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Preview Expanding scroll rings in a model for the photosensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction

Expanding scroll rings in a model for the photosensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction Arash Azhand¹, Rico Buchholz², Jan F. Totz¹, Harald Engel¹∗ ¹Institut für Theoretische Physik, Technische Universität Berlin, Hardenbergstrasse 36, D-10623 Berlin, Germany ²Theoretische Physik V, Universität Bayreuth, Univeristätsstrasse 30, D-95440 Bayreuth, Germany While free scroll rings are non-stationary objects that either grow or contract with time, spatial confinement can have a large impact on their evolution reaching from significant lifetime extension [J. F. Totz , H. Engel, and O. Steinbock, New J. Phys. 17, 093043 (2015)] up to formation of stable stationary and breathing pacemakers [A. Azhand, J. F. Totz, and H. Engel, Europhys. Lett. 108, 10004 (2014)]. Here, we explore the parameter range in which the interaction between an axis-symmetric scroll ring and a confining planar no-flux boundary can be studied experimentally in transparent gel layers supportingchemical wave propagation in the photosensitive variant of the Belousov-Zhabotinskymedium. Basedonfullthree-dimensionalsimulationsoftheunderlyingmodi- 6 fiedcompleteOregonatormodelforexperimentallyrealisticparameters,wedeterminetheconditions 1 for successful initiation of scroll rings in a phase diagram spanned by the layer thickness and the 0 applied light intensity. Furthermore, we discuss whether the illumination-induced excitability gra- 2 dient due to Lambert-Beer’s law as well as a possible inclination of the filament plane with respect to the no-flux boundary can destabilize the scroll ring. n a J I. INTRODUCTION stead of undergoing the NLTI, the ring transforms in 5 a three-dimensional autonomous pacemaker (3d APM). Recently, this new type of self-organized pacemaker ] Undamped propagation of nonlinear excitation waves is S has been observed experimentally in a photosensitive an important example for self-regulated pattern forma- P Belousov-Zhabotinsky (PBZ) medium with negative α tioninspatiallyextendedbiological,chemical,andphysi- n. [24]. For the opposite case, α > 0, in experiments with calsystems. Inparticularrotatingspiralwaveshavebeen i the ferroin-catalyzed BZ system a substantial increase l observed in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) medium [1], n of the SRs lifetime including very long-living transients onthechickenretina[2],onplatinumsurfaces[3],inslime [ have been reported for SRs in interaction distance to a molds [4], in the heart [5], in a liquid crystal system [6], 1 planar NFB [25]. Other effects of spatial confinement on in collonies of giant honey bees [7], and recently as trav- v scroll wave dynamics have been discussed by Dierckx et eling precipitation waves [8]. Scroll waves (SWs) are the 8 al. [26], Biktasheva et al. [27], and by Ke and colleagues 4 natural extension of spiral waves in the third dimension. [28]. 8 Here, we are interested in SWs with closed filaments, so 0 This paper is aimed at critically examine by realistic 3d called scroll rings (SRs). The first experimental observa- 0 numerical simulations to what extent experiments per- . tionofSRswasreportedbyWinfree[9]intheframework 1 formedinathintransparentgellayerloadedwithapho- of the BZ reaction. Later SRs were also observed in fib- 0 tosensitive BZ catalyst are suited to reveal the interac- rilating cardiac tissue [10], for example. 6 tion of SWs with NFBs. The PBZ system is particularly 1 The dynamics of a free SR in an unbounded medium promising as it allows for reproducible initiation of SRs : v (i.e., far from any boundaries) is defined by the filament with a filament plane in a certain desired distance to the Xi tension α. The filament contracts or expands with time NFB. The idea is to extinguish a cylindrical chemical depending on whether α is positive or negative. In the wave partially by temporary intense illumination with r a first case, the SR shrinks and usually collapses after a actinic light. This idea is illustrated in Fig. 1, showing finite lifetime. In the second case, the ring grows and schematicallytheopengelreactor(panelA)andtheini- undergoes the negative line tension instability (NLTI) tiation of a SR by application of the actinic light (panels [11,12],beforeeventuallyastatecalledvortexorWinfree BtoF).Afterthelightisswitchedoff,thetruncatedwave turbulence developes [13, 14]. Thus, free SRs represent will curl up in the recovering medium and form the SR. in-stationary objects for any value of α. Several experi- A similar technique has been successfully applied previ- mental[15–18]andtheoretical[19–22]studiesfocusedon ously, see [29–31], for example. Because the interaction the evolution of SWs in unbounded media. between spiral waves and NFBs is known to be short- ThedescribedabovebehavioroffreeSRscanfundamen- range and screened [32–38], already for distances at the tally change under spatial confinement. Based on nu- order of the wave length a two-dimensional spiral wave merical simulations with the FitzHugh-Nagumo (FHN) doesnotfeelanearbyNFB.Therefore,gellayersutilized model,NandapurkarandWinfreearguedalreadyin1989 in open gel reactors for the PBZ reaction are sufficiently that the interaction with a confining no-flux bound- thick to position a SR in interaction distance to a NFB ary (NFB) can stabilize an expanding SR [23]. In- while simultaneously the interaction with the opposite 2 A B Control light source Glass cover z Reaction chamber y Active gel layer Glass plate x Cooling chamber Glass cover C D E no waves waves F z y x Figure 1. (Color online) Optical initiation of a SR in the PBZ reaction (schematic). (A) Cross-section of a two-chamber open gel reactor with the catalyst-loaded gel layer illuminated from above. (B) Outward propagating cylindrical wave front (blue), greenarrowsindicatedirectionofpropagation. (C)IlluminationofthelayerfromabovewithactiniclightofintensityI turned 0 on. (D) Attenuation of light intensity I in z-direction according to Lambert-Beer’s law. The wave front is gradually inhibited in the upper part of the layer where I(z) > I . Here, I denotes the threshold beyond which the medium ceases to support cr cr wave propagation and d is the layer thickness. (E) After the light is turned off, the upper part of the gel layer recovers. Now, the open rim of the truncated cylindrical wave curls up forming a SR. (F) Fully developed axis-symmetric SR with filament plane in interaction distance to the lower NFB at z = d. The iso-concentration surface of the activator is shown in blue, the red line marks the ring-shaped filament. The influence of the opposite NFB at z=0 and the lateral boundaries is vanishingly small because the wave fronts in between filament and boundaries shield the interaction completely. 3 and lateral boundaries is negligible (compare schematic because it specifies whether the nonlinear chemical ki- sketch of the BZ setup in Fig. 1). netics is bistable, excitable or oscillatory. Varying the applied light intensity allows to control the local excita- The structure of the paper is as follows: Our full 3d nu- tion threshold, the rotation regime of spiral waves form- merical simulations are based on the modified complete ing a SR, and its filament tension, for example. Oregonator (MCO) model for the PBZ reaction devel- oped by Krug et al. [39] which will be recapitulated in For our numerical investigations we have chosen the fol- sectionII.InsectionIII,webrieflydescribetheevolution lowing parameter set: (cid:15) = 0.07, (cid:15) = (cid:15)/90, f = 1.16, u w ofafreeSRforexperimentallyrealisticrecipeconcentra- q =0.002,andφ=0.014. Atwo-dimensionalspiralwave tions corresponding to negative line tension. Section IV at this parameter set is performing rigid rotation with a containstheresultsobtainedforaSRthatinteractswith rotation period T = 6.9 and a wavelength of λ = 19.6. aconfiningplanarNFB.Theparameterrangeforsuccess- Space and time are non-dimensionalized. ful optical initiation of SRs is calculated in section V. In Simulations are conducted with a forward Euler scheme thissectionwealsodiscuss,whethertheSRcanbedesta- for time integration and a nineteen point star discretiza- bilized by the parameter gradient due to attenuation of tion for the Laplacian. For space and time discretization lightasdescribedbyLambert-Beer’slaw. Finally,wead- we use dx = dy = dz =0.3 and dt =0.001, respectively. dressapossibledestabilizationoftheSRcausedbysmall Spatialdimensionsare4×4×2λ3 forunboundedSRsand inclinationofthefilamentplanewithrespecttotheNFB 4×4×1λ3 for confined SRs. NFB conditions (∇c = 0 due to non-uniform illumination during SR initiation. with∇=(∂ , ∂ , ∂ )T andc∈{u, v, w})arechosenfor x y z all sides of both the bounded and the unbounded media. InitiationofSRsinnumericalsimulationsisaccomplished II. MODEL as in the chemical experiment. First, outward propagat- ing cylindrical waves of different radii are generated as shown in (Fig. 1 B). Then, at a certain simulation time To study the evolution of SRs in thin layers of PBZ me- dianumerically,weperformfull3dnumericalsimulations t=0, in the upper part of the layer the photochemically with using the modified complete Oregonator (MCO) induced bromide flow φ is set to some value larger than model. This modification of the Oregonator model pro- the critical one for wave extinction. After resetting φ to the background value the SR developes as described in posedbyField,Körös,andNoyeswasdevelopedbyKrug (Fig. 1 E) and evolves into a perfectly planar SR (Fig. 1 et al. to account for the inhibitory effect of light and/or F). oxygen on the reaction [39, 40]. The MCO equations read: Inoursimulationsthefilamentisdefinedastheintersec- tion of two iso-concentration surfaces, given by u = 0.3 i and v = 0.1, respectively. Typically, this definition i ∂u = 1 (cid:2)u−u2+w(q−u)(cid:3)+∇2u, yfiilealmdsenatnroasdciiullsatiniontimofeb.oTthhitshiesfidluaemteontthpeosriitgiiodnraontadttiohne ∂t (cid:15) u of the corresponding spiral waves. ∂v =u−v, (1) ∂t ∂w 1 = [φ+fv−w(q+u)]+δ∇2w, III. SCROLL RING DYNAMICS IN UNIFORM ∂t (cid:15) w UNBOUNDED MEDIA Here, the variables u, v and w are proportional to concentrations [HBrO ] of bromous acid (activator), Far from any boundary, the dynamics of axis-symmetric 2 (cid:104) (cid:105) SRs is governed by two ordinary differential equations Ru(bpy)3+ of the oxidized catalyst, and [Br−] of bro- 3 (ODEs)forthefilamentradiusR andthepositionofthe mide (inhibitor), respectively. ∇2 denotes the 3d Lapla- filament plane z [20, 21]: cian operator. The ratio of the diffusion coefficients is δ = D /D = 1.12. There is no diffusive term w u in the equation for v since in experiments the catalyst dR =−α, (2) Ru(bpy)3+ is immobilized in the gel layer. dt R 3 dz β For the definition of the parameters in eqs. (1) as the = . (3) dt R recipe-dependent intrinsic kinetic time scales (cid:15) and (cid:15) u w with (cid:15) (cid:29) (cid:15) , the ratio of rate constants q, the stochio- The constant coefficients α and β are specified by the u w metric parameter f compare [39]. The photochemically properties of the chosen excitable medium, i.e., by the induced bromide flow φ is assumed to be proportional parametersoftheMCOmodel(1). SolutionstoEqs. (2) to the applied light intensity. This parameter plays a and (3), supplemented by the initial conditions R(t = crucial role in the experiments with the PBZ reaction 0)=R >0 and z(t=0)=z , are given by 0 0 4 A B C C B Figure2. (Coloronline)(A)GrowthoffilamentlengthofafreeSRwithnegativefilamenttension. Blackarrowsindicatetime moments of 20 and 50 periods of rotation after initiation, respectively, for which snapshots of filament evolution are presented in panels (B) and (C). Parameter values are (cid:15) =0.07, (cid:15) =(cid:15) /90, f =1.16, q=0.002, and φ=0.014. u w u up into single pieces that because of the NLTI grow fur- A B ther on its own. The emerging final state is known as vortex or Winfree turbulence (panel C) [13, 14]. intrinsic dynamics boundary interaction IV. SCROLL RING INTERACTING WITH A PLANAR NO-FLUX BOUNDARY Figure 3. (Color online) Cooperative (A) and antagonistic (B) setting for the interaction of a SR with a planar NFB The interaction of an expanding SR with a NFB can ei- (schematic). Arrows indicate the direction of intrinsic (red) therincreaseordecreasetheradialgrowthofthefilament andboundary-induced(green)radialdynamics. Spiralwaves ring. formingtheringrotateclockwisein(A)andcounterclockwise in (B). Panel A of Fig. 3 shows a setting where both intrin- sic radial growth and boundary interaction act coopera- tivlyleadingtoanamplifiedradialexpansionofthering. Contrary to cooperative setting, intrinsic dynamics and boundary effects can counteract each other. In this an- (cid:113) R(t)= R2−2αt, (4) tagonistic setting illustrated in Fig. 3, Panel B, an ex- 0 panding free SR initiated close to a NFB can even con- β z(t)=z − R(t). (5) tract actually. This possibility is exemplified in Fig. 4. 0 α The SR shown would expand in an unbounded medium. Now,ininteractingdistancetotheNFB,afteratransient The filament tension α determines whether the SR of roughly 20 rotation times T, a boundary-stabilized shrinks (α > 0) or expands (α < 0) in the course of stationary SR forms with R ∼ 0.25λ at a distance time. While a SR with positive filament tension will col- ∞ z ∼ 0.16λ from the lower boundary. This SR remains lapse within finite time, in case of negative filament ten- ∞ stableoveratleast400periodsdespiteofα<0, because sion there will be an unbounded increase of the filament the NLTI is suppressed by the interaction with the NFB lengthaccompaniedbyfilamentbreak-up. Superimposed (for the sake of clarity only the first 150 periods are pre- onradialexpansionorcontractiontheSRdriftsalongits sented in Fig. 4). Here R and z are values averaged over symmetry axis where the drift direction depends on β. rapid oscillations in the position of the filament due to We calculated filament tension α and drift coefficient β rigid rotation of spiral waves forming the ring. for the free SR by fitting Eqs. (4) and (5) to numeri- Snapshots of the emerging boundary-stabilized SR are cal data. For the chosen parameter set (compare II) we presentedinFig. 5wherethe3dwavefronts(perspective found α = −0.03λ2 and β = 0.005λ2 in units of the view) are shown together with the corresponding radial T T wavelength and rotation period of the spiral waves form- crosssections(sideview)andthepatternexpectedtobe ing the ring. observedinthechemicalexperimentinatransparentgel The evolution of a sample free SR is shown in figure layer (top view). The top view is obtained by summing 2. Panel A displays the the overall filament length vs. up the local concentration values of the reduced catalyst time. The circular filament grows and undergoes the (variable v in the MCO model) along the z-direction. In NLTI (panel B). As a consequence the filament breaks the chemical experiment z-direction is the viewing direc- 5 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.6 Λ 0.4 (cid:144) Λ z z(cid:144)0.4 Λ,0.3 R(cid:144) 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0 20 40 60 80 100 R(cid:144)Λ t(cid:144)T Figure 4. (Color online) 3d-numerical simulation of the evolution of a planar SR with symmetry axis perpendicular to the confining NFB. Parameters of the MCO model as in Fig. 2. Initial radius and distance between filament plane and NFB R =1.4λ and z =0.15λ, respectively. 0 0 10 T 50 T 100 T 150 T Figure 5. (Color online) Four snapshots of the wave pattern used for the results presented in Fig. 4. From top to bottom perspective, top, and side view as explained in the text. tion, and the v concentration determines the differences In numerical experiments with the MCO model for the inthelocalbrightnessthatareusedtovizualizethepat- PBZreactionwehavestudiedSRinitiationinrealisticin- ternintransmittedlight. Notethatperspectiveandside tervalsoflayerthickness,d,andintensityofincidentlight view are not accessible in the chemical experiment with- φ to estimate values of those parameters for which SR e out computer-tomographic imaging. initiationseemsfeasible. Inthecorresponding3dsimula- tions,attenuationofthecontrollightintensitywithlayer depth in z-direction according to Lambert-Beer’s law V. FEASIBILITY CONSTRAINTS FOR CHEMICAL EXPERIMENTS IN A PBZ LAYER φ(z)=φ exp(−µz), (6) e The reproducible optical initiation of SWs in thin PBZ layersopenspromisingpossibilitiesforathoroughexperi- was taken into account [30, 31]. Parameter µ is the ab- mentalanalysisoftheirinteractionwithconfiningbound- sorption coefficient and parameter φ the quantum effi- e aries. ciency for the photochemical bromide production [30]. 6 possibility, we have numerically simulated SR evolution 1.0 with z-dependent photochemically-induced bromide gra- 0.9 dientgivenbyφ(z)=0.014e−µz. Forthreedifferentval- 0.8 ues of the absorption coefficient, µ = 0.0033, 0.01, and 0.7 0.25,theSRsdevelopedunaffectedandprovedtoremain stable over more than 400 rotation periods. 0.6 0.5 In the chemical experiment sometimes illumination dur- ing partial inhibition of the cylindrical wave is not spa- 0.4 tially uniform in the x-y-plane. For example, applying 0.3 an intensity gradient in x-direction 25 30 35 φ Figure 6. (Color online) Parameter plane spanned by the φ(x,z)=φ +φ exp(−µz)+ ix, (7) 0 e L layer thickness in units of the spiral wave length and the in- tensity of incident light. Shown are numerical results for SR initiation by partial inhibition of cylindrical wave fronts in the filament plane of the initiated SR wil not be parallel responsetophotochemicallyinducedbromideproductionde- to the NFB z = 0. We have set φ = 0.05 and sim- scribed by Lambert-Beer’s law (6) with µ = 0.05. Grey and e ulated the evolution of SR in antagonistic setting with red squares: No SR initiation because of too weak and too strong photoinhibition of waves, respectively. Red and green filamentplaneinclinedtotheNFBforthreedifferentval- circles: SuccessfulinitiationofSRsinteractingwiththeNFB ues L = 57, 100 and 125. After a short transient period in cooperative and antagonistic setting, respectively. Yellow of approximately five periods of spiral rotation the fila- circles: SR initiated far from the NFB. ment plane aligned in parallel to the NFB, and a stable SRdeveloped. ForL=125thisdevelopmentisshownin Fig. 7. In the following we kept fixed µ=0.05, and an illumina- tiondurationofapproximatelyhalfofthespiralrotation period. Layer thickness d and incident intensity φ were e used as bifurcation parameters. The results are summarized in the phase diagram shown VI. CONCLUSION inFig. 6. SquaresmarkparameterregionswherenoSRs could be initiated: Below an incident light intensity of From our numerical findings we conclude that experi- φe = 24 · 10−3 the overall illumination is too weak to ments performed in a thin transparent gel layer loaded initiate stable SRs (grey squares), a layer thickness be- with a photosensitive BZ catalyst are well suited in or- low 0.3λ is too narrow to support propagation of SRs, dertorevealtheinteractionofSWswithconfiningno-flux and red squares correspond to parameter combinations boundaries. Spatialconfinement isan important issue in for which any wave acitivity in the layer is suppressed. thedynamicsofSWsasinmanycasesitcanhaveahuge Incontrary,circlescorrespondtoparameterregionswith impact on the evolution in time and on the stability of successful initiation of SRs. These SRs can interact co- the vortices [24–28]. operatively or antagonistically with the layer boundary (red and green circles, respectively). SRs initiated in the Our calculations show, that for experimentally realis- middle of the layer drift towards one of the layer bound- tic conditions regarding the chemical composition, layer aries (yellow circles). Their future evolution depends on thickness and applied light intensities, axis-symmetric whether they approach the boundary in the cooperative scrollringscanbeinitiatedatadesireddistancebetween or the antagonistic setting. In summary, we found an filamentplaneandno-fluxboundary. Thepreparationof extended parameter range with boundary-stabilized sta- initial conditions by self-completion of an optically cut tionary SRs (green circles). cylindrical chemical wave greatly facilitates reproducible experiments under well-controlled laboratory conditions. Sofarwedidnotaccountfortheattenuationoftheback- groundilluminationtreatingparameterφ asaconstant, Moreover, our results point into another interesting di- 0 φ = 0.014. Actually, the background illumination de- rection. Obviously, for the correct interpretation of ex- 0 creasesalsoinz-directionbecauseofLambert-Beer’slaw. perimentalresultsonwavepropagationobtainedinopen Therefore,theSRevolvesinthepresenceofapermanent gel reactors of the BZ reaction, three-dimensional effects excitability gradient in z-direction caused by the back- mightplayanimportantrolealreadyforverythingellay- ground illumination. This excitability gradient could in- ers. Oneexampleisnon-annihilativehead-on-collisionof fluence the stability of the emerging SR. To check this chemical waves [41]. 7 t = 1 T t = 5 T t = 50 T t = 100 T Figure 7. (Color online) Evolution of a SR filament (red) with projections in blue over 140 rotation periods T. Initially, the filament plane was inclined with respect to the confining NFB z = 1. Explanation see text. Parameter values φ = 0.05, e µ=0.1, φ =0.01, and L=125 in (7). MCO parameters as in Fig. 2. i VII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS [19] L. V. Yakushevich, Studia Biophysica 100, 195 (1984). [20] J. P. 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