“Elliott, in this evocative debut, encourages the exploration of taboo desires hidden within the unconscious mind.” —Publishers Weekly “Carolyn’s words cut through the popular light-washed self-help and spiritual canon, offering deep soul relief and a celebration that warmly invites our shadows to be unleashed from closets shrouded by shame.” —Alexandra Roxo, author of F*ck Like a Goddess: Heal Yourself. Reclaim Your Voice. Stand in Your Power. ucked into our unconscious are the repressed, tabooed, primal, uncom- Tfortable, and unwanted aspects of ourselves, which, when they manifest in our lives, can cause stuck, painful patterns of existence. Why do we always find ourselves choosing an abusive partner or boss, settling for less, thinking that we’re undeserving? It’s because, argues Carolyn Elliott, PhD, we refuse to a cknowledge the unconscious pleasure we derive from the taboo side—the shadow side—of our being, what Elliott calls our “existential kink.” This “dark side” can make us feel powerless and often holds us back from our life’s goals. But it also holds profound transformative power. In Existential Kink, Elliott offers practical advice and exercises for loving and accepting our shadow side’s “guilty pleasures,” and shows how to integrate them into our whole being. When we do the uncomfortable work of bringing these unconscious desires into our consciousn ess—by giving them a vast, t aboo-level approval—then they lose their fateful power to mess with us. When we unleash the transformative magic of our existential kink, we turn all of its “raw, hot, glori- ous power” toward getting what we truly desire so we can live the life we deserve. Carolyn Elliott, PhD, is an author and teacher who specializes in helping people achieve dramatic positive change in their lives through shadow integra- tion practices and applied occult philosophy. She is the creator of several pop- ular online courses and founder of the online magazine Witch. She earned her PhD in Critical and Cultural Studies from the University of Pittsburgh and now re- sides in Pennsylvania with her family. Visit her at www.carolyn graceelliott.com. www.redwheelweiser.com US$15.95 EElllliiootttt__EExx KKiinnkk__ccvv mmxx__PPRREESSSS..iinndddd 11 11//77//2200 1100::4466 AAMM What People Are Saying about Existential Kink “Carolyn’s words cut through the popular light-washed self-help and spiritual canon, offering deep soul relief and a celebration that warmly invites our shadows to be unleashed from clos- ets shrouded by shame. Beyond soul relief, Carolyn shows us that our spiritual growth and magical practices can be deeply fun even in their slimiest iteration. Her skillful way of teaching ancient tantra and alchemy that we can access without robes, mantras, or gurus is a gift.” —Alexandra Roxo, author of F*ck Like a Goddess: Heal Yourself. Reclaim Your Voice. Stand in Your Power. “Elliott, in this evocative debut, encourages the exploration of taboo desires hidden within the unconscious mind. Elliott uses the Jungian concept of the shadow to posit that repressed and denied aspects of oneself manifest in negative ways, and she moves on to argue that individuals, on an unconscious level, can enjoy these feelings, and ‘get off’ on the ‘forbidden enjoyment’ they bring to one’s shadow. Her meditation method (existential kink) is presented as a radical, somatic, hot, immediately practi- cal and quick method to bring these patterns to light, therefore dismantling them by tapping into one’s unconscious mind and soul-spirit realms through meditative and spell-casting prac- tices. Elliott’s novel methods could help spiritual readers looking to bring more positivity into their lives.” —Publishers Weekly EExx kkiinnkk ppaaggeess__eeddiitteedd__FFIINNAALL__222244..iinndddd 11 11//77//2200 1100::5511 AAMM “I have a confession to make. There are some painful stories of my past that I have held on to for far too long. It never made sense on the surface. Why would I obsess over these situations? Why can’t I just let them go? Carolyn Elliott’s Existential Kink provided the answer that I’ve been searching for all these years: on some level, I ‘got off’ on these sad stories. Playing martyr felt good. When I began applying the practices in this book, I was able to turn around that thinking and release those trauma tales once and for all. This book will challenge you to look at your shadow side in a new way. Instead of ignoring it or covering up the old scars with ‘love and light,’ you’ll learn how to find power in the darkness. When you do that, a funny thing hap- pens: you’re free.” —Theresa Reed, author of Astrology For Real Life: A No B.S. Guide for the Astro-Curious “This is shadow integration made practical and completely under- standable. No one else explains shadow integration in such a way that it makes solid sense. It can be so difficult to embrace parts of your being that you’ve been rejecting your entire life let alone see those parts. But I love that Carolyn finds a way to poetically and articulately explain why it’s so important and that she teaches how to do it in simple stages!” —Akhera Unpa Shepsutera “It straight up works. The Existential Kink method is effective in bringing emotions up and out. I finally have a tool that takes the mystery out of any emotion. Emotions are no longer torturous devices that stick around forever.” —Ellen Garbarino EExx kkiinnkk ppaaggeess__eeddiitteedd__FFIINNAALL__222244..iinndddd 22 11//77//2200 1100::5511 AAMM “Existential Kink is such a liberating approach to seeing and fac- ing my dramas and traumas. The way it twists my victimhood into strengths, debilitating my blame reactions, is maddening and now unstoppable. I am facing myself better. I am seeing my self-pity and reactivity in new light. I am much closer to taking full respon- sibility for my life. And I am doing all that with a lighter heart and a lack of self-loathing.” —Moira Lowe “I admit that I am still learning to celebrate and ‘get off’ on the fuckups instead of the old knee-jerk reaction of disappointment. It’s definitely a mind-twister but oh my god, it is such an exponen- tially more fun and fulfilling way to go through life!” —Michelle Lewis EExx kkiinnkk ppaaggeess__eeddiitteedd__FFIINNAALL__222244..iinndddd 33 11//77//2200 1111::2288 AAMM EExx kkiinnkk ppaaggeess__eeddiitteedd__FFIINNAALL__222244..iinndddd 44 11//77//2200 1100::5511 AAMM EExx kkiinnkk ppaaggeess__eeddiitteedd__FFIINNAALL__222244..iinndddd 55 11//77//2200 1100::5511 AAMM EExx kkiinnkk ppaaggeess__eeddiitteedd__FFIINNAALL__222244..iinndddd 66 11//77//2200 1100::5511 AAMM EExx kkiinnkk ppaaggeess__eeddiitteedd__FFIINNAALL__222244..iinndddd 77 11//77//2200 1100::5511 AAMM This edition first published in 2020 by Weiser Books, an imprint of Red Wheel/Weiser, llc With offices at: 65 Parker Street, Suite 7 Newburyport, MA 01950 www.redwheelweiser.com Copyright © 2020 by Carolyn Elliott All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Red Wheel/Weiser, llc. Reviewers may quote brief passages. ISBN: 978-1-57863-647-1 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available upon request. Cover photograph by Rolfo / Moment / Getty Images Interior illustrations by Eroshka / Shutterstock Typeset in Aller Light Printed in Canada MAR 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 EExx kkiinnkk ppaaggeess__eeddiitteedd__FFIINNAALL__222244..iinndddd 88 11//77//2200 1100::5511 AAMM Dedications To all the participants of my online courses INFLUENCE, FORCE OF NATURE, MONEY, LOVE, and THRILL—thank you for your depths of honesty and commitment to this wild work; it’s a beacon and a joy to me. To my coven-mates Crystal Woodling, Annie Derek, Angela Morelli, Carolyn Burns, Alyssa Schlumpf, thank you for all the encourage- ment, wisdom, strong medicine, and big belly laughs. To my husband, David Lee Elliott (aka Taia Kepher), thank you for driving me crazy in all the best, freakiest, and most magical ways. EExx kkiinnkk ppaaggeess__eeddiitteedd__FFIINNAALL__222244..iinndddd 99 11//77//2200 1100::5511 AAMM