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Exodus-1/LARC/MIP-3(cid:11) (SCYA 20) Robert Hromas* Indiana University Medical Center and the Walther Oncology Center, R4-202, The Indiana Cancer Research Institute, 1044 W. Walnut Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA *corresponding author tel: 317-274-3589, fax: 317-274-0396, e-mail: rhromas@iupui.edu DOI: 10.1006/rwcy.2001.11023. SUMMARY relationship to the CC chemokine family, of which MIP-1(cid:11) was a founding member. Exodus-1/LARC/MIP-3(cid:11) (SCYA 20) is a recently We found the gene during a sequencing a cDNA discovered CC (or (cid:12)) chemokine. It is only distantly library we had made from human diabetic pancreatic relatedtootherCCchemokines,representingaunique isletcellstocatalogueislet-specificgenes(Hromasetal., structureamongthefamily.Withsuchauniquestruc- 1997). We found that a cluster of cDNA clones rep- ture, it is not surprising that it has a unique function. resenting the same gene in this library had weak It mediates chemotaxis of naı¨ve dendritic cells and homologytotheCCchemokinefamily.Sincerecombi- memory T cells via its receptor, CCR6. (cid:12)-Defensins nant protein derived from this gene markedly stimu- havealsobeenshowntostimulatechemotaxisthrough lated lymphocyte migration, we termed it Exodus-1. CCR6,therebylinkinginnateandacquiredimmunity tositesoflocalinflammation.Exodus-1/LARC/MIP- Alternative names 3(cid:11)hasalso beenshown toinhibittheproliferationof normal and leukemic hematopoietic progenitors. ThisgeneandproteinhasalsobeendesignatedSCYA 20 (small inducible cytokine family A member BACKGROUND number 20) by the Human Genome Nomenclature Committee. Given the multiplicity of alternative names derived from the different discoverers of this Discovery protein, we will refer to Exodus-1/LARC/MIP-3(cid:11) as SCYA 20 for the rest of this chapter. It is referred to LARC was originally isolated by three groups asSCYA20intheNationalCenterforBiotechnology simultaneously. Hieshima et al. (1997) used a partial Information analytic databases. expressed sequence tag (EST) fragment to probe a cDNA library to clone the full-length cDNA. Since they found it expressed in liver and in activated GENE AND GENE REGULATION lymphocytes, they termed this gene LARC, for liver and activation-regulated chemokine. Accession numbers Another group isolated a full-length cDNA sequence for this gene from the EST database (Rossi et al., 1997). They called the gene macrophage GenBank: inflammatory protein-3(cid:11), or MIP-3(cid:11). This nomen- LARC: D86955 (Hieshima et al., 1997) clature did not originate from the cellular source or MIP-3(cid:11): U77035 (Rossi et al., 1997) thefunctionofMIP-3(cid:11),butratherfromitsstructural Exodus-1: U64197 (Hromas et al., 1997) CytokineReference Copyright#2001AcademicPress 2 Robert Hromas The Exodus-1 clone derived from human pancrea- Description of protein tic islets differs from the other two in that it lacks a single codon at the end of the leader sequence Thereare95aminoacidsintheconceptualtranslation (beginning at nucleotide 121 on the Exodus-1 cDNA ofExodus-1.LARCandMIP-3(cid:11)haveasingleadded sequence). This missing alanine residue probably alanine, and thus have 96 amino acids. This is con- results from an alternative splicing event. sistentwithmostothermembersoftheCCchemokine family.Thefirst26aminoacidsfittheconsensusfora Sequence signalpeptide.Hieshimaetal.(1997)producedLARC inabaculovirussystem,andpeptidesequencedtheN- terminus.Theyshowedthatindeedthematuresecreted ThecompletecDNAofthenovelchemokineExodus- proteinstartsatposition27inLARC.Becauseofthe 1was821nucleotidesinlength.TheLARCandMIP- alternative splicing mentioned above, the mature 3(cid:11) clones were slightly shorter. There is a consensus Exodus-1 protein begins at position 26 in Exodus-1, polyadenylation site at nucleotide position 786 in and lacks the initial alanine seen in MIP-3(cid:11) and Exodus-1.The30 untranslatedsequencehasanumber LARC. This protein may not be as active as the one of AAAU sequences that mediate mRNA stability in with alanine at its N-terminus (Tanaka et al., 1999). many cytokine genes. These sequences promote The four cysteines that participate in the disulfide message degradation, and contribute to the short bonds that define this family are also conserved in half-life of many cytokine transcripts, including SCYA20asarefivehighlyconservedresidues.SCYA chemokines. There is a short 50 untranslated region 20ismostcloselyrelatedtoMIP-1(cid:11)andRANTESat of 43 nucleotides which contains an inframe transla- the amino acid level, with 26–28% identity, and 75% tional stop codon. The sequence 50 of the ATG that similarity when conservative changes are taken into initiates translation fits the Kozak consensus at the account. SCYA 20 is especially similar to RANTES first three positions preceding the ATG, but none from amino acids 24 to 46 and again from 58 to 75 prior to that. The nucleotide after the ATG does not (numberingfromtheinitiatingmethionineinExodus- match the Kozak consensus. 1), where between these positions there are only six nonconservative changes. Chromosome location While SCYA 20 has many of the conserved amino acid features of the other human CC chemokines, SCYA 20 has several unusual characteristics. It has a The chromosomal location of SCYA 20 is 2q33–37 highly basic C-terminus, more consistent with the (Hieshima et al., 1997). There are no known human MCP subfamily. In addition, SCYA 20 lacks the genetic diseases that map to this location. There are conserved tyrosine and threonine at positions 47 and also no other known chemokines in this region. This 51,respectively,thatarepresentinallotherhumanCC is unusual for chemokines, which tend to cluster in chemokines.Itisnotclearifthesetwohighlyconserved homologous groups in specific regions of a given aminoacidsplayaroleinCCchemokineactivitysince chromosome. This correlates with the finding that theyarenotpredictedtobeincontactwiththereceptor SCYA 20 binds a single specific chemokine receptor. (CloreandGronenborn,1997).Whencompared with Many of the chemokine groupings within chromo- the other CC chemokines, SCYA 20 has one to three somal regions share promiscuous receptors which additionalaminoacidsinthisregionbetweencysteines bind to many chemokines within that region. 2and3.Theseadditionalresiduesmaycompensatefor Tanaka et al. (1999) described the genomic struc- the lack of the conserved amino acids at those sites. ture of the murine SCYA 20 gene. Consistent with other CC chemokines, the gene has four exons and Discussion of crystal structure three introns. The 50 noncoding region contains con- sensus TAT and CAAT boxes but no other known regulatory elements. Thecrystalstructurehasnotbeenpublished,although itislikelythattheSCYA20structurewillnotdeviate too far from the previously published structures of PROTEIN otherCCchemokines(CloreandGronenborn,1997). Accession numbers Posttranslational modifications The amino acid sequences of SCYA 20 can be found There are no known functional posttranslational atthesameGenBankaccessionnumberslistedabove. modifications of SCYA 20. Indeed, purified peptide Exodus-1/LARC/MIP-3(cid:11) (SCYA 20) 3 synthesized entirely in vitro works as well as protein Baba et al. (1997) examined SCYA 20 binding to produced from a baculovirus system (Hromas et al., fiveknownandfiveorphanCCreceptors,attempting 1997). to identify the SCYA 20 receptor. SCYA 20 bound onlytoCCR6withaninductionofcalciumflux.This bindinghadaK of0.9nM,withintherangeofother CELLULAR SOURCES AND d chemokine receptor–ligand interactions. This same TISSUE EXPRESSION groupusedalkalinephosphatase-SCYA20proteinto show by Scatchard analysis that there were 2100 Cellular sources that produce CCR6receptors/cellonlymphocytes(Hieshimaetal., 1997). SCYA 20 was expressed by northern analysis in Poweretal.(1997)useddegenerateoligonucleotides to conserved regions of chemokine receptors to PCR lymph nodes, peripheral blood leukocytes, thymus, amplifyacandidatereceptorfromlungdendriticcells. andappendix(Rossietal.,1997;Hromasetal.,1997). Thiscandidatereceptor(CCR6)boundSCYA20,and It was not expressed in the spleen or bone marrow. ledtopertussistoxin-andphospholipaseC-dependent When a variety of nonlymphoid tissues are assessed, intracellularcalciummobilization. SCYA 20 is expressed only in lung (Hromas et al., 1997)andperhapsintheliver(Hieshimaetal.,1997). Liao et al. (1997) tested the ability of SCYA 20 to It was not expressed in a number of cell lines tested, induce calcium flux in 293 cells transfected with including TMR323 neuroblastoma, MDA breast orphan chemokine receptors. They showed that only CCR6 mediated SCYA 20-induced calcium mobiliza- carcinoma, K562 erythroleukemia, Jurkat T cell tion. Later they analyzed the surface expression of leukemia, HL60 promyelocytic leukemia, HL60 cells CCR6 and found it to be on differentiated, resting differentiated to granulocytes with retinoic acid, 3T3 memory T cells, B cells, and immature dendritic cells embryonic fibroblasts, or 293 embryonic kidney cells (Liaoetal.,1999).Greavesetal.(1997)isolatedCCR6 (Hromas et al., 1997). Sincetheexpressionofmanychemokinesisinduced from CD34+ cord blood-derived dendritic cells, and in mononuclear cells by inflammatory stimuli, the showed that it mediated chemotaxis to SCYA 20. expression of SCYA 20 after LPS, TNF(cid:11), or PMA Varona et al. (1998) isolated the murine CCR6 homolog,andshowedthatitalsomediatedSCYA20 exposure was analyzed by northern analysis (Hromas chemotaxis. et al., 1997). When peripheral blood mononuclear Of great interest was the recent report that CCR6 cells were exposed to LPS for 12 hours SCYA 20 also bound (cid:12)-defensins (Yang et al., 1999b). (cid:12)- expression was highly induced. This expression Defensins areafamilyofverysmallpeptides(around declined after 24 hours of exposure to LPS. When umbilical vein endothelial cells were exposed to TNF(cid:11) 4kDa) primarily produced by epithelial cells in for just three hours, SCYA 20 expression was again response to inflammatory stimuli. They can disrupt highly induced. Significantly, SCYA 20 expression the cytoplasmic wall of some microorganisms. As such, they play an important role in innate, local stayed high as long as there was an inflammatory defense against invading pathogenic microbes. (cid:12)- stimuli present. When the monocytic leukemia cell Defensins were found to bind to CCR6 and mediate line THP1 was treated with PMA the expression of chemotaxis of immature dendritic cells and resting SCYA 20 was also induced, reaching its peak at 48 memory T cells. Therefore, CCR6 serves as a link hoursafterexposure,anddecliningslightlythereafter. Tanaka et al. (1999) found that SCYA 20 expres- between innate and acquired immunity, presumably sion was induced in the monocytoid cell line J774 by by bringing antigen-presenting cells (dendritic cells) LPS but not TNF(cid:11), IFN(cid:13), IL-1(cid:12), or IL-4. They also andantigen-responsivecells(Tcells)toregionswhere microbial invasion is occurring. found that SCYA 20 was expressed highly in the epithelium around lymphoid tissue and intestines by in situ RNA hybridization. They hypothesize that it may play a role in stimulating migration of lympho- IN VITRO ACTIVITIES cytes to form Peyer’s patches. In vitro findings RECEPTOR UTILIZATION Hematopoietic Inhibition Several groups isolated the receptor for SCYA 20. Like several other CC chemokines SCYA 20 also Since it was the sixth CC chemokine receptor inhibited hematopoietic progenitor colony formation identified, it was termed CCR6. in a dose-dependent manner (Hromas et al., 1997). 4 Robert Hromas Increasing concentrations of pure synthetic SCYA 20 MIP-1(cid:11) did not inhibit progenitor proliferation in 11 resulted in hematopoietic progenitor inhibition. of the 13 CML samples. However, in two samples SCYA 20 inhibitory activity plateaus at 50 ng/ml, at MIP-1(cid:11) inhibited progenitor proliferation. (Average which there was also a statistically significant de- percentageinhibitionforthesetwosamplescompared crease in CFU-GM (49% of control), BFU-E (43% with untreated control: CFU-GM- 43%, BFU-E- of control), and CFU-GEMM (43% of control). We 37%, CFU-GEMM-50%). In contrast, all 13 CML usedMIP-1(cid:11)andIL-8aspositiveinhibitorycontrols. samples had progenitor proliferation that was At100ng/mlofrecombinanthumanMIP-1(cid:11)orIL-8, significantly inhibited by SCYA 20 (p<0.01). a dose at which their biological effect plateaus, there CFU-GM were inhibited by an average of 53%, was a statistically significant reduction of CFU-GM BFU-E an average of 47%, and CFU-GEMM an (48% proliferation as compared to medium control average of 52% (Hromas et al., 2000). Thus, CML for MIP-1(cid:11) and 49% for IL-8), BFU-E (45% of progenitorproliferationfromeverypatienttestedwas control forboth),and CFU-GEMM (49%ofcontrol significantly inhibited by SCYA 20. SCYA 20 was for both). markedly more effective than MIP-1(cid:11) at inhibiting TheeffectofSCYA20ontheproliferationofcyto- CML progenitor proliferation. kine dependent myeloid cell lines was also tested (Hromas et al., 1997). The human myeloid cell line Chemotaxis MO7E requires GM-CSF and SCF for maximal proliferation. When synthetic pure human SCYA 20 SCYA20 is apotent mediator of lymphocytechemo- is addedto the log phase MO7E cells, in the presence taxis.ItappearstobemostactiveonTcells,although of GM-CSF and SCF, proliferation over the next 72 itcanattractanumberofothercelltypes.Itsharesan hours is reduced to 10.4% of control. It should be Asp-Cys-Cys-LeusequenceaboutitsN-terminuswith noted that this was not a cytotoxic effect, as the theCCR7ligandsExodus-2/SLC/6CkineandExodus- SCYA20-treatedcellshadgreaterthan95%viability 3/MIP-3(cid:12)/ELC. These CCR7 chemokines also share at every time point, identical to that of the control similar chemotactic properties, such as preferentially cells. attracting T cells, although they differ in the T cell Next, we tested whether SCYA 20 could inhibit subsets that are preferentially attracted. the proliferation of hematopoietic progenitors from SCYA20attractsCD45RO+memoryTcellsabout chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) (Hromas et al., twice as well as RA+ T cells (Christopherson et al., 2000). Bone marrow from two CML patients in the 1999). In addition, CD4+ T cells were found to be chronic phase that had not received any treatment attractedapproximatelytwiceaswellasCD8+Tcells. with IFN(cid:11)was tested forinhibition ofhematopoietic It should be noted however, that SCYA 20 CD8+ progenitor proliferation by various concentrations of T cells and CD45RA+ T cells will still migrate in synthetic purified SCYA 20 (in this case, Exodus-1 response to SCYA 20. protein). MIP-1(cid:11) at concentrations from 1.25 ng/mL (cid:13)(cid:14) Tcells,foundinPeyer’spatchesintheintestinal to 500 ng/mL did not have any inhibitory effect on epithelium, where SCYA 20 is highly expressed, are the proliferation of CML progenitors from these two alsoattractedwellbySCYA20(Tanakaetal.,1999). patients, in contrast to the inhibition seen with MIP- However,(cid:11)(cid:12) T cellswere notchemoattractedwellby 1(cid:11) in normal progenitors. However, SCYA 20 SCYA 20. IgM+/IgD- naı¨ve B cells are also chemo- showed a dose-dependent inhibition of CML CFU- attracted by SCYA 20 (Tanaka et al., 1999). GM, BFU-E, and CFU-GEMM progenitor prolif- A recent study has found that immature CD34- eration for both patients beginning at 12.5ng/mL. derived dendritic cell migration is stimulated by When both patients are taken into account, this SCYA 20 (Dieu et al., 1998). This report failed to see inhibitoryresponseleveledoffbetween50and100ng/ eitherCCR6expressionorchemotaxistoSCYA20in mL. Therefore, we chose 100 ng/mL as the monocyte-derived dendritic cells. However, another concentration of SCYA 20 to obtain maximal report found that if dendritic cells were derived from response in all progenitor assays for more extensive monocytes in the presence of TGF(cid:12) that CCR6 was studies. thenexpressed,andthesedendriticcellsnowmigrated Bone marrow was obtained from 13 additional in response to SCYA 20 (Yang et al., 1999a). It was CML patients in the chronic phase who were not reportedthatasCD34-deriveddendriticcellsmatured currentlybeingtreatedwithIFN(cid:11).TheeffectofMIP- they lost CCR6 expression and responsiveness to 1(cid:11) on CML progenitor cell proliferation was tested. SCYA 20, and gained responsiveness to the CCR7 MIP-1(cid:11) inhibits normal marrow progenitor cell ligands mentioned above. proliferation, but is most often inactive on CML We and another group found that SCYA 20 could progenitors (Hromas et al., 2000). As expected, also stimulate the migration of activated but not Exodus-1/LARC/MIP-3(cid:11) (SCYA 20) 5 resting human NK cells, although not nearly as well therapeutic benefit in chronic myelogenous leukemia, as the CCR7 ligands (Robertson et al., 2000; based on the above studies. Al-Aoukaty et al., 1998). There is one report that SCYA 20 can stimulate a low-level eosinophil migration via CCR6 (Sullivan PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL ROLES et al., 1999). This migration was pertussis toxin- IN NORMAL HUMANS AND sensitive.This studyalso foundthat the p42/44MAP kinase was phosphorylated, albeit at a low level, and DISEASE STATES AND it was postulated that it might play a part in DIAGNOSTIC UTILITY mediating this chemotaxis. Normal levels and effects Adhesion WeoriginallyisolatedSCYA20fromhumandiabetic ThemechanismofthearrestofvascularTcellrolling pancreatic islet cells (Hromas et al., 1997). In early along endothelial cells has been recently defined. diabetes there is an autoimmune T cell response Campbelletal.(1998)foundthatSCYA20stimulates against islet cells. This response is thought to occur adhesion to ICAM-1 by rolling CD4+ memory T becauseofcrossreactionbetweenaviralantigenfrom cells. SDF-1 and the CCR7 ligands stimulated a previous infection and an islet cell antigen. adhesion of both naı¨ve and memory T cells. Therefore, it is possible that SCYA 20 plays a role in mediating the migration of memory T cells against a particular viral antigen into the islets. Perhaps IN VIVO BIOLOGICAL interfering with SCYA 20 early in the course of juvenile-onset diabetes may decrease the morbidity of ACTIVITIES OF LIGANDS IN that disease. ANIMAL MODELS Kleeff et al. (1999) found that pancreatic tumors markedly overexpressed SCYA 20 as compared with Normal physiological roles normal pancreatic tissue. They also found that the lymphocytic tumor infiltrate expressed CCR6. These The normal in vivo physiologic role of SCYA 20 can dataindicatethatgenetherapystrategiesusingSCYA be postulated from the above studies in vitro. 20 as a tumor vaccine may be effective in stimulating However, there are no publications describing the an immune response against the malignancy. The normal physiologic role of SCYA 20 in vivo. advantage of this gene therapy strategy is that the antitumor response is likely to be systemic even if gene transfer was local. SCYA 20 may also play a key role in the T Species differences cell infiltrative skin diseases. SCYA 20 is highly expressed in epithelium. It is chemoattractive for There have been no published studies that delineate memory T cells. There are a number of skin diseases, any species differences for SCYA 20. Thus far, it such as mycosis fungoides, lichen planus, atopic appears that the murine and human protein function dermatitis, and graft-versus-host disease, where mem- the same. ory T cells pathologically migrate to and destroy dermal tissue. Interfering with SCYA 20 in these diseases may decrease their morbidity. Knockout mouse phenotypes Based on the above data, that SCYA 20 markedly inhibits the proliferation of chronic myeloid leukemia There are no knockout mice for SCYA 20 yet progenitors, it is also possible that SCYA 20 may described. have therapeutic potential in treating CML. Since much of the early morbidity of CML is from the pancytosis seen in this disease, reducing that Pharmacological effects hyperproliferation may benefit patients. It would be especially interesting to use SCYA 20 in conjunction SCYA 20 may be able to serve as a protective agent withIFN(cid:11)intreatingCMLtoassesswhetheritcould for marrow toxicity from cytotoxic chemotherapy increase the number of cytogenetic responders based on the above studies. In addition, it may have (Hromas et al., 2000). 6 Robert Hromas Role in experiments of nature and Dieu, M. C., Vanbervliet, B., Vicari, A., Bridon, J. M., Oldham, E., Ait-Yahia, S., Briere, F., Zlotnik, A., disease states Lebecque, S., and Caux, C. (1998). Selective recruitment of immature and mature dendritic cells by distinct chemokines In Acquired and Innate Immunity expressedindifferentanatomicsites.J.Exp.Med.188,373–386. Greaves, D. R., Wang, W., Dairaghi, D. J., Dieu, M. C., Compiling the data reviewed here, a model for the Saint-Vis, B., Franz-Bacon, K., Rossi, D., Caux, C., generationofanimmuneresponseagainstaninvading McClanahan, T., Gordon, S., Zlotnik, A., and Schall, T. 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(1999). expressing CCR7, and drawn to that locale by the Detection and localization of Mip-3alpha/LARC/Exodus, CCR7 ligands expressed by the dendritic cells a macrophage proinflammatory chemokine, and its CCR6 themselves,andalsobynodehighendothelialvenules receptor in human pancreatic cancer. Int. J. Cancer 81, ofthelymphnode.Thenaı¨veTcellsmatureuponthis 650–657. Liao, F., Alderson, R., Su, J., Ullrich, S. J., Kreider, B. 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Molecular Exodus-1/LARC/MIP-3(cid:11) (SCYA 20) 7 cloning,functionalcharacterizationandmRNAexpressionana- ResearchDiagnostics,Inc.(Flanders,NJ)produces lysis of the murine chemokine receptor CCR6 and its specific humanSCYA20proteinunderthe nameofMIP-3(cid:11). ligandMIP-3alpha.FEBSLett.440,188–194. They also produce antisera against CCR6. Yang, D., Howard, O. M., Chen, Q., and Oppenheim, J. J. Torrey Pines Biolabs (La Jolla, CA) produces anti- (1999a). Cutting edge: immature dendritic cells generated from monocytes in the presence of TGF-beta 1 express func- sera against SCYA 20 under the name anti-LARC. tionalC-Cchemokinereceptor6.J.Immunol.163,1737–1741. New England Nuclear Labs (Boston, MA) pro- Yang,D.,Chertov,O.,Bykovskaia,S.N.,Chen,Q.,Buffo,M.J., duces an I125-labeled SCYA 20 protein under the Shogan, J., Anderson, M., Schroder, J. M., Wang, J. M., name of MIP-3(cid:11). Howard,O.M.,andOppenheim,J.J.(1999b).Beta-defensins: TherearenoFDA-approvedtherapeuticmodalities. linking innate and adaptive immunity through dendritic and TcellCCR6.Science286,525–528. LICENSED PRODUCTS R & D (Minneapolis, MN) produces murine and human SCYA 20 protein under the name MIP-3(cid:11). They also produce antisera against CCR6.

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