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Exotic topological density waves in cold atomic Rydberg fermions Xiaopeng Li, S. Das Sarma Condensed Matter Theory Center and Joint Quantum Institute, Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-4111, USA Versatile controllability of interactions in ultra- a three dimensional (3d) cubic optical lattice. This cold atomic and molecular gases has now reached Rydberg atomic system has density-density interac- an unprecedented era where quantum correla- tions described by a non-local potential, V(r) = 5 tions and unconventional many-body phases can V /[1+(|r|/r )6], where V describes the interaction 6 c 6 1 be studied with no corresponding analogs in solid strength, and r the interaction range determined by 0 c state systems. Recent experiments in Rydberg the Condon radius in Rydberg dressing [19, 20]. Con- 2 atomic gases have achieved exquisite control over sideringadeeplattice,thekineticmotionofatomsarises n non-local interactions [1–5], allowing novel quan- mainly from quantum tunneling between nearest neigh- a tum phases unreachable with the usual local in- boring sites providing a unique kinetic energy scale, t. J teractions in atomic systems. Here, we study We will focus on a lattice with octahedral O symmetry. 1 h Rydberg dressed atomic fermions in a three di- The intrinsic properties of this system will depend on 2 mensional optical lattice predicting the existence onlytwodimensionlessparameters—V6/tandrc/a(with ] of hitherto unheard-of exotic mixed topological a the lattice spacing), representing the strength of inter- s density wave phases. We show that varying spa- action and its non-locality, respectively. a g tial range of the non-local interaction leads to a At half filling, namely one atom per two lattice sites, - rich phase diagram containing various bond den- t the Fermi surface is perfectly nested in the deep lattice n sity waves, with unexpected spontaneous time- limit, because the single particle energy dispersion sat- a reversal symmetry breaking. Quasiparticles in isfies (cid:15) = −(cid:15) , with Q = (π,π,π) (see Methods). u these chiral phases experience emergent gauge k+Q k q The susceptibility towards forming particle-hole pairing fields and form three dimensional quantum Hall . or density waves t and Weyl semimetal states. Remarkably, certain a m density waves even exhibit mixed topologies be- yond the existing topological classification. Ex- ρ =(cid:104)ψ†(k+Q)ψ(k)(cid:105), - k d perimental signatures of density waves and their n topological properties are predicted in time-of- (with ψ(k) a Fourier transformed annihilation operator) o flight measurements. c is logarithmically divergent due to nesting and the sys- Topological quantum states of matter have attracted [ tem has generic instabilities with repulsive interactions. considerable theoretical and experimental attention in With nearest neighbor interactions for spinless fermions, 1 condensed matter research in the last decade, aiming at v robust physical properties protected (often due to some the ground state density wave order ρk is momentum 0 independent, implying a trivial 3d checkerboard pattern underlying symmetry) against variations in microscopic 2 in real space. However, for Rydberg dressed atoms, the details. Fornon-interactingfermions,topologyofgapped 3 interaction range, r can be comparable to several lat- 5 phaseshas beenclassifiedfor arbitrarydimensions[6, 7]. ticespacings,whichtchenfrustratesthecheckerboardpat- 0 ExamplesareZclassCherninsulatorsintwodimensions tern,givingrisetopossibilitiesofunconventionaldensity . manifesting quantum anomalous Hall effect [8, 9], and 1 waves [21, 22]. 0 time-reversal invariant Z2 topological insulators in three 5 dimensionswithrobustmagnetoelectricresponse[10–13]. Withinone-looprenormalizationgroup(RG)analysis, 1 For classification of gapless systems, no unified theoreti- we find that the strength of density wave instability is : cal framework has emerged yet, nonetheless recent stud- determined by the eigenvalue problem of a rescaled in- v i ies on semimetals suggest one theoretical route by char- teractionmatrixγ whosesymmetryisOh×T (seeMeth- X acterizingtopologicalpropertiesofbandtouchingpoints, ods). Different density waves correspond to eigenvectors r suchasfluxmonopoles[14–18]. Inthispaper,weprovide of γ, which are classified according to irreducible repre- a onefascinatingpossibilitybeyondthepresenttheoretical sentations of the symmetry group [23]. The symmetry paradigm in an interacting system, with mixed gapped classification of density waves and their representative and gapless topologies emergent in a three dimensional irreducible basis functions are shown in Supplementary bond density wave state. We demonstrate the existence Table 1. The trivial density wave is A+1g and all other of such an exotic topological density wave in a Rydberg densitywavesnecessarilyhavemorecomplicatedmomen- dressed atomic Fermi gas via microscopic calculations. tum dependence for symmetry reasons. The latter leads We also propose an experimental scheme to extract the to particle-hole pairing on the bonds in real space [21]. topological properties based upon time-of-flight signals. Before presenting our microscopic results, let us first We consider Rydberg dressed atomic Fermi gas in look at a nontrivial density wave, T− +T+, which has a 1u 2u 2 a b c 1 1 1 −1 −11 1 −11 −1 −1 1 −1−1 1 −1 −1 1 FIG.1. Densitywavetopology. Thecolorindexthephaseangleofthemomentumdependentdensitywaveorder∆ projected k on the Fermi surface. b and c use the the same color scheme as shown in a. a, b and c correspond to topologically distinct density wave states. The red dotted lines are vortex lines around which the phase of ∆ changes by 2mπ (m (cid:54)= 0). Right k on vortex lines, ∆ vanishes. In a, one vortex line crosses the Fermi surface. In both a and b, all vortex lines cannot be k adiabatically removed without touching the Fermi surface, and thus are topologically robust, whereas in c, the vortex line is adiabatically removable and is thus topologically trivial. complex order ∆ (see Methods) of the form, areequivalent. Forgappeddensitywaves,n isnecessar- k 1 ily zero, and we have a Z classification, whereas for gap- ∆ =∆ [sink (cosk −cosk )+sink (cosk −cosk )] k T√2+u x y z y z x lessstates,bothn1andn2canbefiniteandtheclassifica- +i 2∆ sink . tionisZ×Z. Usingthisscheme, theT− +T+ statehas T− z 1u 2u 1u topological numbers (1,2), exhibiting mixed topologies. Here ∆ and ∆ take real values. Such a density T− T+ The density wave topology as constructed is measurable 1u 2u waveorderhasarichtopologicalstructurein3dmomen- by time-of-flight techniques in atomic experiments (see tum space (Fig. 1a), with three vortex lines located at Methods). (0,l,0), (l,0,0) and (l,l,0), with l ∈[−π/a,π/a). These vortex lines are topologically robust in the sense that they cannot be smoothly removed without touching the a b Fermi surface. The Bogoliubov-de Gennes Hamiltonian 1 1.5 todescribequasiparticlesinthedensitywavebackground reads, 0.5 (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:15) ∆ 1 HBdG(k)= ∆k∗ −(cid:15)k , (1) 00 1 2 3 k k c which can be rewritten in terms of Pauli matri- 0.5 −2 ces as H (k) = (cid:126)h(k) · (cid:126)σ. At the points k± = BdG 0 −4 (±2π/3,±2π/3,0) where vortex lines cross the Fermi surface, the magnitude of (cid:126)h vanishes, leading to zero 0 −6 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 −8 energy quasiparticles. Around each nodal point, say 1.2 1.6 2 k=k++(δk ,δk ,δk ),wehaveh ≈ 3∆ (δk −δk ), 0 √ x y z √x 2 T2+u x y h ≈ − 2∆ δk and h ≈ 3t(δk + δk ). The y T1−u z z x y FIG. 2. Leading density wave instabilities for Rydberg quasiparticles near the gapless points are thus Weyl dressed atomic Fermi gas. a, most dominant eigenvalues of fermions [14, 15] with highly anisotropic velocities. Be- the γ matrix (see Methods), representing the strengths of sides this gapless topological property, it is worth noting particle-holeparinginstabilityofcorrespondingchannels. In- thattheothertwovortexlinesthatdonotcrosstheFermi creasingr ,theA+ channelgetssuppressed,andotherchan- c 1g surface are also topologically robust. nels, T−, E−, T+, and T+, with nontrivial momentum de- 1u g 2g 2u In general, we argue that the topology of 3d density pendence are enhanced. b, step-like interaction form for Ry- waves can be characterized by two integers (n1,n2), n1 dbergdressedatoms. TwoatomsfarapartbehaveasinRyd- beingthenumberofvortexlinesthatcrosstheFermisur- bergexcitedstatesandinteractwithvan-derwaalspotential, face,andn thenumberofothervortexlinesthatcannot whereastheybecomemoregroundstatelikeatshortdistance. 2 be contracted to one point without touching the Fermi c, the Fourier transformed interaction V˜(Q) [Q = (π,π,π)]. surface. The topological numbers n1 and n2 thus encode As we increase the cut-off rmax (see Methods), V˜(Q) con- gapless and gapped topologies, respectively. We empha- verges and the truncation error is already negligible when r /r =3. sizethatanytwovortexlinesconnectiblebytheQvector max c 3 We now discuss the actual density waves supported Inaddition, wefindthreegappedphases, A+, A+ +T− 1g 1g 1u by Rydberg dressed atoms. With infinitesimal repulsive andE−+T+,whosequasiparticledensityofstateshasa g 2g interaction, the relative strengths of instabilities in dif- “hard-gap” (Fig. 3b). In atomic experiments, the quasi- ferent channels are fully determined by the non-locality particle spectrum and density of states can be directly strength r /a. The leading instabilities, as quantified by c measured by radio-frequency spectroscopy [24, 25]. thecorrespondingeigenvaluesoftheγ matrix,areshown in Fig. 2. When r is small, the interaction is essen- c a b tially nearest neighbor, for which the γ matrix is mainly determinedbythemomentumindependentpartofinter- 8 0.4 action V˜(Q) (the Fourier transform of the interaction at Q). This makes the trivial A+ density wave completely 1g 6 0.2 dominant over all other density wave states. Increas- imnogrrec,imthpeolrotnagnetr,-rwahnigcehdspuaprptroefsstehseVi˜n(tQer)ac(tsioeen bFeigco.m2ces) 4 c 0 −10 0 10 and consequently the A+ density wave. Simultaneously, 1g 0.2 other density wave channels with non-trivial momentum 2 dependencegetenhanced. Thedominantinstabilitiesare T1−u,Eg−,T2+g andT2+u,andwehaveatransitionfromA+1g 0 0.1 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 to T− around r /a = 1.46. The phase diagram based 1u c 0 on the instability analysis from RG is suggestive, and is −10 0 10 rigorous in leading order. However, considering finite in- teractions, non-linearity may lead to significant physical FIG.3. PhasediagramforRydbergdressedatomicFermigas. effects. In particular, when rc reaches the scale of lattice In this plot, the interaction strength is fixed to be V6/t=4. spacing,theinstabilitystrengthsindifferentchannelsare Toquantifycontributionsfromdifferentclasses,weintroduce quasi-degenerate, which we attribute to the “step-like” ∆ = (cid:113)(cid:80) |∆ |2, (see equation (2)). a shows the phase α β α,β feature of the Rydberg dressed interaction (see Supple- diagram with varying Condon radius r . As we increase r , c c mentary Information). Non-linear effects must then be we get a sequence of density wave phases, A+, A+ +T−, 1g 1g 1u taken into account to determine the actual phase dia- T+ +E−, E− +T− +T+ +T+ and T− +T+. The first 2g g g 1u 2g 2u 1u 2u gram. three are fully gapped and the last two are gapless. The To incorporate nonlinearity, we numerically simulate phasetransitionbetweenthetwogaplessphasesisfoundtobe a system of size 64 × 64 × 64 with periodic boundary second order. The corresponding broken symmetry is space condition using self-consistent methods (see Methods). inversion. The phase transitions among the gapped phases arefirstorder. bandcshowthedensityofstatesforgapped The solution for the ground state density wave order ∆ k and gapless phases, respectively. is expanded in terms of basis functions (cid:88) ∆ = ∆ φ (k), (2) We now discuss topological properties of the density k α,β α,β α,β waves in the phase diagram. In Eg− +T1−u +T2+g +T2+u state, as compared to T− + T+, the density wave where φα,β(k) are the basis functions from symmetry 1u 2u gets additional contributions. The vortex lines are no classification (see Supplementary Table 1), with α label- longer straight, but otherwise have the same topology as ing different classes and β different functions within one shown in Fig. 1a. These two gapless density waves are class. In the self-consistent theory including non-linear then topologically equivalent, having the same topolog- effects, spontaneous symmetry breaking could occur and ical numbers (1,2) in our classification scheme. In the superpositionsofdensitywavesfromdifferentclassesare allowed, subject to the constraint ∆k = ∆∗k+Q. The co- Eg− +T2+g state which is gapped, the vortex line (with efficients ∆ are required to be real. vorticity 2) is located along one axis (Fig 1b), assumed α,β In our self-consistent calculations, spontaneous sym- to be the kz axis in spontaneous symmetry breaking. metrybreakingofO ×T isfoundforalargerangeofr This state has topological numbers (0,2). Actually in h c and the symmetry-broken ground states support various this state, the quasiparticle Hamiltonian HBdG(k), with superposed density waves, yielding a rich phase diagram arbitrary fixed kz, has finite Chern number 2. Such (Fig.3). Surprisinglyallthesuperposedstatesarefound a state thus exhibits 3d quantum anomalous Hall ef- tobreakT symmetryandconsequentlythetime-reversal fect,featuringchiralsurfacemodes,whichmediatehighly symmetry due to the resultant complex structure in ∆ . anisotropic transport properties—dissipationless in x or k The topological gapless density wave T− +T+ is indeed y directionbutdiffusiveinthez direction[26,27]. Inthe an allowed solution as argued earlier. T1uhe ot2huer gapless othergappedstate,A+1g+T1−u,thevortexlineisshownin phasethatoccupiesalargeregioninthephasediagramis Fig.1c,butsuchavortexlineisunstable. TheA+ +T− 1g 1u E−+T−+T++T+. Inbothgaplessphasesthequasipar- statethushastrivialtopologicalnumbers(0,0),topolog- g 1u 2g 2u ticle density of states has a “soft-gap” feature (Fig. 3c), ically equivalent to A+. 1g a signature of the emergent topological Weyl fermions. Weexpectthatourproposedtopologicaldensitywaves 4 to be generic for Rydberg dressed atomic Fermi gases wave order are given by even if the interaction potential is not precisely of the 1(cid:90) (cid:104) (cid:105) specific r6 form. The key qualitative ingredient is the Σ = V˜(k−q+Q)−V˜(k−q) n k 2 q step-like feature in the interaction. To confirm this, we q also have carried out calculations for Rydberg p-wave ∆ =(cid:90) (cid:104)V˜(Q)−V˜(k−q)(cid:105)ρ , k q dressed atoms [28], and similar topological states are in- q deed found (see Supplementary Information). We there- with (cid:82) ≡ (cid:82) d3q , n = (cid:104)ψ†(q)ψ(q)(cid:105), and ρ = q (2π)3 q q fore believe that our prediction for novel collective topo- (cid:104)ψ†(q+Q)ψ(q)(cid:105) . The self-consistent equations are ob- logical density waves should apply generically to dressed tained to be Rydberg optical lattices. 1(cid:90) (cid:104) (cid:105) ∆ = V˜(k−q)−V˜(Q) ∆ /|ε |, Methods k 2 q q q Density wave instability under infinitesimal re- Σ = 1(cid:90) V˜(k−q)[(cid:15) +Σ ]/|ε |, pulsion. The single-particle energy dispersion for k 2 q q q q the 3d cubic lattice with O symmetry is (cid:15) = h k (cid:112) with quasiparticle spectra ε = ± ((cid:15) +Σ )2+|∆ |2. −2t(cosk +cosk +cosk ). Having non-local density- q q q q x y z densityinteractionwithpotentialV(r−r(cid:48)),thescattering With moderate interaction strength, self-energy correc- tions could be significant, but the modification to the vertex among single-particle modes k , k , k and k is 1 2 3 4 Fermisurfaceisreasonablyweak(seeSupplementaryFig- (cid:110) ure 1). In numerics, we introduce a long-range cutoff Γ(k ,k ,k ,k )= 1 V˜(k −k )+V˜(k −k ) 1 2 3 4 2 2 3 1 4 rmax, so that V(|r|>rmax) is set to be zero. For all nu- (cid:111) merical results presented in the main text, r is set to −V˜(k −k )−V˜(k −k ) , max 2 4 1 3 be 6×a and varied to ensure that results do not change qualitatively. with V˜(q) the Fourier transform of V(r). At half fill- Experimental signature of density wave topology. ing,fromtheFermisurfacenesting,repulsiveinteractions In experiments, the momentum dependence of the den- cause instabilities in density wave channels. Such insta- sitywaveordercanbeextractedfromtime-of-flightmea- bilities can be tracked by renormalization group (RG) surements. Using mean field theory, it is straightforward flow of the effective couplings near the Fermi surface, to show that gkf,k(cid:48)f ≡Γ(k(cid:48)f +Q,kf,k(cid:48)f,kf +Q), |ρk|2 =(cid:104)nk(cid:105)(cid:104)nk+Q(cid:105)−(cid:104)nknk+Q(cid:105). (3) At finite temperature, to extract |ρ |2, it is necessary to k The RG equation at one-loop level [29, 30] reads measure both the product (cid:104)n (cid:105)(cid:104)n (cid:105) and the correla- k k+Q tion(cid:104)n n (cid:105). Athalffilling,thelatteroriginatespurely k k+Q (cid:90) d2q fromthermalfluctuations. Theformerisdominantwhen −Λ∂ γ = f γ γ , Λ kf,k(cid:48)f (2π)2 kf,qf qf,k(cid:48)f thetemperatureisnottoohighascomparedtothequasi- particleenergygap(orthe“soft-gap”forgaplessstates). This implies that it should be experimentally straight- with γ a rescaled interaction matrix, forward to get a precise measurement of |ρ |2. In the k zero temperature limit, the density wave order is com- γkf,k(cid:48)f =[2πvf(kf)]−1/2gkf,k(cid:48)f (cid:2)2πvf(k(cid:48)f)(cid:3)−1/2, pletely determined by the product |ρk|2 = (cid:104)nk(cid:105)(cid:104)nk+Q(cid:105). Moreover from the relation, where v (k ) is the Fermi velocity. In the RG flow, the f f 1∆ largest eigenvalue of the γ matrix diverges most quickly ρ =− k [n (ε )−n (ε )] (4) k 2 ε F k F k+Q as approaching the low energy limit. The magnitudes of k eigenvalues quantify the relative strength of instabilities thevortexlinesof∆ immediatelyfollowbytrackingthe k indifferentchannels. ThesymmetrygroupofγisO ×T, vanishingpointsof|ρ |. Withvortexlineslocatedinthe h k withT atwo-elementgroupinvolvingthetransformation 3d momentum space, the topological numbers of density T(k)=k+Q. waves can be easily extracted. Non-linear effects and self-consistent theory. The Acknowledgements variationalstatewechoosetodescribedensitywaveorder X.L.acknowledgeshelpfuldiscussionswithS.Sachdev, is [21] A.Gorshkov,BoLiuandXinLiu. 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A CONSISTENT THEORY FOR DENSITY WAVE ORDER The model Hamiltonian to describe a Rydberg dressed atomic Fermi gas in a three dimensional (3d) cubic optical lattice is H =H +H with 0 int H =(cid:88)(cid:2)−t c†c +h.c.(cid:3), 0 α r r+aeˆα r,α 1(cid:88) H = V(r−r(cid:48))c†c† c c . (S1) int 2 r r(cid:48) r(cid:48) r r,r(cid:48) Here a is the lattice constant, α index the three directions x, y and z, and c the fermionic annihilation operator r positioned at r. The atomic interaction potential, assuming the Rydberg state is s-wave, takes an isotropic form, V(r)=V /[1+(|r|/r )6], for r (cid:54)=0. For fermionic atoms considered here, V(0) is set to be zero. 6 c To describe a density wave ground state, we take a variational state (cid:104) (cid:105) |Ψ(cid:105)=(cid:81)(cid:48) u c† +v c† |Ω(cid:105). (S2) k k k k k+Q Here |Ω(cid:105) is the vacuum, and we have a normalization condition |u |2+|v |2 =1. In (cid:81)(cid:48), k runs over one half of the k k k Brillouinzone,sayk ≥0. Wecandefineu andv inthewholeBrillouinzonebytherelationu =v ,v =u . z k k k+Q k k+Q k Half filling is already enforced within this variational ansatz. The variational energy cost E = (cid:104)Ψ|H +H |Ψ(cid:105) is 0 int obtained to be 1(cid:90) d3k (cid:112) E =− ((cid:15) +Σ )2+|∆ |2 2 (2π)3 k k k 1(cid:90) d3k d3k(cid:48) + ∆∗V˜−1(k−k(cid:48))∆ , (S3) 2 (2π)3(2π)3 k Q k(cid:48) with V˜ (k−k(cid:48))=V˜(k−k(cid:48))−V˜(Q). Minimizing the energy, we get the Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) equation Q (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) u u H (k) k =ε k , (S4) BdG v k v k k with (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:15) +Σ ∆ H (k)= k k k , (S5) BdG ∆∗ −(cid:15) −Σ k k k where the self-energy is 1(cid:90) d3q (cid:104) (cid:105) Σ = V˜(k−q+Q)−V˜(k−q) |u |2 (S6) k 2 (2π)3 q and the off-diagonal term is the density wave order, (cid:90) d3q (cid:104) (cid:105) ∆ = V˜(Q)−V˜(k−q) u v∗. (S7) k (2π)3 q q Thechemicalpotentialhasbeenshiftedby 1V˜(0)tocompensateHartreecorrectionstotheself-energy. Bydefinition, 2 the density wave order satisfies ∆ = ∆∗ , which is an important difference of particle-hole pairing from particle- k k+Q particle paring in superconducting states. Diagonalizing the BdG Hamiltonian, quasiparticle energies are given as (cid:112) ε = ± ((cid:15) +Σ )2+|∆ |2. In variational calculations, we choose the negative branch, and the self-consistent k k k k equations are then obtained to be 1(cid:90) d3q (cid:104) (cid:105) ∆ = V˜(k−q)−V˜(Q) ∆ /|ε |, k 2 (2π)3 q q 1(cid:90) d3q Σ = V˜(k−q)[(cid:15) +Σ ]/|ε |. (S8) k 2 (2π)3 q q q 7 The effective potential for ∆ , defined by U[∆ ]=(E[∆ ]−E[0])/N , reads k k k s 1(cid:90) d3k (cid:110)(cid:112) (cid:111) U[∆ ]=− ((cid:15) +Σ )2+|∆ |2−|(cid:15) +Σ | k 2 (2π)3 k k k k k 1(cid:90) d3k d3k(cid:48) + ∆∗V˜−1(k−k(cid:48))∆ . (S9) 2 (2π)3(2π)3 k Q k(cid:48) With weak interaction, the density wave order ∆ is restricted to the region near the Fermi surface. We thus rewrite k the momentum in terms of Fermi momentum and the distance from the Fermi surface as k=k +le , (S10) f ⊥ where e is a unit vector perpendicular to the Fermi surface. The effective potential now reads ⊥ 1(cid:90) d2k (cid:90) Λ dl (cid:104)(cid:113) (cid:105) 1(cid:90) d2k d2k(cid:48) U[∆ ]=− f v2(k )l2+|∆ |2−v (k )l + f f ∆∗ g−1 ∆ , (S11) k 2 (2π)2 0 2π f f kf f f 2 (2π)2(2π)2 kf kfk(cid:48)f k(cid:48)f where the coupling matrix [g] is the matrix [V˜ ] projected onto the Fermi surface. To see the momentum dependence Q of the ∆ , we expand U[∆ ] to the second order as, k k U[∆]≈−41π ln(cid:18)Λτ (cid:19)(cid:90) (d22πk)f2v|∆f(kkff|2) + 12(cid:90) (d22πk)f2(d22πk)(cid:48)f2 (cid:34)(cid:112)v∆f∗k(fkf)(cid:35)(cid:113)vf(kf)gk−f1k(cid:48)f(cid:113)vf(k(cid:48)f)(cid:113)v∆fk((cid:48)fk(cid:48)f),(S12) where an infrared cutoff τ is introduced to regularize the perturbative expansion. This scale τ can be physically identified to be temperature. Minimizing the effective potential, √∆kf is an eigenvector of the matrix vf(kf) (cid:113) (cid:113) v (k )g−1 v (k(cid:48))≡γ−1 (S13) f f kf,k(cid:48)f f f kfk(cid:48)f with the minimal eigenvalue, or equivalently the eigenvector of γ with the maximal eigenvalue λ . The corre- kfkf(cid:48) max sponding transition temperature is estimated to be τ =Λexp(−2πλ−1 ), (S14) c max which is valid for infinitesimal interactions. It is worth noting that the couplings g actually depend on the cutoff Λ. The effective potential U[∆] is, on the kfk(cid:48)f other hand, independent of Λ [30], i.e., Λ∂ U[∆ ]=0, Λ k from which the renormalization group β-function follows (cid:90) d2q −Λ∂ g = f g [2πv (q )]−1g . (S15) Λ kfk(cid:48)f (2π)2 kfqf f f qfk(cid:48)f This renormalization equation can also be derived by momentum shell scheme [29]. Analyzing the renormalization group flow, the momentum dependence of the density wave order can be determined from leading divergent channels in the renormalization group flow, analogous to the procedure of extracting dominant channels in unconventional superconductivity [31]. This approach is equivalent to minimizing the effective potential at quadratic order. S-2. AN APPROXIMATE CRITERION FOR UNCONVENTIONAL DENSITY WAVES TO DOMINATE As discussed in Section S-1, the leading density wave instability is determined by the eigenvalue problem of the γ matrix (equation (S13)), which in general requires numerics. Here we would like to derive an approximate criterion forunconventionaldensitywavestooccur,andgivesomeintuitionwhysuchordersaresupportedbyRydbergdressed interactions, assuming that the momentum dependence of fermi velocity is negligible. Under this assumption, the eigenvalue problem of γ becomes equivalent to that of V˜(k−k(cid:48))−V˜(Q). 8 a b c 5 5 5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 0 1 0 1 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 −5 0 −5 0 −5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 d e f 5 5 5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 0 1 0 1 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 −5 0 −5 0 −5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Supplementary Figure 1. Illustration of self-energy corrections. In this plot we choose r /a = 1.86 and V /t = 4. a, b c 6 andcshowcontourplotsofbaredispersion(cid:15) withk a=0, π and 3π,respectively. d,eandfshow(cid:15) +Σ forthesameset k z 4 4 k k of k . Although self-energy corrections are significant, its modification to the Fermi surface (defined by (cid:15) +Σ =0) is weak. z k k The property holds for other choice of parameters as well. From Fourier transformation, we know (cid:90) d3k(cid:48) [V˜(k−k(cid:48))−V˜(Q)]e−ik(cid:48)·r =[V(r)−V˜(Q)δ ]e−ik·r. (S16) (2π)3 r,0 The density waves, ∆ , are then given by the plane waves e−ik·r, r labeling different solutions. The eigenvalue k associated with the trivial density wave with r = 0 is then −V˜(Q). For other density waves having momentum dependence, with r (cid:54)= 0, the eigenvalues are V(r). With isotropic interactions, the density wave solutions with the same |r| are degenerate. In particular with step-like interactions as for Rydberg dressed atoms, the solutions with |r| < r are actually all quasi-degenerate. This would strongly amplify non-linear effects, giving rise to possibilities c for superposed density waves. The criterion for unconventional density wave to dominate over the trivial one is, max{V(r)}>−V˜(Q), (S17) which implies for the Rydberg interaction that 1 (cid:88)(−1)rx/a+ry/a+rz/a >− . (S18) 1+(a/r )6 1+(|r|/r )6 c c r(cid:54)=0 From Supplementary Figure 2, the parameter range r /a ∈ (1.45,2.0) should be ideal to look for unconventional c density waves, which is precisely the region we focus on in the main text. For general interactions, the most likely region to look for unconventional density waves can be easily identified by the derived criterion in equation (S17). 9 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 4 Supplementary Figure 2. Estimation of relative instability strength towards trivial and non-trivial density waves. The solid and dashed lines correspond to 1 and −(cid:80) (−1)rx/a+ry/a+rz/a, respectively, representing instability strengths 1+(a/rc)6 r(cid:54)=0 1+(|r|/rc)6 of momentum independent and dependent density waves. The latter is significantly dominant in the region, r /a∈(1.45,2.0). c S-3. NUMERICAL TRICKS IN SOLVING SELF-CONSISTENT EQUATIONS Inself-consistentiteration(equation(S8)),abruteforcetreatmentwouldleadtonumericalcostofO(N2),withN s s the number of lattice sites, which makes the numerics too heavy for large systems, say with N = 643. We simplify s the problem by rewriting ∆ = 1(cid:88)e−ik·rV(r)(cid:20)(cid:90) d3q eiq·r∆ /|ε |(cid:21)− 1V˜(Q)(cid:90) d3q ∆ /|ε |, k 2 (2π)3 q q 2 (2π)3 q q r 1(cid:88) (cid:20)(cid:90) d3q (cid:21) Σ = e−ik·rV(r) eiq·r((cid:15) +Σ )/|ε | . (S19) k 2 (2π)3 q q q r Following the bracketing order above in numerical iteration, the cost is greatly reduced to O(cid:0)(r /a)3N (cid:1), (r is max s max the long-range cutoff, fixed to be 6×a in calculations), which makes it feasible to simulate large systems. S-4. SYMMETRY CLASSIFICATION OF DENSITY WAVES In this section we give the classification of density waves according to O ×T (see Methods in the main text). h The basis functions for density waves with different symmetries can be constructed by a standard projection method in group theory [23]. Classification of density waves and representative irreducible basis functions are shown in Supplementary Table 1 . The basis functions are orthonormal. Respecting all symmetries, superpositions of density waves from different symmetry classes are not allowed. S-5. TOPOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF DENSITY WAVES Details of topological properties of density waves in the self-consistent phase diagram (Fig. 3 in the main text) are providedinthissection. InE−+T−+T++T+ state,ascomparedtoT−+T+,∆ getsanadditionalcontribution— g 1u 2g 2u 1u 2u k 10 A+ A− A+ A− 1g 1g 1u 1u 1,cosk cosk +cosk cosk +cosk cosk , i(cosk +cosk +cosk ) x y y z z x x y z A+ A− A+ A− 2g 2g 2u 2u E+ E− E+ E− g g u u (cid:40) (cid:40) cosk (cosk −cosk ) i(cosk −cosk ) z x y x y 2cosk cosk −cosk (cosk +cosk ) i(2cosk −cosk −cosk ) x y z x y z x y T+ T− T+ T− 1g 1g 1u 1u   sinkx(cosky+coskz) isinkx sink (cosk +cosk ) isink y z x y sink (cosk +cosk )  isink z x y z T+ T− T+ T− 2g 2g 2u 2u   sinkxsinky sinkx(cosky−coskz) sink sink sink (cosk −cosk ) y z y z x  sink sink sink (cosk −cosk ) z x z x y Supplementary Table 1 . Classification of three dimensional density wave orders according to irreducible representation of thesymmetrygroupO ×T. Inthelabelingofdifferentclasses,thesuperscript±tellshowthedensitywavetransformsunder h T symmetry. Thebasisfunctionsrepresentingparticle-holeparingofuptonextnearestneighboringsitesaregiven. Duetothe constraint ∆ =∆∗ , the basis functions in T even (odd) classes are real (purely imaginary). The normalization constants k k+Q for the basis functions are neglected in this table to save writing. √ √ 2∆ sink (sink − sink ) + i∆ [2cosk −cosk −cosk ]/ 3. Treating these additional components, T2+g z x y Eg− z x y (cid:16) √ (cid:17) ∆ /∆ and ∆ /∆ as perturbations, we get three vortex lines given by 0,l,∆ /( 6∆ )(cosl−1) , (cid:16)Eg− T1−u √ T2+g T2+u (cid:17) (cid:16) √ (cid:17) Eg− T1−u l,0,∆ /( 6∆ )(cosl−1) , and l,l,k =2∆ /( 6∆ )(cosl−1) , the third of which crosses Fermi sur- Eg− T1−u z Eg− T1−u face. The E−+T− +T+ +T+ state is topologically equivalent to T− +T+, having the same topological numbers g 1u 2g 2u 1u 2u (1,2). In the E−+T+ state which is gapped, ∆ takes a form g 2g k ∆ ≈2∆ sink sink +i∆ (cosk −cosk ). k T2+g x y Eg− x y The resulting vortex line (with vorticity 2) is located along the k axis (note that the O symmetry has been z h spontaneously broken), thus not crossing the Fermi surface (see Fig. 1b in the main text). This state has topological numbers (0,2) in our classification scheme. In the other gapped state, A+ +T−, we have 1g 1u √ (cid:88) ∆ ≈∆ −2/ 3∆ cosk cosk k A+,1 A+,2 α α(cid:48) 1g 1g α(cid:54)=α(cid:48) √ +i 2∆ sink . T− z 1u The vortex line of this state is shown in Fig. 1c in the main text, but it is unstable because it can be adiabatically contracted to one point without touching the Fermi surface. The A+ +T− state has trivial topological numbers 1g 1u (0,0), topologically equivalent to A+. 1g S-6. DENSITY WAVES WITH RYDBERG p-WAVE DRESSED ATOMS In this section we present results for density waves in p-wave dressed Rydberg atoms [28], whose interaction takes an anisotropic form V V(r(cid:54)=0)= 6 sin4(θ), (S20) 1+(|r|/r )6 c with θ the polar angle. The symmetry group to classify density waves in this system is then D ×T. The symmetry 4h classification is shown in Supplementary Table 2 .

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