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Exp. of al-Aqeedah al-Waasitiyyah – Sh. Saalih al-Fawzaan PDF

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Preview Exp. of al-Aqeedah al-Waasitiyyah – Sh. Saalih al-Fawzaan

bee oe ied Wes rs ‘ay Explanation of Al-Aqeedat Al-Waasitiyyah Be Eh nes) eapesonet | Al-Aqeedat Al-Waasitiyyah of Shaykh al-isiaam Ahmad Ibn Taimiyyah (rons) Explanation by ash-Shaykh, Dt, Saalih al-Fawzaan "Transated by ‘Abu Naasie Ibrahisn Abdur Raut i 2 nis : ester srr i i i | tegursoed Nags ote war exer, fetocpled snot aed rtd aa a ape a ebl aati pate thal gat abe | re) (ometatnteren) Sse ab eral f vous Potent se Sariltheach Piemingham B10 00 UK “ie onavTZI7RG6588 Mob, uoLarsa30EKase Ts: ood Jarnabbabc.k Trmestarmehonle TABLE OF CONTENTS Forenoid Explaining the Basmala the ahvseSamnah wohjocua'ah ‘The Pills of Temsan Bellet in she Atbutes o® Allah the Postlon of che An’ ac-undh wablama'ah agar ing Helle? In alla aterutes Evidences That Prove Atfiming Alas Names and ALiibutes From be Nable Quen combing egation anal Afrmation Aeyarding His Attabutes Exsltacie He- Combining, Berween His Belng High ADove ard Near, And Between Ling Eterna’ and Everlasting Hs Knowladge Encarapareing Hi reacutes Afton she Atibtes of Hearing a Slghs Regarcng Moh _Aftrning Wish and Wl Regarding allah ~Glonaucis le “Aisin All's Love. snd Friendship wit Ip Beloved Friends A Ht efits Hi Miaesty Alvin ls Attbutes of warcy ad Foigiveness — charge sisHe and exated Aah’ Pleasure, ager, Disoleasure, ane His Diske in the Noble ‘Queen, Ad The Fact hat He Possescesthe Attributes Th Coming et Allah ~ Glorious is He To Judge Among Ils slaves As Ie weft He Molesey _Abnrnng, Foc Regn Aah - Glorious is He ‘Adfcming The Two Hands Regarding Allah ~ exalted Is He - In Tae Noble quer afriming wo tyes Regarding Alla Faslets He _petring See'ng and Heong Regarding lah - Exalted He. Tung Po in Sesret Plan Regarcng lah ~ Exalted i He As It eft tim Atriputieg Vercon, Forgive ts, Mercy Hone a Might toll fring Name For Aland Negating Resemblaace of Hin [Nogating Any Equal Wih Ala —Exskedls He- Affirming Alas ling Qver ts Then Atfrming Ala’s Being High Above Hls creatures Affirming Alas Being Wth Wis treatures ‘Astirnbag Speech Regering lah Afiemngthe Revelation ofthe Qur'aan From Alzh—ExskedisHe- 94 _Attnning une Sebevers'Seelng thee Land onthe Day af Resurrection 102 Aiming allah’s Names and Peibutes®ram the Senmsh. 106 Affering The Divine Descent To The Early Heaven AB I Refs +0 ‘las Magesty Alem ngthe allah Poys aed Laughs i Aig Astonish and Laughing Regarding, Nish a “Affinnig Leg wil Foot Rearing AT locos i Me 5 _Afiing Cal, Voice and Speech Regarding Allah - ExaltedisHe- 17 Affinring Allah’ Being High Above Mis Creatures and Rising Over His 119 “Throne Affimning Allan's Being With Hls Crestures And that It Does Wot 23 FRegate His Belg High Over His Throne _Affiming the BeBevery Seting Thei Lor onthe Day of Resurrection 97 The Postion of the People ot Sunnah Regarding These Hadecths 129 Cconcalning Afiomsaion ofthe Divine Acolbutes ‘The Postion of the Af o> Sunah wot onal Among the Secis the 130 Umit Obligtion of Rete in Allah's Hsing Overs throne, His wing Above 135 is Creatures And With His Creatives And That Roth Ga Not Contre, What We Must Sitio OF Fis Being Above His Creatures And HIG 38 bela With His Creatures, What His Geng “Over The Heave" Means And the Proots Regarding that DDblation Of Bele n His Nearness To Hs Grentites oa) Tat aoe <4 Not slegace Hi Belng High Above and Over (Al Things) Obligation of Beio# That The Qur'an is Aloh's Words Trulyand aly 42 Oblgation of Beef in the Relicvery” Secing Tg Lord Or The Uay of 47 esurrecton Ard the Stations of he Sscing Matteo Ince alle the Last Dsy wg ‘hat Happenin the Grave 145 “The Greater Resurrection: a Wh Wl appa On IL 13 ven’ ofthe Day of Resurrection 186 ‘The PoolOF the traphet (Its Location and Qualties 62 ‘As Sirat: What I NIe2ns, Location And The Mariner People Wi Coss 164 ‘bgontarch Batcen The Paracise and'ThetHel 166 ‘he Fs: Fo Ask The Daor OF Poradize Be Opened And The Hess 116 Enter And the Intercessons OF the Proph=t 6 Removing Some Wrangcaen Fron: Hell QucOFAlat’s Mercy WhtNoU: 179 Ang Person's Intercession And Exparsioc of the Paradise far ts Inhabitants ele In Preardinment nw Exotanation of hat It Cnals "8 Explanalloas of the Categores af AtQzdar 7 Te Fit Jewel And Wa I Eras 3 ‘The Second Level nd Wasi Cotas cy No Disrepancy Between A-Gadar Ard Legblaion, NG Retween 28 ‘Aas Preordaing ies nd Ms Hating Them No Disereparey Betovee APTening A:Qosar And His Connecting Tha 187 Deeds CF Ihe Slaves Fo Them Acaly and Truly, Aun) Tae They Do “Thein Sut oF helrown Walton ‘Tre Essence Of cerita The Hallag Regarding Those Who Commit 190 Morse» Obigations Tomas The Companaes OF Allah's Messenger (3), Ané 97 [A Mention o eis Viewes Thu Exculerte Cf The Companions And the Posilar OF the abt As: 203 Surman Wablawi'ah Regarding Ie And Enunciating The anking sroane Themcelves ‘Bw Ruling On Preferdug, ‘Alse Over Osher Four Calphs tm their 20 Artes a “The Stauss OF The Householé OF Propnet{..} With Tae Aly Sumo 710 vauaan ‘Fe Position of the Weras OF The Prophet wlth The ARL AESumrah 2:3 olor An AeSunna Walfama'ah Absnive Thamselvas OF What The 216 rpowatars Say Kegard ng the Companinas and Akl AL-ayt ‘Tae Poston of te Al AsSunsah WoLJona'dh Hegardng Keraamagt 23 As Fires Tray uf the ARI ABSuanah Watiamcah And why They Were S026) Names ccpaiang the Supplements on the matters of creed: Noble raks 23 ‘An sighieous nade "he aM Aouad Qo ith Inthe Name of alloy the Most Compassfonate,the Most Merciful All praise belongs to Allah the Lond ot ab that exists. nd peace and blessings be Upon our Prophet, Nunanemad, nd upon his household ands enti comparvans To proceed: This ls a summarized commentary on AU ‘Aacedn Altaastneh of Shaykh abso: Yon Taimiyyah, and have prepared it from he sources tha ato 1s rR an-Nadiyych Sharh ak‘Ageedat Iwas by Shah 2ayd bin ‘bi Axees bin Fayyaad, > AeTorhechaat ds Sanniysah ‘isa alAgcedat slWecsiyyah hy Shaykh abgul- ‘Rages bina ar-tasheed 4 AbTonbcehant atLsteclah foumaa htawat ‘vigy:l -VYeastyyoh mtn a Mabochihal-aneefab hy Shaykh Azur Rant bin Nasir asec. {ave aco quoted irom the pons of beni | armotated un my copy while tll a student 4 Pertaining tothe matters ofthe meanings of the verses, we yuck from the hooks 9f Tefseer ike: Fath alQudeerby Imam Murammed ‘Alee ash Shawhaaniy, and. Tafseer abQuraan at‘Acheem by Shaykh lemons! tba ratheer. | ask Ath to make ic benefiial, ane make fe full the desc explanaton of this [Feat Creed. Mar se forgive ie sy error may commit ad grant me steadfastness Upon the rightnoas i eontaing, erty He Hears and Grae suppietions May Aigh’s solutations be upor our Prophet, Niuharmad, Fis Fausshold and ‘companions, Andsllaaisas belang to Alar the Lane of al that exis, ‘The Author ‘The author sald et ND peat Inthe Name of Allah the most Compassionate, the most Merciful COMMENTARY: ‘Tne author - may Aah shower blesings on hm ~ began his book withthe Bosnaizh (the sayy Bamiinn arRahmann arRheer, meaning: [1 che Naw of fla, he ost Compassionate, the most Merciful}, by way of emulating the Noble: Book in ‘whlch the Basrelah curs atthe hegianing of every Sndra excep: Soorah al-Baraa’ He was aiso emulating the Prophet (sokAliaha aloyhivasoiam) in that who would ‘bepinbis correspondences with % ‘Andis saying Sirilah (Inthe Name of Allah), the latter baa (as it occurs in [Baro in Hs arable text} axprasees “seeking a". ad lestealy, lm (Name) eins: hac points to the named thing. loweves ‘n the parlance of Asdbic srammariony, "refers tw what essentially points to 2 meaning and has 9 onnectian with tire.“ As ar the prepastion and the governed neun (ism asin the Srabic tee), thay are both connate to at orited swe which shoul necessary ‘be considera brougt backwards nthe Arabs ymax) ta expres restive. ‘And Allah's 2 proper noun for zhe Divine Essence, Ik means: the Pessarsor of ‘warsiip and servkude of His entve cresturas. Ic is desved from the Word, Alaa ~ ytluter Uloohatan, meaning He worshipped Ke worships ~ worship. Hence All means, 2 Del: One wha s worshipped, One to Whoo servitude crete, ‘and aroha erfaheem (the mast Compassfonate the most Marciful): ate two Noble Varias among His Beau Naras bath of which indleate He Astabute of Mary as i: befis Hk Sublints. v9, a-ahenson means: the Passeeso of General eres forall His creatures, tle arRaeem means: the 995 forthe batevers according ca Hs saying ~ the Exalhec = ia IIs Whe sends His bhasiny> on yous and His angels too (ask All to bless and forgive you), that Memay bring you out from darkness (of disbellet in To lated oa) mn e-Gare =a Ae shower essing on in -andwstaen oo oe shen aa Rent ° 89. has AA

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