrocytes. (RC) HANSON C. see BASSETT J.M., BOMFoRD J., HANSON C., Mott J.C. & WEEDING C.M. Effects of the /- adrenergic agonist, ritodrine, and insulin on plasma potassium concentrations in fetal lambs. (RC) HARDEBO Jan-Erik see SZABO Csaba, HARDEBO Jan-Erik & SALFORD Leif G. Role of endothelium in the responses of human intracranial arteries to a slight reduction of extracellular magnesium. (RC) HARGREAVES M., MEREDITH I. & JENNINGS G.L. Muscle glycogen and glucose uptake during exercise in humans. (RC) Vi AUTHOR INDEX HARTMANN Peter E. see DALy Steven E.J., KENT Jacqueline C., HUYNH Du Q., Owens Robyn A., ALEXANDER Brian F., NG Kim C. & HARTMANN Peter E. The determination of short-term breast volume changes and the rate of synthesis of human milk using computerized breast measurement. HAUusSINGER D. see LANG F., TSCHERNKO E. & HAUussINGER D. Hepatic regulation of renal function. HayasHi H. see OKASHIRO T., ToKUNO H., Fukumitsu T., HayasH! H. & Tomita T. Effects of intracellular ATP on calcium current in freshly dispersed single cells of guinea-pig portal vein. HILL-VENNING C. & COTTRELL G.A. Modulation of voltage-dependent calcium current in Helix aspersa buccal neurones by serotonin and protein kinase C activators. HOLLER H. see BODEKER D., SHEN Y., KEMKOwSKI J. & HOLLER H. Influence of short-chain fatty acids on ammonia absorption across the rumen wall in sheep. HOLLER H. see BODEKER D., OPPELLAND G. & HOLLER H. Involvement of carbonic anhydrase in ammonia flux across rumen mucosa in vitro. (RC) Hou.inAN D.F. Book review: Advances in Comparative and Environmental Biology, vol. 6 in Vertebrate Gas Exchange from Environment to Cell edited by R.G. Boutilier Howakrb P. see BEE Denise, EMERY Celia J. & Howarp P. An analysis of the action of an analogue of almitrine bismesylate in the rat model of hypoxic lung disease. HuanG Christopher L.-H. see Git Jaswinder S., MOONGA Baljit S., HUANG Christopher L.-H., Lu Fei, Zaipl Mone & CamMM A. John Voltage-sensitive elevation of cytosolic in guinea-pig cardiac myocytes elicited by calcitonin gene-related peptide. (RC) Huan C.L.-H. see MOONGA Baljit S., Datta Harish K., Bevis Peter J.R., HUANG C.L.-H., MACINTYRE lain & ZaipbE Mone’ Erratum: Experimental Physiology 76 (1991) HuynuH Du Q. see DALY Steven E.J., KENT Jacqueline C., HUYNH Du Q., Owens Robyn A., ALEXANDER Brian F., NG Kim C. & HARTMANN Peter E. The determination of short-term breast volume changes and the rate of synthesis of human milk using computerized breast measurement. ILEs Rachael see WRAY Susan, DuGGIns Katrina, ILEs Rachael, NYMAN Lorraine & OSMAN Virginia The effects of metabolic inhibition and acidification on force production in the rat uterus. Jacoss Cindy see BasseTT John E., SIMKIN Peter A., Jacops Cindy & Roux Eileen Avoidance of endotoxin-induced inflammation during studies of albumin clearance from caprine joints. JakUs J. see SZEREDA-PRZESTASZEWSKA M., JAKUs J., STRANSKY A. & BARANI H. Characteristics of augmented breaths provoked by almitrine bismesylate in cats. James P.S. see PoRTA C., JAMES P.S., PHILLIPS A.D., SAvIDGE T.C., SMITH M.W. & CREMASCHI D. Confocal analysis of fluorescent bead uptake by mouse Peyer’s patch follicle-associated M cells. (RC) Jancso G. Pathobiological reactions of C-fibre primary sensory neurones to peripheral nerve injury. JENNINGS G.L. see HARGREAVES M., MEREDITH I. & JENNINGS G.L. Muscle glycogen and glucose uptake during exercise in humans. (RC) JEWELL P.A. Book review: Frontiers in Human Reproduction, vol. 626, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences edited by Markku Seppala & Lars Hamberger. JOHNSON Carol see GILLESPIE J.I., JOHNSON Carol, NICHOLLS Juliet, LYNCH M. & GREENWELL J.R. Is there a calcium paradox in isolated bovine aortic endothelial cells? (RC) JOHNSON Carol see LYNCH M., GILLESPIE J.I., GREENWELL J.R. & JOHNSON Carol Actions of the phorbol ester, PMA, on ATP-induced fluctuations in cytoplasmic calcium in single isolated bovine aortic endothelial cells. (RC) Jones D.A. see Sacco P. & Jones D.A. The protective effect of damaging eccentric exercise against repeated bouts of exercise in the mouse tibialis anterior muscle. (RC) KAMKIN A.G. see KOHL P., KAMKIN A.G., KISELEVA I.S. & STREUBEL TH. MECHANOSENSITIVE CELLS IN THE ATRIUM OF FROG HEART. (RC) Kato M. see NARUSE S., TAKAGI T., KATO M. & Ozaki T. _Interdigestive gastric blood flow: the relation to motor and secretory activities in conscious dogs. KaTo Seiyu see ZABIELSKI Romuald, Kato Seiyu, PiERZYNOWSKI Stefan Grzegorz, MINEO Hitoshi, PODGURNIAK Pawel & BareEJ Wieslaw Effect of intraduodenal HCl and soybean extract on pancreatic juice secretion during atropinization and cold vagal blockade in calves. Keit Ralf see GERSTBERGER Riidiger, SCHUTZ Helmuth, LUTHER-DyrorF Daniela, KEIL Ralf & SIMON Eckhart Inhibition of vasopressin and aldosterone release by atrial natriuretic peptide in conscious rabbits. KEMKOWSKI J. see BODEKER D., SHEN Y., KEMKOWSKI J. & HOLLER H. Influence of short-chain fatty acids on ammonia absorption across the rumen wall in sheep. AUTHOR INDEX KempPF Christoph see BUKAUSKAS Feliksas F., KEMpF Christoph & WEINGART Robert Cytoplasmic bridges and gap junctions in an insect cell line (Aedes albopictus). KENT Jacqueline C. see DALY Steven E.J., KENT Jacqueline C., HUYNH Du Q., Owens Robyn A., ALEXANDER Brian F., NG Kim C. & HARTMANN Peter E. The determination of short-term breast volume changes and the rate of synthesis of human milk using computerized breast measurement. KERR G. see PATERSON D.J., DORRINGTON K.L., BERGEL D.H., KERR G., MIALL R.C., STEIN J.F. & NYE P.C.G. Effect of potassium on ventilation in the rhesus monkey. (RC) KERR Marian A. see WILDE Colin J., KERR Marian A., KNIGHT Christopher H., RAcEY Paul A. & BURNETT Alison Effect of stage of lactation and milk accumulation on mammary cell differentiation in lactating bats. Kipp C. Book review: Environmental and Metabolic Animal Physiology, vol. 1 and Neural and Integrative Animal Physiology, vol. 11 in Comparative Animal Physiology edited by C. Ladd Prosser. Kipp C. Book review: Retrospectroscope: Insighis into Medical Discovery, by J. Comroe Jr. KISELEVA I.S. see KOHL P., KAMKIN A.G., KISELEVA I.S. & STREUBEL TH. MECHANOSENSITIVE CELLS IN THE ATRIUM OF FROG HEART. (RC) KNIGHT Christopher H. see WILDE Colin J., KERR Marian A., KNIGHT Christopher H., RACEY Paul A. & BuRNETT Alison Effect of stage of lactation and milk accumulation on mammary cell differentiation in lactating bats. KOHL P., KAMKIN A.G., KISELEVA I.S. & STREUBEL TH. MECHANOSENSITIVE CELLS IN THE ATRIUM OF FROG HEART. (RC) KURIAKOSE M. see BANKS D., KuRIAKOSE M. & MATTHEWS B. Modulation by peripheral conditioning stimuli of the responses of trigeminal brain stem neurones and of the jaw opening reflex to tooth pulp stimulation in chronically prepared, anaesthetized cats. Lane A. & Levin R.J. Enhanced electrogenic secretion in vitro by small intestine from glucagon-treated rats: implications for the diarrhoea of starvation. (RC) LANG F., TSCHERNKO E. & HAUSSINGER D. Hepatic regulation of renal function. Lee V.M. & LINDEN R.W.A. An olfactory-submandibular salivary reflex in humans. (RC) LEFAIVRE Jacques see DAvicco Marie-Jeanne, CoxaM Véronique, LEFAIVRE Jacques & BARLET Jean-Pierre Parathyroid hormone-related peptide increases urinary phosphate excretion in fetal lambs. LEMON Roger Book review: Corticonics: Neural Circuits of the Cerebral Cortex by M. Abeles. LENNARD Roger see SINGH Jaipaul, LENNARD Roger, SALIDO Gines M., WispoM Denham, RENDER Caroline L., Pozo Marie J., PARIENTE Jose A. & CAMELLO Pedro J. Interaction between secretin and cholecystokinin-octapeptide in the exocrine rat pancreas in vivo and in vitro. LEVER M.J., TARBELL J.M. & CAROC.G. The effect of luminal flow in rabbit carotid artery on transmural fluid transport. Levick J.R. Erratum: Experimental Physiology 76 (1991) Levick J.R. Erratum: Experimental Physiology 76 (1991) Levick J.R. see MCDONALD J.N. & Levick J.R. Evidence for simultaneous bidirectional fluid flux across synovial lining in knee joints of anaesthetized rabbits. (RC) LEVIN R.J. see LANE A. & LEVIN R.J. Enhanced electrogenic secretion in vitro by small intestine from glucagon-treated rats: implications for the diarrhoea of starvation. (RC) Lewis M.J. see McKirpy H.C., McKirpy M.L., Lewis M.J. & MAarsHALL R.W. Evidence for involvement of nitric oxide in the non-adrenergic non-cholinergic (NANC) relaxation of human lower oesophageal sphincter muscle strips. (RC) Lin J.-W. see CoTTRELL G.A., LIN J.-W., Luinas R., Price D.A., SuGiMorI M. & STANLEY E.F. FMRFamide-related peptides potentiate transmission at the squid giant synapse. LIND A. see DE HAAN A., DE RUITER C.J., LIND A. & SARGEANT A.J. Growth-related change in specific force but not in specific power of rat fast skeletal muscle. (RC) LINDEN R.J. see GATTULLO Donatella, LINDEN R.J., LOSANO G., PAGLIARO P. & WESTERHOF N. Coronary flow and left ventricular pressure during diastole in the anaesthetized dog. (RC) LINDEN Ronald J. see Swaine Ian L., LINDEN Ronald J. & Mary David A.S.G. Indices for detection of changes in cardiorespiratory fitness during exercise training in man. LINDEN R.W.A. see LEE V.M. & LINDEN R.W.A. An olfactory-submandibular salivary reflex in humans. (RC) Lunas R. see COTTRELL G.A., LIN J.-W., Linas R., Price D.A., SuGimori M. & STANLEY E.F. FMRFamide-related peptides potentiate transmission at the squid giant synapse. Vili AUTHOR INDEX Lopez M.A. see GARCIA L.J., MONTERO A., MINGUELA A., CALvo J.J. & Lopez M.A. Cholinergic mechanisms for secretin release after intraduodenal alkalinization in the anaesthetized rabbit. Losano G. see GATTULLO Donatella, LINDEN R.J., LOSANO G., PAGLIARO P. & WESTERHOF N. Coronary flow and left ventricular pressure during diastole in the anaesthetized dog. (RC) Lowe Kenneth C. Book review: The Oxygen Status of Arterial Blood edited by R. Zander & F. Mertzlufft. Lu Fei see GILL Jaswinder S., MOONGA Baljit S., HUANG Christopher L.-H., Lu Fei, ZAip1 Mone & CAMM A. John Voltage-sensitive elevation of cytosolic in guinea-pig cardiac myocytes elicited by calcitonin gene-related peptide. (RC) LumBers E.R. see TANGALAKIS K., LUMBERS E.R., Moritz K.M., TowsTo.ess M.K. & WINTOUR E.M. Effect of cortisol on blood pressure and vascular reactivity in the ovine fetus. LuTHER-DyrorF Daniela see GERSTBERGER Riidiger, SCcHUTZ Helmuth, LUTHER-DyrorFr Daniela, KEIL Ralf& Simon Eckhart Inhibition of vasopressin and aldosterone release by atrial natriuretic peptide in conscious rabbits. LYNCH M. see GILLESPIE J.I., JOHNSON Carol, NICHOLLS Juliet, LYNCH M. & GREENWELL J.R. Is there a calcium paradox in isolated bovine aortic endothelial cells? (RC) LYNCH M., GILLESPIE J.I., GREENWELL J.R. & JOHNSON Carol Actions of the phorbol ester, PMA, on ATP-induced fluctuations in cytoplasmic calcium in single isolated bovine aortic endothelial cells. (RC) LyNN B. see MENTIS G.Z. & LYNN B. An investigation into the extent to which flare in human skin crosses the mid-line. (RC) McCaic C.D. see RAJNICEK A.M., Gow N.A.R. & McCaiG C.D. Electric field-induced orientation of rat hippocampal neurones in vitro. (RC) McCaic Colin D. Book review: New Techniques of Optical Microscopy and Microspectroscopy edited by Richard J. Cherry. MacDermotTt Mary Intracellular sodium and potassium activities of skeletal muscle fibres of hypothyroid rats. (RC) McDonaLp J.N. & Levick J.R. Evidence for simultaneous bidirectional fluid flux across synovial lining in knee joints of anaesthetized rabbits. (RC) MacIntyre Iain see MOONGA Baljit S., DATTA Harish K., Bevis Peter J.R., HUANG C.L.-H., MACINTYRE Iain & ZaipE Mone Erratum: Experimental Physiology 76 (1991) McKirpy H.C., McKirpy M.L., Lewis M.J. & MARSHALL R.W. Evidence for involvement of nitric oxide in the non-adrenergic non-cholinergic (NANC) relaxation of human lower oesophageal sphincter muscle strips. (RC) MckKirpy M.L. see McKirpy H.C., McKirpy M.L., Lewis M.J. & MARSHALL R.W. Evidence for involvement of nitric oxide in the non-adrenergic non-cholinergic (NANC) relaxation of human lower oesophageal sphincter muscle strips. (RC) McQuEEN D. Book review: Neurobiology of Opioids edited by O.F.X. Almeida & T.S. Shippenberg. MARSHALL R.W. see McKirpy H.C., McKirpy M.L., Lewis M.J. & MARSHALL R.W. Evidence for involvement of nitric oxide in the non-adrenergic non-cholinergic (NANC) relaxation of human lower oesophageal sphincter muscle strips. (RC) Mary D.A.S.G._ Reflex effects on the coronary circulation. Mary David A.S.G. see Swaine Ian L., LINDEN Ronald J. & Mary David A.S.G. Indices for detection of changes in cardiorespiratory fitness during exercise training in man. MATTHEWS B. see BANKS D., KURIAKOSE M. & MATTHEWS B. Modulation by peripheral conditioning stimuli of the responses of trigeminal brain stem neurones and of the jaw opening reflex to tooth pulp stimulation in chronically prepared, anaesthetized cats. MATTHEWS S.G. & PARROTT R.F. Prolactin secretion in sheep after dehydration followed by restraint or administration of ovine corticotrophin-releasing factor. MAUGHAN R.J. see WILSON W. M. & MAUGHAN R.J. Evidence for a possible role of 5-hydroxytryptamine in the genesis of fatigue in man: administration of paroxetine, a 5-HT re-uptake inhibitor, reduces the capacity to perform prolonged exercise. (RC) MENTIS G.Z. & LYNN B. An investigation into the extent to which flare in human skin crosses the mid- line. (RC) MEREDITH I. see HARGREAVES M., MEREDITH I. & JENNINGS G.L. Muscle glycogen and glucose uptake during exercise in humans. (RC) AUTHOR INDEX MIALL R.C. see PATERSON D.J., DORRINGTON K.L., BERGEL D.H., KERR G., MIALL R.C., STEIN J.F. & NYE P.C.G. Effect of potassium on ventilation in the rhesus monkey. (RC) MICHEL C.C. see NEAL C.R. & MicHEL C.C. Transcellular openings through microvascular walls in acutely inflamed frog mesentery. (RC) MICHELL A.R. & Moss P. Differences between sheep excreting sodium predominantly in their urine or in their faeces: the effect of changes in sodium intake. MINEO Hitoshi see ZABIELSKI Romuald, KATO Seiyu, PIERZYNOWSKI Stefan Grzegorz, MINEO Hitoshi, PODGURNIAK Pawel & BAREJ Wiestaw Effect of intraduodenal HCl and soybean extract on pancreatic juice secretion during atropinization and cold vagal blockade in calves. MINGUELA A. see GARCIA L.J., MONTERO A., MINGUELA A., CALVO J.J. & Lopez M.A. Cholinergic mechanisms for secretin release after intraduodenal alkalinization in the anaesthetized rabbit. Montero A. see GARCIA L.J., MONTERO A., MINGUELA A., CALVO J.J. & LOpEZ M.A. Cholinergic mechanisms for secretin release after intraduodenal alkalinization in the anaesthetized rabbit. MoonGa Baljit S., DATTA Harish K., Bevis Peter J.R., HUANG C.L.-H., MACINTYRE Iain & ZAIDE Mone Erratum: Experimental Physiology 76 (1991) MoonGa Baljit S. see BASCAL Zainab A., MOONGA Baljit S., DaAcKE Christopher G. & Zaip1 Mone Osteoclasts from medullary bone of egg-laying Japanese quail do not express the putative calcium ‘receptor’. (RC) MoonGa Baljit S. see GILL Jaswinder S., MooNGa Baljit S., HUANG Christopher L.-H., Lu Fei, Zaip1 Mone & CaMMA. John Voltage-sensitive elevation of cytosolic in guinea-pig cardiac myocytes elicited by calcitonin gene-related peptide. (RC) Moritz K.M. see TANGALAKIS K., LUMBERS E.R., Moritz K.M., TowsTo.tess M.K. & WINTOUR E.M. Effect of cortisol on blood pressure and vascular reactivity in the ovine fetus. Moss P. see MICHELL A.R. & Moss P. Differences between sheep excreting sodium predominantly in their urine or in their faeces: the effect of changes in sodium intake. Motrt J.C. see BASSETT J.M., BOMFORD J., HANSON C., Mott J.C. & WEEDING C.M. Effects of the £- adrenergic agonist, ritodrine, and insulin on plasma potassium concentrations in fetal lambs. (RC) MUGGLESTON D. see OON B.B., MUGGLESTON D. & WaRLEY A. A diet enriched in essential fatty acids protects against the loss of lymphocytes which occurs in rats suffering from streptozotocin-induced diabetes. MULE F. see SERIO R., MULE F. & Postorino A. Non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic inhibitory responses to nerve stimulation in rat colonic circular muscle. Naruse S., TAKAGI T., KATO M. & OZAKIT. Interdigestive gastric blood flow: the relation to motor and secretory activities in conscious dogs. NEAL C.R. & MicHEL C.C. Transcellular openings through microvascular walls in acutely inflamed frog mesentery. (RC) NEWMAN Christopher M. see O'SHAUGHNESSY Kevin M., NEWMAN Christopher M. & WARREN John B. Inhibition in the rat of nitric oxide synthesis in vivo does not attenuate the hypotensive action of acetylcholine, ATP or bradykinin. NG Kim C. see DALY Steven E.J., KENT Jacqueline C., HUYNH Du Q., OWENS Robyn A., ALEXANDER Brian F., NG Kim C. & HARTMANN Peter E. The determination of short-term breast volume changes and the rate of synthesis of human milk using computerized breast measurement. NICHOLLS J.A. see OTUN H., GILLESPIE J.I., NICHOLLS J.A., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. Transients in intracellular free calcium in subconfluent and confluent cultures of a rat smooth muscle cell line NICHOLLS J.A. see GILLESPIE J.I., OTUN H., NICHOLLS J.A., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. Repetitive transients in intracellular Ca?* in cultured human vascular smooth muscle cells. NICHOLLS Juliet see GILLESPIE J.I., JOHNSON Carol, NICHOLLS Juliet, LYNCH M. & GREENWELL J.R._ Is there a calcium paradox in isolated bovine aortic endothelial cells? (RC) Nose M.I.M. Enhancement of mechanical performance of striated muscle by stretch during contraction. Nye P.C.G. see PATERSON D.J., DORRINGTON K.L., BERGEL D.H., KERR G., MIALL R.C., STEIN J.F. & NYE P.C.G. Effect of potassium on ventilation in the rhesus monkey. (RC) NyMAN Lorraine see WRAY Susan, DUGGINS Katrina, ILEs Rachael, NYMAN Lorraine & OsMAN Virginia The effects of metabolic inhibition and acidification on force production in the rat uterus. O’Donne_ELL C.P. & Bower E.A. Heart rate changes evoked by hypoxia in the anaesthetized, artificially ventilated cat. OcsTon D. Book review: Mechanisms in Blood Coagulation, Fibrinolysis and the Complement System by Torben Halkier. xX AUTHOR INDEX OKASHIRO T., TOKUNO H., Fukumitsu T., HAYASHI H. & Tomita T. Effects of intracellular ATP on calcium current in freshly dispersed single cells of guinea-pig portal vein. Oon B.B., MUGGLESTON D. & WarRLEY A. A diet enriched in essential fatty acids protects against the loss of lymphocytes which occurs in rats suffering from streptozotocin-induced diabetes. OPPELLAND G. see BODEKER D., OPPELLAND G. & HOLLER H. Involvement of carbonic anhydrase in ammonia flux across rumen mucosa in vitro. (RC) O’SHAUGHNESSY Kevin M., NEWMAN Christopher M. & WARREN John B. Inhibition in the rat of nitric oxide synthesis in vivo does not attenuate the hypotensive action of acetylcholine, ATP or bradykinin. OSMAN Virginia see WRAY Susan, DuGGINS Katrina, ILEs Rachael, NyMAN Lorraine & OSMAN Virginia The effects of metabolic inhibition and acidification on force production in the rat uterus. Ortun H. see GiLcespi£ J.1., OTUN H., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. Evidence for Na?*—Ca?* exchange and Ca**-induced Ca** release in a cultured vascular smooth muscle cell line from the rat. OTUN H., GILLEsPiE J.I., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. Calcium oscillations in single isolated human vascular smooth muscle cells. (RC) Ortun H. see GILLespieE J.I., OTUN H., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. The effect of , and , on Ca** mobilization in the rat aortic smooth muscle cell line A7r5. OrTuN H., GILLespiE J.1., NICHOLLS J.A., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. Transients in intracellular free calcium in subconfluent and confluent cultures of a rat smooth muscle cell line OTun H. see GILLEsPiIE J.1., OTUN H., NICHOLLS J.A., GREENWELL J.R. & DUNLOP W. Repetitive transients in intracellular Ca** in cultured human vascular smooth muscle cells. Owens Robyn A. see DALY Steven E.J., KENT Jacqueline C., HUYNH Du Q., OWENS Robyn A., ALEXANDER Brian F., NG Kim C. & HARTMANN Peter E. The determination of short-term breast volume changes and the rate of synthesis of human milk using computerized breast measurement. Ozaki T. see NARUSE S., TAKAGI T., KATO M. & OzAKI T. Interdigestive gastric blood flow: the relation to motor and secretory activities in conscious dogs. PADMAVATHI C. see SHANMUGASUNDARAM K.R., PADMAVATHI C., ACHARYA Sujatha, VIDHYALAKSHMI N. & VIJAYAN V.K. Exercise-induced cholesterol depletion and Na*, K*-ATPase activities in human red cell membrane. (RC) PAGLIARO P. see GATTULLO Donatella, LINDEN R.J., LOSANO G., PAGLIARO P. & WESTERHOF N. Coronary flow and left ventricular pressure during diastole in the anaesthetized dog. (RC) PARIENTE Jose A. see SINGH Jaipaul, LENNARD Roger, SALIDO Gines M., Wispom Denham, RENDER Caroline L., Pozo Marie J., PARIENTE Jose A. & CAMELLO Pedro J. Interaction between secretin and cholecystokinin-octapeptide in the exocrine rat pancreas in vivo and in vitro. PARROTT R.F. see MATTHEWS S.G. & PARROTT R.F. Prolactin secretion in sheep after dehydration followed by restraint or administration of ovine corticotrophin-releasing factor. PATERSON D.J., DORRINGTON K.L., BERGEL D.H., KERR G., MIALL R.C., STEIN J.F. & NYE P.C.G. Effect of potassium on ventilation in the rhesus monkey. (RC) PATINO A. see CRIADO J.M., FUENTE A.J., PATINO A., RioLosos A.S. & YAJEYA J. Electrophysiological influences of the parietal cortex and dorso-medial thalamic nucleus on the prefrontal cortex of the cat. PATTULO Mary C., COTTER Mary A., CAMERON Norman E. & Barry Jacqueline A. Effects of lengthened immobilization on functional and histochemical properties of rabbit tibialis anterior muscle. PEACOCK M.A. see SMITH M.W. & Peacock M.A. Microvillus growth and M-cell formation in mouse Peyer’s patch follicle-associated epithelial tissue. (RC) PEDERSEN Peter Steen Influence of extracellular bicarbonate on the short-circuit current and intracellular free calcium of human cultured sweat duct cells. PEINEAU N., GARNIER D. & ARGIBAY J.A. Rate dependence of action potential duration and calcium current in isolated guinea-pig cardiocytes. PHILLIPS A.D. see PorTA C., JAMES P.S., PHILLIPS A.D., SAviDGE T.C., SMiTH M.W. & CREMASCHI D. Confocal analysis of fluorescent bead uptake by mouse Peyer’s patch follicle-associated M cells. (RC) PHILLIPS John Book review: Signal and Sense: Local and Global Order in Perceptual Maps edited by Gerald M. Edelman, W. Einer Gall & W. Maxwell Cowan. PIERZYNOWSKI Stefan Grzegorz see ZABIELSKI Romuald, KATO Seiyu, PIERZYNOWSKI Stefan Grzegorz, MINEO Hitoshi, PODGURNIAK Pawel & BaREJ Wiestaw Effect of intraduodenal HCI and soybean extract on pancreatic juice secretion during atropinization and cold vagal blockade in calves. PODGURNIAK Pawel see ZABIELSKI Romuald, KaTo Seiyu, PIERZYNOWSKI Stefan Grzegorz, MINEO Hitoshi, PoDGURNIAK Pawet & BarEJ Wieslaw Effect of intraduodenal HCl and soybean extract on pancreatic juice secretion during atropinization and cold vagal blockade in calves.

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