Existence of the critical endpoint in the vector meson extended linear sigma model P. Kovács,1, Zs. Szép,2, and Gy. Wolf3, ∗ † ‡ 1Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-1525 Budapest, Hungary 2MTA-ELTE Statistical and Biological Physics Research Group, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary 3Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Wigner Research Center for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-1525 Budapest, Hungary The chiral phase transition of the strongly interacting matter is investigated at nonzero temper- ature and baryon chemical potential (µ ) within an extended (2+1) flavor Polyakov constituent B quark-mesonmodelthatincorporatestheeffectofthevectorandaxialvectormesons. Theeffectof thefermionic vacuum and thermal fluctuations computed from the grand potential of the model is takenintoaccount in thecurvaturemasses of thescalar and pseudoscalar mesons. The parameters of the model are determined by comparing masses and tree-level decay widths with experimental values in a χ2-minimization procedure that selects between various possible assignments of scalar nonetstatestophysicalparticles. Weexaminetherestorationofthechiralsymmetrybymonitoring the temperature evolution of condensates and the chiral partners’ masses and of the mixing angles 6 forthepseudoscalarη η′andthecorrespondingscalarcomplex. Wecalculatethepressureandvar- 1 iousthermodynamical−observablesderivedfromitandcomparethemtothecontinuumextrapolated 0 latticeresultsoftheWuppertal-Budapestcollaboration. WestudytheT µ phasediagramofthe B 2 model and find that a critical endpoint exists for parameters of the mo−del, which give acceptable p valuesof χ2. e S PACSnumbers: 12.39.Fe,11.30.Rd,11.30.Qc,14.40.Be 8 I. INTRODUCTION incorporates the vector and axial vector mesons. The ] h parametrization of the ELσM performed at vanishing p We investigate properties of the strongly interacting temperature shows that the scalar states are preferred p- matter at high temperature and/or density. Currently, as q¯q states only if their masses are above 1 GeV with e the strong matter can be accessed experimentally at low an opposite ordering ma0 < mK0⋆ compared to the cor- h density (RHIC/Brookhaven and LHC/CERN) and at respondingexperimentalvalues. QCDsum rule analyses [ normal nuclear density (ordinary nuclear physics). Its based on Borel transformed two-point correlation func- v2 p(CroEpPe)rtpiersobaatbhlyighsitdse,nasrietineso,twkhneorwent,hneeictrhiteircaelxpenedripmoeinnt- t(itohnessocfalq¯aqrcpuarrrteinclteswalistohpnroendsitcrtatnhgeemquaassrekscoofnσte≡nt)f10L(aonwd) 1 tally nor theoretically. The theory of the strongly in- a0tobearound1.2GeVandlargermassesforK0⋆andthe 9 teracting matter (QCD) can be solved perturbatively other f —the fH(igh) —of the nonet, due to the strange 2 0 0 only at very high energies, not relevant for the prob- quark content of the latter (for details see [3] and ref- 5 lems here. Lattice computations based on importance erences therein). Only when the above QCD sum rule 0 . samplingfaceseriousdifficultiesatfinite,especiallylarge analysis is done with tetraquark currents are the masses 1 density. Therefore, we are left with effective models, in of scalar mesons obtained in the region 0.6 1.0 GeV 60 wcahnichbecesrttuadinieda.speTchtseoufntdheerlsytirnogngplyrininctiperleacitningthmeactotner- with the ordering mf0L <mK0⋆ <mf0H,a0 [3–5]−. 1 SincethemassofthefL,the excitationofthevacuum : struction of such models is that they share the same withquantumnumbersJ0PC =0++,isintimatelyrelated v global symmetries as the QCD. There are different ways i to the nonstrange condensate, one could expect in the X in which the chiral symmetry can be realized. At large contextoftheELσMthataparametrizationleadingtoa temperatures and densities, one expects the chiral sym- r largefL masswillresultinahighpseudocriticaltemper- a metryofQCDtoberestored. Then,chiralpartnershave 0 ature. This is because in the case of a smooth crossover tobecomedegenerateinmass,e.g.,thesigmamesonand phase transitionthe largerthe fL mass comparedto the the pions. To investigate the mechanism of chiral sym- 0 mass of its chiral partner, that is the pion, the larger is metryrestoration,effectivetheorieswithlinearlyrealized thetemperatureatwhichm approachesm inthepro- chiral symmetry are most appropriate. f0L π cess ofthe chiralsymmetry restorationduring which the In [1] an extended linear sigma model (ELσM) with value of the nonstrange condensate diminishes. Another U(3) U(3) global symmetry was developed, which L × R problemwithalargef0L masswhenthethermodynamics ∗ [email protected] † [email protected] 1 From now on we always use f0L instead of σ, as in the Particle ‡ [email protected] DataGroup(PDG)[2]. 2 of the ELσM is studied comes fromthe fact that usually alsoratherobscurehowthermalcorrectionsareincluded thefirstorderphasetransition,whichoccursatT =0as in the mass of the (axial-)vectors, in the present work the baryonchemicalpotentialis increased,weakenswith we properly take into account the wave function renor- increasingvalues ofthe fL massandeventuallybecomes malization factors (neglected in [15]), which are related 0 a crossover at a high enough value of m [6, 7]. All to the redefinition of the (axial-)vector fields and use a fL 0 this suggests that even if a zero temperature analysis, complete set of parameters obtained from a consistent which excludes the fL and fH scalar mesons from the parametrizationof the model. 0 0 parametrization process favors the heavy scalars as q¯q The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we intro- states, the combined zero and finite temperature anal- duce the model,giving the Lagrangianandthe Polyakov ysis can give a different result in a given approximate loop potentials considered in this study. In Sec. III we solutionofthe model. To completelyclarify this issue,it introduce the grand potential, the approximation used seems necessary to include in the model all the physical for its computation, summarize the determination of scalar states below 2 GeV, which is a task we plan to do the curvature masses and of the renormalization of the in a later work along the line of [8]. fermion vacuum fluctuations and present the field equa- Beside the restoration of the chiral symmetry, the lib- tions to be solvednumerically. The determinationof the erationofquarksalsooccursinQCDathightemperature model parameters, which is based on a χ2-minimization and/or density. The order parameter of this deconfine- procedure, is described in detail in Sec. IV. In Sec. V ment phase transition in the pure gauge theory is the we present our results concerning the medium mass Polyakov loop. It is therefore reasonable to include it in variationofthemodelconstituents,thethermodynamics our model in the hope (supported by existing results in quantities derived from the pressure, and the T µ B − the literature) that in this way a better phenomenologi- phase diagram. We conclude in Sec. VI. cal description of the strongly interacting matter can be achieved. Weshallstudythethermodynamicsofthe(2+1)flavor Polyakov quark meson model in which, beyond the vec- II. FORMULATION OF THE MODEL torandaxialvectormesonsincludedalongsidethescalar andpseudoscalarones,wetakeintoaccount,asfermionic In this section we give the Lagrangian of the model, degrees of freedom, the constituent quarks propagating introduce the Polyakov loop, and present the different on a constant gluon background in the temporal direc- forms of the Polyakov loop potential we shall use later. tion, which naturally leads in a mean-field treatment to WeworkwithamodifiedversionofthechiralLagrangian the appearance of the Polyakov loop. The influence of rather than the one employed in [1] at zero temperature the fermionic vacuumfluctuations onthe thermodynam- (more details on the construction of chiral Lagrangians ics of the Polyakov loop extended quark meson (PQM) can be found in [16–18]). We consider now a different model proved to be very important. In the case of two U (1) anomaly term (term with c ), because this term flavors (N = 2) it was shown in [9] that their inclusion A 1 f containsthefieldswithlowerpowersthantheoneusedin canchangethe orderofthe phasetransitionatvanishing [1], while it does not affect the zero temperature proper- baryonchemicalpotentialµ andthatrenormalizationis B ties much (see [19]). Moreover, we introduce additional requiredtoguaranteethesecondordernatureofthetem- kinetic and Yukawa coupling terms for the constituent perature driven phase transition in the chiral limit. In fermions Ψ = (q ,q ,q )T. Another important modifi- the PQM model the effect of the fermionic vacuum fluc- u d s cation is the presence of the gluon field in the covari- tuations on the T µ phase diagramwas investigated, − B ant derivative of the quark field. In the mean-field ap- e.g., in [10] for N =2 and in [7, 11] for N =2+1. We f f proximation, this will give rise in the grand potential of shallincorporatethevacuumfluctuationsofthefermions Sec. III to the appearance of the Polyakov loop, which in the grand potential and study the effect of the inclu- mimicssomepropertiesofthe quarkconfinement. More- sion of the (axial) vector mesons by comparing thermo- over, since 2 2 (axial) vector scattering processes will dynamic quantities and the T −µB phase diagram with notbeconside→redhere,thepurelyfourfield(axial)vector those determined in the literature in the context of the self-interactiontermsareleftout(see[1]forthecomplete PQM model. Lagrangian). For N = 2 and without the inclusion of fermions, f the restoration of chiral symmetry at high temperature was studied within the ELσM in Ref. [12], using the functional renormalization group approach, and in the A. Lagrangian of the PQM with (axial) vector gauged version of the model in [13], using the Cornwall- mesons Jackiw-Tomboulis formalism [14]. An application of the (2+1)-flavorELσM toanin-mediumstudywasreported Accordingtotheconsiderationsabove,theLagrangian in [15]. In contrast to this latter reference, in which it is we shall use has the following form: 3 =Tr[(D M) (D M)] m2Tr(M M) λ [Tr(M M)]2 λ Tr(M M)2+c (detM +detM )+Tr[H(M +M )] L µ † µ − 0 † − 1 † − 2 † 1 † † 1 m2 g Tr(L2 +R2 )+Tr 1 +∆ (L2 +R2) +i 2(Tr L [Lµ,Lν] +Tr R [Rµ,Rν] ) − 4 µν µν 2 µ µ 2 { µν } { µν } (cid:20)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21) h + 21 Tr(M†M)Tr(L2µ+Rµ2)+h2Tr(|LµM|2+|MRµ|2)+2h3Tr(LµMRµM†)+Ψ¯ [iγµDµ−M]Ψ. (1) The covariant derivatives appearing in (1) are written in terms of the electromagnetic field Aµ, the left- and right- e handed vector fields Lµ,Rµ and the gluon fields Gµ as i DµM =∂µM ig (LµM MRµ) ieAµ[T ,M], DµΨ=∂µΨ iGµΨ, (2) − 1 − − e 3 − where Gµ = g GµT , with T = λ /2 (i = 1,...,8) denoting the SU(3) group generators given in terms of the s i i i i Gell-Mann matrices λ . The field strength tensors i Lµν =∂µLν ieAµ[T ,Lν] ∂νLµ ieAν[T ,Lµ] , Rµν =∂µRν ieAµ[T ,Rν] ∂νRµ ieAν[T ,Rµ] ,(3) − e 3 −{ − e 3 } − e 3 −{ − e 3 } are constructed from the left- and right-handedvector fields Lµ and Rµ which contain the nonets of vector (Vµ) and a axial vector (Aµ) meson fields as follows: a ωN+ρ0 + f1N+a01 ρ++a+ K⋆++K+ µ 8 1 √2 √2 1 1 Lµ ≡Vµ+Aµ ≡ (Vaµ+Aµa)Ta = √2 ρ−+a−1 ωN√−2ρ0 + f1N√−2a01 K⋆0+K10 , (4) Xa=0 K⋆−+K1− K¯⋆0+K¯10 ωS +f1S 8 1 ωN√+2ρ0 − f1N√+2a01 ρ+−a+1 K⋆+−K1+ µ Rµ ≡Vµ−Aµ ≡ (Vaµ−Aµa)Ta = √2 ρ−−a−1 ωN√−2ρ0 − f1N√−2a01 K⋆0−K10 , (5) Xa=0 K⋆−−K1− K¯⋆0−K¯10 ωS −f1S wheretheassignmenttophysicalfieldsismadeexplicitwiththeexceptionofthemixingsector. Theindexa=0,...,8 runs over the generators of the U(3) group which includes also T =λ /2 with λ = 21 . The matrix M in the 0 0 0 3 3×3 Lagrangiancollects the nonets of scalar (Sa) and pseudoscalar (Pa) meson fields, q (σN+a00)+i(ηN+π0) a++iπ+ K⋆++iK+ 8 1 √2 0 0 M ≡MS +MPS ≡ (Sa+iPa)Ta = √2 a−0 +iπ− (σN−a00)√+2i(ηN−π0) K0⋆0+iK0 , (6) aX=0 K0⋆−+iK− K¯0⋆0+iK¯0 σS +iηS while the external fields related to the scalar and vector appearing there is defined as fields are introduced with the following parametrization: =g (1 M +iγ M ), (9) F 4 4 S 5 PS M × 1 H =H T +H T = diag(h ,h ,√2h ), (7) and has the structure of a block matrix in flavor, Dirac, 0 0 8 8 0N 0N 0S 2 and color space. ∆=∆ T +∆ T =diag(δ ,δ ,δ ). (8) 0 0 8 8 N N S Forconvenience,inthematricesaboveandthroughout the article, we use the N S (nonstrange–strange)basis The first line in the Lagrangian (1) contains the ki- − instead of the 0 8 basis, which for a generic field ξ a netic and self-interaction terms of the (pseudo)scalars (S ,P ,Vµ,Aµ,H− ,∆ ) is defined as ∈ together with a U (1) anomaly term and an explicit a a a a a a A symmetry breaking term. The second line consists 1 1 ξ = √2ξ +ξ , ξ = ξ √2ξ . of the kinetic terms for the (axial)vectors, altogether N √3 0 8 S √3 0− 8 with explicit symmetry breaking terms for the (ax- (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)(10) ial)vectorsandthe(axial)vector–electromagneticinterac- Since in the present work we neglect the isospin break- tionterms. Inthethirdlineonefindsthe(pseudo)scalar– ing, we have to deal with only two nonzero condensates (axial)vector interaction terms, the kinetic terms of the (fieldexpectationvalues),theφ σ nonstrangeand N N ≡h i constituent quarks and their Yukawa-type interaction the φ σ strange scalar condensates. In the bro- S S ≡ h i with the (pseudo)scalarmesons. The quark mass matrix ken symmetry phase, the model Lagrangian is obtained 4 with the usual procedure in which the nonstrange and the pure gauge theory; therefore, the potential is con- strange scalar fields are shifted by their expectation val- structed using terms which are invariant under the Z(3) ues, σ σ +φ , which will generate the tree- symmetry,andsomecoefficientofthesetermsdependon N/S N/S N/S → level masses and decay widths. thetemperatureinordertoassureanonzeroexpectation valueofΦatlargetemperature[24,25]. Thepotentialis constructed in such a way as to reproduce some thermo- B. The Polyakov loop potential dynamicalquantities ofthe pure gaugetheorycomputed onthelattice. Forthefunctionalformtherearestillvar- TheintroductionofthePolyakovloopoperatorandits ious possibilities. The simplest polynomial potential in- application in the present context can be found, for in- troduced in [24] leads in Polyakov Nambu-Jona-Lasinio stance,in[20–22]. Forthesakeofcompleteness,however, (PNJL) or PQM models to some unwanted properties, let the key steps be presented here as well. such as negative susceptibilities [26]. Therefore,we shall To go to finite temperature, analytic continuation to use a potential with a logarithmic form which is coming imaginarytimeshouldbeperformed,t iτ. Thetem- from the SU(3) Haar measure of the group integration poral component of the gluon gauge fi→eld−, which is en- [27] and is free from the negative susceptibility prob- tering in the definition of the Polyakov loop operator, is lem. Moreover, as observed in [28], the trace anomaly transformedaccordinglyas G (t,x) iG (τ,x), while calculated with the logarithmic parametrization of the 0 4 weassumethatthespatialcomponen→ts−ofGµ arevanish- Polyakov loop potential shows a better agreement with ing. ThePolyakovloopoperatoritself—whichisnothing thecorrespondingquantityinthepureSU(3)gaugethe- other than a path orderedWilsonloop of the gaugefield ory computed recently on the lattice in [29], compared in the temporal direction—is defined as [7, 23] tothecasewhenapolynomialPolyakovlooppotentialis used. β Although in thermodynamical applications the poten- L= exp i dτG4(τ,x) . (11) tial is a function of the expectation values Φ and Φ¯ , P Z0 ! we use for simplicity Φ and Φ¯ for its argumheints. Thhein the logarithmic Polyakov loop potential can be written LandL arematricesinthefundamentalrepresentation † as ofthe colorgaugegroupSU(N )withN =3. Introduc- c c ing the color traced Polyakov loops as 1 β4U (Φ,Φ¯)= a(T)ΦΦ¯ log −2 1 1 Φ(x)= TrcL(x), Φ¯(x)= TrcL†(x), (12) +b(T)ln 1 6ΦΦ¯ +4(Φ3+Φ¯3) 3(ΦΦ¯)2 , (15) N N − − c c with coefficients(cid:0) (cid:1) the Polyakov loop variables are defined as the thermal expectation values Φ and Φ¯ . In the pure gauge case 2 3 h i h i T0 T0 T0 they are related to the free energy of infinitely heavy a(T)=a +a +a , b(T)=b , 0 1 2 3 T T T static quark and antiquarks. (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (16) Asanextstep,theso-calledPolyakovgaugeischosen, where the values of the constants are a = 3.51, a = in which G (τ,x) = G (x) is time independent and di- 0 1 4 4 2.47, a =15.22, and b = 1.75. agonal in color space; that is, it belongs to the Cartan − 2 3 − TheaboveparametrizationofthePolyakovlooppoten- subalgebra. Furthermore, we approximate G (x) to be 4 tial does not include the backreaction of the dynamical homogeneous, thus it can be written as quarksonthe gaugesectorandthereforethe influence of the quarks on the deconfinement phase transition. This G =φ λ +φ λ , (13) 4 3 3 8 8 effect was discussed in [30] and in [28], where the de- with φ3 and φ8 being real. Consequently, with these pendence of T0 on the number of quark flavors and the simplifications the Polyakov loop operator can be cast baryon chemical potential was estimated. This led to into the following form: T0 = 187 MeV for ms = 150 MeV and T0 = 182 MeV for m =95 MeV. In the present study we shall use this s L=diag(z1,z2,z1−1z2−1), (14) latter value of T0. A refinement of this estimation was achieved in [28], where a quark-improved Polyakov loop with z1 = eiβ(φ3+φ8/√3),z2 = eiβ(−φ3+φ8/√3). When the potentialwasconstructedbycomparingtheSU(3)Yang- constant diagonal G , given in (13), is substituted into Mills (YM) effective potential with the gluonic effective 4 the kinetic term of the constituent quarks (2), the sec- potential computed with the functional renormalization ond term of the covariant derivative can be considered groupmethodby including the quarkpolarizationin the as a color dependent imaginary chemical potential. This gluon propagator. It was observed that the two poten- observationisusedforthecalculationofthegrandcanon- tials have the same shape and that they can be mapped ical potential in Sec. III. into each other by relating the temperatures of the two The Polyakov loop potential describes the tempera- systems, T and T , respectively. The use of the YM glue ture driven deconfinement phase transition occurring in improved Polyakov loop potential U was proposed in glue 5 [28], which, denoting by U the potentials in (15), was fL) are included only in the pressureand the thermody- YM 0 constructed based on the relation namicalquantitiesderivedfromit. Therefore,the meson potentialisclassical(tree-level)andthefermiondetermi- 1 1 U (Φ,Φ¯) = U (Φ,Φ¯) , nantobtainedafterperformingthefunctionalintegration Tg4lue glue tglue TY4M YM tYM(tglue) over the quark fields is evaluated for vanishing mesonic (cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:12) (cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:12) (17) fluctuating fields. Since we would like to assess how the (cid:12) (cid:12) where the mapping between the reduced temperatures parametrizationusingvectorandaxialvectormesonsin- tYM = TYM/TcYM − 1 and tglue = Tglue/Tcglue − 1 fluences the thermodynamics in this approximation, we was determined to be tYM(tglue) 0.57tglue, with the shallalso neglectthe fluctuations of the vector andaxial critical temperatures TYM = 27≈0 MeV and Tglue vectormesons. Inthisapproximation,whichweshallcall c c ∈ [180,270] MeV. In practice this amounts to using in the hybrid (H) approximation,the grand potential reads right-hand side of (15), where T means TYM, the re- 0 c plelfatcesimdeenotfTthe→arrTocwYMT(1 +T0.57,(Tw/hTilcegluoen−th1e))rig(ohnt stihdee ΩH(T,µq)=U(hMi)+U(hΦi,hΦ¯i)+Ω(q¯0q)(T,µq), (19) YM ≡ T T ). In Sec. V we shall choose several values of Tg≡lue inglutehe range given above and study the sensitivity where U(hMi) is the tree-level meson potential, c U( Φ , Φ¯ ) is the Polyakov loop potential and Ω(0) is of the results to this parameter. h i h i q¯q the contribution of the fermions for nonvanishing scalar Before closing this section we mention that a gluonic backgroundsφ andφ andvanishingmesonic fluctuat- potential with possible phenomenologicalapplicability is N S ing fields, the case in which the quark mass matrix alsocalculatedin[31]intermsofthePolyakovloopvari- M ables Φ and Φ¯ ,usingbackgroundfieldmethodsinthe givenin(9)is diagonalinflavorspace. Note thatM has h i h i a nontrivial dependence on the scalar and pseudoscalar massive extension of the Landau-deWitt gauge. fluctuating fields, when they are nonvanishing. The tree-level mesonic potential III. THE GRAND POTENTIAL m2 c U( M )= 0 φ2 +φ2 1 φ2 φ h φ h φ h i 2 N S − 2√2 N S − S S − N N To study the thermodynamics of a symmetric quark matter (µu = µd = µs µq = µB/3), we shall use + λ1 (cid:0)φ2 +φ2 (cid:1)2+ λ2 φ4 +2φ4 the grand potential Ω(T,≡µ ) obtained from the parti- 4 N S 8 N S q tion function of a three-dimensional spatially uniform + δm(cid:0)20 φ2 +φ(cid:1)2 + δλ(cid:0)2 φ4 +2φ(cid:1)4 , (20) system of volume V in thermal equilibrium at tempera- 2 N S 8 N S ture T =1/β. FollowingRef. [32]the partitionfunction (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) canbegiventhefollowingrepresentationintermsofpath isobtainedfromthefirstlineof (1)withthereplacement integrals: M,M† M TNφN +TSφS, where TN/S = λN/S/2 → h i ≡ with λ = diag(1,1,0) and λ = diag(0,0,√2). In the N S Z =e−βVΩ(T,µq) =Trexp −β Hˆ− µfQˆf lwahstichlinaereofne(e2d0e)dwteo erxenpolircmitalylizaedtdheedftehrme icoonuicntveartceurumms (cid:20) (cid:18) f=u,d,s (cid:19)(cid:21) X fluctuations (see Sec. IIIA). = Dξa DqfDqf† inTthheeacponptrroixbiumtiaotnioonfdthesecfreirbmedioanbsotvoethiseogbratanidnepdotaesntial Z a Z f PBC Y APBC Y β ×exp(cid:20)−Z0 dτZV d3x(cid:18)L+µqXf qf†qf(cid:19)(cid:21), (18) Zq¯(0q) =e−βVΩ(q¯0q) =APZBC Yf DqfDqf†exp(cid:26)Z0βdτZV d3x wtiohner,eˆ(A)isPtBhCe csotannsedrsvfeodrc(hanartig)epeorpieordaitcobr,ouannddaξrydecnoontdeis- ×qf† iγ0~γ·∇~ − ∂∂τ +µ˜q δfg− γ0Mfg|ξa=0 qg , Qf (cid:20)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21) (cid:27) here all the mesonic fields. Since the Polyakov loop is (21) treated at mean-field level, there is no integration over the gluons [G in (13) is a background field] and in this where summation over repeated indices f,g u,d,s 4 ∈ { } case the Polyakov loop potential (15) is simply added to is understood, the superscript (0) reminds one that the the grand potential. mesonic fluctuating fields ξ are set to zero in the quark a The simplest approximation for the evaluation of the mass matrix defined in (9) and we introduced the M grand potential frequently used in the literature takes color-dependentchemicalpotentialµ˜ =µ iG ,differ- q q 4 − into account the (pseudo)scalar mesons at mean-field ent for each color. level only. In the present case the vacuum and thermal Evaluating the path integral in (21) as in [32] one ob- fluctuationsforthefermionsaretakenintoaccount,while tains the mesonic vacuum fluctuations are neglected and the effectsofthelightestmesonicthermalfluctuations(π,K, Ω(0)(T,µ )=Ω(0)v+Ω(0)T(T,µ ), (22) q¯q q q¯q q¯q q 6 where the vacuum and thermal parts are, respectively, potential at φ = φ = 0 is subtracted. The quadratic N S and logarithmic divergences can be removed with the d3p Ω(0)v = 2N E (p), (23) help of the counterterms in the tree-level mesonic po- q¯q − c (2π)3 f tential (20) by choosing f=u,d,sZ X Nc d3p 3g2 3g4 2Λ Ω(0)T(T,µ )= 2T δm2 = FΛ2 and δλ = F ln . (30) q¯q q − j=1f=u,d,sZ (2π)3 0 4π2 2 −8π2 M0e41 X X ln 1+e−β(Ef(p)−µ˜jq) +ln 1+e−β(Ef(p)+µ˜jq) . Therefore, the renormalized fermionic vacuum contribu- × (24) tion reads (cid:2) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:3) 3 m Here µ˜jq = µq −i(G4)jj, Ef(p) = p2+m2f with p = Ωq(¯0q);Rv =−8π2 m4flnMf0. (31) f=u,d,s p and, in the nonstrange–strangebqasis,the constituent X | | quark masses are given by It was shown in Refs. [7, 33] that the grand potential g g isindependentoftherenormalizationscale,whichmeans F F m = φ and m = φ . (25) u,d N s S that dΩ /dM 0. The reason behind this is that af- 2 √2 H 0 ≡ ter renormalizationλ becomes a quantity that depends 2 Writing on the renormalization scale M and its β function is 0 Nc ln 1+e−β(Ef(p)∓µ˜jq) =Trcln 1+e∓iβG4e−βEf±(p) , cβoλm2 p=endsldanλtM2es0t=he−ex38gπpF42li,cistodtehpaetndtheencMeo0ndMep0enodfetnhceereonfoλr2- malized vacuum term (31). As a consequence, we could j=1 X (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (26(cid:1)) freely choose the renormalizationscale M0 and maintain one recognizes the appearance of L = eiβG4 and L† = M0 independencyaslongaswetakeintoaccounttheM0 e−iβG4, given explicitly in (14). Using the properties dependenceofλ2(whichmeanswecannotchangeM0and detL = detL† = 1 and L†L = 1 one expresses (26) λ2 independently). However,duringtheparametrization in terms of Φ=Tr L/3 and Φ¯ =Tr L /3. We obtain we scan through the parameter space uniformly treating c c † allparametersindependently;thuswedonotusetheM 0 d3p dependence of λ , but instead, we consider M as one of Ω(q¯0q)T(T,µq)=−2T (2π)3 lngf+(p)+lngf−(p) , the parameters (2see Sec. IV for additional det0ails). f Z X (cid:2) (cid:3) (27) where Φ+ = Φ¯ and Φ = Φ were introduced for conve- − B. The curvature meson masses nience in order to write in a compact form gf±(p)=1+3 Φ±+Φ∓e−βEf±(p) e−βEf±(p)+e−3βEf±(p), meTsohnes,squusaerdedlatmerastsoesdeotfertmheinsecathlaerpaanrdampesteeurdsoosfcatlhaer (cid:16) (cid:17) (28) model, are calculated from the elements of the corre- with Ef±(p)=Ef(p)∓µf. sponding curvature matrix, that is, the second deriva- tive of the grand potential with respect to the mesonic fields, generallydenoted by ϕ in some appropriate ba- i,a A. Renormalization of the fermionic vacuum sis indexed by a, with i = S for scalar and i = P for contribution pseudoscalarmesons. Thesecurvaturematricesaresym- metricandnondiagonalinthe0 8ornonstrange–strange Using a three-dimensional cutoff Λ in the fermionic basis and can be decomposed a−s vacuumterm(23),oneobtainswiththe helpofthe mass formulas in (25) ∂2Ω(T,µ ) m2 = q =m2 +∆m2 +δm2 , (32) i,ab ∂ϕ ∂ϕ i,ab i,ab i,ab d3p 9Λ4 3g2 i,a i,b (cid:12)min 6 E (p)θ(Λ p)= FΛ2 (cid:12) − (2π)3 f − −4π2 − 8π2 where the three term(cid:12)s on the right-hand side are as fol- (cid:12) f=Xu,d,sZ lows: m2 is the tree-level mass matrix,2 and ∆m2 3g4 2Λ i,ab i,ab φ2 +φ2 + F ln φ4 +2φ4 andδm2 arethecontributionsofthefermionicvacuum × N S 64π2 M0e41 N S i,ab (cid:0)3 (cid:1) m (cid:16) m(cid:17)6(cid:0) (cid:1) m4ln f + f . (29) − 8π2 f=u,d,s f M0 O Λ2! 2 ComparedtothecaseoftheconventionalLσM,someelementsof X thismatrixcontainthewave-functionrenormalizationconstants Tinhteerfiesrtsitntgearmndocnanthbeerriegmhto-vheadndfrosimdet,hqeupaortteicntiniaΛlb,yiscuonn-- Zthπe=caZnoηnNic,aZlKn,oZrmηSa,liZzaKti0⋆o,nwohficthhearfieenldesedinedthineoprrdeesrentocemoafinatxaiianl sideringasubtractedpotentialsuchthatthevalueofthe andvectormesons(see[1]fordetails). 7 TABLEI. Thecomponentsofthepseudoscalarandscalartree-levelmasssquaredmatricesandthecorrespondingcontribution of the fermionic vacuum and thermal fluctuations given in the N S basis. We introduced Λ = λ +λ /2, Λ = λ +λ , 1 1 2 2 1 2 − Λ =λ +3λ /2, A=3g4/(64π2), C =6g2, and following [7] X =1+4lngFφN and Y =1+4ln gFφS, with M being the 3 1 2 F F 2M0 √2M0 0 renormalization scale. T , thethermal part of thetadpole integral, is definedin (42) and B = dT /(dm2). f f − f f Tree-level meson squared masses Fermionic vacuumcorrection Fermionic thermal correction m2 =Z2(m2+Λ φ2 +λ φ2 c φ /√2) ∆m2 = AZ2φ2 X δm2 =CZ2T π π 0 1 N 1 S− 1 S π − π N π π u m2K =ZK2[m20+Λ1φ2N +Λ2φ2S−(c1+√2λ2φS)φN/2] ∆m2K =−AZK2 φ3NφXN++2√√22φφS3SY δm2K =CZK2 φNφTNu++√√22φφSSTs m2 =Z2 (m2+Λ φ2 +λ φ2 +c φ /√2) ∆m2 = AZ2 φ2 X δm2 =CZ2 T ηN ηN 0 1 N 1 S 1 S ηN − ηN N ηN ηN u m2 =Z2 (m2+λ φ2 +Λ φ2) ∆m2 = 2AZ2 φ2Y δm2 =CZ2 T ηS ηS 0 1 N 2 S ηS − ηS S ηS ηS s m2 =Z Z c φ /√2 ∆m2 =0 δm2 =0 ηNS ηN ηS 1 N ηNS ηNS m2 =m2+Λ φ2 +λ φ2 +c φ /√2 ∆m2 = Aφ2 (4+3X) δm2 =C(T gF2φ2sB ) a0 0 3 N 1 S 1 S a0 − N a0 u− 2 u mm2σ2KN0⋆ ==mZK2200⋆+[m3Λ20+1φΛ2N1+φ2Nλ1+φ2SΛ2−φ2Sc1+φS(/c√1+2 √2λ2φS)φN/2] ∆∆mm2σ2KN0⋆ ==−−AAφZ2NK2(0⋆4φ+3NφXN3−X−2√)√22φφS3SY δδmm2σ2KN0⋆ ==CC(ZTK2u0⋆−φNgφTF2Nu2φ−−2N√√B22φφuSS)Ts m2σS =m20+λ1φ2N +3Λ2φ2S ∆m2σS =−2Aφ2S(4+3Y) δm2σS =C(Ts− gF22φ2SBs) m2 =2λ φ φ c φ /√2 ∆m2 =0 δm2 =0 σNS 1 N S− 1 N σNS σNS and thermal fluctuations, respectively. We note that the squared with respect to the meson fields: m2(i) f,a ≡ mesonicfieldsaresettotheirexpectationvalueonlyafter ∂m2/∂ϕ and m2(i) ∂2m2/∂ϕ ∂ϕ . the differentiation is performed. f i,a f,ab ≡ f i,a i,b The correction to the curvature matrix due to the In the case of three flavors, δm2 was first calculated i,ab fermionic thermal fluctuations in the presence of the without the inclusion of the Polyakov loop in [6] and in Polyakov loop reads the presence ofthe Polyakovloopin [34] atµ=0 andin [as3hn3ad]llainrteTµvai6=ebwle0,bIwewlhoewileextp∆hleimcei2itx,lapybrgewisvasseiofitnhrsestoirfcco∆omnmptr2iu,iabtbeudatiniondn[sδ7tm]o.2iWt,ahbee, δm2i,ab = ∂∂ϕ2i,Ωa∂(q0q¯ϕ)Ti,b(cid:12)min =6f=u,d,sZ (2dπ3p)32Ef1(p) (cid:12) X tinreteh-leevNel−mSabssaessi,swthheircehaarreenaolsooffl-idsitaegdonthaelrceo.nNtroibtuettihonats × ff+(p)+f(cid:12)(cid:12)f−(p) m2f,(aib)− m22fE,(ai)2m(p2f)(,bi) to the curvature matrix coming from the fermionic fluc- (cid:20) (cid:18) f (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) tuations. Intherespectivemixingsector,theeigenvalues m2(i)m2(i) m2η′/η and m2fH/fL can be computed with the following + Bf+(p)+Bf−(p) 2fT,aE (fp,)b , (36) formulas: 0 0 f (cid:21) (cid:0) (cid:1) where 1 m2η′/η = 2 m2ηN +m2ηS ± (m2ηN −m2ηS)2+4m4ηNS , Φ±e−βEf±(p)+2Φ∓e−2βEf±(p)+e−3βEf±(p) 1h q (33i) ff±(p)= gf±(p) , m2 = m2 +m2 (m2 m2 )2+4m4 . (37) f0H/f0L 2 σN σS ± σN − σS σNS is the modified Fermi-Dirac distribution functions for h q (34)i quarks (+) and antiquarks ( ) and, following Ref. [34], The fermionic vacuum contribution to the curvature we also introduced Bf±(p)=−3(ff±(p))2−Cf±(p) with mass is given by Φ±e−βEf±(p)+4Φ∓e−2βEf±(p)+3e−3βEf±(p) ∆m2i,ab = ∂∂ϕ2Ω∂(q0q¯ϕ)v Cf±(p)= gf±(p) (3.8) i,a i,b(cid:12)min To obtain the mass squares, whose first and second = 3 (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) 3 +log m2f m2(i)m2(i) derivatives appear in Eqs. (35) and (36), we have to find −8π2 f=u,d,s(cid:20)(cid:18)2 M02(cid:19) f,a f,b the eigenvalues of the square of the γ0M matrix from X Eq. (21), which is a 12 12 matrix in the Dirac and +m2f 21 +logMm2f2 m2f,(aib) , (35) flav=orσspλac+e,ioπr,λeq,uwivhailcehn×tilsya, o3f th3emmaattrrixix. NAnNe†a,swyhwearye (cid:18) 0(cid:19) (cid:21) N a a a a × todothecalculationofagivenderivativeistosettozero where we introduced, as in [6], shorthands for the first all the fluctuating fields not used in the differentiation. and second derivatives of the constituent quark mass The calculation is straightforward and as noted in [6], 8 complex, the grand potential we arrived at is, in fact, TABLE II. The first and second derivatives of the quark a complex function of complex variables. It is easy to squared masses with respect to the scalar (S) and pseu- (0)T see that Ω (T,µ ) in (24) has an imaginary part for doscalar (P) meson fields, evaluated in the N S basis at q¯q q theextremumofthegrand potential. Allentries−oftheomit- µq = 0, which is the manifestation of the sign problem 6 tedab=NSrowsarevanishing. Theresultholdsintheisospin in the present context, and the question is how to ex- symmetriccaseandasummationoverl u,d isunderstood tract physical information from the grand potential (see ∈{ } in thefirst two columns. also the discussion in [35]). In the mean-field approx- i ab m2(i)m2(i)/g4 m2(i)/g2 m2(i)m2(i)/g4 m2(i)/g2 imation of Ref. [22] (see also [36]) the traced Polyakov l,a l,b F l,ab F s,a s,b F s,ab F loops Φ and Φ¯ introduced in (12) are replaced by their S 11 12φ2N 1 0 0 thermal expectation values Φ and Φ¯ , that is by the S 44 0 ZK20⋆φN 0 −√2ZK20⋆φS Polyakov loop variables, whihchiat µ h=i0 are treated as S NN 1φ2 φN−1√2φS 0 φN−0√2φS two real and independent quantitiesB(a6t µB =0 they are 2 N equal). Adopting this approach and using for simplicity S SS 0 0 φ2 1 S the notation Φ and Φ¯ for the Polyakov loop variable, it P 11 0 Z2 0 0 π is understood that from now on in Eqs. (28), (37), and P 44 0 φNZ+K2√φ2NφS 0 φ√N2+Z√K22φφSS (38)the fields Φ andΦ¯ arerealandindependent. Inthis P NN 0 Z2 0 0 approach the grand potential Ω is real and the physical ηN P SS 0 0 0 Z2 point (extremum of Ω) is a saddle point. Working with ηS real Polyakov loop variables Φ and Φ¯ seems to be sup- ported by the study performed in the massive extension of the Landau-DeWitt gauge, where the self-consistent some cancellations occur in the isospin symmetric case, gauge fixing condition imposes constraints on the back- where the mass squared of the two light quarks can be ground gauge fields A¯3 and A¯8 [which correspond to φ 3 combined. The result is given in the N S basis in and φ of (13)]. As the study in [37] reveals, for real − 8 Table II which, in the case of the LσM, appearedfirst in values of µ the constraints are obeyed by real A¯3 and B the 0 8 basis in [6]. imaginary A¯8 gauge fields, and these field configurations For−Φ¯ = Φ = 1, the distribution functions ff±(p) goes correspond to real and independent Polyakov loop vari- over into the usual Fermi-Dirac distributions for quarks ables Φ and Φ¯.3 We mentionthat in some cases,another andantiquarks,ff±(p)→ff±,FD(p)=1/(eβ(Ef(p)∓µf)+1). approach is preferred in the PLσM, in which the imagi- In this limit, which is expected to be reached at high nary part of the potential is neglected [35]. In this case temperature,Bf±(p)→−ff±,FD(p)(1−ff±,FD(p)), andone the physical point is a minimum, which makes possible recoverstheexpressionofRef.[6]forthecurvaturemass, theinvestigationofthenucleationoccurringduringafirst obtainedinthe linearsigmamodelwithout the inclusion order phase transition, but has the drawback that the ofthePolyakovloop. WhenΦ¯ =Φ=0,whichisreached difference between the expectation values of the traced for vanishing temperature, the so-called “statistical con- Polyakov loop and its conjugate vanishes at µ =0. B finement” occurs, as ff±(p) → 1/(eβ(3Ef(p)∓µf) + 1), In view of the above discussion, the field eq6uations, which means that at small temperature three quark which determine the dependence on T and µ = 3µ of B q states,thatisexcitationswithzerotriality,representthe the chiralcondensatesφ andφ andthe Polyakovloop N S effective degrees of freedom [21]. variablesΦandΦ¯,areobtainedbyextremizingthegrand potential, ∂Ω ∂Ω ∂Ω ∂Ω H H H H C. Field equations = = = =0. (39) ∂φ ∂φ ∂Φ ∂Φ¯ N S Up to this point we were quite formal in dealing with In our hybrid approachwe include in the field equations theconsequenceofthequark’spropagationonaconstant only the vacuum and thermal fluctuations of the con- gluon background field in the temporal direction. Now stituent quarks and leave out the correspondingmesonic we have to face the situation that, since Φ and Φ¯ are fluctuations. Inthiscase,theexplicitfieldequationsread d U(Φ,Φ¯) 6 d3p e−βEf−(p) e−2βEf+(p) + + =0, (40a) − dΦ(cid:18) T4 (cid:19) T3 f=u,d,sZ (2π)3 gf−(p) gf+(p) ! X 3 WethankUrkoReinosaforexplainingtoustherelevanceofhis subtleties related totheconstruction ofaphysicallymeaningful worksinthepresentcontextandforsharingwithustheideasand potential. 9 d U(Φ,Φ¯) 6 d3p e−βEf+(p) e−2βEf−(p) + + =0, (40b) − dΦ¯ (cid:18) T4 (cid:19) T3 f=u,d,sZ (2π)3 gf+(p) gf−(p) ! X 1 1 3 m2φ + λ + λ φ3 +λ φ φ2 c φ φ h + g ( q¯ q + q¯ q )=0, (40c) 0 N 1 2 2 N 1 N S − √2 1 N S − 0N 2 F h u uiT h d diT (cid:18) (cid:19) √2 3 m2φ +(λ +λ )φ3 +λ φ2 φ c φ2 h + g q¯q =0, (40d) 0 S 1 2 S 1 N S − 4 1 N − 0S √2 Fh s siT where U(Φ,Φ¯) is the Polyakov loop potential (15) and, In the parametrization procedure we use alongside bymatchingtherenormalizationoftheeffectivepotential 29 vacuum quantities, that is 15 masses, 12 tree-level done in Sec. IIIA, we defined the renormalized expecta- decay widths, 2 Partially Conserved Axialvector Cur- tion value4 as rent (PCAC) relations f = φ /Z and f = (φ + π N π K N √2φ )/(2Z ),, and also the pseudocritical temperature S K q¯ q =4m m2f 1 +ln m2f +T , (41) Tc (see the nextparagraphfor explanation). The masses h f fiT f"−16π2 2 M02! f# used are the following: the curvature masses of the pseudoscalars mπ, mK, mη, mη′ and the scalars ma0, with the thermal part of the fermion tadpole integral mK0⋆, mf0L, mf0H listed in Table I, where the fermionic given by corrections to the tree-level masses are also given [see also Eqs. (33) and (34)]; the tree-level masses of the Tf = (2dπ3p)32E1(p) ff−(p)+ff+(p) . (42) vtoerctmoresmonessomns m=ρ m= m,ωm, mKt⋆o, bmeΦf,outnhde ianxi[a1l];vtehce- Z f a1 f1L f1H (cid:0) (cid:1) tree-level constituent quark masses mu,d, ms given in (25). 5 The decay widths used are the vector de- IV. DETERMINATION OF THE MODEL cays Γρ ππ, ΓK⋆ Kπ, ΓΦ KK, the axial vector decays PARAMETERS Γ ,→Γ ,→Γ →, and the scalar decays Γ , There are altogether 16 unknown parameters, 15 pa- ΓanaKd10⋆→,AρΓpπfp0Le→nadπ1iπ→x,πAΓγ.f0LT→hf1eK→vKKa,l⋆uΓKef0oHf→tπhπe,mΓafs0Hs→esKaKndgdiveecnayincoa[n10-] rametersfoundintheLagrangiangiveninEq.(1)andthe stants are compared with the corresponding experimen- renormalization scale M (see Sec. IIIA). For the renor- tal value taken from the PDG [2] through the χ2 mini- 0 malization scale we choose three different initial values, mizationmethod of Ref. [38] similarly as in [1], but with namely M =0.3,0.9,1.5 GeV and run the parametriza- some important differences listed below. One such dif- 0 tion for them. After finding a good solution—which in- ference, mentioned already and detailed more latter, is cludes a particular M0 value—we take it as an initial the inclusion of the pseudocritical temperature Tc in the condition and minimize for M around that solution. minimization process. We take the mean value given in 0 From the remaining 15 Lagrangian parameters δ can the PDG (in case of charged particles, the neutral and N be incorporated (without loss of generality) into m — charged masses are averaged)and for the error we allow 1 the bare (axial)vector mass, while the external fields for a 20% variation with respect to the PDG value for h and h are replaced by the scalar condensates φ the masses and decay widths of the scalar sector, 10% 0N 0S N and φ with the help of the field equations (40c) and fortheconstituentquarkmassesand5%foralltheother S (40d) at zero temperature. Consequently, there are 14 quantities. We use this large error in case of the scalars parameters left to be determined, which are the follow- mainlybecausetheymixwitheachotherandourfieldsdo ing: thebare(pseudo)scalarmassm ;the(pseudo)scalar not correspond to pure physical particles, while in case 0 self-couplings λ and λ ; the U (1) anomaly coupling of the constituent quarks, their dynamically generated 1 2 A c ; the bare (axial)vector mass m ; the (axial)vector– mass depends on how it is defined and calculated. All 1 1 (pseudo)scalarcouplingsh ,h andh ;theexternalfield other errorsof the masses and decay widths of the pseu- 1 2 3 δ which explicitly breaks the chiral symmetry in the doscalars,vectorsandaxialvectorsaremuchsmaller ex- S (axial)vector sector; the scalar condensates φ and φ ; perimentally;however,weused5%forthemduetomodel N S theYukawacouplingg ;andtwo(axial)vectorcouplings limitationsandapproximations(e.g.,isospinsymmetry). F g and g . All the data used for the parametrization are listed in 1 2 Appendix B. 4 Iwtitishiwnotrhtehfnraomtinegwothrkatofththeeexppreescetnattimonodveallucoenhtq¯afiqnfinigiscocanlsctuitluateendt 5 Note that the relations mρ =mω and ma1 =mf1L holdattree quarks and it is not directly related to hq¯qi appearing in the level in our model and that we do not use mK1. For the latter QCD. seethediscussionin[1]. 10 Comparedto[1],themodificationsintheparametriza- solutions with very close χ2 values, which could pro- tion of the model are the following. duce various, even physically unacceptable, thermody- namical behaviors. More specifically, the T pseudocriti- c (i) Sincehereweuseadifferentanomalyterm[see(1)], caltemperatureatzerobaryonchemicalpotential,which the terms proportionalto c1 are different in the ex- should be around 150 MeV,6 can reach very high values pressionsofthetree-levelpseudo(scalar)massesand (' 350 MeV) in case of some solutions. Thus we chose the scalar decay widths, which are listed explicitly to include the physical value of T in the parametriza- c in the first column of Table I and in Appendix A, tion with a 10% error. Additionally, we only considered respectively. The expressions of the (axial)vector solutions that had T < 180 MeV. For the determina- c meson masses and decay widths are unchanged. tion of the T we solved the four coupled field equations c Eqs. (40a)-(40d) at µ = 0 and defined T as the tem- (ii) A small modification in the present case is that B c perature for which the value of the so-called subtracted for the a (980) particle we fit to the value of the 0 chiralcondensate is 0.5. This quantity, defined in [43] as total width found in [2], instead of fitting to the |vMaluae0(9o8f0)→thηeπ|twfoounadmipnli[t3u9d].es |Ma0(980)→KK| and ∆l,s(T)= (φ(φN −h0hhN00NSφφS))|T , (43) (iii) Wenowincludethef massesanddecaywidthsinto N − h0S S |T=0 0 the global fit, as opposed to [1], where we first did can be measured on the lattice, and it takes values be- a global fit without using the properties of the f tween 0 and 1. 0 mesons and only after that we analyzed the conse- The χ2 and χ2 χ2/N values7 for the first ten red ≡ dof quences of the fit on the f ’s. best solutions are shownin Table III along with the cor- 0 responding particle assignments. Interestingly, in the (iv) We consider here the effects of the fermion vac- case of the ten best solutions the value of M was al- 0 uum fluctuations, case in which the expression of ways 0.3 GeV (from the three possibilities 0.3,0.9, and the (pseudo)scalar masses are modified, as shown 1.5 GeV). In these solutions we used the logarithmic in the second column of Table I. Polyakovlooppotential(15)withT =182MeV.Consid- 0 eringthatwe wouldliketocarryoutthe thermodynami- (v) Workingintheisospinsymmetriclimit,weusenow calanalysiswith one particularset ofparameters(which the two additional tree-level equations for the con- means one particular assignment of the scalar states), stituent quark masses given in (25). Their explicit we could simply choose the first one. However, since expressioncontainstheYukawacouplingg andthe F the first couple of solutions are not very far from each values m = 308 MeV and m = 483 MeV were u,d s other in χ2 values, it is better if we take a closer look at used for the fit. These values are obtained from a the details of the fits and see how well they describe the nonrelativisticmass formula for the lightmesons in spectrum physically. The detailed fit results of the first whichspin-spininteractionistakenintoaccount,as two best solutions are shown in Table V of Appendix B presented in Chap. 5.5 of Ref. [40]. together with the result taken from [1]. In the case of the two best solutions the majority of the 30 physical As was discussed in [1], the scalar sector below 2 GeV quantities listed there are in good agreement with the contains more physical particles than states in one qq¯ nonet (consisting of a , K⋆, fL, fH), since in nature experimental values. However,there are some quantities 0 0 0 0 there are two a , two K⋆, and five f particles in the that are not well described, like the mass of a1, which 0 0 0 we find in any current fit smaller than its experimental consideredenergy range. These particles arethe a (980) 0 and a (1450), which will be denoted by a1 and a2; value, and which consequently result in too small values 0 0 0 the K⋆(800) and K⋆(1430), which will be denoted by for the a1 decays as well. Considering the first assign- K0⋆1 a0nd K0⋆2; and0the f0(500) [previously called as σ ment a10K0⋆1f01f02 we cannot see any inconsistency; on the other hand, in case of the second assignment (right or f (600)], f (980), f (1370), f (1500), and f (1710), whic0h will be0denoted 0by f1,...,0f5, respectivel0y. Con- “Fit” column), a10K0⋆1f01f03, the f0H should correspondto 0 0 f (1370),whilethefittedvaluesofitsmassandΓ sequently,there are 40possibilities to assignthe existing 0 fH KK decay—which are 802.4 MeV and 0 MeV, respecti0v→ely— scalarphysicalparticlestothecorrespondingscalarnonet aremuchclosertothedataoff (980)( f2). Thoughits states. 0 ≡ 0 other decay turns out to be Γ = 249.5 MeV, this Since compared to [1] our parametrization consider- fH ππ 0 → ably changed due to the inclusion of the f masses, de- 0 cay widths, andfermionic vacuum fluctuations, we reran the fitting procedure for all 40 cases and for every M 0 valuementionedearlierandretainedonlythosesolutions 6 Continuum extrapolated latticeresults giveTc=151MeVfrom of the χ2 minimization, which gave the lowest χ2 val- thepeakofthechiralsusceptibility[41]andTc=157MeVifthe inflectionpointofthesubtracted chiralcondensate isused [42]. ues. However, by using only zero temperature quanti- 7 The number of the degrees of freedom, Ndof is the difference ties (PCAC relations, masses and decay widths) in the between thenumber offittedquantities (30)andthenumberof parametrization we would end up with lots of possible fittingparameters (14). NotethatM0 iskeptfixed.