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PREFACE Upon completion of our first book, Engineering Tribology, it became evident that many important topics in tribology still remained to be presented and discussed. So a sequel to Engineering Tribology was immediately initiated to address this problem. Several different subject areas appeared suitable for a new book and the question was to choose the most important topic. After being engaged over the years in several test programs dedicated to study various forms of wear and lubrication, the complexity of tribological experimentation became increasingly evident. When introducing students to tribological testing, it became obvious that hurried sketches and oral descriptions of experimental methods to students were inadequate. A book containing carefully prepared diagrams and exact descriptions of the experimental problems in tribology was required. There are manv problems facing a student or researcher who has to perform tribological experiments for the first time. For example, what test rigs to use? How to prepare the samples for the experiments? How to assess the wear mechanism occurring? What type of experimental data need to be collected, and more importantly, what to do with it? How to check the validity of the data and whether any true information could be obtained? For instance, in one laboratory, mysterious lubricating effects from a highly purified mineral oil were claimed. The reasons for this strange result were never fully investigated but it was widely suspected that airborne sulphur from vehicle exhaust fumes contaminated the oil. This perhaps trivial example shows how essential is a thorough understanding of tribology and its experimental methods. This book, Experimental Methods in Tribology, is intended to provide a basic guide for young or newly inducted researchers. The subjects covered range from the basic technology of experimental tribometers, to the theory of friction and wear testing. Much of the information on tribological experimentation is gained by experience and is not usually discussed fully in research papers or textbooks. Careful application of the principles outlined in this book should ensure valid test data and accelerate progress in tribology. If some doubts over the tribological experimentation still remain please let us know so that the book can be updated. Gwidon W. Stachowiak, Andrew W. Batchelor and Grazyna .B Stachowiak ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Any book depends on the efforts of many different people and this book is no exception. We would like to thank Professor Duncan Dowson for his great personal input, enthusiasm, encouragement and meticulous checking of the manuscript and very many constructive comments and remarks. Thanks are to Professor Irwin Singer for useful discussions on the effects of tilt angle on the apparent friction force, A/Professor Brett Kirk for Figure 8.2, Dr Simon Graindorge for Figure 8.9, Dr Ksenija Topolevec-Miklozic for Figure 8.21 and Dr Pawel Podsiadlo for help with dimensional analysis, images and finding useful references. Special thanks are to Dr. Nathan W. Scott for the preparation of the illustrations for the book. Without Nathan's illustrations the book would not be the same. We would also like to thank Professor Nic Spencer for useful comments and providing nice environment at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology during the final checking of the manuscript. Finally we would like to thank the School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Western Australia and School of Engineering, Monash University Malaysia, for their help and unfailing support during the preparation of the manuscript. We would also like to thank the following publishers for granting us permission to reproduce the figures listed below: Figure 8.21: Austrian Society of Tribologists. From the Proceedings of the 2nd World Tribology Congress, 3-7 September 2001, Vienna, Austria, (editors: .F Frank, W.J. Bartz, A. Pauschitz), 2001, pp. .681-971 Figures 10.22 and 10.23: Japanese Society of Tribologists. From the Proceedings of the International Tribology Conference in Nagasaki, 2000, Japanese Society of Tribologists, Vol. ,1 2001, pp. 251-256. INTRODUCTION 1.1 HISTORICAL ORIGINS OF EXPERIMENTATION IN TRIBOLOGY Long before the initiation of historical records, palaeolithic people experimented with a basic frictional phenomenon, the temperature rise in sliding contact. Sticks, stones and any other available materials were rubbed together to create sparks, sound and debris [1]. The palaeolithic people then realized that the sparks generated might create that invaluable commodity, fire, which gave heat, light and protection from wild animals. Elementary methods of generating fire by banging two stones together were superseded by more advanced methods involving sliding surfaces which were probably developed by trial and error. The importance of high sliding speed was recognized by rotating the round end of a stick against another piece of wood, in order to create fire. To raise the sliding speed and frictional heat generated at the end of the stick still further, the string of a bow was threaded around the stick and the bow was pulled backwards and forwards to rotate the stick faster. Small splinters of wood or dried leaves were then placed around the rotating end of the stick. The leaves or wood fragments were known to catch fire when touching the hot surfaces of the rotating contact. When the wood fragments or leaves had started to burn, more wood or leaves were added to build up a fire of useful size. Fire ignition by a rotating stick is illustrated in Figure 1.1. The process of deduction that led to the rotating stick method to start a fire is unknown. Perhaps some adults observed children playing with sticks or perhaps they noted that hands warm up when rubbed together and then made a few tests of their own. The pre-Christian history contains many other examples of the applied study of friction and wear, for example, the development of a wheel or use of sledges and lubricants to move large masses for the construction of pyramids at Giza [1,2]. Although the development of a wheel is often heralded as the greatest invention 2 LATNEMIREPXE SDOHTEM NI YGOLOBIRT in the human history it seems that the development of an axle with a set of bearings was a far greater and more practical invention. Contrary to the early progress of practical applications the scientific study of friction and wear in terms of abstract concepts and theories is far more recent. The earliest systematic studies of the laws of friction are ascribed to Leonardo da Vinci in the 16th century [2]. Starting with a notion of force represented by weight and a test apparatus consisting of a smooth surface, some weights, cord and a pulley, da Vinci observed and recorded the amount of weight hanging by a cord that was required to move a block placed on the smooth surface. This experiment led to the deduction of the proportionality between friction force and weight of the block and the independence of friction force on contact area. These experiments were refined later by Amonton and Coulomb. It is important to realize that these early observations are merely the approximations to the modern view of frictional mechanics and that many complex phenomena bet3veen two interacting surfaces would have occurred in this apparently simple experiment. Similar experiments performed more recently have revealed the presence of micro-sliding when a frictional force insufficient to cause gross sliding is applied .]31 The basic principles of tribological experimentation are, however, best illustrated by da Vinci's experiments where a usefully simplified model of complex phenomena was obtained. Figure 1.1 Palaeolithic method of igniting a fire by using a rotating stick as an early example of tribological experimentation. Tribology, like any other field of science, provides the researcher with only a limited number of concepts or models that can be tested with available experimental techniques. In friction and wear experiments the observed friction and wear phenomena are usually interpreted in terms of these concepts even though an incomplete interpretation results. Until now, most of the experimental studies were conducted on a macro scale aiming at explaining the tribological phenomena related to everyday engineering problems. Although satisfactory solutions were often found, the theoretical explanation provided was 1retpahC NOITCUDORTNI 3 often wrong or not complete. Technological improvements to the experimental techniques have subsequently led to the gradual modification or changes to the fundamental theories of friction and wear. In recent years there was a great leap from macro to nano scale observation resulting in the development of a new field of nanotribology [4]. The new technologies developed allow the study of friction and wear processes at the fundamental level involving a single molecular contact interface. The techniques include the surface force apparatus [5], the atomic force microscope (AFM) [6,7], the scanning tunnelling microscope [8,9], the quartz-crystal microbalance [10] and nonlinear optical techniques [11]. Among these new techniques the AFM is the most widely used. The operating principle of the AFM involves the traversal of a microscopic stylus across the surface of a specimen. The tip of the stylus is so fine that it can contact individual atoms on the specimen surface where quantum effects between the stylus and the specimen enable information about the nature of the surface atoms to be obtained. By measuring the forces on the stylus it is also possible to measure frictional forces on an atomic scale. Localised force measurements of this nature have revealed that frictional forces vary considerably for even very small movements of the stylus and that most surfaces have a heterogeneous frictional characteristic. As a consequence of new discoveries in nanotribology classical tribological laws of friction are being modified or re-written as they are found not to be applicable on the atomic scale .]01[ Recent developments in computer technology allow to confirm and explain many experimental observations and also to advance theoretical calculations of complex phenomena occurring within the tribological interface. One such an area where computer modelling is widely employed is molecular-dynamics (MD) simulation [12]. ecnacifingiS of lacigolobirT noitatnemirepxE In the past, progress in tribology has usually been preceded by some experiment or experimental observation. One reason for the slower development of theoretical concepts in tribology is its close relationship to technology, which uses a more empirical methodology than science [2]. In this sense tribology is different from, for example, fundamental physics where theoretical predictions are often stated long before their experimental confirmation. For example, the electro-weak theory discovered in the 1970s is still used today to search for the Higg's boson .]41,31[ A classical example of the experimentally based process of discovery in tribology is provided by the first observations of a hydrodynamic pressure field operating in a lubricated bearing. The original axle bearings for railway carriages were fitted with numerous oil holes in an effort to supply as much oil as possible to the bearing. During the operation, however, these bearings often became very hot due to excessive friction. As a result some of them caught fire or else ceased to rotate causing the wheel to develop a flat spot on its rolling surface. Both these phenomena were rather undesirable and much research effort was directed towards rectifying this problem. There was no shortage of ideas for an improved 4 LATNEMIREPXE SDOHTEM NI YGOLOBIRT bearing but little progress was made in finding a real solution until the engineer, Beauchamp Tower, performed a detailed study of the friction in these bearings. A test bearing was constructed and a study of friction as a function of the lubrication condition was competently performed. The bearing was meticulously constructed with oil holes to feed the vital lubricant to the sliding surfaces. The problem of high friction in these bearings was, however, not solved even though all the experiments were carefully executed. As sometimes happens in research, chance intervened with a lucky discovery. One day the technician, frustrated with the mess the leaking bearings were making, first plugged the persistently leaking oil holes with rags and then with bungs but this failed to stop the leakage. Tower then realised that the oil in the bearing must be under a considerable pressure. When pressure gauges were fitted around the bearing, it was found that the oil pressure was capable to support the bearing load [15], i.e. the pressure generated was sufficient to separate the axle from its bearing as schematically illustrated in Figure 2.1 [16]. Figure 2.1 Accidental discovery of lubrication mechanism of axle bearings (adapted from [16]). The publication of Tower's results led in consequence to the development of the hydrodynamic theory of lubrication by Osborne Reynolds [17]. Although the concept of a film of lubricant separating two sliding surfaces was not new (it had been earlier proposed by Leupold in 1735, Leslie in 1804, Rennie in 1829, Adams in 1853 and Hirn in 1854 [2]), it was virtually impossible to resolve the mechanism of lubrication until Tower's precise measurements were applied by Chapter 1 NOITCUDORTNI 5 Reynolds to a detailed theoretical analysis. A combination of Tower's and Reynolds efforts replaced innumerable empirical ideas on railway axle bearing lubrication and effectively solved the problem. It was realized only later that Tower's measurements did not include other fundamental bearing parameters, such as operating temperatures and elastic deformation of the bearing under load [18]. Tower also performed an extensive series oL relatively unknown, experiments on thrust bearings with parallel surfaces. For some reason during the experiments conducted no pressures generated were measured [19]. Why were these pressures not measured? Nobody knows. Perhaps Tower, being a proud engineer, feared that his carefully prepared parallel surfaces might be deemed by his academic colleagues to be converging [19]. A precise model of the lubrication mechanism of ostensibly parallel surface bearings was only achieved in 1918, some thirteen years after Tower's death, by Lord Rayleigh [19,20]. A similar process of experimental observation forcing the development of basic tribological concepts is illustrated by the discovery of elastohydrodynamic lubrication. It was known for many years that a viable oil film existed between lubricated gear teeth. However, there appeared to be a contradiction between the oil film thickness predicted by classical hydrodynamic theory and the oil film thickness actually required for effective lubrication of gear teeth [21]. For speed and contact conditions operating in gears the predicted hydrodynamic films were so thin that it was inconceivable for the contacting surfaces to be separated by a viscous liquid film. In fact, the film thicknesses calculated suggested that the surfaces were lubricated by films only one molecule in thickness, clearly far too thin to be effective. The entire problem acquired an aura of mystery and remained unsolved for some time. There was an urgent need for a new theory explaining the lubrication mechanism operating under these conditions and many elaborate experiments and theories were developed as a result. The mysterious lubrication mechanism was solved by Ertel and Grubin [22], who provided a quantitative model of gear teeth lubrication in terms of a theory that is now known as elastohydrodynamic lubrication. Ertel and Grubin were however unable to fully describe the nature of the elastohydrodynamic film and the remarkable nature of the elastohydrodynamic film remained poorly understood until the observations of Cameron and Gohar [23,24]. The elastohydrodynamic film was rendered visible by an optical interference pattern where prismatic colours indicated the thickness of oil trapped between a rolling ball and glass disc. The experimental measurements were later analysed by Dowson and Higginson who were able to reproduce the elastohydrodynamic film as a numerical model [25]. Further historical review confirms the converse argument that not only the utility of tribological experiments rest on adequate modelling but also that scientific models of friction and wear depend on detailed experimental confirmation. In the 18th century, Desaguliers hypothesized that friction and wear between clean surfaces depended on the mutual adhesion of the contacting solids [26]. However, it was not until the middle of the 20th century that the experiments of Bowden and Tabor [27] into adhesion and friction between clean metals enabled this theory to advance understanding of friction and wear. Despite its initial universal acceptance, the theory linking friction to adhesive bonding 6 LATNEMIREPXE SDOHTEM NI YGOLOBIRT between contacting surfaces and wear has since been modified in the light of new experimental evidence conducted at the atomic level [10]. In 1804, Leslie provided the first model of the friction of contaminated surfaces where waves of deformed material are pushed across the surface by asperities from the opposing surface [28,29]. This theory remained obscure until experimental confirmation of deformed material surface waves formation was provided by Challen, McLean and Oxley [30] in 1984. Slow-moving slabs of material that resembled the model waves generated by Challen and co-workers were recently observed by X-ray microscopy of a sliding contact [31]. It was found that the formulation of models of wear is greatly facilitated by observational studies, in a manner directly comparable to the experiments of Tower, Cameron and Gohar described above. 2.1 COMPLEXITY OF TRIBOLOGICAL PHENOMENA The reason for interdependence between experiment and theory in tribology may lie in the fact that friction and wear are essentially chaotic processes [32,33]. While it might be possible to model the deformation of two contacting asperities from basic mechanical principles, the chaotic nature of tribological processes prevents extension of this model to predict wear and friction on a macroscale. Until the theory of complex systems is fully established [33] it is necessary to apply a phenomenological approach to the study of tribology. Phenomenological approach means that friction and wear processes are described in terms of a set of specific phenomena which are systematically analyzed to provide an engineering model of friction, wear and lubrication. When reviewing the history of tribology it becomes apparent that the development process of an effective means of friction or wear control depends on the following steps. First, an unequivocal experimental observation of the underlying phenomena is required. Data from experimental observation then allows the formulation of an appropriate theoretical model. Thirdly and finally, refinement of the theory, which involves further experimentation, leads to the specification of effective methods of controlling friction or wear. This process is illustrated schematically in Figure 1.3. Most tribological phenomena, e.g. friction, wear, frictional heating and triboemission of electrons, are not intrinsic material properties but depend on a complex balance between many competing factors. The simplest example of the complexity of tribological problems is provided by the hydrodynamic bearing, where it is necessary to consider viscous heating of the lubricant, cavitation and turbulent lubricant flow as well as elastic deformation of the bearing structure before an accurate value of load capacity can be calculated. This basic characteristic of all tribological phenomena imposes two restrictive conditions on most analyses or investigations: (cid:12)9 our limited capacity to analyse friction, wear and related phenomena, and a limited program of experimental tests during which the variability of friction and wear can easily be neglected. Chapter 1 NOITCUDORTNI 7 The latter condition is less readily appreciated than the former. Even a brief survey of existing knowledge reveals the need for experimentation in tribology but it is often assumed, without justification, that experimental results will provide the required answers. The following example illustrates the problem associated with the validity of results obtained from the tribological tests. Lubrication engineers are frequently asked to evaluate effectiveness of a lubricant and in many cases this means finding the lowest wear rate from a range of available lubricants. I Observation ro tnemerusaem e.g. Tower's observation q[oil ( fo gnillortnoc sretemarap pressun' in bearing a ":-; .<-" / II Formulation fo ,yroeht e.g. Reynolds' use ol:Tower's pressure [ data ot establish the hydrodynanlic theou! of lubrication ,~,-7 III tnempoleveD fo lortnoc e.g. Design of hydrodynamic bearings dohtem rof noitcirf dna wear Figure 1.3 Experimental development of applied tribology. In one investigation, the wear rate of steel discs lubricated by oil with and without lubricant additives was measured. The experiment involved two steel discs loaded against each other and rotated with one of the discs being constrained to produce combined sliding and rolling at the contact. This apparatus is often referred to as the 'twin disc' or 'two disc' test apparatus. An example of the measured wear rate on the discs versus sliding speed in the contact is shown in Figure 1.4 for an oil without additives and an oil containing dibenzyl disulphide (a mild E.P. additive) [34]. Without discussing the details of possible lubrication and wear mechanisms involved in this experiment, it can be seen from Figure 1.4 that at low sliding speeds less than 0.17 [m/s], the common additive dibenzyl disulphide (DBDS) is effective in reducing wear rate compared to plain oil. However, the same additive accelerates wear compared to plain oil above a sliding speed of 0.2 [m/s]. If the effect of sliding speed was not investigated and instead a sliding speed arbitrarily chosen during the lubricant testing, then it would be possible that the result obtained would be entirely misleading as to the merits of various additive- enriched lubricating oils. In most cases, there is no uniquely superior lubricant or wear-resistant material. The optimum combination of a lubricant and material will vary according to the characteristics of the tribosystem. Apart from material properties, parameters such as load, contact stress, temperature, sliding speed and 8 EXPERIMENTAL METHODS NI TRIBOLOGY environment (see the effects of replacing air with nitrogen in Figure 1.4) will all influence wear and friction. lest temperature C'-06 . ,~.c...-.~:~,,, ~ ..... - liO with additive " - ? ~- ni atmosphere ria 3 2 ~"x\ .,< _ . Plain lio - - - - in ria atmosphere . " .... .-- : liO with additive -- : ~- ni nilrogen atmosphere 00 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.1( 5.0 6.11 7.)1 8.0 speed Sliding ]s/m[ Figure 1.4 Example of effect of sliding speed on the wear rate of additive enriched oil compared to plain oil [34]. esopruP of noitatnemirepxE lacigolobirT Tribological experiments can be very expensive and time-consuming, e.g. for testing of the wear resistance of orthopaedic endoprostheses (artificial knee and hip joints), a series of identical test machines must be operated for several months at a time. A question could be asked - what is the precise purpose of this large effort? The purpose of tribological experimentation can range from pure research, e.g. investigation of how wear and friction mechanisms change as sliding speed is increased from several meters per second to about 1000 [m/s] or the prediction of wear rates, to practical industrial problems. An engine manufacturer may wish to know whether an improved microstructure of cylinder liner material will allow extended engine life to be obtained. A computer memory disk manufacturer may wish to know what is the minimum surface roughness required on a ceramic disc to avoid high friction at the commencement of sliding by a recording head. Very often a researcher in tribology is required to interpret the complex needs of users who usually know very little of the specialised experimental techniques required to obtain reliable tribological data. To summarise, the purpose of tribological investigation can be assigned to two categories which are: (cid:12)9 fundamental research into the basic mechanisms of friction and wear, and applied research to resolve specific industrial, scientific and medical friction and wear problems.

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