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Exp. of Aspects of the Days of Ignorance – Sh. Saalih al-Fawzaan PDF

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Preview Exp. of Aspects of the Days of Ignorance – Sh. Saalih al-Fawzaan

Gel Act An Explanation of , Aspects of the Days of ignorance of the Imaam & Mujaddid Muhammad bia ‘Abdil-Wahhaab By Shaikh Saalih bin Fawzaan al-Fawzaan Pea WAC Ube ea aaaces roa An Explanation of Aspects of the Days of Ignorance Written by Shaikh-al-Isiaam Muhammad bin ‘Abdil-Wahhaab [Died 1206H] Explanation and Commentary by Shaikh Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan Member of the Permanent Committee for Religious Verdicts & the Council of Senior Scholars Aa bspinution of “Apa oe Dayo ese Fist Eton, August 2005/1426H © Copyright by Abibaanah Book Publishing, USA Bil rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in ary language, stored #1 any retdoval eysiom or transmitted in any form cn Fy ‘any means, whether electroric, mechsnic, photocopying, recording ut olharaise, withaul he express pormission of the copy-ighl owne Gover Design: ‘Abdus-Salaain Walker aslooncopr@earthink net Printed By: Sanatoch Printers, NY Publighed by: Al Ibeanah Book Publishing ‘Translated hy: Isms'eel Alargon Web Site: wiv alibaanah.com E-mast vafo@abibaaran com Subject "Agoedaa Please visit us on the web ot: www.ahibaanah.com for free access 9 hurerous of Islam anticles and scholarly biographies, 28 wo as dozens 2! covmloadable e-bo0%s, a bpm of "Aste Dae fan” Topics Covered in This Boak Intreuuction to the Explanation n Introduction to the Text ofthe flo, ° ‘The Fist Aspect: Supplicating te Righteous individuals 2 ‘The Second Aspect: ‘Ihe Division of the Peaple af the Days of Tgnoruwe with reget their Worship and Religion, 38 ‘The Third Aspect: They considered Opposing the Rulera Virtue... 54 ‘The Fnurth Aspect: Biind Rollovsing and its Dangers o ‘The Fifth Aspret: Ketying, on what the Majority is upon as Poot, on The Sixth Aspe Relying on what the Ancestorsane son ai Prout. 66 he Seventh Aspect: Using whal ine Influential are upon as Proof... 70 The Tighth Aspect: What the Weak were pun way nut the Trutlt according to Then, n ‘The Nintly Aspect! Emulating the Wicked Scholais and Fgnorant Worshippers. fe The ‘Tenth Aspect: Accusing the Ruligious People of having 1itile Understanding and a Lack of bitellect He he Hleventh ond Twellty Assets: Relyzyg on a Conmupt karen af Reasoning while Rejec ling Ihe Corteet Farat uf Ruwoning. ‘The Thiteenth Aspect: Hsiremism wilt eyand to the Peuple of Aa ksginstion Ae afi Dye eer Kruwiudge and Righteousness Whe Fourteenth Aspuct: Their Negation of the [ruth and Affirmutivn of False 16 The Tafeeenth Aspect: Using False Excuses lo net Acveplthe'Trutn.. 9 Ube Soetsunth Aspuet: Ths Jews Replicas! the Toes with Blake of Magic 2 ‘Tae Sevententh Aspuct: Ascribing Falseloud to the Prnphets wt Ihe Fighteonth Aspect: Ihey would Ascribe themselvuy wo the Prophets in spite af Caposiig them, wn? ‘The Nineteenth Aspects Bluniing Righteous Peep ¢ based on the Actions i seme who Ascribe therselvs to thar. aes ‘The Twentieth Aspects Bolincing thal the Sots of Sorcerers an “Magician ie Fromm the Ssiracaleans Endenements ofthe Righteous... ULL he Twenty Dirsr Auperte Wonbipping Allaah by Whisting and Clapping Hands nm ‘The Toventy-Seconel Aspect: faking the Religion as ar Armssemmunt aad aCame, ns ‘The Twenty-Taird Aspect Belg Delused by the Worldly tile uw he Vwenty-Tourth Aspect: Abstaiting {rom the Truth if the Weak ‘Ones Follow it ns The Tventy-Filth Aspect: Considering Something to tw False based fn the Weak being the First to Accept it oe The Iwenty-Sicth Aspect Distorting the Evidences from the Book ater Ackownvledging then, we Aw tsp The Twunty-Sevuith Aspe Authoring Bouso ol balsehees and Asssiteag Essie ta Allaah, Ue Twenty-Teght aspurt Riguting sue Tell laud th Others Tae Tiny Ninth Aspect ct Acting am the Vien Uhey Claimed tn Fone those ere Jae ki olh Aspect! Adhering, to Division and Arandoning Unt. ve Iiiny-eivst Aspects Knavity lowards tae “Inue Keligion and o for tie False Religion ‘The Titty Second Aspect: Denying the Testi wince it one oily COtiees hoe They dd not Like he"thinsy-1 ind Aspect: Centradiclions in Afkaming and Denying. the Ihirwy-bourth Aspects bach fect Praises “tsa ayart from Otters ye Thdsty-Tith Aspect: Sovknyy Nearnun tu Al ast by Conenising, ae Prahibied, The Thiny-Hiata acpecl Seeking: Neamens io Allaah by Beohaiting, ‘Ge Lawful od Perrott the Gorevefel rty-Seventh Aspuet: Ta Lords besides Allah, ing the Rabbis and the Monks as ‘The Thorty-Dighta Aspect Denying Allash’s Names and Atrbutes 's ames, ‘The Lnirty-Ninth Aspect: Denying Allsa The Fertieth Aspoct Dermal uf the Lued. Ths Forty First Aspect: Dseribray Allaah with Deficiencies. 146 ae 150 ase 156 158 se Lingo of lis te yo open ‘he bony-Second Aspect: Agcnbiag Portnars to Allaah wath regard to His Dawsinion The Forty Think Aspeet enying Allah's Diving Pre Decree fhe Fory-Tourth Avpoct: Using Alloab’s Divine Deere aw ait Taewe Lar thei: Diebetie The Bonty ith Legh ret Claiowing » Contrntiction between Alias Laon itd His Divisw Doceue, ‘he Ferty-Histh Aspect Anrimating Penta te fime ane Rewling i ‘The ForrySeveall Aspect: Donving Alkual’s Blowing in General “The FeyBighth Aspect: Disholiseing,n Atlsobys Ve he Hotty elewing inssome al Allaak's Verses. The Hifucth Aspect. Denying: Allah's Kevelation of Books 10 Meseengees he Fify-tiese Ampest: Describing the Qur'aan as being the Speech ofa lumen feiog, The Filly Serond Aspect: Negating Wisdam from Allash’s Actions Phe Flty-Thaed specs Legislation Tinployany Sunes to Nullify Allaah’: We Fltty-Fouch Aspect: Agresing with the feuth as a Means te Repel it “Tao Filty-Flth Aspocte Fanatical Attaclment to Falsehood. The Fily ith Aspect Calling tawheed Shirk, 286 19t 1 An Esperata of "Apso he Wa of era” ‘The FiltySeventh and Flly-Bighth Agpect: Distorting the Words and Twisting the Meanings of Allash’s Book. . ‘The Fifty-Ninth Aspect Giving the People of Truth Horrendous Nicknames, . ‘he Sixtiath and Sivty-Hirat Aspect: Fabricating Lice against Allaah and Denying the Truth The Sixty Second Aspect: Inciting Kings against People of Truth. ‘The Shay-Third, Siay-Hourth, Sivty-Fifth, Sixly-Sith, and Sixty Seventh Aspect: Accusing the People of ruth with tat which thay ate Free from The Sinty-Fighth Aspect They would Praise Wiemselves for shat they didn't Have The Ghty-Ninth and Seventieth Aspec: Making Addituns und Deletions to Worship, over how Allaah Legislated i ‘The Seventy Fust Aspects Abandoning what Alaa has Obligatet out al ial) Piety ‘The Seventy-Second and Seventy-Third Aspcubs: Sevking Nearness lo Allaah by Abandoning the Good Lawlul Things The Seventy-Fourth Aspect Calling Peaple to Misgaidane. sMyFilth Aspect: Calling the Poople tw Disbolieving ‘The Seventy-Sixth Aspect: Making Tremendous Plots to Establish Shirk ancl Repel the Teuth {the Seventy-eventh Aspect: Following one wha is not Fit to be Followed. 198 vt 198 201 208 20 23 216 Ds ar An Lisplonaton of "Aipof the ag of nay” The Seveny-Eighh Aspect Cantaicion in Ons Love for Allaah. a vs {he Seventy-Ninth Aspect: Relying on False Hopes. ‘The Eightieth Aspect Extremism with regard tn Individuals. The Fighty-First Aspect: Extremism with regard to the Landmasks of ue Prophets, The Ei ty-Gecond Aspect: Adhering to the Meana of Shik: ‘The Fighty-Third Aspect: Devotion to the Graves. The Kighty-Fourth Aspect: Seeking, Nearness a Allaah by Performing Soerfices at the Gravenites The Eighty-Futh and Dighty-Sixth Aspect: Preserving the TLanalenars nf Pepatigiaus People ‘The BightySeventh. Eighty-Fighth, Fighty-Ninih and Ninetith Aspect. Some Characievislier ol Une Days of Ignorance At mained in Parts of Thin Umnmah, ‘The Nenety-Finst Aspect: Their Society is hased ain ‘Transgression. “The Ninwly Seuvead Aspect: Bragging without Due Right, ‘The Ninety-Thind Aspect The Comloneast Form of Tarutical Attuchanent ‘The Ninety-Fourth Aspect: Holding a Person: Acuountabie for the Crime ot Another. “The Ninety Filth Aspoct: Conslemaing a Perso forthe Defisinnivs ‘af am Anite Persin ma cary 235 27 2a ae am 246 ai Ar Explonatn of “Adder of ie Daye of pram” ‘The Ninety-Sixth. peck Boasting ahout One's Good Feats 266 ‘The Ninwty-Seventh Avpect: Bousting ibout Asctiption to Righteaus People in Spite of Contradicling them “The Ninety-Fighih Aspact: Uaasting about Professions 286 “The Ninety-Nieth Aspect: Being Mesrnerized by the Worldly Life... 267 The Hundredth Aspect: Making Amend:ents and Suggestions cover Allaah, 289 ‘The Hundred and First Anpect: Looking Down upon the Poor. zl “Ine Hundred and Second Aspect: Accusing the Believers abont their intentions and CGoalh mm The Hundred and third, Fourth, Fifth, Sith, Seventh and Eighth Aspects: Disbeewing in the Fadamentals of the Relig a The Hundeed and Nauth Aspect: Disbelivving in Seine uf whet the Messengers Informed of ow The Tlondred and Tenth Aspect: Enmity towards the Callers te Tel ss 21 The Hundred and Bleventh Aspect Uslieving in Falsehood, 2 ‘The Hurd and Twelfth Ampect: referring Lishelief aver Faith... 285 The Huwsdsed axl Thirteenth Aspect: Mixing the Truth with Talschood st thatthe Fafschood cmuld be Accepted. 26 The Hundred and Fourteenth Aspect Canceling the Truth Knowingly 2 the ltundeed and Fifleenth Aspect. Speaking about Allaah withor!

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