Contents IInnttrroodduucctitoionnBBiigg && BBoolldd AAmmeerriiccaannaarraammaa MMeellttiinngg PPoott Landscapes, NNaattiivvee FFoouurrtthh ooff AAmmeexxiiccaa:: Landscapes, Wildlife & AAmmeerriiccaannss JJuullyy BBoorrddeerr Wildlife & Journeys ooff tthhee GGrraanndd FFiirreewwoorrkkss TToowwnnss ooff tthhee Journeys Food & CCaannyyoonn TTeexxaass SSoouutthh Food & HHiirriinngg aa Drink BBiigg BBaarrbbeeccuuee NNeeww YYoorrkk Drink LLaass VVeeggaass CCllaassssiicc CCaarr CCooffffeeee iinn People, WWeeaatthheerr:: CCiittyy People, LLiigghhttss UUpp OOrrddeerr UUpp!! TThhrreeee WWaavveess Culture & TToorrnnaaddoo VViinnttaaggee TTwwoo SSiiddeess ooff Culture & tthhee DDeesseerrtt DDiinneerrss && History AAlllleeyy CCaarrss:: HHoott WWNNeeiillwwllaa mmYYooeerrttkkttee History DDiinneerr SSllaanngg AArrtt && MMuussiicc RRGGoorreeaaaaddtt-- TTrraaiinn RRoodd PPoowweerr VVCCaaiittllyylleeyy WWiinnee Impressions TTrriippppiinngg tthhee TTSSoooouuuurrtthheerrnn TToouurr Impressions JJoouurrnneeyyss:: CCyycclliinngg tthhee A Day in PPaacciiffiicc MMaannnneerrss:: A Day in CCaalliiffoorrnniiaa TThhee MMootthheerr HHMMaaaauunnnnhhttaaeettddttaann Landscapes, Wildlife & Journeys To the early settlers, Tropics, glaciers and everything in between nature was an un- tamed wild beast, savagely The five- encroaching day cross- upon proper country civilization. drive is a By the mid- rite of 1800s, passage for Food & Drink Any cuisine, from any You want a culture, any time, day double- or night decker bacon But what burger is distinctly with American is processed the cheese slices way we at an innovate all-American eating, diner? How sometimes ’bout an with People, Culture & History