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PLASTICS DESIGN LIBRARY(PDL) PDL HANDBOOK SERIES SeriesEditor:Sina Ebnesajjad, PhD ([email protected]) President, FluoroConsultants Group, LLC ChaddsFord,PA,USA www.FluoroConsultants.com ThePDLHandbookSeriesisaimedatawiderangeofengineersandotherprofessionalsworkingintheplasticsindustry, and related sectors using plastics and adhesives. PDLisaseriesofdatabooks,referenceworksandpracticalguidescoveringplasticsengineering,applications,processing, and manufacturing, andapplied aspects of polymer science, elastomers and adhesives. Recent titles inthe series Biopolymers: Processing andProducts, Michael Niaounakis (ISBN: 9780323266987) Biopolymers: Reuse, Recycling, and Disposal, Michael Niaounakis (ISBN: 9781455731459) CarbonNanotube ReinforcedComposites, Marcio Loos(ISBN:9781455731954) Extrusion, 2e, JohnWagner &Eldridge Mount (ISBN: 9781437734812) Fluoroplastics, Volume 1, 2e,Sina Ebnesajjad(ISBN:9781455731992) Handbook ofBiopolymers and Biodegradable Plastics, Sina Ebnesajjad(ISBN:9781455728343) Handbook ofMoldedPartShrinkage and Warpage,Jerry Fischer (ISBN: 9781455725977) Handbook ofPolymer Applications inMedicineand Medical Devices, KayvonModjarrad &Sina Ebnesajjad (ISBN: 9780323228053) Handbook ofThermoplastic Elastomers,Jiri G Drobny(ISBN:9780323221368) Handbook ofThermoset Plastics, 2e, HannaDodiuk &SidneyGoodman (ISBN: 9781455731077) High Performance Polymers, 2e,Johannes Karl Fink (ISBN: 9780323312226) Introduction toFluoropolymers, Sina Ebnesajjad (ISBN:9781455774425) Ionizing Radiationand Polymers,JiriGDrobny(ISBN:9781455778812) Manufacturing Flexible Packaging, ThomasDunn (ISBN: 9780323264365) PlasticFilms inFoodPackaging, Sina Ebnesajjad (ISBN: 9781455731121) Plastics in Medical Devices, 2e,Vinny Sastri (ISBN:9781455732012) Polylactic Acid, Rahmat et. al. (ISBN: 9781437744590) PolyvinylFluoride, Sina Ebnesajjad (ISBN: 9781455778850) ReactivePolymers, 2e, JohannesKarl Fink (ISBN: 9781455731497) TheEffect of Creep and Other TimeRelated Factorson Plastics and Elastomers,3e, Laurence McKeen (ISBN: 9780323353137) TheEffect of Long Term Thermal Exposure onPlastics and Elastomers, Laurence McKeen (ISBN: 9780323221085) TheEffect of Sterilizationon Plastics andElastomers, 3e, Laurence McKeen (ISBN: 9781455725984) TheEffect ofTemperatureandOther FactorsonPlastics and Elastomers,3e,Laurence McKeen (ISBN: 9780323310161) TheEffect of UVLight and Weather onPlastics and Elastomers, 3e,Laurence McKeen (ISBN: 9781455728510) ThermoformingofSingleand Multilayer Laminates,Ali Ashter (ISBN: 9781455731725) Thermoplastics andThermoplastic Composites, 2e, Michel Biron (ISBN:9781455778980) Thermosets andComposites, 2e,Michel Biron (ISBN:9781455731244) To submit anewbook proposal for the series, or place an order, please contact DavidJackson, Acquisitions Editor [email protected] EXPANDED PTFE APPLICATIONS HANDBOOK TECHNOLOGY, MANUFACTURING AND APPLICATIONS Sina Ebnesajjad President, FluoroConsultants Group, LLC Amsterdam (cid:129) Boston (cid:129) Heidelberg (cid:129) London (cid:129) New York (cid:129) Oxford Paris (cid:129) San Diego (cid:129) San Francisco (cid:129) Singapore (cid:129) Sydney (cid:129) Tokyo WilliamAndrewisanimprintofElsevier William Andrewis animprint of Elsevier TheBoulevard, LangfordLane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB, United Kingdom 50 Hampshire Street,5th Floor,Cambridge, MA 02139, UnitedStates Copyright (cid:1) 2017Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. No part ofthis publicationmay bereproduced ortransmitted inanyform orby anymeans,electronic ormechanical, including photocopying, recording, or anyinformation storage and retrieval system,withoutpermission inwriting from the publisher.Details on howto seek permission, further informationabout the Publisher’spermissions policies and our arrangements withorganizations such as the Copyright ClearanceCenterand the Copyright Licensing Agency, can befound at our website: www.elsevier.com/permissions. This book andthe individual contributionscontained init are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may benoted herein). Notices Knowledge and best practice inthisfield are constantlychanging. As new research and experiencebroaden our understanding, changes inresearch methods,professional practices, ormedical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers mustalways rely on their own experience and knowledge inevaluating andusingany information, methods,compounds, orexperiments describedherein.Inusing such information or methods they should bemindfulof their own safety and the safety ofothers,including partiesfor whom theyhavea professional responsibility. To the fullest extentof the law,neither the Publishernor the authors, contributors,oreditors,assume anyliability for anyinjury and/or damage topersons or property as amatter ofproducts liability, negligenceor otherwise, orfrom anyuse oroperationof anymethods,products, instructions, or ideas containedinthe material herein. Libraryof CongressCataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog recordfor this book is available from the Library ofCongress British Library Cataloguing-in-PublicationData A catalogue record for this bookis available from the British Library ISBN:978-1-4377-7855-7 ForinformationonallWilliamAndrewpublications visit ourwebsite at https://www.elsevier.com/ Publisher: MatthewDeans Acquisition Editor: David Jackson Editorial Project Manager: Edward Payne ProductionProject Manager: NickyCarter Designer: Victoria Pearson Typeset byTNQ Books andJournals Preface I have marveled at the elegant and intricate developed for membrane manufacturing. Chapter 4 structure of expanded microporous membranes of describes processing of fine powder PTFE into polytetrafluorethylene(PTFE)fordecades.Thanksto precursorfilmsandothershapesfortheproductionof scanning electron microscopy, one can see the microporous membranes. Chapter 5 focuses on how minutia of the membrane scaffolding. The beauty of expanded PTFE membranes and other shapes are the chaoticyet ordered microporousstructure comes formedfollowedbydiscussionoftechniquestomake in tandem with its remarkable utility. The words different shapes of ePTFE in Chapter 6. “elegant” and “beauty” may raise eyebrows as they Chapter 7 describes the properties and character- do in mathematics. David H. Bailey (retired Senior istics of ePTFE membranes along with a brief Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, discussion of its important applications. Chapters 8 University of California, Davis) and Jonathan M. through 12 discuss key applications of ePTFE. Borwein (Professor of Mathematics, University of Chapter 13 discusses a number of methods for Newcastle, Australia) wrote in a 2014 blog post treatment and modification of surfaces of micropo- (Why Mathematics Is Beautiful and Why It Matters, rous membranes. Those superficial alterations allow February 14, 2018, Huffington Post): all (mathe- impartation of hydrophilicity or special functions to matical)estheticresponsesseeminparttocomefrom the membrane surface. Chapter 14 discusses the identifyingsimplicityincomplexity,patterninchaos, manufacturers of expanded microporous PTFE structure in stasis. I have found this description true membrane. of microporous membranes of PTFE. This has been a difficult book to write and has Naturally, I set out to learn all I could about this taken almost 6years to complete. Any publisher beautiful membrane. These days there are few other than Elsevier would have long canceled my commercial products about which one does not find contract. Now that the book is published I have two scoresofbooksandin-deptharticles.Consequently,I hopes.First,thebook,flawedasitmaybe,wouldbe expected to find books, at least one, and papers. To beneficial to those who seek information about my surprise, there was little published about the expanded PTFE membranes. Second, I hope what is fundamentals of expanded PTFE membranes and correct and what is incorrect motivates brighter films,howtheyareformedandmade,howtheywork, minds to write their own books about this subject. and a host of other questions. Certainly, there are The colossal impact of these membranes on human innumerable articles about the membrane’s varied life certainly warrants such efforts. I hope to receive applications, plenty of commercial literature and as many critiques of this book as possible, with a plethora of patents. a promise to make corrections in the next edition. SoIsetoutonadecadeandahalflongjourneyto Thereaderswhowishtodispensewithdiscussions explore and learn, on my own, about this micropo- of polymer and precursor film preparation can begin rous membrane (ePTFE). This book presents the reading the book with Chapter 5. A modest knowl- resultsofmyePTFEeducationaljourney.Ihopeand edge of PTFE and its properties is required for pray it offers a convenient starting point for those a deeper understanding of the discussions. The who wish to learn about the ePTFE membranes. applications chapters can be approached without The book begins with two short chapters reading the other chapters. describing a short history of ePTFE and the proper- Sina Ebnesajjad tiesofPTFE.Chapter3discussespolymerizationand finishing of PTFE by emulsion method (fine powder Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania August 2016 PTFE) placing emphasis on grades specially xi Acknowledgment Many people have contributed to this book Parkinson Freudenberg Sealing including everyonewhosework has been mentioned Technologies Technologies in this book in some shape and form. I have tried to STM, Inc. Donaldson Corp. acknowledgeallwhohavehelpedmewiththisbook. To my profound regret I may have missed some International Polymer PolyFluoro Ltd. Engineering, Co. names. Please accept my sincere apologies for the oversight. A short note to the publisher or to me Adtech Polymer Diener Electronic directlywillallowcorrectionintheelectroniconline Engineering copyandfutureeditions.Iammostgratefultomany OutdoorSportsCenter Henniker Plasma companies and individuals who have contributed data, photographs, and illustrations to this book. www.eventfabrics.com PVA TePla Co. Authors and companies have been cited in the book Madison Chemical Acton Technologies or in the reference section of each chapter. Industries I have listed the names and website of companies REI Co-Op Enercon Ind. wherevertheirmaterialhasbeenused.Iofferyoumy heartfeltthanksforyourenrichingcontributionstothis Atrium MedicalCorp. Tri-Star Technologies book. I hope the following list (in the order of GE Life Sciences Ingenta appearanceinthebook)isnotmissinganycompanies. Mayo Foundationfor DeWal Industries Ifthereisanerror,ashortnotetothepublisherorme Educationand Res willbeappreciatedsothattheerrorcouldbecorrected: Clarcor IndustrialAir, ZeusIndustrialProducts BHA Industrial Filtration W. L. Gore & Pall Corporation Associates Eaton Corp. MaquetCardiovascular C. R. Bard Davol Inc. CoreflonCorp. PORTEF ePTFE Filters Porex Corporation Willy A.Bachofen Amann & Soehne G Advantec MFS, Inc. Phillips Scientific DuPont/Chemours Sunteca Corp. I have used numerous illustrations and much Buflovak, LLC WLT Dichtungstechnik, data from W. L. Gore & Associates in this book. e.K. That is simply because of the paramount role Jennings International Virginia Sealing the company has played in the development Products of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) QPD Inc. Teadit NorthAmerica membranes and products based on those membranes. Rarely, if ever, a single company has BrucknerUSA All State Gasket playedsuchasubstantialroleinthedevelopmentof Summit Filter Leader GT Corporation a product that has cascaded into billions of dollars Corporation throughout the market value chains. To be sure Marshall and Williams, RAM Gasket Solutions a number of manufacturers of ePTFE have also Div. Parkinson made technological and applications contributions. Technology My deepest thanks go to W. L. Gore & Associates xiii xiv ACKNOWLEDGMENT and other ePTFE manufacturers for the generosity the breadth of subject matters of PDL. Ms. Nicky they have extended to me. Carter was the production manager of this book. I would like to thank the individuals who played Nicky’s good nature and patience, in addition to her a key role in attainment of permission for the use of support,werevitalduringtheproductionofthisbook. W. L. Gore illustrations and data in this book. Ms. I would like to thank my friend and soul mate Amy E. Calhoun, the leader of Enterprise Commu- Ghazale Dastghaib for her infinite support and nications at W. L. Gore & Associates devoted patience over the decades while I have been writing significant time to this matter. She consulted andeditingbooks.WithoutherloveandcomraderyI a number of people at W. L. Gore & Associates and couldhaveneverhadthewonderfulcareerIhavehad. provided me with guidance and the needed permis- Noneoftheviewsorinformationpresentedinthis siontousetheillustrationsandartworkinthisbook. book reflects the opinion of any of the companies Thank you Amy. Ms. Jenny E. Maher was instru- (especially W. L. Gore & Associates) or individuals mental in facilitating the process of obtaining thathavecontributedtothebook.Ifthereareerrors,I permission. Thank you Jenny. own them. A note indicating the specific error to the I would like to express my appreciation to publisher, for the purpose of correction, would be Matthew Deans the senior publisher of William muchappreciated.Contactinformationcanbefound Andrew imprint for his support. David Jackson, in the front matter of this book. acquisitions editor of Plastics Design Library (PDL) Sina Ebnesajjad has supported me throughout this project and others Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania in every possible way. He has been my energetic August 2016 partnerintheeffortstogrowthenumberoftitlesand 1 History of Polytetrafluoroethylene and Expanded PTFE Membrane O U T L I N E Part I: Discoveryof Part II: Invention ofExpanded Polytetrafluoroethylene 1 Polytetrafluoroethylene 4 1.1 Discoveryof Polytetrafluoroethylene 1 1.4 ANew Type ofPolytetrafluoroethylene 4 1.2 Roy Plunkett’sStory 1 1.5 Early Historyof W.L. Goreand Associates 4 1.3 Commercialization of 1.6 DiscoveryofExpanded Polytetrafluoroethylene 5 Polytetrafluoroethylene 3 References 7 Part I: Discovery of newfluorinatedrefrigerantsthatweresaferthanold gases because of being nonflammable, nontoxic, Polytetrafluoroethylene [1a] colorless, and odorless. He reacted tetrafluoro- Many people around the world, regardless of ethylene (TFE) with hydrochloric acid (HCl) for whetherornottheyhavebeendirectlyinvolvedinthe synthesis of a refrigerant, CClF2eCHF2 [2]. As he creationandproductionofpolymer,arefamiliarwith had done on many other occasions, on the morning the origins of fluoropolymers. Teflon®, DuPont’s ofApril6,1938,Plunkettcheckedthepressureona trademark name for polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), full cylinder of TFE. He was surprised to find no isworldrenowned.Theclassicstoryofthediscovery pressure, and yet theweight of the cylinder was the of fluoropolymers is replete with the magical com- same as it had been the previous day. Plunkett and binationofcuriosity,perseverance,andserendipity.It his technician removed the valve and shook the is helpful to note the environment and context in cylinder upside down. When they cut open the gas whichpolymersciencebegan.Thissectionplacesthe cylinder, they recovered a small amount of a slip- invaluable discovery made by Roy Plunkett [1b] in pery white substance (Fig. 1.1). They analyzed the the context of the times and of the events and per- waxy powder and named this new substance poly- ® sonalitiesthatshapedscience,industry,andtheworld tetrafluoroethylene,latertrademarkedasTeflon by in the 1930s and 1940s. Plunkett’s finding is even the DuPont Company. The rest, as they say, is his- more impressive when viewed through the prism of tory (Fig. 1.2). this context. 1.2 Roy Plunkett’s Story 1.1 Discovery of Roy was born into a poor farm family in New Polytetrafluoroethylene Carlisle,Ohio.When theGreatDepressionbeganhe was a student at Manchester College in North Man- For those who do not already know the story, let chester, Indiana, where he shared a room with an usbeginwiththeending.By1938,Dr.RoyPlunkett olderstudentnamedPaulFlory.Roygraduatedwitha hadbeenworkingatDuPontfor2years,developing bachelor of arts in chemistry in 1932 and followed ExpandedPTFEApplicationsHandbook. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-1-4377-7855-7.00001-8 Copyright©2017ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. 1 2 EXPANDED PTFE APPLICATIONS HANDBOOK Paul to graduate school at Ohio State University. Within 2years of one another, Roy and Paul both earned Masters and PhD degrees from Ohio State University. In 1936, Roy joined DuPont Central Research, where Paul had been working since 1934. Roy quickly advanced to Kinetic Chemical Co., a joint venture that DuPont and General Motors (GM) had set up to produce safe refrigerants to replace ammonia and sulfur dioxide. Roy was given a laboratory in DuPont’s Jackson Laboratory on the shore of the Delaware River in Deep Water, New Jersey. Roy’s laboratory was across the hall from a laboratory run by a colleague named Charlie, whose research focused on synthesizing new organic compounds. Roy was trying to expand the line of fluorocarbons, known as Freon, to meet the needs brought on by the explosive growth of automobile production at GM. ExcitementeruptedinRoy’slabonApril6,1938, when he found no pressure in the TFE cylinder and Figure 1.1 Depiction of the discovery of polytetra- discovered the strange new substance inside. What fluoroethylene by Roy Plunkett and his assistant, was this slippery white powder? Because he had Jack Rebok [3]. Courtesy:The DuPontCo. time, knowledge, and curiosity, he paused to ask Figure 1.2 Photograph of the notebook page in which Plunkett recorded the discovery of polytetrafluoroethylene [3]. Courtesy:The DuPontCo. 1: HISTORY OF POLYTETRAFLUOROETHYLENE AND EXPANDED PTFE MEMBRANE 3 questions. He was not working under relentless Nazi Germany. Lieutenant General Leslie Richard pressure to meet next month’s deadline because Groves, who led the project, made critical decisions companies like DuPont, that funded research like to prioritize the various methods of isotope separa- Roy’s,understoodthatsuccessinresearchrequireda tion;andheacquiredtherawmaterialsneededbythe reasonably low-stress work environment. One won- scientists and engineers working on the project. ders how history might have been different had Roy In the course of his search for new materials to had been given an inflexible objective. What would meet the novel needs of the Manhattan Project, havehappenedifRoyhad,upondeterminingthatthe General Groves came across PTFE. After hearing foreign substance had no properties that would about the properties of PTFE and its resistance to further his fluorocarbon research, wiped up the different chemicals, General Grove is purported to powder and carried onwith his dailytasks? ButRoy have said that the cost, even at $100 a pound, was a was a well-trained scientist with the freedom and bargain! Scientists working on the project badly curiosity to investigate this unexpected finding. needed corrosion-resistant materials for the uranium When Charlie heard the racket across the hall, he enrichment process. U-235 had to be separated from walkedovertoRoy’slabtoinvestigate.Helatersaid, U-238 using differential diffusion of UF . UF is 6 6 “I noticed commotion in the laboratory of Roy highly corrosive to most metals, butPTFE stands up Plunkett, which was across the hall from my own. I to it. Once the scientists involved in the Manhattan investigated and witnessed the sawing open of a Project verified its properties, the US Patent Office cylinderfromwhichwasobtainedthefirstsampleof placed PTFE under a national “secrecy order” and Teflon® fluoropolymer.” This is the description of fromthenonitwasreferredtoas“K-416.”Onlyone thatdayatJacksonLaboratorythatCharliePedersen patent, with minimal content, was issued to DuPont sharedinhis1987NobelLecture.Pedersen(Fig.1.3) in 1941 to recognize its rights to the invention [4b]. went on to invent new crown ether compounds, for The next time anyone outside of DuPont heard of whichhewasawardedtheNobelPrizeinChemistry. PTFE was after World War II, in 1946, under the ® Afterloggingtheresultsofhisdiscoverythatday, now-famoustrademarkofTeflon .DuPontlearneda Roy Plunkett continued with his research. Several great deal about PTFE during its intense efforts to yearslater,wartimeneedsrescuedhisdiscoveryfrom produceitfortheManhattanProject.Whenresources oblivion. The Manhattan Project was a covert pro- formerlyreservedforthewareffortbecameavailable gramwhoseaimwastodevelopanatombombbefore again to scientists and manufacturers in the US and aroundtheworld,itwastimetomovetheproduction of PTFE from pilot plant to a commercial manufacturing operationdand DuPont was ready. Dr. Plunkett’s own words describe the impact of his discovery: “The discovery of polytetrafluoro- ethylene (PTFE) has beenvariously described as (1) an example of serendipity, (2) a lucky accident and (3)aflashofgenius.Perhapsallthreewereinvolved. Thereiscompleteagreement,however,ontheresults of that discovery. It revolutionized the plastics in- dustryandledtovigorousapplicationsnototherwise possible” [4a]. 1.3 Commercialization of Polytetrafluoroethylene Efficient monomer synthesis methods, polymeri- zation technologies, and various forms of PTFE had to be developed. The fact that large-scale monomer Figure 1.3 Dr. Charles J. Pedersen, 1987 Nobel synthesisandcontrolledpolymerizationhadnotbeen Laureate in Chemistry (retired from DuPont). fully developed was a technical impediment to 4 EXPANDED PTFE APPLICATIONS HANDBOOK commercialization of the new polymer. Intensive halfacentury.PTFEandePTFEhavealsogenerated studies resolved these problems, and small-scale tens of billions of dollars’ worth of business. ® production of Teflon began in Arlington, New Jer- sey, in 1947. In 1950, DuPont scaled up the com- ® mercial production of Teflon in the US with the 1.4 A New Type of construction of a new plant in Parkersburg, West Polytetrafluoroethylene Virginia.In1947,ImperialChemicalIndustriesbuilt the first PTFE plant outside the US, in the United W.L.Gorewasasuccessfulsmallcompany,barely Kingdom. a decade old, when Bob Gore discovered ePTFE, PTFE cannot be dissolved in any solvent, acid, or which the company named Gore-Tex. ePTFE trans- base, and when melted it forms a stiff clear gel with formed W.L. Gore into a multibillion-dollar giant of noflow.Specialprocessingtechniquesnormallyused creativity that has continued to try to find new for molding metal powders were modified to fabri- product development opportunities in which ePTFE cate parts from PTFE. Another process, called paste playsakeyrole.WithoutthediscoveryofPTFEand extrusion, was borrowed from ceramic processing. fluoropolymers,DuPontwouldhavestillbeenalarge Roy Plunkett’s discovery of PTFE was just the corporation, albeit somewhat diminished. In the beginning. Throughout this embryonic stage of absence of ePTFE, W.L. Gore and Associates, polymer science there was much excitement and whatever its fate, would not have been the company curiosity and debate in scientific circles, and many that it became, thanks to Gore-Tex. scientistsaroundtheworldbuiltuponthisdiscovery. The discovery and evolution of ePTFE is inextri- Scientists devoted a great deal of effort, from the cably linked to the history of W.L. Gore as a com- 1940sthroughthe1960s,todevelopingtechnologies pany,andsothischaptertellsthatstory.W.L.Gore’s to fabricate useful objects from the three forms of unique management style and structure have been PTFE: granular, fine powder, and dispersion. Over credited for its sustained growth through innovation time,throughthe1980s,avarietyofTFEcopolymers and creativity. Over the past five decades, the com- were developed that could be processed by melt pany has brought the technology of Gore-Tex into a extrusion techniques and solution processing [5]. myriad of applications. The end-use products utiliz- ing ePTFE have enhanced people’s lives beyond imagination. There is some controversy over which company or individual first invented the concept of Part II: Invention of Expanded PTFE expansion. Regardless of the answer to this Polytetrafluoroethylene question, however, it is W.L. Gore that continues to propel ePTFE to new frontiers. In 2008, W.L. Gore and Associates celebrated the Over time, competitors began to produce ePTFE 50th anniversary of the founding of their company. membranesandproductscontainingthem.Thisbook Ironically, 2008 also marked the 70th anniversary of presents the contributions of many of these com- Roy Plunkett’s discovery of PTFE at DuPont. W.L. panies andexploresthevaluablerolethatW.L.Gore Gore is where expanded polytetrafluoroethylene anditscompetitorsplayedintheevolutionofePTFE (ePTFE) was discovered and perfected over the technology. years.The discoverystories ofPTFEandePTFEare separate yet intertwined, similar though unique. Both discoveries were the result of the technical 1.5 Early History of W.L. Gore and brilliance, creativity, curiosity, perseverance, and Associates business savvy of their respective masterminds. Foremost among the common qualities is curiosity, Wilbert (“Bill”) L. Gore was born in 1912 in because these scientists were curious enough to Meridian, Idaho. He spent most of his formative recognize an anomaly and pursue with vigor what years in Salt Lake City, Utah. Bill studied chemistry many might have considered a setback or an odd and engineering and received both a bachelor of effect. Both PTFE and ePTFE are still used in the sciencedegreeinchemicalengineering,in1933,and development of innumerable new products that have a Master of Science in chemistry, in 1935, from the madevitalcontributionstohumankindformorethan UniversityofUtahinSaltLakeCity.Billwasaquiet

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