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1 EXOTIC PDE’S 1 0 2 AGOSTINOPRA´STARO n a DepartmentSBAI-Mathematics, UniversityofRome”LaSapienza”, ViaA.Scarpa16,00161 J Rome,Italy. 8 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] ] T Abstract. In the framework of the PDE’s algebraic topology, previously A introduced by A. Pra´staro, are considered exotic differential equations, i.e., differential equations admitting Cauchy manifolds N identifiable with exotic . h spheres, orsuch that their boundaries ∂N areexotic spheres. Forsuch equa- t tionsareobtainedlocalandglobalexistencetheoremsandstabilitytheorems. a In particularthe smooth(4-dimensional)Poincar´econjecture isproved. This m allowstocompletethepreviousTheorem4.59in[75]alsoforthecasen=4. [ AMS Subject Classification: 55N22, 58J32, 57R20; 58C50; 58J42; 20H15; 2 32Q55;32S20. v 3 Keywords: Integral (co)bordism groups in PDE’s; Existence of local and global 8 solutions in PDE’s; Conservation laws; Crystallographic groups; Singular PDE’s; 2 Exotic spheres. 0 . 1 0 1. INTRODUCTION 1 In a well known book by B. A. Dubrovin, A. T. Fomenko, and S. P. Novikov pub- 1 : lished in 1990 by the Springer (original Russian edition published in 1979), it is v written ”Up to the 1950s it was generally regarded as ”clear” that any continu- i X ous manifold admits a compatible smooth structure, and that any two continuously r homeomorphic manifolds would automatically be diffeomorphic. In fact, these as- a sertions are clearly true in the one-dimensional case, can be proved without great difficulty in two dimensions, and have been established also in the 3-dimensional case (by Moise), though with considerable difficulty, notwithstanding the elemen- tary nature of the techniques involved.”. (See in [20], Part III, page 358.) In these statementsthereissummarizedthegreatsurprisethatproducedintheinternational mathematicalcommunity,thepaperbyJ.Milnoron”exotic7-dimensionalsphere”. Thisunforeseenmathematicalphenomenon,reallydonotsoonproducedgreatcon- sequencesin the mathematical physicscommunity, since the more physicallyinter- esting3-dimensionalcase,remainedforlongaperiodanopenproblembeingrelated to the Poincar´e conjecture too. Nowadays, after the proof of the Poincar´e conjec- ture, as made by A. Pr´astaro, that allows us to extend the h-cobordism theorem alsoto the 3-dimensionalcase,inthe categoryofsmoothmanifolds,andhis results aboutexoticspheresandexistenceofglobal(smooth)solutionsinPDE’s,itappears ”veryclear” that exotic spheres are not only a strange mathematicalcuriosity, but 1 2 AGOSTINOPRA´STARO arevery important mathematicalstructures to consider in any geometrictheory of PDE’s and its applications. However,inthis beautifulandimportantmathematicalarchitecture,wasremained open the so-called smooth Poincar´e conjecture. This conjecture states that in di- mension 4, any homotopy sphere Σ4 is diffeomorphic to S4. The proof of such a conjecture was considered fat chance since in dimension four there is well known the phenomenon of exotic R4’s, that, instead does not occur in other dimensions n6=4. This conjecture is of course of great importance in geometric topology, and has great relevance in geometric theory of PDE’s and its applications. Aim of this paper is just to emphasize such implications in the algebraic topology of PDE’s, according to the previous formulation by A. Pr´astaro and to generalize results about ”exotic heat PDE’s” contained in Refs. [72, 74, 75, 76]. In order to allow a more easy understanding and a presentation as self-contained as possible, also in this paper, likewise in its companion [75], a large expository style has been adopted. More precisely, after this introduction, the paper splits into three more sections. 2. Spectra in algebraic topology. 3. Spectra in PDE’s. 4. Spectra in ex- oticPDE’s. ThemainresultisTheorem4.7thatextendsTheorem4.5in[75]alsoto thecasen=4. Thereitisalsoprovedthesmooth(4-dimensional)Poincar´econjec- ture(Lemma4.10),andthesmooth4-dimensionalh-cobordismtheorem(Corollary 4.18). 2. SPECTRA IN ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY In this section we report on some fundamental definitions and results in algebraic topology, linked between them by the unifying concept of spectrum, i.e., a suitable collectionof CW-complexes. In fact, this mathematical structure allows us to look to (co)homotopy theories, (co)homology theories and (co)bordism theories, as all placed in an unique algebraictopologic framework. This mathematics will be used in the next two sections by specializing and adapting it to the PDE’s geometric structure obtaining some fundamental results in algebraic topology of PDE’s, as given by A. Pr´astaro. (See the next section and references quoted there.) Definition 2.1. A spectrum E is a collection {(E ,∗):n∈Z} of CW-complexes n such that SE is (or is homeomorphic to) a subcomplex of E , all n ∈ Z.1 A n n+1 subspectrum F ⊂ E consists of subcomplexes F ⊂ E such that SF ⊂ F . A n n n n+1 cell of dimension d′−n′ in E is a sequence e={ed′,Sed′,S2ed′,···}, n′ n′ n′ where edn′′ is a cell in En′ that is not the suspension of any cell in En′−1. Thus each cell in each complex E is a manifold of exactly one cell of E. We call cell n of dimension −∞ the subspectrum ∗ ≡ F ⊂ E such that F = ∗ for all n. A n spectrum E is called finite if it has only finitely many cells. It is called countable if it has countably many cells.2 An Ω-spectrum is a spectrum E such that the adjoint 1In this paper we denote by SX the suspension of a topological space X. (For details and general informations on algebraic topology see e.g. [61, 89, 95, 96, 98]. In this paper we will use the following notation: ≈ homeomorphism; = diffeomorphism; ≅ homotopy equivalence; ∼ ≃ homotopy.) ThereforeSEn isthesuspensionoftheCW-complexEn. 2E isfiniteiffthereisanintegerN suchthatEn=Sn−NEN forn≥N andthecomplexEN isfinite. EXOTIC PDE’S 3 ǫ′ : E → ΩE of the inclusion ǫ : SE → E is always a weak homotopy n n+1 n n n+1 equivalence. Example2.2(Suspensionspectrum). IfX isanyCW-complex, thenwecandefine a spectrum E(X) by taking ∗, n<0 E(X) ≡ n SnX, n≥0. (cid:26) Then the mapping ǫ : SE(X) = Sn+1X → E(X) = Sn+1X is just the n n n+1 identity. In particular if X =S0 ={0,1}⊂R, then E(S0)is called thespherespectrum and one has E(S0) ≅Sn, but also E(S0) ≈Sn. So we get the commutative diagram n n given in (1). (1) ···{0}(cid:31)(cid:127) //{0}(cid:31)(cid:127) //{0,1}(cid:31)(cid:127) //E(S0)1(cid:31)(cid:127) //E(S0)2(cid:31)(cid:127) //···(cid:31)(cid:127) //E(S0)n(cid:31)(cid:127) //··· (cid:15)O (cid:15)O (cid:15)O (cid:15)O (cid:15)O (cid:15)O (cid:15)O (cid:15)O (cid:15)O (cid:15)O (cid:15)O (cid:15)O (cid:15)O (cid:15)O (cid:15)O (cid:15)O (cid:15)O (cid:15)O ···{(cid:15)(cid:15) ∗}(cid:31)(cid:127) //{∗(cid:15)(cid:15)}(cid:31)(cid:127) //S(cid:15)(cid:15)0(cid:31)(cid:127) //S(cid:15)(cid:15)1(cid:31)(cid:127) //S(cid:15)(cid:15)2(cid:31)(cid:127) //···(cid:31)(cid:127) //S(cid:15)(cid:15)n(cid:31)(cid:127) //··· where the vertical arrows denote homotopic equivalence and homeomorphisms too. Example2.3(Eilenberg-MacLanespectra). Given anycollection {E ,ǫ }ofCW- n n complexes (E ,∗) and cellular maps ǫSE → E we can construct a spectrum n : n n+1 E′ ≡{En′}andhomotopyequivalencesrn :En′ →En suchthatrn+1|SEn′ =ǫn◦Srn, i.e., the following diagram is commutative SE′(cid:31)(cid:127) // E′ n n+1 Srn rn+1 (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:31)(cid:127) (cid:15)(cid:15) SE // E n n+1 In particular the Eilenberg-MacLane spaces K(G,n), uniquely defined (up to weak homotopy equivalence) by the condition (2),3 0, k 6=n (2) π (K(G,n))= k G, k =n. (cid:26) identify an Ω-spectrum since ΩK(G,n+1)≅K(G,n). Example 2.4 (Thom spectra). Let π : EG → BG be the universal bundle for n n G -vector bundles. Then the Thom spectrum MG associated to π : EG → BG n n n is defined by (MG) = MG and (MG) = SkMG , with k ≥ 1. So the map n n n+k n ǫ :S(MG) →(MG) is the natural homeomorphism SMG ≈SMG . n n n+1 n n Definition 2.5. A filtration of a spectrum E is an increasing sequence {En :n∈ Z} of subspectra of E whose union is E. Example 2.6. The skeletalfiltration{E(n)} of E is defined as follows: E(n) is the union of all the cells of E of dimension at most n. 3Ifn>1thenGmustbeabelian. 4 AGOSTINOPRA´STARO Example 2.7. The layer filtration {E∞} of E is defined as follows: for each cell e={e ,Se ,···} of E we can find a finite subspectrum F ⊂E of which e is a cell. n n (For example, let F ⊂E be the subcomplex consisting of e and all its faces; then n n n take F = ∗, m < n, F = Sm−nF , m ≥ n.) Let l(e) be the smallest number m m n of cells in any such F. (l(e) coincides with the number of faces of e .) Then we n define En =∗, n≤0, En = union of all cells with l(e)≤n, n>0. The terms En are called the layers of E. One can see that {En} is a filtration of E. Definition 2.8. 1) A function f : E → F between spectra is a collection {f : n n ∈ Z} of cellular maps f : E → F such that f | = Sf . The inclusion n n n n+1 SEn n i : F ֒→ E of a subspectrum F ⊂ E is a function and if g : E → G is a function then g| =g◦i is also a function. F 2) A subspectrum F ⊂ E is called cofinal if for any cell e ⊂ E of E there is an n n m such that Sme ⊂F .4 n n+m 3) Let E and F be spectra. Let S be the set of all pairs (E′,f′) such that E′ ⊂ E is a cofinal subspectrum and f′ :E′ →F is a function. We call maps from E to F elements of Hom(E,F)/∼, where ∼ is the following equivalence relation: E′′′ ⊂E′∩E′′, (E′,f′)∼(E′′,f′′) ⇔ ∃(E′′′,f′′′): f′|E′′′ =f′′′ =f′′|E′′′, .   E′′′cofinal.   (Intuitively maps only need to be defined on each cell.) The category of spectra S   is the category where objects are spectra and morphisms are maps.5 Proposition 2.9. If E ≡{E } is a spectrum and (X,x ) is a CW-complex, then n 0 we can form a new spectrum E ∧X: we take (E ∧X) = E ∧X with the weak n n topology. Proof. InfactS(E∧X) =S(E ∧X)=S1∧(E ∧X)∼=(S1∧E )∧X ⊂E ∧X. n n n n n+1 Furthermore,given a map f :E →F of spectra representedby (E′,f′) and a map g : K → L of CW-complexes, we get a map f ∧g : E ∧K → F ∧L of spectra represented by (E′∧K,f′∧g), since E′∧K is cofinal in E∧K. (cid:3) Definition 2.10. A homotopy between spectra is a map h : E∧I+ →F.6 There are two maps i : E → E ∧I+, i : E → E ∧I+, induced by the inclusions of 0 1 0, 1 in I+. Then, we say two maps of spectra f ,f : E → F are homotopic if 0 1 there is a homotopy h : E∧I+ → F with h◦i = f , h◦i = f . We shall write 0 0 1 1 h ≡ h◦i , h ≡ h◦i . In terms of cofinal subspectra we can say that two maps 0 0 1 1 f ,f :E →F represented by (E′,f′), (E′,f′), respectively, are homotopic if there 0 1 0 0 1 1 is a cofinal subspectrum E′′ ⊂E′ ∩E′ and a function h′′ :E′′∧I+ →F such that 0 1 h′0′ = f0′|E′′, h′1′ = f1′|E′′. Homotopy is an equivalence relation, so we may define [E,F] to be the set of equivalence classes of maps f : E →F. Composition passes to homotopy classes. The corresponding category is denoted by S′. 4If F is cofinal and Kn En is a finite subcomplex, then there is an m such that SmKn ⊂ ⊂ Fn+m. Intersection of two cofinal subspectra is cofinal and if G F E are subspectra such ⊂ ⊂ thatF iscofinalinE andGiscofinalinF,thenGiscofinalinE. Anarbitraryunionofcofinal subspectraiscofinal. 5Let E andF bespectraandf :E →F afunction. If F′⊂F isacofinal subspectrum then thereisacofinal subspectrum E′⊂E withf(E′)⊂F′. (Composition ofmaps isnowpossible!) Inthecategory anyspectrumisequivalenttoanycofinalsubspectrum ofits. 6ForanytopoSlogicalspaceXwesetX+ X . (IfXisnotcompactX+istheAlexandrov ≡ ⊔{∗} compactification toapoint.) InparticularifX =I [0,1] ,thenonetakes asbasepoint. ≡ ⊂ {∗} EXOTIC PDE’S 5 Proposition 2.11. Let W be the category of pointed CW-complexes. One has a • functor E : W → S, such that E(X,x ) = E(X), and E(f) = {E(f) }, with • 0 n E(f) =Snf : SnX →SnY, n ≥0, for any f :(X,x )→(Y,y ). The functor E n 0 0 embeds W into S. • Proposition 2.12. To any map f : E → F between spectra, we can associate another spectrum, the (mapping cone), F ∪ CE. f Proof. In fact let I be pointed on 0, and set CE ≡E∧I. Then the mapping cone off is the spectrum (F ∪f CE)n =En∪fn′ (En′ ∧I), where (E′,f′) representsf. If h(Eav′′e,fa′′n)aitsuarnalotchoefirnraelpsruebssepnetcattrivuemof{Ff,nt∪hfen′n′′({EFn′n′′∪∧fIn′)(}Ean′n∧dIh)e}nacnedar{eFenq∪ufivn′′a(lEenn′′t∧. I)(cid:3)} Proposition 2.13. One has a natural invertible functor Σ:S →S that induces a functor on S′. Proof. For any spectrum E ≡ {E } we can define ΣE to be the spectrum with n ΣE = E , n ∈ Z. For any function f : E → F we define Σ(f) : ΣE → ΣF to n n+1 be the map represented by (ΣE′,Σ(f′)). Furthermore, Σ induces a functor on S′ since f ≃ f implies Σ(f ) ≃ Σ(f ). We can iterate Σ: Σn+1 = Σ◦Σn, n ≥ 1. 0 1 0 1 Σ has also an inverse defined by (Σ−1E) = E , Σ−1(f) = f . One has n n−1 n n−1 Σn◦Σm =Σn+m, for all integers n,m. (cid:3) Remark 2.14. ΣE and E ∧S1 have the same homotopy type, therefore the sus- pension is invertible in S′. The higher homotopy groups for topological spaces are very difficult to compute. For spectra that computations are easier. Proposition 2.15. We have wedge sums in S: given a collection {Eα :α∈A} of spectra, we define Eα by ( Eα) = Eα. α α n α n Proof. Since S( WEα)= WSEα ⊂ EWα , this is a spectrum. (cid:3) α n α n α n+1 Proposition 2W.16. For aWny collectioWn {Eα : α ∈ A} of spectra, the inclusions i :Eβ → Eα induce bijections: β α {HomW(i ,1)}:Hom ( Eα,F)→ Hom (Eα,F) α S α α S , ∀F ∈Hom(S). {i∗}:[ Eα,F]→ [Eα,F] (cid:26) α α αW Q (cid:27) Inclusions oWf spectra possQess the homotopy extension property just as with CW- complexes. Definition2.17(Homotopygroupsofspectra). Wesetπ (E)=[ΣnS0,E],n∈Z. n Proposition 2.18. 1) One has the isomorphisms of abelian groups: π (E)∼=limπ (E ,∗) n →− n+k k k , n∈Z.  πn(E(X))∼=li→−mπn+k(SkX,∗)=πns(X)   k  Note that πns(X) may be quite different from πn(X,x0).  2) If f : E → F is a map of spectra which is a weak homotopy equivalence, then f :[G,E]→[G,F] is a bijection for any spectrum G. ∗ 3)Amapofspectrais aweakhomotopy equivalenceiff itisahomotopy equivalence. 6 AGOSTINOPRA´STARO Definition 2.19. For any map f :E →F of spectra we call the sequence f j E //F //F ∪f CE a spectral cofibre sequence. A general cofibre sequence, or simply a cofibre se- quence, is any sequence g h G //H //K for which there is a homotopy commutative diagram g h G // H //K α β γ (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) E //F //F ∪f CE f j where α, β, γ are homotopy equivalences. Proposition 2.20. 1) In the sequence E f //F j //F ∪f CE κ′ //E∧S1 f∧1 // F ∧S1 each pair of consecutive maps forms a cofibre sequence. 2) Given a homotopy commutative diagram of spectra and maps, as the following g h κ G // H //K //G∧S1 α β γ α∧1 (cid:15)(cid:15) g′ (cid:15)(cid:15) h′ (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) G′ // H′ //K′ // G′∧S1 κ′ where the rows are cofibre sequences, we can find a map γ :K →K′ such that the resulting diagram is homotopy commutative. g h 3) If G //H //K is a cofibre sequence, then for any spectrum E the se- quences [E,G] g∗ // [E,H] h∗ //[E,K] [G,E] oo [H,E] oo [K,E] g∗ h∗ are exact. Theorem 2.21 ((Co)homologytheoriesassociatedwithanyspectrum). Let W′ be • thecategoryofpointedCW-complexeswhereHomW•′((X,x0);(Y,y0))=[(X,x0),(Y,y0)] is the set of all homotopy classes of pointed maps (X,x ) → (Y,y ). For each 0 0 (X,x )∈Ob(W′) and n∈Z, we have 0 • E (X)=π (E∧X)=[ΣnS0,E∧X] n n En(X)=[E(X),ΣnE]∼=[Σ−nS0∧X,E]. These define (co)homology theories on W′ that satisfy the wedge axiom.7 The • coefficient groups of the homology theory E are • E (S0)=π (E∧S0)=π (E), n∈Z. n n n 7Fordefinitionsofgeneralized(co)homology theoriessee,e.g.,[61,89]. EXOTIC PDE’S 7 The coefficient groups of the cohomology theory E• are En(S0)=[E(S0),ΣnE]=[S0,ΣnE]∼=[Σ−nS0,E]=π (E), n∈Z. −n Furthermore,anymapf :E →F ofspectrainducesnaturaltransformationsT (f): • E →F , T•(f):E• →F• of homology and cohomology theories respectively. If f • • is a homotopy equivalence, then T (f) and T•(f) are natural equivalences. This is • the case iff f : π (E) → π (F) is an isomorphism for all n ∈ Z, i.e., T (f) is a • n n • natural equivalence iff it is an isomorphism on the coefficient groups. Proof. For f :(X,x )→(Y,y ) we take E (f)=(1∧f) and En(f)=E(f).8 We 0 0 n define σ :E (X)→E (SX) to be the composite n n n+1 En(X)=[ΣnS0,E∧X] ∼=Σ //[Σn+1S0,ΣE∧X] ∼= //[Σn+1S0,E∧S1∧X]=En+1(SX) En(X) σn //En+1(SX) Thenσ isanaturalequivalence. Furthermore,wedefineσn :En+1(SX)→En(X) n to be the composite En+1(SX)=[E(SX),Σn+1E∧X]oo ∼= [ΣE(X),Σn+1E] Σ−1 //[E(X),ΣnE]=En(X) i∗ ∼= En+1(SX) σn //En(X) Then σn is a natural equivalence too. Let (X,A) be any pointed CW-pair. Since E ∧(X ∪CA)∼=(E ∧X)∪C(E ∧A), n∈Z, n n n we see that 1∧i 1∧j E∧A //E∧X // E∧(X ∪CA) is a cofibre sequence. Therefore, [ΣnS0,E∧A] (1∧i)∗ //[ΣnS0,E∧X (1∧j)∗ //[ΣnS0,E∧(X ∪CA)] is exact; but this is just the sequence E (A) i∗ // E (X) j∗ //E (X ∪CA) . n n n ThusE isahomologytheoryonW′. SinceSn(X∪CA)∼=SnX∪C(SnA), n∈Z, • • we see that E(i) E(j) E(A) //E(X) //E(X ∪CA) is a cofibre sequence. Hence [E(A),Σn(E)] oo [E(X),Σn(E)] oo [E(X ∪CA),Σn(E)] E(i)∗ E(j)∗ is exact; but this is just the sequence En(A)oo En(X)oo En(X ∪CA). i∗ j∗ 8Here we have used the fact that E(SX) is a cofinal subspectrum of ΣE(X) and hence the inclusioni:E(SX)→ΣE(X)inducesanisomorphismi∗. 8 AGOSTINOPRA´STARO Thus E• is a cohomology theory on W′. Since for any collection {X : α ∈ A} of • α CW-complexeswehaveSn( X )∼= SnX andhenceE( X )∼= E(X ) α α α α α α α α weconcludethat{i∗}:En( X )→ En(X )isanisomorphismforalln∈Z. α Wα α W α α W W In other words E• satisfies the wedge axiom. One can also prove that E satisfies • the wedge axiom. W Q (cid:3) Corollary 2.22. For any spectrum E and any filtration {Xn} of a CW-complex X we have an exact sequence {i∗} 0 //lim1Eq−1(Xn) //Eq(X) n // lim0Eq(Xn) //0. Proposition 2.23. We can extend the cohomology theory E• to a cohomology theory on the category S′ by simply taking En(F)=[F,Σn(E)], n∈Z, F ∈Ob(S′). Furthermore, if T• : E• → F• is a natural equivalence of cohomology theories on S′, we can show T• =T•(f) for some map f :E →F. Proof. In fact E• is a cohomology theory in the sense that we have natural equiv- alences En+1(F ∧S1) //En+1(ΣF) ∼= //En(F) En+1(F ∧S1) // En(F) σn forall n∈Z, F ∈Ob(S′). Furthermore,E• satisfiesthefollowingexactnessaxiom: f g For any cofibre sequence F →G→H, the sequence f∗ g∗ En(F) //En(G) // En(H) is exact. (This axiom is equivalent to the usual one over W′.) (cid:3) • Proposition 2.24. 1) A possible extension of the homology theory E• to a homol- ogy theory on the category S′ is the following E (G)=π (E∧G)≡[ΣnS0,E∧G]. n n In this case, however, it is not assured that a natural transformation T :E →F • • • on S′ is of the form T• =T•(f) for some map f :E →F. 2) If E is an Ω-spectrum, then for every CW-complex (X,x ) we have a natural 0 isomorphism En(X)∼=[X,x ;E ,∗]. 0 n Example 2.25 (Example of (co)homology theories associated to spectra). Let us consider the sphere spectrum S0 ≡E(S0). The associated homology theory: S0(X)=π (S0∧X)={limπ (SkX,∗)≡πs(X)}, • • →− n+k n k is called stable homotopy (of X). Furthermore, the associated cohomology theory: (S0)•(X)=π•(X)≡{limπ (Sk∧X)}, s →− n+k k is called stable cohomotopy (of X). For any n≥2 we have the natural map i :π (X,x )→limπ (SkX,∗)=πs(X), i (x)={x}. 0 n 0 →− n+k n 0 k EXOTIC PDE’S 9 We can also define i as follows: any map f :(Sn,s )→(X,x ) defines a function 0 0 0 E(f) : E(Sn) → E(X). Since E(Sn) is a cofinal subspectrum of ΣS0, we get a map {E(f)}:ΣnS0 →E(X), and i [f]=[{E(f)}]∈[ΣnS0,E(X)]=πs(X). 0 n This definition of i applies even for n = 0 or 1. i is a homomrphism for n ≥ 1. 0 0 Thecoefficient groupsπs(S0)=limπ (Sk,s )arecalled stablehomotopygroups n →− n+k 0 k or n-stems, and denoted by πs. These groups are known only through a finiterange n of n>0. In particular, one has: πs =0, n<0, πs ∼=Z. n 0 Proposition 2.26. Let denote T′ , (resp. T2′ , resp. T′ ), the category of topo- op,• op,• op logical spaces, (resp. pointed topological spaces, resp. couples of pointed topological spaces), with morphisms homotopy classes of maps structurespreserving. For every spectrum E we can define a reduced homology theory E (−) and a reduced coho- • mology theory E•(−) on T′ , T2′ and T′ respectively. op,• op,• op Proof. In fact, for X ∈ Ob(T′ ) we have the following reduced homology the- op,• ory: E˜ (X) ≡ E (X′) = π (E ∧ X′), where X′ is any CW-substitute for X. • • • Furthermore, for any (X,A) ∈ Ob(T2′ ) we have the following reduced homology op,• theory: E (X,A) ≡ E˜ (X+∪CA+). Finally for any space X ∈ Ob(T′ ) we have • • op E (X) = E (X,∅). Furthermore, En(X) = [X,E ]. The coefficients of these • • n theories are the groups E•(∗)∼=E (∗)=π (E). (cid:3) • • Thecalculationofgeneralizedhomologytheoriescanbemadeeasierbyusingspec- tral sequences. Relations between such structures are given by the following two theorems. Theorem 2.27 (Atiyah-Hirzebruch-Whitehead). Suppose {E } be a spectrum and n X a space. Then, there is a spectral sequence {E•,•,d } with r r Ep,q ∼=Hp(X;Eq(∗)) 2 converging to E•(X). Furthermore, there is also a spectral sequence {Er ,dr} with •,• E2 ∼=H (X;Eq(∗)) p,q p converging to E (X).9 Here E (−) (resp. E•(−)) is the homology (resp. cohomol- • • ogy) associated to the spectrum {E }. n Theorem 2.28 (Leray-Serre). If E is a homology theory with products satisfying • the wedge axiom for CW-complexes and the WHE axiom, then for every fibration p : E → B orientable with respect to E ,10 and with B 0-connected, there is a • spectral sequence {Er ,dr} converging to E (E) and having p,q • E2 ∼=H (B;E (F)). p.q p q The spectral sequence is natural with respect to a fibre map. 9Let beanabeliancategory. Adifferentialobjectin isapair(A,d)whereA Ob( )and U U ∈ U d Hom (A;A)suchthatd2=0. Let ( )bethecategoryofdifferentialobjectsin . Wecall ho∈mologyUthe additive functor H : ( )D U , given by H(A,d)=ker(d)/im(d) =ZU(A)/B(A), D U →U where Z(A)is the set of cyclesof A and B is the set of boundaries of A. H(A) is the homology of (A,d). Then, a spectral sequence in the category is a sequence of differential objects of : U U En,dn ,N =1,2, ,suchthatH(En,dn)=En+1,n=1,2, . (See,e.g.,[43,57].) { 10Fo}rthehomolo·g·i·cal definitionoforientabilityseenextRem··a·rk2.39. 10 AGOSTINOPRA´STARO Remark 2.29. The problem of extension of maps and sections of fiber bundles is related to (co)homology theories. In fact we have the following theorems. Theorem 2.30. Let K be a cell complex and let L ⊂ K be a subcomplex. Let X be a simply-connected topological space (or at least that is homotopy-simple in the sense that π (X) is abelian and acts trivially on all the groups π (X), i > 1.) A 1 i given map f : L → X, can be extended from the subcomplex L Ki−1 to L Ki, if π (X)=0. i−1 S S Proof. Infacttheobstructiontosuchanextensionisdeterminedbyanelementα f of the relative cohomology group Hi(K,L;π (X)). The vanishing of α in this i−1 f groupsufficesforthemaptobeextendible. Inparticular,theextensionisassuredif π (X)=0. (Formoredetailsseee.g. Refs. [20,61]andworksquotedthere.) (cid:3) i−1 Theorem 2.31. Let f,g : K → X be two maps which coincide on the (q −1)- skeleton Kq−1 of K. On each cell σq ⊂ Kq the two maps f and g give rise, via their restrictions, to two maps f,g : σq → X coinciding on the boundary: f| = g| , and therefore yielding in combination a map Sq → X, determining ∂σq ∂σq what is called a ”distinguishing element” of π (X), i.e., for each q-cell σq of K, we q have a difference cochain α(σq,f,g)∈π (X). Then, the difference cochain may be q regarded as belonging to the cohomology group Hq(K;π (X)). q Theorem 2.32. If X = K(G,n) is a Eilenberg-MacLane space then there is a natural one-to-one correspondence [K,X] ↔ Hn(K;G). In the case n = 1, the elements of H1(K;G) and [K,X] are determined by the homomorphisms π (K)→ 1 G. (This theorem remains true even if G is non-abelian.) Example2.33. Onehasanaturalone-to-onecorrespondence[Kn,Sn]↔Hn(Kn;Z), where Kn is an n-dimensional complex. Theorem 2.34. Let π :E →B be a fibre bundle with base B given as a simplicial (or cell) complex and fibre F. We shall assume that B is simply-connected (or at least that π (B) acts trivially on the groups π (F). We shall assume also that the 1 i fibreF issimply-connected(oratleasthomotopy-simple). Supposes:Bq−1 →E be acroos-section of thefibrebundleabove the(q−1)-skeleton Bq−1 ⊂B. Anobstruc- tion toextendingacross-section may beregarded as an element of Hq(B;π (F)). q−1 In particular, if the fibre is the (q − 1)-sphere Sq−1, then the obstruction α ∈ Hq(B;π (F)) is an Euler characteristic class of the fibre bundle. q−1 Proof. Let σq be any q-simplex of B. Above the simplex σq the fibre bundle is canonically identifiable with the direct product: π−1(σq) ∼= σq ×F. As on the boundary ∂σq ∼= Sq−1 the cross-section s : ∂σq → ∂σq × F is by assumption, already given. Hence via the projection map onto F we obtain a map Sq−1 → F, defining an element α(σq,s) ∈ π (F) for each q-simplex σq ⊂ Bq. Therefore q−1 an obstruction cocycle α to the attempted extension of the cross-section s to the q-skeleton Bq, belongs to Hq(B;π (F)). (cid:3) q−1 Theorem 2.35. Let ϕ : B → E, i = 1,2, be two cross-sections agreeing on the i (q − 1)-skeleton Bq−1 ⊂ B. The obstruction to a homotopy between the cross- sections ϕ and ϕ , α(ϕ ,ϕ )∈Hq(B;π (F)). 1 2 1 2 q Corollary 2.36. If the fibre is contractible, (π (F) = 0 for all i), then it follows i thatcross-sectionsalways exist, andmoreover thatallcross-sections arehomotopic.

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