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INDEX OF AUTHORS Agustin, E. O. see Pascua, S. R. Jr Deville, J. see Ng Kee Kwong, K. F. Agustin, E. O., Ortal, C. I., Pascua, S. R. Jr, Sta. Dinar, A., Medelsohn, R., Evenson, R., Parikh, J., Cruz, P. C., Padre, A. T., V'entura, W. B., Sanghi, A., Kumar, K., McKinsey, J. and Obien, S. R. and Ladha, J. K. Role of indigo in Lonergan, S. (Eds) Measuring the Impact of improving the productivity of rainfed lowland Climatic Change on Indian Agriculture, reviewed rice-based cropping systems, 201 by P. J. Matlon, ,509 Aipe, K. C. see Prasad, R. Domaingue, R. see Mamet, L. D. Akyeampong, E., Hitimana, L., Torquebiau, E. and Dong, K. H . see Wilman, D. Munyemana, P. C. Multistrata agroforestry Donovan, G. and Casey, F. Soil Fertility Management in with beans, bananas and Grevillea robusta in the Sub-Saharan Africa. (World Bank Technical Paper highlands of Burundi, 357 .\'o. 48.), reviewed by A. Scaife, 390 Allen, D. J. and Lenne, J. M. (Eds) The Pathology of Dookun, A. see Moutia, M. Food and Pasture Legumes, reviewed by N. J. Spence, 510 Atukorala, \V. D. see Chauhan, Y. S. Egli, D. B. Seed Biology and the Yield of Grain Crops, reviewed by R. Ellis, 389 Ellis, R. H. see Qi, A. Baldy, C. and Stigter, C. J. (Eds) Agrometeorology of Erbi.sch, F. H. and Maredia, K. M. Intellectual Property Multiple Cropping in Warm Climates, reviewed by Rights in Agricultural Biotechnology. Biotechnology J. L. Monteith, 239 in .Igriculture .Ko. 20, reviewed by N. VV. Kerby, Barbe, C. see Seeruttun, S. 240 Bello, N. J. Investigating the optimum planting date Evans, L. T. (Ed.) Feeding the Ten Billion: Plants and for sorghum in the forest-savanna transition Population Growth, reviewed by M. H. Arnold, zone of Nigeria, 461 507 Bhuiyan, S. I. see Lantican, M. A. Evenson, R. E., Gollin, D. and Santaniello, V. (Eds) Braun, H. J., Altay, F., Kronstad, VV. E., Beniwal, S. Agricultural Values of Plant Genetic Resources, P. S. and McNab, A. Wheat: Prospects for Global reviewed by B. Ford-Lloyd, 513 Improvement, reviewed by F. G. H. Lupton, 240 Bucao, D. jerGumtang, R. J. Fielding, VV. J. and Sherchan, D. P. The variability of level and sloping terraces in eastern Nepal and Carr, M. K. V. Evaluating the impact of research for the implications for the design of experiments, development: tea in Tanzania, 247 449 Chauhan, Y. S., Atukorala, \V. D., Perera, K. D. A., Frame, J., Charlton, J. F. L. and Laidlaw, A. S. Joseph, K. D. S. M., Saxena, K. B. and Temperate Forage Legumes, reviewed, by J. M. Johansen, C. Adaptation of extra-short-dura- Suttie, 112 tion pigeonpea in the short rainy season of a tropical bimodal rainfall environment, 87 Christiansen, S. see Ghassali, F. Galwey, N. VV. see Mamet, L. D. Cocks. P. S. see Ghassali, F. Gangaiah, B. see Prasad, R. Cockshull, K. E., Gray, D., Seymour, G. B. and Gerritsma, VV. and Soebagyo, F. X. .An analysis of the Thomas, B. (Eds) Genetic and Environmental growth of leaf area of oil palms in Indonesia, Manipulation of Horticultural Crops, reviewed by 293 J. M. Dunwell, 508 Ghassali, F., Cocks, P. S., Osman, A. E., Gintzburger, Craufurd, P. Q,. and Wheeler, T. R. EfTect of drought G., Christiansen, S., Semaan, A. and Ley- and plant density on radiation interception, bourne, M. Rehabilitation of degraded grass¬ radiation-use efficiency and partitioning of dry lands in north Syria: u.se of farmer matter to seeds in cowpea, 309 participatory research to encourage the Craufurd, P. Q. see Qi, A. sowing of annual pasture legumes, 489 Culanay, D. R. see Lucas, M, P. Ghosh Hajra, N. and Kumar, R. Seasonal variation in 518 Index of authors photosynthesis and productivity of young tea, Johansen, G. see Ghauhan, Y. S. 71 Jones, S. see Witcombe, J. R. Gintzburger, G. see Ghassali, F. Jonsson, K., Ong, G. K. and Odongo, J. G. \V. Gladstones, J. S., Atkins, C. and Hamblin, J. (F,ds) Inlluence of scattered nere and karite trees on Lupins as Crop Plants: Biology, Production and microclimate, soil fertility and millet yield in Utilization, reviewed by G. Ramsey, 511 Burkina Faso, 39 Gothkar, P. see Harris, D. Joseph, K. D. S. M. see Ghauban, Y. S. Govinden N. see Ismael, F. M, Joshi, .\. see Harris, D. Greenland, D. J., Gregory, P. J. and Nye, P. H. (Fxls) Joshi, \. see Witcombe, J. R. Land Resources: on the Edge of a Malthusian Josbi, Y. G. .see Nautiyal, P. G. Precipice? re\ ievved by G. Squire, 111 Jutzi, .S. G. see Kormawa, P. M. Gregory, P. J. see Sbercban, D. P. Groh, T. and McFadden, .S. Farms of Tomorrow Revis¬ ited. Community Supported Farms, Farm Supported Kamara, ,\. Y. see Kormawa, P. M. Communities, reviewed by L. Holland, 511 Keatinge, J. D. H. recQi, Grossman, L. S. The Political Economy of Bananas. Kelley, F. and George, R. T. (Eds) Encyclopaedia Contract Farming, Peasants and Agrarian Change in of Seed Production of World Crops, reviewed by S. the Caribbean, reviewed by M. P. Collinson, 515 Matbews, 388 Gumtang, R.J., Pampolino, .\I. F., Tuong, T. P. and Khan, P. ,'\. see Harris, D. Bucao, D. Groundwater dynamics and quality Kormawa, P. M., Kamara, A. Y., Jutzi, S. G. and under intensive cropping systems, 153 Sanginga, N. Economic evaluation of using Gupta, U. S. Crop Improvement. Volume 2. Stress Toler¬ mulch from multi-purpose trees in maize- ance, reviewed by B. h'orster, 389 based production systems in soutb-western Nigeria, 101 Krishnan, P. see Rama Krishnayya, G. Harris, D., Jcjshi, A., Kban, P. Gothkar, P. and Krishnan, P., Ravi, 1. and Rama Krishnayya, G. Leaf Sodhi, P. .S. On-farm seed priming in semi-arid .senescence in submerged rice plants, 345 agriculture: development and evaluation in Kumar, R. see Ghosb Hajra, .N. maize, rice and chickpea in India using parti¬ cipatory methods, 15 Harte, A. M. van (Ed.) Mutation Breeding: Theory and Ladha, J. K. see Agustin, E. O. Practical Applications, re\iewed by P. D. S. Ladha, J. K. see Pascua, S. R. Jr Galigari, 511 Lampayati, R. .\1. .see Lantican, M. .\. Hitimana, L. see .\kyeampong, E. Lantican, M. A., Lampayan, R. M., Bbuiyan, S. I. Holliday, P. Dictionary of Plant Physiology (Second and Yadav, M. K. Determinants of improving Edition.), reviewed by R. B. Maude, 513 productivity of dry-seeded rice in rainfed low¬ Hornby, D. (Ed.) Take-All Disease of Cereals - a Regional lands, 127 Perspective, reviewed by \. G. .Newton, 508 Lemaire, G. and Burns, I. G. (Eds) Diagnostic Proce¬ dures for Crop .\ Management, reciewed by A. Scaife, 111 Ikpe, F. N., Powell, J. M., Isirimah, N. O., 5Vahua, T. Leybourne, .\I. see Ghassali, F. A. T. and Xgodigha, E. M. Elfects of primary Lucas, M. P., Pandey, S., V'illano, R. .A., Gulanay, tillage and .soil amendment on pearl millet D. R. and Obien S. R. Gharacterization and yield and nutrient uptake in tbe Sahel of West economic analysis of intensive cropping .\frica, 437 systems in rainfed lowlands of llocos Norte, Isirimah, N. O. see Ikpe, F. N. Pbilippines, 211 Ismatd, F. M. and Govinden, N. Gement as a sub¬ stitute for gypsum for improved pod-filling in groundnut, 275 Mamet, L. D. and Domaingue, R. Shortening the Ives, C. L. and Bedford, B. M. (Eds) Agricultural .selection proce.ss for sugarcane, 391 Biotechnology in International Development, Mamet, L. D. and Galwey, N. W. \ relationship reviewed by R. Riley, 514 between stalk elongation and earliness of ripen¬ ing in sugarcane, 283 Marcos, F. F. see Pascua, ,S. R. Jr Jaiwal, P. K., Singb, R. P. and Gulati, A. (Eds) .Masicat, P. see Pandey, S, Strategies for Improving Salt Tolerance in Higher Mayhew, J. E. and Newton, G. Lhe Silviculture of Plants, rec'iewed by B. Forster, 240 .Mahogany, reviewed by .M. .S. Philip, 512 Jin, Z. L. see Wilman, D. .McIntyre, G. see .Seeruttun, S. Index of authors 519 Mohan Jain, S., Brar, D. S. and Ahlooualia, B. S. Pilbeam, C.J. .see Sherchan, D. P. Eds) Somachmal I'arialio/i and Induced Mutations Pillay, K. P. ,Adoption of new sugarcane varieties by in Crop Improvement, re\ ie\ved liy S. Millam, 510 the non-miller-planters in .Mauritius: the Mooney, P. R. (Ed.) The Parts of Life, Agricultural importance of on-farm trials, 417 Biodiversity. Indigenous Knowledge and the Role of Polaszec, .A. (Fid,) .\frican Cereal Stem Borers. Economic the Third System, reviewed by (J. Jenkins, 239 Importance, Taxonomy, .\atural Enemies and Morris, M. L. (Ed.) Maize Seed Industries in Developing Control, rev iewed by W. Reed, 388 Countries, reviewed by J. B. Warren, 389 Powell, J. M. see Ikpe, F'. N. -Morris. R. (Ed.) Managing Soil Fertility for Intensive Pi asad, R., Gangaiah, B. and .Aipe, K. C. Effect of Vegetable Production Systems in Asia, reviewed liy crop residue management in a rice-wheat crop¬ D. J. Greenland, 509 ping .system on growth and yield of crops and Moutia, M. and Dookun, A. Evaluation of surfaee on .soil fertility, 427 sterilization and hot water treatments on bae- terial contaminants in bud culture of sugar¬ cane, 265 Qi. A., Wheeler, T. R., Keatinge, J. D. H., Ellis, Munyemana, P. C. see .Akyeampong, E. R. H., Summerfield, R. J. and Craufurd, P. Q. Modelling the effects of temperature on the rates of seedling emergence and leaf appear¬ N'autiyal. P. C., Ravindra, \'., Zala, P. \'. and Joshi, ance in legume cover crops, 327 Y. C. Enhancement of yield in groundnut following the imposition of tran.sicnt soil-moist- ure-deficit stress during the vegetative pha.se, Ram, P. G., Singh, .A. K., Singh, B. B., Singh, V. K., 371 Singh, Fi. P., Setter, T. L,, Singh, V. P. and Ng Kee Kwong, K. F., Paul, J. P. and Deville, J. Drip .Singh, R. K. Environmental characterization fertigation - a means for reducing fertilizer of flood water in eastern India: relevance to nitrogen to sugarcane, 31 submergence tolerance of lowland rice, 141 Ngodigha, E. M. see Ikpe, F. N. Rama Krishnayya, G. see Krishnan, P. Rama Krishnayya, G,, Setter, T. L., Sarkar, R. K., Krishnan, P. and Ravi, 1. Influence of phos¬ Obien .S. R. see Lucas, M. P. phorus application to floodwater on oxygen Obien, S. R. see Pascua, S. R. Jr concentrations and survival of rice during com¬ Odongo, J. C. W. rer Jons.son, K. plete submergence, 167 Ong, C. K. .iwjonsson, K. Ravi , \. see Krishnan, P. Ortal, C. I. see Agustin, E. O. Ravi, 1. see Rama Krishnayya, G. Osman, A. FL see Ghassali, F. Rav indra, V. see Nautiyal, P. G. Rhodes, R, Farm. A year in the Life of an American Farmer, reviewed by A. .Anderson, 111 Padre, A. T. see .\gustin, E. O. Roling, X. G. and Wagermakers, M. ,A. E. (Eds) Padre, A. T. see Pa.scua, S. R. Jr Facilitating Sustainable .-Igriculture: Participatory Pampolino, M. F. see Gumtang, R. J. Management and .Adaptive Learning in Times of Pandey, S. see Lucas, M. P. Environmental Uncertainty, reviewed by R. W. Pandey, S., Masicat, P., Vela.sco, L. and Villano, R. Slee, 387 Risk analysis of a rainfed rice production system in Tarlac, Central Luzon, Philippines, 225 Salunkhe, D. K. and Kadam, S. S. (Fids) Handbook oj Pascua, S. R. Jr see Agustin, E. O. Vegetable Science and Technology, reviewed by Pascua, S. R-Jr, Ventura, W., .Agustin, FL O., I’adre, H. D. Tindall, 507 .A. T., X'alencia, D. .A., Marcos, T. F'., .Sta. Sanginga, N, see Kormawa, P. M. Cruz, P. C., Obien, .S. R. and I.adha, J. K. .Sarkar, R. K. see Rama Krishnayya, G. Yield trends and apparent nutrient balances in .Sasaki, T. and .Moore, (L Oryza: /iam molecule to plant, intensified and diversified rice-based cropping reviewed by W. Powell, 114 systems, 181 Saxena, K. B. see Ghauhan, Y. .S. Paul, J. P. see N'g Kee Kwong, K. F’. Seeruttun, S., Barbe, G. and .McIntyre, G. Grop cycle Pearson, C. J. and Ison, R. L. Agronomy of Crassland length and cane and sugar yields. 407 Systems. {Second Edition.), revievsed by G. R ■Semaan, .A. .see Ghassali, F'. Squire, 387 Setter, T. L. see Rama Krishnayya, G. Perera, K. D. .A. see Ghauhan, Y. S. Shert han, D. P. see Fielding, W. J. Petre, R. see Witcombe, J. R. Sherc han, D. P., Pilbeam, G. J. and (Jregory, P J. 520 Index of authors Response of wheat-rice and maize/millet Villano, R. see Pandey, S. systems to fertilizer and manure applications V'osti, S. A. and Reardon, T. (Eds) Sustainability, in the mid-hills of Nepal, 1 Growth, and Poverty Alleviation. A Policy and Agro- Shisa, V. Biopiracj. The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge, ecological Perspective, reviewed by R. Baines, 114 reviewed byj. J. Harden, 513 Singh, A. K. see Ram, P. C. Singh, B. B. see Ram, P. C. Wahua, T. A. T. see Ikpe, F. N. Singh, H. P. see Ram, P. C. Wallace, D. H. and Yan, W. Plant Breeding and Whole Singh, R. K. see Ram, P. C. System Crop Physiology, reviewed by R. Ellis, 512 Singh, V. K. see Ram, P. C. Wellington, P. S. and Sylvey, V. Crop and Seed Improve¬ Singh, \'. P. see Ram, P. C. ment. A History of the .\ational Institute of Agricul¬ Smith, N. O., Maclean, I., Miller, F. and Carruthers, tural Botany 1919-1996, reviewed by N. W. S. P. Crops for Industry and Energy in Europe, Simmonds, 390 reviewed by K. C. Walker, 113 Wheeler, T. R. .see Craufurd, P. Q. Sodhi, P. S. see Harris, D. Wheeler, T. R. see Qi, A. Soebagyo, F. X. see Gerritsma, W. Wilman, D., Dong, K. H. and Jin, Z. L. Persistence of Sta. Cruz, P. C. see Agustin, E. O. a range of grasses in a continental climate, 55; Sta. Cruz, P. C. see Pascua, S. R. Jr Growth, yield and quality of a range of grasses Summerfield, R. J. reeQi, A. in a continental climate, 63 Witcombe, J. R., Petre, R., Jones, S. and Joshi, A. Farmer participatory crop improvement. IV. Thurston, D. Tropical Plant Diseases. [Second The spread and impact of a rice variety identi¬ Edition.), reviewed by J. M. Thresh, 507 fied by participatory varietal selection, 471 Torquebiau, E. see Akyeampong, E. Tsuji, G. Y., Hoogenboom, G. and Thornton, P. K. (Eds) Understanding Options for Agricultural Pro¬ Yadav, M. K. see Lantican, M. A. duction, reviewed by D. K. L. MacKerron, 514 Young, A. Agroforestry for Soil Management. [Second Tuong, T. P. see Gumtang, R. J. Edition.), reviewed by B. Tinker, 113 Valencia, D, A. see Pascua, S. R. Jr Zala, P. V. see Nautiyal, P. C. V'elasco, L. see Pandey, S. Zeigler, R. S. The Rainfed Lowland Rice Research Ventura, W. B. see Agustin, E. O. Consortium; a multi-institutional approach for X'entura, \V. see Pascua, S. R. Jr sustainable productivity increases in Asian Villano, R. A. see Lucas, M. P. rice-based systems, 115 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Africa (Sahel of West) and the effects of primary with beans, bananas and Grevillea robusta tillage and soil amendment on pearl millet (Akyeampong, Hitimana, Torquebiau and yield and nutrient uptake (Ikpe, Powell, Isir- Munyemana), 357 imah, VVahua and Ngodigha), 437 African Cereal Stem Borers. Economic Importance, Taxon¬ Chickpea, maize and rice development and evaluation omy, JSatural Enemies and Control, edited by A. in India using participatory methods: on-farm Polaszec, reviewed by W. Reed, 388 seed priming in semi-arid agriculture (Harris, Agricultural Biotechnology in International Development, Joshi, Khan, Gothkar and Sodhi), 15 edited by C. L. Ives and B, M. Bedford, Cowpea and the effect of drought and plant density on reviewed by R. Riley, 514 radiation interception, radiation-use efficiency Agricultural Values of Plant Genetic Resources, edited by R. and partitioning of dry matter to seeds (Crau- E. Evenson, D. Gollin, and V. Santaniello, furd and Wheeler), 309 reviewed by B. Ford-Lloyd, 513 Crop and Seed Improvement. .4 History of the .Sational Agroforestry (multistrata) with beans, bananas and Institute of Agricultural Botany 1919-1996, by P. Grevillea robusta in the highlands of Burundi S. Wellington and V'. Sylvey, reviewed by N. (Akyeampong, Hitimana, Torquebiau and W. Simmonds, 390 Munyemana), 357 Crop Improvement. Volume 2. Stress Tolerance, by U. S. Agroforestry for Soil Management. (Second Edition.), by A. Gupta, reviewed by B. Forster, 389 Young, reviewed by B. Tinker, 113 Crop residue management in a rice-wheat cropping Agrometeorology of Multiple Cropping in Warm Climates, system and the effect on growth and yield of edited by C. Baldy and C. J. Stigter, reviewed crops and on soil fertility (Prasad, Gangaiah by J. L. Monteith, 239 and Aipe), 427 Agronomy of Grassland Systems. (Second Edition.), by C. J. Crops for Industry and Energy in Europe, by N. O. Smith, I. Pearson and R. L. Ison, reviewed by G. R. Maclean, F. Miller and S. P. Carruthers, Squire, 387 reviewed by K. C. Walker, 113 Asian rice-based systems and a multi-institutional approach for sustainable productivity increases: the Rainfed Lowland Rice Research Diagnostic Procedures for Crop N Management, edited by Consortium (Zeigler), 115 G. Lemaire and 1. G. Burns, reviewed by A. Scaife, 111 Dictionary of Plant Physiology (Second Edition.), by P. Bacterial contaminants in bud culture of sugarcane Holliday, reviewed by R. B. Maude, 513 and the evaluation of surface sterilization and Drip fertigation - a means for reducing fertilizer hot water treatments (Moutia and Dookun), nitrogen to sugarcane (Xg Kee Kwong, Paul 265 and Deville), 31 Bananas, beans and Grevillea robusta in multistrata agroforestry in the highlands of Burundi Encyclopaedia of Seed Production of World Crops, edited by (Akyeampong, Hitimana, Torquebiau and A. F. Kelley and R. A. T. George, reviewed by Munyemana), 357 S. Mathews, 388 Beans, bananas and Grevillea robusta in multistrata Experiments (implications for the design of) and the agroforestry with in the highlands of Burundi variability of level and sloping terraces in (Akyeampong, Hitimana, Torquebiau and eastern X'epal (Fielding and Sherchan), 449 Munyemana), 357 Biopiracy. The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge, by Y. Shiva, reviewed byj. J. Hardon, 513 Facilitating Sustainable Agriculture: Participatory Manage¬ Burkina Faso and the influence of scattered nere and ment and .Adaptive Learning in Times of Environ¬ karite trees on microclimate, soil fertility and mental Uncertainty, edited by X'. G. Rbling and millet yield (_Jonsson, Ong and Odongo), 39 M. A. E. Wagermakers, reviewed by R. W. Burundi (highlands of) and multistrata agroforestry Slee, 387 522 Index of subjects Farm. A Fear in the Lift of an American Farmer, by R. India and on-farm seed priming in semi-arid agricul¬ Rliocles, rfvievvfti by A. Aiiclerson, 111 ture: dexelopment and evaluation in maize, Farmer participatory crop improvement. I\’. Fite rice and chickpea using participatory methods ■spread and impart of a rice variety identified (Harris, Joshi, Khan, Gothkar and Sodhi), 15 l>y participatory varietal selection {Witcombe, India (eastern) and the environmental characteriza¬ Petre, Jones and Joshi), 471 tion of floodwater: relevance to submergence Farmer participatory research to encourage the tolerance of lowland rice (Ram, Singh, Singh, sowing of annual pasture legumes: rehabilita¬ Singh, Singh, Setter, Singh and Singh), 141 tion of degraded grasslands in north Syria Indigo (role of) in improving the productivity of (Cihassali, Clocks. Osman, Oint/.bnrger, Clhris- rainfed lowland rice-based cropping systems tian.sen, Semaan and Leybourne), 489 i'.\gustin, Ortal, Pascuajr, Sta. Gruz, Padre, Farms nf Immirrinv Revisited, (imnmunity Sn/>l>orted Farms, \ entura, Obien and Ladha), 201 Farm Sufilmrled ('.(immunities, by F. (iroh and S. Indonesia and an analysis of the growth of leaf area of McF'adden, reviewed by L. Holland. 511 oil palms (Gerritsma and Soebagyo), 293 Feeding the 1 en Rillion: Plants and Population (Ironetli, Influence of phosphorus application to floodwater on edited by L. T. Fvans. reviewed by M. H. oxy.gen concentrations and survival of rice .\rnold. 507 during complete submergence (Rama Krish- F'ertigation (dripj - a means for reducing fertilizer nayya, Setter, Sarkar, Krishnan and Ravi), / nitrogen to sugarcane (Ng Ree Kwong, Paul 16 and Deville), 31 Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Biotechnology. Fertilizer and manure applications, and the response Biotechnology in .Agriculture .\o. 20, by F. H. of wheal-rice and maize/millet systems in the Firbisch and K. M. Maredia, reviewed by N. mid-hills of Nepal (.Sherchan, Pilbeam and \V. Kerby, 240 (IregoryJ, 1 Karite and nere trees (influence of scattered) on (lenetic and Environmental .Manipulation of Horticultural microclimate, soil fertility and millet yield in drops, edited by K. F. Clockshidl, D. Oray, (i. Burkina Faso ijonsson, Ong and Odongo), 39 B. .Seymour and B. I'homas, reviewed by.J. M. Dunwell. 508 (basses (range of) and growth, yield and ipiality in a Land Resources: on the Edge of a .Malthusian Precipice? continental climate (Wilman, Dong and .Jin), edited by D..J. Cireenland, P. J. Gregory and P. 63 H. N'ye, reviewed by G. Squire, 111 Gra.sses (range of) and persistence in a continental Legume co\er crops and modelling the effects of climate (W ilman, Dong and jin), 55 temperature on the rates of seedling emergence (jrasslands (degraded in north .Syria): rehabilitation and leaf appearance ((.)i, Wheeler, Keatinge, and u.se of farmer participatory research to Fillis, Summerfield and Graufurd), 327 encourage the sowing of annual pasture Lupins as Crop Plants: Biology, Production and Utilization, legumes ((jha.ssali, Clocks, Osman, (jintzbur- edited by J. S. (JIadstones, G. .Atkins and J. ger, Clhristian.sen. Semaan and Leybourne), Hamblin, reviewed by G. Ramsey, 511 489 drevillea rohusta. bananas and beans in multistrata agroforestry in the highlands of Burundi .\laize-l)ased |)roduction systems in south-western (.\kyeampong. Hitimana, 'For(|uebiau and Nigeria, and the economic evaluation of using MunyemanaI, 357 mulch from multi-purpose trees (Kormawa, (iroundmil and cement as a substitute for gypsum for Kamara, Jutzi and .Sanginga), 101 improved pod-filling Ismael and (ioxindeni. ■Maize/millet and wheat-rice systems (response of) to 275 fertilizer and manure applications in the mid¬ Oroundnut and the enhancement of yield following hills of Nepal (Sherchan, Pilbeam and the imposition of transient soil-moisture-deficit Gregory), 1 stre.ss during the vegetative phase iN'autiyal, Maize, rice and chickpea development and evaluation Rax indra, Zala and Joshi), 371 in India using participatory methods: on-farm seed juiming in semi-arid agriculture (Harris, Joshi. Khan, Gothkar and Sodhi), 15 Handbook of I 'egetahle Science and Fechnologr, edited by 1). .\Iaize Seed Industries in Developing Countries, edited by K. Sahmkhe and S. S. Kadam, reviewed b\ H. M. L. .Morris, reviewed byj. B. Warren, 389 D. 1 indall. .507 .Managing Soil Fertility for Intensive Vegetable Production Index of subjects 523 Systems in Asia, edited by R. A. Morris, Sahel of West Africa dkpe, Powell. Isirimah, reviewed by D. J. Greenland, 509 Wahua and NgtKiigha), 437 Mauritius and the adoption of new sugarcane varieties Philippines (rainfed lowlands of Ilocos Norte) and the by the non-miller-planters; the importance of characterization and economic analysis of on-farm trials (Pillay), 417 intensive cropping systems i Lucas, Pandey, Measuring the Impact of Climatic Change on Indian Agricul¬ V'illano, Gulanay and Obien), 211 ture, edited by A. Dinar, R. Medelsohn, R. Philippines (Tarlac, Gentral Luzon): risk analysis of a Evenson, J. Parikh, A. Sanghi, K. Kumar, J. rainfed rice production system Pandey, McKinsey and S. Lonergan, reviewed by P. J. Masicat, Velasco and N’illano), 225 Matlon, 509 Photosynthesis and prrxluctivity of young tea (seaso¬ Millet yield, microclimate and soil fertility in Burkina nal variation in) (Ghosh Hajra and Kumar), Faso and the influence of scattered nere and 71 karite trees (Jonsson, t)ng and Odongo), 39 Pigeonpea (extra-short-duration) and adaptation in Modelling the elfects of temperature on the rates of the short rainy season of a tropical bimtxlal seedling emergence and leaf appearance in rainfall environment (Chauhan, Atukorala, legume cover crops (Qi, Wheeler, Keatinge, Perera, Jo.seph, Saxena and Johansen), 87 Ellis, Summerfield and Craufurd), 327 Plant Breeding and Whole-System Crop Physiology, by D. H. Mulch from multi-purpose trees and its economic Wallace and W. Van, reviewed by R. Ellis, 512 evaluation in maize-based production systems in south-western Nigeria (Kormawa, Kamara, Jutzi and Sanginga), 101 Radiation interception, radiation-use efliciency and Mutation Breeding: Theory and Practical Applications, partitioning of dry matter to seeds in cowpea: edited by A. M. van Harte reviewed by P, D. elfect of drought and plant density (Graufurd S. Caligari, 511 and Wheeler), 309 Rainfed Lowland Rice Research Gonsortium (the): a multi-institutional approach for sustainable Nepal (eastern) and the variability of level and sloping productivity increases in Asian rice-based terraces and the implications for the design of systems (Zeigler), 115 experiments (Fielding and Sherchan), 449 Rice and the influence of phosphorus application to Nepal (mid-hills of) and the response of wheat-rice floodwater on oxygen concentrations and sur¬ and maize/millet systems to fertilizer and vival during complete submergence (Rama manure applications (Sherchan, Pilbeam and Krishnayya, Setter, Sarkar, Krishnan and Gregory), 1 Ravi), 167 Nere and karite trees (influence of scattered) on Rice-based cropping systems (intensified and diversi¬ microclimate, soil fertility and millet yield in fied); yield trends and apparent nutrient bal¬ Burkina Faso (Jonsson, Ong and Odongo), 39 ances (Pascua Jr, Ventura, .\gu.stin. Padre, Nigeria (forest-savanna transition zone) and investi¬ N'alencia, .Marcos, Sta. C'.ruz, Obien and gating the optimum planting date for sorghum Ladha), 181 (Bello), 461 Rice-based cropping systems (rainfed lowland) and Nigeria (south-western) and the economic evaluation the role of indigo in improving pnxluctivity of using mulch from multi-purpose trees in (Agustin, Ortal, Pascua Jr, Sta. Gruz, Padre, maize-based production systems (Kormawa, Ventura. Obien and Ladha), 201 Kamara, Jutzi and Sanginga), 101 Rice-based systems (Asian) and a multi-institutional approach for sustainable productivity increases; the Rainfed Lowland Rice Research Oil palms and an analysis of the growth of leaf area in Gonsortium (Zeigler), 115 Indonesia (Gerritsma and Soebagyo), 293 Rice (dry-seeded) in rainfed lowlatids and determi¬ Oryza; from Molecule to Plant, by T. Sasaki and (i. nants of improving productivity (Lantican, Moore, re\iewed by 5V. Powell, 114 Lampayan, Bhuiyan and Yadav), 127 (Rice) intensive cropping systems in rainfed lowlands of lliHos .Norte, Philippines; characterization Participatory methods and on-farm seed priming in and economic analysis (Lucas. Pandey, semi-arid agriculture: development and eva¬ X'illano. Gulanay and Obien t, 211 luation in maize, rice and chickpea in India Rice lowland) aiul submergence tolerance in eastern (Harris, Joshi, Khan, Gothkar and Sodhi), 15 India; relevance of environmental characteri¬ Pearl millet and the elfects of primary tillage and soil zation of floodwater (Ram. Singh. Singh, amendment on yield and nutrient uptake in the ■Singh. Singh. .Seller, .Singh and Singh). 141 524 Index o f subjects Rice, maize and chickpea development and evalua¬ Sugarcane and the evaluation of surface sterilization tion in India using participatory methods: on- anti hot water treatments on bacterial contami¬ farm seed priming in semi-arid agriculture nants in bud culture (Moutia and Dookun), (Harris, Joshi, Khan, Ciothkar and Sodhi), 15 265 Rice production system (rainfed) in Tarlac, Clentral Sugarcane crop cycle length and cane and sugar yields Luzon, Philippines: risk analysis (Pandey, (Seeruttun, Barbe and McIntyre), 407 Masicat, Velasco and Villano), 225 Sustainahility, Growth, and Poverty Alleviation. .4 Policy and Rice (suhmerged plants ) and leaf senescence (Krish- Agroecological Perspective, edited by S. A. \'osti nan, Ravi and Rama Krishnayya), 345 and T. Reardon, reviewed by R. Baines, 114 (Rice) under intensive cropping systems: groundwater Syria (north) and the rehabilitation of degraded grass¬ dynamics and tpiality (CJumtang, Pampolitio, lands and use of farmer participatory research Tuong and Bucao), 153 to encourage the sowing of annual pasture Rice variety identified by participatory varietal selec¬ legumes (Ghassali, Cocks, Osman, Gintzbur- tion (the spread and impact): farmer partici¬ ger, Clhristiansen, Semaan and Leybourne), patory crop improvement. I\' (Witcombe, 489 Petre, Jones and Joshi), 471 Rice-wheat cropping system and the elfect of crop residue management on growth and yield of Take-All Disease of Cereals - a Regional Perspective, edited crops and on .soil fertility (Prasad, Gangaiah by D. Hornby, re\ iewed by A. C. Newton, 508 and Aipe), 427 Tanzania and tea and evaluating the impact of research for development (Carr), 247 Tea in Tanzania and evaluating the impact of Seed Biology and the field of Grain Crops, by D. B. Egli, research for development (Carr), 247 reviewed by R. Ellis, 389 Tea (young) and seasonal variation in photosynthesis Seed priming (on-farm) in semi-arid agriculture: and productivity (Ghosh Hajra and Kumar), development and evaluation in maize, rice 71 and chickpea in India using participatory- Temperate Forage Legumes, by J. Frame, J. F. L. Charl¬ methods (Harris, Joshi, Khan, Gothkar and ton and .\. S. Laidlaw reviewed by J. M. Sodhi), 15 Suttie, 112 Soil Fertility Management in Suh-Saliaran Africa. (World Terraces (level and sloping) and the variability in Bank Technical Paper .\o. 408.), by G. Donm an eastern Nepal: implications for the design of and F. Casey, resiewed by A. Scaife, 390 experiments (Fielding and Sherchan), 449 Soil-moisture-deficit stress (transient imposition) The Parts of Life, Agricultural Biodiversity, Indigenous during the vegetative phase and the enhance¬ k nowledge and the Role of the Third System, edited ment of yield in groundnut (Nautiyal, Ravin- by P. R. Mooney, reviewed by G. Jenkins, 239 dra, Zala and Joshi), 371 The Pathology of Food and Pasture Legumes, edited by D. J. Somaclonal Variation and Induced Mutations in Crop Allen and J. M. Lenne, reviewed by N. J. Improvement, edited by S. Mohan Jain, D. S. Spence, 510 Brar and B. S. Ahloovvalia, reviewed by S. The Political Economy of Bananas. Contract Farming, Millam, 510 Peasants and Agrarian Change in the Caribbean, by Sorghum and investigating the optimum planting date L. S. Grossman, reviewed by M. P. Collinson, in the forest-savanna transition zone of Nigeria 515 (Bello), 461 The Silviculture of Mahogany, byj. E. Mayhew and A. C. Strategies for Improving Salt Tolerance in Higher Plants, Newton, reviewed by M. S. Philip, 512 edited by P. K. Jaivval, R. P. Singh and A Tropical Plant Diseases. (Second Edition.), by H. D. Gulati, reviewed by B. Forster, 240 Thurston, reviewed by J. M. Thresh, 507 Sugarcane and a relationship between stalk elongation and earline.ss of ripening (Mamet and Galwey), I’nderstanding Options for Agricultural Production, edited 283 by G. Y. Tsuji, G. Hoogenboom and P. K. Sugarcane and drip fertigation - a means for reducing Thornton, reviewed by D. K. L. MacKerron, fertilizer nitrogen (Ng Kee Kwong, Paul and 514 Deville),31 Sugarcane and shortening the selection proce.ss (Mamet and Domaingue), 391 Wheat: Prospects for Global Improvement, edited by H. J. Sugarcane and the adoption of new varieties by the Braun, F. Altay, \V. E. Kronstad, S. P. S. non-miller-planters in Mauritius: the impor¬ Beniwal and A. McNab, reviewed by F. G. H. tance of on-farm trials (Pillay), 417 Lupton, 240 Index of subjects 525 Wheat-rice and maize/millet systems (response of) to Wheat-rice cropping system and the elfect of crop fertilizer and manure applications in the mid¬ residue management on growth and yield of hills of Nepal (Sherchan, Pilbeam and crops and on soil fertility (Prasad, Gangaiah Gregory), 1 and Aipe), 427

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